GOV/MIL Main "Great Reset" Thread


On TB every waking moment

Call For Investigation Into Mortality Rates As Australia Sees Death-Rate Spike

THURSDAY, DEC 08, 2022 - 06:00 PM
Authored by Victoria Kelly-Clark via The Epoch Times,

Australia has seen a spike in its mortality rates in 2022, with the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) stating that by the end of August 2022, 128,797 deaths had been registered, which is 18,671 deaths, or 17 percent, more than the historical average.

In the data release on Nov. 25, the ABS noted that of registered deaths; there had been a rise in the number of Australians dying from dementia (18.9 percent above the baseline average), diabetes (20.8 percent higher than the baseline average), cancer, and COVID-19.

Karen Cutter, a spokesperson for the Actuaries Institute of Australia (AIA) said in a media release (pdf) that even after the Institute’s COVID-19 Mortality Working Group removed all “from” and “with” COVID-19 deaths, it was not clear why Australians were dying in larger numbers from other diseases such as ischaemic heart disease, cancer, and cerebrovascular disease in 2021 and 2022.

In an analysis (pdf) from Nov. 3, the AIA noted that 1,200 more Australians had died from ischaemic heart disease than expected, while cerebrovascular disease had 450 more deaths than normal. Meanwhile, mortality rates from diabetes increased by 400 deaths, and dementia saw an extra 800 deaths.

According to the ABS, between January and August this year, 7,727 Australians died from COVID-19.

“It is not clear what might be driving this, although we expect that at least part of the excess will be in respect of people who otherwise may have succumbed to respiratory disease in 2020 and 2021,” said Cutter.

They also said that diabetes deaths have generally been higher than expected throughout the pandemic.

Cutter noted that the AIA had also noticed that of the excess deaths in the 0-44 and 45-64 age bands were small, and the number of women dying was higher than expected.

She has called on the federal government to launch an inquiry into the cause of the spike.

“The differences are worth investigation, although the small numbers mean that there is considerable natural variation,” she said.​

Spiking Mortality Rates a Global Phenomenon​

The spike in mortality rates is being experienced globally, with the UK’s Chief Medical Officer, Sir Chris Whitty, as well as Sir Patrick Vallance, the country’s Chief Scientific Adviser, declaring the country is facing a “prolonged period” of excess deaths after people differed treatment during the initial stages of the pandemic.

Meanwhile, the UK’s health secretary Steve Barclay said that the government needed to come clean about the excess deaths.

In a speech to the Spectator Health Summit in London on Nov. 28, Barclay said that the government must share the scale of the COVID backlog, which he estimated was now “around now 7.1 million patients.”

We know from the data that there are more 50-to 64-year olds with cardiovascular issues. It’s the result of delays in that age group seeing a GP because of the pandemic and, in some cases, not getting statins for hypertension in time,” he said.

“When coupled with delays in ambulance times, we see this reflected in the excess death numbers. In time, we may well see a similar challenge in cancer data,” Barclay said.

COVID-19 Lingering Effects​

The AIA agrees that delayed medical treatment may be a cause behind Australia’s rising death rate.

In an analysis of the pandemic in 2022, they said that it was highly likely that delays in medical care was a contributing factor to the excess death rates from other diseases.

“Pressure on the health, hospital and aged care systems, including ambulance ramping and bed block, could lead to people not getting the care they require, either as they avoid seeking help, or their care is not as timely as it might have been in pre-pandemic times,” they said.
“There is some evidence that this may be affecting cancer deaths. It may also be a factor in higher deaths from other causes, such as ischaemic heart disease, diabetes, and the large ‘other’ category.”

They also noted that COVID-19 lingering health effects could also be contributing to the increased rates.

Studies show that coronavirus is associated with increased mortality risks from heart disease and other causes. However, because doctors certifying the death would not necessarily know of the infection if it had occurred months prior, this could demonstrate a causative link several months after recovery from COVID-19.


On TB every waking moment

The Monopoly-Labor "Let It Rot" Death Spiral​

THURSDAY, DEC 08, 2022 - 06:40 PM
Authored by Charles Hugh Smith via OfTwoMinds blog,

The only rational response to this reality is to opt out, lay flat and let it rot.

n my previous post, The Bubble Economy's Credit-Asset Death Spiral, I described the self-reinforcing feedback of expanding credit and soaring asset valuations and how the only possible result of this financial perpetual motion machine was a death spiral of collapsing debt service, collateral and credit impulse.

But this didn't exhaust the destructive dynamics of this self-reinforcing wealth-creation machine for the few who own the vast majority of the assets. As longtime correspondent T.D. explains, this concentration of the benefits of financialization in the hands of the few also concentrates political power and the wealth to distort every function of the economy to enrich the few at the expense of the many.

This concentration of wealth and corruption isn't cost-free. As I've discussed here many times, capital siphoned $50 trillion from labor via hyper-financialization and hyper-globalization:

The Bill for America's $50 Trillion Gluttony of Inequality Is Overdue (September 21, 2020)

Our Phantom Middle Class (December 23, 2020)

Monopolies and cartels focus on self-enrichment, not social or economic stability. Concentrating wealth and power in the hands of the most self-serving few and their entrenched interests has crushed the ladders of social mobility. Assets such as a family home are out of reach in many locales for all but the few. Inflation, high taxes and the corruption of student loans, etc. have stripped all but the top 10% of any hope of gaining middle-class security.

The only rational response to this reality is to opt out, lay flat and let it rot: stop the self-exploitation of working to make the already-rich even richer. Direct resistance is easily suppressed by force. But "letting it rot" by withdrawing one's labor and conformity cannot be reversed with force. Once a critical mass of the workforce opts out of self-exploitation and "lets it rot," the system of financialization / exploitation of labor can no longer sustain itself and it collapses in a putrid heap.

Here's T.D.'s explanation of these dynamics:

Don't forget the 'monopolization effect' promoted by the cycle you describe.​
Large organizations in any industry use their inflated valuations as leverage to acquire whatever resources are needed to bully their smaller competitors out of the game.​
They can buy off politicians, regulators, talent, and competitors to ensure their market dominance.​
It's happened in every industry--including healthcare.​
It's also left every industry dominated by a small number of colluding Potemkin organizations reliant on financialization to generate stakeholder value. They are formidable appearing but bereft of talent and mission. When challenges appear they simply do more of the same, becoming ever more reliant on their financialization to keep their systems churning.​
In healthcare we are left with consolidating providers and payers who deliver just enough 'care' to create the simulacrum of a 'health system' but in reality they are completely unable to cope with their putative mission.​
Need proof? Imagine what health care would look like if there were no Federal dollars of any kind.​
There would be no more palaces of healing, no indecipherable bills, and no onerous pricing.​
Just a service priced on value as judged by the purchaser.​
Through inflation, speculative price swings, regulatory opacity, and preferential access to capital, the system described in your post is quite intentionally designed to use ever-inflating capital valuations to take the value of labor from the wage-earner and place it in the pocket of those who have the capital.​
That's why it's so vulnerable to those who withdraw their labor. They work outside the system, they limit the excess value they create by 'laying flat.'​
Without the labor, there's nothing to steal.​
And all the IRS agents in the world won't change that.​
We're seeing a huge labor shift in healthcare. Last year the big news was the mass migration of nurses to the Agency model where they could earn 2-3 x their hourly wage--you read that right, wages had been suppressed for so long, a freer market was able to treble them.​
There was significant regulatory pushback, as health systems accused agencies and the nurses they represent of price gouging (heh).​
That didn't last long though.​
It quickly became clear that those nurses weren't going to return to their jobs at their previous pay, even if the agency option was regulated away.​
So now, needing those nurses on the floor, the dominant model is a hospital staffed with agency nurses earning far more (and happier!) than they would have as full-time employees​
Through using complexity to capture each industry and reducing the individual rewards of overcoming that complexity, the system you describe has sowed the seeds of the labor shortage which will result in its own destruction.​
And all the anxiety, distraction, and division they sow only accelerates the very thing they seek to prevent.​
And those of us who can see it simply need to prepare, sit back, and watch.​

Well said, T.D. Thank you for the explanation.


On TB every waking moment

Major Economic Contraction Coming In 2023... Followed By Even More Inflation

THURSDAY, DEC 08, 2022 - 07:20 PM
Authored by Brandon Smith via,

The signs are already present and obvious, but the overall economic picture probably won’t be acknowledged in the mainstream until the situation becomes much worse (as if it’s not bad enough). It’s a problem that arises at the onset of every historic financial crisis – Mainstream economists and commentators lie to the public about the chances of recovery, constantly giving false reassurances and lulling people back to sleep. Even now with price inflation pummeling the average consumer they tell us that there is nothing to worry about. The Federal Reserve’s “soft landing” is on the way.

I remember in 2007 right before the epic derivatives collapse when media pundits were applauding the US housing market and predicting even greater highs in sales and in valuations. I had only been writing economic analysis for about a year, but I remember thinking that the overt display of optimism felt like compensation for something. It seemed as if they were trying to pull the wool over the eyes of the public in the hopes that if people just believed hard enough that all was well then the fantasy could be manifested into reality. Unfortunately, that’s not how economics works.

Supply and demand, debt and deficit, money velocity and inflation; these things cannot be ignored. If the system is out of balance, collapse will set its ugly foot down somewhere and there’s nothing anyone including central banks can do about it. In fact, there are times when they deliberately ENGINEER collapse.

This is the situation we are currently in today as 2022 comes to a close. The Fed is in the midst of a rather aggressive rate hike program in a “fight” against the stagflationary crisis that they created through years of fiat stimulus measures. The problem is that the higher interest rates are not bringing prices down, nor are they really slowing stock market speculation. Easy money has been too entrenched for far too long, which means a hard landing is the most likely scenario.

In the early 2000s the Fed had been engaged in artificially low interest rates which inflated the housing and derivatives bubble. In 2004, they shifted into a tightening process. Rates in 2004 were at 1% and by 2006 they rose to over 5%. This is when cracks began to appear in the credit structure, with 4.5% – 5.5% being the magic cutoff point before debt became too expensive for the system to continue the charade. By 2007/2008 the nation witnessed an exponential implosion of credit, setting off the biggest money printing bonanza in US history in order to save the banking sector, at least for a time.

Since nothing was actually fixed by the Fed back then, I will continue to use the 5% funds rate as a marker for when we will see another major contraction.

The difference this time is that the central bank does not have the option to flood the economy with more fiat, at least not without immediately triggering a larger stagflationary spiral. I am also operating on the premise that the Fed WANTS a crash at this time.

As I noted in my article ‘The Fed Is Taking The Punch Bowl Away – But The Inflation Crisis Will Continue To Grow’, published in May:

“Mainstream financial commentators want to believe the Fed will capitulate because they desperately want the party in stock markets to continue, but the party is over. Sure, there will be moments when the markets rally based on nothing more than a word or two from a Fed official planting false hopes, but this will become rare. Ultimately, the Fed has taken away the punch bowl and it’s not coming back. They have the perfect excuse to kill the economy and kill markets in the form of a stagflationary disaster THEY CAUSED. Why would they reverse course now?”

