Story Market Day


Retired, practising Curmudgeon
Too bad, so sad.
More raping abusers dealt with in such a fashion and the word might get around in their circles; its way less painful to take responsibility than to have it personally delivered.


Resident Spook
Too bad, so sad.
More raping abusers dealt with in such a fashion and the word might get around in their circles; its way less painful to take responsibility than to have it personally delivered.

Back in the early 70s there was a guy who raped a young woman locally. Some of the good old boys caught up to him before the Sheriff did. After a drubbing they drove a 10 penny nail through the essential parts into the floor of an old wooden shed. They gave him a dull knife. Told him they were going to set the shed on fire, he had a choice.

He didn't come out, the shed burned down.

But then, that was the rumor, no one really knows...


Remote Paramedical pain in the ass
Alright loyal Market Day readers

First week of Part Five.

So, I know it's ground already visited to some extent, but through new eyes from people we only saw here and there.

I intend part five to come all the way up to at least where Part 4 left off. A lot of that ground has not been shown. Some has, but it's a new perspective.


Shotgun Willy

Contributing Member
Alright loyal Market Day readers

First week of Part Five.

So, I know it's ground already visited to some extent, but through new eyes from people we only saw here and there.

I intend part five to come all the way up to at least where Part 4 left off. A lot of that ground has not been shown. Some has, but it's a new perspective.

I’m enjoying the different POV. Of course I like new material,too.


Veteran Member
This is a pair that existed in Part 3 (edited). We have the next group headed through the gauntlet for their forest camp destination which may be covered in Part 5. Which may or may not include the vet building/old house on the hill. We were lead to believe the pair will join this group migration. But part 5 could be this pair doing their own thing and the group migration would be in the more distant future.

Parts of the readership are expecting the main theme is a re-tread of leaving the military base. I have an expectation that Part 5 is much more. The author has an opportunity for a major shift of the story. It would take 3 whole sentences to bring the father/senior military back to the base to address the daughters side activities. Sorry if I'm not remembering details that make this impossible, I am trying to go with the flow and not writing the next page for our author. Can we at least agree there is no wrong path?
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Remote Paramedical pain in the ass
If you look at when Paige and crew headed out for the final time in three, the Vs said they would go back to Veronica’s place and then head to the link up with Paige from there

Not saying it’s going to happen that way, but that was in three


Remote Paramedical pain in the ass
Outside the Bathroom

Veronica was on edge when the door started opening. She was really worried for her friend. She had so few. The pistol grip was sharp in her palm. She focused all her energy on the opening door.

It was Violet! Thank God!

Violet looked worn out. Her hair was matted with sweat and half pulled from its bun. She was moving stiffly. She looked like she had just run a marathon. Veronica move forward incase Violet started to collapse.

“You were beginning to worry us. What happened?” Veronica asked all in a rush.

Violet’s voice seemed to come from a hundred miles away. It gained strength as she caught her breath.

“He tried. He was fast, strong and over confident. I think he was on something. We need to warn the medics when they pick him up. It might be PCP. He’s out right now. We need to get the shackles back on him and get down the road. Call for a medical bird from Salt Lake. He’s in bad shape and might not make it otherwise.”

Violet wasn’t sure how she felt about almost killing him. She wasn’t sure if it was relief she didn’t kill him or guilt she intentionally paralyzed him. Maybe it was it was the worry she didn’t think she would feel bad at all if she had outright killed him.

Violet looked over at the gentleman still there. “I’m glad you stayed. Can you help us carry him to the van? We can’t wait here for medical. We have to close the distance and get him to the trauma center in Salt Lake.”

The man seemed to be quite relieved Violet came out whole from the experience. Confused, but relieved.

“No problem, ma’am. I was worried when you went in alone. What happened?”

Violet started selling the story Veronica had pitched as the back up plan if Frickel attacked.

“He knew he was bigger and stronger. He was mad. I wasn’t and took advantage of it. I ran him around the room till he made a mistake. At that point, I realized he was trying suicide by cop. He’s headed in for trial on attempted murder and child rape. He didn’t want to face the consequences.”

Violet started to stumble so, instead she slid over against the wall.

Veronica saw Violet still needed a few minutes. She got the gentleman to help her secure the prisoner and carried him to the van, locking him back to the floor ring.

Veronica didn’t want too many versions of what happened here to end up on the official record. She intentionally didn’t ask his name and didn’t introduce herself or Violet.

“Sir, we thank you kindly for helping us with our little project. I don’t want to tie you up with a lot of paperwork and such. I never caught your name and I’m ok with that. We were too busy working at saving the life of the prisoner and in rushing off to get him medical help, we lost track as you slipped away.”

