GOV/MIL Main "Great Reset" Thread


On TB every waking moment
Total World Dominance With "Untouchable" Status: The Active Tasks at Hand to Enslave Humanity 1:33 min

Total World Dominance With "Untouchable" Status: The Active Tasks at Hand to Enslave Humanity
Red Voice Media Published April 25, 2022

Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi: "The first thing that they have to do, of course, is to take away the possessions and the wealth of the individuals. This is what is happening. The second is that they have to reduce the world population, which is happening in front of our eyes. Then there will be enough left for them to lead their own select lives, wherever and however they want. And they will be the untouchables, untouchables because they will have their jets and their islands and all the dominions wherever they want in the world. And we will never be able to reach them because we will be caged as slaves on the rest of the earth... grazing like sheep, like sheep on the field."



On TB every waking moment
(Immigration will add to the issues of scarcity, unemployment, dependency on central government, homelessness, cultural cohesion.)

MUST WATCH: Kazakhstan, Somalia, Nepal and Eritrea - America Is Not Prepared for What’s Coming! 7:08 min

MUST WATCH: Kazakhstan, Somalia, Nepal and Eritrea - America Is Not Prepared for What’s Coming!
RealAmericasVoice Published April 25, 2022
"There is a trend going on here . . . They all are fleeing corruption. Socialist countries."

(At the Darien Gap interviewing immigrants about their countries of origin, travel time and route)

The REAL Impact of Biden Rescinding Title 42 1:30 min
The REAL Impact of Biden Rescinding Title 42
Prime Time with Dr. Gina Published April 25, 2022

Lou Dobbs interviews Rodney Scott.

Rodney Scott: “The real impact will be the complete and total chaos just continues to get worse.”

(The video that accompanies this is overwhelming of the shear numbers of migrants at the border awaiting processing now.)
Last edited:


On TB every waking moment
The Food Shortage Writing on the Wall Is Crystal Clear so Why Are so Few Taking It Seriously? 56:49 min

The Food Shortage Writing on the Wall Is Crystal Clear so Why Are so Few Taking It Seriously?
The JD Rucker Show Published April 25, 2022

In hopes that I don't sound like a broken record, food shortages are coming, folks. I've said it before and I'll continue to say it because it seems like far too few people are taking this seriously. It's a uniquely American trait to wait until things get really bad before reacting properly; we can look to the economic downturn and housing bubble bursting in 2008-2009 to see exactly what I mean. The writing was on the wall long before the burst but most Americans were either unaware or uncaring.

The writing on the wall about massive food shortages coming is far easier to see today than the writing on the wall in 2008. The powers-that-be are telegraphing their intentions, quite literally.

Joe Biden has warned about food shortages hitting America. The World Bank has warned about food shortages spanning the globe. Even corporate media is pulling its collectivist head out of the sand for a quick burst of partial truth about food shortages on the horizon. Why aren't more Americans getting prepared?

One important reason is because far too many Americans have grown dependent on government "fixing" major problems when they arise. This is where the 2008 economic downturn plays against us. As bad as that was, efforts by Bush and then Obama to correct the issue made it to where most Americans survived the economic crisis. By the time Donald Trump's policies started taking effect, we were better off than we were before the downturn.

That sort of relatively quick fix to a potential disaster is what Americans have come to expect.

It won't happen this time, folks. The best we can hope for is that government will have enough breadlines to keep Americans from fully starving when the grocery stores are empty. With the economic downturn of 2008, government "fixed" it by passing legislation and bolstering the economy through artificial means. That type of solution won't work with food shortages because you can't eat paper money that they print. A food shortage is a tangible event because food itself is tangible and very hard to replenish once storage is depleted.

Things are already looking very bad, but the panic hasn't started just yet. When the panic starts, shelves will empty quickly. Trucks will be attacked and emptied in areas where food is scarce. Farms will be raided by hungry marauders. Martial law will go into effect. The time to get prepared is BEFORE the panic begins.

For those who may be new to my shows or my writing, let me alert you that I have never been a "Chicken Little" alarmist. When shelves were emptying of toilet paper and many food items in 2020, I was calling for everyone to stay calm because the writing on the wall showed there would NOT be massive food shortages other than what was manufactured by the panic itself. Today, even if we do not panic yet, the food shortages are almost certain to materialize.


On TB every waking moment

The HighWire with Del Bigtree Published April 25, 2022

(HHS has extended the emergency for another 90 days. The basis is not COVID, but the "consequences" of the Pandemic. Vaxxes would not be able to use emergency use authorization if there was no emergency. Also covers free vax and some medications and medical coverage. They also talk about the new breathalyzer authorized under emergency use and flu mist - nasal vax, which is a total failure.

Discussion about WHO new pandemic treaty 2024. It is like they know there is a pandemic coming. Del Bigtree has been getting info that this might be a manmade hemorrhagic disease.
Treaty - top down, turnkey, supersedes individual, state and national sovereignty. WHO wants to be the governing authority.

Discussion Senator Tam CA SB1464 forces law enforcement to enforce public health dictates or takes their money to enforce themselves. Discussion about public health wanting dictatorial powers.)


On TB every waking moment

Censorship And Propaganda Threatens Our Freedom

MONDAY, APR 25, 2022 - 04:00 PM
Authored by Bruce Wilds via Advancing Time blog,

Censorship is in many ways a reverse form of propaganda. It is not a mistake or oversight that many mainstream media outlets give their audience little ability to give feedback. They go out of their way to avoid anything that might dispute their narrative. While it could be argued the lack of a comment area or feature linked to an online format is often just an omission it could be something more and far more sinister. The lack of debate on whether America should be involved in the current dispute in Ukraine highlights how propaganda can dictate policy.

They Don't Want Your Opinion
Propaganda tends to become a self-feeding loop that plays a huge role in shaping public opinions. The lack of a feedback loop is a tool to reinforce the idea there is no objection or criticism of the article or statement and everyone accepts its conclusions. I contend the subtle omission of a comment section online is often to quell dissenting voices and not because it simplifies the format.

The definition of censorship is the suppression of speech, public communication, or other information, on the basis that such views or material have been deemed objectionable, harmful, sensitive, or "inconvenient". Censorship can be conducted by governments, private institutions, or corporations. This does include mainstream media.

Censorship has a huge role in driving the fear of speaking out. By its nature censorship often implies those being silenced are trying to say something very wrong. I consider censorship and mainstream media's role in it as part of the self-feeding propaganda loop that plays such a huge role in shaping public opinion. This tends to result in those in the leadership positions that control the media slowly hacking away at the constitutional rights of the individual by furthering the idea it is all "for the greater good."

The idea of having a press that is free to cover the news is linked to the idea it will be fair and such a freedom comes with a degree of responsibility. A common example is how freedom of speech should give someone the right to speak their mind but not scream fire in a crowded theater. This can slip into an argument as to the duty of the media in presenting as unbiased a view of events as possible. This is complicated by the fact many news outlets have moved more towards an entertainment format rather than presenting the cold hard facts and in that regard, sensationalism draws viewers.

Propaganda Shapes Public Opinion!
Call it what you want, propaganda or fake news, it is more or less the same thing and we are bombarded with it on a daily basis. This will continue to expand in the future considering the many new tools at the disposal of those wishing to both control and deceive us. Already fake news and false flags have left many of us having a difficult time deciding what is real. To make matters worse the rapidly growing ability of computers to generate human images is about to take this to a whole new level as this deceptive and potentially dangerous area of technology starts to become horribly abused.

It could be argued, that mainstream media has become a polarizing force that stirs the pot of social unrest. By promoting polarization America's media has made it impossible for the people to unite and regain any control over Washington. I would not be surprised if those in control are not giddy over this and the problems Facebook has created by playing fast and loose with data from its followers. Facebook by crossing the line and abusing the trust of those with accounts and information posted on its platform has taken a great deal of pressure off of the mainstream media to do a better job.

The sad reality is that "Power To The People" is dead because we, as a people are so divided and unable to agree on anything. Still, even more unsettling is the relationship so many large companies have made with the government. Anyone who doesn't believe that countries use psychological warfare and propaganda to sway the opinions of people both in and outside of their country is naive. Sadly, this is a huge factor in our deployment of the military and the endless wars that benefit those building the weapons of death.

An Example Of The Lies We Are Fed
Propaganda is a powerful tool that has resulted in many wars that enrich those who make weapons at the expense of those called upon to give their blood.
The fact that behemoth Amazon has intertwined business interests with the CIA, NSA, and several other "Deep State" government agencies is a monument to our having lost control of the massive part of our government that spies on us and spins the narratives to which we dance. The fact Amazon's former CEO, Jeff Bezos, also owns the Washington Post, America's most influential newspaper, should send shivers down the back of those believing in freedom and limited government.

Simply put, this has taken propaganda to a whole new level and unleashed a force that none of our institutions can resist.

Today many people get the majority of their news over the internet. While this has made a huge difference in how news is distributed and how we receive the news, the reality is that much of the content remains controlled by a few strong players that are driven by an agenda of self-interest. It could be argued that the media has a moral obligation to provide more of a "public forum" if they want the right to call themselves "free and balanced" but if anything the noose is slowly tightening around those wishing for such a voice. Banning certain ideas and speech only tightens governments' ability to control the masses.

Many of us out beyond the beltway in the backwaters and wilds of America have grown to feel the media has a casual relationship with the truth. In many ways, the media controlled by a few power brokers has become viewed more as a tool of the establishment than the protector of the people and defender of our rights. America's forefathers never intended such unholy forces to guide our opinions. This could explain why the press is often held in such low esteem by the very public that relies on them for information. Coverage filled with subtle digs or comments and even subliminal messages taints the premise media is fair. During interviews, we often get an opportunity to witness examples of just how badly you can treat a guest invited to answer questions when they resist the narrative being pushed.

This often results in over-the-top efforts to put words in someone's mouth and take statements out of context. These words are then spun in the most harmful ways. If the guest represents views differing from the interviewer what we often see is an ambush. If a guest is favored or their views are endorsed it is often as though they had written the softball questions asked of them or as if they had been given the questions in advance or controlled the interview. All this can then be backed up by a series of scripted statements that all loop back around to support a hard or subliminal message.

With the biased coverage of current events being very common, it is little wonder that Americans question the honesty of the media whose ranks appear to have become filled with opportunists and bums dressed as a journalist. The fact is we often don't agree with everything we view or read so "implied agreement" is not valid. Even including a simple thumbs up or down box at the end of an article would at least give readers a place to weigh in.

Next time you are boiling mad or disagree with how an article is characterizing an event I urge you to take the time to see if the source has provided you with an opportunity to present your view. I would not be surprised if they have not.


On TB every waking moment

At World Bank Climate Talk, Speaker Floats Idea To End Conventional Vehicle Sales

MONDAY, APR 25, 2022 - 11:25 AM
Authored by Nathan Worcester via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours),

In remarks to the World Bank’s “Financing Climate Action” event on April 21, Baron Nicholas Stern, one of the world’s most influential climate economists, spoke about what he sees as necessary global actions on climate change, including on the sale of conventional internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles.
The right kind of policies have to be put in place, including the abolition of fossil fuel subsidies, the advancement of carbon pricing, but clarity on timescales for decentralization of the grid, clarity on timescales for stopping the sale of internal combustion engine vehicles, and so on—making sure the sense of direction is clear in those ways,” said Stern, who served as chief economist for the World Bank from 2000 through 2003.
A participant stands near a logo of the World Bank at the International Monetary Fund—World Bank Annual Meeting in Nusa Dua, Bali, Indonesia, on Oct. 12, 2018. (Johannes P. Christo/Reuters)
The World Bank—a multilateral group founded in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, and headquartered in Washington, D.C.—lends to poor and middle-income countries. Its private-sector lending is coordinated through a subsidiary, the International Finance Corporation.

The discussion was part of the annual spring meetings of the World Bank Group and the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

Stern chairs the Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and Economics at the London School of Economics, founded by members of the socialist Fabian Society in the 1890s, thanks in part to a bequest from a wealthy Fabian “for propaganda and other purposes.”

In his 2006 publication, “The Stern Review on the Economics of Climate Change,” the British economist argued that climate change is “the greatest and widest-ranging market failure ever seen.”

Stern was also asked about Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, which has contributed to rising energy prices in the United States and around the world.
The right thing to do is to move away faster and harder from fossil fuels,” he said, later adding that making that move entails “much bigger capacity for electricity.”
Both Stern and current World Bank President David Malpass, who also participated in the virtual summit, spoke of moving away from coal power, including by the developing countries with which the World Bank works.

“We’re at the point now where we have to be very concrete in how to close a coal-fired power plant in South Africa or Indonesia. And those proved to be really difficult challenges because of the large cost and the long lifespan of the project,” said Malpass, who served in the Reagan, [George H.W.] Bush, and Trump administrations, during a conversation with Indonesia’s Minister of Finance, Sri Mulyani Indrawati.
We have to put in place a big transition, and we have to do it now. And of course, exiting coal, moving away from coal, [is an] absolutely core part of that—it’s the lowest-hanging fruit,” said Stern.
Stern also stated that “we’re headed for something closer to three degrees than two degrees” Celsius of global warming, saying of recent reports by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) that “each one that comes through is more worrying than the one before.”

Yet the most recent IPCC physical science report projects that the highest emission scenarios and greatest warming are unlikely.

This suggests that even those scientists who credit carbon dioxide with large-scale global warming may not anticipate the sort of warming that Stern describes.

“Studies that consider possible 17 future emission trends in the absence of additional climate policies, such as the recent IEA 2020 World 18 Energy Outlook ‘stated policy’ scenario (International Energy Agency, 2020), project approximately 19 constant fossil and industrial CO2 emissions out to 2070, approximately in line with the medium RCP4.5, 20 RCP6.0 and SSP2-4.5 scenarios,” the report states.

The SSP2-4.5 scenario would not yield three degrees Celsius of warming, as shown by the IPCC’s own assessment results for 20-year averaged change in global surface temperature, on page TS-31 of the executive summary for the 2021 physical science report.


On TB every waking moment

"Operation Thermostat": Energy-Rationing & The Pivot From Ukraine To Climate?

MONDAY, APR 25, 2022 - 12:30 AM
Authored by Kit Knightly via,

Italy is officially becoming the first country to start rationing energy after cutting their supply of Russian gas and oil.

From next month, until at least March 2023, public buildings across the nation will be banned from running air conditioning at lower than 25 degrees, or heating higher than 19 degrees.

The plan, termed “Operation Thermostat” in the press, is being sold as a way for ordinary people to show “solidarity” with the people of Ukraine, with Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi saying:
"Do we want to have peace or do we want to have the air conditioning on?”
I’m not exactly sure how adjusting your thermostat is going to achieve ‘peace’, but hey we’re living in the age of sentimental manipulation over reason, so – just believe.

For example, the Guardian is illustrating the story with pro-peace artwork allegedly done by Italian schoolchildren (in English, for some reason).

There’s no talk yet of this kind of energy-rationing rule extending to private businesses or homes, but a marker has been set down. Expect other nations to follow suit.

After that of course will come the opinion pieces asking questions like “we rationed gas to fight Putin, why not climate change?”, and headlines saying that “Europe-wide gas rationing was good for the planet” or something similar.

…Oh wait, it’s already happening.

Honestly, when I originally wrote the above paragraph I had no idea the New Yorker had published this opinion piece for Earth Day, headlined:
This Earth Day, We Could Be Helping the Environment—and Ukraine”
It argues that rationing energy to fight Putin is just like digging for victory to fight Hitler, and – just as I predicted – would also be good for the planet:
During the Second World War, victory demanded more oil […] In the wars dominating the globe today — Putin’s land grab in Ukraine, and the global land grab caused by rising sea levels and spreading deserts — victory demands getting off fossil fuels as fast as we possibly can.
It even hints at a quasi-lockdown – this time for the sake of beating Putin and combating climate change:
Everyone who can work from home could continue to do so, at least on, say, Mondays, knocking a day off the national commute. Carpools could be organized, taking special advantage of the fact that there are now two million electric cars on the road. More bike paths could be made available, and, when air-conditioning season begins, Americans could turn their thermostats up a degree.
Remember lockdowns were marketed as planet-saving almost from the moment they were put in place, despite it making almost zero sense. The agenda was pretty obvious right from the start.
It’s interesting that “operation thermostat” should be announced on April 22nd – Earth Day – despite having zero to do with climate change. It’s also noteworthy that climate protests groups have piggy-backed on the idea to call for an EU-wide boycott of Russia’s fossil fuels.

We already know they planned a “pivot from covid to climate”, and moves like this mean they can easily “pivot from Ukraine to climate” too.


On TB every waking moment
Apr 26, 2022 at 1:36pm​
2023-2024 will be Hell on Earth​
26 April 2022
Panama City, Panama
Mind dump, sans edit

This has been obvious train wreck for a very long time. Famines generally come in slow motion. (Sometimes not, but usually they are slow motion. Hongerwinter 1944-45 was fast motion). This is very slow motion but colossal. The most incredible PanFaWar in human history is unfolding.

