GOV/MIL Main "Great Reset" Thread

Delingpole: German Economist Says ‘Great Reset Will Cause a Crash Worse than 1930s’
Shoppers walk past a clothing store going out of business in Los Angeles on September 28, 2010. US stocks faltered on Tuesday after a report showed US buyers' confidence dropped in September, sparking new fears over the recovery of the world's largest economy. The previous day's jittery trade continued after …
MARK RALSTON/AFP via Getty Images
James Delingpole26 Dec 2020781


The Great Reset is real, it’s happening now and will lead to devastation worse — “much, much worse” — than the Weimar Republic, a German economist has warned.
Dr Antony Mueller, Professor of Economics at the Federal University of Sergipe in Brazil, says that the Chinese coronavirus ‘pandemic’ is being used as cover by the globalist elite to destroy small businesses and hasten a new world order based on “expertocracy, climate green religion, and brutal depopulation”.
This globalist elite — inspired by the World Economic Forum’s ‘Build Back Better’ campaign for a ‘Fourth Industrial Revolution’ and by the United Nations’ Agenda 2030 — are killing Main Street, together with thousands of jobs, by keeping economies across the Western World in near-permanent lockdown.
“Most people have not noticed yet because at the moment governments can afford to give them subsidies and welfare payments. But the question is: ‘For how long?’ We know this money is coming to an end and that it will soon be over. Next you will see massive unemployment all over Europe as one country pulls down another country.”
The coming economic crisis will be worse than any the world has seen before because all the countries in the Western world will become impoverished simultaneously and be unable to help one another.
“We are seeing the destruction of the economy in all Western countries — from the U.S. and Canada to New Zealand and Western Europe. 2020 as been a big catastrophe in the making. It’s just not here yet but it will be worse — much, much worse — than Weimar.”
It was the decline of Germany’s Weimar Republic — a period of high unemployment, deprivation, and hyperinflation — which led to the rise of Hitler. But however bad it might have been, the coming depression is going to be much worse because society is more atomised and less family-oriented and religious.
“In Weimar you still had large parts of the population who were religious — which gave them a sense of community and mutual help. They also had strong families. Now from Spain to Ireland, you have single households, which is going to make it much harder for people to survive.”
The other factor which is going to make this depression almost uniquely horrible is that because all the small businesses are being methodically and deliberately wiped out by government fiat, there will be nothing to make ordinary life bearable.
“We know, for example, that Argentina has had economic crashes. But they were always survivable because there were always small businesses — you could get your car repaired, go to the butcher for meat, the bars and cafes stayed open. In this new crash the bars and cafes will be all closed.”
This has nothing to do with the virus, says Professor Mueller, and everything to do with government policy: “The real pandemic will be the effect of the lockdown.”
“We had a foretaste in 2008. You remember the pictures of lines of people waiting to draw their cash from the bank? This could well happen because you will have a collapse of credit… Unemployment will come. The government will have no funds. It will be mega inflation or a major contraction.
“It was not the virus that did this. It was the lockdown. Most people cannot comprehend it because the dimension explodes anything we are used to.
“History has many examples where we ask ‘How could they do this?’ But they did.
“One should not bank on having money. People say: ‘Oh I have a pension.’ But the government won’t be able to pay your pension. ‘Oh I have some savings.’ But you won’t have any access to your savings account.”
While Mueller says the prognosis is bleak, his disastrous scenario may not come to fruition if Western economies see sense.
The best immediate hope, he says, would have been if Donald Trump got re-elected.
“This will end the lockdowns. There will be a strong, quick recovery. And the Europeans will follow.”
He says he takes no pleasure in warning of disaster.
“I hope it will not happen. I do not make prophecies. I only see the implications of what is happening now with lockdowns, what the future looks like.”


On TB every waking moment

Delingpole: German Economist Says ‘Great Reset Will Cause a Crash Worse than 1930s’
Shoppers walk past a clothing store going out of business in Los Angeles on September 28, 2010. US stocks faltered on Tuesday after a report showed US buyers' confidence dropped in September, sparking new fears over the recovery of the world's largest economy. The previous day's jittery trade continued after …
MARK RALSTON/AFP via Getty Images
JAMES DELINGPOLE26 Dec 20205,943

The Great Reset is real, it’s happening now and will lead to devastation worse — “much, much worse” — than the Weimar Republic, a German economist has warned.

Dr Antony Mueller, Professor of Economics at the Federal University of Sergipe in Brazil, says that the Chinese coronavirus ‘pandemic’ is being used as cover by the globalist elite to destroy small businesses and hasten a new world order based on “expertocracy, climate green religion, and brutal depopulation”.

This globalist elite — inspired by the World Economic Forum’s ‘Build Back Better’ campaign for a ‘Fourth Industrial Revolution’ and by the United Nations’ Agenda 2030 — are killing Main Street, together with thousands of jobs, by keeping economies across the Western World in near-permanent lockdown.
“Most people have not noticed yet because at the moment governments can afford to give them subsidies and welfare payments. But the question is: ‘For how long?’ We know this money is coming to an end and that it will soon be over. Next you will see massive unemployment all over Europe as one country pulls down another country.”
The coming economic crisis will be worse than any the world has seen before because all the countries in the Western world will become impoverished simultaneously and be unable to help one another.
“We are seeing the destruction of the economy in all Western countries — from the U.S. and Canada to New Zealand and Western Europe. 2020 as been a big catastrophe in the making. It’s just not here yet but it will be worse — much, much worse — than Weimar.”
It was the decline of Germany’s Weimar Republic — a period of high unemployment, deprivation, and hyperinflation — which led to the rise of Hitler. But however bad it might have been, the coming depression is going to be much worse because society is more atomised and less family-oriented and religious.
“In Weimar you still had large parts of the population who were religious — which gave them a sense of community and mutual help. They also had strong families. Now from Spain to Ireland, you have single households, which is going to make it much harder for people to survive.”
The other factor which is going to make this depression almost uniquely horrible is that because all the small businesses are being methodically and deliberately wiped out by government fiat, there will be nothing to make ordinary life bearable.
“We know, for example, that Argentina has had economic crashes. But they were always survivable because there were always small businesses — you could get your car repaired, go to the butcher for meat, the bars and cafes stayed open. In this new crash the bars and cafes will be all closed.”
This has nothing to do with the virus, says Professor Mueller, and everything to do with government policy: “The real pandemic will be the effect of the lockdown.”
“We had a foretaste in 2008. You remember the pictures of lines of people waiting to draw their cash from the bank? This could well happen because you will have a collapse of credit… Unemployment will come. The government will have no funds. It will be mega inflation or a major contraction.
“It was not the virus that did this. It was the lockdown. Most people cannot comprehend it because the dimension explodes anything we are used to.
“History has many examples where we ask ‘How could they do this?’ But they did.
“One should not bank on having money. People say: ‘Oh I have a pension.’ But the government won’t be able to pay your pension. ‘Oh I have some savings.’ But you won’t have any access to your savings account.”
While Mueller says the prognosis is bleak, his disastrous scenario may not come to fruition if Western economies see sense.

The best immediate hope, he says, would have been if Donald Trump got re-elected.
“This will end the lockdowns. There will be a strong, quick recovery. And the Europeans will follow.”
He says he takes no pleasure in warning of disaster.
“I hope it will not happen. I do not make prophecies. I only see the implications of what is happening now with lockdowns, what the future looks like.


On TB every waking moment

Cardinal Burke: Forces of the 'Great Reset' have used COVID to advance 'evil agenda'
RedEagleMedia Published December 28, 2020

Rumble — Raymond Cardinal Burke delivered a powerful homily for Saturday's celebration of the Solemnity of Our Lady of Guadalupe at the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe in La Crosse, Wisconsin. (Video from the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe.) Full story: Cardinal Burke: Forces of the 'Great Reset' have used COVID to advance 'evil agenda' - Alpha News

Note: Burke translates his message into Spanish throughout the homily.

17:27 min


On TB every waking moment

The Great Reset, Part II: Corporate Socialism
  • state capitalism

12/26/2020Michael Rectenwald

As I noted in the previous installment, the Great Reset, if its architects have their way, would involve transformations of nearly every aspect of life. Here, I will limit my discussion to the economics of the Great Reset as promoted by the World Economic Forum (WEF), as well as to recent developments that have advanced these plans.

As F.A. Hayek suggested in his introductory essay to Collectivist Economic Planning, socialism can be divided into two aspects: the ends and the means.1 The socialist means is collectivist planning, while the ends, at least under proletarian socialism, are the collective ownership of the means of production and the “equal” or “equitable” distribution of the end products.

Distinguishing between these two aspects in order to set aside the question of the ends and to focus on the means, Hayek suggested that collectivist planning could be marshalled in the service of ends other than those associated with proletarian socialism: “An aristocratic dictatorship, for example, may use the same methods to further the interest of some racial or other elite or in the service of some other decidedly anti-equalitarian purpose.”2 Collectivist planning might or might not run into the calculation problem, depending upon whether or not a market in the factors of production is retained. If a market for the factors of production is maintained, then the calculation problem would not strictly apply.

The collectivist planners of the Great Reset do not aim at eliminating markets for the factors of production. Rather, they mean to drive ownership and control of the most important factors to those enrolled in “stakeholder capitalism.”3 The productive activities of said stakeholders, meanwhile, would be guided by the directives of a coalition of governments under a unified mission and set of policies, in particular those expounded by the WEF itself.

While these corporate stakeholders would not necessarily be monopolies per se, the goal of the WEF is to vest as much control over production and distribution in these corporate stakeholders as possible, with the goal of eliminating producers whose products or processes are deemed either unnecessary or inimical to the globalists’ desiderata for “a fairer, greener future.” Naturally, this would involve constraints on production and consumption and likewise an expanded role for governments in order to enforce such constraints—or, as Klaus Schwab has stated in the context of the covid crisis, “the return of big government”4—as if government hasn’t been big and growing bigger all the while.

Schwab and the WEF promote stakeholder capitalism against a supposedly rampant “neoliberalism.” Neoliberalism is a weasel word that stands for whatever leftists deem wrong with the socioeconomic order. It is the common enemy of the Left. Needless to say, neoliberalism—which Schwab loosely defines as “a corpus of ideas and policies that can loosely be defined as favouring competition over solidarity, creative destruction over government intervention and economic growth over social welfare”5—is a straw man. Schwab and company erect neoliberalism as the source of our economic woes. But to the extent that “antineoliberalism” has been in play, the governmental favoring of industries and players within industries (or corporatocracy), and not competition, has been the source of what Schwab and his ilk decry. The Great Reset would magnify the effects of corporatocracy.

Nevertheless, the aims of the WEF are not to plan every aspect of production and thus to direct all individual activity. Rather, the goal is to limit the possibilities for individual activity, including the activity of consumers—by dint of squeezing out industries and producers within industries from the economy. “Every country, from the United States to China, must participate, and every industry, from oil and gas to tech, must be transformed.”6

As Hayek noted, “when the medieval guild system was at its height, and when restrictions to commerce were most extensive, they were not used as a means actually to direct individual activity.”7 Likewise, the Great Reset aims not at a strictly collectivist planning of the economy so much as recommends and demands neofeudalistic restrictions that would go further than anything since the medieval period—other than under state socialism itself, that is. In 1935, Hayek noted the extent to which economic restrictions had already led to distortions of the market:
With our attempts to use the old apparatus of restrictionism as an instrument of almost day-to-day adjustment to change we have probably already gone much further in the direction of central planning of current activity than has ever been attempted before….It is important to realize in any investigation of the possibilities of planning that it is a fallacy to suppose capitalism as it exists to-day is the alternative. We are certainly as far from capitalism in its pure form as we are from any system of central planning. The world of to-day is just interventionist chaos.8
How much further, then, the Great Reset would take us toward the kinds of restrictions imposed under feudalism, including the economic stasis that feudalism entailed!

I call this neofeudalism “corporate socialism”—not only because the rhetoric to gain adherents derives from socialist ideology (“fairness,” “economic equality,” “collective good,” “shared destiny,” etc.) but also because the reality sought after is de facto monopolistic control of production via the elimination of noncompliant producers—i.e., a tendency toward monopoly over production that is characteristic of socialism. These interventions would not only add to the “interventionist chaos” already in existence but further distort markets to a degree unprecedented outside of centralized socialist planning per se. The elites could attempt to determine, a priori, consumer needs and wants by limiting production to acceptable goods and services. They would also limit production to the kinds amenable to the governments and producers who buy into the program. The added regulations would drive midsized and small producers out of business or into black markets, to the extent that black markets could exist under a digital currency and greater centralized banking. As such, the restrictions and regulations would tend toward a static caste-like system with corporate oligarchs on top, and “actually existing socialism”9 for the vast majority below. Increasing wealth for the few, “economic equality,” under reduced conditions, including universal basic income, for the rest.

The Coronavirus Lockdowns, the Riots, and Corporate Socialism
The covid-19 lockdowns, and to a lesser extent the leftist riots, have been moving us toward corporate socialism. The draconian lockdown measures employed by governors and mayors and the destruction perpetrated by the rioters just so happen to be doing the work that corporate socialists like the WEF want done. In addition to destabilizing the nation-state, these policies and politics are helping to destroy small businesses, thus eliminating competitors.

As the Foundation for Economic Education (FEE) points out, the lockdowns and riots have combined to level a one-two punch that is knocking out millions of small businesses—“the backbone of the American economy”—all across America. FEE reported that
7.5 million small businesses in America are at risk of closing their doors for good. A more recent survey showed that even with federal loans, close to half of all small business owners say they’ll have to shut down for good. The toll has already been severe. In New York alone, stay-at-home orders have forced the permanent closure of more than 100,000 small businesses.10
Meanwhile, as FEE and others have noted, there is no evidence that the lockdowns have done anything to slow the spread of the virus. Likewise, there is no evidence that Black Lives Matter has done anything to help black lives. If anything, the riotous and murderous campaigns of Black Lives Matter and Antifa have proven that black lives do not matter to Black Lives Matter.

In addition to murdering black people, the Black Lives Matter and Antifa rioters have done enormous damage to black businesses and neighborhoods, and thus to black lives.11
As small businesses have been crushed by the combination of draconian lockdowns and riotous lunacy, corporate giants like Amazon have thrived like never before. As BBC noted, at least three of the tech giants—Amazon, Apple, and Facebook—have appreciated massive gains during the lockdowns,12 gains which were abetted, to a lesser extent, by riots that cost 1 to 2 billion in property damages.13 During the three months ending in June, Amazon’s “quarterly profit of $5.2bn (£4bn) was the biggest since the company's start in 1994 and came despite heavy spending on protective gear and other measures due to the virus.” Amazon’s sales rose by 40 percent in the three months ending in June.

As reported by TechCrunch, Facebook and its WhatsApp and Instagram platforms saw a 15 percent rise in users, which brought revenues to a grand total of $17.74 billion in the first quarter.14 Facebook’s total users climbed to 3 billion in March, or two-thirds of the world’s internet users, a record. Apple’s revenues soared during the same period, with quarterly earnings rising 11 percent year-on-year to $59.7 billion. “Walmart, the country's largest grocer, said profits rose 4 percent, to $3.99 billion,” during the first quarter of 2020, as reported by the Washington Post.15

The number of small businesses has been nearly cut in half by the covid-19 lockdowns and the Black Lives Matter/Antifa riots while the corporate giants have consolidated their grip on the economy, as well as their power over individual expression on the internet and beyond. Thus, it would appear that the covid lockdowns, shutdowns, partial closings, as well as the riots are just what the Great Resetters ordered, although I am not hereby suggesting that they did order them. More likely, they have seized the opportunity to cull from the economy the underbrush of small and medium-sized businesses in order to make compliance simpler and more pervasive.

In the end, the Great Reset is merely a propaganda campaign, not some button that globalist oligarchs can push at will—although the WEF has represented it as just that.16 Their plans need to be countered with better economic ideas and concerted individual actions. The only reasonable response to the Great Reset project is to defy it, to introduce and promote more competition, and to demand the full reopening of the economy, at whatever peril. If this means that smaller-scale producers and distributors must band together to defy state edicts, then so be it. New business associations, with the aim of foiling the Great Reset, must be formed—before it’s is too late.


On TB every waking moment

Are We Really Going To 'Build Back Better' After A "Dark Winter"?

MONDAY, DEC 28, 2020 - 17:00
Authored by Jim Quinn via The Burning Platform blog,
“It’s like in the great stories, Mr. Frodo. The ones that really mattered. Full of darkness and danger they were. And sometimes you didn’t want to know the end. Because how could the end be happy? How could the world go back to the way it was when so much bad had happened? But in the end, it’s only a passing thing, this shadow. Even darkness must pass. A new day will come. And when the sun shines it will shine out the clearer. Those were the stories that stayed with you. That meant something, even if you were too small to understand why. But I think, Mr. Frodo, I do understand. I know now. Folk in those stories had lots of chances of turning back, only they didn’t. They kept going, because they were holding on to something. That there is some good in this world, and it’s worth fighting for.”
- J.R.R. Tolkien
With all the talk about dark winters from Biden, Harris, Fauci, tyrannical Democrat governors, pandemic hysteria medical “experts”, and the corporate media paid to propagate the vital narrative, my mind was naturally drawn to the words of J.R.R. Tolkien and his Lord of the Rings trilogy. It is a story of good versus evil, with a foreboding mood of darkness and doom.

To those of us of a conspiratorial nature, according to those who conspired to overthrow a duly elected president for four years and are currently conspiring to steal the presidency through blatant election rigging and mail-in ballot fraud, we believe the darkness engulfing our nation has been initiated by the billionaire globalist evildoers marshaling dark forces in their Mordor on the Potomac.

The globalist elites, along with the Deep State and social media tyrants of Silicon Valley are rich, influential, and arrogant. They have stepped out from the shadows and are now blatantly flaunting their capture of our government, electoral systems, financial systems, mainstream media, social media, and medical complex.

They have gauged the intellectual, ethical, and mathematical aptitude of the masses and found them wanting. They have no fear of significant pushback as they commit treason by stealing a presidential election, trashing the Constitution, destroying small business owners, impoverishing what remains of the middle class, and imposing totalitarian restrictions upon a compliant obedient populace.

A nation once populated by independent minded, self-reliant, frontiersmen has rotted from within, as the country is now populated by millions of weak minded, submissive, docile sheep, allowing themselves to be bullied and propagandized into paralysis, while texting, tweeting and facebooking their every mindless thought to their followers.

Unless the Trump forces can prove fraud on a multi-state basis or are willing to take the drastic step of utilizing the September 12, 2018 Executive Order regarding foreign interference in elections as justification for using the Insurrection Act in overturning the fraudulent outcome of the election, the end of the nation as we know it will have arrived. Losing the two Senate runoff elections in Georgia would greatly accelerate the decline.

If more Americans had the ability and/or desire to think critically, rather than choosing to be willfully ignorant and entranced by their electronic gadgets, they would understand how they are being manipulated and played by global elites, corporate fascists, billionaire totalitarians, and a corporate media using a common narrative as propaganda to mold their minds and play upon their emotions. It is not a coincidence when common phrases and narratives are propagated by those pulling the strings behind the scenes of this Potemkin village of villainy.

It has never been more apparent than during this year of pandemic hysteria. Phrases like “dark winter”, “lockdown”, “build back better”, “we are all in this together” (we’re not), “flatten the curve”, “social distancing”, “stop the spread”, “self-quarantine”, “contact tracing”, “new normal”, “remote learning”, “black lives matter”, and of course “The Great Reset”, have been introduced into our vocabulary as a means of controlling, dehumanizing, and invoking fear among the population.

Biden’s handlers have had him fear mongering with the “Dark Winter” jargon since October, as their plan was to not pass a relief bill for poverty stricken unemployed workers and small businesses; ramp up testing to extraordinary levels using a PCR test guaranteed to produce millions of false positives; and classify the deaths of thousands of very old people as Covid deaths, no matter what they really died from; all to seize power over the government.

The propaganda of “Dark Winter” is designed to scare the population into submitting to lockdowns, canceling Thanksgiving and Christmas, begging for the Big Pharma vaccines, and allowing totalitarian mandates from Washington DC, state capitols, and localities to be executed without resistance. With the unceasing support of left-wing media outlets, the use of dire warnings by your overlords isn’t based upon facts, but a purposeful effort to appeal to the emotions of the non-critical thinking masses.

When doing a search regarding “Dark Winter” you find a conspiracy theorist bonanza.

Operation Dark Winter was the code name for a bio-terrorist simulation conducted in June 2001 by John Hopkins, high-level government officials and the media regarding a widespread small-pox attack scenario. The similarities to the release of a virus from a Chinese bio-weapon lab in Wuhan are a little eerie.

The findings from this simulation should be familiar to anyone who has been paying attention for the last ten months. Dark Winter outlined the possible breakdown in essential institutions, resulting in a loss of confidence in government, followed by civil disorder, and a violation of democratic processes by authorities attempting to restore order. Shortages of vaccines and other drugs affected the response available to contain the epidemic, as well as the ability of political leaders to offer reassurance to the American people.

State government leaders wanted to invoke mandatory quarantining and border control. The lack of coordinated healthcare response exacerbated the fear of the population and overwhelmed the capacity in hospitals. The most pertinent finding from the simulation was information management would be the critical element in manipulating the crisis. They would need to manage the narrative to convince the population lockdowns, mandatory vaccinations, and disease containment measures were good for society, and most importantly, the government knew what was best.

It seems those who believe they know what is best for the world – Gates, Soros, Schwab, Bezos, Zuckerberg, Dorsey, Obama, Clinton, along with other Deep State operatives – have put these lessons to good use. They understand the power of Bernays’ propaganda techniques, combined with modern day technological algorithms and psychological manipulation, along with population dumbed down by decades of government school indoctrination where they were taught to feel rather than think.

They know if they can successfully market their desired narrative through plugging paid “expert” opinions, unceasing mainstream media messaging, social media promotion of the narrative and suppression of counter-narratives through censorship, and politicians mouthing what they are told to regurgitate by their puppeteer controllers, they will achieve their objectives.

You can even use their own technology to prove their duplicitous intentions. Google Trends reveals the phrase “Dark Winter” was virtually non-existent until October 2020. The Deep State public relations leeches running Biden’s campaign did some psychological testing on potential propaganda victims and found having Biden, his minions, and co-conspiratorial media utter this phrase thousands of times per day would invoke enough fear to convince the plebs to stay locked down, masked up, and pleading for the vaccine.

The message was designed to scare enough people into voting for Biden, that the election rigging wouldn’t seem as blatant as it became. The “Dark Winter” narrative peaked in the weeks following the election but is now being revived as part of the Big Government/Big Pharma marketing campaign to shame and fear the ignorant masses into compliantly getting injected with an experimental Big Pharma vaccine, with unknown long-term effects.

So, what is the ultimate purpose of this propaganda campaign? There are no coincidences when it comes to the narrative being utilized to manipulate the minds of the masses during this deliberately over-hyped pandemic. Is the virus real? Based on personal anecdotes of numerous people who have had this China flu, it most certainly makes some people extremely sick and contributes to the deaths of some people. Most people barely notice any symptoms.

