Story Market Day


Live Free & Die Free.... God Freedom Country....
If she doesn’t show some semblance of a clue by the time we get to Thor’s, then we cut her free for our own safety and hers, because if she doesn’t change her way of thinking and one of us gets hurt, I will put her down.”

Well it appears that there is dissent in the harem and if Allyson doesn't wise up she is gone and probably permanently....

Thanks CCG for the chapter....



Brown Coat

Interesting look at all to possible incoming problems when the "great collapse" comes upon the world followed by the new dark age and some generations past that hopefully a rebuilding, mostly from the ashes.

I've dwell ed upon it, and short of the second coming, or perhaps as a result of the start of the second coming that is what I see.

I've done what can be done by me. Ya just cannot change those without ears to hear or eyes to see. Sadly, very sadly, that probably includes parts of my own kith n kin, and as a whole we are a hard people.



Remote Paramedical pain in the ass
As they got to the bike, Kara tried to formulate her next word. She knew Bekka was all spooled up, and Allyson was evidently still stuck in lala land.

“Bekka, I know she’s not ready for this, but neither was I. You guys at the unit worked with me for months before I went on my first mission with you guys, and I was still green and clueless. This just went down three days ago, and she has had nobody to get her mind started in the right direction.”

“Kara, you might be right with all the things you said, but that doesn’t change the fact she not only needs to pull her head out of her ass, she has to want to, and accept that she should. It’s all our asses on the line if she freezes up, can’t perform, or can’t work within the parameters. I’m I don’t want to go down in a hail of bullets because she thinks we need to arrest someone since this is America. “

“I think she will come around; it might take a bit of time.”

“I pray we have the time for her enlightenment to come. Maybe you can get through to her. I’m too angry right now.”

“All that anger is gonna burn you, Kid”

“Did you just quote ‘Red Dawn” to me?”

“Bekka, give me a chance.”

‘I am, that’s why I’m out here on the bike and you are in the seat with her. I hope for all our sakes you are successful.”

“****, I wish Talia was here. She would be quite a help.”

“I wish Talia was too. I wish she was still with us. And **** You for invoking Talia’s name at a time like this. Maybe you should tell Allyson Talia’s story. Maybe that could convince her.”

Kara took her bag off of the bike and walked toward the truck. Bekka strapped he bag on the tank of the bike and readjusted her helmet and goggles and prepared to move out.

Kara slung her bag at the base of the driver’s seat as she climbed in. Allyson looked at her as she slid in.

“Kara, what the **** is this all about? What’s her problem? “

“Allyson, shut up and listen. When Katrina hit, after five plus days’ notice, the governments shelter of last resort was swarmed with 30,000 refugees who stayed there five days, ran out of all the basic necessities like food water, shelter, sanitation, and medical support. They also had unchecked rape, murder, assaults, and robberies. This was inside the official shelter. We are at four days into this adventure. There are no organized relief, recovery or rescue efforts on the ground on the coast between Canada and Baja. There is no functioning government elements on the coast right now and won’t be for the foreseeable future.”

“But how bad can it be right now? I mean, really?”

“Allyson, how many shoot-outs have you been in as a cop, ever?”

“What does that matter?”

“Just answer the question.”


“And how many times have you been shot?”


“Day of the earthquake, I took a round, not my first,” she holds up her arm showing the still bloodstained sleeve with its hole “and saw three more people shot. One of those was a sixteen-year-old girl who was shot as part of a robbery, and the assailants were going to kidnap her for further use. Why did they do this? Because no one was there to stop them. Were you there , what would you have done?”

“Stop them, of course.”


“Draw down on them and capture them, of course”

“And then what?”

“Turn them over to the police.”

“There are no police”

“Well of course there are police”

“Dead, home, or no way to get in touch with them, and they still want to get away”

“So, smartass, since I don’t have the right answer, what is yours?”

“Armed criminals expressing the desire to continue assaulting, raping, murdering? If Im armed, they go down”

“But that’s murder!”

“They have proven to be a threat to the wellbeing of me and the community and must be stopped.”

“I disagree, that anarchy and vigilantism.”

“Call it what you want, it’s the safety of the tribe.”