My position is that the central bank has a global agenda that eclipses any national loyalty, and that it requires the decline of the American economy in order to expedite the introduction of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) linked together through the IMF. So far they are getting exactly what they want and they are perfectly aware of what they are doing.

The Fed is expected to slow rate hikes to 50bps in December, but this is not assured with the jobs market still running hot from $8 trillion in covid stimulus the past two years (mostly lower paying retail and service sector jobs). By the February meeting of 2023 the Fed will be at or very near 5% interest rates, which I believe will help trigger a considerable plunge in markets and mass layoffs.

There are other factors to consider, though. One lesser known issue is the new 1% excise tax on stock buybacks planted within Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act. The measure, which goes into effect in January of next year, will not reduce prices on goods. That said, stock buybacks are still the primary means by which equities are kept afloat by major corporations. Over the past decade, buybacks have been funded by money borrowed from the Fed at near zero interest – essentially free money. Now, the easy money party is about to end.

The 1% excise tax added on top of a 5% Fed funds rate creates a 6% millstone on any money borrowed to finance future buybacks. This cost is going to be far too high and buybacks will falter. Meaning, stock markets will also stop, and drop. It will likely take two or three months before the tax and the rate hikes create a visible effect on markets. This would put our time frame for contraction around March or April of 2023.

Inflation is not going anywhere anytime soon, however. The underlying problem of energy prices needs to be considered as they contribute to further supply chain stress.

Think about this for a moment: The current reduction in oil prices and energy is artificial and government driven, not supply and demand driven. Oil prices in the US are being kept down by Joe Biden’s constant supply dumps from the strategic reserves. Eventually Biden is going to run out of oil to drop on markets and he will have to replenish those reserves at a much higher cost.

Furthermore, oil and energy prices are being kept down because of China’s suspiciously bizarre Zero Covid policy, which is slowing their economy to a crawl and reducing oil usage to a minimum. With public riots escalating, the CCP will probably seek to ease conditions as a means to placate dissent, playing a game of release the steam valve. A reopening by early next year is on the way, with a number of controls still in place of course.

As soon as China reopens, oil prices will skyrocket once again on the global market.

Then, there is the war in Ukraine and the ongoing sanctions against Russia. Europe is about to face the worst winter in decades with natural gas supplies severely limited and the cost of power for manufacturing no longer tenable.

Their only hope is for mild temperatures for the rest of the season. If the current trend continues, production in Europe will be throttled, causing chaos in the global supply chain.

High energy prices and supply chain disruptions will mean ongoing inflated prices in goods and services well into 2023, even with a contraction in jobs markets and stock markets. I will be publishing an article soon with a working theory on how the US could actually stop inflation without crushing the rest of the economy. The model would require cooperation from leaders at the state level, though, along with a number of business interests that focus on necessities. In the meantime, I suggest readers stock provisions whenever possible and organize within their local communities before next April.


On TB every waking moment

Self-Service Kiosks Are Crawling With Fecal Bacteria: Study​

THURSDAY, DEC 08, 2022 - 08:20 PM

A new study has found both feces and vomit-inducing pathogens all over the surfaces of self-service checkout kiosks.

British scientists took swabs from every day items touched by multiple people - and found thousands of bacteria on the frequently used payment machines, according to Study Finds.

Present on nearly all surfaces was E. Coli, while fecal bacteria and microbes associated with urinary tract infections (UTIs) were also found on the self-service screens.


A bug commonly found in the vagina, mouth, throat and gut called Candida albicans, which can cause yeast infections, was also discovered on an escalator handrail.

And shoppers may also be at risk if they share their desk with others at work, as intestinal microbes that can cause a range of infections, including UTIs, were found on computer keyboards. The findings were confirmed by scientists at the Infection Innovation Consortium (iiCON) in Liverpool, England, which led the study. -Study Finds

According to iiCON chief researcher Dr. Adam Roberts, self-checkouts have a particularly high viral load.

"The self-checkout samples had one of the highest bacterial loads, as we found five different types of potential disease-causing bacteria surviving on them," he told the South West News Service. "This included Enterococcus which is found in human feces and, while this is usually harmless, it can of course lead to disease, particularly in those who may have weakened immune systems.

"This included Enterococcus which is found in human feces and, while this is usually harmless, it can of course lead to disease, particularly in those who may have weakened immune systems," he continued. "While both exist naturally in feces and intestines, given the right environment, they are able to cause quite severe diseases in humans, so it’s vital that we wash our hands before and after eating when working at the computer."

According to Dr. Roberts, shoppers need to minimize risk by washing their hands regularly, especially after using the bathroom.

"It’s vital to try to minimize their effects in terms of infection prevention and control, so when we touch our mouths or go to the toilet and don’t wash our hands, we’ve likely got bacteria from these places on our hands which can then transfer to other things – and subsequently to other people," he said. "If those individuals are more susceptible to infection than you are, there may be a problem."

Previous research confirms the common suggestion that it’s best to wash your hands for at least 20 seconds to get rid of infectious bacteria. A mathematical model concludes that it takes that long for bacteria to escape from the “valleys” in the surface of the skin that requires a heavy stream of water and fast scrubbing. Other studies suggest only 5.3 percent of people spend 15 seconds or longer washing, rubbing and rinsing, with the average time spent being only six seconds. -Study Finds​

Liverpool Director of Public Health, Matt Ashton, said that those with vulnerable family members should take are to wash their hands. "Our results showed that there are multiple bacteria living on objects that we touch every single day. These bacteria are completely invisible to the naked eye – surfaces may look clean but can be covered in bacteria," he said. "But there are simple things we can do to prevent the spread of them and stop the transfer completing its cycle"

"This is particularly important if you are visiting vulnerable relatives in hospitals and care homes, for example. Hospital admissions for illnesses like Norovirus and flu always spike at this time of year, but we can take steps to reduce how quickly germs transfer from one person to another, by simply keeping our hands clean – washing them after going to the bathroom and before and after."


On TB every waking moment

TSA Plans Nationwide Rollout Of Biometric Machines For Airport Travelers

THURSDAY, DEC 08, 2022 - 06:20 PM

Traversing Transportation Security Administration (TSA) lines is already stressful enough at airports. All travelers are screened during the security process by technology or an invasive pat-down. One such machine currently being tested in more than a dozen airports with a possible nationwide rollout next year is one where travelers look straight into a camera, according to The Washington Post.

The TSA is quietly testing a biometric machine called the next generation of Credential Authentication Technology (CAT) to verify the identity of travelers via their face. CAT scans the traveler's photo ID and then compares that with the Secure Flight database.


CAT machines are currently at 16 major airports with plans to expand nationwide, according to WaPo, adding, "Kiosks with cameras are doing a job that used to be completed by humans: checking the photos on travelers' IDs to make sure they're not impostors."


The controversial tech is currently opt-in for passengers (at the moment). It's so controversial that several cities, such as San Francisco, have banned it.

There's a lot to worry about if TSA is given the green light for a nationwide rollout next year. One thing is, how can anyone trust this federal agency to handle biometric data properly?

TSA recently said, "Photos captured by CAT units are never stored or used for any other purpose than immediate identity verification." But still -- with trust in government at low levels, who actually believes that statement.

The expansion of biometric verification data for travelers is a sign that the US is following down a terrifying path that China took to become a surveillance nation.

So what does this all mean? Well, it's a warning of the dystopic future where biometrics will be used to identify citizens across all facets of society. Think about Amazon's palm-reading payment technology that allows customers at some Whole Foods locations to pay with their fingerprints.


On TB every waking moment

Arctic Blast Batters Europe As NatGas Prices Rise, Inventories Fall​

THURSDAY, DEC 08, 2022 - 11:45 PM
A continuing cold blast across Europe, something we pointed out at the first of the month was forecasted to happen, has led to higher energy prices and drawn down NatGas inventories.

We explained on Dec. 1 that a weather phenomenon known as a "Greenland blocking" event would pour cold Arctic air over Europe in the first half of the month.


Latest forecasts via Bloomberg show average temperatures across Northwest Europe are expected to continue sliding well below a 30-year trendline to around 27 degrees Fahrenheit by Dec. 18.

The cold blast has already boosted heating demand across the energy-stricken continent. The forecast for even colder weather next week will indicate even larger future NatGas draws from storage.

After building up inventories to nearly 96% full last month due to warmer autumn weather, the injection to withdrawal flip is about a month in and drained about 5% of storage to 90% full. Seasonally, the withdrawal period is well underway, so draws will continue for the next several months (as long as there is cold weather).

What could drive levels down even further are vicious cold snaps.

Europe's winter temperatures have taken a while to arrive, but now seem to be coming in at full strength. Gas storage sites are still relatively full for the time of year, but risks still linger that a severe cold spell could quickly deplete stocks, leaving the continent exposed to any new supply curtailments. -Bloomberg

Australia's ANZ Bank wrote that forecaster Maxar said the weather outlook for the next few weeks would be extremely cold for the UK and Nordics. Heading into the cold season, traders saw NatGas supplies at ample levels, and some expected Europe would easily survive this winter without a crisis. However, politicians in France are already warning about potential power cuts due to issues with nuclear power generation, while the lack of grid interconnectivity with other countries could result in power crunches.

Dutch front-month NatGas futures, Europe's benchmark, have rebounded more than 52% to 150 euros per megawatt-hour since Nov. 11 on colder weather forecasts.

Month-ahead German, French, and UK power are rising as it becomes more expensive to fuel the continent's power generation stations.

As we explained earlier this month, this cold blast will be the first proper test of the EU's power grid.


On TB every waking moment

Top French Central Banker Steps Down After Being Ensnared In Corruption Probe

FRIDAY, DEC 09, 2022 - 01:15 AM

Christine Lagarde is no longer the only (alleged) criminal in charge of a money-printing operation: on Friday, French prosecutors said they had opened a corruption investigation into top central banker Sylvie Goulard, who simultaneously stepped down from the Bank of France.

The probe covers suspicions of accepting bribes, influence peddling, illegal conflicts of interest and breach of trust, the national financial prosecutor's office said, confirming a report from daily Liberation. Graft-fighting group Anticor triggered the probe by filing a criminal report in June, with the investigation launched in September.

In a statement, the Bank of France said Goulard -- a former Member of the European Parliament and briefly defense minister under President Emmanuel Macron in 2017 -- would be leaving her post as one of the institution's deputy governors on December 5.

So what's next for the corruption-tainted Goulard? Will she quietly ride off into the sunset of retirement? Why of course not - she will do what so many alleged criminals ends up doing: work for the government.

According to the Bank of France, Goulard Se wished to "return to the foreign ministry" where she started her civil service career.

"After five years as deputy governor of the Bank of France, Sylvie Goulard wished to join the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs, which is her initial Ministry, to pursue her recognised European and international commitment," the Bank of France said in a statement.

A source close to Goulard told AFP that her departure had "nothing to do with the investigation", which of course is a lie.