My estimate: this will not be a two year famine. Most famines go for roughly two years. The Great PanFaWar is shaping up to be a long hauler. Sometime in 2022, the famines will become obvious. By end of 2023, colossal. These will create enormous HOP: Human Osmotic Pressure to migrate. OGUS — the Occupying Government of United States — is expanding the Darien Pipeline through Darien Gap what can and likely will facilitate millions of Asians, Africans, and South Americans into United States. Europe did similar and suffers for it greatly now. Wrecking entire areas of Europe and causing Europeans to change their way of life. Watching their women get raped. Mass terror attacks. Priest decapitated in church. That sort of thing. Just reality. My currency is reality.

What caused the fire at Notre Dame? Did we ever get to the bottom of that?

While our economy and food supply collapses, OGUS has opened the floodgates to anyone. Many of these people come from highly predatory cultures. I’ve lived around the world. Spent more than half my life in more than 80 other countries. Some cultures are HIGHLY PREDATORY. I see many representatives of these cultures flooding into our country. They will be hungry on our streets. Many will rape our women and boys. These are just facts. I see it all the time downrange.

You cannot run far enough away from this. We will fight, or we will lose. Those are our choices.​


Mornings with Maria on Fox

Maria: Food inflation dried beans, canned vegetables, flour up 10% or more over past year.

Bob Unanue President of Goya Foods: We are on the precipice of a global food crisis. They have weaponized food. Between Russia and Ukraine, they produce 50% of the world's fertilizer, 30% wheat, 20% corn, 2.5 million acres of sunflowers, other food for minerals, sand for frackng and glass. Russia is also cutting off Ukraine to the sea so it can't export. Russia has attacked areas where crops are grown and attacked train systems.

We have provoked the war, in a way, by projecting weakness and failing to protect the innocent. We given the green light to abuse by failing to protect.

Maria says they are talking about double digit inflation on foods, she asks if he is talking about food shortages crisis where Americans would not have access to foods .

Goya says America will say, let them eat cake. There is abundance here. Africa and poorer countries will hurt. America is gluttonous, we will have to tighten our belts. Then he talks about giving up oil independence. Transportation is the largest part of the cost of food.

Unbalance in food production. In 2008, the price of grain tripled because we were planting corn for ethanol, instead of rice and grain for other things. It takes 3 gal. of fuel to make 5 gal. of ethanol. The farmers are paying double for fertilizer. They are planting less. Their yields are going to be less. Their costs are going to go up.

In the Ukraine, 30% of the world's wheat production, and corn - if that goes unplanted, we will have a food crisis. Prices will go through the roof. We can afford it as a rich country, but others cannot. We will be the last effected.

Ryan? Can we "re-shore" our ag production so that we are not dependent upon imports?

Bob: The US is one of the largest producers of food, but we are also the largest consumers. If you effect the production of fertilizers and crops across the world, it is going to disrupt that. It is not as big an issue here.


On TB every waking moment

World Health Organization Plans To Strip 194 Nations, and the US, of Sovereignty

April 26, 2022 Sean Adl-Tabatabai News, World 2 Comments
World Health Organization plans to strip hundreds of nations of their sovereignty

The World Health Organization (WHO) is set to vote on whether to strip 194 countries, including the US, of their sovereignty on May 22nd.

The WHO is attempting to push through changes to a treaty that would give them global control over the health of humans worldwide as part of the WEF’s Great Reset agenda. reports: In a new video, The Pulse’s Joe Martino interviews Shabnam Palesa Mohamed, a member of the steering committee of the World Council for Health, who points out that the treaty gives the WHO:

“… an inordinate amount of power to make decisions in sovereign countries as to how people live and how they deal with pandemics, from lockdowns to mandates over treatment.”

In an open letter on the WHO’s pandemic treaty, the World Council for Health writes, in part:

“The proposed WHO agreement is unnecessary, and is a threat to sovereignty and inalienable rights. It increases the WHO’s suffocating power to declare unjustified pandemics, impose dehumanizing lockdowns, and enforce expensive, unsafe, and ineffective treatments against the will of the people.

It’s the usual Marxist one-size-fits-all approach. Everyone will be on the same page and science will cater to GLOBAL political whims.

It will cost millions of dollars or more and money will be laundered by them and their pickpockets.

The WHO appears to want to push the treaty through quickly without public participation and input.

“It is undemocratic, it is unconstitutional and therefore it makes the treaty invalid and unlawful,” Mohamed says. She also made note of the many WHO health policy failures due to their “conflicts of interest.”

It is much worse than we thought. The rule change includes very dangerous amendments – 13 of them. Investigative reporter Leo Hohmann reports that these amendments will NOT require approval by 2/3 of the United States Senate. It’s not called a treaty. It’s amending a treaty we are a part of.

If they are approved (as submitted by the United States) by a simple majority of the 194 member countries of the World Health Assembly countries), these amendments would enter into force as international law just six months later (November 2022). The details of this are not crystal clear.

Our administration is actively destroying the Constitution by making us part of a global new world order.

“It essentially wipes out 194 nation’s sovereignty,” says investigative reporter James Roguski.
Mr. Roguski has a website with information at Don’

This gives us the one-world government in an instant:


On TB every waking moment
Revolving Door: The Regulatory Agencies Are Captured—Just Follow the Money 2:11 min
Revolving Door: The Regulatory Agencies Are Captured—Just Follow the Money
The Vigilant Fox Published April 26, 2022
Dr. Ryan Cole: "The NIH holds the patent to the spike protein and the sequence, and they license that to Moderna. Every billion that the Moderna coffers get, so does the NIH."
Full Video: Synthetic Material Inside MRNA Vaccines Causes Spike Protein Production to Possibly Last for Months: Dr. Ryan Cole

(Dr. Cole talks about conflict of interest - follow the money, revolving door bias and undisclosed risks to pregnant women.)


On TB every waking moment
Prelude to a One-World Government: Implementing Global Measures at a Local Level .19 min

Prelude to a One-World Government: Implementing Global Measures at a Local Level
The Vigilant Fox Published April 26, 2022

Biden's COVID Advisor, Ashish Jha: "There are some people in this country who sometimes think that we can take a domestic-only approach to a global pandemic. That's not a thing; you can't do that. If we're gonna fight a global pandemic, we have to have a global approach. That means we need funding to ensure that we're getting shots in arms around the world."


On TB every waking moment

Farm Crisis Hits Dakotas As Floods Delay Plantings, May Trigger US Food Shortage

TUESDAY, APR 26, 2022 - 06:20 PM
In the last several weeks, farmers in the Northern Plains have been battered by blizzards, winter storms, high winds, and extreme flooding. These weather phenomena have delayed farmers from plantings in high-producing crop regions. Every week plantings are delayed, the harvest yield shrinks, and this comes at a precarious time as the global food supply chain is fracturing.

Private weather forecasters and ag specialist BAMWX warned about delayed plantings across the Northern Plains to Midwest to the Ohio Valley. Some farmers might not be able to plant until at least May as widespread above-average moisture, and widespread well below average temperatures inhibit farmers from working their fields.

BAMWX shows the most above-average precipitation occurred in The Dakotas.

Much of the Northern Plains to Midwest to the Ohio Valley experienced below-average temperatures.

BAMWX's chief meteorologist Kirk Hinz provides a weather model looking out two weeks and shows more of the same: below-average temperatures and higher precipitation. The risk is that delayed plantings could extend well into the first half of May.

Spring has so far been filled with chaos and uncertainties for American farmers. Many cannot work in their fields because tractors would get stuck, fields are underwater, and saturated soils make for a bad growing environment. Also, cold weather disrupts plant nutrient intake and can damage seedlings very early in the growing cycle, which may cause premature death.

Given this uncertainty from the weather and how America's food supply chain could be at risk. CBoT trader Tommy Grisafi (also risk advisor at commodity trading firm Advance Trading Inc), with ag clients throughout The Dakotas, provided this warning of what's happening on the ground:
"As I sit in my office in Mayville, North Dakota, I'm starting to wonder how the Upper Midwest farmer will get all the crops planted in a timely fashion. Below average temps are forecasted for the next ten days; combine that with above-average snow and rainfall, which only means more delayed plantings.
"Upper Midwest farmers are running out of time as prevent plant dates could soon be triggered. North Dakota's first prevent plant date is May 25th for certain parts of the state -- this will mean farmers will file a prevented planting claim on their crop insurance and not plant."
One significant reason plantings are delayed in North Dakota is flooding.

.12 min

Grisafi said, "North Dakota, Montana, and Canada are famous for growing specialty crops."
"We often forget how these products are in everyday foods we consume. The Ukraine war was like throwing gas on an already hot fire. The Great drought of 2021 depleted supplies. The world is now dependent on the Northern hemisphere for major food needs. The US must grow record crops just to meet average demand. If not, this could add to the biblical food shortage coming down the pipe," he said.
Grisafi has spent three decades on the CBoT and said fertilizer shortages plus delayed plantings suggest harvests could be severely impacted. "If only our government had a strategic fertilizer reserve," he said.

He is in contact with hundreds of North Dakota farmers and various end-users, indicating many of these folks "will have trouble sleeping at night" because of the agricultural crisis emerging.

Here's an aerial shot of one of Grisafi's clients. The fields are completely flooded.

Grisafi's Ag Bull podcast has recently stated, "planting delays and production problems in the US are moving markets." Last month, we cautioned that the mainstream media fails to address how the US is careening towards a food crisis.


On TB every waking moment

"Meltdown": Bank Of America Sounding The Alarm On Collapsing Freight Demand

TUESDAY, APR 26, 2022 - 12:45 PM
Trucking demand is “near freight recession levels,” according to Bank of America. Shippers’ outlook on rates, capacity and inventory levels are matching attitudes not seen since May and June 2020, when pandemic lockdowns sent freight volumes into a historic decline.

As FreightWaves reports, in a Friday note to investors, Ken Hoexter (available to Zero Hedge professional subscribers), the managing director of Bank of America’s trucking research, wrote that shippers’ view of demand is down 23% year-over-year. The proprietary Truckload Demand Indicator hit 58 — the lowest since June 2020.

Hoexter said the shippers’ view of rates have “melt(ed) down,” hitting a low not seen since May 2020. Bank of America’s survey represented views from 44 shippers in industries including retail, consumer goods and manufacturing.

Meanwhile, these shippers are finding it easy to find capacity to move their loads; outlook on capacity hit its highest level since June 2020. They also noted their view on inventory levels had climbed to its highest point since May 2020.

A few anecdotal examples from the Bank of America survey illustrate that data. One food shipper said it was receiving more cold calls from freight brokers rather than those brokers having to seek capacity for shipments on their own. A shipper moving home-building products said flatbed capacity is loosening slightly, though is still tight. And a representative of a forest products company said rates were beginning to soften as truck capacity opened up.

Other indicators are pointing to freight recession
FreightWaves has previously reported that a “sharp, painful downturn” in the U.S. trucking market is coming. The Friday note to investors is the latest indicator of the trucking bloodbath that many in the industry are spotting.

“The way the rates are, you have to run twice as hard to make ends meet,” Dan Guzman, a San Antonio-based fleet owner, recently told FreightWaves.

One key indicator is the FreightWaves SONAR Outbound Tender Reject Index (SONAR: OTRI.USA) . At this time last year, truckers were rejecting a whopping 25.76% of loads they had previously arranged through contract. That indicated they were able to find better loads through the spot market, where shipments are available on demand.

Now that spot market rates have declined, more drivers are moving their contracted loads. As of Sunday, the rejection rate had sunk to 9.92%.

Earlier this month, the Cass Transportation Index Report said the freight market is in a slowdown, though Cass analysts said it’s too soon to declare a recession yet.

A key leading indicator
Freight is often looked at as a bellwether for the rest of the economy. If industries ranging from retail to housing to lumber are estimating that they’ll need fewer truckers, many economists see that as an omen of an economic downturn. If people aren’t buying or building as much stuff, there’s less of a need for truckers. Trucks move 72% of all freight.

One 2019 study from Convoy, a trucking brokerage firm, found that six out of 12 trucking recessions led to macroeconomic downturns. For example, the trucking industry dipped in April 2006 — more than a year before the Great Recession slammed the larger economy.

Trucking experiences recessionary periods twice as much as the rest of the economy. But for the 2 million American truck drivers who power much of this industry, the effects can be brutal.

“Like any recession, these periodic freight industry recessions cause real turmoil for the people who work in freight: Businesses go bankrupt, people lose their livelihoods, and families are disrupted,” said the Convoy report.


On TB every waking moment

One World Socialists Trying to Defeat Capitalism Under the Guise of a Climate Emergency

by Dr. Jay Lehr and Tom Harris | Apr 26, 2022 | Climate Change, Energy, Politics, World

In his Earth Day speech at Seattle’s Seward Park, President Joe Biden boasted about his association with Earth Day founders, stating, “They had a vision, a vision for a healthier, more prosperous America.”

But Biden’s ignorance of basic science has resulted in him boosting priorities that will result in a less healthy, less prosperous, and less secure America. This is because he has bought, hook, line, and sinker, into the nonsense science backing the climate scare and now prioritizes climate change over virtually everything else. In particular, the president told his Earth Day audience in Seattle that he is:
  • “Building 50,000 electric charging stations all across America.”
  • “Cutting emissions for 52% below 25 [sic] levels by 2030, and reaching net-zero emissions by 2050.”
  • “Deploy[ing] the most solar wind and battery storage in American history.”
  • “[Having] a $1 billion program that … grants and loans for farmers and rural co-ops to deploy solar, and storage, and power lines to carry clean energy across the country.”
  • “Going to eliminate tens of thousands of diesel school buses” and replace them with electric vehicles.
  • Thanking “Congressman Smith” for “helping our armed forces transition to clean energy technologies.”
Like Biden’s mathematically-challenged assertions that he was seven years old on the first Earth Day in 1970 and “there used to be a hell of a lot more forests like this” (the U.S. Forest Service shows that forest area in the U.S. has been stable since 1900), all of the above bullet points are misguided as well. Joe said in his Earth Day video that he has “listened to the science.” That is exactly what the president has not done. It is high time that he learned what real experts who study the causes of climate change are actually saying.

“Americans should not be stampeded into a disastrous climate crusade,” wrote Dr. William Happer, Cyrus Fogg Brackett Professor Emeritus of physics at Princeton University, and Dr. Richard Lindzen, Emeritus of atmospheric sciences at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Happer and Lindzen are arguably the most prominent scientists battling climate change fraud around the world.

By obligating the United States once more to the Paris Agreement and by signaling clearly that “climate” will be central to its policies, the Biden administration has joined other governments in the crusade against a supposed “climate emergency.” Happer and Lindzen used the word “crusade” advisedly since the frenzy over climate resembles the medieval crusades against foreign infidels and home-grown heretics.


President Joe Biden speaking about climate change on Earth Day 2022 in Seattle.

The one-world socialists trying to defeat capitalism and modern society have even launched a children’s climate crusade.

Medieval crusaders chanted, “God wants it.” The leaders of medieval Europe did not resist the temptation to join the crusades. Thus, the “enemies of God” paid with their lives.

Some of today’s climate crusaders have invoked the mandate of God, but most claim to be following a mandate of their version of climate science, which we know to actually contain no supportable science at all.

Happer and Lindzen can attest that the research literature does not support the claim of a climate emergency. None of the predictions of accelerating sea-level rise, increasingly extreme weather, more deadly forest fires, droughts and floods, food shortages, and unprecedented warming are any more accurate than, as Happer and Lindzen say, “the fire-and-brimstone sermons used to stoke fanaticism in medieval crusaders.”

Those promoting this fraud, truly to create a one-world socialist government the world over, claim this emergency can be averted only by eliminating greenhouse-gas emissions.

Greenhouse gases include water vapor, methane, nitrous oxide, and, of course, carbon dioxide (CO2), the gas Biden nonsensically vilifies. To eliminate CO2 emissions, he says, we must stop burning fossil fuels to power transportation, generate electricity, and manufacture more than 6,000 products that allow our current standard of living.

Greenhouse gases do allow sunlight to warm the Earth’s surface by absorbing some of the heat radiation going back to space, fortunately preventing the Earth from cooling more than we would like. Greenhouse gases — and clouds — keep the earth’s surface temperature many degrees warmer than it would be without them. And almost as important, they keep much of our planet green and our crops growing to feed the population.

CO2, erroneously demonized as “carbon pollution” by Biden and his allies, is an improbable villain. Green plants use the energy of sunlight to manufacture sugar and other organic molecules of life from CO2 and water molecules. Happer and Lindzen also point out what few folks understand: “A byproduct of photosynthesis is the oxygen of our atmosphere. Each human exhales about two pounds of the ‘pollutant’ CO2 every day.”

Many scientists who understand radiative heat transfer believe that more CO2 is likely to cause some surface warming. They search for the amount of CO2-induced warming with difficulty but recognize that, whatever the number is, it is inconsequential as affecting any warming that could be considered a problem for humankind. The warming would be small and benign.
History shows that warming of a few degrees extends the growing seasons, making food more plentiful and civilization more productive. In contrast, cold periods have more often been accompanied by wars and famine.
More CO2 will certainly increase the productivity of agriculture and forestry. Over the past century, the Earth has already become noticeably greener as a result of the modest rise in CO2 from about 0.03 percent to just over 0.04 percent of atmospheric molecules. More CO2 has made a significant contribution to the increased crop yields of the past 50 years, as well. The benefits to plants of more CO2 are well-documented in hundreds of scientific studies.

