GOV/MIL Main "Great Reset" Thread


On TB every waking moment

While Everyone Cheers Soaring "Wealth", America's Social Order Is Unraveling

SATURDAY, OCT 02, 2021 - 11:50 AM
Authored by Charles Hugh Smith via OfTwoMinds blog,

So by all means, focus on the inexorable rise of stocks, cryptos and housing as "proof" of America's soaring "wealth" while the social order unravels beneath our feet.

It is a supremely tragic irony that while the corporate media ceaselessly touts America's soaring financial "wealth," the nation's true wealth--its social order--is fast unraveling. While we're encouraged to cheer billionaires blowing a tiny sliver of their wealth on space tourism and $500 million yachts as evidence of "prosperity," our media and leadership (ahem) professes to being mystified by The Great Resignation, known here on Of Two Minds as The 'Take This Job and Shove It' Recession, and other unmistakable signs of unraveling.

(This era's anthem should be Johnny Paycheck's timeless classic, Take This Job And Shove It 2:31).

In my analysis, the social order is comprised of all the intangible social elements which serve to bind a nation's people beyond their legal rights.

The social order includes (but is not limited to) social (upward) mobility--the ladder to advancing one's agency (control of one's life) and opportunities for improved security and well-being.

The social order also includes civic virtue, the willingness to share the sacrifices of one's fellow citizens for the common good in proportion to one's wealth and power, and equal treatment before the law, not just as an abstraction but in the real world of the judicial system.

The social order also includes the moral legitimacy of the governance system: does the state (government) serve the citizenry, or is it the other way around?

Lastly, the social order manifests social cohesion, which is the capacity for shared values and purpose and common ground, all of which generate a concern for the well-being of other citizens and a willingness to focus on shared interests.

America has lost all of these elements, as self-interest is the only value, purpose and goal that guides behavior, starting at the top: how do politicians acquire fortunes in excess of $100 million (cough, Pelosi, cough)?
Through public service? (Don't bust a gut laughing...) How do billionaires gain additional wealth so effortlessly (cough, Federal Reserve, cough)?

The rot starts at the top and then seeps down into every fiber of the nation's economic, social and political orders. As noted here previously, America is now a moral cesspool, and "democracy" is merely the public-relations cover for a neofeudal autocracy.

Behind every PR narrative lies the corruption of self-interest. How is it that day-traders now rabidly follow Pelosi's stock portfolio, and super-wealthy Federal Reserve "leaders" front-run the Fed's policies to further enrich themselves while claiming the mantle of "public service"?

How does a child molester like Jeffrey Epstein end up entertaining Bill Clinton, Bill Gates, the Harvard elite, and a veritable who's who of America's wealthy and powerful players?

The evidence of irreversible social decay is everywhere: road rage is now ubiquitous in aircraft and other social settings, common ground has vanished, and the willingness or even the capacity to identify common interests has been pulverized by the supremacy of self-interest.

"Reform" is another insider joke. Real reform might impinge on the wealth and power of our self-interested elites, so what we have instead is simulacra of reform which only add additional friction to a system choking on bureaucratic sand in the gears.

Homeless encampments are now just another accepted reflection of "soaring wealth and prosperity" in America, along with the declining prospects and wealth of the bottom 80%. If you fail to repeat the party line with sufficient enthusiasm, Big Tech will send you to the Digital Gulag.

The more that politicians, Fed governors, insiders and billionaires bleat that they really, really care about commoners, the greater the gulf between the reality of their self-interest and their laughably transparent PR. As the apologists, toadies, lackeys, factotums and apparatchiks frantically spew rah-rah PR about the "recovery" (you mean we're all addicts and are now "recovering"?), the workforce is finally awakening to the emptiness of the PR and the decay of America's social order: the rewards of the economy have flowed to two classes, the Financial Aristocracy, the top 0.1% who now own more wealth than the bottom 80% of American households, and speculators, from the front-running scammers on Wall Street to the daytraders gambling their Pelosi portfolios.

So by all means, focus on the inexorable rise of stocks, cryptos and housing as "proof" of America's soaring "wealth" while the social order unravels beneath our feet.

Self-interest never had it so good.