"Neither Sylvie Goulard nor her lawyer were informed that the investigation had been reopened," the source said. A previous probe in 2019 was closed the following year after no crime was found, case files seen by AFP showed, just like Christine Lagarde never faced any actual punishment even though she was convicted of "financial negligence."

Anticor questioned in its complaint the work Goulard performed for the California-based Berggruen Institute think-tank.

She has acknowledged accepting 10,000 euros ($10,530 at current rates) per month working as a "special adviser" to the Council for the Future of Europe, an offshoot of Berggruen, between 2013 and 2016.

Goulard, who was also an MEP at the time, said her work had "no relation of any kind with the business activities" of the group's founder, German-American billionaire Nicolas Berggruen. She said her role included "reflection, moderating groups, organizing meetings".

The Berggruen Institute denied in 2019 that Goulard had been given a fake job, highlighting that she organised meetings in Brussels, Paris and Madrid.

Goulard has also been charged in a probe into suspected fake jobs among assistants to MEPs from the Democratic Movement, a small centrist party that supports Macron.

President Emmanuel Macron had tapped Goulard, a former member of the European Parliament, to be his defense minister after his 2017 election victory. However, she resigned barely a month into the job after an investigation was opened into the way her political party, MoDem, hired parliamentary assistants in the European parliament. She joined the Bank of France in January 2018 for a six year mandate.


On TB every waking moment

Climate-Change Lockdowns? Yup, They Are Actually Going There...

FRIDAY, DEC 09, 2022 - 03:30 AM
Authored by Michael Snyder via The End of The American Dream blog,

I suppose that we should have known that this was inevitable. After establishing a precedent during the pandemic, now the elite apparently intend to impose lockdowns for other reasons as well. What I have detailed in this article is extremely alarming, and I hope that you will share it with everyone that you can. Climate change lockdowns are here, and if people don’t respond very strongly to this it is likely that we will soon see similar measures implemented all over the western world. The elite have always promised to do “whatever it takes” to fight climate change, and now we are finding out that they weren’t kidding.

Over in the UK, residents of Oxfordshire will now need a special permit to go from one “zone” of the city to another. But even if you have the permit, you will still only be allowed to go from one zone to another “a maximum of 100 days per year”…

Oxfordshire County Council yesterday approved plans to lock residents into one of six zones to ‘save the planet’ from global warming. The latest stage in the ’15 minute city’ agenda is to place electronic gates on key roads in and out of the city, confining residents to their own neighbourhoods.​
Under the new scheme if residents want to leave their zone they will need permission from the Council who gets to decide who is worthy of freedom and who isn’t. Under the new scheme residents will be allowed to leave their zone a maximum of 100 days per year, but in order to even gain this every resident will have to register their car details with the council who will then track their movements via smart cameras round the city.​

Are residents of Oxfordshire actually going to put up with this?

[ZH: Paul Joseph Watson notes that the local authorities in Oxford tried to ‘fact check’ the article claiming they’re imposing de facto ‘climate lockdowns’, but ended basically admitting that’s exactly what they’re doing...]

4:29 min

I never thought that we would actually see this sort of a thing get implemented in the western world, but here we are.

Of course there are a few people that are loudly objecting to this new plan, but one Oxfordshire official is pledging that “the controversial plan would go ahead whether people liked it or not”.


Meanwhile, France has decided to completely ban certain short-haul flights in an attempt to reduce carbon emissions…

France can now make you train rather than plane.​
The European Commission (EC) has given French officials the green light to ban select domestic flights if the route in question can be completed via train in under two and a half hours.​
The plan was first proposed in 2021 as a means to reduce carbon emissions. It originally called for a ban on eight short-haul flights, but the EC has only agreed to nix three that have quick, easy rail alternatives with several direct connections each way every day.​

This is nuts.

But if the French public accepts these new restrictions, similar bans will inevitably be coming to other EU nations.

In the Netherlands, the government is actually going to be buying and shutting down approximately 3,000 farms in order to “reduce its nitrogen pollution”…

The Dutch government is planning to purchase and then close down up to 3,000 farms in an effort to comply with a European Union environmental mandate to slash emissions, according to reports.​
Farmers in the Netherlands will be offered “well over” the worth of their farm in an effort to take up the offer voluntarily, The Telegraph reported. The country is attempting to reduce its nitrogen pollution and will make the purchases if not enough farmers accept buyouts.​
“There is no better offer coming,” Christianne van der Wal, nitrogen minister, told the Dutch parliament on Friday.​

This is literally suicidal.

We are in the beginning stages of an unprecedented global food crisis, and the Dutch government has decided that now is the time to shut down thousands of farms?

I don’t even have the words to describe how foolish this is.

Speaking of suicide, Canada has found a way to get people to stop emitting any carbon at all once their usefulness is over. Assisted suicide has become quite popular among the Canadians, and the number of people choosing that option keeps setting new records year after year…

Last year, more than 10,000 people in Canada – astonishingly that’s over three percent of all deaths there – ended their lives via euthanasia, an increase of a third on the previous year. And it’s likely to keep rising: next year, Canada is set to allow people to die exclusively for mental health reasons.​

If you are feeling depressed, Canada has a solution for that.

And if you are physically disabled, Canada has a solution for that too…

Only last week, a jaw-dropping story emerged of how, five years into an infuriating battle to obtain a stairlift for her home, Canadian army veteran and Paralympian Christine Gauthier was offered an extraordinary alternative.​
A Canadian official told her in 2019 that if her life was so difficult and she so ‘desperate’, the government would help her to kill herself. ‘I have a letter saying that if you’re so desperate, madam, we can offer you MAiD, medical assistance in dying,’ the paraplegic ex-army corporal testified to Canadian MPs.​

“Medical assistance in dying” sounds so clinical.

But ultimately it is the greatest lockdown of all.

Because once you stop breathing, you won’t be able to commit any more “climate sins”.

All over the western world, authoritarianism is growing at a pace that is absolutely breathtaking.

If they can severely restrict travel and shut down farms today, what sort of tyranny will we see in the future?

Sadly, most people in the general population still do not understand what is happening.

Hopefully they will wake up before it is too late.


On TB every waking moment

The Skyrocketing Unaffordability Of The American Dream​

FRIDAY, DEC 09, 2022 - 05:25 AM
Via Political Calculations blog,

One month after setting a record low level for affordability, the unaffordability of new homes in the U.S. has skyrocketed.

The mortgage payment for the median new home sold in the U.S. during October 2022 would now consume nearly half the monthly income of an American household earning the median income. The following chart illustrates that development.

This negative change is primarily the consequence of rising mortgage rates, which have been pushed upward as the U.S. Federal Reserve has sought to make borrowing more expensive in its attempt to stall and reverse President Biden's inflation in the U.S. economy. The next chart shows how mortgage rates have exploded during 2022 in response.

As mortgage rates have exploded, median new home prices have remained elevated, holding down their raw level of affordability with respect to median household income itself. The third chart confirms the raw affordability of new homes has hit a new low in that measure.

October 2022's estimated median household income of $78,595 would only cover 17.06% of the sale price of the median new home sold during the month. New homes have never been less affordable for the typical American household.


On TB every waking moment

Core Producer Prices Surged In November; Food & Brokerage Costs Spiked​

FRIDAY, DEC 09, 2022 - 05:39 AM

Having fallen for four straight months, the year-over-year change in Producer Prices was expected to continue to slow in November to +7.2% (from +8.0% in October) with a 0.2% increase MoM. However,m the headline printed hotter than expected (+0.3% MoM) - the highest since June. This left the YoY PPI at +7.4%, the lowest since May 2021...

Source: Bloomberg

Core PPI (Ex Food and Energy) soared 0.4% MoM (double the 0.2% expectations)...

Source: Bloomberg

While Energy prices dropped to their lowest since Feb 2022, Food prices soared to record highs...

Source: Bloomberg

About one-third of the November rise in the index for final demand services can be traced to prices for securities brokerage, dealing, investment advice, and related services, which jumped 11.3 percent. The indexes for machinery and vehicle wholesaling, loan services (partial), fuels and lubricants retailing, portfolio management, and long-distance motor carrying also moved higher. Conversely, prices for transportation of passengers (partial) fell 5.6 percent. The indexes for automobile and automobile parts retailing and for traveler accommodation services also decreased.

Source: Bloomberg

The November advance in prices for final demand goods was led by a 38.1-percent jump in the index for fresh and dry vegetables. Prices for chicken eggs; meats; canned, cooked, smoked, or prepared poultry; and tobacco products also moved higher. Conversely, the gasoline index fell 6.0 percent. Prices for diesel fuel, residential natural gas, and primary basic organic chemicals also declined. The index for fresh vegetables (except potatoes) jumped 43.1 percent. Prices for raw milk and for nonferrous metal ores also advanced.

The pipeline for PPI remains significantly softer...

Source: Bloomberg

And based on a 16-month-lagged M2 rate-of-change, PPI (and CPI) are about to lurch considerably lower...

Source: Bloomberg

Bear in mind that while PPI is slowing, it is still extremely high and we shouldn't expect The Fed to pause any time soon at these levels.

TL/DR: PPI hotter than expected because brokers somehow raised prices amid huge outflows and tomatoes soared over 40%


On TB every waking moment

Russia Is Selling Crude Oil To Asia Above The $60 Price Cap​

FRIDAY, DEC 09, 2022 - 07:15 AM
Authored by Tsvetana Paraskova via,
  • Russia is reportedly selling ESPO crude oil to Asia at above the $60 level set by the G7 price cap.
  • China’s teapot refiners have placed orders at $67.11 per barrel, with Russia using its own tankers and insurance to avoid the price cap.
  • ESPO crude is still being sold at a steep discount due to lower demand than normal while Urals is selling well below the price cap.
Russia’s ESPO grade, the crude from Russia’s Far East, is selling in Asia above the $60 price cap as it appears that Russia is currently handling the short Russian Far East-China route with Russian tankers and insurance, traders told Bloomberg on Friday.

Some independent refiners in China - the so-called teapots - have already placed orders for ESPO crude with January delivery of the grade, whose price was assessed at $67.11 per barrel on Thursday by Argus Media.

The price cap on Russian crude imposed by the EU, the G7, and Australia came into effect on Monday, but China hasn’t joined the so-called Price Cap Coalition, which bans maritime transportation services for Russian crude oil unless the oil is sold at or below $60 per barrel.

The trades with ESPO above the price cap suggest that, for now, Russia has the tankers and insurance firms to provide coverage and shipping for the ESPO grade, which can reach China from Russia’s Far East in less than a week.

Russia has used its own tankers to ship the ESPO crude and often provides insurance itself, according to traders who spoke to Bloomberg.

It appears to be business as usual for Chinese refiners, who continue to buy Russian crude and are ignoring the price cap imposed by Western countries.

Due to tepid demand, however, China’s independent refiners are seeing the steepest discounts in months for Russia’s ESPO crude, traders told Reuters earlier this week.

