GOV/MIL Main "Great Reset" Thread

von Koehler

Has No Life - Lives on TB

WAYNE ROOT: Vaccine Mandate is Cloward-Piven Plan to Destroy USA and End Capitalism

By Assistant Editor
Published November 8, 2021 at 11:40am

By Wayne Allyn Root

Back in the 1980s, I was a Columbia University student learning about a plan to destroy America and end capitalism. It was called Cloward-Piven – named after a Columbia University husband-wife professor team. Their insane goal was to turn America into a socialist/communist hellhole.

They planned to do it by overwhelming and collapsing the US economy with massive debt, created by getting as many Americans as possible on welfare, food stamps and unemployment. In the ensuing economic catastrophe and collapse of our country, every business owner would get on their knees to beg government to save them.

At that moment of crisis and chaos, we would become a socialist/communist country.

Don’t look now, but it’s happening. The communists of Columbia (and every other elitist Ivy League school) have tried for decades to force a majority of Americans on welfare. They failed. But they won’t give up.

They’ve modified the plan. It’s now a powerful one-two punch. First, they’ve opened the borders to let millions of illegal aliens into this country – almost all of whom want cradle to grave welfare. Also, don’t forget they all need free healthcare for themselves and their kids, and their new babies, and their extended families. That alone could overwhelm the system and collapse the economy. That’s before welfare and food stamps. And then there’s free public school for all their children and expensive English-as-a-second-language programs that cost billions of dollars, but make teachers unions filthy rich.

Open borders is Cloward Piven- updated for 2021. And as the greatest bonus ever, Democrats know these millions of foreigners will loyally vote for the party who let them in, and then promises to give them the biggest welfare checks. These are lifetime Democrat voters.

But there is now a powerful Part Deux to Cloward-Piven. Democrats aren’t content to just welcome tens of millions of foreign welfare addicts into the USA.

They also want to make tens of millions of American-born citizens unemployed and dependent on government too.

So, Part Deux of Cloward-Piven is the Vaccine Mandates.

These Covid vaccine mandates are destroying the country, creating chaos, crisis and division. They are wiping out the ranks of the police, fire, paramedics, nurses, prison guards, border patrol and military. Our middle class is being ripped to shreds. These frontline heroes and defenders don’t want this dangerous, experimental, for-emergency- use-only jab. There will soon be no one to answer your 9-1-1 call. The police will be defunded- without voters ever getting a vote.

The military will be left weak and crippled. Wanna bet China is directing this plan? We all know China owns Biden and his family. Biden is serving up the country on a platter to China.

The vaccine mandates also make the supply chain problems much worse. Truck drivers don’t want the jab. They’re quitting in droves. Jet pilots don’t want the jab. They’re on strike now – ask Southwest and American Airlines why thousands of flights were grounded recently. If these pilots are fired, the tourism industry will be devastated. Shipping cargo by air will be devastated. Without pilots and truckers, food and supplies won’t make it to stores. Shelves will be empty- just like the old communist Soviet Union. Coincidence?

Like I said, this is a communist takeover of the USA. Empty shelves are the hallmark of communism.

And then there’s the economy. If vaccine passports are mandated, restaurants, bars, nightclubs, retail stores will be crushed. Doubt me? Scotland’s Hotel Association just announced a 40% drop in business from the vaccine passport. New York City’s restaurants have announced the same size drop in business.

Without the spending of tens of millions of my fellow Americans who choose to be unvaccinated, businesses will close by the millions. The economy will collapse.

This is Cloward-Piven. It’s real. It’s happening. Democrats are purposely destroying and collapsing the economy. They’re “defunding the American Middle Class.”

It’s time to fight back HARD. It’s time to stop turning the other cheek. My new bestselling book, “The Great Patriot Protest & Boycott Book” lays out the only possible strategy for conservative patriots- CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE, the strategy of Dr. Martin Luther King. We have to hit these socialist/communist traitors and madmen squarely where it hurts- in the pocketbook with national protests, strikes, boycotts and acts of civil disobedience. We must bankrupt them and bring them to their knees begging for forgiveness. Two can play at this game.

The choice is clear- we either resist, or we lose America, our jobs, our careers, our middle-class quality of life, our health, everything that made America great. It’s time to fight like animals, fight like it’s the end of America, fight like our lives and the lives of our children are at stake…

Because they are.

Martin Armstrong in his blog today stated that when countries were in this situation, historically their military was needed to correct the mess.

Hint, hint, wink, wink


On TB every waking moment
16:58 min

These 5 INSANE stories all connect: ‘America's DESTRUCTION is their goal’

Nov 8, 2021

Glenn Beck

‘Holy mother’ are the two words Glenn uses to describe the headlines from the last three days alone. In this clip, he runs through some of those headlines — most of which highlight even MORE government abuse — and then he shows you how they ALL connect: ‘These all are tied into the destruction of America. That is their goal. Make no mistake.’


On TB every waking moment

David Stockman On The 'GreenMageddon' (And What It Means For You)

MONDAY, NOV 08, 2021 - 07:40 PM
Authored by David Stockman via,

With COP26 now underway, it’s not too soon to start clanging the alarm bells - not about climate catastrophe, of course - but about the stupidest act of the assembled nations since Versailles, when the vindictive WWI victors laid the groundwork for the catastrophes of depression, WWII, the Holocaust, Soviet tyranny, the Cold War and Washington’s destructive global hegemony, all of which followed hard upon the next.

Politicians and their allies in the mainstream media, think tanks, lobbies and Big Business (with its cowardly sleep-walking leaders) are fixing to do nothing less than destroy the prosperity of the world and send global life careening into a modern economic Dark Ages. And worse still, it’s being done in the service of a bogus climate crisis narrative that is thoroughly anti-science and wholly inconsistent with the actual climate and CO2 history of the planet.

Cutting to the chase, during the past 600 million years, the earth has rarely been as cool as at present, and almost never has it had as low CO2 concentrations as the 420 ppm level that today’s climate howlers decry.

In fact, according to the careful reconstructions of actual earth scientists who have studied ocean sediments, ice cores and the like, there have been only two periods encompassing about 75 million years (13% of that immensely long 600 million year stretch of time) where temperatures and CO2 concentrations were as low as it present. These were the Late Carboniferous/Early Permian time from 315 to 270 million years ago and the Quaternary Period, which hosted modern man 2.6 million years ago.

You might say, therefore, that the possibility of a warmer, CO2-richer environment is a case of planetary “been there, done that”. And it is most certainly not a reason to wantonly dismantle and destroy the intricate, low-cost energy system that is the root source of today’s unprecedented prosperity and human escape from poverty and want.

But that’s hardly the half of it. What actually lies smack in the center of our warmer past is a 220-million-year interval from 250 million years ago through the re-icing of Antarctica about 33 million years ago that was mainly ice-free.

As shown by the blue line in the chart below, during most of that period (highlighted in the brown panels), temperatures were up to 12C higher than at present, and Mother Earth paid no mind to the fact that she lacked polar ice caps or suitable habitats for yet un-evolved polar bears.

Global Temperature And Atmospheric CO2 Over Geologic Time

As it happened, during what has been designated as the Mesozoic Age, the planet was busy with another great task, namely, salting away the vast deposits of coal, oil and gas that power the modern economy and allow billions of people to have a living standard enjoyed only by kings just a few centuries ago.

There is no mystery as to how this serendipitous gift to present-day man happened. In a world largely bereft of ice and snow, the oceans were at vastly higher levels and flooded much of the landmass, which, in turn, was verdant with plant and animal life owing to warmer temperatures and abundant rainfall.

Stated differently, Mother Nature was harvesting massive amounts of solar energy in the form of carbon-based plant and animal life, which, over the eons of growth and decay, resulted in the build-up of vast sedimentary basins. As the tectonic plates shifted (i.e., the single continent of Pangaea broke up into its modern continental plates) and the climates oscillated, these sedimentary deposits were buried under shallow oceans and, with the passage of time, heat and pressure, were converted into the hydrocarbon deposits that dot the first 50,000 feet (at least) of the earth’s crust.

In the case of coal, the most favorable conditions for its formation occurred 360 million to 290 million years ago during the Carboniferous (“coal-bearing”) Period.

However, lesser amounts continued to form in some parts of the Earth during subsequent times, in particular, the Permian (290 million to 250 million years ago) and throughout the Mesozoic Era (250 million to 66 million years ago).

Likewise, the formation of petroleum deposits began in warm shallow oceans, where dead organic matter fell to the ocean floors. These zooplankton (animals) and phytoplankton (plants) mixed with inorganic material that entered the oceans by rivers. It was these sediments on the ocean floors that then formed oil sands while buried during eons of heat and pressure. That is to say, the energy embodied in petroleum initially came from the sunlight, which had become trapped in chemical form in dead plankton.

Moreover, the science behind this isn’t a matter of academic armchair speculation for the simple reason that it has been powerfully validated in the commercial marketplace. That is, trillions of dollars have been deployed in the last century in the search for hydrocarbons, based on immensely complicated petroleum engineering research, theory and geologic models. Oil drillers weren’t throwing darts at a wildcatter’s wall but were coincidentally proving these “facts” of climate history are correct, given that they led to the discovery and extraction of several trillions of BOEs (barrels of oil equivalent).

Consequently, it is solidly estimated by industry experts that today’s petroleum deposits were roughly formed as follows:
  • About 70% during the Mesozoic age (brown panels, 252 to 66 million years ago) which was marked by a tropical climate, with large amounts of plankton in the oceans;
  • 20% was formed in the dryer, colder Cenozoic age (last 65 million years);
  • 10% were formed in the earlier warmer Paleozoic age (541 to 252 million years ago).
Indeed, at the end of the day, petroleum engineering is rooted in climate science because it was climate itself that produced those economically valuable deposits.

And a pretty awesome science it is. After all, billions of dollars have been pushed down the wellbores in up to two miles of ocean waters and 40,000 feet below the surface in what amounts to an amazingly calibrated and targeted search for oil-bearing needles in a geologic haystack.

For instance, the Cretaceous Period from 145 million to 66 million years ago, which was especially prolific for oil formation, was a period with a relatively warm climate, resulting in high open sea levels and numerous shallow inland seas.

These oceans and seas were populated with now-extinct marine reptiles, ammonites and rudists, while dinosaurs continued to dominate on land. And it is knowing this science that permits multi-billion barrel hydrocarbon needles to be found in the earth’s vasty deep.

Needless to say, the climate warmed sharply during the Cretaceous, rising by about 8 degrees C, and eventually reached a level 10 degrees C warmer than today’s on the eve of the asteroid-driven Great Extinction Event of 66 million years ago. As shown in the graph below, at that point, there were no ice caps at either pole, and Pangaea was still coming apart at the seams–so there was no circulating ocean conveyor system in the infant Atlantic.

Yet during the Cretaceous, CO2 levels actually went down while temperatures were rising sharply. That’s the very opposite of the Climate Alarmists’ core claim that it is rising CO2 concentrations which are currently forcing global temperatures higher.

Moreover, we are not talking about a marginal reduction in CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere. Levels actually dropped sharply from about 2,000 ppm to 900 ppm during that 80 million year stretch. This was all good for hydrocarbon formation and today’s endowment of nature’s stored work, but it was also something more.

To wit, it was yet another proof that planetary climate dynamics are far more complicated and ridden with crosscurrents than the simple-minded doom loops now being used to model future climate states from the current far lower temperature and CO2 levels.

As it happens, during the periods since the Great Extinction Event 66 million years ago, both vectors have steadily fallen; CO2 levels continued to drop to the 300–400 ppm of modern times, and temperatures dropped another 10 degrees Celsius.

It is surely one of the great ironies of our times that today’s fanatical crusades against fossil fuels are being carried out with not even a nod to the geologic history that contradicts the entire “warming” and CO2 concentration hysteria and made present energy consumption levels and efficiencies possible.

That is to say, the big, warm and wet one (the Mesozoic) got us here. True global warming is not the current and future folly of mankind; it is the historical enabler of present-day economic blessings. Yet, here we are on the eve of COP26, manically focused on reducing emissions to the levels required to keep global temperatures from rising more than 1.5 degrees Celsius from preindustrial levels.