On TB every waking moment

German Wind Turbine Mysteriously Collapses One Day Before It Was Supposed To Officially Be Inaugurated

SATURDAY, OCT 02, 2021 - 07:35 AM
A massive wind turbine in the town of Haltern, Germany, collapsed just hours before it was set to be inaugurated this week.

The huge alternative energy device sported rotor blades at a height of 784 feet, according to a report by AP. It fell over, without warning, late on Wednesday this week.

The turbine was supposed to be officially launched the next day and had been hooked up to the power grid for over six months.

It's part of a larger effort in Germany to use renewable energy while the country attempts to transition not only away from fossil fuels, but away from nuclear.

Recall, Friday morning we wrote about a recently penned letter from professors from Oxford, Harvard and American University alongside a group of environmentalists, encouraging Germany to postpone their exit from nuclear power.

Noting that many Germans aren't happy with the job politicians are doing addressing climate change, the letter notes that Germany's "emissions are rising sharply again, at a time when they need to be falling fast".

Emissions in 2021 "are forecast to stand at only 37 per cent below the 1990 baseline level, still 3 per cent short of the 2020 target of a 40 per cent reduction (which has in effect been missed)," the letter says.

The country's next goal of a 65% cut by 2030 is in "serious jeopardy", it argues.

The letter then notes that Germany "is not taking full advantage of all possibilities" and that it is shutting down nuclear reactors two decades ahead of when it needs to. These nuclear reactors produce "8 gigawatts of low-carbon power generation, presently meeting 10 per cent of national daytime demand".

The letter urges the postponement of shutting down these reactors, as other types of renewables come online in the interim. The letter forcefully concluded:
There is still time to set matters straight. Germany could yet alter course and adjust its order of priority to exit coal before nuclear. All it would take is the stroke of a pen to reinstate the former life extensions, agreed in 2010, to the plants to between 2030 and 2036.
Is any politician brave enough to implement this concrete change that would unequivocally make a positive impact upon emissions, at what is a critical moment in the climate crisis? This emergency action — a postponement of the nuclear exit, not a cancellation — would rightfully earn the respect of the younger generation.
Sabotage was said not to be suspected with the wind turbine.


On TB every waking moment

Blackburn: Democrats’ ‘Socialist Agenda Is About Tearing Down This Country’

TRENT BAKER1 Oct 2021249

Friday on Fox News Channel’s “The Faulkner Focus,” Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) tore into Democrats for continuing to push their massive spending package.

Blackburn said the Democrats’ “socialist agenda is about tearing down this country.” She warned all the spending, which has caused some division in the Democratic Party, would only drive up taxes to pay for it all.

“I think they are headed to a stalemate … because what Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden and Chuck Schumer are doing, they are talking to people in the Beltway.

They are not outside of the Beltway. And the American people have decided that this socialist agenda is about tearing down this country,” Blackburn outlined.

She continued, “It is about stripping our institutions, federal control of our schools and of our health care, closing our churches. These are the things that people are seeing. They are furious about inflation, the price at the pump. And what they are saying is, ‘Stop it.’ That is why the president’s numbers are tanking.

It is why Pelosi cannot get the votes together, because most people across this country, they love this country. They love what this country stands for, and they know that this $3.5 trillion spending bill, which is actually about $5 trillion, plus the $1.2 trillion in infrastructure, plus the $1.9 trillion they’ve already done is to drive up the debt so that they can increase the taxes and say, ‘Oh, by the way, don’t look at that number, it’s paid for.’ And people do not believe it, and thank goodness they are waking up.”


On TB every waking moment

Rockefellers have a message for Joe Manchin
Opinion by John D. Rockefeller V, Justin Rockefeller and Valerie Rockefeller

Updated 9:21 PM ET, Thu September 30, 2021

John D. Rockefeller V, Justin Rockefeller and Valerie Rockefeller are the adult children of former West Virginia Governor and Senator Jay Rockefeller. They are fifth generation members of the Rockefeller family. The views expressed in this commentary belong to the authors. View more opinion at CNN.

(CNN)We were raised in coal country, about two hours south of Sen. Joe Manchin's hometown, with a commitment to public service. Like Sen. Manchin, our father, five-term Sen. Jay Rockefeller, served as secretary of state and governor before being elected to the US Senate. And like Sen. Manchin, our father, who is now retired, has deep respect for the state's legacy of hard work and grit.