At least one cargo of ESPO, which is preferred by China’s independent refiners, was sold last week at a discount of $6 per barrel to the February ICE Brent price on the delivery-ex-ship (DES) basis, traders familiar with the transaction told Reuters. At the current price of Brent Crude, this means that the ESPO cargo was sold at around $68 per barrel.

While the ESPO crude is easier for Russia to move from its Far East to China, the price of Russia’s Urals grade, shipped from the Baltic port of Primorsk, was assessed at well below the price cap on Thursday, at just $41.59 per barrel according to Argus.


On TB every waking moment

BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Daniel Kimmage Deposition By MO and LA AGs Reveals State Department Was Funding Online Fact-Checkers to Censor Speech​

By Joe Hoft
Published December 8, 2022 at 8:05pm

Attorneys representing the Missouri and Louisiana AGs in their case against the government have uncovered that the State Department was funding fact checkers possibly in the US.

TGP reported over the weekend that the FBI and DOJ were working with Big Tech to target conservatives. This was recently confirmed, although we have suspected this of taking place for years.

The FBI Is Targeting Trump Supporters as Domestic Terrorists Proving Again that the FBI Is Arguably the Greatest Threat to Our Republic

The Gateway Pundit readers know that The Gateway Pundit’s Jim Hoft is a co-Plaintiff, along with several doctors and a Louisiana news outlet, in Missouri and Louisiana lawsuit against the Biden Administration. The AGs of Missouri and Louisiana are suing the Biden Administration (Missouri, et al, v. Biden, et al), the Department of Homeland Security, the FBI, the DOJ, Jen Psaki, Anthony Fauci, Health and Human Services, Xavier Becerra, and other federal agents and agencies for colluding with Big Tech to censor Americans all across the nation.

That lawsuit, the most important First Amendment lawsuit in America in the past 60 years, has turned into a barn burner – but the good guys are actually winning this time.

In October, a Federal Judge ruled that even before the court decides the government’s motion to dismiss the lawsuit, Anthony Fauci and a number of other clowns, including former State Department Daniel Kimmage must sit for depositions and spill their guts.

The Biden Administration’s lap-dogs lawyers, the Department of Justice freaked out and have desperately sought to shut down many of the depositions for absurd reasons. But this hasn’t worked to date.

The Attorneys General recently deposed Daniel Kimmage, the Acting Coordinator for the Global Engagement Center at the Department of State.

The Gateway Pundit tonight can confirm that we’ve uncovered something shocking and potentially corrupt or even criminal that was revealed during his deposition.

Krimmage held the following role from February 22, 2021, through June 30, 2021:

…the Acting Coordinator for the Global Engagement Center at the Department of State. In this role, Mr. Kimmage leads [led] efforts to coordinate and synchronize U.S. government communications efforts designed to counter terrorist recruitment and state-sponsored propaganda and disinformation.​

Based on Kimmage’s testimony we’ve uncovered information that the State Department was funding online fact-checkers. Kimmage doesn’t state whether it was foreign or domestic fact-checkers that the State Department was funding.

In the deposition in the Missouri and Louisiana case against the government, Kimmage shared the following:
(Page 183 / Lines 1-4 & 17-25)​
1 Q. Has the GEC ever supported​
2 fact-checking organizations inside the United​
3 States?​
4 A. I don’t believe so.​
17 Q. What fact-checkers do you work​
18 with?​
19 A. I believe the Pointer(sp) Institute is​
20 the only one I recall. I don’t recall the —​
21 the specific organizations.​
22 Q. Where is that? Where is that​
23 located?​
24 A. I don’t recall.​
25 Q. Is that a foreign or domestic​
(Page 184 / Lines 1-4 & 12-23 )​
1 fact-checking organization?​
2 A. I don’t — I don’t recall. I don’t​
3 recall anything beyond the name.​
12 Q. Do you have any understanding of​
13 how GEC works with fact-checking organizations,​
14 in general?​
15 A. I believe it would be identifying​
16 an organization that works in a location where a​
17 foreign propaganda disinformation actor, like​
18 Russia or China, would be active and supporting​
19 them in some fashion.​
20 Q. What kind of fashion?​
21 A. Support could range from a grant or​
22 a financial support to information sharing or​
23 training in tools and techniques.​

Kimmage must have tried to hide who that entity was that he was talking about.


The Gateway Pundit found that Poynter Institute operates Politifact one of the most notorious fact-checkers in the business. The Poynter Institute also brags about teaching classes on ethics. This and all the while the Institute according to Kimmage was being given grants by the US State Department.

The Poynter Institute does mention that it is supported by government agencies:

We rely on support from several funding sources who value the essential role of the free press in our society, including corporate partners, philanthropic foundations, government agencies and individual donors.

However, when reviewing the Poynter Institute website we see no mention that the US State Department was funding this organization.

What is the extent of their funding? What is it used for? Why is this a secret? Is this legal?


On TB every waking moment

BIDEN ECONOMY: BlackRock Warns of a Recession Like No Other Impacting the Whole World

By Joe Hoft
Published December 9, 2022 at 7:15am

Blackrock is saying to get ready for a recession like no other.

We’ve been warned for some time. The world is facing recession, the IMF declared.

IMF Says the Worst Is Yet to Come and 2023 Will Feel Like a Recession …Like 2022 Doesn’t?

The famous investor who made real money from the 2008 market disaster is warning about a recession in the US as well. Michael Burry saw the 2008 disaster coming and he is saying it again.

Michael Burry, Famous Investor Behind “The Big Short,” Warns of “Extended Multiyear Recession”

Joe Biden told us we aren’t in a recession. He says that it so it must be true, right?

“We’re Not in a Recession” – Joe Biden as US Enters Recession After GDP Shrinks For Second Consecutive Quarter (VIDEO)

So what really is going on?

According to one of the largest investment firms in the world, the economic outlook for the US and the world is not good for 2023

Blackrock says a global recession is coming.

A worldwide recession is just around the corner as central banks boost borrowing costs aggressively to tame inflation — and this time, it will ignite more market turbulence than ever before, according to BlackRock.

The global economy has already exited a four-decade era of stable growth and inflation to enter a period of heightened instability — and the new regime of increased unpredictability is here to stay, according to the world’s biggest asset manager.

That means policymakers will no longer be able to support markets as much as they did during past recessions, a team of BlackRock strategists led by vice chairman Philipp Hildebrand wrote in a report titled 2023 Global Outlook.

“Recession is foretold as central banks race to try to tame inflation. It’s the opposite of past recessions,” they said. “Central bankers won’t ride to the rescue when growth slows in this new regime, contrary to what investors have come to expect. Equity valuations don’t yet reflect the damage ahead.”

This is not good news when companies are laying off, inflation is at 40-year-highs and Americans are building up credit card debt while most businesses are behind on their heating bills already.

The Biden Economy is falling apart.


On TB every waking moment

World’s food supply at risk as Dutch farmers urged to sell farms to the gov’t​

Thousands of farmers are under threat since a court ruling elicited by environmentalist groups led the government to impose harsh measures not only on the agricultural sector but on construction and large industries.

Jeanne Smits,
Paris correspondent[/URL]
Thu Dec 8, 2022 - 2:57 pm EST

(LifeSiteNews) —In the ongoing Dutch so-called “nitrogen” crisis being used by the government to reduce the number of farmers and especially livestock farms in the Netherlands, added pressure has been put on those who not only live off the land, but who also help to feed the country’s millions and the world’s billions. At the end of last month, the government made clear that those who are unwilling to comply with increasingly stringent environmental standards will be allowed to sell their farms and farmland to the administration at 120 percent of their value, on a voluntary basis.

Thousands of farmers are under threat since a court ruling elicited by environmentalist groups led the government to impose harsh measures not only on the agricultural sector but on construction and large industries.

The court ruling in 2019 knocked down a 2015 scheme by which farmers were allowed to emit a declared amount of nitrogen and continue their activity in view of programmed actions to protect and restore nature. The so-called “PAS” was cancelled by the Council of State, leaving both farmers and builders in the lurch while simultaneously, planned emission reductions were set higher and higher.

News of the offer to buy out up to 3,000 farmers was met by renewed protests in the north of the Netherlands last week, when hundreds of farmers converged to Zwolle with their tractors to demonstrate against penalties levied on “PAS” farmers whose nitrogen emissions have been deemed illegal.

Offers are expected to be made to farmers by April of next year. The government decision has marked the close of a period of uncertainty – but not of discontent – for Dutch farmers who have repeatedly demonstrated for the safeguard of their livelihoods throughout the country,

Those who will refuse government offers have been warned that this is the best offer they can expect. Following debates in the Lower Chamber the government made clear last week that if “peak polluters” whose land is close to protected EU “Natura 2000” zones have not cut down their nitrogen emissions, relocated, or sold out by the autumn of 2023, their land will be forcibly expropriated. This is the first time that the Dutch Cabinet has admitted that forced buyouts are on the table.

The special “nitrogen” minister, Christianne van de Wal, who is in charge of dismantling one of the Netherland’s thriving sectors, told the Dutch Parliament that “for agricultural entrepreneurs, there will be a stopping scheme that will be as attractive as possible.” To date, some 700 “polluting” farmers have approached provincial authorities saying they want to sell out, but many retracted once the national guidelines were made public.

Taxpayer money will be used either way to reduce the number of farmers by some 3,000, according to major news sources, another objective being to halve the number of livestock by 2030, the deadline for halving nitrogen emissions. These numbers were first revealed by the official mediator between the Cabinet and the farmers’ representatives, Johan Remkes, on October 5. His report stated that between five and six hundred “peak polluting” cattle farms situated near protected areas must stop by the end of 2023.

The Dutch agriculture minister Piet Adema was unwilling to go into detail about the buying out of Dutch farmers, many of whom work on land owned by their family for generations. In an interview by on December 1, Adema refused to say whether it is true that government plans aim for a 30 percent reduction in farms. However, he acknowledged that in order to reach European Union environment goals, “the agricultural sector will need to join. And that will lead to fewer farmers, and it will also lead to less cattle.”

He added that hundreds of farmers in their sixties are going to stop naturally because they have failed to find successors.

In turn, it will lead to less food, fewer dairy products, and a reduction in production of agricultural goods, of which the tiny Netherlands is one of the world’s top exporters. While the farmers are pushed out of business – because it seems clear that no one is expecting or even hoping that they will all opt for “approved” environment-friendly ways of farming – humanity at large will be confronted by increasing food shortages.

What is nitrogen anyway? It’s a major component of the air we breathe, and it is totally harmless as such. It is emitted by livestock and fertilizers (which are especially in the crosshairs of the environmentalists), but also by industry, construction, and vehicle exhausts. When it binds with oxygen molecules and falls to the ground, it does become harmful for nature or at least for some forms of nature such as prairies by changing the soil’s chemistry. But there are plants that can capture it, and processes that can reduce emissions.

These are not the primary solutions sought for by the “sustainable development” crowd: they are intent on “protecting” nature at the expense of man.

Even this objective is not as clear-cut as it seems. In mid-November, a scandal broke out in the Netherlands when it appeared that the “Rijkswaterstaat,” the Directorate general for public works, was buying out farmers in order to use their nitrogen emission permits in order to build or enlarge motor highways.