Then again, exactly which pre-industrial level might that be?

We will address the more recent evolution, including the Medieval Warm Period and the Little Ice Age in Part 2, but suffice it to say that the chart below reflects broadly accepted geologic science. Still, we are hard-pressed—even with the aid of a magnifying glass—to see any time in the last 66 million years in which the global temperatures weren’t a lot higher than 1.5 degrees Celsius above current levels—even during much of the far-right margin labeled the “Pleistocene Ice Age” of the past 2.6 million years.

If your brain is not addled by the climate change narrative, the very term rings a resoundingly loud bell. That’s because there have been on the order of 20 distinct “ice ages” and interglacial warming periods during the Pleistocene, the latest of which ended about 18,000 years ago and from which we have been digging out ever since.

Of course, the climb away from retreating glaciers in Michigan, New England, northern Europe, etc. to warmer, more hospitable climes has not been continuously smooth, but rather a syncopated sequence of advances and retreats. Thus, it is believed that the world got steadily warmer until about 13,000 years ago, which progress was then interrupted by the Younger Dryas, when the climate became much drier and colder and caused the polar ice caps to re-expand and ocean levels to drop by upwards of 100 feet as more of the earth’s fixed quantity of water was reabsorbed back into the ice packs.

After about 2,000 years of retreat, however, and with no help from the humans who had repaired to cave living during the Younger Dryas, the climate system swiftly regained its warming mojo. About 8,000 years ago, during the subsequent run-up to what the science calls the Holocene Optimum, global temperatures rose by upwards of 3 degrees Celsius on average and up to 10 degrees Celsius in the higher latitudes.

And it happened quite rapidly. One peer-reviewed study showed that in parts of Greenland, temperatures rose 10°C (18°F) in a single decade. Overall, scientists believe that half of the rebound from the “ice age” conditions of the Younger Dryas may have occurred in barely 15 years. Ice sheets melted, sea levels rose, forests expanded, trees replaced grass and grass replaced desert—all with startling alacrity.

In contrast to today’s climate models, Mother Nature clearly did not go off the rails in some kind of linear doomsday loop of ever-increasing temperatures and without any hectoring from Greta, either. Actually, Greenland got all frozen up and thawed several more times thereafter.

Needless to say, the Holocene Optimum 8,000 years ago is not the “preindustrial” baseline from which the Climate Howlers are pointing their phony hockey sticks. In fact, other studies show that, even in the Arctic, it was no picnic time for the polar bears. Among 140 sites across the western Arctic, there is clear evidence for conditions that were warmer than now at 120 sites. At 16 sites for which quantitative estimates have been obtained, local temperatures were on average 1.6 °C higher during the optimum than they are today.

Say what? Isn’t that the same +1.6 degrees C above current levels that the COP26 folks are threatening to turn off the lights of prosperity to prevent?

In any event, what did happen was far more beneficent. To wit, the warmer and wetter Holocene Optimum and its aftermath gave rise to the great river civilizations 5,000 years ago, including the Yellow River in China, the Indus River in the Indian subcontinent, the Tigris-Euphrates and the Nile River civilizations among the most notable.

Stated differently, that +1.6 degrees C was reflective of the climate-based catalyzing forces that actually made today’s world possible. From the abundances of the river civilizations, there followed the long march of agriculture and the economic surpluses and abundance that enabled cities, literacy, trade and specialization, advancement of tools and technology and modern industry—the latter being the ultimate human escape from a life based on the back muscles of man and his domesticated animals alone.

At length, the quest for higher and higher industrial productivity spurred the search for ever-cheaper energy, even as intellectual, scientific and technological advances which flowed from these civilizations led to the rise of a fossil fuel-powered economy based on energy companies harvesting the condensed and stored solar BTUs captured by Mother Nature during the planet’s long warmer and wetter past.

In a word, what powers prosperity is ever more efficient “work,” such as moving a ton of freight by a mile or converting a kilogram of bauxite into alumina or cooking a month’s worth of food. Alas, during the 230 million mainly ice-free years of the Mesozoic, the planet itself accomplished one of the greatest feats of “work” ever known: Namely, the conversion of massive amounts of diffuse solar energy into the high-density BTU packages embodied in coal, oil and gas-based fuels.

As it happens, when one of the previous “preindustrial” warming eras (the Roman Warming) was coming to an end in the late 4th century AD, St. Jerome admonished the faithful “never look a gift horse in the mouth.”

Yet that’s exactly what the assembled nation’s will be doing at COP26.


On TB every waking moment

'Roads Are Racist' - Buttigieg Debates CNN On Deconstructing America's Bigotted Highway System

MONDAY, NOV 08, 2021 - 06:40 PM

Not for the first time, Pete Buttigieg is vowing to do something about America's "racist" interstate highway system. As absurdly silly as it might be for the Biden-tapped US Transportation Secretary to be prioritizing tackling supposedly racist roads, it was perhaps the question itself from a reporter that reached new asinine depths - made all the more laughable given the "seriousness" of the lengthy exchange related to last week's bipartisan infrastructure bill which passed through Congress.

This was a real question by CNN (who else?) White House correspondent April Ryan during a Monday press briefing... amid Biden admin plans to "deconstruct the racism" built into America's infrastructure, she asked: can you give us the construct of how you will deconstruct the racism that was built into roadways?"
Buttigieg responded: "I’m still surprised that had some people were surprised when I pointed to the fact that if a highway was built for the purpose of dividing a White and a Black neighborhood or if an underpass was constructed such that a bus carrying mostly Black and Puerto Rican kids to a beach, or that would have been, in New York was designed too low for it to pass by..."

He argued that this makes it "obvious" that "racism" was built into the road system: "...that that obviously reflects racism that went into those design choices," he said. "We have everything to gain by acknowledging" these "racist" choices, he explained. The reference was to an April interview wherein Buttigieg claimed:
"...there is racism physically built into some of our highways."
At this point CNN's Ryan pressed him on potential efforts to actually "reconstruct communities that this happened to..." She said these roads were "meant to be racist." She seemed to define this as basically any and all beltways and roadways erected prior to the Civil Rights Act.

Meanwhile, an actual Bloomberg headline: US Will Use Infrastructure Bill to Address Racist Highway Design...
That's when Buttigieg actually seemed to agree that some overpasses and roadway infrastructure "might have to come down" - as in some of the "racist" roadwork will get demolished...
"Sometimes it really is the case that an overpass went in a certain way that is so harmful that it's gotta come down or maybe be put underground," the Transportation Secretary said.
As with prior statements from Buttigieg which present America's vast network of highways as 'systematically racist' - immediate and widespread mockery followed the Monday afternoon exchange.
For example, Texas Senator Ted Cruz wrote in response to the exchange, which it should be noted went on for nearly three minutes: "The roads are racist. We must get rid of roads."


On TB every waking moment

Customs and Border Protection Seizes Imports From Chinese Company Backed By Kerry Investments
CBP cites law that prohibits foreign imports produced through labor abuses


John Kerry (L) shakes hands with China's President Xi Jinping (R) at the Great Hall of the People at the end of the eight round of U.S-China strategic and economic dialogues on June 7, 2016 in Beijing, China. / Getty ImagesAlana Goodman• November 8, 2021 5:00 am

U.S. Customs and Border Protection last week seized imports from a Chinese company backed by an investment group in which climate czar John Kerry holds a $1 million stake.

Kerry and his wife are invested in Hillhouse China Value Fund L.P., part of the Hillhouse investment group that is a top shareholder in a Chinese solar panel company that works with companies known to be using forced labor. It was on that account that CBP seized the imports from LONGi Green Energy, citing a law that prohibits foreign imports produced through labor abuses.

The news could raise additional concerns about the Kerry family’s investment in Hillhouse China Value Fund L.P., which the climate envoy disclosed at the beginning of the year. Although Kerry divested from many of his energy-related holdings in March, the list of divestments did not include Hillhouse, according to a disclosure Kerry filed in March with the Office of Government Ethics. The investment has drawn scrutiny from Republican lawmakers and China experts, who accuse Kerry of downplaying and enabling China’s human rights abuses while trying to win concessions from Beijing on climate change.

The Hillhouse investment group, which is run by Zhang Lei, an adviser to the Chinese government, owns a 6 percent stake in LONGi. Hillhouse is also a top shareholder of YITU Technology, a company that was blacklisted by the U.S. Department of Commerce for allegedly aiding the Chinese government’s surveillance of Uyghurs.

Kerry's Hillhouse stake is through a trust in which his wife is the beneficiary. He stated in his disclosure that they are not involved in managing the investments.

LONGi, the White House, and CBP did not respond to request for comment.

LONGi Green Energy said its products were temporarily detained by CBP from Oct. 28 to Nov. 3, under a "Withhold Release Order," according to an announcement filed by its board of directors with the Shanghai Stock Exchange on Nov. 4.

Withhold Release Orders are intended to "prevent merchandise produced in whole or in part in a foreign country using forced labor from being imported into the United States," according to the CBP website.

LONGi’s board of directors sought to allay concerns over the seizure order, saying it impacted "a total of 40.31 MW of components exported to the United States" which "accounted for approximately 1.59 percent of export sales" to the United States last year.

"The U.S. Customs’ Temporary Detention Order (WRO) has not yet caused the company’s operations significant adverse effects," the board said. "The company will continue to monitor and evaluate the impact of the WRO on the company’s U.S. shipments."

Human rights investigators identified LONGi as "a customer of many of the polysilicon companies that are engaged in labor transfers in the Uyghur Region," in a report published earlier this year by the Helena Kennedy Centre for International Justice at Sheffield Hallam University.

Industry analysts recently warned that LONGi is likely to face trade obstacles, after the Biden administration ordered a ban in June on imports connected to forced labor of minority groups in China’s Xinjiang region.

Roth Capital Partners, a financial analyst firm, said on Tuesday that it believed a detention order for LONGi products was "imminent," according to a client report obtained by PV Magazine, a solar trade publication.

"Look for this to impact LONGi in a broad-based way," the analysis said.

A group called American Solar Manufacturers Against Chinese Circumvention (A-SMACC) has also been lobbying the Biden administration to investigate the supply chain of LONGi specifically, and other Chinese solar panel companies linked to forced labor, and to impose additional tariffs on those goods. The administration is expected to make a decision on the tariffs next month.

Kerry criticized moves by lawmakers to penalize Chinese solar panel companies in September.

"On the one hand, we’re saying to [China], ‘You have to do more to help deal with the climate,’" Kerry said. "And on the other hand, their solar panels are being sanctioned, which makes it harder for them to sell them."


On TB every waking moment

Let Them Eat Renewables


(AP Photo/Gerry Broome)

If you ever needed any proof for your left-wing friends that the current administration or, for that matter, progressives in general care nothing for anyone but themselves, look no further than the latest potential move by the Biden administration to rob Americans of their ability to heat their homes or run their cars this coming winter. The administration (and I use that term loosely) is mulling shutting down an oil pipeline in Michigan as the Midwest moves into the coldest time of the year. I grew up in Ohio and did my undergrad work in Michigan and I can tell you from personal experience that Midwest winters, due largely to the humidity, are cold. Very cold. Biting, knuckle-breaking, breath-stealing, oh-dear-god-let-it-end cold. Jason Hayes, the director of environmental policy at the Mackinac Center for Public Policy, commented, “They’re planning to power an industrial nation like the United States on solar panels and wind turbines.” Hayes acknowledged that even those vaunted saviors of the environment still require fossil fuels for their very existence.

In the end, this translates into higher heating costs, with those on fixed incomes trying to decide if they want heat, water, food or clothes. I will not go so far as to say the administration is tone-deaf. They have access to the same data the rest of us do. But if the poor and the elderly freeze this winter, I am certain Biden’s handlers will find a way to blame it on Trump, as usual.

Interestingly enough, while Biden put the kibosh on the Keystone XL pipeline, he agreed to remove sanctions on a Russian pipeline moving energy to Germany. To add insult to injury, when asked on Friday if there were any plans to boost oil production at home, Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm laughed and said, “That is hilarious…Would that I had the magic wand on this.” She went on to cite OPEC as the controlling factor in energy prices. This, of course, while American oil and gas fields lie fallow.