“Are you sure? I don’t mind.”

“I’m sure.” Veronica turned to Violet. “We need to move. Now.”

Veronica accelerated down the on ramp, lights flashing as she used her official cell phone to call in her situation. The state police dispatched several units to intercept and to set up a landing zone for the LifeFlight helicopter.

Veronica and Violet were quiet as they drove down the road towards the rendezvous with the emergency medical helicopter out of Salt Lake. Both were aware of the audio recorder on the dash. This was the evidence they were going to present as added guilt and proof Veronica kept telling him to shut up. Nowhere on that tape was Violet’s voice.

Veronica so much wanted to talk to her friend, but soon, real soon they could hand off their prisoner and end their play, at least for a little while. Later, the depositions and such will come, but for a while, it will just be the two of them.

Violet knew she had to get her brain in order. When it came time for her to give testimony, she would have her hair, makeup and mannerisms completely different than the ‘Paige’ persona. Not that she minded Paige’s look. It just wasn’t her. She thought maybe Marilyn Blonde. Having watched what Andrea did to make her ‘Paige’ she knew she could reverse engineer the process and make her look more like herself.

‘Gee sir, maybe he had a guilty conscious and was projecting. He seemed to be high on something. Didn’t the toxicology screen show PCP and LSD?’ It would seriously muddy the waters for any accusations about the events of the entire transport. He was obviously hallucinating, seeing the face of his latest victim in the women transporting him to his trial.

The van rolled up to the roadblock of State Troopers. They were expecting her and passed them through up to where the helicopter was waiting, rotors turning. The Flight paramedic from the helicopter and a county Sherriff Paramedic met her at the side of the van with a wheeled gurney. Veronica started talking as soon as they got to her.

“This man is a US military prisoner being transported to his trial for attempted murder of a female marine to cover up other crimes. He attempted to escape. It took four of us to stop him. He was attempting suicide by cop. We think he was on something to shrug off some of his debilitating injuries. We got him re-secured and he seems to be unconscious from his wounds. I would recommend keeping him chemically restrained in flight, just in case. He’s too big to **** with inside the helicopter. There should be Federal Marshalls at Salt Lake to deal with the custody issue while he is there. What questions do you have for me?”

The Paramedic was shaking his head before she was halfway through her explanation.

“Anyone else hurt in the melee?”

“No, that’s what took so long. We didn’t want to get ourselves hurt for this dumbass. Bangs and bruises. We will swing by the clinic on base if we need anything.”

By this time, Frickel was strapped to a long spine board, bundled up with all the C-Spine protocol gear, an IV running fluids and drugs and waiting for the medic to finish with Veronica.

Once the van door closed, Veronica picked up the recorder from the dash and turned it off. She took a big breath before she spoke.

“Well, that could have gone horribly wrong. Did you get hurt?” Veronica’s voice was full of concern for her best and oldest friend. She wasn’t sure how in the hell they just pulled this off. When Violet went into that bathroom, she was sure her own heart stopped. She was so scared she had let her best friend walk into her own death.

“Not hurt. Sore, stiff, worn out, but no, not hurt. Damn! He was quick! I had to work my ass off to make sure he didn’t get a hold of me! Let’s not do this again! Tool of Providence I can accept but I don’t want to do it all the time! Dad owes me big time!”

Violet was still trying to process everything she did. Part of her was so scared when she went into the bathroom. Not for herself so much as…What if she failed? Not what happened if she got beat but what if she screwed up the plan.

“Not Paige?” Veronica asked, confused.

“Veronica, that girl never had a chance. The best thing was her hitting the floor limp. It short-circuited his attack routine. You would have had to shoot him early and often. Paige would have been a toy poodle against a pit bull.”

Violet was shaking her head to hide the delayed energy dump and fatigue she refused to show while Frickel was in the van. She was absolutely worn out. She knew beyond a shadow of doubt Paige had absolutely no chance of survival once Frickel started his attack.

“Well with him attacking you, you will have to stick around for the paperwork, interviews by the prosecution and the defense and so on and so forth.” Veronica tried to sound upset with disrupting and delaying Violet’s departure. She wasn’t convincing.

“I’m sure that will make my unit just thrilled.” The sarcasm dripped from her tone. Violet knew the training schedule was already screwed for the near future and in reality, her blocks could be taught by others, but she hated leaving them hanging. It couldn’t be helped though.