For instance, six cattle holders sold their farms to allow the enlargement of the ring road around Utrecht.

Buying nitrogen permits has become the only way for construction works to go ahead since the 2019 court ruling. And interestingly, the anti-farmer rules are being brandished by the Dutch authorities as a prerequisite for the building of new homes and industries – not only through the use of nitrogen permits, but because large sections of land will be made free by the closing down of agricultural land.

Among the buyers are the two Dutch airports, Schiphol and the future Lelystad, which are both in the process of buying up farmland. Schiphol is not compliant with nitrogen quotas and simply needs the permits to go on functioning. while Lelystad is faced with erroneous calculations by the Dutch government that had minimized the nitrogen permit it will need to function.

It looks as if the farm war is a very one-sided one, as mainly public institutions such as the aforementioned airports and road construction works will encroach on “nature” much more than farmers do.

The farmers, in turn, are angry because for decades, they have followed government advice and plans and EU regulations that have turned many of their kind into a sort of agricultural public servant, choosing intensive farming with the encouragement of the authorities and making costly changes to their farms in order to meet “ecological” requirements.

The environmentalists, for their part, have already warned that what the farmers are facing today is just a foretaste of the rules we will all have to go by in the future. Two university professors from Wageningen chose the traditional feast of Saint Nicholas in the Netherlands, on December 6th, to publish a manifesto based on the anti-growth groups such as the infamous Club of Rome report in 1972.

They made clear that “sustainability” means putting an end to measuring growth through the Gross National Product, subsidizing fossil energies, reducing consumption, and even setting up both minimum and maximum incomes.

Or to put it more clearly: setting up socialism where the state rules and regulates everything.


On TB every waking moment
Remember that the Dems. have a majority in the Senate now and can ratify any agreement Biden makes.On the other hand, with Sinema going Independent, we may have a chance at stopping a treaty with 30X30 in it.

The UN Biodiversity Conference, referred to as COP15, starts this week in Montreal and focuses on the living world through the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) a treaty adopted for the conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity and related issues.

COP15 aims to achieve an historic agreement to halt and reverse nature loss, on par with the 2015 Paris Climate Agreement.

This year’s conference will adopt a new post 2020 global biodiversity framework - the first such framework since the Aichi Biodiversity Targets in 2010.

Coming up at COP15 today​

COp15 with Inger and SG of UN
Photo Credit: UN Photo

Exploring options for financing and investing in the gender-biodiversity nexus
When: 13:15 EST / Organizers: UNEP-WCMC (lead), Colibri Investment Fund, Women4Biodiversity (TBC) – Mexico, Canada, Verona Collantes (GEF).
Making Nature Count Through Natural Capital Accounting
When: 11:00 EST / Where: Side-event 1 512E / Organizers: UNSD, CBD, IUCN, EC, ESA.
Ecologically or Biologically Significant Marine Areas (EBSAs)--Describing the special places of the ocean in a changing world
When: 13:15 EST / Where: Danube 510A / Organizers: CBD, GOBI
Science in Focus: Ongoing IPBES Assessments & Opportunities for Engagement
When: 13:15 EST / Where: Nile 511BE / Organizers: IPBES, CBD
National clearing house mechanism and the Bioland Tool
When: 13:15 EST / Where: Yangzte 516CDE / Organizers: CBD
Making finance flows consistent with a pathway towards the conservation, sustainable use and restoration of biodiversity
When: 13:15 EST/ Where: Friends of the Chair Room 2 516B/ Organizers: FAO, IFAD, IFD.
Aligning finance and economic incentives towards biodiversity goals and targets, including environmentally harmful support
When: 13:15 EST / Where: Jinsha 513B / Organizers: UNDP-BIOFIN, OECD, EC.
Egypt`s contribution towards the adoption and implementation of the Post 2022 Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF)
When: 13:15 EST/ Where: Yellow 513A / Organizers: CBD, UNDP, GEF-SGP, the Government of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.
Biodiversity and the urgent need for food system reform
When: 18:15 EST / Where: Cangshan 513C / Organizers: IPES – Food
Indicators to monitor contributions of Indigenous Peoples and local communities in the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework
When: 18:15 EST / Where: Side-event 1 512E / Organizers: CBD, WCMC, IIFB, FPP (TBC), ILO

Today, the authors of the newly-launched IPBES Assessment Reports on the Sustainable Use of Wild Species and on the Diverse Values and Valuation of Nature will join IPBES leaders to present key findings of both reports in the context especially of relevance to the negotiations for and implementation of the new Global Biodiversity Framework.
Join the event at the Side-event 2 Room 512F from 13:15 to 14:45 GMT-5.

6:09 min

UN secretary-general's full COP15 speech | "Humanity has become a weapon of mass extinction"​


CTV News
Full opening speeches:

1:39:10 min

World Leaders Open COP15 Biodiversity Summit LIVE​


NowThis News
Streamed 2 days ago
Watch world leaders speak at the opening ceremony formCOP15, a two-week UN Biodiversity summit being hosted by China and held in Montreal, Canada.

Implementation of the 30X30 in Europe
1:29:50 min starts at
12:51 min
Last edited:


On TB every waking moment
Came across this workshop from the Climate Change COP27 that I don't think I have seen before:

55:28 min

COP27 (Nov. 12): Transforming food systems for climate, nature and food security​


Global Environment Facility
3 weeks ago
This event is part of the GCF-GEF Pavilion at the UN climate COP27. The GEF and GCF share a common vision to support nature and climate solutions which work together.


On TB every waking moment

Air Pollution is Just as Dangerous as Coronavirus, Claims UK Lockdown Architect​

KURT ZINDULKA 9 Dec 2022361

The British public needs to change their behaviour in order to reduce air pollution because it is as dangerous as the coronavirus, England’s Fauci equivalent has0 said.

Dr Chris Whitty, who led the government’s response during the Chinese coronavirus crisis along similar lines to Anthony Fauci in America, has warned that air pollution is as big of a health risk to the public as the virus, the Daily Mail reported.

“You have no choice about the air you breathe, when you go outside, when you walk down the road, when you go into public buildings, or come back to and therefore it’s quite important that the government takes it seriously and it has done so,” England’s Chief Medical Officer said in his annual report.

Whitty seemed keen on once again mobilising members of the public to shame those who refuse to comply with the government’s agenda, calling on people to confront people who idle their cars or use wood-burning stoves.

“I think we should make really clear to people the downsides of doing this that they are actually causing significant problems, potentially to vulnerable people and I think almost every parent would consider someone who is idling a car outside their child’s school to be an incredibly antisocial person to have around,” he said.

“I think this should be about people saying and having the courage to say, look, please don’t do this,” Whitty added.


Though the report admitted that air quality has improved significantly since the 1980s, it still claimed that air pollution caused between 26,000 to 38,000 deaths per year, though it did not elaborate on how much those lives were shortened.

The report said that in order to reduce this impact, there will need to be vast changes made by the public to their usual habits concerning energy.

“Behavioural change will be important in delivering greater progress on air pollution, and the values which government and businesses are held to will influence decisions, actions and how environmental performance is considered in their success measures. Ultimately these societal factors may be the most important driver for change and determining how much progress can be delivered,” it stated.

The work to mould people’s minds into adopting the government line has reportedly already begun, with the government’s Behavioural Insights Team (BIT) — unofficially referred to as the “Nudge Unit” — being tasked to develop psychological means of persuading the public to fall in line with the green agenda.

Some of the suggested changes from Whitty included the reduction of wood-fire stoves, moving towards the use of electric cars, and having farmers inject a slurry into the soil to prevent the spread of ammonia into the air.

The expansion of Professor Whitty’s remit as Chief Medical Officer to include environmental issues falls in line with his main partner during the Chinese coronavirus crisis, Sir Patrick Vallance, the government’s Chief Scientific Adviser, who called for people to reduce travelling and meat consumption in order to save the planet.

In an interview with Breitbart London, Baroness Claire Fox of the House of Lords predicted last year: “I think you can expect to see a whole range of issues being dressed up as public health issues and I’ve even noticed that climate change has been posed as a public health risk rather than the green ideology.

“If a government realises that when public health is deployed as the spectre to frighten people, then actually they can accumulate a lot of power for themselves without too much opposition.”



On TB every waking moment

Report: Biden Moving ‘Full Speed Ahead’ with Ending Title 42, Inviting Flood of Illegal Immigration​

JOHN BINDER 8 Dec 20222,394

President Joe Biden’s administration is charging “full speed ahead,” an official says, with ending the Title 42 public health authority that has allowed federal immigration officials to quickly deport illegal aliens after they have crossed the United States-Mexico border.

Last month, a federal judge struck down Title 42 — the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) authority first imposed by former President Trump in 2020 that has helped stem waves of illegal immigration.

The Biden administration quickly asked the court for five weeks to end Title 42, ensuring that the authority will be lifted on December 21. While Biden’s Department of Justice (DOJ) is now appealing the decision, they are not seeking to keep Title 42 in place.

One such administration official told CBS News that Biden’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS) “continues to charge full speed ahead in preparing for Title 42 to lift on December 21.”

Another administration official justified to Axios that the CDC has “made a science-based determination that Title 42 is no longer necessary.”

Ending Title 42 is almost certain, according to experts and Biden officials, to invite a flood of illegal immigration that could set daily records at the border.

Most recently, anonymous Biden officials said they worry an “open border” message will reach the world’s migrants and spur a massive surge.

The Biden administration’s existing plan will use American taxpayer money to fund additional non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to more quickly release border crossers and illegal aliens into American communities away from the border.

A senior source within the Customs and Border Protection (CBP) agency, though, exclusively told Breitbart News that Biden’s DHS has not been enagaged in any substantive planning for Title 42’s end in the coming weeks.

As Breitbart News recently reported, thousands of migrants are waiting in Mexico to rush the U.S. border when Title 42 ends in weeks. As part of the plan to deal with a record level of illegal immigration, El Paso, Texas, officials have asked Biden to open Fort Bliss as a migration intake center.

Without Title 42, Biden officials have previously admitted that up to half a million border crossers and illegal aliens — the equivalent of the population of Atlanta, Georgia — could arrive at the border every month.

Rep. Andy Biggs (R-AZ) told Breitbart News in April that he expects 30,000 border crossers and illegal aliens every day at the border without Title 42. In Tijuana, Mexico, alone, Breitbart News exclusively reported months ago that up to 6,000 foreign nationals were waiting to rush the border when Title 42 ends.


On TB every waking moment

Stanford’s Dr. Bhattacharya: Twitter ‘Harmed Science’ by Squelching Scientific Debate​

IAN HANCHETT 8 Dec 2022372

Video on website .59 min

On Thursday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “Ingraham Angle,” Stanford University Professor of Medicine Dr. Jay Bhattacharya reacted to revelations that his Twitter account was put on a “trends blacklist” by stating that Twitter blocked “scientific discussion” and this “harmed science, harmed children, and harmed the American public.”