Paleoclimate data show little correlation between CO2 and climate. Doubling CO2 concentrations alone might increase the earth’s surface temperature by about 1 degree C, but fraudsters use computer models with only a few variables that control the climate to obtain exaggerated answers to scare the public.

Happer and Lindzen state that “Neither contemporary observations nor the geological record support computer-based claims that CO2 is the “control knob” for the earth’s climate.” Global warming has been observed many times in the past when there has been negligible use of fossil fuels. A thousand years ago, Greenland was warmer than today, and farmers grew crops such as barley, which can no longer be grown there because of the cold.

Lindzen brilliantly summed up what is needed now:

“A serious review of policy-related climate science is long overdue. Crusaders will continue to retort that ‘the science is settled; it is time to act!’ But real science is never settled, nor is scientific truth determined by consensus or political diktats. Agreement with observations is the measure of scientific truth.”

So, Joe, there is no climate emergency. Your climate fixation is a disastrous mistake that will cripple America and pave the way for Chinese domination of the world. Like the medieval crusades, which destroyed the lives of many decent people for no useful purpose, Biden’s climate crusade is destroying America’s economy and, ultimately, the lives of its citizens.


On TB every waking moment

Top 7 Causes of the Coming Food Shortages in America
Over the past few weeks, I've talked a ton about food shortages. Some are skeptical that it's all part of a "conspiracy theory" to intentionally bring down western society. I beg to differ.

by JD Rucker
April 26, 2022

Reasons for Food Shortages

Once again, I won’t be talking about Johnny Depp or the NBA Playoffs. With so many existential threats facing our nation and the people today, it seems every episode of The Midnight Sentinel lately has been about major issues. And while I long for the days when I could talk about limiting government or cutting taxes, we are faced with too many issues that are far more pressing.

Among those pressing issues is the food shortages that seem destined to hit Americans very soon. Unlike some of the other issues invariably tied to The Great Reset and the globalist elites’ plan to subjugate us all, food shortages are being largely downplayed compared to the massive threat they pose to the vast majority of Americans. This is why I’ve talked about them pretty much non-stop for weeks.

As I detailed in yesterday’s show, there are seven reasons to believe food shortages in America are inevitable. Or, to be more accurate, seven causes are all coming together as the “perfect storm” to try to take us out. On today’s show, I went into detail about what all these seven things mean and why I believe it’s all part of a plan.

Ukraine-Russia War
Some would argue that Russia didn’t take the effects on our economy into account when they invaded Ukraine. I can buy that, just as I can buy the theory that Vladimir Putin was prompted directly or indirectly by the powers-that-be to help them accelerate the downfall of western society. Whatever motivated him, he’s there now and the world is being dramatically harmed by the shortages of grain and fertilizer exports as a result.

But the other side of the coin is the part that seems almost certainly motivated by the goal of destroying capitalism and western society in the process. The sanctions coming almost entirely from western powers like the United States against Russia have done as much to cripple our own economy as it’s done to cripple theirs. Unfortunately, the sanctions have done nothing to bring the war to an end, so if that was the intention then they’ve been a complete failure.

I contend that ending the invasion was NOT the primary goal. What we’re seeing is an extremely successful decimation of food supplies and economic strength in both Russia and western societies. The difference is Russia seems to have prepared for it by partnering with China and other sympathetic nations. We were not prepared at all, and I believe that was the point. The sanctions that aren’t working against Russia continue to mount, destroying our economy while theirs is finding alternative routes to survive.

Bird Flu
Over 30 million chickens and turkeys have died or been culled because of the bird flu. I never thought it was a planned event, but in light of everything else we’re seeing I’m no longer certain. It could have been introduced easily into our bird population and nobody would be able to track it back in time to stop it.

Pandemic Panic Theater
Nearly two years of “two weeks to flatten the curve” only succeeded in flattening the economy.

Countless businesses and jobs have been lost forever, and while new businesses and jobs may pop up to replace some of them, it will be years before we see a full rebound. To make matters worse, we may NEVER see a full rebound if either the current policies aren’t changed dramatically or another round of Pandemic Panic Theater hits.

We should expect that. Whether it’s another surge of Omicron, a new variant, or a new disease altogether, it would be foolish to believe we won’t see Pandemic Panic Theater rear its ugly head again, probably just before the midterm elections. The globalists desperately need to salvage the fortunes of Democrat lawmakers so we can and should expect them to push for more lockdowns and mandates soon enough.

But it isn’t just elections that they want to steal. They need to reach their magic number of vaccinated people across the globe in order for The Great Reset to work. That may or may not be directly connected to the food shortages, but it’s on the periphery at the very least. They need more people jabbed and they need those who have already been jabbed to continue to get jabbed. The reason is up for debate and is almost certainly speculation no matter how certain the “experts” are about it, but we know for sure they’re gaslighting more and more every day to keep vaccine-mania alive.

If there’s another round of Pandemic Panic Theater, the economy and food supply will suffer. If there’s no new round, the damage has already been done.

Food Processing Facilities Destroyed
As I detailed last week, the inexplicable rise in food processing plants being destroyed in recent weeks is more than the total number of plants reported on in the preceding decade. Even the corrupt FBI is echoing warnings of cyberattacks that could destroy food processing facilities, prompting many conspiracy theorists to point to Russia. I think it’s equally likely that it’s the World Economic Forum proxies as it could be Russia, but either way we’re seeing some of the most crucial industrial facilities in the nation destroyed on a regular basis lately.

According to last week’s report:

Let’s state for the record right up front that I am very certain the destruction of food processing plants is being done intentionally. With over a dozen major food processing plants in North America as well as across the globe “randomly” burning to the ground, exploding, or otherwise being destroyed in the last few weeks alone, this is all part of the plan. It is far too frequent to be random.

I would go so far as to say there have been more “random” food processing plants destroyed in the last few weeks than over the course of the previous decade. Judging by news searches that EXCLUDE 2022, it just wasn’t very common. Now, it’s happening every single week, and often multiple times in the same week.

If these were happening by themselves, I could almost write it off as possibly an odd coincidence. But considering all of the other actions in play to destroy our food supply, I’m confident this is part of the plan.

China Hoarding
It’s conspicuous that China started hoarding grain no later than 2019. It appears they may have started before then, but considering the media blackout on the subject it’s hard to tell. All we know is they have a lot of food tucked away for a rainy day that they apparently foresaw in the months before Covid-19 was unleashed on the world.

By mid-2022, China will hold 69% of the world’s corn reserves, 60% of its rice and 51% of its wheat, according to USDA predictions. If that doesn’t concern you, then you’re reading the wrong article.

They have enough food stored away to feed their gigantic population for over two years even if all other food production was halted. By comparison, the United States has about three months’ worth stored away. The vast majority of nations are not prepared for cataclysmic food shortages, including us. China is.

They aren’t just producing it. They’ve been importing it as well. In fact, they imported more than double the food in 2020 than they did in 2016. It’s part of the reason food prices elsewhere are rising so sharply.

According to Nikkei:
Food prices are on the rise around the world. The food price index, calculated by the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization, in November stood about 30% higher than a year earlier.

“Hoarding by China is one reason for rising prices,” said Akio Shibata, president of the Natural Resource Research Institute in Tochigi Prefecture, north of Tokyo.

Many will want to know what China knew that we didn’t. Frankly, I don’t care at this point. We can point fingers later. Today, I want to know what we can do to fix the problem. To the best of my knowledge, the only thing we can do is focus on building up our own food supplies for ourselves and our families. The only other viable course of action is to pray.

Supply Chain Crisis
There is no bigger reason to blame nearly everyone in Washington DC, including Republicans, or our food shortage woes than the supply chain. It has been a growing problem since Biden was installed into the White House but very few Republicans have lifted a finger to draw attention to it, let alone solve the problem.

It’s really not that complicated of a fix. If we took a small portion of the tens of billions of dollars in aid that we’re sending to fight Russia and applied that to incentivize and mobilize supply chain relief, the problem could be solved in three or four months. Instead, the Biden regime is doing nothing but talk and most Republicans aren’t even doing that.

This is the biggest problem that’s getting such little attention. It’s how we know the food shortage is manufactured and being aided by our own government. Biden announced the lifting of restrictions on ethanol being used in gasoline for the summer. This was alleged to relieve gas prices, but it will not drop prices by a single penny.

They know this. They did it anyway. Are they just that incompetent or that desperate or positive optics? No. It didn’t deliver positive optics at all as radical climate change folks panned the plan and even corporate media acknowledged it won’t do much if anything at all at the pumps.

What it WILL do is drive the prices of grains even higher. The most affected industry will be meat producers who need those grains for feed. With feed prices already skyrocketing, this will make the prices of beef, chicken, and pork go even higher.

They know exactly what they’re doing. Okay, so maybe Joe Biden himself doesn’t have a clue but his handlers are rolling it all out as part of the plan to destroy our economy and cause massive food shortages across the nation.

Folks, now is not the time to wonder if I’m right. Assume it and act accordingly. We can debate it all if I’m wrong, but at this point the best-case scenario is massive food price increases in lieu of a full-blown economic collapse. Regardless of where we land on the food crisis scale, now is the time to stock up and spread the word. People will die because of this, and while we can’t do much to stop the cause we can try to mitigate the effects.

The JD Rucker Show 1:00:14 min

Among those pressing issues is the food shortages that seem destined to hit Americans very soon. Unlike some of the other issues invariably tied to The Great Reset and the globalist elites' plan to subjugate us all, food shortages are being largely downplayed compared to the massive threat they pose to the vast majority of Americans. This is why I've talked about them pretty much non-stop for weeks.

As I detailed in yesterday's show, there are seven reasons to believe food shortages in America are inevitable. Or, to be more accurate, there are seven causes that are all coming together as the "perfect storm" to try to take us out. On today's show, I went into detail about what all these seven things mean and why I believe it's all part of a plan.


On TB every waking moment

An oil transit pipeline runs across the tundra to flow station at the Prudhoe Bay oil field on Alaska's North Slope. The Obama administration is blocking new oil and gas drilling in the Arctic Ocean, handing a victory to environmentalists who say industrial activity in the icy waters will harm marine mammals and exacerbate global warming. (Al Grillo, File/AP Photo)

An oil transit pipeline runs across the tundra to flow station at the Prudhoe Bay oil field on Alaska's North Slope. The Obama administration is blocking new oil and gas drilling in the Arctic Ocean, handing a victory to environmentalists who say industrial activity in the icy waters will harm marine mammals and exacerbate global warming. (Al Grillo, File/AP Photo)

Biden Slashes Millions of Acres Eligible for Oil Drilling in Alaska

By Katabella Roberts
April 26, 2022 Updated: April 26, 2022

The Biden administration is closing off almost half of the 23-million-acre National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska (NPRA) from oil and gas drilling, overturning a Trump-era policy that would have allowed oil development on more than 80 percent of the reserve.

The Bureau of Land Management (BLM), part of the Department of the Interior, announced the decision on April 25.

It marks a return to an Obama administration plan to manage the area that would enable the administration to lease up to 52 percent of the reserve for oil and gas exploration.

Meanwhile, the remaining approximately 11 million acres (48 percent)—which includes the majority of lands within “special areas” and much of the coastal area of the reserve along the Beaufort Sea—will be closed off to oil and gas leasing.

The BLM announced in January that it had selected the Obama administration’s plan as its “preferred alternative” for further consideration.

“Today’s decision ensures the NPR-A will be managed consistent with the 2013 IAP, while including certain more protective lease stipulations and operating procedures for threatened and endangered species from the 2020 IAP/EIS, confirmed through consultation with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the National Marine Fisheries Service,” BLM said.

BLM said it had prepared a “Determination of National Environmental Policy Act Adequacy (DNA) for this action” and assessed the “associated subsistence evaluation and biological opinions, determining they remain adequate under NEPA, Section 810 of the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act, and Endangered Species Act to support a new decision by the Department.”

NPRA is the country’s largest unit of public land and sits on the Alaska North Slope. It is owned by the federal government and managed by the Department of the Interior.

In 2019, the area generated more than $56 million in oil and gas lease revenue, which is authorized under the Naval Petroleum Reserves Production Act of 1976.

It is also home to protected “special areas” including Teshekpuk Lake and various wildlife such as brown bears, caribou, threatened polar bears, walrus, and endangered beluga whales, among others.

Brown bear

A brown bear stands in a river hunting for salmon to fatten up before hibernation at Katmai National Park and Preserve in Alaska, on Sept. 20, 2020. (Courtesy of U.S. National Park Service/ Handout via Reuters)

The Trump administration’s plan, aimed at creating a stronger and more energy-independent nation, would have allowed for oil and gas leasing across 18.6 million acres of the NPRA.

However, it also included various safeguards for wildlife and sensitive resources. The former president’s plan was challenged by two lawsuits filed in the federal court in Alaska and there was never a lease sale under it.

BLM said the new plan adopted this week provides “greater protections to environmental values and subsistence uses in the NPR-A while still allowing for oil and gas exploration and development consistent with BLM’s management responsibilities under the NPRPA.”

The decision—which comes amid increasingly volatile global oil prices—was praised by environmental groups on Monday.

“The previous administration’s move to open more than 82 percent of the reserve to oil and gas leasing failed to address the realities of the climate crisis or impacts to the region’s significant wildlife and wilderness values,” Alaska Wilderness League Conservation Director Kristen Miller said.

“Returning to the 2013 management plan is the right move in the near term and will restore protections to critical areas like Teshekpuk Lake.”

But Sen. Dan Sullivan, an Alaska Republican and supporter of expanded leasing, criticized the decision which comes at a time when energy security is low having been further exacerbated by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

“Ukrainian grandmothers are bravely standing up to tanks, but President [Joe] Biden can’t even bring himself to stand up to the woke left and unleash American energy production,” Sullivan said on Twitter.


On TB every waking moment
Dave Walsh On The Lies About Green Energy 2:56 min

Dave Walsh On The Lies About Green Energy
Bannons War Room Published April 26, 2022

Europeans pay 3 1/2 X wallet share of US on energy because solar and wind 29-30 % of their energy. Highest electricity costs because renewables have to be added on base load (coal, nuclear, hydro and combined cycle ) Renewables are unreliable and intermittent. Solar operates about 6 hours/day and wind 9 hr/day.


The Unfiltered Truth About Green Energy
Bannons War Room Published April 27, 2022

(Dave Walsh - Russia taking steps to cut off Europe from gas. Megawatt of energy from a base load of gas, nuclear and coal worth 3X that of renewables because of reliability. Germany got 25% of their energy from nuclear. Now they have been shutting down plants so only 13% currently. 3 close this year, 3 next year to zero. All of western Europe now held hostage.

We have walked into the same trap. Electricity/energy is at the core of any nation's industrial competitiveness and military protection. Green policies that create short energy supply and high cost you are ruining industrial competitiveness and mortgaging 90% of your citizen's livelihoods to make intellectually satisfying feelings for 10% of the population to whom cost does not matter. )

Biden’s State Department Spokesman: We are looking to "transition away from fossil fuels entirely." .27 min

Biden’s State Department Spokesman: We are looking to "transition away from fossil fuels entirely."
The Post Millennial Clips Published April 27, 2022

Biden’s State Department Spokesman:

"We are working with our European allies and partners ... to transition away from Russian sources of energy and ultimately to transition away from fossil fuels entirely."
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On TB every waking moment
Global Supremacy of WHO Depends on Convergence of Climate Change Hysteria and Pandemic Panic Theater 56:49 min

Global Supremacy of WHO Depends on Convergence of Climate Change Hysteria and Pandemic Panic Theater
The JD Rucker Show Published April 27, 2022

The World Health Organization is in the process of consolidating global power under their "Pandemic Treaty" that is being pushed by most governments, including the United States. It would give unprecedented authority over sovereign nations to the WHO, allowing their "health" decrees to overrule national laws. It's being sold to the people (though few are paying attention) as a way to combat global pandemics by letting the "experts" determine unified policies.

On the surface, this may actually sound like a good idea to leftists who are always looking to globalism as a solution to their problems. But the reality of the Pandemic Treaty is far worse than just giving way too much power to medically literate globalist bureaucrats. They want to include climate change as a component of "health." Doing so would mean the World Health Organization would essentially be an overarching world government with no checks or balances to combat tyranny.

A decade ago, it would be hard to imagine any nation embracing such a thing. Before Joe Biden was installed into the White House, there is zero chance the United States would sign onto such an unambiguously bad idea. But we're in the middle of an artificial presidential regime that is controlled by the globalists themselves so America is actually leading the charge to make the Pandemic Treaty happen as quickly as possible.

The convergence of Climate Change Hysteria and Pandemic Panic Theater is the key to giving the WHO — and more importantly the globalists pulling their strings — all the power they need to drive this planet into a Neo-Marxist oblivion known as The Great Reset. By itself, healthcare control is bad enough. Pandemics can come and go in today's world thanks to ease of travel, bioweapon development, and control over the data. The powers-that-be can turn the knobs up or down based on their goals at any particular time in any particular area of the world.