“But what does this have to do with skulking through the woods and such?”

“The goal in all the ‘skulking’ as you put it, is to arrive at an isolated shelter without attracting attention or notice. It’s not the bloodthirsty vigilantly driving us, it’s the desire for peace and hiding. The three of us just want to try and ride out the initial chaos and see what develops in the next few weeks. Garen and I thought that you could be a good addition to our little community. Bekka thinks you might be a spoiled little frat girl. If you want to stay, you need to lose the attitude and think.”

Allyson sat there quietly thinking through all that she has been told. Kara began moving up the trail.
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Lake Lili

Veteran Member
"... you might be a spoiled little frat girl. If you want to stay, you need to lose the attitude and think.”

Parents do their kids no favours in protecting them... in teaching them that the hero on the white steed will ride in an save them. That the good guys are always good and the bad guys always bad. Laws are simply a community agreement on where the fence should be placed.. and then they move it regularly in favour of one group or another. When the enforcement of the fence is gone, its amazing how quickly it is torn down...

Great story. Thanks!


Brown Coat
Thank you

Guess I see bring in someone late to the game as Bekka sees it, either show me you want to adapt and join my clan or go in peace, but go away from me n mine.



Live Free & Die Free.... God Freedom Country....
Thank you. Surely this is going to get through to her. She can't be THAT dumb.

Ive seen many that was as bad or worse. I call them "deliberately ignorant".


When disaster strikes many individuals go into denial and essentially stop functioning except on a very basic level....

The bad guys walk the line every day staying out of the sight of and reach of the law so they are better prepared to take what they want and when they want unless a good guy stands firm and puts them down....

There is no give when it falls apart for your life and the lives of those around you are dependent on you for protection....

Kill Or Be Killed will rule until society can repair itself if ever....


ps: Thanks CCG for the chapter....


Remote Paramedical pain in the ass
They rode in silence for awhile. Finally, Allyson turned to Kara.

“I don’t know if I can think like that. I just don’t understand.”

“It’s hard for a lot people here in America to understand where we have just been thrust. There are some though. Unfortunately, many that adapt quickly are those that are already on the knife edge of survival or legality. This is why we want to avoid as much as possible.”

“Like who?”

“Tell you what, have you ever been hungry? Really hungry? I’m not talking about ‘oh my goodness, I missed breakfast’ I’m talking about where you haven’t eaten for days, and you are not sure when you will again. Where the smell of fresh bread will bring you to tears. Or have you ever not known when you will ever feel safe enough to really fall asleep again without jumping awake at any sound or the complete lack of sound. I don’t think you have, and I pray to God that you never get there. There are people that I just described every day. When you get there, you are presented with few opportunities, most of which boil down to beg, steal, find, take. It’s a horrible way to be. We now have millions reaching the start of this path, with no real rescue in sight. Most people don’t have more than 3-5 days of food in the house, and many can’t prepare said food without electricity. Of these people, many don’t even have the house left. Those that do have a house, and have their 3-5 days supplies, those are running out now. Some people are now trying to figure out how to find food for themselves or their children. What do you think someone will do if their children are ‘starving’ and they think their neighbor down the street still has food? The cloak and dagger you mentioned is all about staying off the radar.”

Allyson was quiet. She didn’t know what to say. The tone in Kara’s voice unsettled her. Her speaking of hunger didn’t sound like speculation.

“Allyson, let me tell you about a friend of ours. Her name was Talia…..we think.”

“You think? What do you mean you think?”