Manchin has served our state well. He is a caring and determined leader who we've been honored to know as our father's colleague and friend. Unfortunately, when it comes to our state's future (whether it's the jobs West Virginians will hold or the energy they'll consume), Manchin is sticking with a problematic past by opposing the Senate's $3.5 trillion reconciliation bill. Only by supporting that bill can Manchin lead West Virginia boldly into the clean-energy future that will help the people he has been elected to serve.

Manchin could be the deciding vote on the reconciliation bill that would help fund infrastructure projects and a wide array of social programs. The senator expressed his concerns about the bill's price tag in a Wall Street Journal op-ed, yet failed to acknowledge that delaying the reconciliation bill and jeopardizing the infrastructure bill is a dangerous move that could end up costing the entire country, as well as the people of West Virginia.

He also failed to acknowledge the bill can be financed in large part by reversing the 2017 corporate tax cuts the senator himself voted against —but now refuses to raise to the rate called for in the bill, opting instead for a middle ground. By holding up the reconciliation bill, the senator is jeopardizing funds necessary to uplift West Virginia's economic outlook and resilience at a time when the state is grappling with the country's lowest life expectancy and one of its highest poverty rates .

The challenges West Virginia faces will only be compounded by climate change and extreme weather events, which are already taking place with an alarming frequency. West Virginians will remember the flood in June 2016 that killed 23 people and damaged more than a thousand homes and businesses. As West Virginia becomes more mild and humid as a result of climate change, an increase in rainfall would be dangerous given the state's susceptibility to flash foods.

We need more resilient infrastructure to withstand increasingly frequent downpours. In New Orleans, the levees that were upgraded after Hurricane Katrina stood up to Hurricane Ida. In other areas, Ida, which could become the costliest weather-related disaster in US history , underscored the need for more improvements. Since 1980, the US has sustained almost 300 weather and climate disasters, costing almost $2 trillion. These figures will rise unless there is a concerted effort to mitigate the climate crisis.

Yet Sen. Manchin suggests putting a pause on the reconciliation bill, which would threaten the infrastructure bill and jeopardize the Senator's own goals outlined in his pending bill, the American Jobs in Energy Manufacturing Act of 2021.

The climate crisis is already here and intensifying. Why wait for things to get even worse? The costs of recovering from extreme weather events is likely to become dramatically more expensive as well. Investing in more resilient infrastructure now will ultimately be safer (and cheaper) than waiting to rebuild after each disaster. Sen. Manchin should be leading the charge to act—not undermining it.

West Virginia needs the reconciliation bill. As US coal consumption continues to decline, West Virginia's fossil fuel economy has taken a hit. Companies are already making adjustments. The state's two biggest utilities, American Electric Power (AEP) and FirstEnergy Corp, have plans to dramatically reduce their carbon dioxide emissions by 2050. Employers such as Walmart and Kroger have also set prudent emission reduction targets. Our elected leaders at the local, state, and national levels need to keep up with the private sector and support financing for infrastructure that complements this progress, rather than impedes it.

In order to ensure the economy and communities of West Virginia survive the energy transition, we need to pass both the bipartisan infrastructure bill and the reconciliation bill. Taking into account key provisions from Biden's infrastructure plan, The Center for Energy and Sustainable Development at WVU Law School modeled a "Clean Innovation Pathway" that would allow West Virginia to rely largely on emission-free power.

By 2040, this pathway would reduce the cost of electricity by $855 million, increase full-time employment, and secure billions in investment in clean energy projects. By building resilient infrastructure and reducing carbon pollution, the two bills together would bolster national security against destabilizing disasters, while providing economic opportunities by expanding jobs and sustainable industries nationwide.

We need to move away from an economy dependent on fossil fuels that drives climate chaos and deepens systemic threats to the economic and physical security of Americans. In order to lead the state to a brighter future, Manchin should recognize the inevitable changes taking place around us and act accordingly.

In 2009, the late Sen. Robert Byrd said: "West Virginians can choose to anticipate change and adapt to it, or resist and be overrun by it." In the later years of his life, Byrd underwent a remarkable evolution by publicly apologizing for his involvement with the Ku Klux Klan and reversing his stance on climate change. We hope Manchin will follow Byrd's lead on climate by evolving with the times.

