HEALTH Man, they want cases to be covid so badly!


Veteran Member
One of my coworkers sister is employed at a local physicians office. Despite a questionnaire sent to a patent, they showed up at the office with C19 symptoms. The entire staff was alerted and sent home until tests could be arranged. About five days later they are lined up for testing. In less than three days they are called with the results. My coworkers sister was told that she was negative on the C19 test, and also negative on the antibodies test. As such, they were removing her from the "active case" list and onto the "recovered" list.
Yeah, it's a scamdemic.
There are real cases of C19 out there, it's a very nasty illness. My former supervisor contracted it. He said it was the most miserable week he ever remembered in his life. He's younger than I am, and very athletic. He said just walking around the house left him winded for about four days. None of his family contracted it though.
They are pushing the numbers in order to justify mail-in ballots for this year. It is a "Hail-Mary" pass on the part of the D's. It's all they've got left. They know that the mainstream American has tired of their shenanigans.