This is yet another example of the progressive mentality: altruism by proxy. The Left can say it is saving the planet and creating a better future while avoiding any sacrifice on its part. You on the other hand? So what if your pipes freeze? So what if you have to decide between paying your heating bill versus taking your pet to the shelter to be euthanized because you can’t afford food? So what if your kids go without? So what if the elderly or the poor suffer during the next polar vortex? As I have said before, eggs and omelets, right?

But here is the thing. They won’t be going without inside the beltway. They won’t be going without in Aspen or Telluride. You can bet the Obamas will not feel the energy crunch on Martha’s Vineyard. The same goes for any insider or ally of the administration, CNN/MSNBC lackey, or Hollywood superstar. No one will be turning down the thermostats at the White House. No, you the plebes will be the ones who will have to suffer for “a better world.”

Do me a favor, will you? Some time on Monday, call your Democratic legislator and let them know you are tired of footing the bill for someone else to enjoy the feel of a warm fuzzy. Hell, call your GOP legislator, too. More often than not, the elephants are just as culpable as the donkeys in situations like this. And while you’re at it, ask your left-wing acquaintances–no, demand to know–why they think someone else should freeze or go broke to stroke their egos.


On TB every waking moment

Pete Buttigieg is Focused on…'Racist' Bridges
Katie Pavlich
Katie Pavlich

Posted: Nov 08, 2021 4:00 PM

Pete Buttigieg is Focused on…'Racist' Bridges

Source: (Stefani Reynolds/Pool via AP)

Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg made his way to the White House press briefing on Monday to tout President Joe Biden's $1.2 infrastructure bill.

During questioning from activist April Ryan, Buttigieg explained how the legislation is designed to combat racism in freeway and bridge design.

"We're buying clean buses, right, how do we make sure, in terms of where those buses go, but also looking at the business opportunity," Buttigieg said. "That too is I think is a very important element of equity here."

"Sometimes it really is the case that an overpass went in a cetacean way that is so harmful that it's gotta come down and be put under ground," he continued.

2:47 min

No word yet on exactly when Biden will sign the bill, which administration officials claim is "urgent."

.17 min

Meanwhile, supply chains are still completely backed up and Biden's vaccine mandates are making things much worse.


1:05 min


On TB every waking moment

Biden’s Build Back Better plan includes amnesty for 8 million illegal immigrants

Nov 7, 2021

President Biden ran on a “Build Back Better” agenda in his 2020 campaign, which included infrastructure and economic reforms. Hidden in Democrats $1.6 Trillion spending package to advance his agenda is a plan to give amnesty to 8 million illegal immigrants. Some sources, such as the Heritage Foundation, put the number even higher, at 11 to 22 million. Democratic politicians have said that amnesty and Biden’s infrastructure bill are “inextricably linked”, and will refuse to consider one without the other in the bill. “We have to have total agreement on both before we move either” said Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D).


Democrats plan to give amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants comes on the heels of the worst border crisis in modern history, with the CBP reporting that border apprehensions have reached an all-time high under Biden’s presidency.

Upon taking office, Biden issued a 100 day halt on most deportations, stopped construction of President Trump’s border wall, and ended his “remain in Mexico” policy. The Biden administration announced this week that it backs payments of hundreds of thousands of dollars to illegal immigrants.

Under President Trump’s administration, illegal immigration was at its lowest level in 17 years. Biden condemned Trump’s immigration policies as “dangerous, inhumane, and against everything we stand for as a country”. Despite this, Biden’s administration has fought in court to keep some of President Trump’s immigration policies, such as a CDC policy that sped up deportations by using public health orders.


On TB every waking moment

Watch: Al Gore's Latest 'Solution' To Climate Change Is Mass Surveillance

MONDAY, NOV 08, 2021 - 01:11 PM
Authored by Steve Watson via Summit News,

Speaking from the private jet and super yacht owners gathering, otherwise known as the COP 26 summit, Al Gore touted his latest solution to curb carbon emissions, mass surveillance via satellites, sensors and artificial intelligence.

In the interview with MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell, Gore declared that technology created by the so called Climate TRACE coalition will monitor greenhouse gas emissions and root out the culprits.
“We get data consistently from 300 existing satellites, more than 11,000 ground-based, air-based, sea-based sensors, multiple internet data streams and using artificial intelligence,” Gore explained, adding
All that information is combined, visible light, infrared, all of the other information that is brought in, and we can now accurately determine where the greenhouse gas emissions are coming from.

Gore, who in 2008 said there would be no polar ice caps left within five years, continued, “And next year we’ll have it down to the level of every single power plant, refinery, every large ship, every plane, every waste dump, and we’ll have the identities of the people who are responsible for each of those greenhouse gas emission streams.”

And what, pray tell will happen to these climate criminals Al?

“If investors or governments, or civil society activists want to hold them responsible, they will have the information upon which to base their action and holding them responsible,” Gore proclaimed.


8:58 min

What Gore and his 300 satellites will find is that it is the elite super rich luxury class who are the world’s largest polluters.

New research by the Institute for European Environmental Policy (IEEP) and the Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) has found that by 2030, the carbon footprints of the wealthiest 1% of humanity are on track to be 30 times larger than the size compatible with limiting global warming to 1.5°C by the end of the century, the Paris Agreement’s more ambitious temperature target.

The report notes that should current trends continue, the richest 1% will account for 16% of global CO2 emissions in 2030.

The paper notes that “They increasingly drive the extent of global inequality, and likely have a greater impact on the political and social acceptability of national emissions reduction efforts,” adding “It is therefore notable that in all of the major emitting countries, the richest 10% and 1% nationally are set to have per capita consumption footprints substantially above the 1.5⁰C global per capita level.”
“The emissions from a single billionaire spaceflight would exceed the lifetime emissions of someone in the poorest billion people on Earth,” Nafkote Dabi, Oxfam’s climate policy lead, said in a further statement.
Dabi added that “A tiny elite appear to have a free pass to pollute. Their oversized emissions are fueling extreme weather around the world and jeopardizing the international goal of limiting global heating.”
“The emissions of the wealthiest 10% alone could send us beyond the agreed limit in the next nine years,” Dabi continuing, urging that “This would have catastrophic results for some of the most vulnerable people on Earth who are already facing deadly storms, hunger, and destitution.”
As we noted last week, the COP Climate Summit has drawn in elite dignitaries on over 400 private jets, with conservative estimates suggesting that this will equate to 13,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide.

The likes of Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates and Prince Charles, who live their lives on on private jets, super yachts and space flights, immediately took to lecturing the rest of the world on their carbon footprints.

They’re jet setting around the planet to meet with each other, gorge on prime venison and beef steaks, while telling everyone else to shut up, stay home and eat bugs:


On TB every waking moment

Pete Buttigieg — ‘Highway underpasses are racist’…
Posted by Kane on November 9, 2021 12:59 pm
.44 min

Only Black and Puerto Rican kids rode buses in Pete’s Racist Fantasy — “If an underpass was constructed such that a bus carrying mostly Black and Puerto Rican kids to a beach in New York was designed too low for it to pass by, that that obviously reflects racism that went into those design choices.”

Here’s the full clip from today’s White House presser
3:01 min


clown shoes.jpg


On TB every waking moment

IRS reporting requirement: Why crypto and NFT fans are worried about the infrastructure bill

Industry groups are concerned about a ‘digital assets’ provision that may require reporting cryptocurrency transactions to the Internal Revenue Service.

[Source Images: Gage Skidmore/Flickr; IRS; stockforliving/iStock]

The $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill, which is on its way to President Biden’s desk, includes provisions to fund everything from new roads to improved broadband connections, but it also includes tax reporting provisions that people and organizations in the cryptocurrency and NFT worlds are concerned could stifle transactions.

Existing tax law, in a section of the U.S. tax code called 6050I, requires that people who receive more than $10,000 in cash and equivalents (like cashier’s checks and money orders) in many business transactions file a report with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), including details about who paid them—such as names and Social Security numbers—or potentially face felony charges. The new law expands the definition of cash to include “digital assets” and comes as governments around the world grapple with the rapid rise of crypto and the potential for its use in money laundering. Critics worry the new provision could force participants in crypto transactions and NFT trades, which are often anonymous, to have to disclose information about the people they’re doing business with, which they simply might not have.

“Miners, stakers, lenders, decentralized application and marketplace users, traders, businesses, and individuals are all at risk of being subject to this reporting requirement, even though in most situations the person or entity in receipt is not in the position to report the required information,” warned attorney Abraham Sutherland, an adjunct professor at the University of Virginia School of Law and advisor to the Proof of Stake Alliance, an industry group, in a September report.

Decentralized finance, or defi, operations, where automated smart contracts essentially provide financial services, could also be affected by the provision, warn people in the industry.

“This 6050I provision in the infrastructure bill seems like a disaster if I understand it,” said Coinbase CEO Brian Armstrong in a tweet. “Criminal felony statute that could freeze a lot of healthy crypto behavior (like Defi).”

The new law also contains a provision that would expand the definition of “broker” under the law to include cryptocurrency brokers, which some in the industry—including a group called the Crypto Council for Innovation—have feared would rope in coin miners and developers involved in building and maintaining crypto systems. Brokers are also required to report many transactions to the IRS.

Bloomberg reported earlier this year that the Treasury Department, which is ultimately responsible for putting out regulations saying how the new provisions will actually work in practice, is likely to exempt organizations and people that aren’t brokers in the usual sense. Since getting the law itself amended seems difficult with a fiercely divided Congress, it’s likely that the Treasury Department will see furious lobbying by the crypto industry to make sure it doesn’t interfere too much with their operations.


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On TB every waking moment

Infrastructure: What's The Bang For The Buck?

TUESDAY, NOV 09, 2021 - 06:25 PM
By Philip Marey, Senior US Strategist at Rabobank

  • Last Friday, the House of Representatives finally approved the bipartisan infrastructure bill. Although long overdue given the state of US infrastructure, it will hit the economy at a time of full employment and after a couple of years of high inflation. This means that the bang for the buck will be substantially eroded.
  • The attention of Congress now turns to the health care, education and child care bill that the Democrats want to pass through reconciliation, i.e. without Republican support. However, so far Democratic unity on this bill has been more difficult to find than a bipartisan majority for infrastructure spending.
  • Meanwhile, the December 3 deadline for the debt ceiling and government funding is approaching rapidly.
Last Friday, Nancy Pelosi made a U-turn and surprised everybody with the announcement that the House of Representatives would vote on the infrastructure bill and then take a procedural vote on the reconciliation bill, holding it for final passage until there was a CBO score. Until then, the two bills were tied together, as progressive Democrats were not willing to approve the infrastructure bill before the reconciliation bill (aimed at health care, education, child care), and moderate Democrats did not want to pass the reconciliation bill before the infrastructure bill. In order to break the deadlock, Pelosi called the progressives’ bluff and offered the CBO-contingent solution proposed by the Black Caucus. Although the progressives were not happy about this, they folded.

While 6 Democrats defected, 13 Republicans more than made up for them. A victory for centrists in both parties, but those in the Democratic Party now have their hands tied to the numbers that the CBO comes up with for the reconciliation bill. And of course a victory for Nancy Pelosi, who finally took the risk of challenging the progressives. Ironically, she needed moderate Republicans to save the infrastructure bill from defecting progressive Democrats such as AOC.

Economic impact: what’s the bang for the buck?
While the law is presented as a $1 trillion infrastructure package, this includes spending on infrastructure the government had already planned for the next decade. The additional spending amounts to about $550 billion for roads, passenger railways, subway systems, airports, ports, power facilities, and broadband networks. The funds are expected to start flowing in the second half of 2022, but the bulk would be spent in 2024 and later.

If an infrastructure plan arrives during a slowdown or recession, the bang for the buck is relatively high. Unemployed construction workers can get a job and idle machines are put to use. However, this time the recession is already behind us and we are even experiencing labor shortages. By the time the bulk of the infrastructure activities should start, the economy is expected to be at full employment. Note that the Fed expects to hike before the end of 2022 because of full employment. This means that the infrastructure builders will compete for workers and machines that are expected to be short in supply to begin with by 2024. This will make the projects more expensive, so the bang for the buck is much lower than in case of a recession. What’s more, with high inflation in 2021 and a large part of 2022, higher prices of materials and equipment will also erode the purchasing power of the infrastructure package. This comes on top of monopoly power in for example freight railroads and broadband, which is reducing the bang for the buck in any phase of the business cycle.