“Talia was complicated. She was an interpreter for us on one of our deployments. She was a fighter during the war in her country, actually a sniper of sorts. She was from a little village. She never told us its name. She said it wasn’t important because it was no longer there. She was 14 when the war kicked off. Her village and family were ‘cleansed’ early in the war by one of the irregular groups that were springing up. Her parents were killed right away and her and her identical twin sister Danka were kept by the platoon for their entertainment. Somewhere during the following week, according to Talia, Danka died, and Talia escaped. She joined up with one of the factions fighting the men that destroyed her family. Later, after the US stepped in and stopped the fighting, she worked with the US forces to catch the war criminals responsible for the atrocities. She was able to positively identify the leader of the irregular unit that destroyed her village. She would never forget his face, not only from his repeated violations of her and her sister, but because she knew him before. He was the headmaster of the school they had attended prior to the war. Her own neighbors turned on each other and conducted heinous crimes. She testified at the tribunal after US forces captured him. Bekka flew out to the tribunal for moral support for Talia. When she came back, she told me a few things that had come out in the trial. There were questions on whether she was Talia or Danka. It turns out that like most twins, you have different personalities. Talia was always the more outgoing and forceful, so it made sense on the surface that the later Talia was the sniper, the fighter and survivor. The one thing that didn’t add up was the fact that she would also do anything to protect her sister. Bekka thinks Talia sacrificed herself in some way to get Danka free. Danka in her grief over her sister assumed her sister’s persona as the fighter. That’s all speculation but makes more sense with some little details in hindsight, none of which matters. Talia died in Iraq fighting with the Kurdish. She went down trying to hold back ISIS fighters swarming a building being used as a casualty collection point.”

Another period of silence filled the SUV. After a few minutes, Kara spoke again.

“Without the heavy hand of society, evil takes over. The center where we work trained people to go to potentially horrible places. Many of the instructors have been to these places, places where evil ran rampant. The crimes and atrocities look like a demon’s resume. Bekka, Garen and myself have gone to many of these places. The survivors we talked to, to almost a man, said that the ones who could adapt to the shift in reality were the ones to survive. Those who could not, perished. The coast of the US is now just such an area, and it may be bad enough that it pulls down the rest of the country. You didn’t have somewhere to go and Garen made the call to invite you. Bekka isn’t sure we should. Can you adapt, or will you be one of the casualties? You have until we get to the ponds up ahead to think on your answer and your place in the world. If you are religious, I recommend praying on it. This is one of those nexus points where lives change forever. I pray you make the right choice.”

The SUV continued up the trail, Bekka on the bike behind them.
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Remote Paramedical pain in the ass
“Kara, Stop.”

The Explorer slid to a stop in front of Bekka. Bekka bailed off the bike, grabbing her pack and moving forward. As she slid up to the open window, Kara looked over at her, as did Allyson.

“Kara, we have lights in the distance, following us. The only cops out here in the wilderness would be Doug, and he didn’t answer the radio when I tried to reach him. I think we might have hostiles following us. “

“Well, that’s unfriendly. What’s your plan?”

“Time to switch drivers, unless Allyson has changed her mind about coming with us.” She looked across Kara to Alyson “Well, Allyson? We have a potentially hostile force coming along our path, maybe looking to overtake and stop us. There are no legitimate law enforcement personnel in the area. Are you with us, or are we splitting?”

“This can’t be happening.”

“Wake up! This is happening every day all over the world. Now it’s our turn. Make no mistake, we may have to fight our way through or away in this process. Can you defend yourself? Can you defend us? “

While this conversation was going on, Kara had moved back to the bike and set up her pack and weapon for the upcoming event.

“”Buffy, incoming, 700 meters, shag your ass. One way or the other, we need to move”

“Well Allyson? Are we together, or are we gone?”

Allyson’s brain was going a million miles a minute. She had been trying to digest everything these two had told her, and then reconcile it with all her training and experience. She came to the realization that she had to trust their judgement since she had no experience anywhere close to knowing what to do.

“I’m in, how can I help?”

Bekka let out a huge sigh of relief and threw her pack in the SUV and slid in.

“Alright Allyson, I need to know a few things about this Explorer. Did you get the tow package? When was the last time the fluids were changed? How new are the tires? Does it do anything squirrely in four wheel drive?”

“It was my dad’s, he got the tow package, with all the oil coolers and big radiator and transmission cooler and the heavy duty springs. Tires are new about 2 months, fluids the same time, and I haven’t done much four wheeling so I don’t know.”

“Great! Remind me to give your dad a big kiss when I see him.”

“You won’t, he’s dead.”

“That won’t stop me from meeting him, it just sets a when. Have a little faith, we might live through tonight.”

Bekka keyed her microphone

“Spike, this is Buffy.”