Add in climate change as a component of "healthcare" that the World Health Organization controls and they can influence just about every policy by any government on the planet. They will be able to say anything is related to climate change and therefore falls under their purview. Economic policy will be driven by Green New Deal ideologies. Militaries, industrial development, and infrastructure can be attached to climate change and have the policies influenced accordingly. The Biden regime is already doing that on their own.


On TB every waking moment
The Erosion of Freedom: Once You Give Away Your Rights to Government, They Never Hand Them Back 4:20 min
The Erosion of Freedom: Once You Give Away Your Rights to Government, They Never Hand Them Back
The Vigilant Fox Published April 27, 2022

Joe Rogan
BJ Penn: "[There used to be a time when you could just get on a plane], but now you've got to take off your shoes. Now they got to pat you down; now they do all this stuff... we could walk into a courtroom where all the criminals are much easier that you could get on a plane."

(It is a human behavior pattern of some folks in control of other folks, they like to tell people what to do. They just want you to listen. Power is intoxicating to people who want to control other people. They don't want to give it back. )


On TB every waking moment
(I generally don't watch InfoWars, but this was a good interview with Thomas Renz)

We've Lost Our Freedom—Now We Have to Earn It Back: Thomas Renz 2:39 min
We've Lost Our Freedom—Now We Have to Earn It Back: Thomas Renz
The Vigilant Fox

Freedom Breaks Down Into Three Things

1.) Spiritual freedom, freedom of consciousness, freedom of thought.

2.) Freedom to communicate, freedom of speech.

3.) Freedom of movement and bodily autonomy.

"Now, these lunatics are telling us that... they can actually take [away] the freedom to think, the freedom of conscience. They actually think they can take that. If they take any of those three, freedom is gone. If they take all of those three, everything's gone. There's no winning; there's no coming back, and that we have to fight to the bitter end, which is why the Second Amendment's there if it ever [comes] to that."


On TB every waking moment
Nuremberg Violations: We Must Pull as Hard as Possible in the Opposite Direction
2:14 min
Nuremberg Violations: We Must Pull as Hard as Possible in the Opposite Direction
The Vigilant Fox Published April 27, 2022

Dr. Bret Weinstein: "We are setting the stage for the next tragedy of history. Our highest obligation is to resist and pull as hard as we possibly can in the opposite direction. If our rights are to be protected, if our health is to be improved... we must regain control of our captured system."

Full Video: Nuremberg Violations: "We Are Unlearning the Most Important Lessons in History" - Dr. Bret Weinstein


On TB every waking moment
A Direct Look At the Border's "Controlled Flow" 2:47 min

A Direct Look At the Border's "Controlled Flow"
RealAmericasVoice Published April 27, 2022
Ben Bergquam reports from Yuma, AZ: This is Joe Biden's America. A border overwhelmed by endless groups of migrants.

The Left's 'Brand New' Immigration Outlook For 'The American Experience' Will Be A Disaster 7:01 min

The Left's 'Brand New' Immigration Outlook For 'The American Experience' Will Be A Disaster (Todd Bensman)
Bannons War Room Published April 27, 2022

Biden Admin policies: Smooth and efficient inflow of as many foreigners into the US in shortest amount of time. Mass numbers of people coming in is a good thing.
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On TB every waking moment

The Illusion Of Freedom: We're Only As Free As The Government Allows

WEDNESDAY, APR 27, 2022 - 08:25 PM
Authored by John W. Whitehead & Nisha Whitehead via The Rutherford Institute,
“Rights aren’t rights if someone can take them away. They’re privileges. That’s all we’ve ever had in this country, is a bill of temporary privileges. And if you read the news even badly, you know that every year the list gets shorter and shorter. Sooner or later, the people in this country are gonna realize the government … doesn’t care about you, or your children, or your rights, or your welfare or your safety… It’s interested in its own power. That’s the only thing. Keeping it and expanding it wherever possible.”
- George Carlin
We’re in a national state of denial.

For years now, the government has been playing a cat-and-mouse game with the American people, letting us enjoy just enough freedom to think we are free but not enough to actually allow us to live as a free people.

Case in point: on the same day that the U.S. Supreme Court appeared inclined to favor a high school football coach’s right to pray on the field after a game, the high court let stand a lower court ruling that allows police to warrantlessly track people’s location and movements through their personal cell phones, sweeping Americans up into a massive digital data dragnet that does not distinguish between those who are innocent of wrongdoing, suspects, or criminals.

Likewise, although the Supreme Court gave the go-ahead for a death row inmate to have his pastor audibly pray and lay hands on him in the execution chamber, it refused to stop police from using hidden cameras to secretly and warrantlessly record and monitor a person’s activities outside their home over an extended period of time.

For those who have been paying attention, there’s a curious pattern emerging: the government appears reasonably tolerant of those who want to exercise their First Amendment rights in a manner that doesn’t challenge the police state’s hold on power, for example, by praying on a football field or in an execution chamber.

On the other hand, dare to disagree with the government about its war crimes, COVID-19, election outcomes or police brutality, and you’ll find yourself silenced, cited, shut down and/or branded an extremist.

The U.S. government is particularly intolerant of speech that reveals the government’s corruption, exposes the government’s lies, and encourages the citizenry to push back against the government’s many injustices. For instance, Wikileaks founder Julian Assange, the latest victim of the government’s war on dissidents and whistleblowers, is in the process of being extradited to the U.S. to be tried under the Espionage Act for daring to access and disclose military documents that portray the U.S. government and its endless wars abroad as reckless, irresponsible, immoral and responsible for thousands of civilian deaths.

Even political protests are fair game for prosecution. In Florida, two protesters are being fined $3000 for political signs proclaiming stating “F—k Biden,” “F—k Trump,” and “F—k Policing 4 Profit” that violate a city ban on “indecent” speech on signs, clothing and other graphic displays.

The trade-off is clear: pray all you want, but don’t mess with the U.S. government.
In this way, the government, having appointed itself a Supreme and Sovereign Ruler, allows us to bask in the illusion of religious freedom while stripping us of every other freedom afforded by the Constitution.

We’re in trouble, folks.
Freedom no longer means what it once did.

This holds true whether you’re talking about the right to criticize the government in word or deed, the right to be free from government surveillance, the right to not have your person or your property subjected to warrantless searches by government agents, the right to due process, the right to be safe from militarized police invading your home, the right to be innocent until proven guilty and every other right that once reinforced the founders’ belief that this would be “a government of the people, by the people and for the people.”

Not only do we no longer have dominion over our bodies, our families, our property and our lives, but the government continues to chip away at what few rights we still have to speak freely and think for ourselves.

My friends, we’re being played for fools.

On paper, we may be technically free.
In reality, however, we are only as free as a government official may allow.

We only think we live in a constitutional republic, governed by just laws created for our benefit.

Truth be told, we live in a dictatorship disguised as a democracy where all that we own, all that we earn, all that we say and do—our very lives—depends on the benevolence of government agents and corporate shareholders for whom profit and power will always trump principle. And now the government is litigating and legislating its way into a new framework where the dictates of petty bureaucrats carry greater weight than the inalienable rights of the citizenry.

With every court ruling that allows the government to operate above the rule of law, every piece of legislation that limits our freedoms, and every act of government wrongdoing that goes unpunished, we’re slowly being conditioned to a society in which we have little real control over our lives.

As Rod Serling, creator of the Twilight Zone and an insightful commentator on human nature, once observed, “We’re developing a new citizenry. One that will be very selective about cereals and automobiles, but won’t be able to think.”

Indeed, not only are we developing a new citizenry incapable of thinking for themselves, we’re also instilling in them a complete and utter reliance on the government and its corporate partners to do everything for them—tell them what to eat, what to wear, how to think, what to believe, how long to sleep, who to vote for, whom to associate with, and on and on.

In this way, we have created a welfare state, a nanny state, a police state, a surveillance state, an electronic concentration camp—call it what you will, the meaning is the same: in our quest for less personal responsibility, a greater sense of security, and no burdensome obligations to each other or to future generations, we have created a society in which we have no true freedom.

Government surveillance, police abuse, SWAT team raids, economic instability, asset forfeiture schemes, pork barrel legislation, militarized police, drones, endless wars, private prisons, involuntary detentions, biometrics databases, free speech zones, etc.: these are mile markers on the road to a fascist state where citizens are treated like cattle, to be branded and eventually led to the slaughterhouse.

Freedom, or what’s left of it, is being threatened from every direction. The threats are of many kinds: political, cultural, educational, media, and psychological. However, as history shows us, freedom is not, on the whole, wrested from a citizenry. It is all too often given over voluntarily and for such a cheap price: safety, security, bread, and circuses.

This is part and parcel of the propaganda churned out by the government machine.

That said, what we face today—mind manipulation and systemic violence—is not new. What is different are the techniques used and the large-scale control of mass humanity, coercive police tactics and pervasive surveillance.

We are overdue for a systemic check on the government’s overreaches and power grabs.

By “government,” I’m not referring to the highly partisan, two-party bureaucracy of the Republicans and Democrats. Rather, I’m referring to “government” with a capital “G,” the entrenched Deep State that is unaffected by elections, unaltered by populist movements, and has set itself beyond the reach of the law.

For years now, we have suffered the injustices, cruelties, corruption and abuse of an entrenched government bureaucracy that has no regard for the Constitution or the rights of the citizenry.

We have lingered too long in this strange twilight zone where ego trumps justice, propaganda perverts truth, and imperial presidents—empowered to indulge their authoritarian tendencies by legalistic courts, corrupt legislatures and a disinterested, distracted populace—rule by fiat rather than by the rule of law.

Where we find ourselves now is in the unenviable position of needing to rein in all three branches of government—the Executive, the Judicial, and the Legislative—that have exceeded their authority and grown drunk on power.

We are the unwitting victims of a system so corrupt that those who stand up for the rule of law and aspire to transparency in government are in the minority. This corruption is so vast it spans all branches of government: from the power-hungry agencies under the executive branch and the corporate puppets within the legislative branch to a judiciary that is, more often than not, elitist and biased towards government entities and corporations.

The predators of the police state are wreaking havoc on our freedoms, our communities, and our lives. The government doesn’t listen to the citizenry, it refuses to abide by the Constitution, which is our rule of law, and it treats the citizenry as a source of funding and little else.

The American kleptocracy (a government ruled by thieves) has sucked the American people down a rabbit hole into a parallel universe in which the Constitution is meaningless, the government is all-powerful, and the citizenry is powerless to defend itself against government agents who steal, spy, lie, plunder, kill, abuse and generally inflict mayhem and sow madness on everyone and everything in their sphere.

This dissolution of that sacred covenant between the citizenry and the government—establishing “we the people” as the masters and the government as the servant—didn’t happen overnight. It didn’t happen because of one particular incident or one particular president. It is a process, one that began long ago and continues in the present day, aided and abetted by politicians who have mastered the polarizing art of how to “divide and conquer.”

Unfortunately, there is no magic spell to transport us back to a place and time where “we the people” weren’t merely fodder for a corporate gristmill, operated by government hired hands, whose priorities are money and power.

As I make clear in my book Battlefield America: The War on the American People and in its fictional counterpart The Erik Blair Diaries, our freedoms have become casualties in an all-out war on the American people.

If we continue down this road, there can be no surprise about what awaits us at the end.


On TB every waking moment

"Bigger Mess Than Last Year" - Global Supply Chain Crisis Could Emerge By Summer

WEDNESDAY, APR 27, 2022 - 04:05 PM
The next round of supply chain bottlenecks could be even greater than last year's massive congestion at ports as China's "zero COVID" policy has shuttered factories and locked down major cities like Shenzhen and Shanghai. A backlog of orders is building, and commercial vessels off China's top ports are increasing. Once China reopens, a tsunami of container ships will flood global shipping lanes.

Bloomberg provides a good summary of how the global supply chain is going to get slammed (again):
"We expect a bigger mess than last year," said Jacques Vandermeiren, the chief executive officer of the Port of Antwerp, Europe's second-busiest for container volume, in an interview. "It will have a negative impact, and a big negative impact, for the whole of 2022."
Beijing's zero-tolerance policy will unleash what we've been warning for months (read: here & here): a logistical disaster as top ports in the Asian country have slowed to a trickle, leaving empty containers piling and massive amounts of commercial vessels sitting offshore.

Once China reopens, and those vessels begin shipping products worldwide, FreightWaves founder and CEO Craig Fuller warns this will "wreck your summer."

"Once product export activities resume and a large volume of vessels make their way to the U.S. West Coast ports, we expect waiting times to increase significantly," said Julie Gerdeman, CEO of supply-chain risk analytics firm Everstream Analytics.

This may suggest that Goldman Sachs' high-frequency weekly supply chain congestion index could reverse after falling for much of the year. If congestion worsens after China reopens, Goldman's analysts might have to reevaluate their 'peak supply chain' call.

So how bad are the backups of container ships at the Shanghai port, a major hub for international trade, and one of the largest and busiest container ports in the world?
Well, satellite imagery from April 14, 2022, versus April 2019 shows the extent of the congestion.

Quite a difference from 3 years ago...

Vessel congestion has been increasing at the Shanghai terminal. As of April 19, 2022, over 470 ships are still waiting to deliver goods to China. Here's a broader view of the massive congestion.

Goldman recently told clients supply-chain setbacks "have been somewhat worse than we anticipated, and we have adjusted our growth and inflation forecasts slightly in response in recent weeks." When bottlenecks in China clear, vessels will flood major shipping lines as a seasonal import pickup gets underway.

At America's dual hub of Los Angeles and Long Beach, 57 vessels were reported, the highest since late. U.S. container dwell times are also creeping higher again.

Congestion in Europe is already severe, and top ports such as Rotterdam, Hamburg, and Antwerp are working above capacity.

The global impacts of this current bottleneck are expected for summer and will greatly increase once China lockdowns are eased. According to an article in Freight Waves, this could turn into the most significant supply chain issue since the pandemic's start if China's shipping congestion isn't cleared up soon.


On TB every waking moment

Chronic Shortages Of A Few Items Now Will Evolve Into Chronic Shortages Of Hundreds Of Products Later In 2022

WEDNESDAY, APR 27, 2022 - 03:30 AM
Authored by Michael Snyder via,

What we have witnessed so far is just the beginning of the story. The global response to the COVID pandemic during 2020 and 2021 created the most epic supply chain crisis in modern times, and now “black swan events” such as the war in Ukraine and the bird flu pandemic are making that supply chain crisis even worse. Unfortunately, more global difficulties are coming.

There will be more war, there will be more pestilences, there will be more natural disasters, and even the United Nations is admitting that we are heading into the worst global food crisis since World War II. So if you think that global supply chain problems are severe now, just wait until you see what is coming next.

If you go into most major retailers today, you will notice that stock levels are lower than usual and there are some empty shelves.

But most items are still available most of the time, and that is good news.

Of course there are certain product categories that have been experiencing chronic shortages for an extended period of time. For example, supplies of canned pet food have been extremely tight for months on end
The next time you go to the pet store don’t be surprised to see some empty shelves.
Many pet stores are facing a shortage on canned pet food.
Right now, there just aren’t enough cheap sources of chicken and turkey due to the bird flu pandemic, there is an ongoing shortage of aluminum, and there is a shortage of factory workers.

So the canned pet food shortage is not likely to be fixed any time soon.

Another shortage that is going to affect much of the country as we head into the summer months is the growing chlorine shortage.

I was not even aware of this shortage until a reader alerted me. Apparently this shortage was originally caused by the destruction of a manufacturing facility in Louisiana by Hurricane Laura…
While the pandemic takes its share of the blame, the even larger reason for the current chlorine shortage is that a major chlorine manufacturing plant in Louisiana was destroyed by Hurricane Laura in late 2020. A fire on the premises leveled the facilities and took nearly 40% of the country’s chlorine tablet supply with it.
The manufacturing plant is being rebuilt and is currently under construction; it was due to reopen by mid-to-late 2022, but those plans could be pushed back due to the ongoing construction material shortages.
I find it ironic that the nationwide chlorine shortage could be extended thanks to the nationwide construction material shortage.

Anyone that is trying to build a home knows how painful the construction material shortage has become, and I anticipate that it will only become more severe in 2023 and beyond.

Meanwhile, the nationwide baby formula shortage just continues to get even worse
Janis Burnson is one of many parents having to work around a national baby formula shortage.
“Go around in our area, St. George, any stores I can, can’t find anything around here. I have friends in northern Utah, they’re having to send me stuff, so I’m having to pay even more,” she says.
One local reporter in southern Utah decided to check this out for herself, and when she visited local stores she discovered “bare shelves where baby formula should be.”

What a nightmare.