People less than 70 years old and in relatively good health have a 99.7% chance of not dying from this flu. Even those over 70 have a 94.6% chance of surviving if they get this flu. This flu contributes to the deaths of the very old and very sick, probably shortening their lives by months, not years. Maybe that is why the study done by a doctor at Johns Hopkins showing no excess mortality in the U.S. during 2020, needed to be scrubbed, deleted and memory holed – it revealed the pandemic hysteria narrative to be false. Amazingly, reported flu cases are down 98%, with no deaths, and deaths from heart disease and other respiratory ailments have plummeted. What a coincidence.

Based on the positivity rate from the mass testing, it appears 10% of the population has had or has this flu. There have been 326,000 deaths classified as Covid since March. We know this is a grossly exaggerated number because the medical industrial complex is highly compensated by the government with your money to classify deaths as Covid. Actual data shows only 6% of the total deaths are from Covid alone.

Also, for those incapable of critical thinking, a case is not a sickness. Most people testing positive (due to faulty PCR tests) don’t know they even have this dreadful disease. And now that everyone entering a hospital for a procedure gets tested, a positive test means they are classified as a Covid hospitalization. The “masking saves lives” narrative is a complete and utter joke, as proved by any factual analysis – which will be immediately suppressed by Facebook, Twitter, and Google.

How many tik-tok nurse dance routines does it take for people to realize the “hospitals at capacity” narrative is bullshit? We also know for a fact over 40% of all deaths have occurred in long-term care facilities, thanks to best selling author on leadership and Emmy award winner Andrew Cuomo and his fellow left wing totalitarian governors – Newsom, Wolf, Murphy and Whitmer. As the election approached, the daily testing was ramped from 1 million to over 2 million because the “Resistance” needed cases to surge and make it appear the situation was getting dramatically worse to help steal the election.

All part of the plan, along with the necessity of mass mail-in ballot voting because it was too dangerous to stand in line at polling places, but perfectly safe to be in massive lines at Wal-Mart, Target and Costco. And now we have the full press “life-saving” vaccine marketing campaign, on par with the rollout of version 6,875 of the Apple iphone, designed to enrich Pfizer, Moderna, Astra Zeneca, and the other dozen Big Pharma mega-corporations and their billionaire benefactors.

The televised vaccine injections by politicians, Hollywood actors, Fauci, and other “important people” are broadcasted breathlessly by the vacuous bimbo and brainless male model talking heads on CNN, MSNBC and the other propaganda media to convince the ignorant masses they need to blindly comply to save themselves from a horrible disease with a 99.7% survival rate.

The concerted effort to scorn, ridicule, censor and disallow any discussion about the tremendous effectiveness of Hydroxychloroquine + Zinc + Zpack in curing this virus is another example of the Big Pharma profits mantra as the dominant theme. This perfectly safe and effective treatment only costs a few bucks and doesn’t enrich the pandemia crowd, so it had to be squashed. How many people died because politicians banned this treatment until after the election?

Ivermectin, generally used to treat parasite infestations, has also proven to be highly effective in treating Covid-19, but you will never hear Fauci or a MSM talking head admit this is true. There are billions to be made. And if cases begin to peak, just announce a new “mutant” strain with no proof or data, and the fearful masses will again beg the government to keep them locked down. There is a population to control – and reduce.

They expect you to believe the 95% vaccine success rate after 9 months, when they haven’t achieved a 40% success rate with the annual flu after decades. And they absolutely know the long-term effects of a product they just produced with far less testing than has been done to test the safety of previous vaccines. Five years from now when negative impacts begin to reveal themselves, they will say “how could we have known?”.

And since the mega-corporation Pharma companies have been granted immunity from liability for their negligence, their hundreds of billions in profits will be safe. How long before Fauci is sitting on the Boards of Pfizer and Moderna, collecting six figure board fees? It is fascinating how the WHO suddenly changed their definition of herd immunity on their website to say that it can only be achieved through vaccinations, which is categorically untrue.

When you realize the breadth of this conspiracy of billionaire oligarchs, the UN, WHO, CDC, corrupt politicians, Big Pharma, the entire medical complex, corporate media, and feckless bureaucrats, to plunder the wealth of the masses and implement their command-and-control agenda, you might understand Mencken’s rage.

In Part Two of this article I will lay out Klaus Schwab’s master plan to reset the world in the warped vision of the globalist elites. In Part Three I will use the wisdom of J.R.R. Tolkien to try and map a path through these dark times.


On TB every waking moment
48:31 min

The end of the dollar reserve currency and transition to the new global digital transaction system using fear of invisible enemies (COVID-19) and divide and conquer to control. Work and education online and digital currency = surveillance and control. The digital system is a control system. Trying to get people to buy in without understanding the end consequences.

The big box/online business kills main street and they end up in a debt trap trying to stay afloat, while the big guys scoop up assets. Destruction of independent forms of income. Digital currency plus transhumanism brings in a surveillance state similar to CCP social credit score, which is a slavery system. Satellites facilitate the surveillance.

COVID is the transition to the institution of control systems of technocracy. COVID can be magically blamed for the loss of social security, the default on the national debt, etc.

One interesting thing she discusses is the pattern of riots. They occurred in 34 of the 37 cities where there are federal reserve banks or satellites. A law was passed allowing tech giants to sell their stock and avoid capital gains by reinvesting it in enterprise zones. COVID would lay the (often black or Hispanic) shop owners flat financially with debt problems by declaring them non-essential or tier whatever. The rioters would come along and loot and burn them out and this would allow the tech giants to come in and acquire the property.

Under Technocracy, robots are more efficient at most tasks over humans. Humans lose their individual God-given sovereignty and become simply a resource with no personal freedom.
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On TB every waking moment

Great Reset: Tiny Houses Pushed as Solution to Climate Change

Social engineers promote lower living standards.

29 December, 2020
Paul Joseph Watson
Video Screenshot
Social engineers are pushing tiny 200-sq-ft Ikea houses as the solution to climate change in another example of how our living standards are set to be lowered.

In an article entitled ‘Ikea tiny homes can help fight climate change by giving small footprints a big toehold’, Carl Pope, former head of the Sierra Club, gushes over the micro-homes (basically trailers) that sell for $47,550.

“Housing is an important source of climate pollution — directly responsible for about 5 percent of greenhouse gas emissions in the United States plus their electricity. Given Ikea’s emphasis on recycled and reusable materials, the company seems likely to accelerate some important shifts in the housing market. Ikea will also almost certainly take advantage of what it learns in the “tiny” segment of the building market to establish a foothold in the broader, potentially highly green, manufactured building space,” writes Pope.

While solar panels would struggle to heat larger homes, this isn’t an issue for the tiny homes, so long as you’re content living in a box.

“The use of rooftop solar panels to generate power and the replacement of propane heating with a heat pump run by those solar panels is likely to become the standard in many states for manufactured homes,” he adds. “They will gravitate toward all-electric mobile homes because propane is a significant factor in the threat of fires to mobile home parks.”

13:25 min

“When utopia is achieved, we will be forced to live in tiny playhouses — for our own good, because living in a rabbit hutch will improve the weather,” writes Dave Blount.

“Winter could mean praying for sunny weather so that the heat comes on. That way we will be cozy and snug when we are placed under house arrest the next time a virus comes around.”

As we previously highlighted, last year CNN promoted the idea of young people living in ‘pods’ in the center of huge cities where they have no privacy.

Houses are now becoming so unaffordable for debt-stricken millennials that young people are also now literally living in decorated sewer pipes.

They’re called OPod Tube Houses and literally consist of reclaimed bits of industrial piping renovated inside with other left over pieces from building sites to make them into micro apartments.

7:56 min


On TB every waking moment

Are We Really Going To 'Build Back Better' After A "Dark Winter"? Part 2

TUESDAY, DEC 29, 2020 - 16:20
Authored by Jim Quinn via The Burning Platform blog,

In Part One of this article I laid out the case the “dark winter” narrative and how an experimental vaccine marketed like a tech product by Big Pharma and their cronies are part of a globalist scheme to reset the world and force us into subservience.

Now we get to Biden’s campaign slogan, which began to be adopted in August 2020, and was beaten like a dead horse just before and after the rigged election. “Build back better” must have played well among the useless eater, mouth breather demographic, when tested by Biden’s handlers. Biden would pop his head out of the basement periodically to stumble through a teleprompter speech where he was instructed to utter “build back better” three or four times.

Then the contemptibly compliant corporate media expounded on the narrative as a brilliant plan by the wise statesman Joe Biden to save America from the murderous machinations of the evil orange man. Again, Google Trends reveals the coordinated effort to use this phrase in their efforts to steal the presidential election. If you think this was just a brilliant strategy by Biden’s handlers, you haven’t been paying attention. This is the globalist slogan to change the world.

“Build back better” has been a globalist slogan for over a decade. The definition per our friends at the UN is “a holistic concept using post-disaster reconstruction and recovery as an opportunity to improve a community’s physical, social, environmental and economic conditions to create a more resilient community in an effective and efficient way.”

Now you get the gist of why this slogan is being flogged to death by not only Biden, but his globalist colleagues around the globe. They need a disaster to build a new world in the image they desire – green, global control, de-population, MMT, and ruled by oligarchs like Gates, Soros, Bloomberg, Schwab and the rest of the Davos crowd. They see the deaths of a few million people as an opportunity to lockdown and control the planet.

You begin to understand the basis for this catch phrase when you research its origins. It first surfaced in a 2009 UN press release, marking “International Mother Earth Day”, a made up globalist holiday. The UN used the fake climate crisis to urge governments to “build back better” by creating a more sustainable, resilient, and inclusive societies after the financial crisis. Never let a good crisis go to waste. Bill Clinton and UN Sec. Gen. Ban Ki-Moon used the phrase in 2009 regarding Haiti. How did that work out for Haitians?

BBB also refers to the official Sendai Framework of disaster recovery that was adopted in the UN World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction in Sendai, Japan in 2015. The World Bank also uses the phrase in its Unbreakable report, which details the devastation disasters have on poor communities. It highlights the need to “build back better” after meeting essential needs in poor communities. This phrase reeks of a globalist agenda.

The European Commission used the phrase in May of this year when announcing their 750 billion Euro stimulus fund to “build back better” through “channels that contribute to a greener more sustainable and resilient society.” Meaning no fossil fuels, massive tax increases, and obeying those who know what’s best for you – I’m surprised they haven’t rolled out a new sitcom called Soros Knows Best. Of course, our favorite vacuous black face male model PM, Justin Trudeau, virtue signaled his allegiance to the globalist green agenda in August, saying: “We need to reset the approach of this government for a recovery to build back better.”

Another Soros protégé, totalitarian extraordinaire, Jacinda Ardern, NZ PM, has fervently used the assigned phrase when bloviating about her green recovery plans. Next on the agenda are climate lockdowns. Lastly, we have globalist fool/tool Boris Johnson, when he isn’t busy cancelling Christmas based on junk “science”, doing as he is told and uttering his “build back better” lines, as the UK descends into an Orwellian dystopian nightmare.

These billionaire-funded ego-maniacal authoritarians must have a disaster in order to “build back better” from. Essentially this globalist plot to change the world is exploiting this over-hyped coronavirus pandemic to initiate Schwab’s Great Reset, where the serfs will own nothing and be happy, while the oligarch lords and their apparatchiks live lives of luxury and plenty, inflicting mandates and regulations upon their subjects. The coronavirus crisis will be replaced with the climate crisis as the creation of perpetual disaster allows the globalists to implement their master new world order plan.

Everything happening in the world is inter-connected and part of a sinister plot to control the world. The disaster is not the coronavirus, but the purposeful destruction of the global economic system by these evil men and women. The lockdowns, mandatory masking, debt creation, and destruction of small businesses is necessary for these corporate fascist globalists to destroy our existing way of life, to reset the world in their warped dystopian vision.

Google Trends once again exposes their master plan as Klaus Schwab’s Great Reset scheme coincided with Biden’s “dark winter” and “build back better” narrative to psychologically condition the masses for their plan to transform a world of independent nations acting in their best interests, with citizens free to live their lives in a way of their choosing, operating within community standards and agreed upon rules, and able to climb as high as their talents and ambitions take them, to a world ruled by oligarchs, where the people are treated like cattle, freedoms restricted, free thought censored, and all communications electronically surveilled. With the threat of imprisonment and capital punishment for those who do not bend the knee.

Schwab published his book COVID-19: The Great Reset in July 2020 in conjunction with the massive increase in purposely flawed PCR testing, guaranteed to generate enough false positives to scare the world into Great Reset submission. They are no longer operating in the shadows but feel emboldened by this fake pandemic “disaster” to lay out their utopian plans to control our lives, because their hubris knows no bounds. Schwab’s rationale for resetting the world, as laid out in his book is as follows:
  • Covid-19 has plunged the world into the most challenging times in generations
  • The world has changed forever creating economic, social, and environmental disruptions.
  • Millions of companies’ risk falling behind and few will thrive.
  • Life as we know it is unraveling, offering the opportunity for transformation and reimagination.
  • The sudden and violent nature of the shock is overwhelming, as unemployment can cause social unrest and mass migration.
  • The world is systematically connected and must act as one and evolve to address extreme consequences of disasters like Covid-19.
  • The dramatic rise in unemployment, global social unrest caused by BLM, and growing tension between China and the U.S. were exacerbated by the pandemic. We are at a critical juncture where the potential for change is unlimited and only bound by our imagination.
  • Societies need to be more equitable, exhibiting solidarity, looking to the needs of the many, with economies more inclusive, and dismantling the status quo.
  • The success of the Great Reset requires immense change, creating a new social contract, international collaboration, and investment in the environment.
  • Building back better needs to be adopted by leaders around the world and stimulus packages must include climate initiatives to achieve the goals of Agenda 2030.

Klaus and his billionaire buddies have big plans, and this faux pandemic crisis was the perfect “opportunity” to achieve their globalist corporate Marxist dreams. Wealthy powerful oligarchs believe forcing their warped totalitarian ideas upon the world by any means necessary. The ends always justify the means, no matter how deceitful and evil the means, for these arrogant sociopaths. Schwab and his ilk are skilled at using what appears to be sensible language when they are attempting to subvert our Constitutional rights, while imposing draconian tyrannical measures without the consent of the governed.

Schwab feigns concern for the millions of small businesses that have been purposefully destroyed by the lockdown mandates he and his allies support wholeheartedly, while being in the pocket of Bezos, Zuckerberg, Dorsey and the rest of the mega-corporations who have reaped obscene profits from this plandemic. The plan has been to destroy small business, so the connected corporations could harvest their customers.

Schwab is almost giddy at the prospects of an unraveling world where he and his accomplices, who believe they can control an infinitely complex world because they are the smartest guys in the room, can implement centralized control using their Marxist neo-feudal dogmas. Marxism is based upon the abolition of private property, so their “you will own nothing, and be happy” slogan tells you all you need to know.

They are using the surge in unemployment and the social unrest caused by the black lives matter narrative as the imperative for a coordinated global transformation of the world as they want it to be. We are supposed to trust the people who created the mass unemployment through senseless lockdowns and encouraged the BLM and ANTIFA terrorists to loot, burn and destroy small businesses in cities across America. Their green agenda spokes-morons, AOC and Greta, are perfect representatives for the idiocy of their movement.

They are purposely tearing our society apart with their mandatory masking and demanding humans fear other humans as disease carrying parasites, as a fearful, depressed, and unemployed populace is easily manipulated and bribable with their own tax money, distributed to them by the government that has ruined their lives. Chaos, bankruptcy, and dehumanization are an essential ingredient in a successful Great Reset. These are the results purposely initiated by Democrat governors and mayors to achieve their goals.

Murder increases in 2020:
  • ATL, 58%
  • CHI, 56%
  • DAL, 24%
  • LA, 31%
  • NYC, 39%
  • MIN, 74%
  • Philly, 39%
  • SF, 32%
Their techno-fascist style of green Marxism is being funded by the Wall Street owned Federal Reserve and their central banker collaborators in Europe and Asia, promoted by their corporate media partners; bankrolled by Soros, Gates, Bloomberg and other left wing oligarchs; codified into the political realm by captured corrupt politicians; supported by mega-corporations who have vacuumed up the profits of the 40% of small businesses that have been forced out of business by these traitorous degenerates; and enabled by the Silicon Valley billionaire social media oppressive censorship police.

Their goal is to have governments surrender their sovereignty to a small cadre of elites who want to subjugate the world under their sole technocratic domination. They initiated their “new normal” narrative in May 2020 to condition the masses into believing things could never go back to the way they were. Which qualifies as the Big Lie of our time.

In Part Three of this article J.R.R. Tolkien will provide guidance for those of us choosing to fight the Great Reset agenda of the globalist oligarchs.


On TB every waking moment

Are We Really Going To 'Build Back Better' After A "Dark Winter"? Part 3

WEDNESDAY, DEC 30, 2020 - 16:20
Authored by Jim Quinn via The Burning Platform blog,

In Part 1 of this article I laid out the case the “dark winter” narrative and how an experimental vaccine marketed like a tech product by Big Pharma and their cronies are part of a globalist scheme to reset the world and force us into subservience.

In Part 2 of the article I revealed how the “build back better” narrative is part of Klaus Schwab’s Great Reset plan to implement a one world command and control dystopia, managed by billionaire oligarchs and their dark forces.

Their “new normal” tripe is built on a foundation of falsity. The Spanish flu pandemic of 1918 killed 50 million people when the population of earth was 1.8 billion, or 2.8% of the world population. This China flu has contributed to the deaths of 1.8 million people with a worldwide population of 7.8 billion, or .023%. The world was not locked down by totalitarians, no vaccine was created, the flu dissipated over time (probably due to natural herd immunity), people continued to live their lives, and the world returned to normal without global elites dictating how we had to live.

There is no such thing as a new normal. There is normal and abnormal. What we are experiencing today is a warped stage-managed abnormality being jammed down our throats by men who will benefit greatly if we let them take over the world, with no downside risk for themselves when their hair brained ideas tragically fail.

Allowing all businesses to open, allowing all workers to work, ending the masking farce, opening schools, guaranteeing freedom of speech on social media platforms, restoring the freedoms and liberties of citizens, not forcing a DNA changing vaccine upon those who do not want it, protecting the old and infirm, and letting the virus run its course, will allow us to go back to normal. These wealthy powerful tyrants will not allow this to happen without a fight to the finish.
“In this hour, I do not believe that any darkness will endure.” ― J.R.R. Tolkien, The Return of the King

“You can only come to the morning through the shadows.” ― J.R.R. Tolkien
I find the words of Tolkien inspiring and hopeful in this time of danger and deceit. To those of us who still believe the founding principles of our country, as documented in the Constitution, need to be upheld and honored by those we have chosen to represent us, a darkness has descended upon our world endangering our way of life and threatening to turn the world into a communist nightmare of impoverishment, retribution and one world government run by billionaire oligarchs and their worthless bureaucratic state cronies.

The carefree bright days of the shire are long gone, and the eye of Sauron has set its glaze upon the deplorable hobbits trying to regain their way of life by embarking on a journey to confront the forces of evil arrayed against them. The primary themes of Tolkien’s masterpiece are the corrupting influence of power and the inevitability of decline in all civilizations.

A dark winter will entomb the nation if basement Biden assumes power on January 20, 2021.

This will mean the corrupt powerful forces of tyranny will have successfully pulled off their election coup. The corrupting influence of power is clearly seen in the likes of Gates, Bezos, Bloomberg, Zuckerberg and Dorsey, as their success in creating businesses and reaping massive riches makes them believe their political beliefs should hold sway over the masses, while they use their extreme wealth to influence elections and control the administration of the world.

This corruption of power turns these men into perverted arrogant creatures, seeking further wealth, power, and control. Soros represents the wretched, demented Gollum-like creature in our current day battle for middle earth, consumed by desire for the power of the ring (new world order). Biden, Schwab, Soros and their ANTIFA and BLM Orcs are already at war, and it is time for us to defend what is dear.
“War must be, while we defend our lives against a destroyer who would devour all; but I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend.” ― J.R.R. Tolkien, The Two Towers

“The treacherous are ever distrustful.” ― J.R.R. Tolkien, The Two Towers
The inevitability of decline is true for humans, as well as civilizations, empires, and ages. The Great Reset/Davos crowd wants to transform our world into a green utopia, ruled by those who fervently believe they are more intelligent than those they rule, because they equate ill-gotten wealth with intellectual superiority. The truth is, these narcissistic psychopath lords are going to die, just like the serfs they want to entrap in servitude to their one world government.

Gates, Soros, Bloomberg, Bezos, Zuckerberg and the rest of Great Reset mob do not deserve our admiration, but our scorn and contempt. They are consumed by their self-importance and avarice for complete control over those they see as nothing more than cattle. Coercion, impoverishment, and fear are their tools, and domination is their goal. They appear to have the upper hand, as people around the globe cower in fear as the Eye of Sauron (Covid-19) is turned in their direction. Despair fills the air.
“It is not despair, for despair is only for those who see the end beyond all doubt. We do not.”J.R.R. Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring
It isn’t a coincidence Tolkien wrote his epic battle between good and evil during the last Fourth Turning. The existing order is always swept away during a Fourth Turning and replaced by something – better or worse. That is why I find its themes so prevalent, as we confront our own epic battle with the forces of evil.

Many are praying their Grey Champion – Trump – will arrive with the forces of good at the climactic battle of the DC Swamp before January 20, just as Gandalf the Grey arrived, just in time, at the Battle of Helm’s Deep to turn the tide and defeat the forces of evil. I’m not counting on such a glorious outcome, as there will be many battles to be fought on many fronts before victory can be secured, with future generations honoring glorious heroes long deceased. But it is also not time to be forlorn.
“Oft hope is born when all is forlorn.” ― J.R.R. Tolkien, The Return of the King

Waiting to be saved from the Great Reset by a white hat brigade is not a feasible strategy for victory. Every person whose eyes have been opened to the plans of these tyrants has a part to play. The key ingredients to defeating these malevolent forces are courage and truth. You may consider yourself an insignificant cog in the machine, without the capacity to fight billionaire despots and autocratic government officials. But you are not insignificant.

This war may ultimately require those three hundred million firearms be put to use, but direct confrontation against a heavily armed government force is a losing proposition. Winning will require guile, guerrilla tactics, turning their technology into a liability, and the courage to say no to their mandates and un-Constitutional decrees. Frodo and his fellowship of the ring did not directly confront the powerful forces of Sauron. They outsmarted him. Each of us can do our part, based upon our talents, resources, judgement, daring, and cleverness.
“Courage is found in unlikely places.” ― J.R.R. Tolkien

There are numerous ways to fight this dehumanization campaign being waged by these godless opportunists. Choose not to participate in their masking charade. Do not let them jab you with their DNA altering poison. Use facts and reason to convince others masks are worthless and the vaccine is nothing but an enrichment scheme for Gates, Fauci and Big Pharma. Support small businesses and restaurants that flaunt tyrannical lockdown mandates. Reduce your tax footprint by opting out of this materialistic paradigm. Get healthier by exercising, eating unprocessed food, and taking supplements (Vitamin B, D, C).