“Well they could have said no. Besides, I’m sure everything just went on hold with the 100% commitment to the West Coast recovery. You weren’t teaching this month anyway. Better to be out here screwing off and hanging out than twiddling your thumbs there. Since you dumped Randal, you don’t have to worry about being away from him. You could come stay at the house with me. The spare bedroom is still set up like it was for your last visit.” Veronica was smiling now.

“Won’t Tim object to me there for the month this will probably take?” Violet asked. She knew there was friction in the house the last time she visited Veronica shortly after Veronica and Tim bought the new house. She was only a little surprised at the vehemence of Veronica’s answer.

“I don’t give a shit what he thinks. Besides, he extended for another year in DC, without telling me.” Veronica couldn’t tell her it was four, she was too embarrassed. “He screwed me out of that position with the Counter-Terrorism unit at Lackland. All so he could push his own career. I think this was the final straw. I’m seriously considering telling him to not come back. Ever.”

“Sounds like you mean it this time. Steak and eggs at Jeremiah's and we talk?” Violet offered. Veronica obviously needed her friend now.


Remote Paramedical pain in the ass
“As good as the food sounds, we go to my place first. We need showers and to change clothes. I really like Jeremiah’s and want to be welcome back. We go in there like this, I’ll lose my preferred customer status.”

“Well, yeah, I guess you’re right.” Violet said looking down at the wrinkled and splattered uniform she was wearing. Wrong name tag. Wrong rank. Oh, and blood, sweat, maybe some urine transfer as well. She was thoroughly disheveled, far too much to be in public in uniform.

Violet was thinking on the other parts Veronica had just said. Maybe it would be better to talk about this away from others anyway.

“So, I know you were really counting on that position at Lackland. Did Tim give you any explanation about what he did?”

“That ****ing wuss hasn’t even talked to me about it! He doesn’t even know that I know! I found out when I called the detailer to find out when to expect my orders to flow for the PCS. That shithead got one of the other guys to switch it in the computer extending me and starting him a four-year-assignment where he was doing the temp fill in. That prick!”

Violet thought she heard the steering wheel cracking under Veronica’s clenched fists wrapped around it.

“Any way to undo what he did? Get the assignment back?”

“It’s already filled, and besides, they probably have everything screwed up now anyway. I would have to plead, grovel or threaten, and regardless of it being done to me by him, I would be the one looking bad.”

“What are you going to do? You can’t let him get away with that shit!” Violet was mad at what he had done to her friend. She didn’t realize it but her hands and forearms were flexing. In person or remotely, it was bullying and abusive.

“I don’t know, but I’m done with him.” Veronica’s voice left no room for debate on the topic now.

“Got it, done with him, but you can’t let him off the hook easy. He needs to suffer for the shit he did to you. You’re the queen of planning and shit. I got the time to help since I have to hang around waiting for the depositions and stuff, so stop sulking and plan something so we can get his ass!”

“I don’t know…What can we do?” Veronica looked confused and a little despondent, a look Violet didn’t like on Veronica.

“Well, ****! What does he care about? How can we screw it up or set him up to screw it up himself!” Violet blurted out.

“Well, we will have to work on it.”

“You bet your ass we will. This jackass needs to be destroyed! Now, how long until we get to the house? I’m hungry.” Violet shifted gears.

Veronica felt better, better than she had in the past two months since she found out about how Tim, the man she was married to, and who promised to love and cherish her, screwed her over.

“Soon, Violet. First the house, then we go past the base, drop off the van and pick up my car, then right over to Jeremiah’s.”

“Good. Steak and eggs, hash browns, scone, and a tankard of coffee, ‘cause I’m starving.”


Remote Paramedical pain in the ass
At Veronica’s House

“Shit! I didn’t remember how big this damn house is. What the hell were you guys thinking when you bought this monstrosity?” Violet said as they drove up the driveway.

“Whatever do you mean? Doesn’t everyone need a five-car double-deep garage for their Sister-Wives castle?” Veronica said, her tone dripping with bucketloads of sarcasm.

“Your what?”

“We are in Utah, home of the tv show sister-wives. This place has four master suites for bedrooms with doors in the back of the closets connecting them all. Tim saw this place up on the Bench and had to have it, even though he didn’t even know half of what the house was built for. I’ll show you some of the neat little details later.”

“If he didn’t know what it was all for, why did he have to have it?”

“Honestly, I don’t know but he hasn’t hardly been here so the decorating and how to set up the house was left up to me. Plenty of space for me to spread out and get comfortable.” She said as she unlocked the front door.

Up the stairs into the main level they went. Veronica turned to the left as they got to the hallway at the top of the stairs. Violet vaguely remembered the bedrooms were down this way.