Likewise, our family, known to many for its legacy of oil wealth, has acknowledged and acted upon the undeniable science that documents the destructive impact fossil fuels have on our climate. We consider it our moral imperative to divest from fossil fuels and invest sustainably. Many Rockefeller-affiliated nonprofits are also putting their endowments, which originated from oil wealth, towards clean and inclusive economic development. West Virginians should share in the prosperity and promise that the renewable energy boom will bring. The federal support the reconciliation and infrastructure bills offer will be critical to making it possible.

Sen. Manchin should acknowledge this, too. By supporting the reconciliation bill, he can help unlock economic opportunities, more resilient infrastructure and a more sustainable future for our state and our country.


On TB every waking moment
8:17 min

Glenn Beck: Joe Biden Will Fundamentally Transform America | Stu Does America

Oct 3, 2021


“I don’t think they care, they are just going to keep pushing through." Glenn Beck said to Stu Burguiere about Joe Biden’s activities. Glenn explains to TheBlaze's Stu Does America using banking, the Southern Border, and Afghanistan as examples that #Biden truly believes he is the guy that will be able to fundamentally transform America.


On TB every waking moment

How Democray Ends

MONDAY, OCT 04, 2021 - 12:00 AM
Authored by Vinay Prasad via Substack,

COVID19 policy shows a (potential) path to the end of America...

The pandemic events of 2020-2021 outline a potential pathway for a future democratically elected President of the United States to systematically end democracy.

The course of events leading to this outcome need not be a repeat of the direct assault on the Capitol, but a distortion of risk of illness as a justification for military force and suspension of democratic norms.

Sometime over the next quarter century, it is inevitable that America, and all nations, will experience a cold and flu season above average. In a typical season approximately 40,000 Americans may die, but it is possible an above average season may see 80,000 or more deaths.

Inevitably some location(s) in the country will experience a surge in cases.

Television news will show overworked hospital workers, and report that Intensive Care Unit beds have nearly run out-- of course, ICU’s often operate near capacity, so this finding alone may not be that noteworthy, but in our attention economy, it may be sensationalized. Some afflicted individuals will be young children-- typical for the flu, and these anecdotes will surely be emotionally salient. A video of a young boy or girl on life support machines may be used to show how dire things are. These events will then serve as an opportunity for a strong federal response.

A future US president may declare that the crisis in the region from influenza is unprecedented. Too many children are dying, and hospitals are near capacity. Citing the lessons of COVID19—that if anything we acted too late—the President may call upon the governor to issue a shelter in place warning.

A week later, citing a continued rise in case, and “non-compliance” of the local people, the President could order the national guard or army troops in to secure the region. Notably, military force was applied in Australia during COVID19.

During the COVID19 pandemic, some of the most ardent calls for strong restrictions came from members of the political left. If a future president is on the political right; this would serve as a natural opportunity to remind the public that strong tactics were precisely what the other side demanded more of during COVID19. Life and safety, particularly that of children, is of paramount importance, and strong lockdowns must ensue. In many regions across the world, one political party preferred stronger countermeasures to COVID19, in all those nations, the opposing party that has the advantage for misusing force in the future.

Eventually, inevitably, disagreements with the policies will arise. Social media may see small explosions of dialog critical of prolonged lockdown or skeptical of hospital volumes. A future leader can seize this opportunity for a forced takeover of media or social media companies. Misinformation that compromises a national attempt at safety must be shut down. The future leader can remind the public that during COVID19 many were critical that we did not do enough to ban dangerous and misleading speech, and now we are doing just that.

As rules against movement are in place, with communication and media disrupted, a leader can state--without evidence-- that cases are still climbing.

Anecdotes, even true ones, can be provided to show the public that some people are not doing well. Accordingly, further tracking of movement may be justified.

A leader can ask or mandate citizens to carry apps on their phone tracking their location. Random spot checks (such as those faced by parolees) may be applied.

Non-compliance can be treated with ankle monitors or imprisonment. Deeper restrictions on movement and assembly may follow, preventing protests and counter-movements.