So after Trump slashed taxes during an economic expansion, Biden now launches an infrastructure spending package into full employment. The timing of US economic policies seems a bit off in recent years. Instead of counter-cyclical fiscal policies they have turned cyclical. Evidently, the political cycle trumps the business cycle in DC. Still, infrastructure spending has long-term benefits that will outlive the business cycle. Especially, in the US which has an outdated infrastructure compared to some other industrialized nations. What’s more, from a cyclical perspective the next recession could still hit the economy before the decade of additional infrastructure spending is over. In terms of additional annual GDP growth, estimates reach at most 0.1 to 0.2 percentage points in the coming years and even less in later years. So not a major change in economic growth.

Electoral impact: too late for this and next year’s elections
The electoral limitations of the infrastructure plan for the Democrats are twofold.

In the first place, this is a bipartisan bill, supported by a minority of Republicans.

Although most Republicans voted against it, the yes voters were predominantly from swing districts, increasing their electability next year. Meanwhile, the majority of Republicans will continue to claim that only a small portion of the infrastructure package ($110 billion) goes to traditional infrastructure, and that the package is not paid for (the CBO estimated that it would increase federal borrowing by $256 billion over 10 years).

In the second place, the bulk of the benefits will not arrive until 2024. Democrats will argue that the infrastructure package will alleviate supply chain bottlenecks, but voters are not likely to reap the benefits prior to the November 2022 midterm elections. Meanwhile, rampant inflation is eroding the purchasing power of middle and lower class voters, while the Fed continues to pump up the stock portfolios of wealthy voters until June next year. (Note that tapering is not tightening.) This means that the voters will mostly experience higher prices and constrained supply before the midterm elections in November next year.

But at least Biden can claim he has delivered a bipartisan bill, which swing voters may appreciate more than the progressive reconciliation bill. This could help rebuild his tarnished image. However, the passage of the infrastructure bill came too late to help Democratic candidates in last week’s elections, which did not go very well for them.

Reconciliation is next
Congress is on recess this week and returns on November 15. On top of the agenda will be the $1.75 trillion reconciliation bill. It is difficult to keep track of what’s in the reconciliation bill. Last Wednesday, Pelosi put the four weeks of paid family leave and negotiated changes on prescription drugs and immigration back in the reconciliation bill. These changes are likely to be rejected by the Senate, but Pelosi seems done waiting for what Manchin and Sinema exactly want before starting the process on the reconciliation bill. We are likely to see more changes, especially after the bill has been sent to the Senate. It is interesting to note that these days it seems easier to pass a bipartisan bill than a Democrats-only reconciliation bill. In fact, if moderate Republicans had not come to the rescue, the infrastructure bill would have failed in the House because of Democratic defections. While the bipartisan infrastructure bill had already passed the Senate prior to Friday’s passage in the House, the reconciliation bill still has to be approved by both the House and the Senate. It could take weeks before the CBO has finalized its full analysis of the reconciliation bill, but lawmakers may be satisfied with a few preliminary projection tables. So Congress will be focused on the reconciliation bill during the remainder of November.

Don’t forget the deadlines
However, there is a December 3 deadline for the debt ceiling and government funding. McConnell already said last month the Democrats were on their own next time. It remains to be seen if he will blink again in this game of chicken, but if he does not, the Democrats would have to include a raise in the debt ceiling in the reconciliation bill. However, the Democrats are again betting on a bipartisan increase in the debt limit. If the debt ceiling is not raised in time, the extraordinary measures taken by the Treasury Department are expected to run out after December 3 and a federal government default would become inevitable sometime between mid-December and mid-February according to estimates by the Bipartisan Policy Center. What’s more, if no government funding bill or continuing resolution is passed by December 3, the federal government will have to shut down partially in early December. Note that a continuing resolution would prevent a shutdown, but imply a substantial cut in defense spending.

Unfortunately, the reconciliation bill may take up most of Congress’ time in coming weeks, leaving little time for the two fiscal deadlines.

While this bipartisan infrastructure law was long overdue given the state of US infrastructure, it will hit the economy at a time of full employment and after a couple of years of high inflation. This means that the bang for the buck will be substantially eroded. The attention of lawmakers now turns to the health care, education and child care bill that the Democrats want to pass through reconciliation, i.e. without Republican support. So far this has been more difficult than reaching bipartisan agreement on an infrastructure bill. As we noted earlier, President Biden is trying to hold together a broad and shaky coalition.


On TB every waking moment

We're "Very Sorry" - Bank Of England Governor Apologizes To Brits For Crushing Their Standard Of Living

TUESDAY, NOV 09, 2021 - 03:11 PM
In an odd moment of truthful admission - that absolutely will not be heard in the US - The Bank of England governor has said he is "very sorry" that UK inflation is rising amid forecasts the cost of living could increase as much as 5%.

Andrew Bailey told the BBC that households were already feeling the impact of rising prices.
"I'm very sorry that's happening," he said.
"None of us want to see that happen."
Inflation is currently ahead of the Bank of England's 2% target at 3.1%. There are expectations it could rise to 5% by next April.

Mr Bailey said:
"Inflation is clearly something that bites on people's household income. I'm sure they're already feeling that in terms of prices that are going up."
While real wages soared during the pandemic as supply of free-money dominated the suppressed-demand for goods/services - all thanks to government intervention - that is all unwinding now and real wage gains are rapidly slowing...

Source: Bloomberg

This has helped push UK's "Misery Index" to its highest in a decade...

Source: Bloomberg

And arguably things are about to get far more serious as the choice between heating your home and feeding your family is a real one for many Brits...

Along those lines, commenting on the decision not to raise borrowing costs this month. Mr Bailey said:
"Putting interest rates up, I'm afraid, isn't going to get us more gas."
Finally, Danny Blanchflower, a former member of the MPC who is now an economics professor at Dartmouth College in the US, warned that trusting what The Bank says may be a mistake:

"We have no historical precedent for what's happened," he said.

"We've never seen a shock of this kind and the big thing we are seeing at the moment is the furlough scheme is coming off, there is going to be an increase in taxes on National Insurance [and] universal credit was just cut.

"So, the central bank really hasn't a lot of clue what is going on."

He concluded rather ominously: "This is a really big uncertain world and everybody should tread cautiously. I'm afraid I have to say... you have to take what the governor of the Bank of England and the Monetary Policy Committee said with a very large pinch of salt."


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Build Back Better Legislation Would Hamper Worker-Deprived Sawmill Industry

TUESDAY, NOV 09, 2021 - 01:25 PM
By Bill Wilson of RT&S

A shrinking workforce and legislation that is being pushed through Washington is weighing heavily on the minds of saw millers.

A few in the industry made up the Today’s Sawmill Challenges at the Railway Tie Association’s annual meeting in St. Louis last week.

With the housing market boom and COVID-19 pandemic, railroad wood crossties have taken a back seat to other products in the nation’s sawmills. Supply chain issues are constant, and with the older workers opting out the problem does not seem to have a solution in the near future.

“There are not enough people on the ground in the lumber industry,” Frank Wilson of Wilson Brothers Lumber said.

Paul Gaines from Madison County Wood Products echoed Wilson’s concern, and said wages in the sawmill industry are up 20%.

Production is starting to pick up and it is improving, and what saw millers need to do at the plant is use technology like automation to attract younger workers so the increase in production can be handled.

Perhaps the greatest success (but failure) recruitment story comes from the Missouri Forest Products Association, which attempted to create a school for loggers in Missouri. After being turned down by just about every technical school because enrollment numbers could not be guaranteed, the association created its own education platform. A 10-week program was put together, but after a year and a half it failed.

“We just could not recruit,” said Brian Brookshire. “I think we need to give it another shot where it’s more inclusive and it needs to be set in a technical school for recruitment. The entire industry needs to come together to make this happen.”

President Biden’s Build Back Better economic package also is looming over the sawmill industry. According to Wilson, the legislation could cripple coal-fired plants as the administration tries to encourage the use of more green energy like wind and solar.

“Solar and wind are unreliable and will cause brownouts in the future,” remarked Wilson.

Private industries also are buying up forests and using them to offset carbon footprints, making them off limits to loggers. Build Back Better has money that would assist land owners to participate in more of these programs. Darwin Murray from McClain Forest Products said there is no better way to store carbon than in a railroad tie. Dana Cole, who moderated the session, from the Hardwood Federation, added once a tree is mature it does not store as much carbon.

Congress has been unable to pass Build Back Better, but President Biden said the focus is now on that piece of legislation now that the $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill has been passed.


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Buchanan: Did Glasgow Deliver "Blah, Blah, Blah"?

TUESDAY, NOV 09, 2021 - 09:55 AM
Authored by Pat Buchanan,

At the end of the first week of the Glasgow climate summit, 100,000 protesters marched to denounce the attendees as phonies who will never honor their commitments to curb carbon emissions.

Despite pledges by 100 nations to reduce methane emissions by 30% by 2030, and by 20 nations, including the U.S., to end financing of new international fossil-fuel power plants, teenage climate superstar activist Greta Thunberg says the COP26 summit is a con:
“Two weeks of business as usual, blah, blah, blah!”
Thunberg has a point.

Commitments made in Scotland are not binding upon governments that, be they autocratic or democratic, do not subordinate their national interests to pledges ostentatiously made in global forums.

This Glasgow summit calls to mind the Kellogg-Briand Pact, which won a Nobel Peace Prize for Secretary of State Frank Kellogg,

On Aug. 27, 1928, 15 High Contracting Parties signed on to renounce war as an instrument of national policy. The signatories that day were the United States, Britain, Germany, Italy, Japan, France, Poland, Belgium, Czechoslovakia, Canada, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, Ireland and India. Within 15 years, all 15 nations, Ireland alone excepted, were ensnared in the greatest war in history.
Like the pledges at the climate summit, the Kellogg-Briand Pact provided for no means of enforcement or sanctions against nations that failed to live up to their commitment.

Consider. China is the world’s largest emitter of carbon emissions, Russia the fourth largest, and Brazil the seventh largest worldwide.

Yet President Xi Jinping of China, President Vladimir Putin of Russia and President Jair Bolsonaro of Brazil did not show up at the summit. And President Joe Biden of the United States and Prime Minister Boris Johnson of Britain both fell asleep during the proceedings.

Glasgow is destined to fail because national interests invariably triumph over globalism. The demands of the people who keep regimes in power will be heard and heeded before the claims of the transnationals.

Biden, faced with a threat by Sen. Joe Manchin to sink his Build Back Better bill, summarily dropped a measure that would have imposed rising carbon taxes on fossil fuel plants and provided monetary rewards for clean energy facilities. Biden dropped it because his own and his party’s fortunes depend on enacting the legislation.

The protests in Scotland this weekend were far more colorful than the yearlong “yellow vest” protests in France. Yet, the French protests proved more effective and successful.

That movement originated with French motorists from rural areas who had long commutes and were protesting an increase in fuel taxes that was real and immediate. The French protests had a specific goal, and they succeeded in bringing about a reduction in the fuel taxes.

“King coal is dead!” we heard from the summit.


Coal is a foundational resource in Asia, and demand for coal grows as the populations and economies of Asia expand.

Coal accounts for 60-65% of the electricity generation in China and 68-73% in India, two nations that represent more than a third of the world’s population. Nations such as Australia depend upon the sale and shipment of coal as essential components of their exports.

Consider Scotland itself. Should it move to secede from Britain, will it gladly forfeit the North Sea oil and gas deposits that have proven so beneficial to Britain?

As America transitions to clean energy and electric vehicles, our own reliance upon China will grow. For China is today the world’s principal supplier of solar panels and the rare earth minerals vital to the batteries of electric cars.

To get to Glasgow, delegates, journalists and activists had to travel by commercial or private jet, and every restaurant, bar, hotel room and conference hall had to be lighted and heated by electricity generated by the kind of gas-, oil- and coal-fired plants that global elites want on the chopping block by midcentury. The carbon footprint of the Glasgow summit was not inconsiderable.