But at least we can be glad that things are not as bad here as they are in Europe.
Over there, widespread rationing of certain products has already begun. For example, it was just announced that Tesco is now limiting each customer to three bottles of cooking oil
If record-high food prices weren’t enough. The Russia-Ukraine conflict has choked off the world of sunflower oil supply, forcing the largest supermarket in the UK to begin rationing.
The Guardian reports that Tesco, with more than 4,000 retail stores, placed buying limits of three cooking oil bottles per customer. It follows Waitrose and Morrisons, other supermarket chains that set limits of just two per customer.
This particular shortage is directly related to the war in Ukraine, and David Einhorn is warning that this war is making a whole host of our ongoing problems even worse…
The common refrain about COVID was that it sped up changes and trends that were already happening. We believe the same is true of the war. Inflation, supply chain problems, and shortages of energy, food, raw materials and labor were already issues that the war has now accelerated.
Sadly, he is quite correct, and at this point there appears to be no hope that this war will end any time soon.

Russia and Ukraine normally account for approximately 30 percent of all global wheat exports, and we were already facing an unprecedented global food crisis even before the war erupted.

When U.S. Senator Roger Marshall was recently asked about this, he openly admitted that a “worldwide famine” is definitely going to happen…
“Did you just say there will be a famine in Europe in the next two years?” Host Maria Bartiromo asked.
“This will be a worldwide famine. I think it will be even worse next year than this year. So if 12, 15% of the wheat comes from Ukraine that’s exported, and they’re having problems getting fertilizer, they’re having tractors in the field, all the diesel fuel is going towards their war efforts, right?” the senator said.
Prior to 2022, can you ever remember a time when a sitting member of the U.S. Senate publicly warned us that a “worldwide famine” was coming?

The good news is that nobody is starving to death in the United States right now.

But food prices are certainly going up dramatically, and the mainstream media is doing lots of stories about it. For example, the following originally comes from USA Today
Kevin Tave stretches a pot of spaghetti for three days of meals. Esmerelda Cortez gets eggs and bread from the food bank so she can afford laundry detergent at the store.

Donnie Whitfield buys generic cereal instead of the Kellogg’s he prefers.

Although unemployment continues dropping and wages are on the rise, all across the country, low-income people are struggling to put food on the table as skyrocketing inflation and high gas prices take a bigger bite of their already-small paychecks.
Needless to say, as conditions deteriorate it is not a good thing for Joe Biden’s approval ratings
During Joe Biden’s fifth quarter in office, which began on January 20 and ended on April 19, an average of 41.3% of U.S. adults approved of the job he was doing as president. The latest average is essentially unchanged from the 41.7% in his fourth quarter but significantly lower than his first three quarterly averages.
But what most Americans don’t understand is that it is too late for a political solution to this crisis.

No matter what Joe Biden and his minions decide to do, they are not going to be able to prevent the nightmarish conditions which are rapidly approaching.

As Senator Marshall admitted, there will be a worldwide famine.

There is no avoiding that now.

These are such troubled times, and they are only going to become even more troubled as the months roll along.


On TB every waking moment
Can anyone say "Green New Deal"?

Will Michigan residents face rolling electric brownouts this summer? Study predicts power shortage 2:21 min
Report on the US Midwest grid. May see issues in July August because of wind and solar - not sufficient generation for load plus reserve. The retirement of traditional generators like coal plants are effecting capacity. Natural gas will be the mainstay for baseload


On TB every waking moment
Biden Administration Goes Full 1984, Creates ‘Disinformation Governance Board’ Headed by Leftist Authoritarian

Biden Administration Goes Full 1984, Creates ‘Disinformation Governance Board’ Headed by Leftist Authoritarian

Note: This article may contain commentary reflecting the author's opinion.

The Department of Homeland Security has been setting up a new board dubbed the ‘Disinformation Governance Board’ which will be used to combat the spread of misinformation in regard to homeland security. The board specifically focuses on irregular migration and information regarding Russia.

The board will be headed by Nina Jankowicz. Jankowicz is a former disinformation fellow at the Wilson Center according to Politico and advised Eastern European foreign ministries as part of the Fulbright Public Policy Fellowship.

Jankowicz announced her new position this morning and thanked the Biden Administration for the opportunity on Twitter.


This represents a stark shift from previous rhetoric parroted by the Biden Administration. Before the announcement, big tech platforms and the Administration seemed to work together to form a de facto ministry of truth to determine what qualifies as misinformation. Now, the board actually exists.

Naturally, conservatives or anyone who cares about free speech are in a frenzy to calculate the implications of the new board. The director has already produced questionable statements regarding her beliefs on free speech. Twitter user Jack Posobiec pulled up two older tweets from the new director already.



Jankowicz also had interesting views regarding the Hunter Biden laptop story back in 2020.


While it is difficult to comment on the qualifications of Jankowicz and her former positions, it is clear enough that her views represent a major move by the Democrats to try to hold on to their near-absolute narrative control.

The scope of the board is yet to be announced, but there should be no doubt that it will be used to suppress major critiques of establishment talking points and this will certainly result in the suppression of conservatives if left unchecked.


On TB every waking moment

Biden Admin stalls natural gas pipeline at the behest of environmental activists

April 27, 2022 | BPR Wire | Print Article

Thomas Catenacci, DCNF

The Biden administration quietly reversed a decision granting an energy utility company in Kentucky a federal permit to begin constructing a natural gas pipeline.

The pipeline — which would transport natural gas to an under-serviced area south of Louisville, Kentucky — cannot be constructed pending further environmental review, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) confirmed to the Daily Caller News Foundation on Tuesday. The USACE finalized the reversal on April 20, but the administration appears to have not issued any public announcement or press release about the action.

“The Corps has suspended the Nationwide Permit 12 (NWP) verification previously issued for this project,” USACE spokesperson Katie Newton told the DCNF in an email. “A decision will be made either to reinstate, modify, or revoke the authorization under the NWP pending completion of formal [Endangered Species Act (ESA)] consultation.”

The Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) recommended that the USACE rescind the permit after two environmental groups, the Center for Biological Diversity and Kentucky Resources Council, threatened to file a lawsuit over the project. The groups sent a 60-day notice of intent (NOI) to sue for alleged violations of the ESA to the Department of the Interior, FWS and USACE on Feb. 28.

The two environmental groups argued that pipeline construction would disturb Indiana bats, gray bats and northern long-eared bats which they said live in underground caves along the proposed route. The FWS has classified Indiana and gray bats as endangered for decades and recently proposed to also list the northern long-eared bat as endangered.

“Kentucky’s endangered bats can’t wait any longer for protection from habitat destruction, so this is an important step,” Perrin de Jong, a staff attorney at the Center for Biological Diversity, said in a statement.

Louisville Gas & Electric (LG&E), the largest utility company in the state, announced it would build the 12-mile natural gas transmission pipeline stretching across Bullitt County, Kentucky, years ago, gaining local approval for the project in 2017. In September, the USACE approved the project after a lengthy review, local media reported.

But in their NOI, the environmental groups said the USACE, which had determined endangered species wouldn’t be harmed by the project, failed to “utilize valid surveys” when examining the area, arguing that evidence suggests there is an extensive bat cave and habitat along the route.

The FWS and USACE are required to examine impacts of species listed under the ESA when approving such projects.

“We understand that the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and U.S. Department of Fish and Wildlife Services have reinitiated consultation,” LG&E spokesperson Natasha Collins told the DCNF.

“LG&E remains committed to completing this important infrastructure project to ensure reliability of service and to meet the needs of the communities we serve,” she continued.

If constructed, the pipeline would travel along an existing electric transmission line and serve up to 10,000 customers, LG&E COO Lonnie Bellar wrote in an editorial in 2019. Dozens of county residents, including a new school, recovery clinic, housing development and industrial warehouse, have been denied natural gas due to lackluster infrastructure, he said.


On TB every waking moment
(Now we know why the famine. Sure, we'll get your digital id so we can transition to eating your GMO, artificially grown and constituted food. )

NEW Controlled Food System Is Now In Place & They Will Stop At Nothing To Accelerate Their Control (Video)
Corey Lynn / April 27, 2022

“Who controls the food supply controls the people; who controls the energy can control whole continents; who controls money can control the world.” This famous quote by Henry Kissinger is ringing more and more true by the week. The globalists already control the majority of the money, are moving ever so swiftly to convert the energy system over into systems they are all invested in, and have been taking drastic measures to control the food industry while running much of it under the radar. If they control the seeds they control the food, and if they control the food they can use the digital ID to control consumer access to the food. While a rash of fires suddenly destroy food processing, meat, and fertilizer plants, during a time where farmers are hurting and supply chain issues are kicking in, an entire traceable food infrastructure system has already been built in multiple cities and is making its way across the globe.

Imagine a day where farmers markets no longer exist, you can’t drive over to your local farmer to buy produce or cuts of meat, and the only food growing outside of the globalists secured indoor vertical farming and lab grown meat facilities, is in your windowsill, garden, or greenhouse.

• The indoor vertical farming industry was valued at $5.5 billion in 2020 and is projected to reach $19.86 billion by 2026. Urban indoor farming controlled by the globalists is the future of food they have reimagined, and it’s already in thousands of grocery stores without people realizing it. Whereas the U.S. is leading in this industry, this is a global agenda with vertical farms popping up across the globe.

• For perspective, Bowery Farming’s new facility in Arlington, TX will be able to serve 16 million people in a 200-mile radius. This is only one of dozens of vertical farming companies with massive facilities across the country, backed by big investors.

• AeroFarms, who has the largest indoor vertical farming facility in the world, co-developed the first CRISPR-Cas9 gene-edited produce product, now hundreds are following, while National Geographic believes that gene editing is the next food revolution. AeroFarms also worked on an NIH sponsored trial to produce proteins for the Covid jabs.

• The University of California is developing a plant-based mRNA vaccine in the hopes that farms can grow edible vaccine heads of lettuce.

• Monsanto/Bayer is creating gene edited seeds for vertical farm companies, while Bill Gates, the Rockefeller and Ford Foundations, and the World Bank control 10% of the world’s germplasms and hold some of the world’s largest seed banks. Bayer and BASF, two of the world’s largest suppliers of seed, are both involved with the vertical farm industry.

• The USDA and FDA have already approved lab grown meat, genetically modified cattle, and are funding the globalists to research and develop cellular agriculture as well as indoor growers and genetics companies, while they slack on regulations for gene-edited produce.

• Well over a dozen major food processing and meat plants have coincidentally gone up in flames in the past several months.

• Union Pacific is mandating railroad shipping reductions by 20%, impacting CF Industries Holdings, the world’s largest fertilizer company. Vanguard, BlackRock, and State Street happen to be the top shareholders of Union Pacific, and BlackRock and Vanguard are in the top 3 shareholders of CF Industries Holdings.

• By mapping some of the biggest vertical farms (below in this report), it reveals the crops, grocery stores involved, locations, and billions pouring in by globalist investors and shareholders. It quickly becomes evident that this is the global plan to control all produce – ingredients that go into all food products.

How Did They Lock This In Under The Radar? Some Critical Points:
The food industry is already monopolized by 10 companies, the majority of which include Vanguard and BlackRock as top shareholders. What happens when they control all of the seeds, produce, and meat too? What happens when produce and meat are all grown inside secured facilities after a gene splice or inside a petri dish, and farmland becomes dormant due to overreaching regulations, lack of supplies, and manufactured inflation?


In 2014, during the Obama administration, congress established the Foundation for Food and Agriculture Research Act (FFAR) through the Farm Bill, which ultimately created a non-profit organization outside of the government with a $200 million kickoff from taxpayer dollars and additional millions in support from Bill Gates as seen here, and here. USDA Secretary Vilsack announced its creation on July 23, 2014, stating that they were appointing a 15-member board of directors which unsurprisingly included deputy director Dr. Robert Horsch of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and high-ranking employees from Cargill and the Aspen Institute, among others. This new foundation would “leverage public and private resources to increase the scientific and technological research, innovation, and partnerships critical to boosting America’s agricultural economy.”

On April 2, 2019, FFAR announced they were launching Precision Indoor Plants (PIP) Consortium, a public-private partnership consisting of indoor growers, breeders, and genetics companies including AeroFarms, BASF, Benson Hill Biosystems, Fluence Bioengineering, Green Venus, Japan Plant Factory, and Priva. Their focus is on five key crops: lettuce, tomatoes, strawberries, cilantro, and blueberries, with a goal to advance speed-breeding, and to alter chemicals produced in plants that impact flavor, nutrition and medicines.

As quickly as Bill Gates was buying up farmland, money began pouring into the new future of food – urban vertical indoor farming where they claim the masses will all eventually migrate to.

According to Research And Markets, the global vertical farming market was valued at $5.5 billion in 2020 and is projected to reach $19.86 billion in 2026. These growing facilities are astronomical in size as far as their ability to serve millions of people. For example, Bowery Farming is in the process of building their newest “smart” facility in Arlington, just outside of Dallas, TX, which will be capable of serving 16 million people within a 200-mile radius.

Bill Gates insists that droughts and climate change is destroying our ability to farm and that the future will consist of populations moving into metropolitan cities where indoor vertical farming is necessary to feed people. If this is the case, why has he acquired 242,000 acres of farmland over the past decade while simultaneously investing in indoor vertical farming? Who gets to sit at the table with healthy produce served up by Gates while the rest of the population eats gene-edited produce from locked-down facilities, delivered to their local grocery store, and accessed only through a digital ID?

Meanwhile, the Consultative Group of International Agriculture Research (CGIAR) holds the world’s largest private seed banks consisting of 10% of the worldwide germplasm across the globe, which is controlled by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Rockefeller and Ford Foundations, and World Bank, managing 768,576 accessions of hijacked farmers seeds.

Once the future of food through vertical farming took root, by August 2020, Monsanto/Bayer and Singapore’s sovereign fund Temasek launched a $30 million startup called Unfold which develops new vegetable seed varieties tailored to vertical farms. Bayer licensed the rights to seed germplasm from their vegetable portfolio. By 2021, they leased a 12,000 square foot laboratory research building in Davis, California. But don’t worry, rather than genetically modifying and inserting a gene into the DNA strand, like how Monsanto operated (acquired by Bayer in 2018), they only intend to cut a gene, still modifying its DNA. Perhaps this can be done in an effective and beneficial way, but at the hands of those behind all 2030 UN agendas, it gives one great pause. GMOs already account for 75-80% of food Americans consume.


There are already over 100 companies in the Sacramento area working on seed development, so it should come as no surprise that the University of California is developing a plant-based mRNA vaccine in the hopes that farms can grow edible vaccine lettuce. Sounds deliciously perfect. As with so many exciting projects such as this, the National Science Foundation granted $500,000 for this gem.

“Imagine walking into your local grocery store on a frigid January day to pick up freshly harvested lettuce, fragrant basil, juicy sweet strawberries, and ripe red tomatoes – all of which were harvested at a local farm only hours before you’d arrived.” That quote from the USDA’s article on Vertical Farming for the Future, published in October 2021, sounds so deliciously enticing and convenient, especially in anticipation of meeting the needs of 9 billion people by 2050, doesn’t it?

But, yes there’s always a “but,” what’s going to happen to the farmers when these astronomically enormous indoor vertical farm facilities have taken over every major city, locked in contracts with all major grocery store chains, and are funded by some of the same billionaire globalists who are seeking to control human beings through every industry for their fourth industrial revolution? It’s a legitimate concern. Add “gene-editing,” “smart,” “traceable,” and “net zero” to the production of these facilities, and the fact that they are still moving full speed ahead on digital IDs and currency, and it becomes even more concerning.

Sure, the idea of indoor vertical farming could be a great avenue for those with little land, those who live in harsher climates, and everyone who wants food security while these agendas against humanity continue to roll out, but wouldn’t it make more sense for communities to be doing this to meet their own needs, rather than relying on a digital ID to get access to a controlled food industry? The nutritional value from LED versus the sun likely removes some of the nutrients in the produce, but if faced with having difficulty accessing food, or not desiring gene-edited food, it might be a good idea.

Whereas this provides a lot of explanation on the absolute intentional demolition to all of our farmers on the seed, vegetable, and produce front, people should also be aware of what’s been taking place with cattle ranchers and the globalists’ plan to take over the meat industry as well.

Lab grown meat has already been approved by the FDA and USDA to move forward in the U.S. and labs are eagerly filling up their petri dishes to get this ball rolling. In fact, back in September 2021, the USDA was seeking comments on the labeling of meat and poultry products derived from animals cells – in a press release that no one ever knew about. Upside Foods lab grown meat facility just launched in California, funded by Bill Gates, Temasek Holdings, and 37 other investors. Meanwhile, the USDA is still pushing for RFID surveillance of cattle and doing everything they can to control ranchers.

The USDA and FDA are fully on board with genetic modifications. First it was pigs, then it was salmon, now it’s cattle. Who knows what concoction will move from the petri dish to your dinner plate when it’s the same individuals behind every agenda.

On February 1, 2016 the Good Food Institute was launched by Bruce Friedrich with funding from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the Open Philanthropy Project, and Y Combinator, with the goal to “reimagine meat production.” In October 2021, the Good Food Institute celebrated the USDA’s $10 million grant for the creation of the first-ever National Institute for Cellular Agriculture at Tufts University so they can back researchers in manufactured meat.

