INSANITY Malcolm Muggeridge speaks of the future and it is not good.


On TB every waking moment

“So the final conclusion would surely be that whereas other civilizations have been brought down by attacks of barbarians from without, ours had the unique distinction of training its own destroyers at its own educational institutions, and then providing them with facilities for propagating their destructive ideology far and wide, all at the public expense.

Thus did Western Man decide to abolish himself, creating his own boredom out of his own affluence, his own vulnerability out of his own strength, his own impotence out of his own erotomania, himself blowing the trumpet that brought the walls of his own city tumbling down, and having convinced himself that he was too numerous, labored with pill and scalpel and syringe to make himself fewer. Until at last, having educated himself into imbecility, and polluted and drugged himself into stupefaction, he keeled over--a weary, battered old brontosaurus--and became extinct.”
― Malcolm Muggeridge, Vintage Muggeridge: Religion and Society


Pride comes before the fall.....Pride month ended.
The abolitionists were and are a fifth column. In our case actual Soviet spies infiltrated our government in large numbers. From that came the UN. Algier Hiss led the state departments team in this endeavor, with fifteen or so others of the twenty involved, later exposed as spies or sympathizers.

McCarthy was fully vindicated with the Venona release. Yet no mention by the media. Now it’s wide open communism as a democrat party. A party that Is antithetical to our founding documents. They don’t understand that there are solutions for treason spelled out clearly. Or they are good with pitting the base of citizenry into violent revolution.....which is truly what they are all about, Maoistic.

Dewey infiltrated education, as the Weather Underground of Bill Ayers fame has in the last fifty years. Many were grad students in education and collectively decided to work from within to foment the revolution, the disunity, the insanity, the goal to overwhelm our free and open society thru education. As Ayers famously stated, "Education is the motor force of revolution". Think about the admission of guilt here, given everything we now know. He is an Ace in the deck. Ayers held the highest position in education curriculum as the VP of Curriculum Studies in the AERA, American Education Research Association. He taught other teachers revolution, Pre K to Post Grad who go on to do the same, as well as mold the minds of our impressionable youth.

Radical Teacher was a program based out of the University of Illinois. Which also holds claim to the liberal residential centers by building the first one, Unit One, Allen Hall, CU campus. Right now, the university of Illinois also holds another dubious claim to the highest enrollment of Chinese students.....a research institution of the highest caliber, yet for some reason they can’t turn the research upon their anti American works. Many labs are dominated by Chinese students.

They built over five hundred Liberal Learning Residential Centers in the university system. liberals send their kids to get indoctrinated, weak ones end up there. Lots of promotion of lgbtqwtf goes on, as it is an agenda item. Consider these kids groomed for the movement, with lots of exposure to non profit organizations for credit and employment opportunity. Even the chance to start your own, as overwhelming the system is a program. Thank you Columbia professors Cloward and Pivens. Imagine the numbers of those graduated to the movement yearly, thousands upon thousands influencing the young weak impressionable minds, just like theres as they enter the battle field, our society.

The premise to this article is wrong. A communist fifth column has infiltrated our society was done in the shadows and is just now fully exposed. From local state and federal governments to education, the courts, the three letter agency’s, the church and many other facets of our society. UN Agenda Twenty One, 2030, and so on. Their scientists within academia support the lies around man caused climate change and recently the corona virus lies, such as the cyclic rate that all but guarantees false positives.

What happens next is yet to be determined. Nukes will most likely come into play soon enough. Outside forces will come into play when Americans fights back.... likely with a mix of airborne and more deadly viruses. Let alone the ramifications of these vaccines.

Got Jesus? A Great Tribulation is upon us. More and more insanity, crime, death and hardships of magnitudes here to fore never experienced by mankind. Given what we have seen throughout history, that should create a serious pucker factor. Jesus is the reason for the season. Embrace this, prepare mentally and physically. Food, friends n fortresses are key. Stand strong, be vocal now more than ever. It is a spiritual war, good and evil. Choose wisely, as it is written.

Never surrender.

I'll stop here.
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