Now that the presidents and prime ministers have departed the global summit in its second and final week, we’re going to get down to the lick-log.

Writes the Washington Post: “In coming days … negotiators from nearly 200 countries will haggle over every word in every line of an agreement that could shape … how the rich countries of the world deliver on promises to help more vulnerable nations.”

Specifically, who will pony up the $100 billion per year promised to poor and developing nations at previous climate summits and never fully delivered? And who will pay the reparations for the “loss and damage” suffered by the poor and developing countries, previously caused by the industrialized nations of the world?

At root, almost every globalist and transnational institution and summit has a common feature: the endless transfer of wealth from the First World, the historic oppressors, to their alleged Third World victims.

These gatherings are to determine how much in reparations the latter can extort from a conscience-stricken West.

Will the GOP reject the shakedown?


On TB every waking moment

Trust Issues And Climate Scientists

TUESDAY, NOV 09, 2021 - 10:05 PM
Judging by the sound and fury from the media, climate change and its current and future effects is the most pressing issue of our time.

But, as Statista's Martin Armstrong notes, as world leaders gather at the COP26 climate change conference to discuss and negotiate solutions to the crisis, in some regions of the world, there are significant shares of the population that have little or no trust in what 'scientists' are warning us about the environment.

Infographic: Trust Issues and Climate Scientists | Statista
You will find more infographics at Statista

According to a new survey by the World Economic Forum, 16 percent of North Americans admit to trust issues when it comes to climate science.

This group is smaller in East Asia & the Pacific and Western Europe but still amounts to 9 percent according to the survey conducted in the fall of 2021.
Globally the figure is 7 percent, although 68 percent say they have a lot or a great deal of trust.

South Asia was the stand-out region for trust in climate scientists - here just 3 percent signified a lack of trust compared to a massive 84 percent on the other side of the climate change fence.


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“A Supranational Alliance Must Be Created to Stop Tyranny.” – TGP’s Joe Hoft Agrees with Italian News on Alliance to Defeat Totalitarians During Interview (VIDEO)

By Joe Hoft
Published November 9, 2021 at 9:17pm

TGP’s Joe Hoft was on with Vox Italia TV on Tuesday, November 9th and he agreed with the hosts that Italy and the US both are under tyrannical governments and we must stick together to stop what is going on.

TGP’s Joe Hoft shared with Vox Italia TV and made the following comments in the video below:

The Pope should not have said that Joe Biden is a good Catholic. Archbishop Vigano provided this memo:

Also, Joe Biden is unable to lead the world on any globalist agenda due to his senility. He is being run by someone or a group of people like Obama, George Soros, or China.

The polls for both Joe Biden and Kamala Harris show very poor results.
Still, the 2020 Election is a top issue for the 75 million who voted for President Trump.

Although Republicans did well in Virginia, it appears elections were stolen from Republicans in New Jersey.

38:52 min


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GOP Rep. Gooden: People ‘Could Very Well Freeze to Death’ on Pathway Biden’s Policies Have Put us on

IAN HANCHETT9 Nov 202142

Video on website 4:41 min

On Tuesday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “America Reports,” Rep. Lance Gooden (R-TX) stated that people “could very well freeze to death” under the path that the Biden administration’s energy and economic policies have put the country on.

Gooden said, [relevant remarks begin around 2:00] “The spokespeople for this White House are just like the president. They’re either ignorant, clueless, or purposely misleading the public. … I think what the American people are going to uncomfortably realize is not only are these supply chain slowdowns going to ruin Christmas, but they could very well freeze to death based on the pathway that we’re going down. And the Biden administration seems to be turning down every possible solution around the corner that comes their way. It’s mindboggling.”


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China’s Coal Output Hits Multi-Year High as Climate Conference Continues
Chinese street vendors and customers gather at a local market outside a state owned Coal fired power plant near the site of a large floating solar farm project under construction by the Sungrow Power Supply Company on a lake caused by a collapsed and flooded coal mine on June 14, …
Kevin Frayer/Getty Images
JOHN HAYWARD9 Nov 20211,978

China’s state-run Global Times boasted on Monday – day seven of the COP26 climate conference in Scotland – that coal output has reached “the highest level in recent years,” so China’s vast array of carbon-spewing coal-fired power plants can “ensure energy supply security and residential heating during the winter.”

China, the world’s worst polluter by far, built three times as many coal plants as all other nations combined in 2020. When power shortages and rolling blackouts began hitting China’s industrial centers in the fall of 2021, the Chinese government ordered an “all-out” campaign to “produce as much coal as possible” from both domestic mines and foreign suppliers.

According to the Global Times, that effort has been successful:
From November 1-5, the average daily dispatch of coal reached 11.66 million tons, an increase of more than 1.2 million tons from the end of September, as coal mines have been gradually put into operation, the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) said on Monday.

The thermal coal supply has also continued to increase, and the rebound of coal inventories at power plants has been accelerated.

Since early November, the average daily supply of coal at power plants has hit 7.74 million tons and coal inventories have reached 1.6 million tons, according to the NDRC.

On November 6, the stock of coal reserves across the country’s power plants exceeded 117 million tons, an increase of about 40 million tons compared with the end of September.
October saw China importing 26.943 million tons of coal, a 96 percent increase over the previous year. Combined with the surge of domestic output, the supply of coal grew large enough to bring prices down, according to the NDRC.

“Analysts said that officials’ ability to quickly stabilize coal supplies as well as prices underscored the country’s capabilities in dealing with emergencies and its determination to put livelihood at front and center,” the Global Times applauded.

This should all be horrifying news for climate activists, especially since China pointedly refused to make any commitments to COP26 and Chinese dictator Xi Jinping did not attend the conference.


Criticism of China’s “coal addiction” was supposed to be a focus of COP26, as NBC News reported at the outset of the summit, but criticism has been muted while Beijing merrily announced record-breaking coal production.

An “international alliance” to “phase out coal” was formed by COP26 attendees last Thursday – but China and India, the world’s top two coal burners, did not join. The summit produced some general criticism of Asia for being too slow to embrace renewable energy, but the lack of sharp criticism against China is remarkable, considering that China accounts for almost 60 percent of Asia’s coal consumption.


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Global Britain? UK Seeks ‘Carbon Border Tax’ on Countries That Don’t Meet Climate Goals
ST IVES, CORNWALL - JUNE 13: An Extinction Rebellion environmental activist wearing a Boris Johnson mask stages a demonstration during the G7 summit on June 13, 2021 in St Ives, England. Environmental Protest Groups gather in Cornwall as the UK Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, hosts leaders from the USA, Japan, …
Jeff J Mitchell/Getty Images
KURT ZINDULKA9 Nov 20211,302

Instead of taking full advantage of the economic possibilities of leaving the European Union, the British government may seek to impose border carbon taxes on imports from countries that do not live up to the green vision of Prime Minister Boris Johnson.

Environment Secretary George Eustice said on Sunday that while the UK will seek to craft multilateral standards on the environment, a “carbon border tax” would be an option for countries that do not curb their emissions.

“We would be saying, as countries, that we’re taking the action necessary to deal with this global challenge, but we’re not going to allow those producers in this country to be undercut by those who aren’t doing their share, and we’re not going to export pollution,” Eustice told the BBC’s Andrew Marr programme.

“So if you don’t want to export pollution, then you do at some point have to consider something like a carbon border tax,” he added.

Despite earlier hinting at such a prospect, the environment secretary said that he would not be in favour of imposing an “arbitrary meat tax or meat levy“, saying that the tax has “never been on the cards”.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson, who is hosting the United Nation’s COP26 climate change summit in Glasgow, Scotland called for the nations of the world to “pull together and drive for the line”.

“Countries must come back to the table this week ready to make the bold compromises and ambitious commitments needed,” he said.

Mr Johnson has previously warned that the world is “one minute to midnight on that doomsday clock” in the face of the supposed climate crisis and therefore requires a global deal to reduce carbon emissions.

Prior to the UK officially leaving the European Union, Brexiteers, including current government minister Jacob Rees-Mogg had argued that prices for consumers on items such as clothing and footwear would fall as a result of being freed from the EU’s tariff regime.

However, should a carbon border tax be implemented, it could compromise the ability of the average person to see such savings.

This would come on top of the rising costs of energy and investments into supposedly green technologies to meet Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s net-zero emissions pledge, which the Institute for Fiscal Studies says would cost Britain trillions of pounds over the next three decades. The think tank predicted that the lion’s share of the cost would be borne by consumers.

Ironically, the government’s planned carbon border tax falls in line with a similar policy from the European Union, which announced earlier this year a proposal for a “carbon border adjustment mechanism” that would impose penalties on pollution caused by foreign companies if their own governments do not punish the industries.

Unlike Brexit, the British public has not been afforded the ability to weigh in on the nominally Conservative government’s green agenda.

Brexit leader Nigel Farage has said that he may take up the issue as his next campaign and push for a referendum. Mr Farage argued that the radical green agenda of Mr Johnson would be “ruinous” for Britain and result in “huge transfers of money from the poor to the rich”.

A poll earlier this month found that 42 per cent of the public would favour a referendum on Johnson’s net-zero plan, with only 30 per cent opposing such a vote.


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”Is This a Plan that the Biden Administration is Putting into Place to Bring America to its Knees?” – Former Trump Secretary of Energy and Texas Governor Rick Perry on Biden/Obama’s Energy Policy

By Joe Hoft
Published November 10, 2021 at 11:55am

Former Trump Secretary of Energy and Texas governor Rick Perry states the obvious – Biden/Obama is trying to destroy America.

Former Trump Secretary of Energy and Texas governor Rick Perry shared on Newsmax yesterday:
President Joe Biden’s actions shutting down pipelines in America while bolstering them for Russia make no sense — unless it’s part of a plan to actually hurt the U.S. fossil fuel industry, former Energy Secretary Rick Perry told Newsmax.

”Is this a plan,” Perry asked Tuesday on ”The Chris Salcedo Show,” that the ”Biden administration is putting into place to bring America to its knees? Why else would this be happening if you weren’t doing it on purpose? And I would suggest to you they are doing it on purpose because they hate the fossil fuel industry.”

But it’s hurting more than the fossil fuel industry, Perry, the governor of Texas from 2000-2015 said. Middle- and lower-class Americans are feeling the squeeze with rising fuel prices.

”Sane government” should start to correct the problem in 2022, Perry added, when he sees ”thoughtful conservatives” taking back the House and Senate, ”Intelligent individuals who don’t want to destroy America,” rather than ”AOC-driven Obama re-treads that want to destroy America using Marxism.”
America was energy independent under President Trump but the Biden gang believes OPEC now decides the price of oil in America.

The US has gone from being an oil producer to being dependent on OPEC under Biden. What a mess.


On TB every waking moment

U.S. Households Face Biggest Surge in Electricity Costs Since 2009

Josh Saul

Wed, November 10, 2021, 7:16 AM·2 min read


(Bloomberg) -- U.S. consumers faced the biggest jump in their energy bills in more than a decade last month, with costs soaring for electricity, natural gas and fuel oil as cooler weather approaches.

The price of electricity in October increased 6.5% from the same month a year ago while consumer expenses paid to utilities for gas went up 28%, according to numbers released Wednesday by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Fuel oil rose 59%, and costs for propane, kerosene and firewood jumped by about 35%, the data show.

That increase in electricity costs was the most since March 2009 and the jump in utility-piped gas service the biggest since August 2008, according to the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, which uses the labor statistics data for historical comparisons.

October’s increases are another sign of higher heating bills to come for U.S. households as winter approaches. U.S. prices for natural gas and oil are trading close to multi-year highs amid a global squeeze on supplies and labor shortages at U.S. coal mines adding to woes. This winter will be the costliest since at least 2014-2015 for households using gas, heating oil or electricity, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration.

U.S. Consumers Are Set to Pay Far More for Energy This Winter
“We’re looking at a much more expensive winter this year to heat your home,” said Mark Wolfe, who heads the National Energy Assistance Directors’ Association, the policy organization for state officials who administer federal energy support. “It’s pretty grim.”