Bhattacharya stated, “It feels like some novel from the 1950s, where the House Un-American [Activities] Committee is meeting to decide who to suppress and I’m some sort of movie star from — in Hollywood that they’re blacklisting because I’m a Communist or something. It’s ridiculous, and it really hurt public health. If we had had an open discussion, Laura, the schools would not have closed in the fall of 2020. If we’d had an open discussion, the lockdowns would have been lifted much earlier because the data and evidence behind them was so bad. Twitter, by suppressing scientific discussion harmed science, harmed children, and harmed the American public.”


On TB every waking moment

EU Central Banker Pushes Bitcoin Ban Under Guise of Climate Change​

KURT ZINDULKA 9 Dec 202251

Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum should be banned due to their “excessive ecological footprint”, a top European Central banker said this week.

Fabio Panetta, who serves on the Executive Board of the European Central Bank (ECB), called for the European Union to ban cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin, that use proof-of-work validation for transactions, an energy-intensive but decentralised process that involves computers solving complex equations to compete for the ability to complete the transaction.

The Italian economist said that due to the European Union’s commitment to combatting climate change, those “crypto-assets deemed to have an excessive ecological footprint should be banned.”

However, the environmental excuse appears to be a smokescreen for the real desired outcome by the ECB, namely the formation of a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) and the elimination of non-government-controlled alternatives such as Bitcoin and Ethereum.

“Only central bank money can provide an anchor of stability. The solution is to extend today’s two-tier monetary system into the digital age. This system is built on the complementary roles of central bank money and commercial bank money,” Panetta said.

“Central bank money is currently available for retail use in only physical form – cash. But the digitalisation of payments is eroding the role of cash and its ability to provide an effective monetary anchor.

“Central bank digital currencies would instead preserve the use of public money for digital retail payments. By offering a digital, risk-free common denominator, a central bank digital currency would facilitate convertibility among different forms of private digital money. It would thus preserve the singleness of money and protect monetary sovereignty. The ECB is working on a digital euro precisely for these reasons.”


Earlier this year, the European Commission said that it is planning on introducing legislation in early 2023 to create the framework for its own CBDC.

“It would ensure that money continues to be denominated in euros. And It would be based on a European infrastructure, facilitating intermediaries to scale payments innovation throughout the euro area and thus strengthen Europe’s strategic autonomy,” ECB chief Christine Lagarde said last month.

Meanwhile, in the UK, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has been a leading voice in supporting the implementation of a CBDC issued by the Bank of England, however, no timeline for its introduction has been announced as of yet.

Sunak, when he was serving under Boris Johnson as finance chief last year, claimed that a CBDC would function alongside psychical bank notes and coins, however, given the declining usage of cash overall, some fear that the CBDC would eventually replace cash outright.

The dangers of a Central Bank Digital Currency were laid out by the Bank of England itself, which admitted last year that they could be made “programable” so that the government could decide how citizens are able to spend their own money.

Tom Mutton of the Bank of England said: “You could introduce programmability – what happens if one of the participants in a transaction puts a restriction on [future use of the money]?

“There could be some socially beneficial outcomes from that, preventing activity which is seen to be socially harmful in some way. But at the same time it could be a restriction on people’s freedoms.”



On TB every waking moment

Investigation: Taxpayer-Funded NGOs Sending Tens of Thousands of Illegal Aliens to All 50 States for Biden’s DHS​

JOHN BINDER 8 Dec 2022325

A newly released investigation reveals the extent to which American taxpayer-funded non-governmental organizations (NGOs) are sending tens of thousands of border crossers and illegal aliens to towns across all 50 states.

The Heritage Foundation’s Oversight Project obtained data showing about 30,000 unique mobile devices at 35 NGO centers and one Customs and Border Protection (CBP) facility stationed along the United States-Mexico border.

Ultimately, the investigation “confirmed that a host of NGOs are actively facilitating” large scale illegal immigration into the U.S. interior as CBP transfers border crossers and illegal aliens en masse to NGOs, funded by taxpayers, which then provide transportation services so arrivals can be sent to all 50 states.

“Devices that were at these NGO facilities later appeared in all but one congressional district in the United States,” the investigation states:

The investigation confirms that Biden border crisis affects all of America and that NGOs are playing a central role in the mass resettlement of illegal aliens in the United States. Worse, this flow of illegal immigration helps enable cartels to bring terrorists, criminals, and deadly drugs like fentanyl into the United States. [Emphasis added]

Across multiple phases of the investigation, the Oversight Project discovered tens of thousands of border crossers and illegal aliens who had started at NGO centers before traveling to all but one congressional district throughout the U.S.

Border crossers and illegal aliens traveling from the border into the U.S. interior can be seen in geofencing charts issued by the Oversight Project:

Heritage Foundation

Heritage Foundation

Heritage Foundation

More than other administrations, Biden’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has enlisted NGOs to take on the role of sheltering border crossers and illegal aliens at the border before transporting them into the U.S. interior via domestic commercial flights and buses.

For months, House Republicans have urged Biden to disclose the number of border crossers and illegal aliens that have been flown into American cities, the cost to taxpayers, and how much money is being paid to NGOs facilitating the Catch and Release process.

Most Americans, in an August poll, said they believe there is an “invasion” occurring at the border as the Biden administration is set to have apprehended a record 2.3 million by the year’s end and is projected to apprehend another record 2.6 million next year.

Since February 2021, at least 1.4 million border crossers and illegal aliens have been released into the U.S. interior.


On TB every waking moment

Tillis: Bipartisan Immigration Deal Will Seal the Border, Provide ‘Path to Citizenship’ for DREAMers​

Pam Key, Dec. 8, 2022

Video on website 3:54 min

Senator Thom Tillis (R-NC) said Thursday on Fox News Channel’s “America’s Newsroom” that his bipartisan immigration deal crafted with Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ) will boost security at the border while providing a pathway to citizenship for the DREAMers.

Anchor Dana Perino asked, “You are working on some legislation. What do you want to accomplish?”

Tillis said, “We want to seal the border. We want to prevent 2 million crossings every year – with Title 42 going away, potentially many more than that. We want to protect our border patrol agents. We lost one this week trying to go after some of the people you just described. They are evading border patrol.

They are not presenting themselves for asylum and trying to get to this country to continue the expansion of the cartel’s illegal actions. We want to reduce Fentanyl coming across the border and secure the border. And we want to make sure that the crisis at the border, that the president has to understand exists, has to be solved.”

He added, “The 800 million a year that the cartels are making for human trafficking is aiding and abetting the flood of Fentanyl to this country. I think that when we’re talking about what we’re talking about proposing here is simply looking at a small portion of the population that even President Trump supported as a path to citizenship. Here is what they have to do. They have to be in school. They have to be gainfully employed. They can be in the military.

They can’t have a criminal record and never have been on any sort of federal assistance. These are people that came to this country as minors who are now doctors, scientists, teachers, hundreds serving in the military. I think the American people understand this is very different than this concept of amnesty. This will give them a path, and it is not automatic. They will have to work and maintain those high standards. And for that, we get a closed border, and we shut down the cartels. That seems to me like something worth working on.”


On TB every waking moment

[Jeffrey] Tucker Slams Judas Pence’s Unbearable New Book That Confirms His Role In Creating Shadow Government​

Bannons War Room Published December 9, 2022


The Many Post-Trump Era Books Reveal The Conspiracy To Sabotage President Trump’s COVID Response 3:52 min

[Tucker] The Many Post-Trump Era Books Reveal The Conspiracy To Sabotage President Trump’s COVID Response​

Bannons War Room Published December 9, 2022


On TB every waking moment
Musk’s Free Speech Twitter Is A Threat To National Security Cartel, Darren Beattie Explains 10:31 min

Musk’s Free Speech Twitter Is A Threat To National Security Cartel, Darren Beattie Explains​

Bannons War Room Published December 9, 2022

(No summary given. Did not watch.)

"Stochastic Terrorism": Beattie Explains The Old Twitter Execs. Strategy To Attacking Conservatives 5:58 min

"Stochastic Terrorism": Beattie Explains The Old Twitter Execs. Strategy To Attacking Conservatives​

Bannons War Room Published December 9, 2022
(No summary given. Did not watch.)


On TB every waking moment


On TB every waking moment
Fauci & Pence Collaborated To Subvert Donald Trump On Lockdowns, Vaccines. 4:35 min

Fauci & Pence Collaborated To Subvert Donald Trump On Lockdowns, Vaccines.​

Bannons War Room Published December 9, 2022

(Nullification of the Trump Presidency and the America First Agenda Relationship of Pence; Fauci; and McConnell. Pence also takes full credit for the vax)

Natalie Winters Exposes How Entire Fauci Family Helped Push Anti-Trump, Pro-Vaccine Agenda. 2:50 min

Natalie Winters Exposes How Entire Fauci Family Helped Push Anti-Trump, Pro-Vaccine Agenda.​

Bannons War Room Published December 9, 2022


On TB every waking moment

Store Credit Cards Hit 30% Interest Rates As Consumer Balances Rise​

FRIDAY, DEC 09, 2022 - 10:05 AM

There has been a massive surge in credit card usage by US households, a troubling sign that could suggest that in lieu of disposable income, many consumers are forced to max out credit cards to survive the inflation storm.

A major problem with inflation is that monthly balances keep rising as the cost of goods becomes more expensive, but the interest rates consumers pay on the debt are also rising because of the Federal Reserve's most aggressive tightening spree in a generation to quell inflation.

As consumer balance sheets become more saturated with credit card debt, it will become harder to pay off as rates rise. According to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, the total US household debt swelled by $351 billion in the third quarter to $16.5 trillion. Credit card balances jumped 15%, the fastest annual rate in two decades.

Households are taking on insurmountable credit card debts while rates are climbing -- as well as personal savings is collapsing.

This couldn't come at the worst time for consumers who have endured 19 months of consecutive negative real wage growth.

Bloomberg cited a new report Thursday that outlined the average annual percentage rate for retailer-brand credit cards is now at a mindboggling record high of 26.72%, up from 24.35% in 2021. Meanwhile, the average APR for general-purpose cards is 22.66%.

In another report, store cards, including ones from Wayfair, Bloomingdale's, Macy's, Shell, Exxon Mobil, QVC, and the Home Shopping Network, with variable APRs, were reported to breach above 30% in some cases. reports that the APR on the average US credit card just hot 19.40% - a new record high...

Matt Schulz, the chief credit analyst for LendingTree, was quoted by Bloomberg as saying some store cards that hit 30% were lowered soon after.

Consumers carrying hefty balances could see APRs rise through early next year but may top out around these levels as the Fed's hiking spree could hit a terminal rate of 5% before the summer of next year.

Depletion of savings by consumers and shifting to credit cards shows how many are quickly running out of lifelines.

Despite all of these pressures, delinquency rates remain low by historical standards but are rising, signaling if current conditions persist, then consumers could exhaust cash piles by mid-23, as per a warning via JPMorgan to clients.