To be certain all of these goals are locked into place and the UN 2030 agenda is achieved, disrupting the fertilizer industry, food supply chain, and a rash of coincidental fires to food processing plants sure would help to seal the deal, wouldn’t it?

Since the start of 2022, over a dozen major food processing and fertilizer plants have gone up in flames, exploded, or been struck by a plane crash in Arizona, Arkansas, California, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Louisiana, Maine, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Oregon, Texas, Washington, and Wisconsin. Nothing odd about this at all. Some articles on these fires can be found here, here, and here.


Some of the food processing plants that went up in flames:
Azure Standard Foods
Bonanza Meat Co.
Cargill-Nutrena Feed Mill
Deli Star
East Conway Beef and Pork
General Mills
Idaho’s Gem State Processing Facility
Louis Dreyfus Company, largest soybean processing and biodiesel plant in the country
Maid-Rite Steak Co.
Maricopa Food Pantry
McCrum Potato Facility
Nutrien Ag Solutions Fertilizer Plant
Raw Farm, largest raw milk producer in the country
Rio Fresh
Shearer’s Foods
Smithfield Foods
Taylor Farms
Wisconsin River Meats
Last edited:


On TB every waking moment
Part 2 of 3

In February, the Weaver Fertilizer Plant in Winston-Salem caught fire, burning several hundreds tons of ammonium nitrate during a time when farmers were already concerned about getting enough fertilizer due to supply chain disruptions and inflation. So in an effort to make matters worse, without any advance notice, on April 8, 2022, Union Pacific began mandating railroad shipping reductions by 20%, impacting CF Industries Holdings, the world’s largest fertilizer company. Vanguard, BlackRock, and State Street happen to be the top shareholders of Union Pacific, and BlackRock and Vanguard are in the top 3 shareholders of CF Industries Holdings, along with T. Rowe Price Associates. This will directly impact key agricultural areas such as Iowa, Illinois, Kansas, Nebraska, Texas, and California. This will ultimately effect food supply and pricing. CF Industries is only one of 30 companies dealing with these restrictions.

The Canadian National Railway (CN), which runs from New Orleans up through Illinois, branching out through Michigan and Minnesota, up into Canada, alleges to be helping the fertilizer market grow. Are any of these affected companies utilizing CN? Coincidentally, Bill Gates holds the largest ownership stake in CN.

Surely, Bill Gates and friends will save the day through their Breakthrough Energy Ventures, whereby they have heavily invested in alternative fertilizers. The Breakthrough Energy Coalition launched in 2015 and originally listed the full group of 28 involved, which has since been scraped down to Bill Gates and the occasional mention of Jeff Bezos. It’s important to understand just how large this group is and how involved they’ve become in the energy sector.

Corey’s Digs covered this group in a 2019 report involving dozens of islands they were infiltrating to run alternative energy and takeover their tourism. The University of California is part of this group, as well as Jeff Bezos, George Soros, Richard Branson, Jack Ma, Mark Zuckerberg, Marc Benioff, Reid Hoffman, Tom Steyer, Meg Whitman, and Nat Simons.

Bill Gates explained his love for fertilizer in 2018 while in Tanzania. Coincidentally, Gates-led and Rockefeller-funded Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA) has been an epic fail, with a first ever evaluation report coming out on February 28, 2022 after a 15-year effort with bold claims to rescue Africa’s small farmers. Their false promise to “double yields and incomes for 30 million farming households by 2020” was removed from their website in June 2020 after an assessment by Tufts University revealed little evidence of progress, and in fact showed a 31% increase in hunger. Evaluators stated there were many deficiencies and AGRA’s reporting and monitoring data was weak. Even the German government is considering pulling funding from AGRA over their pesticide use, which is ironic because Gates claims we need to remove pesticides in the U.S. and move to indoor vertical farming. Yes, USAID will of course continue their support to AGRA, having already contributed $90 million taxpayer dollars thus far. Full summary here.

One of AGRA’s biggest achievements was their participation in 72 agricultural policy reforms in 11 African countries, pertaining to seed, fertilizer and market access. Laws were created to protect intellectual property rights for “certified” seeds, as penalties were created for open-source seed sharing. Imagine being a farmer, homesteader or gardener and having to share and trade seeds on the black market so you don’t get penalized. Anyone who believes they won’t try this in the U.S. is kidding themselves, especially since the globalists hold the largest private seeds banks, and invest in the largest commercial seed companies. BASF, Corteva (formerly Dupont), Syngenta (part of ChemChina), and Monsanto (now Bayer) control roughly 50% of the global seed market.

On March 17, 2022 a notice was published to the U.S. Federal Register seeking comments by May 16, 2022 on Competition and Intellectual Property System: Seeds and Other Agricultural Inputs. Remember to read through the proper lens when reviewing this document notice that derived from an executive order signed by Biden in July, 2021 on promoting competition in the American economy.

Their ultimate goal – every human being, every piece of food, resource, and product on this planet will be tracked and traced via blockchain. This isn’t a theory – it is their goal. In July, 2021, the FDA released their “New Era of Smarter Food Safety” which consists of using tech-enabled traceability for a digital, traceable food system, from farm to plate using blockchain. A digital identity to grant access to establishments, control financial spending, and trace everyone’s moves has been rolling out on multiple fronts, including the vaccine ID passport. Eventually they will try to move toward a chip, as it will be easier with biometrics being installed everywhere.

Urban, Globalist-Controlled Indoor Vertical Farming Is The Future Of Food

1:20:22 min

2018 video on Feeding the World: From Mendel to CRISPR, presented by Carolyn Rasmussen

For clarification, gene editing varies from genetic modification. Whereas editing removes a splice, modification inserts a splice, but ultimately, both alter the overall DNA and both have been a hot controversial topic among scientists and individuals. Kicking off the presentation, Rasmussen makes a good argument, stating that humans have been cross breeding dogs for decades and have been selecting traits in crops, have grafted them, and cross-bred them for hundreds of years, leaving everyone to feel like a simple slice removed from the genetics of a carrot or wheat is no different, and in fact is needed to make them more drought tolerant or disease resistant, while also helping them to grow faster, making them more flavorful, and allegedly nutritious.

Whereas most people might say that it’s not right to alter nature, but when faced with starvation they may change their tune. So the real question one needs to ask is, are we faced with starvation, lack of land, drought, unusable soil and farmland, and all of the other scary stories that the globalists keep insisting people should fear right now? If that were the case, would Bill Gates have purchased 242,000 acres of farmland in the worst investment of the century? Unlikely.Is it a faster, less labor-intensive, pesticide-free, more convenient, environmentally friendly and a sustainable way to grow produce – through indoor vertical farming? That one is tough to argue. It’s actually quite brilliant, if not for the investors behind it and unregulated gene-editing taking place. Creating ones own vertical farm on their property might be the best option in this case.

The World Economic Forum assures us that urban indoor farming is the way of the future for our food, both in countless articles as well as videos featuring AppHarvest and AeroFarms.

Mapping Some Of The Biggest Vertical Farms: Crops, Investors, Grocers & Locations

11:34 min

Why The Future of Farming is in Cities – video by Venture City
When people are rushing through the grocery store to pick up food for their families, and make a b-line for the produce section to grab bags of lettuce, fresh veggies, and fruit, most people don’t pay any attention to the brand itself, they just look at the expiration date and product.

Meanwhile, a good chunk of grocery chains across the country are already serving up vertically grown food without people realizing what they’re buying. Are the products tasty, healthy, nutritious enough? Have they begun rolling out vaccines into lettuce at grocery stores? How would anyone know? What products have been gene-edited? This isn’t to fear monger, it’s to point out the rapidly changing industry which people know little about, so that people can start asking questions, do a little research, and perhaps begin growing their own food.

Vertical farming substitutes soil with aeroponics, hydroponics, or aquaponics. They all claim they can produce between 300-400 times more product than traditional farming. In a 2018 report by Agrilyst on indoor farming, they reported that glass or poly greenhouses were the most dominant at 47% followed by vertical farming at 30%. Those numbers have likely flipped by now.


AeroFarms (Dream Holdings, Inc.) Boasts The World’s Largest Indoor Farm
Founded in 2004 by David Rosenberg, Ed Harwood, and Marc Oshima, AeroFarms is a private company based in Newark, New Jersey and has thrived for much longer than the other vertical farms in this report. Having grown over 550 different crops, some of their main products include baby kale, watercress, and rocket, which are sold under the name Dream Greens, and they are now growing berries as well.


In 2017, AeroFarms received a $2 million grant from the Foundation for Food and Agriculture Research (FFAR), a nonprofit organization created in 2014 via the Farm Bill, to improve the characteristics of plants grown indoors to feed urban populations.

As of 2021, AeroFarms already had nine farms and was working on building a tenth. They state that they can go from seed to harvest in 15 days with their patented technology.

In 2021, Cargill announced its partnership with Aerofarms in a multi-year research collaboration on extending cocoa bean yields by experimenting with indoor growing technologies.

In February, 2021, the CEO of AeroFarms released a short video describing how they utilized one of their ten farms to scale up proteins for the Covid jab and boosters. They also indicated in a presentation that they had participated in growing an Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient for Covid-19 therapeutic trial sponsored by the NIH. The study on proteins from plant growth at AeroFarms and Fraunhofer, can be read here.


In a March 2021 SEC document pertaining to a potential merger between AeroFarms and Spring Valley Acquisition Corp, which later fell through, the CFO of AeroFarms highlighted their experience with advanced genetics, noting that:

“To be clear, we are a technology platform, not a conventional greenhouse grower using off-the-shelf equipment. We have had over 250 invention disclosures to date, a number which is constantly growing. We have grown over 550 different varieties of plants to date. We also see an addressable market in advanced genetics, using our platform for speed breeding and other genetic development work in plants. Here, we are a Founding Member of the Precision Indoor Plants Consortium and Principal Investigator for its first and largest project in lettuce.

With this partnership, we work alongside companies like BASF to utilize our platform to optimize new genetics. Another example has to do with CRISPR-Cas9. If you’re not familiar, the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2020 went to the developers of CRISPR-Cas9, which is a genetic editing tool where scientists are able to pull out a genetic trait in a genetic sequence.

Using our platform, we co-developed the first CRISPR-Cas9 produce product.”
In February 2022, AeroFarms partnered with Silal, Abu Dhabi’s leading fresh produce and agri-tech company, for a longterm research and development of transferring technology and data analytics of high tech farming systems. The goal is to improve the genetics and seedling quality of vegetables and fruit. They may also work with international consortia on developing new genotypes of crops.

AeroFarms serves grocery stores, distributors, and online grocers, some of which include:
Amazon Fresh
Baldor Specialty Foods
FreshDirect Express online grocerShopRite
Singapore Airlines
Stop and Shop
Whole Foods

They have both commercial and research and development farms in:
Ithaca, New York
Newark, New Jersey
Danville, Virginia
Abu Dhabi

Community Farms
AeroFarms also partners with schools to teach students how to harvest their own greens. They’ve partnered with the World Economic Forum to bring community farms to Jersey City through a vertical farming initiative.

They’ve raised $238 million in funds from 13 investors:
Abu Dhabi Investment Office
Cibus Fund
David Chang
Foundation for Food and Agriculture Research
GSR Ventures
Ingka Group (parent company of IKEA)
Middleland Capital
MissionPoint Capital Partners
Newark Venture Partners
Wheatsheaf Group Ltd
According to Venture City, Ingka Group kicked them off with $500 million.

80 Acres Farms
80 Acres Farms was founded in 2015 by Mike Zelkind and Tisha Livingston and is a private company headquartered in Hamilton, OH. They provide fruits and vegetables to over 600 retail and food service locations. Their robot-powered indoor farms are said to produce 300 times more food than a conventional farm, while using 100% renewable energy and consuming 97% less water. Their farms are powered by Infinite Farms, a company out of the Netherlands that provides complete design/build services for turn-key automated indoor farms. Aside from 80 Acres Farms, Infinite Acres partners are Netherlands-based Priva Holding BV, and UK-based Ocado.

1:45 min

80 Acres serves over 600 retailers, grocers and national distributors, including:
Dorothy Lane Markets
Jungle Jim’s Markets
Kroger – Ocado Solutions ecommerce channel
The Fresh Market
US Foods
Whole Foods

Krogerhas been selling their greens and vegetables at 32 of their stores, and in 2021 expanded to 316 additional stores after a 15-month pilot program. These stores are all located in:
North Carolina

They’ve raised $250 million in funds from 10 investors:
Beyond Net Zero
Blue Earth Capital (backed by Partners Group and Wietlisbach Foundation)
General Atlantic
Orange Wings Capital
PG Impact Investments
QuietStar Capital
Siemens Financial Services
Virgo Investment Group

Founded in 2017 by Jonathan Webb, AppHarvest is a public company headquartered in Morehead, Kentucky. They have one of the biggest greenhouses at 2.76 million square feet on 60 acres where they solely grow tomatoes. In September 2020 they acquired Novus Capital and in April 2021 acquired Root AI. They also invested in Red Sea Farms in August 2021.

AppHarvest’s tomatoes can be found at Kroger, Meijer, and Walmart.

They’ve raised over $566 million in funds from 9 investors:
Endeavor Catalyst
Equilibrium Capital
Fidelity Management and Research Co.
Inclusive Ventures
Narya Capital
Revolution’s Rise of the Rest Seed Fund
S2G Ventures
ValueAct Capital

Top shareholders:
Inclusive Capital Partners LP
BNP Paribas Asset Management UK
The Vanguard Group, Inc.
BlackRock Fund Advisors
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On TB every waking moment
Part 3 of 3

Bowery Farming

3:12 min

Founded in 2015 by Brian Falther, David Golden, Irving Fain, Bowery is a private company based in New York, New York.

To provide a little bit of perspective as to just how big these indoor vertical farms are, Bowery Farming, who declares themself to be the largest vertical farming company in the U.S., recently announced it’s expansion into Arlington, TX, just outside of Dallas, to erect their newest “smart” indoor farm that will serve 16 million people within a 200-mile radius. What makes this facility so “smart?” According to Bowery, their farm is powered with 100% renewable energy, integrating software, hardware, sensors, computer vision systems, machine learning models, and robotics – all to “orchestrate and automate the entirety of operations.” Despite this full automated operation, they state it will provide jobs for 100 people when they open their doors in early 2023. Of course, their overall goal is to produce “traceable,” pesticide-free food to every major city in the U.S. and throughout the world.

In February 2022, Bowery acquired Traptic, a company that builds giant farming robots.

Based in New York City, Bowery already has facilities in:
Kearney, New Jersey
Nottingham, Maryland
Bethlehem, Pennsylvania
Arlington, Texas coming soon
Locust Grove, Georgia coming soon – to serve the Atlanta metropolitan area

Bowery has been serving e-commerce platforms plus over 800 grocery stores, including:
Acme (164 stores)
Amazon Fresh
Giant Food
Safeway (111 stores)
Specialty Grocers
Whole Food Markets

They’ve raised over $646 million in 8 rounds of funding from 35 investors:
Adam Eskin
Almanac Insights
Chris Paul
Evolution VC Partners
Fidelity Management and Research Co.
First Round Capital
General Catalyst
GGV Capital
Google Ventures (GV)
Groupe Artemis
Henry Kravis
Jonathan Golden
Jose Andres
Justin Timberlake
Kohlberg Kravis Roberts
Lerer Hippeau
Lewis Hamilton
Matt Salzberg
Natalie Portman
Neil Blumenthal
Red Swan Ventures
RRE Ventures
Sally Robling
Sand Hill Angels
Scott Belsky
SV Angel
Temasek Holdings
Third Sphere
Tom Colicchio
Wiley Cerilli

Hydrofarm Holdings
Founded in 1977 by Peter Wartenberg, Hydrofarm is a public company headquartered in Fairless Hills, Pennsylvania. They are a distributor and manufacturer of controlled environment agriculture equipment and supplies which includes vertical farming, and saw a 28.1% net sales increase in 2021. They distribute to the U.S. and Canada.

Between 2017-2021 Hydrofarm expanded by acquiring Eddi’s Wholesale Garden Supplies, Greenstar Plant Products, Heavy 16, House & Garden, Aurora Innovations, and Innovative Growers Equipment.

Top shareholders:
Wasatch Advisors Inc
The Vanguard Group
BlackRock Fund Advisors

They’ve raised almost $123 million in funds from 4 investors:
Broadband Capital Investments
Hawthorn Equity Partners
Serruya Private Equity

Founded in 2013 by Erez Galonska, Guy Galonska, and Osnat Michaeli, InFarm is a private company based in Berlin, Germany.

They use hydroponic farming in grocery stores so that the produce grows on site. They completed over 500 installations in stores and distribution centers in various parts of the world and in 2019 partnered with Kroger to do installs in QFC supermarkets in Washington state. In 2020, they expanded to QFCs in Oregon as well.

They’ve raised over $604 million in funds from 23 investors:
Archimedes Labs
Astanor Ventures
Atomico (Skype founder Niklas Zennstrom’s investment firm)
Balderton Capital
Bonnier Ventures
Cherry Ventures
EASME – EU Executive Agency for SMEs
Hanaco Venture Capital
Horizon 2020
Mons Investment
Partners in Equity
Qatar Investment Authority
Star Farm Ventures
Tres Monos Capital
TriplePoint Capital

Iron Ox
Founded in 2015 by Brandon Alexander and Jon Binney, Iron Ox is a private company headquartered in San Carlos, California.