Barter with local farmers or pay in cash to deny Caesar his cut. Plant as big a garden as possible based on your circumstances. Make sure you have guns, ammo, and training. Join protests against this oppression. Build resiliency into your daily life. Think for yourself. Never watch or read anything in the mainstream media. Do not believe anything the government tells you, without verifying the facts. If the social media titans ban someone, seek out their writings because they must be telling the truth. If Google takes down a youtube video, seek it out on bitchute or other platform.

For those with a particular talent in IT, electrical, or mechanical, be prepared to utilize those skills in confronting the oligarchy. If possible, use encryption messaging to defeat the surveillance state. Protect your loved ones. Make sure you know who you can trust. Find neighbors of like mind. Make yourself anti-fragile by having alternative means of power and alternative medicines in supply. Attempt to open the eyes of those blinded by decades of propaganda exposure. Remove any funds from Wall Street banks. Diversify your financial holdings (land, cash, metals, crypto?).

Stay as far away from urban ghettos as possible. Speak truth to power. Don’t lose faith. The truth is on our side. We can win this war for the soul of our country. We have a limited amount of time on this earth. We must use what time is left to protect the world from these degenerates and provide future generations with a humanistic world where they have choices, liberty and freedom. I wish we weren’t confronted with such a herculean task, but it has happened in our time.

“I wish it need not have happened in my time,” said Frodo. “So do I,” said Gandalf, “and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.” – J.R.R. Tolkien
We cannot let the “new normal” or “great reset” take hold. If it is up to Klaus and his crew, you will be permanently masked, mandatorily vaccinated, eternally locked down, perpetually impoverished and forever dependent upon a central authority to provide minimal sustenance and maximum punishment for disobedience.

Even as the dark clouds fill the distant sky and the future appears bleak, our roots are strong and will not wither under the approaching tempest. The fight is before us and the outcome uncertain, but there is some good in this world and it is worth fighting for. The sun will surely come out again when this dark shadow passes.


On TB every waking moment

The Great Reset, Part I: Reduced Expectations And Bio-Techno-Feudalism

SATURDAY, JAN 02, 2021 - 23:30
Authored by Michael Rectenwald via The Mises Institute,

The Great Reset is on everyone’s mind, whether everyone knows it or not. It is presaged by the measures undertaken by states across the world in response to the covid-19 crisis. (I mean by “crisis” not the so-called pandemic itself, but the responses to a novel virus called SARS-2 and the impact of the responses on social and economic conditions.)

In his book, COVID-19: The Great Reset, World Economic Forum (WEF) founder and executive chairman Klaus Schwab writes that the covid-19 crisis should be regarded as an “opportunity [that can be] seized to make the kind of institutional changes and policy choices that will put economies on the path toward a fairer, greener future.” Although Schwab has been promoting the Great Reset for years, the covid crisis has provided a pretext for finally enacting it. According to Schwab, we should not expect the postcovid world system to return to its previous modes of operation. Rather, alternating between description and prescription, Schwab suggests that changes will be, or should be, enacted across interlocking, interdependent domains to produce a new normal.

So, just what is the Great Reset and what is the new normal it would establish?

The Great Reset means reduced incomes and carbon use. But Schwab and the WEF also define the Great Reset in terms of the convergence of economic, monetary, technological, medical, genomic, environmental, military, and governance systems. The Great Reset would involve vast transformations in each of these domains, changes which, according to Schwab, will not only alter our world but also lead us to “question what it means to be human.”

In terms of economics and monetary policy, the Great Reset would involve a consolidation of wealth, on the one hand, and the likely issuance of universal basic income (UBI) on the other. It might include a shift to a digital currency, including a consolidated centralization of banking and bank accounts, immediate real-time taxation, negative interest rates, and centralized surveillance and control over spending and debt.

While every aspect of the Great Reset involves technology, the Great Reset specifically entails “the Fourth Industrial Revolution,” or transhumanism, which includes the expansion of genomics, nanotechnology, and robotics and their penetration into human bodies and brains. Of course, the fourth Industrial Revolution involves the redundancy of human labor in increasing sectors, to be replaced by automation. But moreover, Schwab hails the use of nanotechnology and brain scans to predict and preempt human behavior.

The Great Reset means the issuance of medical passports, soon to be digitized, as well as the transparency of medical records inclusive of medical history, genetic makeup, and disease states. But it could include the implanting of microchips that would read and report on genetic makeup and brain states such that “[e]ven crossing a national border might one day involve a detailed brain scan to assess an individual’s security risk.”

On the genomic front, the Great Reset includes advances in genetic engineering and the fusion of genetics, nanotechnology, and robotics.

In military terms, the Great Reset entails the creation of new battle spaces including cyberspaces and the human brain as a battle space.

In terms of governance, the Great Reset means increasingly centralized, coordinated, and expanded government and “governmentalities,” the convergence of corporations and states, and the digitalization of governmental functions, including, with the use of 5G and predictive algorithms, real-time tracking and surveillance of bodies in space or the “anticipatory governance” of human and systems behavior.

That being said, “the Great Reset” is but a coordinated propaganda campaign shrouded under a cloak of inevitability. Rather than a mere conspiracy theory, as the New York Times has suggested, the Great Reset is an attempt at a conspiracy, or the “wishful thinking” of socioeconomic planners to have corporate “stakeholders” and governments adopt the desiderata of the WEF.

In order to sell this package, the WEF mobilizes the warmed-over rhetoric of “economic equality,” “fairness,” “inclusion,” and “a shared destiny,” among other euphemisms.

Together, such phrases represent the collectivist, socialist political and ideological component of the envisioned corporate socialism (since economic socialism can never be enacted, it is always only political and ideological).

I’ll examine the prospects for the Great Reset in future installments. But suffice it to say for now that the WEF envisions a bio-techno-feudalist global order, with socioeconomic planners and corporate “stakeholders” at the helm and the greater part of humanity in their thrall.

The mass of humanity, the planners would have it, will live under an economic stasis of reduced expectations, with individual autonomy greatly curtailed if not utterly obliterated. As Mises suggested, such planners are authoritarians who mean to supplant the plans of individual actors with their own, centralized plans.

If enacted, such plans would fail, but their adoption would nevertheless exact a price.


On TB every waking moment
11:05 min

The left is using the COVID vaccine to push GREAT RESET
•Jan 3, 2021

Glenn Beck

Despite the left doing everything in its power to destroy President Trump, his administration STILL managed to conceive a COVID vaccine (via the private sector) in record, miraculous time. But naturally, rather than admit his success, the left (specifically the New York Times) is now doing what it can to use the COVID vaccine to their advantage. Glenn explains how the NYT is manipulating the vaccine origin story to push the left's latest master plan: The Great Reset.


On TB every waking moment
“It Would Be an Irreparable Disaster if Joe Biden – Were Designated President of the United States” – Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano Warns Believers in Latest Interview with Steve Bannon

By Jim Hoft
Published January 4, 2021 at 11:26am

Former chief strategist for President Trump, Steve Bannon, interviewed Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano recently.

Here is the transcript of this important and timely interview.



1. Now that the Vatican has renewed its insidious secret agreement with China, a deal which you have repeatedly condemned as promoted by Bergoglio with the assistance of McCarrick, what can the “children of light” of the Great Awakening concretely do to undermine this unholy alliance with this brutal Communist regime?
The dictatorship of the Chinese Communist Party is allied to the global deep state, on the one hand, so that together they can attain the goals that they have in common, on the other hand because the plans for the Great Reset are an opportunity to increase the economic power of China in the world, beginning with the invasion of national markets. At the same time that it pursues this project in its foreign policy, China is pursuing a domestic plan to restore the Maoist tyranny, which requires the cancellation of religions (primarily the Catholic religion), replacing them with a religion of the State which definitely has many elements in common with the universal religion desired by globalist ideology, whose spiritual leader is Bergoglio.
The complicity of Bergoglio’s deep church in this infernal project has deprived Chinese Catholics of the indefectible defense that the Papacy had always been for them. Up until the papacy of Benedict XVI, the papacy had not made any agreements with the Beijing dictatorship, and the Roman Pontiff retained the exclusive right to appoint bishops and govern dioceses. I recall that even at the time of the Bill Clinton administration during the 1990s, former Cardinal McCarrick was the point of contact between the deep church and the American deep state, carrying out political missions in China on behalf of the US administration. And the suspicions that the resignation of Benedict XVI involved China are quite strong and coherent with the picture that has been emerging in recent months.
Thus we find ourselves faced with an infamous betrayal of the mission of the Church of Christ, carried out by her highest leaders in open conflict with those members of the Chinese Catholic underground hierarchy who have remained faithful to Our Lord and to His Church. My affectioned thoughts and prayers are with them and with Cardinal Zen, an eminent confessor of the faith, whom Bergoglio recently shamefully refused to receive.
We believers must act on the spiritual level by fervent prayer, asking God to give special protection to the Church in China, and also by continually denouncing the aberrations carried out by the Chinese regime. This action must be accompanied by a work of raising awareness within governments and international institutions that have not been compromised by the Chinese communist dictatorship, so that the violations of human rights and the attacks on the freedom of the Catholic Church in China may be denounced and punished with sanctions and strong diplomatic pressure. And this is the line that President Trump is pursuing with decisive courage. Beijing’s complicity with political and religious elements that are involved in murky operations of speculation and corruption must likewise be exposed. These profit-driven dealings constitute a very grave act of treason by politicians and public officials against their nation and also a grave betrayal of the Church by the men who lead her. I also think that in some cases this betrayal is not only carried out by individuals but also by the institutions themselves, as in the case of the European Union, which is currently finalizing a commercial agreement with China despite its systematic violation of human rights and its violent repression of dissent.
It would be an irreparable disaster if Joe Biden, who is heavily suspected of being complicit with the Chinese dictatorship, would be designated as President of the United States.
2. You have been very confident that God desires a Trump victory in order to defeat the forces of evil inherent in the globalists’ Great Reset. What would you say to convince the naysayers who are ambivalent to the idea that this is a momentous battle between the children of light and the children of darkness?
I simply consider who Trump’s adversary is and his numerous ties to China, the deep state, and the advocates of globalist ideology. I think of his intention to condemn us all to wear masks, as he has candidly admitted. I think of the fact that, incontestably, he is only a puppet in the hands of the elite, who are ready to remove him as soon they decide to replace him with Kamala Harris.
Beyond the political alignments, we must further understand that – above all in a complex situation like the present one – it is essential that the victory of the one who is elected President must be guaranteed in its absolute legal legitimacy, avoiding any suspicion of fraud and taking note of the overwhelming evidence of irregularities that have emerged in several states. A President who is simply proclaimed as such by the mainstream media affiliated with the deep state would be deprived of all legitimacy and would expose the nation to dangerous foreign interference, as has already been shown to have happened in the current election.
3. You seem to suggest that the Trump Administration could be instrumental in helping to return the Church to a pre-Francis Catholicism. How does the Trump Administration accomplish that, and how can American Catholics work to save the world from this globalist ‘reset’?
Bergoglio’s subservience to the globalist agenda is obvious, as well as his active support for the election of Joe Biden. In the same way, Bergoglio’s hostility to Trump and his repeated attacks against the President are evident. It is clear that Bergoglio considers Trump as his principal adversary, the obstacle that needs to be removed so that the Great Reset can be put in motion.
Thus on the one hand we have the Trump administration and the traditional values that it holds in common with those of Catholics; on the other hand, we have the deep state of the self-styled Catholic Joe Biden, who is subservient to the globalist ideology and its perverse, anti-human, antichristic, infernal agenda.
In order to put an end to the deep church and restore the Catholic Church, the extent of the involvement of the leaders of the Church with the Masonic-globalist project will have to be revealed: the nature of the corruption and crimes that these men have carried out, thereby making themselves vulnerable to blackmail, just as happens in a similar way in the political field to members of the deep state, beginning with Biden himself. Thus it is to be hoped that any proof of such crimes that are in the possession of the Secret Services would be brought to light, especially in relation to the true motives that led to the resignation of Benedict XVI and the conspiracies underlying the election of Bergoglio, thereby permitting the expulsion of the mercenaries who have seized control of the Church.
American Catholics still have time to denounce this global subversion and stop the establishment of the New Order: let them think about what sort of future they want for the coming generations, and of the destruction of society. Let them think about the responsibility that they have before God, their children, and their nation: as Catholics, as fathers and mothers of their families, and as patriots.
4. Against all odds, average Americans are fighting to expose the massive and coordinated theft of our election: what advice would you give to our recalcitrant politicians about what is at stake for our nation and the world if we submit to this theft?
The Truth can be denied by the majority for a certain amount of time, or by some people forever, but it can never be hidden from everyone forever. This is the lesson of History, which has inexorably revealed the great crimes of the past and those who perpetrated them.
Thus I invite politicians, beyond their political loyalties, to become champions of the Truth, to defend it as an indispensable treasure which alone can guarantee the credibility of institutions and the authority of the people’s representatives, in accord with the mandate they have received, the oath they have sworn to serve their country, and their moral responsibility before God. Each one of us has a role that Providence has entrusted to us, and which it would be culpable to shrink from. If the United States misses this opportunity, now, it will be wiped out from History. If it allows the idea to spread among the masses that the electoral choice of the citizens – the first expression of democracy – can be manipulated and thwarted, it will be complicit in the fraud, and will certainly deserve the execration of the entire world, which looks to America as a nation which has fought for and defended its freedom.
5. In your letter to the President on October 25, the Solemnity of Christ the King, you spoke of the efforts of the deep state as “the final assault of the children of darkness.” There is a concerted effort by the globalists and their media partners to conceal and obscure the true tyrannical agenda implicit in the Great Reset, by calling it a wild conspiracy theory. What would you say to the skeptics who blissfully ignore the signs and plan to submit humanity to the domination of the global elites?
The plan of the Great Reset makes use of the mainstream media as an indispensable ally: the media corporations are almost all actively part of the deep state and know that the power that will be guaranteed to them in the future depends exclusively on their slavish adherence to its agenda.
Labeling those who denounce the existence of a conspiracy as “conspiracy theorists” confirms, if anything, that this conspiracy exists, and that its authors are very upset at having been found out and reported to public opinion. And yet they themselves have said it: Nothing will be the same again. And also: Build Back Better, in an effort to make us believe that the radical changes they want to impose have been made necessary by a pandemic, by climate change, and by technological progress.
Years ago, those who spoke of the New World Order were called conspiracy theorists.
Today, all of the world’s leaders, including Bergoglio, speak with impunity about the New World Order, describing it exactly in the terms that were identified by the so-called conspiracy theorists. It is enough to read the globalists’ declarations to understand that the conspiracy exists and that they pride themselves on being its architects, to the point of admitting the need for a pandemic in order to reach their objectives of social engineering.
To the skeptics, I ask: if the models that are proposed to us today are so terrible, what will our children be able to expect when the elite will have succeeded in taking total control over the nations? Families without father and mother, polyamory, sodomy, children who can change their sex, the cancellation of Religion and the imposition of an infernal cult, abortion, and euthanasia, the abolition of private property, a health dictatorship, a perpetual pandemic. Is this the world that we want, that you want for yourselves, your children, and your family and friends?
We must all become aware of how much the proponents of the New World Order and the Great Reset hate the inalienable values of our Greco-Christian civilization, such as Religion, the family, respect for life and the inviolable rights of the human person, and national sovereignty.
6. You have repeatedly warned that the ‘deep state’ and ‘deep church’ have colluded to plot in various ways to overthrow Benedict as well as President Trump. Besides Theodore McCarrick, who else is behind this infernal alliance, and how do Catholics undermine and expose it?
It is apparent that McCarrick acted on behalf of the deep state and the deep church, but he certainly did not do it alone. All of his activity suggests a very efficient organizational structure composed of people whom McCarrick had promoted and covered by other accomplices.
The events that led to the resignation of Benedict XVI still need to be clarified, but one of the members of the deep church, the deceased Cardinal Danneels, a Jesuit like Bergoglio, admitted that he was a part of the so-called Saint Gallen Mafia, which essentially worked to bring about the “springtime of the Church” which John Podesta, Hillary Clinton’s chief of staff, wrote about in his emails published by Wikileaks.
Thus there is a group of conspirators who have worked and still work in the heart of the Church for the interests of the elite. Most of them are identifiable, but the most dangerous are those who do not expose themselves, those whom the newspaper never mentions. They will not hesitate to force Bergoglio to resign also, just like Ratzinger, if he does not obey their orders. They would like to transform the Vatican into a retirement home for popes emeriti, demolishing the papacy and securing power: exactly the same as what happens in the deep state, where, as I have already said, Biden is the equivalent of Bergoglio.
In order to bring down the deep state and the deep church, three things are essential:
1) first of all, becoming aware of what globalism’s plan is, and to what extent it is instrumental to the establishment of the kingdom of the Antichrist since it shares its principles, means, and ends;
2) secondly, firmly denouncing this infernal plan and asking the Shepherds of the Church – and also the laity – to defend her, breaking their complicit silence: God will demand of them an account for their desertion;
3) finally, it is necessary to pray, asking the Lord to grant each one of us the strength to resist – resistite fortes in fide, Saint Peter warns us – against the ideological tyranny that is daily imposed on us not only by the media but also by the cardinals and bishops who are under Bergoglio’s thumb.
If we can prove ourselves strong in facing this trial; if we know how to hold ourselves anchored to the rock of the Church without allowing ourselves to be seduced by false Christs and false prophets, the Lord will permit us to see – at least for now – the defeat of the assault of the children of darkness against God and men. If out of fear or complicity we follow the prince of this world, denying our Baptismal promises, we will be condemned with him to inexorable defeat and eternal damnation. I tremble for those who do not realize the responsibility that they have before God for the souls that He has entrusted to them. But to those who fight courageously to defend the rights of God, the Nation, and the Family, the Lord assures his protection. He has placed His Most Holy Mother at our side, the Queen of Victories and the Help of Christians. We invoke Her faithfully during these difficult days, confidently certain of Her intervention.
+ Carlo Maria Viganò, Archbishop
Die Octavæ Nativitatis Domini
January 1st, 2021


On TB every waking moment


EXC – The Great Reset: Bannon Interviews Archbishop Vigano – ‘Biden An Irreparable, China-Complicit Disaster’
The exclusive transcript of an interview conducted by War Room show host and former White House Chief Strategist Stephen K. Bannon with His Excellency Carlo Maria Viganò, Archbishop. The National Pulse is publishing the interview – which primarily concerns the Catholic Church, the deep state, and the key actors involved – without edits.

: Now that the Vatican has renewed its insidious secret agreement with China, a deal which you have repeatedly condemned as promoted by Bergoglio with the assistance of McCarrick, what can the “children of light” of the Great Awakening concretely do to undermine this unholy alliance with this brutal Communist regime?

Vigano: The dictatorship of the Chinese Communist Party is allied to the global deep state, on the one hand so that together they can attain the goals that they have in common, on the other hand because the plans for the Great Reset are an opportunity to increase the economic power of China in the world, beginning with the invasion of national markets. At the same time that it pursues this project in its foreign policy, China is pursuing a domestic plan to restore the Maoist tyranny, which requires the cancellation of religions (primarily the Catholic religion), replacing them with a religion of the State which definitely has many elements in common with the universal religion desired by globalist ideology, whose spiritual leader is Bergoglio.

The complicity of Bergoglio’s deep church in this infernal project has deprived Chinese Catholics of the indefectible defense that the Papacy had always been for them. Up until the papacy of Benedict XVI, the papacy had not made any agreements with the Beijing dictatorship, and the Roman Pontiff retained the exclusive right to appoint bishops and govern dioceses. I recall that even at the time of the Bill Clinton administration during the 1990’s, former Cardinal McCarrick was the point of contact between the deep church and the American deep state, carrying out political missions in China on behalf of the US administration. And the suspicions that the resignation of Benedict XVI involved China are quite strong and coherent with the picture that has been emerging in recent months.

Thus we find ourselves faced with an infamous betrayal of the mission of the Church of Christ, carried out by her highest leaders in open conflict with those members of the Chinese Catholic underground hierarchy who have remained faithful to Our Lord and to His Church. My affectioned thoughts and prayers are with them and with Cardinal Zen, an eminent confessor of the faith, whom Bergoglio recently shamefully refused to receive.

We believers must act on the spiritual level by fervent prayer, asking God to give special protection to the Church in China, and also by continually denouncing the aberrations carried out by the Chinese regime. This action must be accompanied by a work of raising awareness within governments and international institutions that have not been compromised by the Chinese communist dictatorship, so that the violations of human rights and the attacks on the freedom of the Catholic Church in China may be denounced and punished with sanctions and strong diplomatic pressure. And this is the line that President Trump is pursuing with decisive courage. Beijing’s complicity with political and religious elements that are involved in murky operations of speculation and corruption must likewise be exposed. These profit-driven dealings constitute a very grave act of treason by politicians and public officials against their nation and also a grave betrayal of the Church by the men who lead her. I also think that in some cases this betrayal is not only carried out by individuals but also by the institutions themselves, as in the case of the European Union, which is currently finalizing a commercial agreement with China despite its systematic violation of human rights and its violent repression of dissent.

It would be an irreparable disaster if Joe Biden, who is heavily suspected of being complicit with the Chinese dictatorship, would be designated as President of the United States.

Bannon: You have been very confident that God desires a Trump victory in order to defeat the forces of evil inherent in the globalists’ Great Reset. What would you say to convince the naysayers who are ambivalent to the idea that this is a momentous battle between the children of light and the children of darkness?

Vigano: I simply consider who Trump’s adversary is and his numerous ties to China, the deep state, and the advocates of globalist ideology. I think of his intention to condemn us all to wear masks, as he has candidly admitted. I think of the fact that, incontestably, he is only a puppet in the hands of the elite, who are ready to remove him as soon they decide to replace him with Kamala Harris.

Beyond the political alignments, we must further understand that – above all in a complex situation like the present one – it is essential that the victory of the one who is elected President must be guaranteed in its absolute legal legitimacy, avoiding any suspicion of fraud and taking note of the overwhelming evidence of irregularities that has emerged in several states. A President who is simply proclaimed as such by the mainstream media affiliated with the deep state would be deprived of all legitimacy and would expose the nation to dangerous foreign interference, as has already been shown to have happened in the current election.

Bannon: You seem to suggest that the Trump Administration could be instrumental in helping to return the Church to a pre-Francis Catholicism. How does the Trump Administration accomplish that, and how can American Catholics work to save the world from this globalist ‘reset’?

Vigano: Bergoglio’s subservience to the globalist agenda is obvious, as well as his active support for the election of Joe Biden. In the same way, Bergoglio’s hostility to Trump and his repeated attacks against the President are evident. It is clear that Bergoglio considers Trump as his principal adversary, the obstacle that needs to be removed, so that the Great Reset can be put in motion.

Thus on the one hand we have the Trump administration and the traditional values that it holds in common with those of Catholics; on the other hand we have the deep state of the self-styled Catholic Joe Biden, who is subservient to the globalist ideology and its perverse, anti-human, antichristic, infernal agenda.