A quarter second later, the radio crackled to life.

“Buffy, Spike, Go”

“Spike, roll the hyena, we are Viking Kitty on the approach with at least two possible trailing.”

“Copy, Hyena moving to Thor, you are Viking Kitty on the approach.”

Allyson looked over at her, a quizzical expression on her face. “You guys say the weirdest shit on the radio. What did it mean?”

Bekka held up a hand, then talked on her radio again. “Kara, I’m punching up the tunes, try and keep up. If you have updates, gaining or losing ground, let me know. Every goes pear shaped, E&E to the east til you get to the lake. Do both of you understand?”

Bekka tore back the paper covering the radio and plugged a cable into the aux port and cued up a playlist on her phone. She looked over at Allyson.

“We are now going to sacrifice some stealth for speed. I need you to keep a sharp lookout ahead of our path of travel. I will only have eyes for the road. Anything looking like lights or a vehicle sing out. It’s like the old Iron Eagle movie, I drive better to music. The harder the music, the faster I drive.”

Garen had been sitting in the vehicle, everything loaded, hoping to not have to start the engine, much less roll out. He had loaded the side baskets of the Sand Rail they had at the property. It was part toy and part workhorse. They had it somewhat set up like the old school military Fast Attack Vehicles. No gunner platform or cage, just a small sand rail with cargo baskets down both sides. The engine was bigger than the original and had plenty of power. The baskets he had loaded up with fuel cans, med ruck and other gear. In the seat next to him he had one of their long range rifles. Nothing too exotic like 406 Chytac or some other thing chambered in $20 bills, this was a simple 300 Winchester Magnum bolt gun. Its biggest attribute was its hitting power anywhere under 800 meters. He figured this vehicle was his best bet to get to anywhere they may need him quickly. The major down side was that it only had two seats. This was normally enough for Bekka and him, but it could get dicey if they needed to move all four of them. He had some ideas, but he was hoping they would not be needed.

With the radio call, he started up and started buzzing down the trail towards the overwatch position he had coordinated with Bekka. He had to get there and set up before Bekka got there. That might be hard though. She had said Viking Kitty. That meant she had fired up the tunes she normally used for her fastest runs on the trail. Viking Kitty referred to an internet video someone made to a Led Zeppelin song about Vikings which was the first song on that playlist. By referencing it, Bekka had basically said she would be going as hard as she could push the vehicle she was driving. He had to hurry.

Allyson was past being useful. She had never gone this fast or hard on a trail. Ever. The little Explorer was screaming and growling and snarling across the land. Rarely was it going straight. Bekka would start the turn before there was even a turn, sliding sideways until they were lined up on some theoretical exit point of the turn. Allyson spent most of her time against the seatbelt, which had long since locked. She was glad the windows were down, otherwise her helmet would have broken it many times over. Added to the cacophony of sound was the scream of Axel Rose, the wail of Robert Plant, the throaty growl of Ann Wilson, the screech of guitars and the crashing cymbals. Her insides had been thrown around so much, especially with no good reference point, coupled with the toilet paper tube effect of the night vision goggles, hurling wasn’t a one and done process. There was no way she could be on the lookout for anything other than the plastic trash bag in her lap that she was adding to about every 5-10 minutes. She hoped with all her might for the bag guys to not catch them. She was in no shape to stand, much less shoot it out with anyone. During a lull in the slamming about, she glanced over at Bekka. She was singing with the music at the top of her lungs! Who the hell are these people?

“Faith, Sitrep”

“You’ve opened the distance to about one, maybe one and a half klicks. How’s your spotter?”

Bekka looked over and laughed. “Allyson’s not here right now, leave a message and she will get back to you when she returns.”

Allyson looked over at hearing this conversation over the radio between Kara and Bekka. Here they were, potentially fleeing for their life, nearly dying at every turn, and these two were laughing! Who the **** ARE these people?

Bekka felt bad for Allyson. She wished she could slow down and make things better, but nausea was a lot more treatable than death. The Explorer was doing pretty damn well, considering how top heavy it was. All the coolers helped make sure the transmission didn’t overheat with all the abuse nor the engine with the heavy throttle. The one point that could be a problem was the rapidly shrinking fuel gauge. To move this vehicle as she did took big drinks from the tank. She kept telling herself that all she had to do was make it to the narrow pass into Thor’s and after that they will be up and over where Garen would have fuel for them.