Bill Gates’ Breakthrough Energy Ventures invested $50 million in Iron Ox, a company that builds robots incorporated into hydroponic systems. These robots are equipped with sensors to detect nitrogen and acidity levels in water. Iron Ox runs farms in Northern California and Lockhart, Texas.

3:35 min

They’ve raised over $103 million in funds from 20 investors, with Gates’ company accounting for nearly 50% of the funding:
7percent Ventures
Amplify Partners
Anorak Ventures
At One Ventures
Avant Global
Breakthrough Energy Ventures
Cherubic Ventures
Colin Carrier
Comet Labs
Crosslink Capital
Eniac Ventures
Formic Ventures
Greg Castle
Innovating Capital
i/o Ventures
Pathbreaker Ventures
Tuesday Capital
Vijay Pradeep
Y Combinator

Plenty Unlimited Inc.
Founded in 2014 by Jack Oslan, Matt Barnard, Nate Mazonson, and Nate Storey, Plenty is a private company headquartered in San Francisco, California. They use hydroponics to grow their leafy greens.

“At Plenty, we’re proud of the fresh, flavorful greens we grow in our farm, and of our transparent growing process, which lets us track a plant from seed to kitchen.” – Nate Storey, co-founder and chief science officer

Video: Vertical Farms Could Take Over The World | Hard Reset

11:04 min

In this video, Nate Storey says “We don’t have the land, the resources or the ability to compensate with high nutrition food.” Gosh, what happened to all of the farmland? The narrator of the video goes on to say, “picture a scenario where we got rid of all the traditional farms and replaced them with vertical farms…… this is the kind of technology and efficiency we’ll need with the Artemis base on the moon and eventually on Mars.”[/QUOTE]
Plenty serves over 430 Albertsons supermarkets in California, including Safeways and Vons, with facilities in Compton and San Francisco.

In 2020, they worked their way into some of the Whole Foods Markets in the Bay area.
In January 2022, Walmart announced its longterm partnership with Plenty with a $400 million investment, allowing for Walmart to source Plenty’s produce for all of their California stores, and Walmart also gets a position on Plenty’s Board of Directors.

Plenty’s produce can also be found at retail outlets in other California locations such as Berkeley Bowl, Good Eggs, Bi-Rite Market, and the robotic restaurant called Creator. Their website also links to online ordering at Good Eggs, Instacart, and Amazon’s Fresh Market, where you can find Plenty’s products.

Plenty’s goal is to erect 500 vertical farms in highly populated, urban areas around the world.

They’ve raised over $940 million in funds from 13 investors:
Bezos Expeditions
DCM Ventures
Finistere Ventures
Innovation Endeavors (Eric Schmidt)
JS Capital Management
Kirenaga Partners
Louis Bacon
One Madison Group
Pete Flint
SoftBank Vision Fund

Upward Farms
Founded in 2013 by Ben Silverman, Jason Green, and Matt La Rosa, Upward Farms is a private company headquartered in Brooklyn, New York. Though they currently only have 5 investors, they recently announced their plans to build the world’s largest indoor vertical farm in Luzerne County Pennsylvania, capping out at 250,000 square feet, by 2023.

They’ve raised over $140 million in funds from 5 investors:
Neue Fund
Prime Movers Lab
Recharge Thematic Ventures
Steve Jurvetson

Giant Greenhouses
In addition to all of the vertical farms going up, giant greenhouses are being erected as well. Much like AppHarvest in Kentucky, Rhode Island Grows is in the process of building one in Exeter and some Rhode Islanders aren’t too happy about it. The company projects they can yield up to 650,000 pounds of tomatoes per acre, with a goal to expand to 350 acres in five years and eventually take over 1,000 acres. Their plan is to serve six states between Boston and New York.

Over in Virginia Beach, fmr Gov. Ralph Northam announced in April 2021 that Sunny Farms, LLC will invest $59.6 million into a 120,000 square foot hydroponic greenhouse at Taylor Farms, with the plan to expand to 32 acres of building space. They will begin with lettuce and eventually grow vegetables as well.

In 2021, Shenandoah Growers, Inc. rebranded themselves as Soli Organic and plan to expand from seven farms to fifteen farms utilizing their proprietary soil-based controlled-environment system for indoor agriculture. Moving to this ESG based strategy has brought in additional investors, including Bill Gates’ Cascade Investments. They’ve also brought on key executives formerly from Starbucks, Walmart, and Postmates.

Gotham Greens is producing produce in their climate-controlled, year-round rooftop greenhouses in Baltimore, Brooklyn, Chicago, Davis, Denver, Providence, and Queens. By adding the second greenhouse to Chicago, they’ve doubled their heads of lettuce production to 11 million heads per year. The Whole Foods building in Brooklyn is where they built their first one back in 2013, as the first giant greenhouse + supermarket combo.

Who Controls The Food Supply Controls The People

The squeeze has been taking place for decades, from the government stealing land to putting unrealistic restrictions and regulations on ranchers and farmers, controlling our free water – even rain water, selling out over 35.2 million acres of U.S. agriculture farmland to foreign investors, globalists like Bill Gates buying up hundreds of thousands of acres of farmland, burning down food processing plants while manufacturing supply chain issues, and preventing transportation of critical farming supplies such as fertilizer – all while building indoor vertical farming backed by globalists as they role out new energy and infrastructure regulations.

Whereas most people believe China has bought up much of U.S. farmland, they actually hold a small percentage as compared to Canada who holds the largest share, then the Netherlands, Italy, Germany, and the United Kingdom. China falls last and a big chunk of it is owned by the WH Group (Smithfield Foods) in Missouri, who Corey’s Digs previously reported on.

The National Young Farmers Coalition estimates that two-thirds of farmland will change hands over the next decade due to farmers retiring. With all of the regulations, inflation, and supply issues, all of which has been manufactured, there is a heavy burden on U.S. farmers, and the globalists have carefully calculated their moves to bring in the vertical indoor farms and lab grown meat in typical savior style.

Forbes estimates over $20 trillion in investments are following ESG and socially responsible investment style factors, while BlackRock CEO Larry Fink insists that “it’s time to force people’s behavior to change,” to expand ESG investments even further. Despite the LED lighting, robotics, computer data analysis, and ventilation systems required to power vertical growing facilities of this magnitude, since water is being saved and less of Bill Gates’ land mass is being used, investments are flowing into these alleged sustainable and environmentally friendly facilities, as well as massive greenhouses.

While over 190 member countries of the World Health Organization move as briskly as they can to turn over power to the WHO in a global pandemic treaty to control the healthcare system, and demand global jabs and digital certificates, they’ve already rolled out the Rockefeller’s 10-year Global Genomic Surveillance Strategy. It’s all about genetics with these folks. Meanwhile, the U.S is trying to speed things up by using the International Health Regulations to make amendments. What happens if they roll out a mandatory digital ID (which is their intention) and inform all businesses, including grocery stores, that people are not allowed to enter without the jab or ID?

National Geographic believes that gene editing is the next food revolution, explaining that hundreds of research and development labs are testing CRISPR’s potential to produce faster growing food with all sorts of benefits. According to their 2018 article, they state that U.S. federal regulators are not requiring strict regulations and years of testing like they did with GMOs because the plants won’t contain foreign DNA. However, the European Union’s high court ruled to regulate gene-edited plants the same as GMOs.

Genetics, synthetics, and digital citizenry is marching its way forward and people are going to need to take a stand where they can, be aware of what they are buying, ingesting, and signing up for. Support and help farmers and ranchers as much as possible during these times. Building ones own small scale vertical indoor farm or greenhouse might be a wise idea. Families and communities growing food, building a homestead, and collaborating is a great step in the right direction. FarmMatch connects people with local farmers, and Seeds for Generations offers great heirloom seeds as well as free webinars and resources for building and growing your own food. The Solari Food Series also provides a wealth of helpful information.

There is no way to sugarcoat this system they are implementing. Whereas vertical farming is brilliant in many ways, and could be beneficial on a smaller scale in communities, the fact that this is the global agenda to remove farms and control all produce by the globalists themselves, makes is incredibly concerning. Imagine, in the not too distant future, going for a drive in the countryside (in your mandated electric vehicle) and observing dried up farmland replaced by giant turbines. It’s a very dystopian image that no one wants to experience.

We must work together to find a way forward and continue to say no to the digital ID they are creating to control our access and spending, while building self sufficiency and security together. If you have helpful resources or suggestions, please share in the comments below.

This report was sponsored by The Solari Report.
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On TB every waking moment

Who Will Eventually Own Everything, Including You?
by Dr. Joseph Mercola
April 27, 2022
in Opinions

BlackRock and Vanguard_ The Same Shady People Own Big Pharma and the Media

  • The vast majority of the world’s assets are owned by just two investment firms — BlackRock and the Vanguard Group. Combined, they have ownership in nearly 90% of all S&P 500 firms, and through their investment holdings they secretly wield monopoly control over all industries
  • By now you may be familiar with the World Economic Forum slogan, “By 2030, you will own nothing.” To that end, BlackRock and other investment firms are buying up every single-family home they can find, making cash offers of 20% to 50% above asking price
  • Buying a home has been part of the American dream since the founding of this country. It’s been a significant part of financial success, security and freedom. George Washington declared that “Private Property and freedom are inseparable.” Now, lower to middle class Americans are being intentionally positioned to become permanent renters, which means they cannot build equity
  • This is wealth redistribution from the low- and middle-class to the upper, and it’s in line with plans for societal reorganization described under banners such as The Great Reset, Build Back Better, Agenda 21 and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
  • These agendas all work together toward the same goal, which is a global monopoly on ownership and wealth, with a clear separation of the haves and have nots; the owners and the owned; the rulers and the ruled; the elite and the serfs
45:23 min

The 45-minute video above, “Monopoly — Follow the Money,” provides a comprehensive overview of who really owns the world. As it turns out, the vast majority of the world’s assets are owned by just two investment firms — BlackRock and the Vanguard Group.

Combined, they have ownership in nearly 90% of all S&P 500 firms,1 and through their investment holdings they secretly wield monopoly control over all industries. In short, the idea that there is competition in the marketplace is a clever illusion.

13:22 min

BlackRock Is Buying Up Homes
By now you may be familiar with the World Economic Forum slogan, “By 2030, you will own nothing.” To that end, BlackRock and other investment firms are currently buying up every single-family home they can find, making cash offers of 20% to 50% above-asking price.2
Depending on where you live, you may have noticed that homes are selling within hours of being listed, making house hunting nearly impossible. Home buyers in my home state of Florida are certainly experiencing this phenomenon.

Investment firms are also buying up entire neighborhoods. As just one example, a 124-home neighborhood in Conroe, Texas, was bought for $32 million — 20% above listing — by Fundrise LLC, a real estate crowdfunding company, which then turned around and made all the homes into single-family rentals (SFRs).3

According to investment experts, SFRs are “exceptionally attractive investment assets,” and this is one aspect driving the trend. Demographic changes such as millennials starting families and affordability constraints are also said to be driving factors.4 But that really does not fully explain what’s happening.

The War Against Private Property
Buying a home has been part of the American dream since the founding of this country. It’s been a significant part of financial success and security. Now, lower to middle class Americans are being intentionally positioned to become permanent renters, which means they cannot build equity. Their ability to purchase a home, even if they can afford it, is being stripped from them by companies that can outbid them with cash offers.

13:19 min

In a recent episode of “60 Minutes” (above), Lesley Stahl actually did a good job exposing why home prices are going through the roof. It’s not just that these investment companies can snap up homes with the click of a button, but they’re also artificially driving up prices of both homes and rents.

For example, rents in Jacksonville, Florida, rose an average of 31% in 2021, and Austin, Texas, saw rents jump by 40%. The reason appears to be twofold: We’re not building enough housing, and what is being built is being bought by corporate landlords at above-market prices.

Corporate real estate investors don’t even look at the homes they’re bidding on, and typically waive inspections. The home can be in any shape and sell within hours. As Stahl notes, “this puts first-time home buyers at a serious disadvantage,” as they have many hoops to jump through before they can secure a loan and close the deal.

Government estimates we’re currently 4 million homes short, and that shortage continues to grow. One real estate investment firm interviewed by Stahl states that they list, on average, 200 to 300 homes for rent each week, and receive 10,000 leasing inquiries weekly.

Not-So-Hidden Wealth Redistribution
As noted in a tweet by Cultural Husbandry:5
“This is wealth redistribution, and it ain’t rich people’s wealth that is getting redistributed. It’s normal American middle class, salt of the earth wealth heading into the hands of the world’s most powerful entities and individuals. The traditional financial vehicle [is] gone forever.
Home equity is the main financial element that middle class families use to build wealth, and BlackRock, a federal reserve funded financial institution is buying up all the houses to make sure that young families can’t build wealth … This is a fundamental reorganization of society.”
Indeed, and it’s right in line with plans for societal reorganization described under banners such as The Great Reset, Build Back Better, Agenda 21 and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (see videos below).6,7

7:38 min

These agendas all work together toward the same goal, which is a global monopoly on ownership and wealth, with a clear separation of the haves and have nots; the owners and the owned; the rulers and the ruled; the elite and the serfs.

‘Sustainable Development’ Agenda Is a Plan to Enslave You

20:30 min

The war against private property goes back decades. In 1976, during the first United Nations’ Conference on Human Settlements, called Habitat 1,8 the U.N. stated, in Item 10:9
“Land … cannot be treated as an ordinary asset, controlled by individuals and subject to the pressures and inefficiencies of the market. Private land ownership is also a principal instrument of accumulation and concentration of wealth and therefore contributes to social injustice; if unchecked, it may become a major obstacle in the planning and implementation of development schemes. Public control of land use Is therefore indispensable.”

The idea, apparently, is that private investment firms like Vanguard and BlackRock can prevent social injustice by buying up all private property and renting it out. This way, no one (except their investors) can build wealth.
Private Property and freedom are inseparable. ~ George Washington

This is what “equity” is all about, and it has nothing to do with equality. “Social equity” is incredibly unfair, as it strips those with talent and drive of the ability to make something out of themselves.

Private Property and Freedom Are Inseparable
The UN’s Human Settlements agenda, Agenda 21 and the 2030 Sustainable Development agenda are in direct conflict with the U.S. Bill of Rights and the founding principles of this country. George Washington declared, “Private Property and freedom are inseparable.”

Similarly, John Adams stated that “Property must be secure, or liberty cannot exist.”

In 1992 at the Earth Summit, under-secretary-general of the Convention on Climate Change and executive director of the UN Environment Program, Maurice Strong, stated that:10
“Current lifestyles and consumption patterns of the affluent middle class, involving high meat intake, consumption of large amounts of frozen and convenience foods, use of fossil fuels, appliances, home and workplace air-conditioning, and suburban housing, are not sustainable.”

If meat consumption, frozen foods, fossil fuel use, home appliances, air conditioning and single-family homes are “unsustainable,” it stands to reason that the goal of any sustainable development scheme is to eliminate all of those things. This is easier done in some countries than in others. As explained by the Cook Country News Herald back in 2012:11
“Because Congress does not agree to all these United Nations schemes to steal our property and destroy our economy, they are passed by fiat, executive orders, proclamations, directives and generous grants given to local communities …”

In short, the technocratic elite are trying to circumvent the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights through various means, such as the effort to make the United Nations and the World Health Organization into global centers of power, with member states being forced to comply with whatever agendas they set, thereby undermining national sovereignty.

As explained in the Agenda 21 video above, Agenda 21 doesn’t stop at restricting private home and land ownership. It also includes:
  • Seizure of private property
  • Forbidding human access to land
  • Relocation of people from rural areas to cities
  • Additional taxation
  • Water use restrictions
  • Restricting the amount of waste you’re allowed to produce
  • Forced community involvement
  • Manipulation of transportation patterns and increasing gas prices to restrict travel — all in the name of “saving the earth”
In short, the global elite want you to believe that the only way to save the planet is for you to be their slave. It’s a tragic ultimate outcome for sure. If they are successful, virtually all of your constitutional rights and freedoms will be eliminated.

Who Owns the Farmland and Dictates Food Policy?
Private home ownership isn’t the only thing threatened by the encroaching monopoly of elitists. Bill Gates is now one of the largest private owners of U.S. farmland,12 and he also wields unrivaled power over global food policy,13 as detailed in the AGRA Watch report,14 “The Man Behind the Curtain: The Gates Foundation’s Influence on the UN Food Systems Summit.”

While Gates is just one man, his clout is significantly leveraged and magnified by the fact that he funds such a large number of companies and organizations that they do his bidding on the sly. When you see long lists of groups, you automatically think there are many players in the game when, in fact, Gates is the singular thread running through most or all of them.

In its 2014 report,15 “Three Examples of Problems with Gates Foundation Grants,” AGRA Watch highlights why Gates’ massive investments in global food production have failed to solve any of the very real problems we face. First and foremost, many of the solutions that he backs are “Band-Aid solutions” that in fact worsen the root problems.