In order to put an end to the deep church and restore the Catholic Church, the extent of the involvement of the leaders of the Church with the Masonic-globalist project will have to be revealed: the nature of the corruption and crimes that these men have carried out, thereby making themselves vulnerable to blackmail, just as happens in a similar way in the political field to members of the deep state, beginning with Biden himself. Thus it is to be hoped that any proof of such crimes that is in the possession of the Secret Services would be brought to light, especially in relation to the true motives that led to the resignation of Benedict XVI and the conspiracies underlying the election of Bergoglio, thereby permitting the expulsion of the mercenaries who have seized control of the Church.

American Catholics still have time to denounce this global subversion and stop the establishment of the New Order: let them think about what sort of future they want for the coming generations, and of the destruction of society. Let them think about the responsibility that they have before God, their children, and their nation: as Catholics, as fathers and mothers of their families, and as patriots.

Bannon: Against all odds, average Americans are fighting to expose the massive and coordinated theft of our election: what advice would you give to our recalcitrant politicians about what is at stake for our nation and the world if we submit to this theft?

Vigano: The Truth can be denied by the majority for a certain amount of time, or by some people forever, but it can never be hidden from everyone forever. This is the lesson of History, which has inexorably revealed the great crimes of the past and those who perpetrated them.
Thus I invite politicians, beyond their political loyalties, to become champions of the Truth, to defend it as an indispensable treasure which alone can guarantee the credibility of institutions and the authority of the people’s representatives, in accord with the mandate they have received, the oath they have sworn to serve their country, and their moral responsibility before God. Each one of us has a role that Providence has entrusted to us, and which it would be culpable to shrink from. If the United States misses this opportunity, now, it will be wiped out from History. If it allows the idea to spread among the masses that the electoral choice of the citizens – the first expression of democracy – can be manipulated and thwarted, it will be complicit in the fraud, and will certainly deserve the execration of the entire world, which looks to America as a nation which has fought for and defended its freedom.

Bannon: In your letter to the President on October 25, the Solemnity of Christ the King, you spoke of the efforts of the deep state as “the final assault of the children of darkness.” There is a concerted effort by the globalists and their media partners to conceal and obscure the true tyrannical agenda implicit in the Great Reset, by calling it a wild conspiracy theory. What would you say to the skeptics who blissfully ignore the signs and plan to submit humanity to the domination of the global elites?

Vigano: The plan of the Great Reset makes use of the mainstream media as an indispensable ally: the media corporations are almost all actively part of the deep state and know that the power that will be guaranteed to them in the future depends exclusively on their slavish adherence to its agenda.

Labeling those who denounce the existence of a conspiracy as “conspiracy theorists” confirms, if anything, that this conspiracy exists, and that its authors are very upset at having been found out and reported to public opinion. And yet they themselves have said it: Nothing will be the same again. And also: Build Back Better, in an effort to make us believe that the radical changes they want to impose have been made necessary by a pandemic, by climate change, and by technological progress.

Years ago, those who spoke of the New World Order were called conspiracy theorists. Today, all of the world’s leaders, including Bergoglio, speak with impunity about the New World Order, describing it exactly in the terms that were identified by the so-called conspiracy theorists. It is enough to read the globalists’ declarations to understand that the conspiracy exists and that they pride themselves on being its architects, to the point of admitting the need for a pandemic in order to reach their objectives of social engineering.

To the skeptics I ask: if the models that are proposed to us today are so terrible, what will our children be able to expect when the elite will have succeeded in taking total control over the nations? Families without father and mother, polyamory, sodomy, children who can change their sex, the cancellation of Religion and the imposition of an infernal cult, abortion and euthanasia, the abolition of private property, a health dictatorship, a perpetual pandemic. Is this the world that we want, that you want for yourselves, your children, and your family and friends?

We must all become aware of how much the proponents of the New World Order and the Great Reset hate the inalienable values of our Greco-Christian civilization, such as Religion, the family, respect for life and the inviolable rights of the human person, and national sovereignty.

Bannon: You have repeatedly warned that the ‘deep state’ and ‘deep church’ have colluded to plot in various ways to overthrow Benedict as well as President Trump. Besides Theodore McCarrick, who else is behind this infernal alliance, and how do Catholics undermine and expose it?

It is apparent that McCarrick acted on behalf of the deep state and the deep church, but he certainly did not do it alone. All of his activity suggests a very efficient organizational structure composed of people whom McCarrick had promoted and covered by other accomplices.

The events that led to the resignation of Benedict XVI still need to be clarified, but one of the members of the deep church, the deceased Cardinal Danneels, a Jesuit like Bergoglio, admitted that he was a part of the so-called Saint Gallen Mafia, which essentially worked to bring about the “springtime of the Church” which John Podesta, Hillary Clinton’s chief of staff, wrote about in his emails published by Wikileaks.

Thus there is a group of conspirators who have worked and still work in the heart of the Church for the interests of the elite. Most of them are identifiable, but the most dangerous are those who do not expose themselves, those whom the newspaper never mentions. They will not hesitate to force Bergoglio to resign also, just like Ratzinger, if he does not obey their orders. They would like to transform the Vatican into a retirement home for popes emeriti, demolishing the papacy and securing power: exactly the same as what happens in the deep state, where, as I have already said, Biden is the equivalent of Bergoglio.

In order to bring down the deep state and the deep church, three things are essential:
  1. first of all, becoming aware of what globalism’s plan is, and to what extent it is instrumental to the establishment of the kingdom of the Antichrist, since it shares its principles, means, and ends;
  2. secondly, firmly denouncing this infernal plan and asking the Shepherds of the Church – and also the laity – to defend her, breaking their complicit silence: God will demand of them an account for their desertion;
  3. finally, it is necessary to pray, asking the Lord to grant each one of us the strength to resist – resistite fortes in fide, Saint Peter warns us – against the ideological tyranny that is daily imposed on us not only by the media but also by the cardinals and bishops who are under Bergoglio’s thumb.
If we can prove ourselves strong in facing this trial; if we know how to hold ourselves anchored to the rock of the Church without allowing ourselves to be seduced by false christs and false prophets, the Lord will permit us to see – at least for now – the defeat of the assault of the children of darkness against God and men. If out of fear or complicity we follow the prince of this world, denying our Baptismal promises, we will be condemned with him to inexorable defeat and eternal damnation. I tremble for those who do not realize the responsibility that they have before God for the souls that He has entrusted to them. But to those who fight courageously to defend the rights of God, the Nation, and the Family, the Lord assures his protection. He has placed His Most Holy Mother at our side, the Queen of Victories and the Help of Christians. We invoke Her faithfully during these difficult days, confidently certain of Her intervention.

Carlo Maria Viganò, Archbishop, Die Octavæ Nativitatis Domini, January 1st, 2021

Interview on scribd


On TB every waking moment

The Great Reset, Part II: Corporate Socialism

SUNDAY, JAN 03, 2021 - 22:55
Authored by Michael Rectenwald via The Mises Institute,

As I noted in the previous installment, the Great Reset, if its architects have their way, would involve transformations of nearly every aspect of life. Here, I will limit my discussion to the economics of the Great Reset as promoted by the World Economic Forum (WEF), as well as to recent developments that have advanced these plans.

As F.A. Hayek suggested in his introductory essay to Collectivist Economic Planning, socialism can be divided into two aspects: the ends and the means. The socialist means is collectivist planning, while the ends, at least under proletarian socialism, are the collective ownership of the means of production and the “equal” or “equitable” distribution of the end products. Distinguishing between these two aspects in order to set aside the question of the ends and to focus on the means, Hayek suggested that collectivist planning could be marshalled in the service of ends other than those associated with proletarian socialism:
“An aristocratic dictatorship, for example, may use the same methods to further the interest of some racial or other elite or in the service of some other decidedly anti-equalitarian purpose.”
Collectivist planning might or might not run into the calculation problem, depending upon whether or not a market in the factors of production is retained. If a market for the factors of production is maintained, then the calculation problem would not strictly apply.

The collectivist planners of the Great Reset do not aim at eliminating markets for the factors of production.

Rather, they mean to drive ownership and control of the most important factors to those enrolled in “stakeholder capitalism.” The productive activities of said stakeholders, meanwhile, would be guided by the directives of a coalition of governments under a unified mission and set of policies, in particular those expounded by the WEF itself.

While these corporate stakeholders would not necessarily be monopolies per se, the goal of the WEF is to vest as much control over production and distribution in these corporate stakeholders as possible, with the goal of eliminating producers whose products or processes are deemed either unnecessary or inimical to the globalists’ desiderata for “a fairer, greener future.” Naturally, this would involve constraints on production and consumption and likewise an expanded role for governments in order to enforce such constraints—or, as Klaus Schwab has stated in the context of the covid crisis, “the return of big government” - as if government hasn’t been big and growing bigger all the while.

Schwab and the WEF promote stakeholder capitalism against a supposedly rampant “neoliberalism.”

Neoliberalism is a weasel word that stands for whatever leftists deem wrong with the socioeconomic order. It is the common enemy of the Left. Needless to say, neoliberalism—which Schwab loosely defines as “a corpus of ideas and policies that can loosely be defined as favouring competition over solidarity, creative destruction over government intervention and economic growth over social welfare” - is a straw man.

Schwab and company erect neoliberalism as the source of our economic woes. But to the extent that “antineoliberalism” has been in play, the governmental favoring of industries and players within industries (or corporatocracy), and not competition, has been the source of what Schwab and his ilk decry. The Great Reset would magnify the effects of corporatocracy.

Nevertheless, the aims of the WEF are not to plan every aspect of production and thus to direct all individual activity. Rather, the goal is to limit the possibilities for individual activity, including the activity of consumers—by dint of squeezing out industries and producers within industries from the economy. “Every country, from the United States to China, must participate, and every industry, from oil and gas to tech, must be transformed.”

As Hayek noted, “when the medieval guild system was at its height, and when restrictions to commerce were most extensive, they were not used as a means actually to direct individual activity.” Likewise, the Great Reset aims not at a strictly collectivist planning of the economy so much as recommends and demands neofeudalistic restrictions that would go further than anything since the medieval period—other than under state socialism itself, that is. In 1935, Hayek noted the extent to which economic restrictions had already led to distortions of the market:
With our attempts to use the old apparatus of restrictionism as an instrument of almost day-to-day adjustment to change we have probably already gone much further in the direction of central planning of current activity than has ever been attempted before….It is important to realize in any investigation of the possibilities of planning that it is a fallacy to suppose capitalism as it exists to-day is the alternative. We are certainly as far from capitalism in its pure form as we are from any system of central planning. The world of to-day is just interventionist chaos.
How much further, then, the Great Reset would take us toward the kinds of restrictions imposed under feudalism, including the economic stasis that feudalism entailed!

I call this neofeudalism “corporate socialism”—not only because the rhetoric to gain adherents derives from socialist ideology (“fairness,” “economic equality,” “collective good,” “shared destiny,” etc.) but also because the reality sought after is de facto monopolistic control of production via the elimination of noncompliant producers—i.e., a tendency toward monopoly over production that is characteristic of socialism. These interventions would not only add to the “interventionist chaos” already in existence but further distort markets to a degree unprecedented outside of centralized socialist planning per se. The elites could attempt to determine, a priori, consumer needs and wants by limiting production to acceptable goods and services. They would also limit production to the kinds amenable to the governments and producers who buy into the program. The added regulations would drive midsized and small producers out of business or into black markets, to the extent that black markets could exist under a digital currency and greater centralized banking. As such, the restrictions and regulations would tend toward a static caste-like system with corporate oligarchs on top, and “actually existing socialism” for the vast majority below. Increasing wealth for the few, “economic equality,” under reduced conditions, including universal basic income, for the rest.

The Coronavirus Lockdowns, the Riots, and Corporate Socialism

The covid-19 lockdowns, and to a lesser extent the leftist riots, have been moving us toward corporate socialism. The draconian lockdown measures employed by governors and mayors and the destruction perpetrated by the rioters just so happen to be doing the work that corporate socialists like the WEF want done. In addition to destabilizing the nation-state, these policies and politics are helping to destroy small businesses, thus eliminating competitors.

As the Foundation for Economic Education (FEE) points out, the lockdowns and riots have combined to level a one-two punch that is knocking out millions of small businesses—“the backbone of the American economy”—all across America. FEE reported that
7.5 million small businesses in America are at risk of closing their doors for good. A more recent survey showed that even with federal loans, close to half of all small business owners say they’ll have to shut down for good. The toll has already been severe. In New York alone, stay-at-home orders have forced the permanent closure of more than 100,000 small businesses.
Meanwhile, as FEE and others have noted, there is no evidence that the lockdowns have done anything to slow the spread of the virus. Likewise, there is no evidence that Black Lives Matter has done anything to help black lives. If anything, the riotous and murderous campaigns of Black Lives Matter and Antifa have proven that black lives do not matter to Black Lives Matter. In addition to murdering black people, the Black Lives Matter and Antifa rioters have done enormous damage to black businesses and neighborhoods, and thus to black lives.

As small businesses have been crushed by the combination of draconian lockdowns and riotous lunacy, corporate giants like Amazon have thrived like never before. As BBC noted, at least three of the tech giants—Amazon, Apple, and Facebook—have appreciated massive gains during the lockdowns, gains which were abetted, to a lesser extent, by riots that cost 1 to 2 billion in property damages. During the three months ending in June, Amazon’s “quarterly profit of $5.2bn (£4bn) was the biggest since the company's start in 1994 and came despite heavy spending on protective gear and other measures due to the virus.” Amazon’s sales rose by 40 percent in the three months ending in June.

As reported by TechCrunch, Facebook and its WhatsApp and Instagram platforms saw a 15 percent rise in users, which brought revenues to a grand total of $17.74 billion in the first quarter. Facebook’s total users climbed to 3 billion in March, or two-thirds of the world’s internet users, a record. Apple’s revenues soared during the same period, with quarterly earnings rising 11 percent year-on-year to $59.7 billion. “Walmart, the country's largest grocer, said profits rose 4 percent, to $3.99 billion,” during the first quarter of 2020, as reported by the Washington Post.

The number of small businesses has been nearly cut in half by the covid-19 lockdowns and the Black Lives Matter/Antifa riots while the corporate giants have consolidated their grip on the economy, as well as their power over individual expression on the internet and beyond. Thus, it would appear that the covid lockdowns, shutdowns, partial closings, as well as the riots are just what the Great Resetters ordered, although I am not hereby suggesting that they did order them. More likely, they have seized the opportunity to cull from the economy the underbrush of small and medium-sized businesses in order to make compliance simpler and more pervasive.

In the end, the Great Reset is merely a propaganda campaign, not some button that globalist oligarchs can push at will—although the WEF has represented it as just that. Their plans need to be countered with better economic ideas and concerted individual actions. The only reasonable response to the Great Reset project is to defy it, to introduce and promote more competition, and to demand the full reopening of the economy, at whatever peril. If this means that smaller-scale producers and distributors must band together to defy state edicts, then so be it. New business associations, with the aim of foiling the Great Reset, must be formed—before it’s is too late.


On TB every waking moment

Ron Paul: The 'Great Reset' Is About Expanding Government Power And Suppressing Liberty

TUESDAY, JAN 05, 2021 - 16:25
Authored by Ron Paul via The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity,

World Economic Forum Founder and Executive Chairman Klaus Schwab has proposed using the overreaction to coronavirus to launch a worldwide “Great Reset.” This Great Reset is about expanding government power and suppressing liberty worldwide.

Schwab envisions an authoritarian system where big business acts as a partner with government. Big business would exercise its government-granted monopoly powers to maximize value for “stakeholders,” instead of shareholders. Stakeholders include the government, international organizations, the business itself, and “civil society.”

Of course, government bureaucrats and politicians, together with powerful special interests, will decide who are, and are not, stakeholders, what is in stakeholders’ interest, and what steps corporations must take to maximize stakeholder value. People’s own wishes are not the priority.

The Great Reset will dramatically expand the surveillance state via real-time tracking. It will also mandate that people receive digital certificates in order to travel and even technology implanted in their bodies to monitor them.

Included in Schwab’s proposal for surveillance is his idea to use brain scans and nanotechnology to predict, and if necessary, prevent, individuals’ future behavior. This means that anyone whose brain is “scanned” could have his Second Amendment and other rights violated because a government bureaucrat determines the individual is going to commit a crime. The system of tracking and monitoring could be used to silence those expressing “dangerous” political views, such as that the Great Reset violates our God-given rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

The Great Reset involves a huge expansion of the welfare state via a universal basic income program. This can help ensure compliance with the Great Reset’s authoritarian measures. It will also be very expensive. The resulting increase in government debt will not be seen as a problem by people who believe in modern monetary theory. This is the latest version of the fairy tale that deficits don’t matter as long as the Federal Reserve monetizes the debt.

The Great Reset ultimately will fail for the same reason all other attempts by government to control the market fail. As Ludwig von Mises showed, government interference in the marketplace distorts the price system. Prices are how information about the value of goods and services related to other goods and services is conveyed to market actors. Government interference in the marketplace disturbs the signals sent by prices, leading to an oversupply of certain goods and services and an undersupply of others.

The lockdowns show the dangers of government control over the economy and our personal lives.

Lockdowns have increased unemployment, caused many small businesses to close, and led to more substance abuse, domestic violence, and suicide. We are told the lockdowns are ordered because of a virus that poses no great danger to a very large percentage of the American public. Yet, instead of adopting a different approach, politicians are doubling down on the failed policies of masks and lockdowns.

Meanwhile, big tech companies, which are already often acting as partners of government, silence anyone who questions the official line regarding the threat of coronavirus or the effectiveness of lockdowns, masks, and vaccines.

The disastrous response to Covid is just the latest example of how those who give up liberty for safety or health will end up unfree, unsafe, and unhealthy. Instead of a Great Reset of authoritarianism, we need a great rebirth of liberty!


On TB every waking moment

The Great Reset, Part III: Capitalism With Chinese Characteristics

TUESDAY, JAN 05, 2021 - 0:00
Authored by Michael Rectenwald via The Mises Institute,
Read Part I: Reduced Expectations And Bio-Techno-Feudalism here...
Read Part II: Corporate Socialism here...

The title of this essay represents a play on the Chinese Communist Party’s description of its economy. Several decades ago, when China’s growing reliance on the for-profit sectors of its economy could no longer be credibly denied by the CCP, its leadership approved the slogan “socialism with Chinese characteristics” to describe the Chinese economic system. Formulated by Deng Xiaoping, the phrase became an essential component the CCP’s attempt to rationalize Chinese capitalist development under a socialist-communist political system.

According to the party, the growing privatization of the Chinese economy was to be a temporary phase—lasting as long as a hundred years according to some party leaders—on the way to a classless society of full socialism-communism. The party leaders claimed, and still maintain, that socialism with Chinese characteristics was necessary in China’s case because China was a “backward” agrarian country when communism was introduced—too early, it was suggested. China needed a capitalist booster shot.
With the slogan, the party was able to argue that China had been an exception to the orthodox Marxist position that socialism arrives only after the development of capitalism—although Marx himself deviated from his own formula late in life. At the same time, the slogan allowed the CCP to confirm the orthodox Marxist position. China’s communist revolution had come before developed industrial capitalism—an exception to orthodox Marxism. Capitalism was thus introduced into China’s economic system later—a confirmation of orthodox Marxism.

Stripped of its socialist ideological pretensions, socialism with Chinese characteristics, or the Chinese system itself, amounts to a socialist-communist state increasingly funded by capitalist economic development. The difference between the former Soviet Union and contemporary China is that when it became obvious that a socialist-communist economy had failed, the former gave up its socialist-communist economic pretenses, while the latter did not.

Whether the CCP leaders believe their own rhetoric or not, the ideological gymnastics on display are nevertheless spectacular. On its face, the slogan embeds and glosses over a seemingly obvious contradiction in an attempt to sanctify or “recommunize” Chinese capitalist development as a precondition of full socialism-communism.

However, the Chinese slogan does capture an essential truth about communism, one that is either unrecognized or unacknowledged by the CCP and denied by Western Marxists. Contrary to the assertions of communist leaders and followers, and even contrary to the claims of many who oppose it, socialism-communism is not essentially an economic but rather a political system.

Once in power, socialist-communist leaders recognize that given their control over resources, they have effectively become the new owners of the means of production (whereas, as Ludwig von Mises suggested, consumers effectively hold the power of economic disposal in free markets). In attempting to implement a socialist-communist economy, they recognize that, in the absence of prices, large-scale industrial production requires supervisory decision-making. Likewise, decision-making is not democratic in the sense promised by socialist-communist ideologues. Decision-making must be centralized, or at least bureaucratized, to a great extent. Democratic decision-making is precluded by state-owned and controlled production and distribution.

Socialism-communism is a political system in which resource allocation is commanded by the state and thus effectively controlled by the state leaders, the real ruling class. The latter retain control through ideology and force.

As opposed to a fully implemented economic system, socialism-communism is always only a political arrangement. This is why socialism-communism can be combined with “capitalism” under such forms as “state capitalism” or corporate socialism. Its economic pretensions will be jettisoned as capitalist development is introduced and cleverly rationalized, as in China. If such pretentions are maintained for long, they will wreck society, as in the former Soviet Union. In either case, the socialist-communist leadership will learn that wealth production requires the accumulation of privately held capital—whether they understand why or not.

Enter Corporate Socialism

A socialist-communist sequel is coming to a theater near you. Some of the same old characters are reappearing, while new ones have joined the cast. While the ideology and rhetoric sound nearly the same, they are being put to slightly different ends. This time around, the old bromides and promises are in play, and a similar but not identical bait and switch is being dangled. Socialism promises the protection of the beleaguered from the economically and politically “evil,” the promotion of the economic interests of the underclass, a benign banning of “dangerous” persons from public forums and civic life, and a primary or exclusive concern for “the common good.” China’s “One Belt, One Road” initiative may hang the takers in Africa and other underdeveloped regions as if from an infrastructural noose. A different variety is on the docket in the developed world, including in the US.

The contemporary variant is corporate socialism, or a two-tiered system of “actually existing socialism” on the ground, coupled with a parallel set of corporate monopolies or would-be monopolies on top. The difference between state socialism and corporate socialism is merely that a different constituency effectively controls the means of production. But both depend on monopoly—one the state and the other the corporate monopolization of the economy. And both depend on socialist-communist ideology of democratic socialism, or, in a recent variant, “social justice” or “woke” ideology. Corporate socialism is the desired end, while democratic socialism and woke capitalism are among the means.

China is the model for the economic and political system being promoted in the West, and the Great Reset is the most forthright articulation of that system - although its articulation is anything but perfectly forthright.

The Great Reset represents the development of the Chinese system in the West, only in reverse. Whereas the Chinese political elite began with a socialist-communist political system and implemented “capitalism” later, the elite in the West began with “capitalism” and is aiming to implement a socialist-communist political system now. It’s as if the Western oligarchy looked to the “socialism” on display in China, and said, “yes, we want it.”

This explains many otherwise seeming contradictions, not the least of which is the leftist authoritarianism of Big Tech. Big Tech, and in particular Big Digital, is the ideological communications apparatus for the advancement of corporate socialism, or capitalism with Chinese characteristics.
The Chinese characteristics that the Great Reset aims to reproduce in connection with Western capitalism would resemble the totalitarianism of the CCP. It would require a great abridgement of individual rights—including property rights, free expression, freedom of movement, freedom of association, freedom of religion, and the free enterprise system as we understand it.