They walked past one of the other bedroom doorways. It was half open and all Violet could see was camouflage. She turned into the doorway instead of following Veronica. She flipped on the light and gasped.

“What the ****, V? How much gear do you need?”

The bedroom had been converted into a giant closet, or hunting lodge gear loft or maybe Hemmingway’s wet dream set or …

“It works better with space to circulate around it.“ Veronica said from over Violet’s shoulder. Violet turned and stared. Most of the room was different hunting and fishing clothes. Winter camouflage, fall camouflage, spring camouflage, tops, bottoms, waders, boots, moccasins, face veils and who knows what else. The other part of the room had a bunch of military uniforms, body armor, plate carriers, gun belts and who knows where those piles end.

“Veronica, I think you have a problem. You are a hunting hoarder. Do we need to have an intervention?” Violet asked as she looked over at Veronica.

“Look, in my own defense, they have four seasons here and you need different gear for the mountains verses the flats out on the range and and and it pissed Tim off so I kept making the pile bigger and bigger. Look, I was here by myself and it was either a hunting gear room or a sex toy room and the hunting gear is easier to explain to the maid. This is Utah, after all.” Veronica finished in a rush, flushing with a bit of embarrassment. It was weird. Violet was the only one she knew who could make her feel embarrassed.

Violet just looked at her silently for a moment before turning towards her borrowed room.

Veronica heard her voice coming back over her shoulder as she walked.

“Show me the sex toy room later. I’m hungry. Let’s get a move on.”


Remote Paramedical pain in the ass
At Jeremiah’s

“Hey, ‘Nica. New girl for the Alfalfa club?” The hostess greeted them when they walked in the door.

“No, Burke. She’s an old friend.” Veronica said as they pulled even with the hostess station.

“So, normal table is open and the other two are here already.”

“Amanda probably has my order in as well.” Veronica commented as she led Violet through the sea of table to a booth in the back half of the restaurant.

“Shit, Veronica. It’s been a long time since I’ve heard you called ‘Nica.”

“Well, there’s no ‘Nickey’ to get confused with like in High School.”

“Fair enough.”

At the table, two women sat on one side of the table. One was a heavy set older woman. The other one was a smaller framed young woman. The older one spoke as they arrived at the table.

“Who did you bring, ‘Nica?”

“Bron, Felicia, this is Violet. She is my longest friend. Don’t trust anything she says about me unless it’s positive.”

Veronica slid into the booth. The older woman reached across the table to shake Violet’s hand.

“Hi, I’m Bronwyn.”

The other woman holds up her coffee mug in salute to Violet.

“I’m Felicia. So, You’ve known Veronica a while?”

“Long enough to know she has a tattoo, and where it’s at and the name of the tattoo artist.” Violet quipped.

“A tattoo?” both Bron and Felicia said, clearly surprised.

“And she isn’t telling you and neither am I!” Veronica blurted out as the waitress came, another coffee cup and a carafe of coffee in her hands.

“So, who’s the new girl?” The waitress asked, setting the extra cup down in front of Violet as she spoke to Veronica.

“Amanda, this is Violet. Violet, Amanda. She is one of my oldest friends.”

“So, what are you doing with the he woman man haters club?” Amanda said, handing Violet a menu.

“Yeah, by adding you, they are only two short of a Henry the Eight’s Wives’ club.”

“Ah, I get it now. Well I’ll keep the blades from Veronica to cut down on the beheading.” Violet said between the laughter.

Felicity tried to get her laughter contained some before she replied.

“That’s a lot of blades. Shit, she has a whole murder room built in her garage!”

Violet looked from Felicity to Veronica. Amanda and Bron were just laughing harder. Veronica looked a little embarrassed. Now Violet had to ask.

“Do I need to add murder room to the intervention schedule?” Violet smiled as she said it, to take a little of the sting from some real concern creeping into her voice.

“She is just picking on my game processing station in the garage.” Veronica tried to defend herself. Bron didn’t let her weasel out so easily.

“Yeah, ‘game processing’, also known as a hook in the ceiling, a drain in the floor, a v-8 powered garbage disposal and enough tools to break down an elk carcass in half an hour. ‘Game processing’, sure.”

Violet looked at Veronica silently for a moment before asking the other two a question.

“So, where did you guys get hooked up with Princess Ringleader?”

Bron was the first to answer.

“I work the cyber-crimes section at the shop and Felicity is one of our junior agents. I got rid of my jackass of a husband several years ago and we have been trying to help Felicity through her latest jerk of a boyfriend and we started hanging out for breakfasts on Sundays. Shop talk is banned and it’s just a place to vent.”