A number of big U.S. power companies have warned customers about high bills this winter. Duke Energy Corp. is even in talks with its regulators about a proposal to lower the impact by spreading out the gas costs over two years.


On TB every waking moment



by Natalie Winters
November 8, 2021

Deleted webpages reveal Bill Gates praising a controversial Chinese Communist Party-backed influence group – the Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries – for its efforts to build “friendship.”

Gates, who has a long history of collaboration with the Chinese Communist Party in his personal and professional capacities, visited the Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries (CPAFFC) in June 2014 to deliver a speech on philanthropy.

The CPAFFC has been dubbed the “public face” of the United Front Work Department – a billion-dollar effort executed by the Chinese Communist Party seeking “to co-opt and neutralize sources of potential opposition to the policies and authority of its ruling Chinese Communist Party” and “influence foreign individuals and the policies of foreign states to serve Beijing’s interests,” according to the federal U.S.-China Security and Economic Review Commission.



Also referred to as “avowedly an arm of the party-state,” CPAFFC has been flagged by the U.S. State Department for its campaigns to “directly and malignly influence” American officials and business leaders.

Despite the CPAFFC’s known efforts to malignly influence Americans, archived webpages from a subsidiary of the CPAFFC, the China Friendship Foundation For Peace And Development, reveal Gates speaking at the association’s headquarters.

Gates’s speech was titled “Invent For The Poor,” and a CPAFFC summary of the event reveals the association’s president was in attendance:
Under the auspices of President Li Xiaolin, Mr. Bill Gates, dressed in a red short-sleeved T-shirt with a smile and confidence on his face, shared his personal experience in philanthropy and called on people to pay attention to the world, especially in Africa.
“He emphasized the non-negligible role played by the Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries in the world’s friendship and mutual assistance,” noted the CPAFFC’s summary of Gates’s speech.



In 2017, Gates also sent a congratulatory letter to the CPAFFC amidst its World Philanthropy Forum, jointly hosted alongside Tsinghua University. The school is the alma mater of regime leader Xi Jinping and hosts a “Marxist” journalism school, training the next generation of Chinese state-run media propagandists with the assistance of the New York Times, CNN, and others.


On TB every waking moment

Biden Starts To Freak Out About Soaring Inflation, Orders Economic Council To "Reduce Energy Costs"

WEDNESDAY, NOV 10, 2021 - 10:10 AM

When discussing today's "shock" CPI report we said that it was just a matter of time before there is a wave of political blowback that will make the recent anti-democrat revulsion in Virginia and NJ seem like amateur hour. Specifically, we said that "the explosive inflation surge threatens to exacerbate political challenges for President Brandon as he seeks to pass a nearly $2 trillion tax-and-spending package and defend razor-thin congressional majorities in next year’s midterm elections."

And most importantly, wage increases are NOT keeping pace with the soaring cost of living (real waged growth is negative)...

It took just a few minutes for this prediction to materialize because just around the time the market opened, Biden addressed the public and confirmed that unlike the Fed, he is finally starting to freak out about soaring prices, to wit:
... on inflation, today’s report shows an increase over last month.
Inflation hurts Americans pocketbooks, and reversing this trend is a top priority for me. The largest share of the increase in prices in this report is due to rising energy costs—and in the few days since the data for this report were collected, the price of natural gas has fallen.

I have directed my National Economic Council to pursue means to try to further reduce these costs, and have asked the Federal Trade Commission to strike back at any market manipulation or price gouging in this sector.
And just how does Biden plan on pulling this directive straight out of communist China? Will he restart the Keystone XL pipeline; or will the US fund shale producers - that could be awkward in light of Joe's faux environment concerns.

Then again, it's just optics confirming that in a time of near-record inflation, at least Biden's talk remains extremely cheap.

And speaking of cheap talk, the president also claimed that "other price increases reflect the ongoing struggle to restore smooth operations in the economy in the restart." Which, we assumes is what uncontrolled inflation is called by the White House today...

Hilariously, all this is happening just as Biden is still trying to shove trillions in additional, and quite inflationary fiscal stimulus down the country's throat which, make no mistake, will lead to even higher prices but not to the White House, which continues to claim that a plan that will require trillions in funding is actually, don't laugh, deflationary!
I am travelling to Baltimore today to highlight how my Infrastructure Bill will bring down these costs, reduce these bottlenecks, and make goods more available and less costly.
And just in case there is any doubt that Biden is contemplating replacing Powell with Hillary Clinton fangirl and Democrat Lael Brainard, Biden said he wants to "reemphasize my commitment to the independence of the federal reserve to monitor inflation, and take steps necessary to combat it." Translation: he wants to appoint a career democrat who will make it easier to push through the $150 trillion in QE needed over the next 30 years to pretend to fund "net zero" but is really meant to make the rich richer.
Going forward, it is important that Congress pass my Build Back Better plan, which is fully paid for and does not add to the debt, and will get more Americans working by reducing the cost of child care and elder care, and help directly lower costs for American families by providing more affordable health coverage and prescription drugs—alongside cutting taxes for 50 million Americans including for most families with children. 17 Nobel Prize winners in economics have said that my plan will “ease inflationary pressures.” And my plan does this without raising taxes on those making less than $400,000 or adding to the federal debt, by requiring the wealthiest and big corporations to start to pay their fair share in taxes.
Luckily, at least one Democrat is not a lunatic and just as Biden was delivering his prepared remarks, Democratic Senator Joe Manchin said that the “threat posed by record inflation to the American people is not ‘transitory’ and is instead getting worse.”

“From the grocery store to the gas pump, Americans know the inflation tax is real and DC can no longer ignore the economic pain Americans feel every day.”


To be clear, what he was referring to is Biden's $1.75 trillion (which really is more like $5 trillion) BBB plan (the same as the US credit rating after it passes), which will make galloping inflation quite "hyper" and which Manchin is - at least for now - clearly opposing.


On TB every waking moment

Greta Will Be Angry: US Joins China In Refusing To Sign Pledge To Phase Out Of Fossil-Fuel Vehicles

WEDNESDAY, NOV 10, 2021 - 12:26 PM
Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi and dozens of members of Congress converged on Glasgow this week, as COP26 enters its final few days, without any prospect of the US passing key climate-focused legislation before it ends.The senior US politicians flew to Scotland following a frantic few days on Capitol Hill, where US President Joe Biden managed to get his signature infrastructure bill through Congress, though without any of the major climate initiatives he had promised.

With days left until the end of the summit which concludes on Friday, climate activists have expressed disappointment about the lack of firm US commitments which is perhaps understandable since the last thing Biden needs, trying to explain to his woke constituency why soaring inflation is good for them, is to also having to inform the American public that a grand total of $150 trillion in new - and very inflationary - spending will be required to ram through the Net Zero agenda. Still, activists are hoping the presence of so many members of Congress in Glasgow will give them a chance to press the case for passing Biden’s $1.75tn social security package, which includes around $550bn of environmental provisions.

Biden has promised to put tackling climate change at the heart of his domestic agenda, and attended the Glasgow summit in person last week. But his administration disappointed many attendees when it refused to sign up to a pledge to phase out coal power, joining China and India in opting out of the 40-nation agreement.

To be sure, the White House on Sunday insisted it remained committed to the climate agenda, pointing out the range of measures in the Build Back Better bill.

They include $300bn to induce energy companies to build clean power and build charging infrastructure for electric vehicles, $29bn to help finance zero-emission technologies and $19bn in tax rebates to encourage households and factories to install clean technologies such as rooftop solar panels.

There is just one problem: overnight the US once again sided with the world's biggest polluter, China, when it refused to join a pledge to phase out fossil-fuel vehicles by 2040.

Instead, six major automakers on Wednesday made a meaningless commitment to phasing out the production of ICE vehicles around the world over the next 20 years, as part of global efforts to cut carbon emissions, the British government said in a statement.

But, like everything else at this hilariously fake climate change boondoggle which is only meant to appease the dumbest and most gullible members of society, not only did the US, China and Germany not endorse this pledge, but the the biggest carmakers including the world’s top two, Toyota Motor Corp and Volkswagen AG also have not signed up. In short, just more theater.

And without action on ICE engines, the world's so-called commitment to Net Zero is just one giant fraud: cars, trucks, ships, buses and planes account for about a quarter of all global carbon emissions, data from the International Energy Agency showed, of which the bulk comes from road vehicles.

While a bunch of otherwise green automakers, such as Sweden’s Volvo, Ford Motor and General Motors, Daimler’s Mercedes-Benz, China’s BYD Co and Jaguar Land Rover, a unit of India’s Tata Motors Ltd, were set to sign the pledge at climate talks in Glasgow, the apparent unwillingness of China, the world’s largest car market, and the United States - the world’s largest economy and second-largest car market - to join the pledge raises questions about its effectiveness.
Sources told Reuters that while the United States is not joining the pledge, key car-buying states like California and New York have signed up.

An auto industry source said some carmakers are wary of the pledge because it commits them to a costly shift in technology, but lacks a similar commitment from governments to ensure that the necessary charging and grid infrastructure would be built to support electric vehicles.

In other words, those signing up are only hoping that this will make it easier for them to demand government subsidies in the future, which if not on R&D, can at least be spent on buybacks and other actions enabling early retirement for the C-suite.

The world’s No. 4 carmaker, Stellantis, was also missing from the latest pledge, as were Japanese carmakers Honda Motor Co Ltd and Nissan Motor Co Ltd; Germany’s BMW and Korea’s Hyundai Motor Co .


On TB every waking moment

Peter Schiff: Inflation Is Crushing Working- & Middle-Class Americans' Quality Of Life

WEDNESDAY, NOV 10, 2021 - 11:25 AM

Despite government officials and central bankers continuing to peddle the “transitory” inflation narrative, the average American isn’t buying it. They feel the squeeze of rising prices in their wallets. And it’s the average American who is hurt particularly hard by the skyrocketing cost of living. Peter Schiff appeared on the Megyn Kelly show to talk about how inflation really hurts working and middle-class Americans.

Even as inflation rises, the Biden administration continues to spend money at a torrid pace. The borrowing and spending will only increase inflationary pressures.

Administration officials claim the “the rich” will pay for all of the spending, but as Peter pointed out, this simply isn’t true.
In fact, a lot of people who are rich end up benefitting from inflation because inflation also pushes up the value of assets that a lot of rich people own. But unfortunately, a lot of middle-class Americans don’t own those assets. They just get stuck with the bill. They earn wages, but their wages don’t rise nearly as much as the cost of living. And so, even though they get a bigger paycheck, they’re actually earning less, because when they go to spend those dollars, they can’t buy nearly as much stuff.”
Peter said that’s why inflation is the worst way to pay for government.
It’s the most regressive form of taxation. It hits hardest those who could least afford to pay. That is the biggest problem because Biden wants to pretend we’re getting all this government for free. Nothing is free — especially government. And whenever the government pretends you’re getting something for nothing, it’s a lie. They’re just trying to win your vote. But then you don’t realize that they’re buying your vote with your own money.”
Megyn asked Peter to explain the recently announced Fed taper. Should we be glad the central bank is going to buy fewer bonds?

Peter said they shouldn’t be buying any Treasury bonds to begin with.
That is part of the problem. They never should have bought any bonds. That was quantitative easing. But that is the mechanism for creating inflation. They print money and then they buy government bonds.”
7:30 min

Peter said he has a hard time believing the Fed will be able to live up to its commitment to the taper.
As the US government increases spending — and we know we’re going to get this infrastructure bill. We’re going to get this “build back better” bill. They’re going to get passed. There’s not going to be nearly enough tax increases to cover the cost. So, the Federal Reserve is going to end up buying even more bonds. Even if it’s saying it’s going to buy less, it’s going to end up buying even more because that’s the only way to pay for all the spending.”
And Peter emphasized all of these spending plans will end up costing more than the government initially claims.

Megyn summed it up — the government won’t be able to tax Jeff Bezos enough to pay for all of this spending. It won’t even be able to tax the average American enough. So, it will have to turn to the Fed for more quantitative easing and money printing to pay for it. That will mean even higher inflation.