Examples include the funding of the development of genetically engineered (GE) foods designed to be higher in certain nutrients. The problem is that these crops then end up replacing local diversity with just a few GE varieties that don’t even take local conditions into account. So, by pushing for “fortified” crop varieties, malnutrition actually deepens, as biodiversity is reduced.

Secondly, “a stubborn focus on yield” is at odds with research showing that low yield or insufficient production is not causing world hunger. “There is ample evidence today that the problem instead is poverty and lack of access, which is deepened by destruction of local food systems and commercialization of food,” AGRA Watch notes, adding:
“Grants by the Gates’ Foundation and AGRA continue to focus on yield, priming Africa for a system suited to the needs of the profit-seeking, yield-oriented commercial farmer rather than the peasant or small farmer producing diverse crops for a local community.”

Additional observations can be found in the AGRA Watch article16 “Philanthrocapitalism: The Gates Foundation’s African Programs Are Not Charity,” published December 2017, in which philanthrocapitalism is described as “an attempt to use market processes to do good,” but which is inherently problematic “as markets are ill-suited to producing socially constructive ends.”

Put another way, Gates’ brand of philanthropy creates several new problems for each one it solves. Gates is also invested in the synthetic beef industry, and not surprisingly, he’s been calling on Western nations to transition to a 100% fake beef diet17 — all in the name of saving the environment. It’s the same argument pushed by Agenda 21 and the rest of the sustainable development schemes.


On TB every waking moment
Part 2 of 2

Media and Medicine Are Completely Controlled

Mainstream media and the pharmaceutical industry are two other important areas that have been taken over by a monopoly-centered “deep state.” Both industries are overwhelmingly owned by BlackRock and Vanguard,18 so to think the mainstream media will report on the truth is foolhardy to say the least, especially as it pertains to health and medicine.19

Allopathic medicine, by the way, has been controlled by those in the grip of greed ever since John D. Rockefeller founded the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research in 1901 and campaigned to eliminate naturopathic medicine, which was the norm, in order to replace it with petroleum-based patented drugs.

Anything that couldn’t be patented was abolished and known cures were dismissed as quackery. Rockefeller accomplished this the same way Gates and other technocrats do it today — through control of the media.

WHO Treaty Is COVID Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing
The WHO’s pandemic treaty is perhaps the greatest threat we’ve faced so far, and will go a long way toward implementing The Great Reset. As I noted in a March 2022 article,20 the pandemic treaty is a direct threat to a nation’s sovereignty to make decisions for itself and its citizens, and will erode democracy everywhere, if enacted.

May 24, 2021, the European Council announced it supported the establishment of an international Pandemic Treaty, under which the WHO would have the power to replace the constitutions of individual nations with its own constitution under the banner of “pandemic prevention, preparedness and response.”21

March 3, 2022, the Council authorized the opening of negotiations for an international agreement. The infographic below, sourced from the European Council’s website,22 summarizes the process.


There’s simply no question that this treaty is part of the globalists’ plan to monopolize health systems worldwide,23 and a way for them to force mandatory vaccinations, vaccine passports and digital identities on the uncooperative masses.

Any pandemic-related decision the WHO makes would supersede national and state laws.

Eventually, all health-related decisions could come under the WHO’s jurisdiction, as the stated goals of the treaty include not only future pandemic response but also a stronger framework for health with the WHO as the coordinating authority on global health matters more generally.24

Director-general of the WHO, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, has also gone on record stating that his “central priority” as director-general of the WHO is to push the world toward universal health coverage.25 As noted by Dr. Peter Breggin,26 referring to Ghebreyesus’ address to the WHO Executive Committee on January 24, 2022, in which he spelled out his global health plan, “The spirit of Communism can be felt throughout the document.”

WEF: ‘World Is Best Managed by Self-Selected Coalition’
The WEF’s 2010 “Global Redesign” report27 argues that the world is best managed by a self-selected coalition of “stakeholders” — multinational corporations, governments, international bodies such as the UN and the WHO, and select civil society organizations — that then make decisions on behalf of the global population.

If you look, you’ll find that all the globalist agendas, regardless of what they’re called, have this aim. They’re all working in lockstep to strip power from the people by making elected officials irrelevant. All the power is to be in the hands of a self-selected, self-nominated elite. If you believe they have any intention of doing what’s best for the people, it’s time to wake up, because you’re clearly dreaming.

For well over 100 years, they’ve done what’s best for them, even though their decisions poisoned our food supply, soils, air and water. Even though it destroyed our environment and resulted in unsafe medicines and toxic foods; even though it led to starvation, disease and death.

They’ve lied, cheated and used every underhanded, immoral and unethical trick in the book. They’ve coerced, bribed and manipulated at will. They’ve slowly but surely infiltrated every area of society with the intention of altering it to serve their own ends.

Technology, which is the foundation upon which technocracy rests, has allowed this self-selected group of megalomaniacs to thrive and build their power structure in the shadows.

Only now are they starting to really show their true colors, their desire for absolute power and control.

As noted by New American contributor C. Mitchell Shaw,28 “If you are not paying for the product, then you are the product.” YOU and your personal data are the products of Google, Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. These platforms are all selling your personal data for profit. That’s the business they’re in.

Your data are also fed to artificial intelligence, and algorithms are created to profile and manipulate you. Everything you say and do is being used against you. The end goal of these megalomaniacs is always the same: to make money off you, even if it harms or kills you, and to manipulate you into accepting their proposition to rule over you. This all ends when enough people wake up to what they’re doing, and refuse to go along with their program.
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On TB every waking moment

WEF: A Trade Organization on Steroids
Warriors must recognize the true name and nature of their opponent

Words and their meanings are tricky things. Clever people, con artists, liars and CIA agents (which are all of the above, in my experience) are often very skilled at using language and manipulating both meaning and emotions to hide their true intent.

Wikipedia, an organization that is generally very friendly to the World Economic Forum and its agenda, defines the WEF as follows:
The World Economic Forum (WEF) is an international non-governmental and lobbying organisation[1] based in Cologny, canton of Geneva, Switzerland. It was founded on 24 January 1971 by German engineer and economist Klaus Schwab. The foundation, which is mostly funded by its 1,000 member companiestypically global enterprises with more than five trillion US dollars in turnover – as well as public subsidies, views its own mission as "improving the state of the world by engaging business, political, academic, and other leaders of society to shape global, regional, and industry agendas".
Simplifying that for sake of discussion, the WEF is a trade organization which is designed to advance the business interests of extremely wealthy companies and their owners (generally referred to as “Davos Man”). Global enterprises with more than five trillion US dollars in turnover is a very small and elite group. Five trillion dollars (that would be five million million dollars, or five thousand billion) in annual revenue makes for a very exclusive club, as illustrated by the latest Forbes 2000 international ranking (from 2021).

What is a trade organization? Back to Wikipedia.
“A trade association, also known as an industry trade group, business association, sector association or industry body, is an organization founded and funded by businesses that operate in a specific industry. An industry trade association participates in public relations activities such as advertising, education, publishing, lobbying, and political donations, but its focus is collaboration between companies. Associations may offer other services, such as producing conferences, holding networking or charitable events, or offering classes or educational materials.”
Yup. If the shoe fits, wear it.

Not surprisingly, in its own mission statement, the WEF defines itself as follows “The World Economic Forum is the International Organization for Public-Private Cooperation.” Which is really a carefully word-smithed way of saying that the WEF is a centralized trade organization for promoting international corporatism.

Public-private cooperation as a political and economic structure is also known by two other terms; corporatism and fascism. Benito Mussolini is often credited with a very succinct definition of corporatism in the disputed quote “Fascism should more properly be called corporatism because it is the merger of state and corporate power”. Whether an accurate english translation or not, the statement reflects a fundamental political truth.

Merriam-Webster defines corporatism as:
“the organization of a society into industrial and professional corporations serving as organs of political representation and exercising control over persons and activities within their jurisdiction”
Andrew Stuttaford, writing in the National Review during October 2020 (here is his personally archived version), provides an alternative definition which I think really gets to the root of the issue. In his opinion, corporatism as advocated by the WEF consists of:
[A] hydra-headed ideology with origins in the premodern, and a very mixed past — sometimes benignly (it influenced the formation of West Germany’s social market economy) and sometimes not (it was an important element in pre-war fascist theory.) The different forms corporatism has taken make it tricky to define with precision, but they share a common core: the conviction that society should be organized by and for its principal interest groups — let’s call them “stakeholders” — intermediated by, and ultimately subordinate to, the state. The individual does not get a look in.
The context for this remarkable statement is a prescient article titled “A Useful Pandemic: Davos Launches New ‘Reset,’ this Time on the Back of COVID”. In my opinion, in some future listing of COVID heroes, Mr. Stuttaford surely deserves to be in the top 10. Here are links to some other profoundly prescient articles from the same author:

The Great Reset: If Only It Were Just a Conspiracy. November 27, 2020
This one has another notable quote relevant to this current substacks’ topic:
The 'Great Reset' masterminded by the World Economic Forum is just corporatism by another name
And then there is this, which cuts right to the bone of the matter.
Larry Fink, ‘Emperor’? February 19, 2022
And yet another key money quote:
As BlackRock and other large index-fund managers continue pushing stakeholder capitalism, America slouches toward corporatism.
Stakeholder capitalism”. There is another benign-sounding term that requires definition and understanding. Turns out that this is a phrase largely pioneered and championed by Klaus Schwab, leader of the WEF. It is at the very heart of the self-concept of the WEF. Schwab’s definition is as follows:
“Stakeholder capitalism is a form of capitalism in which companies seek long-term value creation by taking into account the needs of all their stakeholders, and society at large.”
Here is Mr. Schwabs’ graphical representation of how he defines this term. This is called a “flower diagram”, for those who want to know, and this type of diagram is often attributed to the consulting company Deloitte. Notice that business is at the center of this world view, and State and Society are lumped together and relegated to the position of one of many “stakeholders” which business needs to take into account. This is the political objective that is at the center of the Uniparty globalist vision. Filed under the heading “words matter”, see here for Politicos’ take on the origins of the Uniparty term.

Under this concept, we all exist to serve and enable businesses and their economic growth objectives. Good to know. Puts things in their proper perspective. No role here for faith-based organizations!

Now, let’s see what the prophetic Andrew Stuttaford has to say about stakeholder capitalism? Once again, please read his initial article on the “Great Reset”. It is an absolute gem, and relies heavily on a preceding article by Ben Sixsmith titled “What is the Great Reset” (which is unfortunately behind a “Spectator World” paywall, but here is an archived version).
“Recently, one expression of corporatism, “stakeholder capitalism,” has won strong support on both sides of the Atlantic. This might be expected in Europe, but that it has been taken up by the Business Roundtable and many leading firms in the U.S. — allegedly a bastion of both free enterprise and democracy — is depressing. Looked at optimistically, the BRT and its C-suite cheerleaders are useful idiots. Looked at realistically, they are part of a managerial class grubbing for the power that flows from other people’s money.
Stakeholder capitalism rests on the notion that a company’s management owes a duty to more than its shareholders. It’s something that Klaus Schwab, the WEF’s founder and executive chairman, has been advocating for a long time. A key feature of the Great Reset is the idea that stakeholder capitalism should, one way or another, be adopted.
That would reduce a company’s shareholders to just another category of “stakeholder,” effectively transferring the power that capital should confer away from its owners and into the hands of those who administer it. They are then accountable to, well, it’s not quite clear whom. It’s not difficult to grasp why so many corporate bosses are enthused by stakeholder capitalism.
But stakeholder capitalism is a betrayal of democracy as well as of shareholders. The power it gives to managers is increasingly being used to support an agenda influenced by a cabal of activists, NGOs, representatives of the “international community,” and politicians too arrogant to go through the usual legislative process.”
And there we have it. The logic of “stakeholder capitalism”, as developed by Klaus Schwab, is at the root of the whole shitshow that we can now see in the gross mismanagement of the global public health response to COVID-19 and the Coronacrisis. This is where the rot took hold.

Turning back to Andrew Stuttaford, here is more on his analysis of “stakeholder capitalism”:

‘Stakeholder Capitalism’ A Sham? Unfortunately Not. August 30, 2021
Once again, please read the entire article. Another absolute gem.
“Stakeholder capitalism is an expression of corporatism. Some of these rogues, cynics, if you like, of the “wrong” sort, have their eyes on an even bigger prize, securing for themselves an important — and, one way or another, well-rewarded — role in the corporatist society that is now under construction in this country. Such a society is not, regardless of the sound of that adjective, one dominated by big business, but one, run, in theory anyway, by and for various interest groups, players in an orchestra, with the state acting as a conductor. Corporatism can be relatively benign — its traces are visible in, say, post-war West Germany — it is also the socioeconomic model (again, in theory) underlying fascist and fascist-adjacent regimes in mid-century Europe and Argentina. The U.S. is not headed the whole way down that path, but our current iteration of corporatism will end up as considerably more assertive than anything seen during the years of the Wirtschaftswunder — and it is more likely to lead to economic decline than an economic miracle. It won’t be great for democracy either.
Cynics of the right sort, on the other hand, were presumably gambling that a bit of fancy talk — that they were fully in favor of the BRT’s “transformative statement” and so on, might be enough to keep the enemies of shareholder primacy at bay.”
And seen through this lens, what just transpired between Elon Musk and the Twitter Board of Directors is a huge blow to the logic of stakeholder capitalism as implemented over at corporate Twitter, prompting cries of anguish concerning the need to “protect” the Twitterati by the BBC (a bastion of stakeholder capitalism logic including “nudging” and the Trusted News Initiative), as well as from Thierry Breton, the EU’s “commissioner for the internal market”.

This is the same logic which has lead Barack Obama to promote censorship. But in reality, the true primary agenda is to protect the interests of corporate elites (“Davos Man”) who apparently often have a child-like need to be venerated for their social contributions. Or maybe it is all just a convenient smoke shield to obscure their real agenda - to own everything. Which ties into my prior observations concerning over-protective parenting and the personality profiles associated with cancel and woke cultural warriors.

It is time to wake up and recognize that the levers of global power are being taken over by a commercial trade organization which represents the interests of the 1,000 member companiestypically global enterprises with more than five trillion US dollars in turnover which are its primary contributors.

All of the other smokescreens, wordplay/lobbying, coordinated censorship and propaganda, trappings and training programs which the WEF has implemented are merely tools designed to achieve the business objectives of those 1,000 companies and their wealthy owners. And it is being hidden behind a curtain called “stakeholder capitalism”. This is corporatism or fascism (choose your favorite term) deployed on a global scale, financed by the global titans of industry, “Davos Man”.

One of the key questions which Andrew Stuttaford leaves unanswered in the essays cited above is the “Big Why” for the WEF “Global Reset”. This question was addressed previously in this substack titled “Uncovering the Corona Narrative” (the short answer is to maintain global financial control by WEF members as we move through the upcoming next financial crisis), and in general the feedback on that one from the financial/Wall Street analysts that I trust has pretty much been “spot on!”.

NB - I have just discovered Andrew Stuttaford, and as far as I am concerned there is a lot to like in the thought and writing produced by this gentleman.

You can find his website here, and a more comprehensive collection of his essays here and here.

I intend to read through more of his work, like this book review, and encourage all of you to do likewise. I hope he takes up the challenge of writing his own version of the history of the WEF and COVID-19.
Be well- RWM


On TB every waking moment
Apr 27, 2022 at 11:07pm​
Chance of Nuclear War this year: 51%​
It’s all about conditions. Nothing would happen if the table were not set. The table is set. Fire in the oven.

It’s all about conditions. Not sparks. When conditions are set, a spark will arrive.

Russia would be insane to light off an tactical weapon. Not that sanity plays a part in most war decisions. That we all find ourselves in a position wherein conditions are ripe for global nuclear war is a product of largescale insanity. Russia would be insane to light off any tactical device.

It seems more likely United States would perform a preemptive strike on Russia with incredible weapons such as hydrogen bombs. Russia would be gone forever. Stolen elections have consequences. Americans refused to fight back and now we are being run by an occupying government. I am not proud of this. We are setting conditions for a vast reduction in human population. No doubt many billionaire and politlcal elites have plans in vast underground shelters with swimming pools, wine cellars, underground tenniscourts, and other amenities.

Many of the political elites, once their command and control are gone, best keep their heads down if they want to keeo them at all.

Am down here in Panama watching the invasion of our own country by our own illegitmate masters who are creating conditions for global famine and nuclear war. What will happen to this canal outside my window?

Preemptive decapitation strike by US is little doubt being discussed. MAD.

American military ‘leadership’ has never been so corrupt, incompetent, immoral, and weak. No active flag officer has stood up.

Wise, moral leadership never would have created these conditions.

Americans must stand up and resist this occupying government. Stop taking orders.

4:53 min
Dr. Strangelove(1963) - Major Kong Rides The Bomb


Veteran Member
Dear marsh,

I am incredibly grateful for your continued work on this thread. Given I work 12 - 14 hours a day six days a week, I would never have the time to gather all this extraordinarily important information for myself. Thank you so much.

Kindest regards,