The Great Reset would implement the political system in much the same way as China has done—with 5G-enabled smart city surveillance, the equivalent of social credit scores, medical passports, political imprisonment, and other means of social and political repression and control.

In the end, socialism with Chinese characteristics and capitalism with Chinese characteristics would amount to the same thing.


TB Fanatic
capitalism cannot exist with monopoly and oligarchy
socialism cannot exist without it

the great mass of people do not care about capitalism
because they are quite content being employees
taken care of from cradle to grave by the government or by the monopoly.


On TB every waking moment

No Going Back: U.N. Chief Guterres Promises ‘Rebuilt’ World in Coronavirus Wake
U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres poses for a portrait during an interview with The Associated Press at the COP25 climate talks summit in Madrid, Monday Dec. 2, 2019. (AP Photo/Bernat Armangue)
AP Photo/Bernat Armangue
SIMON KENT12 Jan 202134

Out with the old, in with the new. That was the mantra U.N. Secretary-General António Guterres espoused as he promised the world will never be the same again in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic.

Embracing the chance to push “humanity on a path on which it is not in conflict with nature,” is the desire of the former leader of the Portuguese Socialist Party, who urged “greater efforts by everyone to protect biodiversity and step up climate action.”

Addressing world leaders at the One Planet Summit on Monday, Guterres outlined how he saw a brave new world of the future, based on the theme of a great climate and economic reset he has espoused before. Guterres said:
We have been poisoning air, land and water – and filling oceans with plastics. Now, nature is striking back: temperatures are reaching record highs, biodiversity is collapsing, deserts are spreading, [and] fires, floods and hurricanes are more frequent and extreme… We are extremely fragile.
Pandemic recovery is our chance to change course. With smart policies and the right investments, we can chart a path that brings health to all, revives economies and builds resilience and rescues biodiversity.
The U.N. chief, 71, said he envisaged a new future alignment between “public and private financial flows” that obeyed the Paris Agreement commitments to “integrate the goal of carbon neutrality into all economic and fiscal decisions.”
As we rebuild, we cannot revert to the old normal.
Pandemic recovery is our chance to change course.
With smart policies and the right investments, we can chart a path that brings health to all, revives economies and builds resilience – @antonioguterres #OnePlanetSummit
— UN Spokesperson (@UN_Spokesperson) January 11, 2021
Organized by the French Government in partnership with the United Nations and the World Bank, the One Planet Summit brought together world leaders “to commit action to protect and restore bio-diversity.” Due to the coronavirus outbreak, the event was largely virtual.

Monday’s call by Guterres for the world to unite and rebuild was not the first time has has voiced the belief that a crisis can be an opportunity for vast global change.

As Breitbart News reported, last June he said the world needs an overarching level of multilateral governance that can sideline problematic “national interests” as he lamented existing U.N. instruments such as the Security Council have teeth but “show little or no appetite to bite.”

He added there is a need to “re-imagine the way nations cooperate,” before warning “We need a networked multilateralism, bringing together the U.N. system, regional organisations, international financial institutions and others. And we need an inclusive multilateralism, drawing on the indispensable contributions of civil society, business, cities, regions and, in particular, with greater weight given to the voices of youth.”

Last month Guterres called for the world to reconsider how power is distributed while looking for an opportunity to “reset the world economy.”
In overcoming #COVID19, we can also avert climate catastrophe and restore our planet.
We have a chance to not simply reset the world economy but to transform it.
Pandemic recovery and our planet’s repair can be two sides of the same coin. Secretary-General's address at Columbia University: "The State of the Planet" [scroll down for language versions] #ClimateAction
— António Guterres (@antonioguterres) December 2, 2020
Here’s what Guterres demanded the nations of the world do:
  • Put a price on carbon
  • Phase out fossil fuel finance and end fossil fuel subsidies
  • Shift the tax burden from income to carbon, and from tax payers to polluters
  • Integrate the goal of carbon neutrality (a similar concept to net zero) into all economic and fiscal policies and decisions
If we don’t, he said, we’re living on borrowed time, repeating a warning he made earlier in 2020 year while pleading for changes to global power structures.


On TB every waking moment

Fed President: We Should Have A Discussion About Guaranteed Basic Income
WEDNESDAY, JAN 13, 2021 - 20:16
Earlier today we briefly touched upon the recent chaos in 10Y yields and Eurodollars, sparked by growing source of much consternation and confusion at the Fed, namely the timing of the next QE taper, which if the 2013 example holds, would lead to a catastrophic market crash. We quoted DB's Jim Reid who wrote that "we’ve only had 7 business days this year and we’ve already had a full 360 degree tapering debate played out by the Fed." It's not just tapering, mind you: the same clueless hacks who brought the global economy beyond the edge of collapse and only the injection of $4 billion in liquidity per day ($120BN/30) is keeping everything from imploding, are just as confused about when to hike rates. Consider the following recent statements:

Bloomberg also picked up on this point and echoed our observations, writing that "Federal Reserve officials are beginning to split over when they may need to start pulling back on their massive monetary stimulus, drawing nervous glances from investors who remember how markets were roiled during the 2013 taper tantrum."
In the past week, four of the Fed’s 18 policy makers have publicly raised the prospect they may discuss reducing bond buying -- currently running at $120 billion a month -- by year’s end. In contrast, several others have called the debate premature and Fed Vice Chairman Richard Clarida, the most senior central banker to weigh in, has said he doesn’t expect any changes before 2022.
He may not expect it, but traders are: investors ramped up yields on Treasuries to nearly 1.20%, before two strong auctions helped ease rates which were redlining to the point that stocks started selling off. It also prompted coordinated verbal intervention by two of the Fed's top three officials: Fed vice chair Clarida and governor Lael Brainard spoke on Wednesday and each sought to assure markets that no tapering, and certainly no rate hikes are coming any time soon.

To wit, Brainard pushed back against suggestions the central bank could taper its bond-buying program later this year, arguing the U.S. economy will need that monetary support for “quite some time.”
“The economy is far away from our goals in terms of both employment and inflation, and even under an optimistic outlook, it will take time to achieve substantial further progress,” Brainard said Wednesday in a virtual speech to the Canadian Association for Business Economics. “Given my baseline outlook, I expect that the current pace of purchases will remain appropriate for quite some time.”
Clarida went further - as in beyond the purposefully nebulous "quite some time" - and said that the Fed will not raise interest rates until inflation has been at 2% for a year.
“I went into this quite skeptical about makeup strategies as a practical tool for central banks. And you’ll see that there really is not much of a make-up element in this at all, other than we’re not going to lift off until we get 2% inflation for a year.”
Those two are the doves. What about the hawks?

One among them is Atlanta Fed president, Raphael Bostic, who felt the need to make amends for his blasphemy from last week when he said last Thursday that the U.S. economy could be stronger than expected by midyear, which could lead to an earlier-than-expected tapering of bond purchases.
“In our statement, we said we wanted to make significant progress towards the goal. I don’t think we necessarily have to get to the goal,” Bostic said in a televised interview with Fox Business recorded Wednesday and broadcast Thursday.

He then shocked markets when he said that “I’m definitely open to the possibility that we may pull it back sooner than people expect” and added that “coming into the summertime, going into the fall, this economy should be rolling pretty well, if the vaccine distribution happens in an appropriate way. If it rolls well, we may see a lot more strength than I think some people are projecting.

The implication was clear: tapering could begin as soon as this fall.

Oops: bonds immediately puked at this mere hint that tapering could start in just a few months, and sent 10Y yields surging until the Fed entered full jawboning and damage control mode.

Yes bizarrely, not having learned his lesson, on Monday Bostic once again hit the newswires with his surprising forecast that the Fed could hike rates as soon as mid-2022 or early 2023.
“I do think there is some possibility that the economy could come back a bit stronger than some are expecting,” Bostic said on Monday.
“If that happens, I’m prepared to support pulling back and recalibrating a bit of our accommodation and then considering moving the policy rate. But I don’t see that happening in 2021. A whole lot would have to happen for us to get there. And then we will see into 2022, maybe the second half of 2022 or even 2023 where that might be more in play,” Bostic says in virtual discussion hosted by the Rotary Club of Atlanta
And since tapering would need to take place at least 6-9 months before this, the rates selloff resumed. It's also why both Clarida and Brainard had to step up today and explain there would be no rate hikes until 2023 at the earliest.

Well, since "three times is enemy action", Bostic - who wasn't done - and made a third appearance within a week the very next day, took every precaution not to screw it up again, which is why - wearing his best viral expert hat - he said that the distribution of vaccines in the U.S. is off to a slow start and continued delays would lead to a weaker, more protracted economic recovery.
"This is a huge logistical challenge and there have been hiccups to start,” he says. If there are delays, “then that real recovery is not going to start for that much longer and it will be more difficult and more protracted."
“Until the public-health issues get resolved, the economy will not be able to just move forward in a robust and strong way as possible" he said adding that getting the population vaccinated is “hugely important."
“We might actually see rebounds in inflation that are stronger than what people are expecting and we have got to leave ourselves open to that possibility. I’m going to be watching very closely to see how strongly inflation rebounds and I am hopeful we will get to our 2% target faster rather than slower."

Yes, yes... all predictable damage control for a central bank which is only obsessed with keeping risk assets high and yields low.

But what did surprise us, is what he said at end of that presentation - which incidentally was in the form of a virtual Q&A session hosted by none other than Goldman Sachs. Because what the Atlanta Fed president briefly touched upon next, is precisely the endgame: namely guaranteed government income to those who want it... for life. Also known as Universal Basic Income.

While Bostic was laconic and did not say much, what he did saw was sufficient revealing to know what's about to come next:
"The guaranteed basic income discussion is an important one. I think that conversation is one we should continue to have and think about."
What's universal basic income, you ask? Think helicopter money and magic money tree, on steroids.

And with that all discussions about rate hikes, "taperings", or anything else for that matter is moot, because the only way the conversation about guaranteed basic income - where the Treasury sells unlimited amounts of debt to "fund" UBI, debt which is purchased by the Fed - makes any sense is if the Fed ensures that rates can never again rise. Which is why all those traders panicking about rising yields, or CTAs who are now shorting 10Y yields, and as the following chart from Goldman confirms, they are - just as we said they would once yields rose above 1.10%...

...can relax: yes, yields can go up, they may hit 1.50%, even 2.00% or slightly more, but that's it because at that point the Fed will have to regain control, and it will, as the alternative is the bursting of the biggest bubble in history and the end of the western way of life.


On TB every waking moment

De-Growth Will Define How We Live In The Future

This is not a depression, but a permanent contraction of the scale and complexity of things. And it might help us cultivate gratitude.

Workers extracting oil from oil wells in the Permian Basin in Midland, Texas on May 5, 2018. Oil production has been causing a sudden influx of money especially for local Texans despite the consequences to the natural environment. (Photo by Benjamin Lowy/Getty Images)
DECEMBER 2, 2020

You may have noticed that the nation entered a political crisis after election day. However all that turns out, and whomever occupies the White House, a Pandora’s box of pressing problems and quandaries lie beyond this battle, and they will determine how we arrange daily life in this land, especially the question of what our towns and cities will look like, and how they’ll function, which has been the focus of this monthly column the past year.

Due to the incessant blathering of economists who only follow the movements of money, most Americans do not understand what supports our techno-industrial economy and all the familiar comforts and conveniences that come with it. Oil supports it, and has for the past 100 years, and it makes all our fabulous amenities possible. Oil has been heading for trouble for a couple of decades and now it has arrived at the crisis point. Our supply of oil is dwindling because it costs too much to pull it out of the ground. It’s that simple. Our basic business model is broken.

The shale oil “miracle” is a bust. It was a fabulous stunt while it lasted. It lifted U.S. oil production from under five million barrels per day in 2008 to 13 million barrels per day in 2019, but it could never operate at a profit and the companies involved are quitting and going bankrupt. U.S. oil production is down two million barrels per day since March, and informed observers predict it will fall as low as six million in 2021—half what we produced in 2019.

At the same time, the lockdowns of the Covid-19 emergency have killed so much business that the demand for oil remains low, and with low demand come low prices wreaking more havoc among the oil producers, driving them to bankruptcy. This is going to continue at a steepening rate. We could be done with oil altogether in a decade.


We’re not going to make up for it with solar and wind power, or any other so-called renewable energy sources much fantasized-over in the news—at least not in the high-tech sense. All those wind turbines, solar arrays, and the electronics to run them require oil (or coal or natural gas) to manufacture and to maintain, and that support won’t be there. Same for nuclear, which requires fossil fuel to maintain operations. There are no other known energy rescue remedies. Of course, the sun will still shine and the wind will still blow, and they do produce energy that we can use, but at a much smaller and lower scale than what we’re used to. Which points directly to the place that we’re going: a much lower-scale, less technologically complex way of life. This has little to do, by the way, with climate change, which, if anything, is but a sidebar to the greater predicament of economic contraction, and which, unlike depression, will be a permanent condition.

Our arrangements for daily will have to change to make provision for all that, and not in some abstruse theoretical sense, but physically, on the ground, in a direct relationship with wind, water, soil, and fire. It’s dismaying these days to encounter so many current plans for future development proffered by urbanist reformers of various stripes. They seem to assume that most of today’s prevailing arrangements will just continue and that all we have to do is tweak some zoning policies, conjure some grants and government outlays, and adjust our cultural attitudes to admit more “diversity and inclusion” to provide the commodity called “housing” (notice how that’s an abstraction, by the way).

The conditions we take for granted in the construction of buildings are coming to an end. Architects, planners, and impresarios of government housing all suppose that the fabricated, modular, snap-together building materials of today will keep rolling off the assembly lines a decade or so from now: steel beams, aluminum trusses, plate glass, cement, gypsum board, plywood, fiberglass and foam insulation, asphalt roofing shingles, copper pipe, plastic PVC pipe…you name it. Without affordable fossil fuels, we’ll be making very few of those things, at least not at the mass production scale or the volumes we’re used to.

Salvage will be one of the leading enterprises of the 21st century, disassembling buildings and sorting out the parts for re-use. Human beings are very good at this. If you present a work crew with an abandoned strip mall, and give them a few rudimentary tools (many of them perhaps salvaged, too), you can come back three days later and find all the cement blocks in one pile, the steel beams in another, the wooden studs in a third, and so on. There will be a lot of that. Salvaged materials will have to be used in combination with materials found in nature, mainly wood and stone, for new construction. We will be lucky if we can make modest batches of concrete mortar (a very high-energy process) for building in masonry.

We don’t know yet if the nearly eight billion people on the planet will destroy the remaining forests in their struggles to stay warm.

The harsh truth may be that the disorders that attend contracting economies and discontinued resource supply lines will reduce populations shockingly fast. This will affect the business model for high-tech agri-business, which made it possible to feed so many people through the 20th century into the present. We have no idea what kind of geopolitical strife will go with this, but historically that’s what happens when kingdoms and nations find themselves in a desperate competition for resources. One calculation, by Deagle, the government-connected military technology and intelligence consulting company, predicts global population drops of 50 to 80 percent by 2025, with the U.S. population reduced to 100 million from the current 330 million. I know that sounds severe, but there it is.

Even a less drastic population decline would change the picture for retrofitting a lot of the stuff on the American landscape. Buildings in the vast reaches of suburbia were never great candidates for adaptive re-use. Everything is so far apart in sprawl that walking is out of the question and the Jolly Green Giant is not going to move things closer together for us. Densifying these places, making them into urban nodes, as many who promote “suburban repair” advocate, won’t make a whole lot of sense if the population is going down and GDP with it. Rather we should devote our dwindling capital to fixing the old centers of the existing towns and cities, which almost always exist for a good geographic reason—a river, a harbor, a strategic position on a trade route. In any case, our cities eventually will be smaller and more compact than they have been for many generations.

Another problem with the adaptive re-use of existing buildings is that they were built with materials not designed to last. A lot of these materials, used widely in recent decades, were actually marketing experiments run on “consumers,” i.e. builders and buyers of mass-produced “homes.” Plywood delaminates as soon as water invades it. So-called strand-board—panels made from waste wood fragments and polymer glue—have even less integrity. Vinyl siding becomes brittle and breaks after a few decades of exposure to ultraviolet light. Spray-on plastic stucco turns to powder. Plastic window frames warp and crack easily over time. All plastic building materials and asphalt roofing shingles are products of the fossil fuel industry.

Where’s that going? Will we have the energy to even make small panes of window glass to set in wooden window sashes? One wonders.

The reformers of the current moment aren’t concerned with any of this. One of the few discernable issues of the recent election campaign was a fight over the Democratic Party proposal to write new federal laws that would overcome local zoning codes in order to build housing for the poor in suburbia. Any way you look at it—altruistic social justice, an assault on property rights—nobody questioned our ability to make it happen. Rather, I believe you’ll see the government get out of the housing business by necessity as we turn the corner into 2021 and beyond, because the country is worse than broke.

That aforesaid quandary with our oil supply means that we’ve entered the age of de-growth. We’re no longer able to produce as many quality goods as we used to, so our aggregate wealth is declining. As a perverse side-effect, whatever wealth we do generate tends to be unfairly concentrated among those who are already wealthy, because those are the people who work in, and benefit from, the financialized activities that have replaced industrial production. Anybody paying attention to the world around them can’t fail to notice how the middle class is being gutted from its lower blue-collar base on up into the professional strata. This is killing the business model of the so-called “consumer economy,” but it has actually been on the ropes for a long time. Reckless borrowing is what kept it afloat.

Indeed, at the most macro scale, borrowing money from the future has held at bay the terrible consequences of de-growth since the Great Financial Crash (GFC) of 2008-2009. Back then, the oil industry had just entered a slow decline, and that was enough to spark epic financial instability. Now that the oil industry is definitively going bankrupt around shale oil, the global banking system faces something worse than instability. Since the GFC, we’ve generated monumental debt just to keep our networks of complex systems going. Debt only works if there is some plausible prospect that it can be paid back. A society has to produce surplus wealth to pay back its debt or, at least, service the interest due. In the absence of real surplus wealth, the plausibility evaporates. What passes for surplus wealth these days are just games played in the financialization arena with vaporous instruments that pretend to represent money, and money itself is more and more a pretense now. You can say financialization is money with the value removed.

The so-called “recovery” of 2009 to 2019 was an illusion provided by 10 years of the shale oil orgy combined with all that new debt (which also financed the shale oil) that will never be paid back. It manifested as a bubble in bond, stock, and derivative markets, with some additional novelties such as Bitcoin. The Covid-19 virus appeared to prick the bubble in late winter 2020, but the problems it caused only provoked greater new waves of central bank “money” to be loosed upon the scene to “prevent a depression.”

The markets “recovered” as soon as the “stimulus” was proffered, because money doesn’t sit still; it migrates to places where it might theoretically increase, even if the “investment” model is a self-reinforcing fraud. The markets kept going up, up, up through November of 2020, when the Dow Jones index pierced the 30,000 hashmark—while scores of thousands of small businesses, representing 44 percent of total American business, failed in the months of Covid-19 lockdowns, and families and households were left ruined. The finance sector had finally decoupled from the economy like a space capsule dropping its boosters, with the catch that the capsule had not actually escaped the gravitational field.

Rounding the corner of the new year in a few weeks, whoever is president faces a new and spooky disposition of things. De-growth with all its awful consequences is upon us. There will be less of everything for the same number of people who were here ten months ago, fewer businesses that can generate enough cash flow to survive, fewer employees, fewer customers for anything. It will look like a depression but it will be de-growth, the collapse of complex systems, a long emergency.

The mortgage forbearances plus rent and loan postponements are due to run out after Christmas. The government won’t let these people be turned out homeless, you can be sure, but what can they do besides shovel more “money” into this quandary? It’s all they know how to do. It won’t work. It will only destroy what’s left of the value in the dollar. The net effect will be a descent into disorder—both civil and economic—where a lot of things just stop working. Big businesses will follow the small businesses into failure as their supply lines wobble and their customers go broke. If the dollar loses value significantly, say 30 percent in 2021, the gigantic federal and state governments are sure to be rendered ineffectual, unable to discharge their duties, or fix things, or offer any reassurance to the struggling masses. As a general principle going forward, anything that operates at the giant scale is liable to fail. The small and nimble are more likely to thrive. The disorder could go on for quite a while, until the people get their minds right about the paradigm shift that has occurred.

Eventually this society—or agglomeration of societies in North America—will settle into the next chapter of history in which we learn to live with a lot less. It won’t be the end of the world; it will be the end of an era: the age of the fossil fuel orgy. We’ll do what our circumstances require us to do and instruct us to do. The ideological frivolities of the pre-collapse years will be bygone and the people will be concerned with the basics of getting enough to eat, sheltering themselves, and producing real necessities for daily life, all at a very local scale. Our big cities will be a lot smaller, though many abandoned mega-structures and skyscrapers will remain standing as an eerie reminder of a receding, wondrous past, just as the Colosseum remained standing for centuries in Rome when the population shrank from one million to 11,000. They’ll supply building materials, too, as the Flavian amphitheater yielded its marble claddings to the churches, palaces, and hospitals of later times.

Vibrant districts and neighborhoods will self-reorganize, many of them in parts of the city that were lively and busy before the long emergency. Sturdy neighborhoods endure, a lesson from the European cities (and Europe will have gone through a similar convulsion of de-growth and disorder). In our cities of the future, you won’t see any cars on the streets. That’s over. It remains to be seen whether railroads will reconnect the cities and the towns. We may have missed the window of opportunity for that, having spurned the reconstruction of our networks back at the turn of the millennium when there was still a lot of money, oil, and steel around to get the job done.

The age of fossil fuels brought such spectacular power to human endeavor that we fell for the illusion that nothing could stop ever more fantastic technological progress—and if any threat arose, even a big one like climate change, we could find a way to overcome it with our human innovative genius and just blast forward. Hubris is a harsh master. We’re going, unexpectedly, to a different destination, a much more modest place, and no one knows for how long. But consider this: it will be a real place, not a virtual place, and we will call that place home, many such places, actually, and we will fit in them more comfortably than we did in the colossal alienating environments we created in the era now passing. We will regain an understanding of our relations with this planet, and probably regain a sense of gratitude for being here.


On TB every waking moment

Present at the Destruction
Trump’s Final Act Has Accelerated the Onset of a Post-American World

By Richard Haass
January 11, 2021

Supporters of President Trump clash with the police at the U.S. Capitol in

Washington, D.C., January 2021
David Butow / Redux

From the beginning, the essence of the Trump foreign policy has been disruption of arrangements and policies that largely served the United States well for three-quarters of a century—something I argued last year in a Foreign Affairs essay titled “Present at the Disruption.” President Donald Trump’s abrupt withdrawal from long-standing agreements and organizations, his attacks on allies, his embrace of authoritarian rulers and disregard of human rights violations, his habit of announcing policy changes on Twitter with little or no consultation: all of this, I explained, would result in a marked decline in U.S. influence, to the benefit of China, Iran, and Russia and the detriment of global efforts to address climate change, infectious disease, nuclear proliferation, and cyberthreats.