Peter emphasized that the true cost of government is what it spends – not what it collects in taxes.
Every dollar of government spending needs to be paid for. And so, if it’s not paid for through taxation, it’s paid for through some other means, and that is inflation. And just because the Federal Reserve prints money and gives it to the government to spend, it doesn’t mean that we’re getting all that spending for free. We’re going to pay much higher prices for consumer goods. And that means Americans are going to have to reduce their spending because everything is going to cost a lot more. And since we don’t have an unlimited amount of money people are going to buy a lot less, which is exactly what would happen if their taxes went up.”
Megyn used her 80-year-old mom as an example. Her mother is on a fixed income and it doesn’t go up. She is the kind of person who is pinched by increased prices. Peter agreed, saying people on a fixed income are hit particularly hard by inflation.
If you’re younger and you still have a job, you can at least recover some of the inflation with higher wages. … It may not be enough to completely offset the increase, but at least you get some of it back. But if you’re retired and you’re living on a fixed income, that income is not going up. But your cost of living is. And so, it’s particularly troublesome for older retired people like your mom. And I think a lot of Americans who are preparing to retire now are going to have to rethink their plans. Because there’s no way the money that they’ve saved and the income streams that they anticipate receiving are going to be sufficient given the much higher cost of living that we’re going to be experiencing. And this is not just going to be a few percent a year. We’re talking double-digit increases in the cost of living for many, many years in a row. … So if your income stream doesn’t keep up, you’re getting poorer.


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INSANE: Biden Signs Another Climate Agreement with China – What Are They Giving Away This Time?

By Joe Hoft
Published November 10, 2021 at 7:00pm


Nobody voted for these people and this is why. The Biden/Obama Administration claims China and climate change are America’s biggest threats at the same time they sign an agreement with China related to emissions.

The current administration is corrupt and will do anything for power. They care not about Americans and their actions show it.

Today it’s reported that the Biden/Obama Administration claimed that climate change and China are two of America’s biggest risks. At the same time, they signed an agreement with China regarding climate change. Of course China, arguably by far the world’s largest polluter, really doesn’t give a damn about pollution or climate change.

Pentagon press secretary John Kirby, who seems to always be shredding the truth, had this to say:

.33 min

At the same time the US was signing a climate deal with China:
Kirby’s comments came around the same time on Wednesday that the U.S. and China announced a plan to work together to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The agreement includes plans to cooperate on regulatory frameworks and environmental standards to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, maximizing the societal benefits of the clean energy transition, and policies to encourage decarbonization and move toward electrification of their energy systems, among other changes.
The agreement also laid out a goal for the U.S. to have “100% carbon pollution-free electricity by 2035” while China will “phase down coal consumption during the 15th Five Year Plan and make best efforts to accelerate this work.”
Following the announcement, the Washington Post reported John Kerry, President Joe Biden’s special envoy for climate issues, said the deal is “a step we can build on in order to help close the gap.”
Then again, ever since the day John Kerry lied about his escapades in Viet Nam, he is someone not to be trusted.

What are the bets that the US will give the farm while China will do nothing? Kerry may be lying about this or he may still be one of the worst deal makers in history. China is smiling.


On TB every waking moment
10:29 min

The SHOCKING contents to Biden’s Build Back Better bill EXPOSED

Nov 10, 2021

Glenn Beck

The Biden administration is writing so many plans, bills, and acts, it’s too hard to keep track of them. But, perhaps, that’s their intent — because the contents to the ‘Build Back Better’ bill are so shocking, far-left politicians probably would prefer you didn’t know. But that’s why Congresswoman Kat Cammack, from Florida, joins Glenn to describe EXACTLY what’s inside and why you must call your members of Congress ‘every single day.’


On TB every waking moment
12:49 min

The far left just ADMITTED they want to BANKRUPT coal, oil, & gas

Nov 10, 2021

Glenn Beck

‘Pain is coming,’ Glenn warns…because members of the far-left have admitted TWICE recently their desire to ‘bankrupt’ the coal, oil, and gas industries by 2030. But that would eliminate 25 PERCENT of our electricity, Glenn explains. They’re trying to purposefully destroy our country, Glenn says, and this is just one of the ways they want to make it happen: ‘This is all by design.’


On TB every waking moment

One of AOC’s Worst Green New Deal Ideas is Included in Biden’s ‘Build Back Better’ Plan

The plan would simply waste money, create zero jobs on net, and do nothing to mitigate climate change.
Flickr/Gage Skidmore (CC BY-SA 2.0) & Flickr/Ståle Grut NRKbeta (CC BY-SA 2.0)

By BRADLEY POLUMBO Published on November 10, 2021

The fate of President Biden’s multi-trillion-dollar social spending agenda, the “Build Back Better” plan, has consumed the political conversation in recent weeks. Amid all the furious attempts at reading political tea leaves, a curious fact has flown under the radar: The latest iteration of Biden’s plan includes one of Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s worst ideas.

“Happy to announce creation of a U.S. Civilian Climate Corps is now in the Build Back Better Act,” the far-left congresswoman recently tweeted. Referencing the public works “job creation” scheme first proposed as part of the Green New Deal, Ocasio-Cortez claimed the initiative will create 300,000 jobs while combating the “climate crisis” and “environmental injustice.”

7:35 min

Indeed, a perusal of White House communications makes it clear that the plan for a Civilian Climate Corps — not long ago considered a radical pipe dream — is now part of the president’s plan.

“The Build Back Better Framework will create a Civilian Climate Corps with over 300K members that look like America,” the official White House Twitter account wrote. “This workforce will conserve public lands, bolster community resilience, address the changing climate, and put good-paying union jobs within reach for more people.”

If a Civilian Climate Corps wastes billions, creates zero jobs, and doesn’t even help the climate, why on Earth has President Biden included it in his spending agenda?

“Climate change has become a climate crisis,” Vice President Kamala Harris similarly said in a speech promoting the plan. “But today we know that this moment of crisis is also a moment of opportunity … an opportunity to create good, union jobs.”

“Once these bills are passed … young people will join our new Civilian Climate Corps,” she continued. “These are the opportunities we have within our grasp right now.”

2:29 min


Surrender Your Earnings to the State
With the proposal gaining momentum in Washington, DC, it’s well worth examining its actual merits. And even a cursory glance reveals that in reality the plan would simply waste money, create zero jobs on net, and do nothing to mitigate climate change.

According to Fox News, the latest bill text allocates $8 billion in taxpayer funds for this Civilian Climate Corps initiative. That’s a sizable sum that could be spent elsewhere — or better yet, left in our pockets to begin with. Yet under the Biden-AOC plan, the federal government would use that $8 billion to create well-paying jobs for young people who want to be employed full-time doing environmental activism and community projects.

Yet the claim that this would “create” jobs is false, at least on net. Sure, it would “create” some jobs in this new Climate Corps. But the government cannot create resources out of thin air. Whatever money it spent to put these climate change activists to “work” would have to, directly or indirectly, come from elsewhere in the economy.

As Henry Hazlitt wrote in Economics in One Lesson,
It is highly improbable that the projects thought up by the bureaucrats will provide the same net addition to wealth and welfare, per dollar expended, as would have been provided by the taxpayers themselves, if they had been individually permitted to buy or have made what they themselves wanted, instead of being forced to surrender part of their earnings to the state.
Simply put, a dollar spent paying a 19-year-old to plant flowers is a dollar not spent by a private company paying them to deliver food, and so on. So, there’s no reason at all to believe a Civilian Climate Corps would create jobs on net.

Make-Work Schemes With No Noticeable Impact on the Climate
Perhaps most damning, the Civilian Climate Corps would make a statistically negligible difference in reducing U.S. carbon emissions, the stated goal of the Biden administration’s plans. Even halting all U.S. vehicle emissions would barely make a dent in global emission levels, and make-work schemes like this would have no noticeable impact, simply as a matter of scale. Even many supporters of the idea acknowledge this.

“Emissions reduction, obviously, is the goal we need to achieve for the sake of safety,” Democratic Senator Sheldon Whitehouse said. “To be clear, I support a Civilian Climate Corps. It just doesn’t measurably reduce emissions.”

So, if a Civilian Climate Corps wastes billions, creates zero jobs, and doesn’t even help the climate, why on Earth has President Biden included it in his spending agenda? Whatever his reasons, wasting $10 billion on AOC’s fever dreams is a raw deal for American taxpayers.



Pete Buttigieg — ‘Highway underpasses are racist’…
Posted by Kane on November 9, 2021 12:59 pm
.44 min

Only Black and Puerto Rican kids rode buses in Pete’s Racist Fantasy — “If an underpass was constructed such that a bus carrying mostly Black and Puerto Rican kids to a beach in New York was designed too low for it to pass by, that that obviously reflects racism that went into those design choices.”

Here’s the full clip from today’s White House presser
3:01 min

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View attachment 301487
REALLY?!! Do black and Puerto Rican kids ride REALLY TALL busses no one else rides? Has ANYONE ever seen a highway overpass specifically designed to be too low for busses?! Has this moron fried his brain on nitrous poppers and coke, or was he born flat out stupid?!



On TB every waking moment

Sen. Tom Cotton Slams Biden for Rising Gas Prices: ‘This Is by Design’

Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark., interrupts a fellow senator during a confirmation hearing of the Senate Intelligence Committee for CIA nominee Gina Haspel, on Capitol Hill, Wednesday, May 9, 2018 in Washington. (AP Photo/Alex Brandon)
Alex Brandon/AP Photo

Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) charged President Joe Biden in a tweet Thursday with purposely causing gas prices to rise, saying that “this is by design.”

“The high cost of gas is not an unintended consequence. It’s what Joe Biden and the Democrats want to get people out of SUVs and trucks. This is by design,” the senator asserted, though he is not the first to do so:

Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY) also contended on Thursday that high gas prices are, in fact, the “intended effect,” most likely to decrease the use of fossil fuels in the name of fighting climate change:

“Obama’s Energy Sec once said ‘we have to figure out how to boost the price of gasoline to the levels in Europe,’” Massie wrote, adding, “Recently Biden’s Energy Sec laughed when asked what could be done to lower gas prices.” Massie then charged, “High prices aren’t a side effect of their policies – it’s the intended effect.”
SAN RAFAEL, CALIFORNIA - OCTOBER 05: Gas prices approaching $5 a gallon are displayed in front of a Shell gas station on October 05, 2021 in San Rafael, California. Gas prices in the U.S. are continuing to rise to the highest level since 2014. According to AAA, the national average for a gallon of regular unleaded gasoline inched up to $3.20 over the last month, over $1 per gallon more than one year ago. (Photo by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)

SAN RAFAEL, CALIFORNIA – OCTOBER 05: Gas prices approaching $5 a gallon are displayed in front of a Shell gas station on October 05, 2021, in San Rafael, California (Photo by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images).

Many talking heads on the left continue to insist that “presidents do not control gas prices,” some suggesting gas prices are high because “Saudi Arabia is withholding oil production,” thus driving up inflation in the U.S.

But while Biden oversees the highest gas prices in seven years — with the AAA reporting an average price of more than $3.40 — he continues to cripple America by making the country more dependent on foreign actors who have the potential to “withhold” oil in the first place.

Biden started his presidency by canceling the Keystone Pipeline, halting energy exploration on federal land, and ending America’s energy independence, which was gained under former President Donald Trump. His administration has openly said it will not increase domestic oil production to help lower gas prices in the United States and, instead, has begged OPEC to increase its production abroad.
In this Nov. 3, 2015, photo, the Keystone Steele City pumping station, into which the planned Keystone XL pipeline is to connect to, is seen in Steele City, Neb. The Obama administration says Nov. 4, it is continuing a review of the proposed Keystone XL oil pipeline, despite a request by the project's developer to suspend the review. (AP Photo/Nati Harnik)
AP Photo/Nati Harnik

While his administration touts his “green” Build Back Better agenda as the solution to fighting inflation, experts largely forecast Democrats’ spending bills will do little to boost economic recovery. Meanwhile, Biden continues to enable other countries to produce oil while stymieing production at home. Soon after he canceled the Keystone Pipeline, he removed Trump-era Russia sanctions in order to streamline construction on the Nord Stream 2 pipeline to Germany.