“Spike, I’m about two songs out, you better be ready.”

“Buffy, one of them better be In-a-Gotta-D-Vita.”

“Nope, be there in 7”

‘How many and how far back?”

“I don’t know. Faith you got a head count and distance for Spike?”

“We have about an almost 2 klick lead, maybe three minutes?”

“That should work. Any data on who they are?”

“We tried Doug on the radio, it’s not him, and no one was answering on the Forestry frequency.”

“I’ll try for a soft stop, so we stay nonlethal as long as possible.”

Allyson relaxed a little when she heard that. She was still trying to get a handle on the way they seemed to be trying to survive in this new world she was trying to accept.

Garen was just getting set up on a small outcropping with the rifle overlooking the trail. The trail came through a narrow point in the rocks of the water carved canyon. As the trail came into the bowl, it descended to beside the water of two small lakes/large ponds. The trail then climbed out of the bowl on the opposite side. After the crest, the trail hits a nexus of four different routes, all headed in different directions. If Bekka and crew could make it over the crest and hit the nexus before their pursuers gained the crest, a clean getaway would be almost a sure thing. Garen’s plan was to stop the lead vehicle in the narrow spot, preventing their following truck from moving around them.

Bekka caught some air coming into the bowl at Thor’s Footprints. At the same time she killed the music. She skittered across the valley and up the other side. Once over the lip on the far side, she let up on the throttle and the engine sounds died to almost nothing. It was back to stealth mode. They now would travel slow and leave no dust trail to follow to give away their route. They would also turn away from the house, down an alternate trail that led deeper into the park. They knew all the switchbacks and would use several at random until getting the clear signal. They did not want to lead anyone back to the house.

Garen watched the crew flow through the valley, the Explorer in the lead, with Kara fast behind. He settled down behind the night vision/thermal scope and waited for the first vehicle to arrive. About five minutes later, a pair of trucks started over the crest into the valley. There is maybe six feet left to right on the trail. Garen’s first shot went into the glowing mass under the hood of the lead truck. It was a full-fledged .30 caliber Armor Piercing round driven at the high velocity his 300 WinMag was capable of. Garen waited until just after the vehicle tilted down into the valley. This ensured that the round would, if it carried through, end up in the dirt rather than the passenger compartment. His second round was ready for the second vehicle if they tried to move forward rather than retreat. The crew was not as enthusiastic to move forward under the concept of accurate sniper fire in the dark.

Garen stayed in place for about a half an hour, watching the followers unload their supplies and equipment and load up in the other truck. They backed down the trail, out of sight, and were gone. He stayed and watched another hour to make sure they were not trying to swing around and flank them. There was no movement.

Garen moved off quietly, headed down a different trail to meet up with Bekka and Kara. They would need some fuel to make it to home.
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Remote Paramedical pain in the ass
They finally rallied up at a small picnic clearing deep in the backcountry of the park around dawn. They had used the combination to the locks on the gates that Dug gave them to travel down closed trails in an effort to avoid detection. They also continued to attempt contact with Doug to give him an update on activities up here in his territory. They put almost a full jerry can into Kara’s bike, and four into Allyson’s Explorer. Two more into the Hyena, as Bekka called it, and they were all topped off. All four of them were worn out. They looked around and found a good layup point they could back the vehicles into that was out of sight from the road and the trails. There were sufficient leaves and pine needles around to make their tracks hard to see. A quick schedule was devised for everyone getting a few hours’ sleep prior to moving back towards the house. As much as everyone wanted a good shower and a soft bed, they didn’t want to get sloppy and lead problems to home.

Allyson, having recovered from her nausea from earlier, was wanting to talk and discuss things. Garen shut that down for now. He didn’t want to delve too deeply into anything until they were back to “base”. In reality, this was only half the reason. The other reason was he was exhausted and afraid he would be too blunt and overly harsh. He also knew if he was feeling that, Bekka and Kara were as well. And they could be much more critical when fatigued than him.