But the damage wrought by the events in Washington on January 6—the lawlessness and violence at the U.S. Capitol and the refusal, by Trump and dozens of Republican members of Congress, to accept the results of the November presidential election—will be even greater, on U.S. foreign policy as well as on U.S. democracy. We have gone from “present at the disruption” to “present at the destruction.” What took place last week was a distinctly American failure, but the consequences go far beyond American shores. A post-American world, one no longer defined by U.S. primacy, is coming sooner than generally expected—less because of the inevitable rise of others than because of what the United States has done to itself.


The world has long paid close attention to events in the United States: the civil rights movement and Vietnam War protests in the 1950s and 1960s, Watergate, the 2008 financial crisis—and, over the past four years, Charlottesville, the killing of George Floyd, and U.S. failures in confronting the COVID-19 pandemic. But the siege and occupation of the Capitol on January 6 were something distinct: the president of the United States, along with many supporters and enablers in Congress and around the country, inciting or carrying out violence with the aim of subverting American democracy. (There was also a failure of law enforcement, reinforcing questions about basic American competence raised by the flawed response to COVID-19 and an undetected cyberattack by Russia.)

The images reinforced the sense among fellow democracies that something is seriously wrong in and with the United States. How was it, they asked, that so many Americans could vote for a leader who had, even before last week, attacked independent judicial and media institutions, refused to set a strong example in the face of a highly lethal pandemic, and violated many of his country’s oldest political norms? Their fear is that even after Trump leaves the Oval Office, he will remain on the political scene, influencing American politics and dominating the Republican Party for some time to come; the restoration of more traditional American behavior under Joe Biden and Kamala Harris could, from the vantage of most U.S. allies, prove only a limited and temporary respite.
Their fear is that even after Trump leaves the Oval Office, he will remain on the political scene.
As a result, allies have little choice but to question their decision to entrust their security to the United States. There were already doubts on this front, as a result of some actions during the Obama administration and even more under Trump (attacking allies, cozying up to dictators, acting unilaterally and unpredictably).

Such doubts mean a greater tendency by other countries to ignore U.S. entreaties and to take policy matters into their own hands, be it by assuaging powerful neighbors or by building up (and using) their own military strength.

Signs of this are already evident in the Middle East, Europe, and Asia: the Saudi war in Yemen, Turkey’s involvement in Syria and support for Azerbaijan in Nagorno-Karabakh, the European Union’s investment treaty with China, the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership trade bloc in Asia. The result will be a world that is more violent and less open politically and economically, and in which the United States retains significant but no longer dominant influence or power.

The violence at the Capitol will in particular weaken the United States’ ability to advocate for democracy and the rule of law: imagine the shouts of hypocrisy the next time Washington lectures or sanctions another government for its behavior.

Authoritarian regimes such as China’s are already gloating, arguing that the scenes last week prove both the superiority of their model and the hypocrisy of U.S. officials when they criticize the crackdown in Hong Kong or repression in Xinjiang. Similarly, arguments against the spread of nuclear weapons on the grounds that other countries are not sufficiently stable or responsible ring hollow when the commander in chief of the world’s preeminent nuclear power appears to lack those attributes.


As with individuals, the reputations of countries are easier to tear down than to build. Yet it is necessary to do everything possible to undo the damage, for the sake of both the United States and the rest of the world. Even in a post-American world, U.S. power and influence remain substantial, and the odds of building a stable, open, and effective international order are close to nonexistent without a major U.S. contribution.

Some self-awareness is called for. The United States is not nearly as unique as many Americans believe, including when it comes to the threat of democratic backsliding. What has happened should put an end to the notion of American exceptionalism, of an eternal shining city on a hill.

The incoming Biden administration would be wise to put on hold announced plans to convene a meeting of the world’s democracies until the United States’ own house is in better order. That will require taking some straightforward immediate steps, such as launching a body like the 9/11 Commission to investigate how the Capitol was left so vulnerable to so well known a threat and put forward recommendations for fixing security shortfalls, including those stemming from the patchwork governance of the nation’s capital. It is also essential to bring to justice as many people involved in unlawful acts as possible, both to make clear that such behavior has consequences and to signal to the world that such a breakdown in law and order will not be allowed to become a permanent condition.

But much of what is necessary demands longer-term effort. The country must address inequality, which has grown substantially worse in the pandemic-induced recession, in both income and access to education and other opportunities; such conditions give rise to understandable frustration and fuel populism and radicalism, of left and right. One particular challenge is the direction of the Republican Party. American democracy cannot work if one of its major parties rejects the notion of loyal opposition and defines itself not in terms of what it can do but only in terms of what it can prevent.
American democracy cannot work if one of its major parties rejects the notion of loyal opposition and defines itself not in terms of what it can do but only in terms of what it can prevent.
Some procedural changes—open primaries, ranked choice voting, steps to make it easier to vote whether in person or by mail—can help. So would reduced gerrymandering, either through judicial action or through the work of bipartisan commissions to redraw congressional districts. At the end of the day, however, it will be up to voters. They will have to decide whether those who enabled Trump are worthy of their support going forward. Republicans have to decide whether their party is to be more conservative than radical (and if a majority opts for the latter, conservatives will have to decide whether to bolt and form a new party).

How the Democrats wield their current control of the executive branch and both chambers of Congress—whether they are seen to govern from the center or the left—will also have a significant effect.

Changing American political culture demands an ambitious and wide-ranging agenda. It requires countering the pernicious elements of social media, which has the tendency to drive people to voices and information that conform to their own views. It calls for reinvesting in civic education—democracy’s DNA is not automatically transmitted from generation to generation. And it requires revisiting the notion of national service. The United States is increasingly a country of multiple nations, divided by geography, race, experience, education—and political leanings. National service does not mean just military service, nor does it have to be mandatory. But if America’s differences are not to be the country’s undoing, more young Americans must meet and work together with those of other classes, colors, religions, and backgrounds.

Ultimately, many of the most important changes cannot be mandated or legislated. What is at issue is character. The United States may consider itself a nation of laws, but laws can prescribe or proscribe only so much. Norms are the essential underpinning of a democracy, encouraging those with power to do what is right rather than simply refraining from doing what is illegal. Donald Trump has been a serial violator of norms. Congress may be able to address some of his most egregious practices through changes in law, and the Biden White House can help by working with Congress to roll back some presidential prerogatives. But in the end what will matter most is how the nation’s leaders and citizens conduct themselves.


January 6 is a day that will—and should—live in infamy. We can hope that it will provide a useful shock to the body politic. But crises don’t always trigger needed change. Seeing that this one does must be a national priority.

History is useful here. It was the shock of the Great Depression that spurred the New Deal, and of Pearl Harbor that ended American isolationism. If January 6 leads to collective soul-searching and internal reform, the United States can begin to regain the soft and hard power it will need to help manage great-power rivalry and contend with global challenges; as always, foreign policy begins at home. A post-American world will not be dominated by the United States, but that does not mean it has to be led by China or defined by chaos.


On TB every waking moment

Woke Lancet: Biden Presidency a ‘Fundamental Reset,’ ‘Opportunity for American Renewal’
A photo taken in the late hours of August 17, 2020 shows a sign of the World Health Organization (WHO) written in Chinese at the entrance of their headquarters in Geneva amid the COVID-19 outbreak, caused by the novel coronavirus. (Photo by Fabrice COFFRINI / AFP) (Photo by FABRICE COFFRINI/AFP …
THOMAS D. WILLIAMS, PH.D.16 Jan 20211,431

The highly politicized Lancet medical journal lauds the upcoming Biden inauguration as a chance for the “restoration of the global standing of the USA.”

In an unsigned January 16 editorial, the once venerable Lancet asserts that President Trump “provoked” the mob that stormed the Capitol on January 6 and that his “turbulent” legacy “imperils the health of Americans and the world.”

“President-elect Joe Biden’s inauguration is a fundamental reset and refocus of priorities,” the UK-based journal’s editors insist, “giving a chance for renewal and revitalisation of science and health agendas, and restoration of the global standing of the USA.”

The journal alleges the Trump administration:
…systematically weakened the role of science in federal policy, stacked review boards with industry figures, rolled back industrial and environmental regulations across government, and placed people in administrative positions in science and health agencies hostile to their missions. Trump has consistently undermined the independence and effectiveness of US science institutions.
Trump’s “refusal to take the pandemic seriously” and his “personal indifference to the crisis” highlights “the degree to which leadership undergirds organisational preparation,” the Lancet claims in its intemperate rant.

Moreover, the diatribe continues, “Trump’s populist government has exacerbated existing inequalities and health outcomes” in the United States while dealing an “obscene over-response” to the Black Lives Matter protests during 2020.

Now, thankfully, that is all over, the Lancet suggests, and “Democratic Party control of government could allow for a much more aggressive and proactive agenda on health than would have been possible with a divided government.”

“Democrats can protect and expand the ACA, tighten controls on the use of violence by police, and once again place global health leadership at the forefront of foreign policy,” the editors declare.

The choice of Rochelle Walensky to head the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and promises to rejoin WHO and the Paris Climate Accords “signal a serious commitment to addressing the damage,” they state.

Founded in 1823 as a serious medical journal, the Lancet has devolved into a bullhorn for what it calls “the progressive agenda,” dissipating its hard-earned moral and scientific capital on issues such as climate change, immigration, and gay rights, while aggressively promoting abortion.

In 2019, the Lancet ran a five-part series of articles on “gender equality, norms, and health” that denounced a conservative “backlash” against the global LGBTQ agenda.

“The progressive agenda that demands gender equality for girls and women and gender norms that promote health and wellbeing for all, including gender minorities,” a team of Lancet writers wrote, includes “advocating against toxic masculinities” and “promoting lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) justice.”

If nothing else, Joe Biden can have the satisfaction of knowing that as an overseas shill for the Democratic Party, the Lancet will have his back unconditionally.


On TB every waking moment

Generations Of Globalist Ghouls Collaborate On "Manifesto" For Post-Trump Economic "Reset"

WEDNESDAY, JAN 20, 2021 - 22:05
Proponents of the QAnon "conspiracy theory," which the NYT can't seem to stop writing about, are going to love seeing this.

A memo that has reportedly been circulating among policymakers on both sides of the aisle for weeks was finally released to the press on Tuesday when Dealbook editor and CNBC "Squawk Box" host Andrew Ross Sorkin got the scoop: a memo penned by a group of senior-level bureaucrats, including - who else? - Henry Kissinger and former British Prime Minister Tony Blair has provided a kind of "blueprint" for the Biden Administration to undo all of President Trump's trade-war tactics and other policies that didn't exactly help promote free trade.

As Trump recounted in his farewell video published earlier Tuesday afternoon, his administration dramatically altered the American trade landscape, pulling the US out of the TPP, renegotiating Nafta into the USMCA, and - most consequentially, at things would turn out - the trade war with China, which inspired waves of hysterical lobbying by the Chamber of Commerce and special-interest groups from Big Tech to Wal-Mart and other major retailers, and others.

So, as Biden prepares his first 100-day blitz of policy directives, many of the architects of the globalist system created by groups like the Trilateral Commission are joining with a gaggle of former cabinet-level officials (both Dems and GOP) along with the CEO of one of America's largest banks, former British Labour Party Prime Minister Tony Blair and - who else? - Henry Kissinger, have essentially penned a manifesto that is being circulated among lawmakers, along with top-level officials in the cabinet and the West Wing, to help restore the globalist system that Trump helped to disrupt.

Who better to leak the story to than Andrew Sorkin, who first brought up the existence of the memo during an interview during Tuesday morning's episode of "Squawk Box" on CNBC during a conversation with Harvard economist Austan Goolsbee.
"The problem the critics of @JoeBiden's program have is that we tried the approach they're describing. What they want Joe Biden to do is what Donald Trump has been doing for 4 years and it's a failure. It's a failed presidency," says @Austan_Goolsbee on the Biden economic plan.
— Squawk Box (@SquawkCNBC) January 19, 2021
According to Sorkin's column, "the memo comes from an under-the-radar group of global boldfaced names that act as a private advisory committee to JPMorgan Chase. They include Tony Blair, the former British prime minister; Condoleezza Rice and Henry Kissinger, two former secretaries of state; Robert Gates, the former secretary of defense; Alex Gorsky, chief executive of Johnson & Johnson; Bernard Arnault, chairman of LVMH; and Joseph C. Tsai, executive vice chairman of Alibaba, among others."

The group, which even Sorkin concedes is exclusively staffed with members of the "globalist part of the globalist establishment that fell out of favor during the Trump years, typically meets once a year in a far-flung location with JPMorgan’s chief, Jamie Dimon."

Dimon hasn't shied away from sharing his idealistic political prescriptions for saving American capitalism from itself. Most of these screeds, published in recent annual letters to the bank's shareholders, mostly focus on the need to raise taxes on the rich and make the American education system more meritocratic, among other proposed "reforms". Though whenever a rich person says they support raising taxes on the rich, one almost can't help but feel skeptical.

These discussions are usually kept quiet, filtering out through the shadowy nexus where corporate interest meets public policy meets Capitol Hill. But "given the precarious state of the world during a pandemic and change in leadership in Washington, the group put its views on paper in hopes of persuading policymakers to address what it sees as the most pressing priorities."

Though Sorkin didn't share the memo, he described it as "a manifesto or sorts".

Without explicitly saying so, it advocates for a "reset" - a return to the pre-Trump days, essentially turning back the clock to a time before Trump dumped the TPP, retooled Nafta and started the aggressive trade war/economic confrontation of China.

Why? Because, as Tony Blair explains to Sorkin at one point, "enlightened self-interest" - ie working closely with other countries to build better products and more efficient supply chains etc - actually helps lift all boats. In other words, backing down from the trade confrontation with China and other Trump policy rollbacks would actually help put "America First".
Without saying it in so many words, the group argues that engaging in policy and commerce with other countries isn’t a sign of weakness or against the interests of the country. In many ways, it is actually “America First.” “The purpose of cooperation is not to put someone else’s interest before those of your own country,” Mr. Blair told me about the discussions among the group. “Enlightened self-interest is best satisfied by people working together.” On this point, Mr. Gates, who was the secretary of defense under President George W. Bush, added that the government has failed to “bring home to the American people why international cooperation and engagement on the international front and the relationships with our allies, why that all serves Americas self-interest.”
In an example of just how out-of-touch this memo's authors apparently are, it argues that the COVID-19 outbreak is an example of the shortcomings of those who are skeptical of the globalist system.
"The near-total absence of American leadership, coupled with the nationalist approach of too many countries, have come at the expense of a strategically coherent, international response to the pandemic," the paper contends. Mr. Blair said that, while everyone involved in the group didn’t agree on every point in the document, it reflected the broad consensus.
Even as Mike Pompeo labels China's treatment of the Uyghers a "genocide", the paper argues for greater cooperation on everything from saving the climate to "issues of global health".
The memo calls for a return to engaging with China, especially on climate issues and global health, while acknowledging the "significant challenge" the country poses. "The best outcome for US-China relations is likely managed competition — an accommodation that avoids military conflict while allowing for limited cooperation," it reads. "It is impractical to think that supply chains and manufacturing can be moved simply, affordably or comprehensively out of China."
Sorkin acknowledges that Trump-aligned voters, as well as many on the Democratic Party's left flank, might have serious problems with the memo, given the fact that it was written by the very architects of the free-trade system that hollowed out American factories.
The document also calls for placing renewed importance on the G7 and G20. It urges the creation of “trusted supply chains" and places responsibility on the business community to engage with policymakers "from the point-of-view of the public interest, not simply narrow business interests."
Some will fairly question the group’s intentions. After all, a message being delivered by the nation’s biggest bank - and a group of chief executives and former senior policymakers - may only encourage the idea that there is a supersecret cabal of puppeteers steering policy.
The idea that the Biden administration might take this group’s advice might be considered anathema to his supporters on the far left just as much as it is to his opponents on the far right.
Tony Blair says he understands why people are skeptical, or even furious at, the globalist elite. But they're not so bad, he says. In reality, the system they're advocating is simply "common sense". Dimon says that involving the business community and other stakeholders can help undo some of the mistakes of the past.
Mr. Blair said he understood the skepticism of the motives of the global elite. “Politically this is my view: You’ve had genuine grievances, which populism has exploited, but too much of those opposed to populism have simply stood for better management of the status quo,” he said. Mr. Dimon said that one of the few ways that the status quo, and the inequality it created, can be undone is if his peers start advocating for policies that may be against their own short-term business interests.
“I’d like to criticize business for a second,” he said in an interview, describing how he had witnessed some executives lobby for their business or themselves, knowingly at the expense of society. “I’ve been to a lot of meetings with presidents and prime ministers and senators and congressmen, and the selfishness and parochialism with the business folks is just absolutely outrageous.”
“The first thing businesses should do is separate their company’s interests from what’s in the interest of the country,” he added.
As an example, he took a shot at the private equity industry, which happens to provide some his bank’s biggest clients. "I mean, we still have carried interest in this country?” he said, questioning the special, lower tax rate that private equity executives enjoy. “When you look at those things, I feel like the American public says, 'It's a swamp.' And they’re saying 'I'm not getting my piece of it,' you know?"
Mr. Dimon said that, ultimately, many of the big challenges the country faces during and after the pandemic will require private-sector investment from around the world, and gaining the trust of the public is crucial.
"It’s unlikely to be fixed without business, particularly when you get around to things like work skills, property and building infrastructure," he said.
Sorkin's column ends with an analogy, reportedly sourced to Dimon, about FDR overcoming his hostilities with big business to build the War Production Board and staff it with captains of industry like Walter Chrysler.

If nothing else, the memo and the slick way it was leaked to the press after making the rounds in Washington, is a harbinger of how business will be done in the Biden area, as the same old foreign policy and economy wonks from the Clinton, Bush and Obama years reemerge like the living dead.


On TB every waking moment
And all of their schemes assume the forces outside of their camp, both domestic and foreign will go along......


On TB every waking moment

The Coming New Order

THURSDAY, JAN 21, 2021 - 20:40
Authored by Jeff Thomas via,
For many years, a handful of people have postulated that those who control industry, finance and governments are essentially the same people – a cabal of sorts that have, over generations, solidified their relationships in order to gain greater wealth and power, whilst systematically making things ever more difficult for the free market to exist.

But why should this be? Surely, corporate leaders are more ardently capitalist than anyone else?

Well, on the surface, that might appear to make sense, but once a significant position of power has been achieved, those who have achieved it recognize that, since they’ve already reached the top, the primary concern changes. From then on, the primary concern becomes the assurance that no others are able to climb so high as they have.

At that point, they realise that their foremost effort needs to be a push toward corporatism – the merger of power between government and business.

This is a natural marriage. The political world is a parasitic one. It relies on a continual flow of funding. The world of big business is a study in exclusivity – the ability to make it impossible for pretenders to the throne to arise. So, big business provides the cash; government provides protective legislation that ensures preference for those at the top.

In most cases, this second half of the equation does not mean a monopoly for just one corporation, but a monopoly for a cabal – an elite group of corporations.

This corporatist relationship has deep roots in the US, going back over one hundred years. To this day, those elite families who took control of oil, steel, banking, motor vehicles and other industries a century ago, soon created a takeover of higher learning (universities), health (Big Pharma) and “Defense” (the military-industrial complex).

Through legislation, the US was then transformed to ensure that all these interests would be catered to, creating generations of both control and profit.
Of course, “profit” should not be an evil word, but under crony capitalism, it becomes an abomination – a distortion of the free market and the death of laissez faire economics.

Certainly, this sort of collectivism is not what Karl Marx had in mind when he daydreamed about a workers’ paradise in which business leaders retained all the risk and responsibility of creating and building businesses, whilst the workers had the final word as to how the revenue would be distributed to the workers themselves.

Mister Marx failed in being objective enough to understand that if the business creator took all the risk and responsibility but gave up the ability to decide what happened to the revenue, he’d never bother to open a business. Even a shoeshine boy would reject such a notion and elect to go on the dole, rather than work.

Mister Marx sought more to bring down those who were successful than to raise up those who were not, yet he unwittingly created a new idea – corporate collectivism – in which the very people he sought to debase used the appeal of collectivist rhetoric to diminish both the freedoms and wealth of the average worker.

On the surface, this might appear to be a hard sell – to get the hoi polloi into the net – but in fact, it’s quite easy and has perennially been effective.

Hitler’s New Order was such a construct – the promise to return Germany to greatness and the German people to prosperity through increasingly draconian laws, warfare and an economic revolving door between government and industry.

Of course, a major influx of capital was required – billions of dollars – and this was eagerly provided by US industry and banks. Heads of New York banks not only funded Nazi industry; families such as the Fords, Rockefellers, Morgans, etc., sat on the boards of German corporations.

The Nazi effort failed, as they underestimated the Russian will to fight to the death. (Eighty percent of all German Army deaths were due to the Russian campaign.)

But those in New York were able to regroup and be first in the queue for the restructuring of German industry after the war and, ultimately, profited handsomely.

But most significantly, the idea of corporatist collectivism did not die. Even before the war, the same group of families and corporations had drawn up the plan for Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal.

Mister Roosevelt was a dyed-in-the-wool Wall Street man and a director of New York banks. In the 1930s and early 1940s, he created, as president, a revolving door that favoured large corporations, whilst the average American was consciously kept at the subsistence level through government entitlements.

The scam worked. Shortsighted Americans not only were grateful; they deified him for it.

Likewise, John Kennedy’s New Frontier sought to revitalize the concept, as did Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society: Give the little people entitlements that keep them little. Tax smaller businesses and create a flow of tax dollars to the elite industries, who, in turn, provide monetary favours to the political class.

The Green New Deal is merely the latest corporate collectivist scheme on the list.

Corporate collectivism can be defined as a system in which the few who hold the legal monopolies of finance and industry gain an overriding control over all others, and in so doing, systematically extract wealth from them.

Today, this system has become so refined that, although the average American has a flat screen TV and an expensive smartphone, he cannot raise $400 to cover an emergency that occurs in his life. He is, for all practical purposes, continually bankrupt, but still functioning in a zombie-like existence of continual dependency.

This, on the surface, may not seem all that dangerous, but those who cannot buy their way out of a small emergency are easily controlled. Just create an emergency such as an uber-virus and that fact will be illuminated quickly.
In order to maximise compliance in a population, maximise their dependence.

As stated above, this effort has been in play for generations. But it is now reaching a crescendo. It’s now up to speed in most of the former Free World and those who hold the strings are ready for a major step forward in corporate collectivism.

In the coming year, we shall see dramatic changes appearing at a dizzying rate. Capital controls, migration controls, internal movement controls, tax increases, confiscation of assets and the removal of “inalienable” rights will all be coming into effect – so quickly that before the populace can even grasp the latest restrictions, new ones will be heaped on.

As this unfolds, we shall witness the erosion of the nation-state. Controls will come from global authorities, such as the UN, the IMF and the WEF.

Organisations that have no formal authority over nations will increasingly be calling the shots and people will wonder how this is possible. Elected officials will increasingly become mere bagmen, doing the bidding of an unelected ruling class.

The changes that take place will be not unlike a blanket that is thrown over humanity.

The question then will be whether to, a) give in to this force, b) to fight it and most likely fall victim to it, or c) seek a means to fall outside the perimeter of the blanket.