The problem has persisted long enough that the Biden administration can no longer get away with calling inflation “transitory.” Instead, they laugh on live television when questioned about gas prices, admit the irony of asking OPEC for oil while fighting “climate change” at home, and continue to study the impacts of shutting down another pipeline. In a flashier show of hand, Biden’s Comptroller of the Currency nominee actually “said the quiet part out loud.”

“We want them [the oil and gas companies] to go bankrupt if we want to tackle climate change,” Saule Omarova said:

A New York Times reporter outright asked Biden in October at the G20 Summit to raise gasoline prices on middle class people around the world to reduce carbon emissions and curtail climate change. The reporter’s question prompted a nervous grin from the president, knowing full well that such an initiative would be political suicide.

“Well, because they have to get to work,” Biden responded. “They have to get in the automobile, turn on the key, get their kids to school. School buses have to run. That’s the reason why; you know that. The idea that there is an alternative to walk away from being able to get in your automobile is just not realistic. It’s just not going to happen.”

The president acknowledged that gas prices higher than $3.35 a gallon have a tremendous economic impact on the middle class.

“By the way, when the cost of a gallon of gasoline gets to above $3.35 a gallon, it has a profound impact on the working-class families just to get back-and-forth to work,” he said. “So I don’t see anything inconsistent with that.”


On TB every waking moment

"They Have Lost Control" - Michael Snyder Warns "Our Destination Is Economic Collapse"

THURSDAY, NOV 11, 2021 - 04:20 PM
Authored by Michael Snyder via,

I think that they actually believed that they could get away with it. I think that they were actually convinced that they could create, borrow and spend trillions upon trillions of dollars without any serious long-term consequences.

But they should have known better. The people running things are very highly “educated”, and after spending decades getting to their current positions they are supposed to be “experts” that we can trust with very difficult decisions.

Unfortunately, the “experts” have put us on a path that leads to currency collapse and financial ruin.

All throughout history, there have been many governments that have given in to the temptation to create money at an exponential rate, and it has ended badly every single time.

So our leaders should have known better.
But it is just so tempting, because pumping out money like crazy always seems to work out just great at first. For example, when the Weimar Republic first started wildly creating money it created an economic boom, but we all know how that experiment turned out in the end.

This week, the mainstream media is full of talk about inflation, and many of the talking heads seem mystified that things have gotten so bad. But anyone with half a brain should have been able to see that this was coming. Just look at what has been happening to M2 since the start of the pandemic.

What we have been doing to the money supply is complete and utter lunacy, and this is inevitably going to kill the U.S. dollar eventually.

Next, I would like for you to take a look at how rapidly the Fed balance sheet has been rising. This is the sort of thing that you would expect to see in a banana republic.

I think that our leaders deceived themselves into thinking that they could get away with creating money so recklessly, but they haven’t.

Very painful inflation is here, and on Wednesday we learned that prices have been rising at the fastest pace in more than 30 years
The consumer price index, which is a basket of products ranging from gasoline and health care to groceries and rents, rose 6.2% from a year ago, the most since December 1990. That compared with the 5.9% Dow Jones estimate.
On a monthly basis, the CPI increased 0.9% against the 0.6% estimate.
If inflation continues to rise at about 1 percent a month, it won’t be too long before we are well into double digits on a yearly basis.

Of course I don’t actually put too much faith in the inflation numbers that the government gives us, because the way inflation is calculated has been changed more than two dozen times since 1980.

And every time the definition of inflation has been changed, the goal has been to make inflation appear to be lower.

According to John Williams of, if inflation was still calculated the way it was back in 1980, the official rate of inflation would be close to 15 percent right now.

This is a real national crisis, and it isn’t going away any time soon.

One of the factors that is driving up the overall rate of inflation is the price of gasoline. If you can believe it, the price of gas is almost 50 percent higher than it was last year at this time…
Gasoline prices last month shot up nearly 50% from the same month a year ago, putting them at levels last seen in 2014. Grocery prices climbed 5.4%, with pork prices up 14.1% from a year ago, the biggest increase since 1990.
Prices for new vehicles jumped 9.8% in October, the largest rise since 1975, while prices for furniture and bedding leapt by the most since 1951. Prices for tires and sports equipment rose by the most since the early 1980s.
Even Joe Biden is using the term “exceedingly high” to describe the current state of gasoline prices.

Other forms of energy are also becoming a lot more expensive
The price of electricity in October increased 6.5% from the same month a year ago while consumer expenses paid to utilities for gas went up 28%, according to numbers released Wednesday by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Fuel oil rose 59%, and costs for propane, kerosene and firewood jumped by about 35%, the data show.
It is going to cost you a lot more money to heat your home this winter.
I hope that you are prepared for that.

Speaking of homes, they continued to shoot up in price during the third quarter…
The median price of single-family existing homes rose in nearly all — 99% — of the 183 markets tracked by the National Association of Realtors in the third quarter, with double-digit price increases seen in 78% of the markets.
If our paychecks were rising fast enough to keep up with inflation, then at least our standard of living would remain the same.

But that isn’t happening, is it?

In fact, the Labor Department’s own numbers show that real average hourly earnings are going down
The Labor Department reported Friday that average hourly earnings increased 0.4% in October, about in line with estimates. That was the good news.

However, the department reported Wednesday that top-line inflation for the month increased 0.9%, far more than what had been expected. That was the bad news – very bad news, in fact.

That’s because it meant that all told, real average hourly earnings when accounting for inflation, actually decreased 0.5% for the month.
What this means is that our standard of living is going down.

And it is going to keep going down.

In a desperate attempt to maintain the status quo, many Americans are taking on more debt than ever before
American households are carrying record amounts of debt as home and auto prices surge, Covid infections continue to fall and people get out their credit cards again.

Between July and September, US household debt climbed to a new record of $15.24 trillion, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York said Tuesday.
How in the world did we allow ourselves to get 15 trillion dollars in debt?
Of course many would point out that the federal government is an even worse offender. Very shortly, the U.S. national debt will cross the 29 trillion dollar mark.

As our leaders in Washington continue to engage in the greatest debt binge in world history, the U.S. dollar will steadily lose value.

This is going to deeply affect everyone and everything in our society. For instance, just check out the pain that inflation is causing for one food bank in the San Francisco area
In the prohibitively expensive San Francisco Bay Area, the Alameda County Community Food Bank in Oakland is spending an extra $60,000 a month on food. Combined with increased demand, it is now shelling out $1 million a month to distribute 4.5 million pounds (2 million kilograms) of food, said Michael Altfest, the Oakland food bank’s director of community engagement.

Pre-pandemic, it was spending a quarter of the money for 2.5 million pounds (1.2 million kilograms) of food.
I warned you way ahead of time that this was coming, and what we have experienced so far is just the beginning.

The “experts” running the Fed and our politicians in Washington aren’t going to suddenly reverse direction.

In fact, Congress just passed another gigantic spending bill that Joe Biden desperately wanted.

Our course has been set and there is no turning back.

Our destination is economic collapse, and life in America will never, ever be the same again.


On TB every waking moment

Exposed: Klaus Schwab's School For Covid Dictators, Plan for 'Great Reset' (Videos)

Michael Lord
November 10, 2021


Economist Ernst Wolff believes that a hidden alliance of political and corporate leaders is exploiting the pandemic with the aim of crashing national economies and introducing a global digital currency.

How is it that more than 190 governments from all over the world ended up dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic in almost exactly the same manner, with lockdowns, mask mandates, and vaccination cards now being commonplace everywhere? The answer may lie in the Young Global Leaders school, which was established and managed by Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum, and that many of today’s prominent political and business leaders passed through on their way to the top.

The German economist, journalist, and author Ernst Wolff has revealed some facts about Schwab’s “Young Global Leaders” school that are relevant for understanding world events during the pandemic in a video from the German Corona Committee podcast. While Wolff is mainly known as a critic of the globalist financial system, recently he has focused on bringing to light what he sees as the hidden agenda behind the anti-Covid measures being enacted around the world.

Mysterious Beginnings
The story begins with the World Economic Forum (WEF), which is an NGO founded by Klaus Schwab, a German economist and mechanical engineer, in Switzerland in 1971, when he was only 32. The WEF is best-known to the public for the annual conferences it holds in Davos, Switzerland each January that aim to bring together political and business leaders from around the world to discuss the problems of the day. Today, it is one of the most important networks in the world for the globalist power elite, being funded by approximately a thousand multinational corporations.

The WEF, which was originally called the European Management Forum until 1987, succeeded in bringing together 440 executives from 31 nations already at its very first meeting in February 1971, which as Wolff points out was an unexpected achievement for someone like Schwab, who had very little international or professional experience prior to this. Wolff believes the reason may be due to the contacts Schwab made during his university education, including studying with no less a person than former National Security Advisor and Secretary of State Henry Kissinger. Wolff also points out that while Schwab was there, the Harvard Business School had been in the process of planning a management forum of their own, and it is possible that Harvard ended up delegating the task of organizing it to him.

The Forum initially only brought together people from the economic field, but before long, it began attracting politicians, prominent figures from the media (including from the BBC and CNN), and even celebrities.

Schwab’s Young Global Leaders: Incubator of the Great Reset?
In 1992 Schwab established a parallel institution, the Global Leaders for Tomorrow school, which was re-established as Young Global Leaders in 2004.

Attendees at the school must apply for admission and are then subjected to a rigorous selection process. Members of the school’s very first class in 1992 already included many who went on to become important liberal political figures, such as Angela Merkel, Nicolas Sarkozy, and Tony Blair. There are currently about 1,300 graduates of this school, and the list of alumni includes several names of those who went on to become leaders of the health institutions of their respective nations. Four of them are former and current health ministers for Germany, including Jens Spahn, who has been Federal Minister of Health since 2018. Philipp Rösler, who was Minister of Health from 2009 until 2011, was appointed the WEF’s Managing Director by Schwab in 2014.

Other notable names on the school’s roster are Jacinda Ardern, the Prime Minister of New Zealand whose stringent lockdown measures have been praised by global health authorities; Emmanuel Macron, the President of France; Sebastian Kurz, who was until recently the Chancellor of Austria; Viktor Orbán, Prime Minister of Hungary; Jean-Claude Juncker, former Prime Minister of Luxembourg and President of the European Commission; and Annalena Baerbock, the leader of the German Greens who was the party’s first candidate for Chancellor in this year’s federal election, and who is still in the running to be Merkel’s successor. We also find California Governor Gavin Newsom on the list, who was selected for the class of 2005, as well as former presidential candidate and current US Secretary of Transportation Peter Buttigieg, who is a very recent alumnus, having been selected for the class of 2019. All of these politicians who were in office during the past two years have favored harsh responses to the COVID-19 pandemic, and which also happened to considerably increase their respective governments’ power.
  • Image-1-1.png
    Gavin Newsom, Young Global Leaders Class of 2005.
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    Angela Merkel, Global Leaders for Tomorrow Class of 1992.
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    Peter Buttigieg, Young Global Leaders Class of 2019.
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    Emmanuel Macron, Young Global Leaders Class of 2017.
But the school’s list of alumni is not limited to political leaders. We also find many of the captains of private industry there, including Microsoft’s Bill Gates, Amazon’s Jeff Bezos, Virgin’s Richard Branson, and the Clinton Foundation’s Chelsea Clinton. Again, all of them expressed support for the global response to the pandemic, and many reaped considerable profits as a result of the measures.
  • Image-1-2-853x1024.jpg
    Jeff Bezos, Global Leaders for Tomorrow Class of 1998.
  • Image-1-3-1-679x1024.jpg
    Bill Gates, Global Leaders for Tomorrow Class of 1993.
Wolff believes that the people behind the WEF and the Global Leaders school are the ones who really determine who will become political leaders, although he stresses that he doesn’t believe that Schwab himself is the one making these decisions but is merely a facilitator. He further points out that the school’s alumni include not only Americans and Europeans, but also people from Asia, Africa, and South America, indicating that its reach is truly worldwide.

In 2012, Schwab and the WEF founded yet another institution, the “Global Shapers Community,” which brings together those identified by them as having leadership potential from around the world who are under 30. Approximately 10,000 participants have passed through this program to date, and they regularly hold meetings in 400 cities. Wolff believes that it is yet another proving ground where future political leaders are being selected, vetted, and groomed before being positioned in the world’s political apparatus.

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