Early afternoon rolled around and they began to stir. Several MREs were pulled out and everybody got some food in them. Garen also made sure everybody downed a large PowerAde apiece and topped off all the water supplies on them and their E&E bags. He gathered them up for a quick planning session before they headed out.

Garen gathered them around the hood of the Explorer.

“Alright guys, let’s look at the map” He spread it out and showed their current position. “We are here, and the most secluded route back to the house is this one” as he slides his hands across the map.

“This route touches none of the ones on the other side of the locked gates. That should keep us away from last night’s pursuers. I still think a slow and steady would be the safest. Do you all concur?”

Kara and Bekka gave a big thumbs up. Allyson looked over at them, shrugged and gave a thumbs up. She didn’t know enough to dissent.

Garen nods and continues. “Thoughts on seats and order of travel?”

Bekka chimed in “I think Kara on the bike in the lead, followed by me and Allyson in the Explorer, with you bringing up the rear. If anything goes haywire and we have to scatter, Kara can easily punch sideways anywhere or if they are too close, unload on them. We can then either reinforce her or break contact and flank while you roll up to back Kara up. Of the three, this is the slowest vehicle, but also the most solid.”

Kara spoke up.” I can also work the forward scout thing, scout ahead, unlock gates, you guys squirt through and either I hang back and relock the gate while Garen speeds ahead to the front scout and he and I leapfrog or Garen, you stop and lock it while I scoot around back to the front.”

Garen looked at Allyson “What do you think? This involves your safety as well. I’m sure as SWAT, you had to plan VIP security coverage routes and travel safety. What are we missing?”

Allyson still felt out of her element, but the way Garen put it, it made more sense. “I think Kara doing the lock duty would be best due to the narrow trails, which would make Garen leapfrogging difficult. Also, if we move at a medium pace, it might make a little more noise, but would get us farther faster so we may be out of the area before they could localize the sound. On that I don’t know.”

Garen nodded at her inputs. “Sounds good. Let’s look at no more than 40 MPH, and no lights. I want to get home as soon as the rest of you, but I think the final approach in the dark with NVGs might be best to cull of some of any observers. If an absolute catastrophic ambush or separation happens, go north until you get to the road and if it’s still dark, follow the road around and use the gate. Anybody low on anything?” No one was low on anything. “Ok guys let’s get situated. I want to roll out in 10 minutes. Alibis?” No replies. Everybody moved to their vehicles and got squared away. 10 Minutes later, they began rolling out towards the house.


Remote Paramedical pain in the ass
Allyson still felt a bit stunned and disjointed. After the mad dash in the dark through god knows where, they topped out of the small valley and dropped back down to a slow crawl. This gave her head a chance to catch up to the rest of her body. The experience had worn her out, both physically and mentally. After she had felt like she had come back to her senses some, she began talking and asking a few simple questions as Bekka continued to pilot them somewhere in the dark.

“I’m sorry. This is all so new. I don’t know what to think or do.”

Bekka looked over at her.

“Allyson, I know that. I don’t have a problem with ‘don’t know’ I have a problem with clueless. I made a mistake earlier. I though because you were working at the center, you had a similar background or mindset as most the other people there. You haven’t been there long enough to adapt and think like them. My big problem is that you didn’t pick up on context and clues that we thought this was a dangerous and hostile situation until we could figure out otherwise. You were told prior to our arrival to have your vehicle buttoned up and ready and pull down any camouflage and stuff in prep. That should have helped you figure out you should be like a scared rabbit, ready to bite anything that reached for you. Instead, you are virtually unarmed, dressed for hanging out on the couch in flip-flops and sweatpants. What would have happened if those guys chasing us would have rolled up on you the way you were?” Bekka’s voice was rising like a worried parent.

“I don’t know, and neither do you! We don’t know what their intent was. You guys roll up, and all of a sudden it guns up, guns out and running like we are fleeing the scene of a robbery!”