On TB every waking moment

The Jobs "Boom" Isn't So Hot When We Remember Nearly Six Million Men Are Missing From The Workforce​

FRIDAY, DEC 09, 2022 - 10:25 AM
Authored by Ryan McMaken via The Mises Institute,

Last week, the employment news was all about how payrolls increased by 269,000 jobs and blew past expectations. Yet, when we looked at the actual number of employed persons, it turned out that the number of employed people has gone down in recent months. At 158.4 million, total employment is still nearly 400,000 workers below where it was before the Covid Panic of 2020.

Those who support the everything-is-great narrative have responded to the unimpressive employed-workers numbers by dismissing them as a result of workers retiring and other demographic changes. These explanations, however, require that we ignore the fact that millions of men age 25-54—that is, men of working age—have removed themselves from the workforce. When so many men—men who would have been in the workforce 20 or 30 years ago—aren't even trying to get a job, this lowers the unemployment rate and makes total jobs numbers look more impressive.

In fact, as of September of this year, there appears to be nearly a six-million-man gap between the number of men in the prime-age group—age 25-54—and the number of prime-age men actually in the workforce. Depending on why they're out of the workforce, that is potentially some very bad news for both the economy and for society overall.

How Many Men Are Out of the Work Force?​

Prime-age male workforce participation rose year-over-year in November, rising to 88.4 percent above last November's estimate of 88.2 percent.

Workforce participation has been climbing out of a hole since the rate hit an all-time low of 86.4 percent during April 2020.

Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics (Current Population Survey).

The larger trend in workforce participation for prime-age men, however, has been one of decline for decades. During the 1950s and into the early 60s, prime-age workforce participation for men was nearly 98 percent. That began to fall throughout the 60s, and by 1980, it was around 94 percent. The trend didn't end there, however, and even during the construction boom of the housing-bubble years, participation never rose above 91.4 percent. The participation rate has never risen above 90 percent since 2009.

What does this mean in total numbers of prime-age males? If we look at the difference between total prime-age men, and the total number of them in the work force, we find that the gap as of November was about 7,040,000 men.

Source: OECD: "Working Age Population, Age 25-54"; Bureau of Labor Statistics (Current Population Survey).

The workforce measure is of civilian workers, however, so if we account for approximately one million active-duty males, that leaves us with about 6 million men out of the work force. But what about stay-at-home dads? Many of these dads have at least part-time jobs, and are thus still in the work force.

According to Census data, however, the number of stay-at-home dads who are also "out of the workforce" numbers approximately 200,000.

So, if we shrink that gap by the men in the military and by the stay-at-home dads who don't earn wages, we are left with about 5.8 million men who are spending their days doing something other than working for (legal) wages or parenting children.

So, how are these men surviving without income? According to research by Ariel Binder and John Bound, most of these men are low-income, but receive income from parents, spouses, and girlfriends. Among men not in the work force, this cohabitants' income "accounts for the largest share of income" in the households where these men reside. Many of these men elect not to work because the opportunity cost of not working is relatively low. As Alan Kreuger has noted, the decline in workforce participation has been especially steep among those with lower earning potential such as those with a high school degree or less. Many men in this category also report poor health and that they take pain medication daily. This also suggests high incidence of opioid addiction among men not in the work force. Few younger men who have left the workforce are eligible for government disability benefits. Among older men, however, disability benefits supplement income from other household members.

What If These Men Rejoined the Work Force?​

Having a few million men leave the workforce drives down the unemployment rate. What would the employment picture look like if all these men were to suddenly join the workforce by looking for work?

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, there is a gap of four million between job openings—10 million—and total unemployed workers—6 million. If all the current job openings were magically filled by current unemployed workers, that would still leave 2 million unemployed workers. Now, let's add back into the work force those 5.8 million males who are aren't in the work force at all. We'd then have a situation in which all job openings were filled and we still would have 7.8 million unemployed workers. The unemployment rate would increase to 4.7 percent, or the highest rate since September 2021.

But that's not a very probable scenario. While many of the six million unemployed workers are only in transition, many others are unemployed because their industries are cutting jobs, or because the workers generally lack the proper skills or education. When it comes to the men who have left the work force entirely, the picture is more bleak. As we've seen, a sizable portion of men who have left the work force have likely done so for reasons that make them something other than ideal job candidates. If they were to begin looking for work, the more likely scenario is one in which the currently unemployed 6 million workers would balloon up to over 10 million. This would drive the unemployment rate up over 6 percent while also softening upward pressure on wages.

Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics, Household Employment Survey; JOLTS Survey; US Census; Bureau of Labor Statistics (Current Population Survey).

Once layoffs start to accelerate—as many indicators suggest will happen in 2023—the situation will only become worse with the unemployment rate heading up even higher.

If one were to go only on the headlines we get from the mainstream business press, though, it does seem like there's nary a potential worker to be found out there anywhere. The truth is less pleasant as millions of prime-age men aren't working, looking for work, or caring for children. That phenomenon is very good for making the official unemployment rate seem low, but it also lowers the economy's overall productivity while reducing savings. Even worse are the sociological effects of millions of men sitting at home living off of government disability checks or the toil of relatives, girlfriends and spouses.


On TB every waking moment
8:54 min

Everything inside Elon Musk's 2nd ‘Twitter Files’ EXPLAINED​


Glenn Beck
Dec 9, 2022
Elon Musk recently handed over to reporter Bari Weiss ANOTHER set of ‘Twitter Files.’ And they, once again, confirm what conservatives knew all along: The old Twitter — before Musk’s takeover — was wildly corrupt: ‘Teams of Twitter employees built blacklists, prevented disfavored tweets from trending, and actively limited the visibility of entire accounts, or even trending topics, all in secret, without informing users,’ Weiss reports. But that’s just the beginning. In this clip, Glenn explains everything inside the 2nd set of ‘Twitter Files.’


On TB every waking moment
5:28 min

World's Most Expensive Cities & Universal Flu Vaccine | WEF | Top Stories of the Week​


World Economic Forum
Dec 9, 2022
This week's top stories of the week include: 0:15 The world's most expensive cities - This list of the most expensive cities is based Worldwide Cost of Living 2022 report that compares 200 products and services in more than 170 cities. Prices in big cities have risen by an average of 8.1% in the past year. Their fastest rise for 20 years. Driven by the knock-on effects of the pandemic and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, some of these most expensive cities have high wages and taxes, while another has an average rent of about 92% of the median worker’s pre-tax salary. Watch to know which cities are the most expensive to live in. 1:36 The era of the megalopolis has begun - Today 60% of people live in urban areas, and by 2100 it's forecast to be 85%. We are entering the era of the megalopolis. Cities around the world are merging as they grow and spread, forming supercities connected by urban sprawl. The largest megalopolis is in China - it’s known as the Greater Bay Area. But what are megapolis? 2:53 Scientists develop a universal flu vaccine - Scientists have developed a universal flu vaccine. It’s effective against all 20 known strains of flu and could help us fight off dangerous new strains before they develop into a pandemic. The new vaccine could be in use within 2 years. 3:53 This device will heat our homes sustainably - Heat pumps run on electricity rather than fossil fuels and are 3 times more efficient than gas boilers. They capture thermal energy from the air outside and use that energy to warm your home.


On TB every waking moment
16:44 min

Neil Oliver - ''s anti-human & evil, and I think it's heading your way'​


Neil Oliver
Dec 9, 2022

(The value of humanity is being held less than nature and the value of today's people is being held less than that of the future. The unrealistic goal of net zero. The myth that CO2 in the atmosphere is toxic. Without CO2 there is no photosynthesis. Reducing farming from 13-50%. People not being able to heat themselves due to policies.


On TB every waking moment

Pesticide lobbyists pushing against environmental protections, research finds​

A UN conference in Montreal is trying to finalise a new framework for living in harmony with nature.​

Thu 8:02 PM 7,987 Views

LOBBYISTS FOR PESTICIDE and fertiliser producers are pushing “behind the scenes” against stronger protection for species and ecosystems at the COP15 biodiversity conference, according to research.

Delegates in Montreal at the meeting, which started this week and runs until 19 December, aim to finalise a new framework for “living in harmony with nature”, with key goals to preserve Earth’s forests, oceans and species.

InfluenceMap, a think tank that monitors communications by companies and industry associations, said it tracked lobbying between 2020 and 2022 that has sought to weaken both the targets themselves and steps toward their implementation in the EU and the US.

“As COP15 gets underway to finalise new biodiversity goals, major industry lobbyists are working behind the scenes to try to water down policy ambition,” said the author of the research, InfluenceMap program manager Rebecca Vaughan.

“We’ve tracked efforts from industry associations representing some of the world’s biggest pesticide and fertiliser producers… strongly resisting global and EU targets for reducing the use of biodiversity-harming agrichemicals.”

It tracked submissions they made to the secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity and communications obtained through Freedom of Information requests.

Examples included the International Fertilizer Industry Association (IFA), which the report said opposed targets for reducing losses of nutrients linked to crop production.

The director general of the association, Alzbeta Klein, said: “This report misrepresents the activities of the fertiliser industry in the area of biodiversity and in particular, the adoption of global targets.

“The industry recognizes the critical importance of biodiversity protection for the well-being of people and the future of the planet, and is mindful of its role and responsibility in helping to avoid and reverse global biodiversity losses,” she told AFP.

The association said in a separate statement that it was “actively involved” in the CBD negotiations by providing expertise and information on agricultural practices to set a “realistic, achievable” target on sustainable resource management.

One of the companies named in the report, German chemicals giant BASF, said it took part in “constructive dialogues” at the request of policymakers, advising on ways to limit environmental impact and aid biodiversity.

“BASF supports the preservation of ecosystems and promotes the sustainable use of natural resources,” a BASF communications executive, Christian Zeintl, told AFP.

“We believe that crop protection can go hand in hand with biodiversity in agriculture.”

The InfluenceMap report also pointed to fishery lobby groups that oppose one of COP15′s headline initiatives: to protect 30 percent of the world’s land and oceans by 2030.

A previous InfluenceMap study in October documented cases of oil associations lobbying against protection for threatened species such as some bees, seals and polar bears.

The head of the Convention on Biological Diversity Elizabeth Mrema said at a briefing in November that the majority of people registering for COP15 were non-government “stakeholders, including the business and financial institutions.

“This clearly indicates the awareness of the private sector of their role of also contributing to actions to reduce the loss of biodiversity,” she said.

Friends of the Earth issued a report on “corporate capture” at COP15, arguing that “the participation of big business in the Convention on Biological Diversity reveals a fundamental conflict of interest.

“The impact of corporate influence on the Convention on Biological Diversity COP15 can already be seen in the draft Global Biodiversity Framework,” it said.
“Far from being transformative, it fails to address unsustainable production methods and allows for ‘business as usual’”.


On TB every waking moment


The überrich flock annually to the World Economic Forum, where they can schmooze and strike deals under the guise of saving the world. A new book reveals how its founder benefits from this gathering of the global elite.