On TB every waking moment

They Don’t Want the Truth to Come Out: Senate Democrats File Ethics Complaint Against Senators Cruz and Hawley for Challenging Election Fraud

By Jim Hoft
Published January 21, 2021 at 10:11pm

Pennsylvania was rife with fraud in the 2020 election.

Even a USPS truck driver announced he transferred 288,000 fraudulent ballots from New York State to Pennsylvania during the election.

And Pennsylvania vote counters locked out GOP observers from their Philadelphia counting room for TWO DAYS.

Senator Josh Hawley challenged the Pennsylvania results. It was his duty.
Arizona was also a state rife with fraud during the 2020 election.

Senator Ted Cruz challenged the results in Arizona which was his duty.
Democrats have historically challenged the election results whenever a Republican wins the White House.

Democrats in 2016 challenged the election for four years with several attempts at a coup.

But Democrats are horrified that Americans may find out about the massive fraud in the 2020 election.

On Thursday seven Democrats filed an ethics complaint to censure Senators Cruz and Hawley for challenging the election results.

They don’t want the truth out.

The Hill reported:
Seven Senate Democrats are asking the Ethics Committee to open an investigation into GOP Sens. Josh Hawley (Mo.) and Ted Cruz (Texas) over the Jan. 6 Capitol riot.
The senators filed a complaint on Thursday with the committee asking that it probe whether Hawley and Cruz’s objections to the Electoral College results violated the chamber’s ethics rules.

“The Senate Ethics Committee should investigate their conduct to fully understand their role. The actions of which we know demand an investigation and a determination whether disciplinary action is warranted. Until then, a cloud of uncertainty will hang over them and over this body,” the senators wrote.
Democratic Sens. Sheldon Whitehouse (R.I.), Ron Wyden (Ore.), Tina Smith (Minn.), Richard Blumenthal (Conn.), Mazie Hirono (Hawaii), Tim Kaine (Va.) and Sherrod Brown (Ohio) teamed up on the ethics complaint.


On TB every waking moment

Cult: Government Is Now The New Religion?

FRIDAY, JAN 22, 2021 - 23:40
Authored by Mac Slavo via,

A new magazine cover of the Jacobin is striking a nerve after it appears that the magazine is saying the government is now god and our religion, to be worshipped. It sure begs the age-old question: who do you serve?

If we are ever to be free, we have to remove our consent. That goes for those who worshipped Trump as the messiah as well (and there were plenty.) We should have never allowed ourselves to see each other as slaves to the ruling class, submitting to democracy (which is mob rule) and letting others have power over anyone else for any reason. Our inability to take the moral high ground has led to us this point in history. Government is now your god. Like it or not.
Describing Trump supporters as a cult has become a trope among his Democratic critics. Which seems ironic, considering how the very same crowd in the past four years tended to invest emotionally in whoever they hoped would end Trump’s presidency. Special Counsel Robert Muller probably received the lion’s share of the prayers, though figures like ex-FBI director James Comey or even Trump’s fixer-turned-critic Michael Cohen basked in some limelight. –RT
Here’s the cover of the magazine in its entirety for you to have a look at:

Biden’s larger-than-life, bare-chested figure is shown surrounded by ‘holy spirits’ of Twitter and ‘saints’. The latter include kneeling Democrat leaders in the US Congress, Dr. Anthony Fauci, fawning journalists, and manager-class devotees eagerly consuming the ‘holy scripture’ from what is probably the latest Barack Obama memoir. The former president himself is shown as a six-winged seraphim bracketed by the likewise angelic Hillary and Bill Clinton, with the trio gazing benignly from the heavens. A crowd of mask-wearing suburban laymen on Earth celebrates Biden’s ascension. A pair of Reaper drones complete the picture, providing a clear hint for the doubtful that the image should be taken with a grain of salt.-RT
So the left went from keep religion out of government at all costs to the government is our religion
— Facetious Libertarian (@libertarianwin) January 20, 2021
It is way past time to figure out that this is the plan. One world government, worshipped under the one world religion where the very few control and enslave the many. Trump obviously didn’t do anything he promised, such as drain the swamp, and people are still worshipping him as some sort of messiah as well. Stop allowing others to rule over you and making exceptions if one has a different letter behind his name.

Democracy is mob rule. If voting mattered, they wouldn’t let us do it. Government is slavery. Taxation is theft. Time to wake up and take the moral approach that no one should be a master and no one should be a slave regardless of whether it’s called “government” or not.

Hopefully, this is the wake-up call people need and the push toward a liberated humanity, truly free from their chains.


On TB every waking moment

Virgil — The Great Reset Updated: You Might Not Have Heard of NGFS, but NGFS Has a Plan for You

Klaus Schwab, founder and Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum, Britain's Prince William, and Sir David Attenborough, broadcaster and natural historian, from left to right, stand together during a session at the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, Tuesday, Jan. 22, 2019. (AP Photo/Markus Schreiber)
Markus Schreiber/AP Photo
VIRGIL23 Jan 202115

Here’s a December 15 headline in the New York Times that should not have been lost in the holiday whirl, nor in the general hubbub of news since: “Fed Joins Climate Network, to Applause From the Left.”

As the article details, the U.S. Federal Reserve Board, the nation’s central bank, has officially joined the Network of Central Banks and Supervisors for Greening the Financial System (NGFS). That’s “Greening,” as in “environmentalism,” “Greta Thunberg,” “Green New Deal,” and all that. And as the Times makes clear in its headline, the left is loving it.

NGFS is an organization that few Americans have heard of, and yet it’s potentially one of the most powerful entities on the planet: Its roster of members and observers is nearly 100, including such mighties as the Bank of Japan, the European Central Bank, and the International Monetary Fund. And now, the U.S. Federal Reserve. So we can see that just about all the money in the world passes through its institutions. That’s power.

It’s interesting to note that in the past, the left has been mostly hostile to big financial institutions, seeing them as pillars of Capital. And yet nowadays, the left—at least its huge green faction—is cheering for the financiers.

Why this turnabout? Because NGFS is an an institution that the green left can control, and thus guide, in its pursuit of “sustainability”—that being the favored buzzword of the ecologically woke. As NGFS says of itself, its mission is to “contribute to the development of environment and climate risk management in the financial sector to mobilize mainstream finance to support the transition toward a sustainable economy.”

So now we’re starting to get the picture: NGFS is the global fusion of Big Green and Big Money, also known as Woke Capital.

And yes, it’s that same Woke Capital that’s been leading the push for “The Great Reset”—the wholesale remaking of national and international societies and economies, all in accordance with the politically correct vision of Klaus Schwab and his plutocratic pals at the World Economic Forum—which Virgil, and many others here at Breitbart News, have heartily critiqued.

In the meantime, conservatives, populists, and sovereigntists—those who believe that the U.S. should retain sovereignty over its own affairs—have been viewing these developments with alarm. Indeed, it’s been pressure from the right that kept the Fed from joining NGFS much earlier. As the Times explains, the Fed’s formal membership in NGFS “is something that Democratic lawmakers have been pushing for and that Republicans have eyed warily.”

And yet now that Joe Biden is in the White House, pledged to the green agenda, the Fed will feel all the more emboldened to do exactly as the New York Times wishes.

Fortunately, alert Republicans are on watch: The watch-leader is Rep. Andy Barr of Kentucky, who told the Times of his fears that the Fed and NGFS would crimp, even cripple, American business through the “backdoor” of financial regulation. “I’m going to be raising this issue much more vociferously,” Barr said, adding, “I think my colleagues will as well.”

Indeed, Barr helped organize a joint letter of protest, in which a total of 47 House Republicans wrote to Fed chairman Jerome Powell on December 9, warning against “politically motivated and public relations-focused decisions to limit credit availability to [politically disfavored] industries.”

(Of course, since their loss in 2018, House Republicans are now in the minority; if the majority House Democrats all stick together, House Republicans can be mostly ignored. And that’s a hard reminder, to those who see themselves as being above voting: Elections, including the ’18 midterms that cost the GOP its majority, do, in fact, have big consequences.)

Meanwhile, the U.S. Fed has the power to choke off bank financing for any business, or even for a whole industry; that is, if the Fed declares something to be a “systemic credit risk,” lenders will shy away, lest they be labeled as violating their fiduciary responsibilities.

In this fashion, the Fed could build a blockade against industries despised by the greens, including oil and natural gas, mining, and manufacturing. As Barr and his allies wrote in their letter, “The enormous power of the Fed should not be weaponized to discriminate against a wide swath of American industry.”

Of course, such discrimination is exactly what NGFS—now including the Fed—has in mind: to use the power of discriminatory finance to force industries, companies, and people to go green. Either that, or cease to exist altogether.

Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell listens during a Senate Banking Committee hearing on Capitol Hill, on December 1, 2020 in Washington,DC. (Photo by Al Drago / POOL / AFP) (Photo by AL DRAGO/POOL/AFP via Getty Images)
Federal Reserve chair Jerome Powell listens during a Senate Banking Committee hearing on Capitol Hill, on December 1, 2020, in Washington, DC. (Al Drago/AFP via Getty Images)

Virgil should note that NGFS has plenty of friends in high places, including in the private sector, all eager to help in this mandatory greening. One such friend is Larry Fink, CEO of BlackRock, the Manhattan-based financial colossus—assets under management: $7.8 trillion—that has, for years, been pushing a top-down liberal green agenda. Under a December 17 headline, “Larry Fink’s BlackRock Doubles Down on Woke Capitalism,” Breitbart News’s John Carney reported on Fink’s latest letter to investors, which declares, “Climate change has become a defining factor in companies’ long-term prospects … awareness is rapidly changing, and I believe we are on the edge of a fundamental reshaping of finance.”

We can see immediately that Fink’s “Fundamental Reshape” is little different from a “Great Reset.” Indeed, BlackRock’s $7.4 trillion represents about a fifth of the value of the U.S. stock market, and so its power to force investment decisions is without question. Moreover, BlackRock is being joined in its green power-playing by the likes of Citigroup, Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, and all the rest of the top banks and investment houses—not to mention super-financiers led by George Soros—and so just about anything is possible.

Thus it’s likely that we’ll see the impact of this Woke Capital SWAT team in the years to come, as NGFS, plus the World Economic Forum—plus BlackRock and all the other Wokesters running billion-, even trillion-dollar outfits—put the green hammer down on politically incorrect sectors.

All this is bad news for, most immediately, American coal. As an aside, we might note that, yes, it’s a bit strange that China is still building new coal plants, while global greens look the other way; greens prefer, instead, to focus on un-employing the last West Virginia coal miner, while accepting China’s promise to fix everything by 2060. Yes, that’s the scenario that China puts forward: Let us do whatever we want now, and four decades in the future, everything will be fine. And the greens are eating it up.

The Hidden Green Hand
We Americans might ask ourselves: How did we get here? How did we get to the point that control of our lives belongs to institutions—the Fed, NGFS, BlackRock, etc.—that few citizens know about, and that none ever voted for? And how, even if we are properly informed, could we reclaim power over our own destiny?

Yes, those are interesting questions—which Joe Biden has never had to answer.

During his campaign, Biden was happy to keep quiet about matters of Woke Capital, because even Democrats know that it’s never a popular-vote getter to say that you’re looking forward to turning over control of the American economy to a shadowy foreign body such as NGFS.

To be sure, Biden has been happy to talk, in suitably vague terms, about his plans for greening the economy, and yet the message was always that Americans would do this, because it was good for America and for the world. Meanwhile, the lurking reality—that the world would be dictating to America, without much regard for American jobs or prosperity—was never in Biden’s vocabulary.

Indeed, Biden was able to “stealth” the green’s true agenda, and now, in the first days of the 46th presidency, here we are: The Fed is in NGFS, and so Fed chair Powell will soon be working with the world’s central banks, joined by Fink of BlackRock, et al., to chart out our future. Who elected them? Nobody, of course—and yet the Biden administration will be happy to give the unelected globalists the whip. In the meantime, a look at NGFS’s Twitter feed these past few weeks shows that it has been busy working with central banks and companies around the world to assure “green sustainability” in all economic activities. In fact, BlackRock has managed to insinuate two of its executives into senior economic jobs in the Biden administration, one running the White House National Economic Council, and the other moving in as deputy secretary of the Treasury Department.

So what comes next? What will happen in 2021? An early straw in the wind came on January 16, when Breitbart News reported that global greens associated with the United Nations Environmental Programme say that the price of the U.S. reentering the Paris Climate Framework (the one negotiated by Barack Obama in 2015, and from which Donald Trump withdrew in 2017) will be $50 billion a year, minimum, and perhaps as much as $500 billion a year. If so, that will be an example of the sort of payments that Uncle Sam is making, even as the Biden administration says, “Hey, don’t look at us—it’s the U.N.!”

Furthermore, we can assume that American coal mines will be goners, as the Fed joins, most obviously, with the Biden Environmental Protection Agency to shut them all down. Then the next target will likely be the oil and gas companies, starting with the biggest, Exxon. The greens can’t shut Exxon and Big Oil and Gas down right away, of course, lest the economy come to a literal standstill. (And Republican strength in the 2020 elections convinced Democrats that they have to be careful.)

SYCAMORE, PA - APRIL 13: Coal miner Dale Travis, 53, of Wheeling, West Virginia, waits for the arrival of U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt to visit with miners at the Harvey Mine on April 13, 2017 in Sycamore, Pennsylvania. The Harvey Mine, owned by CNX Coal Resources, is part of the largest underground mining complex in the United States. (Photo by Justin Merriman/Getty Images)
Coal miner Dale Travis, 53, of Wheeling, West Virginia, waits for the arrival of the Environmental Protection Agency administrator to visit with miners on April 13, 2017, in Sycamore, Pennsylvania. (Justin Merriman/Getty Images)

Instead, the Democrats will stand by as the Fed and NGFS begin a slow squeeze, screwing down on the energy companies’ access to credit and capital—which will in turn hurt their ability to finance their operations and depress their stock prices, thereby leaving them even more vulnerable to financial pressures. The key, as far as NGFS and its allies are concerned, is to be indirect, so as not to rile up the Deplorables if they can help it. As globalist Ian Bremmer, head of the Eurasia Group, wrote on January 4, “Policy will have to come through executive action, given resolute Republican opposition in Congress, but there is still much the administration can do, from new methane pollution rules to fuel efficiency standards and the integration of climate considerations into financial regulation.”

Thus we can see: Bremmer and his allies want to put as little as possible before actual voters, preferring hidden-hand rulemaking by distant bureaucracies.

Following this sneaky playbook, the Fed will simply declare that Exxon and the others are credit risks, and that ruling will keep the banks away, lest they be accused of violating their fiduciary duties—a serious legal charge in the finance world. And if the banks shrink away, the capital markets, too, will back off.

As a result, gasoline could get a bit scarce, and maybe the price of a gallon will go up a dollar or two. Consumers at the pump will become angry, of course, but will they figure out the cause? Perhaps not: Perhaps they’ll blame “Big Oil,” or “middlemen,” or “OPEC.” In other words, it’s possible that consumers will fail to figure out the true reason for the shortages and price increases.

Of course, some figures, such as Kentucky’s Andy Barr, can be counted on to point out the true cause of the coming gas crisis—and yet will smart voices be heard above the din of demagoguery? Can we count on the Main Stream Media to explain the facts and the causes of the problem?

But okay, let’s suppose that the three-way choking of Exxon—as the hands of the Fed, NGFS, and BlackRock wrap around the company’s throat—were to become a salient political issue. What then?

It’s a safe bet that the Biden administration would say that there’s nothing it can do. Bidenites will say that the “free market,” informed, of course, by dire environmental reality, is simply passing a harsh verdict on Exxon. That is, world capitalism has decided that oil is so dangerous and catastrophic that it must be shunned. Whereupon all the titans of finance would say, “The president is correct, Exxon is a bad investment!” (And yes, there’ll be lots of winks all around, as the top players hope that the masses never wise up to their green game-playing.)

Such a shape-shifting stance, of course, would save Democratic lawmakers in Congress the trouble—and the risk—of taking responsibility for any of these changes, to say nothing of actually voting for them. That is, the Democrats will be able to say, “Don’t look at us! We didn’t vote for any of this! These decisions are being made by international organizations, and international law, way above our pay grade!”

Yes, politicians in a potentially dicey situation—irate voters! pitch forks!—are always happy to pass the buck to someone else. The more nameless and faceless, the better. And NGFS fits that description to a tee.

Under such a scenario, would the Republican opposition be able to explain a path forward? A path that would save the American economy from being greened into a palsy? Or a coma? Would Republicans—perhaps joined by a few Democrats, such as West Virginia Sen. Joe Manchin—be able to articulate a way to get the Fed out of NGFS, out of the Paris Climate Agreement (that being the carbon-reduction deal that Barack Obama put us in, that Donald Trump took us out of, and that Biden plans to put us back into), and out of whatever other obscure regulatory restrictions, national and international, that the Biden administration has imposed?

We’ve learned that once the U.S. enters into an international agreement, it’s hard to exit; heck, the U.S. can’t even get out of Afghanistan.

Back to NGFS: The U.S. is now in. Do Americans understand what that entry will mean for their future? And if they ever were to gain understanding, could the U.S. ever find the will, or the way, to extricate itself from NGFS? Or will the green financiers keep this country in their grip forever?

As of now, we don’t know the answers. All we know is that the struggle to maintain American sovereignty now has a new flashpoint: NGFS.


On TB every waking moment

Is it just me, or does it seem like every Marxist's favorite pastime involves killing people in some form or another? Because it sure does seem like it. From Mao to Stalin to Pol Pot, the latest iteration of the Marxists’ ghoulish operation can be observed by the World Economic Forum's push for "The Great Reset."

Davos, Switzerland. Home to the World Economic Forum (WEF). Every year, the world’s ruling class gather around this secluded Swiss mountain retreat to help each other scheme and plan on how to further exert tyrannical control over the lives of free individuals. This year, they’re accomplishing this through their plan for “The Great Reset,” bolstered by the global pandemic.

World Economic Forum The Great Reset

Where the Ruling Class Gather To Scheme with Each Other

But don’t be fooled, just being massively rich isn’t enough to get you a seat at Davos. Attendance is by invitation only. You first have to be a member of the World Economic Forum, which will run you somewhere between $60,000 and $600,000. On top of that, you have to pay an additional fee of more than $27,000 per person to get into the conference.

At the conference, attendees are separated by their badge colors. Those who carry the white badges are granted access to all areas, including secret meeting sessions. Sessions open only to white badges are off-the-record, so the public will never know what goes on behind the doors of the discussion.

It’s easy to see how the secrecy of Davos could incite many conspiracy theories, but it’s really not that exciting. Davos is just another typical ploy often carried out by the ruling class’ obsession with running other people’s life. Think of it like the Congress for the Communist’s Third International, where attendance was exclusive only to card-carrying delegates, because that’s essentially what Davos is.

Delegates' Card at the 1935 Comintern's 7th Congress.

What Is “The Great Reset”?
According to an article on The Hill, “The Great Reset” is a plan “by the planet’s most powerful business leaders, government officials and activists [who] announced a proposal to ‘reset’ the global economy. Instead of traditional capitalism, the high-profile group said the world should adopt more socialistic policies, such as wealth taxes, additional regulations and massive Green New Deal-like government programs.”

And how does the global oligarchy intend to carry out “The Great Reset”? They’re seizing the global pandemic as the perfect opportunity to roll out this plan. While most of the ordinary citizenry are languishing in government-created poverty due to the mandatory shutdowns, the pompous Davos elites are busy exploiting the pandemic as an opportunity to push their Marxist agenda on everyone else.

World Economic Forum, Davos, and “The Great Reset”
We already know that politicians have been angling to deindustrialize the West in hopes of radically reducing our carbon footprint. Now, Justin Trudeau has admitted that is the plan. The Canadian Prime Minister addressed the public about employing the pandemic as "an opportunity for a reset," parroting Davos' plan for “The Great Reset.”

If you took some time to watch the many conferences, you’d see how the masterminds behind “The Great Reset” are urging companies, businesses, and corporations to move away from shareholder capitalism to “stakeholder capitalism.” In fact, stakeholder capitalism is the theme of the Davos Manifesto 2020, announced at the end of 2019 by Klaus Schwab, the Founder and Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum.

Stakeholder capitalism is a system in which businesses focus on serving the interests and needs of all their stakeholders – customers, employees, owners, communities, society – and not just on maximizing values for shareholders and owners. Stakeholder capitalism sounds nice – everyone's needs are getting met and not all the money is going into the CEO's pocket (*cough* Communism) – but it's not a successful strategy long-term (*cough, cough* Communism).
Stakeholder capitalism focuses on serving the needs of all their stakeholders and not just on maximizing values for shareholders.
One of the major practical issues with stakeholder capitalism is that there are too many needs to balance and pursue, leading a company to be confused about its goals and therefore directionless. This results in "garbage can organizations" that ultimately flounder and fail.

Some theorize that the current return of focus to stakeholder capitalism is in part a PR stunt: "The attraction of stakeholder capitalism as a public stance is that it doesn’t commit big business to do anything in particular. Firms can go on privately shoveling money to their shareholders and executives, while maintaining a public front of exquisite social sensitivity and exemplary altruism."

Honestly, this sounds like Communism playing out in a microcosm. What the company publicly projects is meeting the needs of all their stakeholders, but the big bucks still end up in the pockets of the higher ups and the average Joe still suffers (Animal Farm, anyone?).

The ruling elite at Davos also talk about how the “fourth industrial revolution” will usher in the new economy based on biometric surveillance, data collection, and constant health monitoring. Read this disturbing article on their website where they imagined a perfect world without property or privacy to get an idea of what they have in mind.

1:33 min

Davos also wants to drastically change how we get our energy, how large our homes can be, how we can travel, and how much "stuff" we're allowed to have. And this brave new utopia is sold to the public by appealing to the public’s fear of catastrophic climate change. Loss of jobs and a massively shrinking of the economy matter little to those who are motivated by an irrational fear of climate change and climate disaster.

You’ll Own Nothing and You’ll Be Happy
Like all con men who plot to steal from their victims, the elites at Davos came up with a cunning way to persuade unsuspecting victims to give up their rights to private property. They ran a campaign to convince the public that life would be happier once they own nothing. Just like John Lennon’s ode to the Communist Manifesto “Imagine” encourages listeners to give up everything “so the world could live as one,” the Davos elites added that we should also give up our privacy.

you will own nothing and you will be happy WEF

The WEF has since taken down this tweet due to public backlash.
Honestly, if you really don't want to own anything, there's already a path to that and it’s called the monastic life. You’re free to follow that path. You can relinquish all of your worldly possessions and join a Buddhist or a Catholic monastery if you think it would bring you happiness. Ironically, it’s the Communist countries like China that would stop you from doing so (like how China’s actively exterminating Tibetan Buddhism). Why? Because The State will not tolerate any competing religion (like how Uyghur Muslims are being sent to re-education camps). Total obedience to The State is expected in the Communist religion.