Bekka countered “Yup, and they chased us. And they weren’t the proper Federal Law Enforcement agency for the area. And they chased us for a long time. We are now at the point that we need to not think like things are normal. None of this is normal for here. I know that! But it’s normal for other places. Our actions wouldn’t be out of place in most places; Mexico, all of South America, Africa, the Middle East, parts of Eastern Europe, it would all make sense. Right now, our little slice of America along the Pacific Coast is going to be a jumble for quite some time. We need to keep our heads on a swivel. As long as you are willing to learn, you will be fine, but you need to get up to speed quickly. You have some experienced teachers to help and I might even teach you a thing or two as well. Now, keep an eye out as we cruise along so you can get used to the NVGs in vehicles. Once we get the call from Garen, we will gather up somewhere to plan the next step. I hope it’s soon, I gotta pee.”

Allyson sat there, feeling about the same as she did her first shift as a cop; confused, embarrassed, scared, and overwhelmed by everything she realized she needed to learn and understand.


Live Free & Die Free.... God Freedom Country....
Allyson sat there, feeling about the same as she did her first shift as a cop; confused, embarrassed, scared, and overwhelmed by everything she realized she needed to learn and understand.

Very simple....

Learn adept or die....

Thanks CCG for the chapters....



Knuckle Dragger
And driving 40 mph using nvg only would not I think, be a walk in the park.


On a hardball with good moonlight, easy. I do it regularly.

Dark night on a twisting dirt road, shaded by trees... 10MPH is damned difficult, at best.


Remote Paramedical pain in the ass
All about where and when. Garen was talking late afternoon 40 mph.

Night and NVGs, all depends on where and over what and what the motivation is. We used to run down the beach road by San Vito blacked out on NVGs in Six-Paxs full of Aircrew after a night mission at 100-120 klicks and it would scare the hell out of people there because they didn't know what it was.


Remote Paramedical pain in the ass
Garen was tired. When they all gathered up, the first thing he did was get fuel, water and food redistributed. That had been hammered into him so many times; always reset for emergencies first, take care of people later. If something came up and they had to scatter again, everybody would have a full fuel load, plus rations and water. This greatly extended their operating range, thereby giving them more flexibility in any kind of reaction situation.

After fuel food and water was done, he did a quick 2 hour on 4 hour off setup for him, Kara and Bekka. He figured to run this so each would get 4 hours rest. He didn’t include Allyson because he wasn’t sure what to expect from her and didn’t know if she knew what to be on the lookout for. She would have to be taught. Part of his brain was racking itself trying to remember anything he was forgetting. During his two watch periods, he reset equipment, double checked vehicle status and generally tried to look harmless and nonthreatening if anyone were to see him. He also had to talk to Allyson for too much noise, because voices carry. He liked her, but he wished this had happened 6 months later than now. She would have been teaching and assisting in more classes where she would have learned these things.
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Remote Paramedical pain in the ass
Kara didn’t like it. She thought they should have kept moving and pressed on rather than delay the process another 8 hours. She also realized she was impatient and this plus fatigue would potentially lead to very bad things. She took second watch from Garen. He was exhausted. Not as bad as she had seen him before, but not good. She had told Allyson to get some rest, she might need it when she was trying to as her questions. She knew this was a pet peeve of Bekka. When you were hiding, you stayed quiet. All talking no more than necessary and a whisper at that. Since things had seemed to have cooled down a bit between Bekka and Allyson, she didn’t want to screw that up. Kara checked her personal equipment, and then sat to wait and listen. The wind and the birds kept telling her no one else was there. She woke Bekka up for her watch.
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Remote Paramedical pain in the ass
Bekka didn’t want to admit it, even to herself. Even with Allyson pissing her off last night, she enjoyed it. The rush of adrenaline, the clear focus and mission, these were the things she missed once she retired. The paperwork and politics BS was the part she hated and didn’t miss. It was something she was good at, and like it or not, it was something that had come back into her life. She thought about the thousands of lessons they would need to teach Allyson to help her survive. This thought process started down a dark rabbit hole to thoughts on how long things will be screwed up. She kinda wallowed in this for a while until she woke Garen and started preparing for the nights run.


Live Free & Die Free.... God Freedom Country....

Little rest and night maneuvers to get home with a newbie....

What could go wrong????