JANUARY 18, 2022

Klaus Schwab, the ringmaster of festivities at the World Economic Forum in Davos, has been known to tell underlings that he anticipates one day receiving a Nobel Peace Prize.

In a surprise to no one else, Oslo has yet to ring.

Schwab’s greatest accomplishment is decidedly entrepreneurial. He has developed the Forum from an earnest meeting of policy wonks into a glittering assembly of the world’s richest people. He has achieved this by ingratiating himself with those who wield power, and especially the billionaire class—a tribe known as Davos Man. Schwab has constructed a refuge for the outlandishly wealthy, an exclusive zone where they are free to pursue deals and sundry shenanigans while enjoying the cover of participating in a virtuous undertaking. Their mere presence in Davos at the Forum signals their empathy and sensitivity.

In the prevailing pantomime, Davos Man is intent on channeling his intellect and compassion toward solving the great crises of the age. He might have retreated to his mountaintop palace in Jackson Hole or his yacht moored off Mykonos, but he is too obsessed with rescuing the poor and sparing humanity from the ravages of climate change. So he is in Davos—paying fees reaching several hundred thousands of dollars a year for a Forum membership, plus tens of thousands more per head to attend the meeting—posing for photos with Bono, congratulating Bill Gates on his philanthropic exploits, tweeting out inspirational quotes from Deepak Chopra, and still finding time to buttonhole that sovereign wealth chieftain from Abu Dhabi in pursuit of investment for his luxury-goods mall in Singapore.

For the billionaires, participation in Schwab’s charade may be proffered as evidence that they adhere to the ubiquitous slogan of the Forum itself: Committed to Improving the State of the World.

In truth, Davos Man has pillaged the global economy, exploiting workers, plundering housing and health care, and dismantling government programs while transferring the bounty to his personal bank accounts tucked in jurisdictions beyond the reach of any pain-in-the-ass tax collector. The resulting inequality constitutes a potent threat to peace, a source of mass grievance that has helped propel anti-democratic populists to prominence around much of the globe.

Yet the fact that Schwab appears to believe in his credentials as a moral figure worthy of a Nobel speaks to his faith in the effectiveness of his creation. Like the people he gathers annually in the Alps—or at least virtually during the pandemic—Schwab is an exemplar of the force of pious words as prophylactic against the consequences of unsavory deeds.

Adour economist with ramrod-straight posture, Schwab speaks forcefully and slowly, in a thick German accent bordering on farcical, as if every word is among the most meaningful uttered in history.

Born in 1938, he came of age in Europe’s postwar reconstruction. He convened the first meeting in Davos—then known as the European Management Forum—in 1971, drawing 450 participants.

In recent years, 3,000 people have jammed the proceedings in Davos. The event has exhausted the meager supply of hotel rooms, forcing grown professionals to share glorified dorm spaces in barebones chalets for upward of $400 a night, or otherwise commute from neighboring villages while relying on Forum shuttle buses whose schedules appear as closely guarded as North Korean nuclear launch codes.

Despite the outward appearances of glamour, attending the Forum has become a supreme and unending torment of logistical hassles, astonishing costs, and physical deprivation—exhaustion, dehydration, hunger, and anxiety.

But this is also central to the experience, a feeling of overwhelming befuddlement tinged with elation that you are somewhere that is supposed to signify your own importance in the momentous sweep of history—a ridiculous yet highly effective means of motivating people to keep showing up.

Like most Davos Men, Schwab has mastered the art of holding two irreconcilable positions at once, unencumbered by the typical constraints of rank hypocrisy. He blithely disregards the obvious contradictions between the pristine values he publicly champions—inclusion, equity, transparency—and the unsavory compromises that he makes in wooing people with money and influence.

When Donald Trump appeared in Davos in January 2020 to present a keynote address, Schwab credited the American president for fostering a spirit of community.

“Congratulations for what you have achieved for your economy, but also for your society,” Schwab told Trump as he introduced him. “All your politics certainly are aiming to create better inclusiveness for the American people.”

Schwab’s movements through the Congress Centre unfold like military exercises, a coterie of agitated minions accompanying him everywhere. On his travels, he demands the privileges of a visiting head of state, complete with welcoming delegations at the airport.

At the Forum’s headquarters in Switzerland—a glass-fronted campus looking out on Lake Geneva—a hallway connecting two wings is lined with photos of Schwab posing with world leaders. When a Forum employee who was late for a meeting once pulled into Schwab’s spot in the parking lot, aware that the boss was overseas, he caught wind of it, and insisted that she be fired, relenting only after senior staff intervened to save her.

In the mid-1990s, when the Forum convened a gathering in South Africa, Schwab delivered a speech in front of Nelson Mandela at the closing plenary in which he cribbed from Martin Luther King Jr. “I have a dream,” he said dramatically.

“Several of us almost threw up,” recalled Barbara Erskine, who then ran the Forum’s communications.

But if Schwab is something of a ludicrous character, he is also begrudgingly admired as a savant.

“He has a knack, an incredible knack to smell the next fad and to jump into it,” said one former colleague.

He recognized early on that the Forum had to distinguish itself from the run-of-the-mill business conferences, where people sat around talking about money. In defining a high-minded mission—“Improving the State of the World”—Schwab turned attendance into a demonstration of social concern.

He reinforced the value proposition through relentless networking, making Davos an indispensable venue for business. He enticed multinational corporations to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars a year for the privilege of serving as “strategic partners,” securing access to exclusive lounges and private conference rooms inside the Congress Centre. There, executives encounter one another along with heads of state, investors, and other people capable of improving the state of their balance sheets.

Schwab choreographs bilateral meetings at which heads of global banks and energy companies can personally beseech presidents of countries for preferential tax treatment and access to promising oil fields. Consulting giants and software companies make plays for government contracts by speaking directly with the decision-makers. Top executives can fly in and meet a dozen heads of state in the course of four or five days, sitting across tables in soundproof rooms, beyond the purview of securities regulators, journalists, and other hindrances.

The core activities of the Forum—the sober speeches and panel discussions—have long been eclipsed by the extracurricular events that dominate Davos outside its official auspices: cocktail parties and banquets hosted by global banks and technology companies. Regular participants at the Forum boast about having attended zero panels and never setting foot inside the main assembly hall—a cynical mark of sophistication—while celebrating their invites to notorious soirees full of privileged debauchery.

Schwab feigns unhappiness, bemoaning the supposed dilution of the experience as Davos fills with private parties.

“We do not welcome them,” he once said. “They detract from what we are doing.”

But he does not complain about the attendant perks.

Despite the Forum’s status as a not-for-profit organization, Schwab and his wife, Hilde Schwab—the organization’s cofounder—have adeptly positioned themselves to benefit from the gusher of money moving through it. Audi has long served as the Forum’s exclusive shuttle partner, using Davos as a showcase for its newest vehicles, while supplying the Schwabs with cars at steep discounts. The Forum budget covers his globe-trotting, and the catering and security services at his palatial home in the Cologny neighborhood of Geneva—the Beverly Hills of Switzerland—where Schwab frequently hosts extravagant dinners.

Over the years, the Forum has spent almost 70 million Swiss francs (nearly $80 million) to purchase land in the area, including two parcels bridging Schwab’s home and the Forum headquarters, making them contiguous. Even in the 1990s, when the Forum employed only a few dozen staff, Schwab’s salary was tied to the pay for the secretary general of the United Nations, supplying him roughly $400,000 a year.

But Schwab was not satisfied by ordinary wealth. He entrusted his nephew, Hans Schwab, with the construction of a series of for-profit businesses, tapping the Forum as a venture capital fund.

His nephew had been overseeing the logistics of the Forum’s events when, in the mid-1990s, he joined forces with a contractor to create a new company, Global Events Management, tapping the Forum for half the startup capital.

From inception, the new business enjoyed a contract from the Forum to manage all of its events, a deal worth several million dollars a year. Klaus Schwab was so delighted by the success of the business that he told Hans that he was entitled to 5 percent. His nephew asked if he should prepare a legal document making this official. His uncle waved him away. “We’re family,” he said.

Klaus Schwab declined repeated requests for an interview. According to a Forum spokesman, he was angry that interviews given to other publications about his book, Stakeholder Capitalism, had yielded disappointing coverage. Through a spokesman, Schwab denied his nephew's account. "Hans been estranged from his family from many years," Klaus Schwab said in a statement emailed by the spokesman. "He has sought attention by making baseless claims."

Schwab was cognizant that running a for-profit company on the side of a nonprofit could bring unwanted scrutiny from the authorities. Yet he was so proud of his entrepreneurial exploits that he pressed Erskine, the communications chief, to write about the events business in the Forum’s annual report. When she balked, suggesting that this would constitute an admission that the Forum was taking liberties with its nonprofit status, Schwab was not grateful for her counsel.

“He was furious,” Erskine told me. “He sat me down and said, ‘Look, I want to be regarded as a businessman.’”

Schwab soon dispatched his nephew to Boston to run his new obsession—Advanced Video Communications, a startup that was building a videoconferencing system. At Schwab’s direction, the Forum invested roughly $5 million into the venture.

For two years, Hans Schwab oversaw the refining of the product while raising more funds. He brokered a deal under which a publicly traded technology company, USWeb Corp., purchased the video startup, handing over stock that valued it at about $16 million.

The company elevated Klaus Schwab to its board while awarding him stock options worth as much as $500,000. As USWeb’s shares soared in value, the Forum’s initial $5 million investment became worth at least $20 million.

Just before the merger closed, Klaus Schwab called his nephew and demanded a last-minute change. The Forum’s shares in Advanced Video Communications had been transferred to a new entity—the Schwab Foundation for Social Entrepreneurship. The foundation was to receive the proceeds.

Hans Schwab was taken aback. A last-minute change of ownership threatened to derail the transaction. But his uncle was adamant.

“He said, ‘This needs to get done right now,’” Hans Schwab told me. “I had never heard of the Schwab Foundation, and I suddenly had to change all of the contracts. I knew it was his little thing that he was cooking up. Suddenly, in the last hour, he could see that there was going to be huge sums of money involved, the sort of money that he had never seen before, and he wanted to put it in a structure over which he had 100 percent control.”

According to its website, the foundation promotes small-scale enterprises that address issues of social importance—extending the reach of clean water and electricity in the developing world, and creating opportunities for women. Where the money has gone is effectively unknowable. Swiss authorities require minimal disclosure.

Through a spokesman, Schwab confirmed that the sale of its shares in Advanced Communications “formed part of the endowment for the Schwab Foundation for Social Entrepreneurship, which has helped improve over 622 million lives in its twenty year existence.”

The same year of the USWeb deal, Publicis Group, a French advertising and public relations giant, purchased the events business in a deal that fetched 6 million Swiss francs. Hans Schwab approached his uncle to ask about his promised 5 percent.

“He said, ‘We can’t do that,’” the younger Schwab recalled. “It doesn’t look good.”

From DAVOS MAN: How the Billionaires Devoured the World by Peter S. Goodman. Copyright © 2022 by Peter S. Goodman. Published by Custom House, an imprint of HarperCollins.