Communists Constantly Break Things That Work
Consider this, The Great Reset isn't even a fresh, new concept that some so-called genius at the WEF came up with on his own. It’s a concept that has been tried by many Communist-Socialist nations throughout modern history which has resulted in multiple failed experiments. The Socialist-Communist revolution often tears down a working society in their quest to “build back better.”
The Socialist-Communist revolution often tears down a working society in their quest to “build back better.”
Take, for example, Mao's “The Great Leap Forward” whereby all traces of Chinese culture were wiped out in order to usher in a "better China," which ended up killing millions. That was China's Great Reset. Then consider the Bolshevik Revolution which was Russia's Great Reset. Centuries of European civilization were wiped out to usher in the new era of the Soviet Union, which also killed millions.

Closing Thoughts
One could easily apply the same concept of "The Great Reset" to just about any failed Communist-Socialist nation. In Venezuela, Cuba, Myanmar, the same bad script is repeatedly implemented with the same predictable outcome. It's like a player who is terrible at a video game making the same bad play over and over again. Except, in this case, the world leaders pushing for "The Great Reset" aren't playing a harmless virtual game. They're playing with people's lives.
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On TB every waking moment
18:30 min

STAKEHOLDER CAPITALISM EXPLAINED: World Economic Forum's RADICAL plan is happening NOW
•Jan 26, 2021

Glenn Beck

In a video played at the 2021 Davos Agenda yesterday, Marc Benioff, CEO of, said that capitalism as we know it is “dead.” Glenn explains WHY elites pushing for The Great Reset are so desperate to enact a new kind of economic AND government system: stakeholder capitalism. And, HINT, it’s not because giant corporations suddenly care so much about the environment, climate change, OR you.


On TB every waking moment

Get Used To Living Under "Subsidiarity" After The Great Reset

TUESDAY, JAN 26, 2021 - 22:05
Authored by Mark Jeftovic via,

#Davos2021 started yesterday.

We’ve all been hearing a lot The Great Reset lately, new slogans abound such as Build Back Better, the New Normal, and what seems to be a “new” model called “Stakeholder Capitalism” is being espoused (although it is not new, I wrote about the pendulum swinging from stakeholder supremacy to shareholder supremacy back in the days of Milton Friedman in the inaugural post for this site).

Recently I decided it would be helpful challenge my own reflexive inclination to suspect that we were all being collectively screwed by our institutions, yet again.

I wondered if these momentous shifts were simply one of those tectonic phase shifts that occur throughout history and that I shouldn’t leap to the conclusion that it’s some disingenuous and ultimately malevolent pseudo-reality being imposed from above.

It is fitting that as #Davos2021 begins, I outline my arc in which I tried to suspend disbelief around The Great Reset narrative, forcing myself to pose the question:

What if The Great Reset was getting a bad rap?
Maybe it’s true that the world has changed irrevocably, and that change hasn’t been driven or captured by a razor thin scab of elites at the top of the socio-economic pyramid who are setting the agenda. The idea of a reset may be well founded, after all when I first started writing about wealth inequality and crony capitalism over a decade ago, I called it “Rebooting Capitalism”.

So I started going through Klaus Schwab’s books: The Fourth Industrial Revolution (2016), COVID-19: The Great Reset (2020) and most recently, Stakeholder Capitalism. (2021). It started out as s a curious blend of nodding one’s head in agreement, underlining numerous passages, musing that maybe this is just descriptive, not prescriptive. By that I mean, maybe Schwab is simply trying to make sense of the shifts occurring, and not really offering frameworks around what should happen next, but just trying to parse what is happening and possible trajectories of the future.

This former case is similar to Warren Mosler’s description of Modern Monetary Theory (MMT). It describes how Mosler and other MMT-ers think the system actually works and why the outcomes will not be as conventional economics generally fears. In Stephenie Kelton’s more recent book The Deficit Myth, she builds on this theme that MMT is more descriptive with some prescriptive policy recommendations. But my overall sense of it is that these books about MMT were more about trying to articulate a new way of looking at the existing system and not trying to drive a completely overriding agenda (even if that’s what would happen if policy makers seize on MMT as a rationalization for destroying their currencies).

I mention MMT here specifically because we touch on it again when I contrast it to Charles Hugh Smith’s concept of Community Labour Integrated Money Economy (CLIME), a little later.

With Schwab, he spends a lot of time in a descriptive mode, talking about the what is happening in the world, although we do see some of his assumptions creeping in and for awhile, I am cautiously optimistic that if everything Schwab outlines as a policy response to global issues like global poverty, and of course now, the pandemic, maybe it’s just the way of the world and this is the direction things are going without there necessarily being a SPECTRE-like entity in the WEF driving a self-serving agenda.

When Schwab talks about how a grand ideal of a standard issue One World Government model, what he calls the Neoliberal Utopia simply will not work, I breathe a sigh of relief,
“Consider a global government [that] regulates multinational companies in global markets, and people gather in a global democracy and global unions. It is an unrealistic an undesirable goal, as it increases the distance between individuals and the immediate social ecosystems they are a part of. It also decreases their feeling of commitment to the people and the environment closest to them…
Though the 20th century neoliberalists once may have seen such a global model as a Utopian ideal, it would inevitably end in the political disenfranchisement of local communities. When the center of power is too far removed from people’s everyday realities, neither political governance nor economic decision-making would have popular support.”
- Stakeholder Capitalism p.181
But then, the more I read, the more I couldn’t shake the sense that when a guy like Schwab means by the word “commitment, what he really means is “obedience”. Schwab understands that people aren’t really going to accept decisions from on high, especially if on high is a centralized world government.

What we really need is “Subsidiarity”
Schwab goes on to introduce with a flourish one of the core pillars of Stakeholder Capitalism: Subsidiarity (the other is “Value creation and sharing”):
A primary principle for the implementation of Stakeholder Capitalism is therefore that of subsidiarity. It is not an untested or purely theoretical principal. Applied most famously in the governance of the European asserts that decisions should be taken at the most granular level possible, closest to where they will have the most noticeable effects. It determines, in other words, that local stakeholders should be able to decide for themselves, except when it is not feasible or effective for them to do so.
Subsidiarity is supposed to mean “whatever can be done at lower levels of government should not be done at higher levels”, but my guess is the devil would be in the details. Like in that last sentence of the quote, when it is not feasible or effective for the “stakeholders” in Stakeholder Capitalism to decide certain matters for themselves, those will have to be decided for them.

What would those sorts of issues be?

Well for starters, there’s climate change. That’s one of the things that’s already been decided…
“It makes sense to coordinate this challenge first at the global level.”
but then the second level is at the national level, where countries can take different approaches, a limit on auto travel would have significant effect in the United States, where cars are the primary mode of transportation. Taking a different approach, such as limiting air travel, would affect certain groups of people more than others. Subsidiarity supports a national or local level of decision making for countries to determine which path will work best for them to effectively address the global goal”.
As Schwab blithely bandies about various limitations and curtailments on everybody else’s range of motion and economic choices, there is never any treatment of climate change as anything but a global crisis that justifies the complete re-ordering of everybody’s lives.

And yet, the same level of drastic re-ordering of everybody else’s lives is proffered in Schwab’s other book, COVID-19: The Great Reset, even though by his own admission in that same book, COVID-19 is a not civilization ending plague:
“Even in the worst-case horrendous scenario, COVID-19 will kill far fewer people than the Great Plagues, including the Black Deaths, or World War II did”
- COVID-19: The Great Reset p. 17
Albeit one that provides an excellent opportunity to reorder everybody else’s lives,
changes that would have seemed inconceivable before the pandemic struck, such as new forms of monetary policy like helicopter money (already a given), the reconsideration/recalibration of some of our social priorities and augmented search for the common good as a policy objective, the notion of fairness acquiring political potency, radical welfare and taxation measures, and drastic geopolitical realignments.
The broader point is this: the possibilities for change and the resulting new order are now unlimited and only bound by our imagination, for better or for worse. Societies could be poised to become either more egalitarian or more authoritarian, or geared towards more solidarity or more individualism, favouring the interests of the few or the many…
You get the point: we (as in the WEF) should take advantage of this unprecedented opportunity to reimagine your world.

If COVID-19 is a comparatively lightweight pandemic to be opportunistically seized upon to drastically reorder everybody’s lives, one cant help but wonder if the climate “crisis” isn’t yet another global softball. Perhaps in the cold light of day, it could turn out that climate change is either out of our hands (if it is driven largely or even partially by solar cycles) or that climate alarmism is in itself more toxic and destructive than the direct effects of climate change itself, as Michael Shellenberger asserts in “Apocalypse Never”,
Apocalypse Never explores how and why so many of us came to see important but manageable environmental problems as the end of the world, and why the people who are the most apocalyptic about environmental problems tend to oppose the best and most obvious solutions to solving them.
Shellenberger, Michael. Apocalypse Never (p. xi). Harper. Kindle Edition.
Shouldn’t there be some sort of process or governance structure in there to protect the world’s citizens from being overly regulated by somebody else’s idea of what is important? Should there be some counterbalance to these unilateral assessments of when drastic measures are required, especially when those measures would supersede our own agency in ordering our lives?

But there isn’t, not in Schwab’s Stakeholder Capitalism after the The Great Reset.
What we get instead is “subsidiarity”:

Another example around climate change, conspicuous in its lack of coverage in Schwab’s books is the idea of nuclear energy.

If the entire world is headed toward an eventual transition off of fossil fuels (if for no other reason than Peak Oil) then shouldn’t the safest, cleanest, efficient energy source be featured prominently? The next generation pebble bed reactors and micro-reactors are safe to the point of being effectively riskless when compared to other forms of energy generation and the number fatalities those other forms cause when accidents do occur:
The worst energy accident of all time was the 1975 collapse of the Banqiao hydroelectric dam in China. It collapsed and killed between 170,000 and 230,000 people. It’s not that nuclear energy never kills. It’s that its death toll is vanishingly small. Here are some annual death totals: walking (270,000), driving (1.35 million), working (2.3 million), air pollution (4.2 million). By contrast, nuclear’s known total death toll is just over one hundred.
Leading Shellenberger, an environmental activist of 30 years to assert that,
Nuclear is the safest way to make reliable electricity. In fact, nuclear has saved more than two million lives to date by preventing the deadly air pollution that shortens the lives of seven million people per year….
Nuclear’s worst accidents show that the technology has always been safe for the same inherent reason that it has always had such a small environmental impact: the high energy density of its fuel.
- Shellenberger, Michael. Apocalypse Never (p. 151). Harper. Kindle Edition.
Part 1 of 2


On TB every waking moment
Part 2 of 2

And then there’s also Thorium, which can’t meltdown and the radiation half-life is measured in weeks, not years. There is no mention of any of this in any of Schwab’s books.

Under subsidiarity, local governments across the world will be tasked with addressing problems Kraus Schwab and the Davos crew (the wealthiest 0.01% of humanity that own somewhere north of $36 trillion of the global assets) deem to be problems, and reorder the world according to how the WEF thinks things should be prioritized.

What are the priorities?
We get some insight by looking at the list of “Deep Shifts” Schwab predicts in his earlier book: The Fourth Industrial Revolution, where he posits what the big changes are that are coming at us in terms of tipping points, positive outcomes, negative outcomes and “unknown / cuts both ways”.

Shift #1: Implantable Technologies (p. 121)
“Digital tatoos not only look cool but can perform useful tasks, like unlocking a car, entering mobile phone codes with a finger point or tracking body processes”
(or implementing immunity passports).

Shift #10: Smart Cities (p.144)
Shift #11: Big Data for Decisions (p. 145)
Shift #22: Designer Beings

Tipping point in for this one will be when “The first human whose genome was directly and deliberately edited is born” (which I will point out, has already happened with the CRISPR babies in China).

Shift #23: Neurotechnologies (p. 170)
Tipping point: “The first human with fully artificial memory implanted in the brain”.

Together, they coalesce to usher in an impetus toward transhumanism ordered by Big Data and AI that will probably, in lieu of any honest debate or public consultation around these shifts, result in a type of social credit system.

And that’s what is missing from Schwab’s books. There is nothing in the framework where local communities can identify and define what they see as problems for themselves and work toward solving them. There is no mechanism for asserting their own priorities of types of things the communities themselves may value above the WEF’s “Deep Shifts”, such as full or meaningful employment, privacy, or self-sovereign health care.

Directionality matters
In other words, what is missing from Stakeholder Capitalism is that, despite paying lip service to inclusion and community, there are no actual mechanisms for priorities coming from the bottom up.

What I’ve been realizing is that you can take two systems that have outwardly similar mechanics, like MMT and Charles Hugh Smith’s CLIME. Both systems describe an economy from which money is created ex nihilo to fulfill or generate economic activity. But from those two frameworks one can envision two very different outcomes: hyper-inflation and a two-tier society on one, and a robust community of involved economic actual stakeholders getting stuff done in the other. Why?

Because one is a top-down framework where the incentives are set by policy makers removed from the economy they attempt to fine tune, while the other is a bottom-up ecosystem where actual economic activity is a direct result of market signalling and community needs.

After reading through the Schwab material having initially forced myself to suspend judgement, I now am now firmer in my initial suspicions that The Great Reset, Stakeholder Capitalism and Build Back Better slogans that come out of these annual Davos circle jerks are blissfully oblivious to what they themselves actually are.

They believe that the role they are ostensibly to serve is as the “enlightened stewards” of society, taking the liberty of reimagining everybody else’s lives.

In reality, they are the living embodiment of uber-woke super wealthy elites , so tacitly sure that their belief systems are the product of their own personal enormous material success that they can’t really be beliefs but self-evident truths. After all, if they were wrong, they wouldn’t be super rich, right?

What is being proposed however, what The Great Reset and Stakeholder Capitalism is, isn’t just benignly wrong-headed or egregiously presumptive: it is chilling.

It doesn’t specifically call for social credit, or an AI-driven authoritarianism, yet that is what its tenets and incentives will produce. It aspires toward transhumanism, and so far all indications are that governments, and global elites seem to be buying into it and singing the “Build Back Better” mantra of Stakeholder Capitalism in concert. 1:53 min

What it will lead to is The Great Bifurcation, the 3rd Scenario I posited in The Jackpot Chronicles. Much has come into focus now since I wrote that just this past summer.

If The Great Reset comes about, and I think it’s already here, it will lead to that two tier society where the world’s underclass are governed algorithmically via smartphones, digital, programmable scrip (UBI) and well ordered dopamine hits. Meanwhile the far smaller populace that actually owns all the assets globally live in a parallel universe where they retain agency, freedom of movement, diet, and thought.

On my mailing list I talk about what we can do as individuals to try and get clear of The Great Reset. Because even if we loathe this with every fibre of our being, find it oppressive and tyrannical, anti-human, anti-spirit and soulless, we won’t be able to do anything about it from the wrong side of the impermeable membrane that will very soon cordon off the haves from the haves-nots.

We have to defend our liberties, our civil rights and our assets in the New Normal. In a worst case scenario it’ll require forming an underground network a la Isaac Assimov’s Foundation. The Foundation’s stated purpose was to survive the onset of a Galactic Dark Age and preserve the accumulated culture and wisdom of a civilization that had irrevocably embarked on a path that would trigger its own demise.

Now more than ever it is important we all try to improve things from the grass roots level as the Stakeholder Capitalism rubric may be the last gasp of a system about the come off the rails completely or after a prolonged period of disruption and tyranny.

Charles Hugh Smith and I are working on a base framework for CLIME that will empower communities to create their own local exchange currency and take control over their own community economies.

  • Join my mailing list to be notified about that and get other advice on surviving The Great Reset.
  • Start setting up on alternative communications channels like Telegram, Signaland Keybase (we’re setting up a Bombthrower Telegram here)
  • Support third-party political parties like the Greens if your left-of-center or the Libertarians or PPC if you’re on the right; withdraw your financial support and votes from incumbent political parties everywhere, at all levels (more on this in another post).
Hold your ground where possible, but prepare for a type of Samizdat communications culture for awhile. We may have to keep in touch with each other from the underground. The mainstream media will be no help and Big Tech is part of the problem.


On TB every waking moment

China and the New World Order
by TNA Video January 26, 2021

Rumble video on website 9:56 min

As China emerges from a primitive economy to an advanced economy, it now requires raw materials to create more finished products. This places it in direct economic competition with the countries of the West for the first time. As a result, it’s not only colonizing Africa in its search for raw materials; it’s now colonizing the United States


Veteran Member
This thread was fairly well destroyed by these garrulous and redundant posts.

What’s the Reader’s Digest version of the 200,000-word screeds shown above?


well betty, read 1 or 2 posts and you'll grasp 90% of what it's about.
IMO, unless there's an effective percentage of people both in the ussa and other countries that take the step beyond peaceful and non-violent protest, we're doomed. even if there's a true and necessary fight it doesn't necessarily mean a win, but better to die a man on your two feet standing up than to live as a slug on your belly.


View attachment 248710

China and the New World Order
by TNA Video January 26, 2021

Rumble video on website 9:56 min

As China emerges from a primitive economy to an advanced economy, it now requires raw materials to create more finished products. This places it in direct economic competition with the countries of the West for the first time. As a result, it’s not only colonizing Africa in its search for raw materials; it’s now colonizing the United States

I still maintain that China will get the last of the Redwoods in Northern California and Southern Oregon and then strip/hydo/dredge mine the land underneath the Redwoods and 100 miles inland from the Crecent City area.

I think there's several thousands of mother loads of gold and other PMs including high grade nickel from Crecent City-Eureka area to the I-5 freeway. I would go as far to say that there's still more gold in that area than ever been mined. And with the right equipment easy to get, but it will destroy the environment.

Redwoods and Strategic/PMs is the cherries of raw materials.

The areas I speak of have been purposely depressed and every year less and less area is opened to the public. In fact the system is systematically getting the area depopulated and closing it up for public and private use.


On TB every waking moment

Delingpole: ‘Trussst Usss! We’re Not Evil’ Claims Davos WEF Great Reset Promo Video
BERLIN, GERMANY - SEPTEMBER 16: In this screengrab, Klaus Schwab speaks as part of SWITCH GREEN during day 1 of the Greentech Festival at Kraftwerk Mitte aired on September 16, 2020 in Berlin, Germany. The Greentech Festival is the first festival to celebrate green technology and to accelerate the shift …
Getty Images
JAMES DELINGPOLE27 Jan 20217,400

The World Economic Forum wants you to know that there is nothing sinister about its globalist masterplan — aka The Great Reset — for a New World Order. It says so in a promo video, released to coincide with its annual Davos summit (which is taking place online all this week).

4:32 min

In the video, the WEF admits that some people think that the Great Reset sounds like ‘some nefarious plan for world domination.’

But nothing could be further from the truth, the video goes on to insist. The Great Reset is simply “an opportunity to build a better world.”

If people think otherwise, it claims, it’s all the fault of the ‘broken system’ and the ‘pandemic.’
It’s not surprising that people who’ve been disenfranchised by a broken system and pushed even further by the pandemic will suspect global leaders of conspiracy.
So says the WEF. But could there be a more plausible explanation for people’s concern about the Great Reset: that they’ve started to do their homework and don’t like what they’ve discovered.

For many years, the annual Davos cavalcade of private jets and limousines was something of a joke: ‘billionaires coming to tell millionaires how ordinary people should live.’

Russian President Vladimir Putin and the WEF’s Klaus Schwab speak via a video link on January 27, 2021. (Photo by MIKHAIL KLIMENTYEV/SPUTNIK/AFP via Getty Images)

But since the Chinese coronavirus pandemic, people have been paying much closer to attention to what this annual plutocrats’ shindig in Davos actually entails: a totalitarian world takeover in which a tiny elite will control every aspect of the lives of ordinary people, reducing them to the status of Medieval serfs.

In the past, the WEF has not been secretive about its aims. In 2016, it released a video in which it boasted about a future where no one owned any property.
Welcome to 2030. I own nothing, have no privacy, and life has never been better.
Last year, the WEF’s founder Klaus Schwab even wrote a book celebrating the pandemic not as a crisis but an opportunity for a ‘new normal.’

In Covid-19: the Great Reset, he wrote:
At the time of writing (June 2020), the pandemic continues to worsen globally. Many of us are pondering when things will return to normal. The short response is: never. Nothing will ever return to the ‘broken’ sense of normalcy that prevailed prior to the crisis because the coronavirus pandemic marks a fundamental inflection point in our global trajectory.
But what if what most people actually want is not a ‘new normal’ but to get their old lives back as quickly as possible. Neither Schwab nor the people pushing the Great Reset appear to understand this.

Their latest video urges:
So we can move towards a better world
One of the curious aspects of the video is its criticism that, since the pandemic, the ultra rich have got richer and the poor poorer.
At the beginning of 2020 1 percent of the world’s population owned 44 percent of the wealth. Since the start of the pandemic, billionaires have increased theirs by more than 25 percent while the 150 million poorest have fallen back into extreme poverty.
This may be true but it’s a bit hypocritical coming from the WEF, given that so many of its members and speakers belong in the billionaire category that has most benefited from the pandemic.
Delingpole: Bojo Tweets Praise for the Great Reset. Strap in Everyone, 2021 is Going to be a Wild Ride Delingpole: Bojo Tweets Praise for the Great Reset. Strap in, Everyone!
— Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) January 1, 2021
Indeed, those who have been watching these developments closely even argue that this is the whole point. Delingpod guest Patrick M Wood told me he thinks draconian anti-coronavirus measures taken by world leaders, at the instigation of the CCP-controlled World Health Organisation, represent a deliberate and concerted attempt to crush small businesses, empower large corporations, and make ordinary people more dependent on the state.

To me, it’s highly revealing of the elitist nature of the World Economic Forum that hardly anyone has been watching its panel discussions.

Even the week’s biggest draw so far — President Xi Jinping of China — has garnered less than 19,000 views for his admittedly uninspiring speech.

30:16 min

Comments have been disabled by the WEF for all its panel discussions, suggesting that it is perfectly well aware that most would be negative. The Xi speech has so far got nearly 400 thumbs up but 1.1K thumbs down. I expect the ratio would be greater if anyone bothered to watch it.

Nor does anyone much seem to care about the creepy music video the WEF has made, clearly at great expense for it features classical musicians playing at locations all over the world –(Massachusetts, USA; Sao Paolo, Brazil; Drakensberg, South Africa; Kabul, Afghanistan; Philadelphia, USA; Beijing, China; Florence, Italy; Vienna, Austria).

The video — titled See Me: A Global Concert/Davos Agenda 2021 — has attracted less than 7,200 views so far. Again, comments are off.

25:55 min

There is a huge disparity between the impressively high level names that the WEF attracts — speakers at this year’s online conference include French president Emmanuel Macron; German Chancellor Angela Merkel; doom goblin Greta Thunberg; Dr Snake Anthony Fauci; etc — and the deeply unimpressive viewing figures.

But this should not be taken to mean, as my fellow broadcaster Toby Young has suggested on our London Calling podcast, that the WEF is an irrelevance. Rather it’s an indication of the remote, elitist, anti-democratic nature of the enterprise.

The one percent of the one percent — and their sympathisers in business and politics — all seem to be in agreement that the Great Reset is a great idea. But the fact that no ordinary person shares their enthusiasm seems to bother them not one bit.
Delingpole: The Green Agenda IS the Great Reset Delingpole: The Green Agenda IS the Great Reset
— Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) November 24, 2020