“Yeah, the Air Force is promoting the whole ‘mentoring’ thing and Veronica was the best mentor I could find.” Felicity added.

“So, you guys came to her? I thought she was recruiting a crew of minions for her next plan for world domination.” Violet replied.

“Oh, so you know about her plans?” Bron asked. Violet started laughing.

“Ladies, I have been her co-conspirator since about four years old.”

The group was laughing and cutting up for hours. Food came and went, coffee flowed like rain in a monsoon. Finally, Veronica and Violet left.

“We needed that. Tomorrow we can go do all the paperwork.” Veronica said as they drove back to her house.

“While we are doing paperwork, you need a lawyer. You need to shift bank account stuff and get the paperwork to drop Tim.” Violet said, her tone serious now.

“Yeah, I guess.” Veronica sounded unconvinced.

“Bullshit! Let’s get the paperwork started, get his shit packed and ship it off to the east coast where he seems to want to stay.”

“I hate the idea of a long drawn out divorce. I’ve seen enough of those and they get ugly.” Veronica’s tone belied her worry.

“Shit! Plot it out as an ambush and get him to sign them before he knows what’s happening.” Violet snapped back. She wasn’t used to this weak and indecisive Veronica. She had to snap her back to herself, and quickly.

Veronica didn’t reply. Violet looked over. Veronica’s eyes seemed unfocused. Good! That was the thinking and planning look Violet was used to. That was the Veronica she knew. This was the Veronica that Veronica needed. Finally, Veronica spoke.

“If that is what we need to do, we need a reason for him to sling a lot of signatures. “

“Well Veronica. How many copies and papers did you sigh when you got your shit shipped here from your last duty station?”

Veronica smiled. She looked over at Violet.

“You know, you’re right. We could do this. This could work.”

Veronica may be the planner but Violet knew she was the engine. She got things going and then Veronica figured out how to make it work.
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Live Free & Die Free.... God Freedom Country....
What hatchet? My grandfather grabbed the chicken by the head and did that "flick of the wrist" thing to pop the head off the neck.

Watched my maternal grandmother grab chickens by the head and flip the bodies around and the neck would pop loose and the chicken body would run around not knowing that it was dead and would fall over.

After grandmother had the number of chickens she wanted, they would be dunked into the big pot of hot water and the feathers would be pulled and then the chickens would be gutted and prepared for the freezer.

Fried chicken and gravy to follow.



Contributing Member
Watched my maternal grandmother grab chickens by the head and flip the bodies around and the neck would pop loose and the chicken body would run around not knowing that it was dead and would fall over.

After grandmother had the number of chickens she wanted, they would be dunked into the big pot of hot water and the feathers would be pulled and then the chickens would be gutted and prepared for the freezer.

Fried chicken and gravy to follow.


Surely you've heard "Running around like a chicken with its head cut off" - it has a basis in fact, even if many of the people who use that phrase have never seen it in person ;-)

Definitely not an experience for the squeamish libiots (shorthand for "liberal idiots" and a useful term in places that flag "not PC" words such as "idiot".


Remote Paramedical pain in the ass
The next week was a cascade of depositions, interviews, official statements and what seemed like a hundred pounds of paperwork. All of it dealing with the transport, the assault, the judicious use of force, not showing up at the intended holding facility, arranging the treatment and medical facility confinement of Capt. Frickel.

By the end of the week, Violet had repeated the proper sequence of events so many times she could do it almost word for word, again and again. She was still a bit disturbed with what she saw and was told when they went to see Frickel during the whole process.

Her final kick was a bit too soccer corner kick style. Frickel now had what the neurosurgeon called a Severe Diffuse Axonal Injury. Evidently, this ends up with a coma and 90% of the people with this level damage never wake up.

Violet was mainly upset because this wasn’t the intended outcome. She lost control. She wasn’t supposed to kick him that hard. He was supposed to have all his years in prison to contemplate the errors of his ways. If it was death they were after, Veronica could have gone into that bathroom and shot him right away. They would have had the testimony of the guy at the rest stop to back up Frickel’s intent, and been done with it.

She didn’t know if it was a subconscious act, or her losing her temper and going too far, or was it just poor control compared to what she should have been able to do. She needed someone who could help her figure it out. Unfortunately it was primarily a technical question about methods and technique. There were a few people who had her level of martial knowledge or skill she knew, but she couldn’t ask them due to the legal aspect.

Violet came to a conclusion. She couldn’t dwell on it. She had to let it go until she could talk to the right person. Maybe her father could help her with this. If she was stuck here for long enough, maybe they could go back over to visit. If so, then she could ask him about it.