As elections approach, a future leader may announce that safety is a key concern and exigent circumstances call for exigent responses. As such, elections will be suspended, pending a safer time. While the Constitution of the United States does not permit the election date to be moved, it does permit states to decide electors as they see fit. A future leader may coerce states into deferring elections, and hand pick electors instead. And with that, the end of democracy will have begun.

When democratically elected systems transform into totalitarian regimes, the transition is subtle, stepwise, and involves a combination of pre-planned as well as serendipitous events. Indeed, this was the case with Germany in the years 1929-1939, where Hitler was given a chance at governing, the president subsequently died, a key general resigned after a scandal and the pathway to the Fuhrer was inevitable.

The key factors that currently exist and may pave the way to totalitarianism are the following:
1. Strong force, including military force, has been used in other western, democratic nations to combat a respiratory virus
2. The public has accepted severe restrictions on movement and commerce in the face of respiratory pandemic, with many calls for greater restrictions to be applied
3. The media is able to present vignettes or anecdotes about overwhelmed hospitals or the untimely death of a young person, without acknowledging the denominator or comparing the risk to other risks we accept.
4. The rise of social media corporations means that public dialog increasingly occurs in spaces that can be regulated.
5. American increasingly comfortable with regulating and censoring information
6. The idea of safety as a virtue above all other dominates the culture
7. The party that favored stronger application of force during the COVID19 pandemic is vulnerable to misuse of force for a respiratory virus from the counterparty in the future
These core trends provide the basis and preconditions for a potential usurping of democratic norms. Increasing political polarization and tribalism would fuel that effort, as would worsening income inequality and reductions in upward mobility, which have worsened in recent decades, but may be exacerbated by the pandemic. Ultimately however, the proximate proffered explanation would be safety.

The key lesson of the coronavirus pandemic is not that the fall of democracy is inevitable, but rather that our policy preferences, and polarization, have set the stage for a series of events where it is possible democracy falls. As Madeleine Albright. says, “While democracy in the long run is the most stable form of government, in the short run, it is among the most fragile.” We must be careful not to create a roadmap to this future with our policy choices today, perhaps we already have.

A video discussion..

8:30 min

Sleeping Cobra

TB Fanatic
From post #761

"Homeless encampments are now just another accepted reflection of "soaring wealth and prosperity" in America"

You would be shocked if you could see the Homeless in California. Mainly in Los Angeles, San Francisco & San Diego. But the Homeless are in every city, both big and small cities. You really CAN say "California - The Home Of The Homeless".


On TB every waking moment

Archbishop: Pope Francis is a 'Zealous Cooperator' of the Globalist 'Great Reset' Plot (Video)

RAIR Foundation
October 3, 2021


The pope is “not a neutral spectator”, says Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano. Rather, he is a “zealous cooperator.”

Pope Francis is an active participant in a powerful globalist plot, asserts Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano in an interview with Robert Moynihan, founder, and editor-in-chief of Inside the Vatican magazine.

The “Great Reset” and “Fourth Industrial Revolution”, as conceived by Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum, is an insidious attempt “to drastically reduce the global population, dismantle the free market, and erase all borders,” as reported at RAIR Foundation USA.

The pope, born Jorge Mario Bergoglio, is “not a neutral spectator” in the globalist plot, declares the Italian archbishop. Rather, he is a “zealous cooperator.” But sadly, the World Economic Forum is not the only insidious organization, the bishop explains.

He says in part:
It matters little whether the cooperators of this plan are pharmaceutical companies or high finance, philanthropic organizations or Masonic sects, political factions or corrupt media: all of them, aware of it or not, collaborate in the work of the Devil.
Watch the entire interview here:

1:26:02 min

The entire interview is transcribed here.


On TB every waking moment

Blackburn: Democrat Spending Plan Is the ‘Build Back Broke Agenda’

JEFF POOR3 Oct 202165

Video on website 8:24 min

During an appearance on FNC’s “Sunday Morning Futures,” Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) slammed President Joe Biden’s so-called “Build Back Better” agenda, which remains under consideration by Congress despite struggles to come to an agreement on it over the last few weeks.

The Tennessee Republican lawmaker told host Maria Bartiromo that the plan was shaping up more like a “build back broke” agenda.

She also criticized the plan for a component that would allow the federal government to monitor financial transactions.

“Maria, we know that the ‘Build Back Better’ agenda has become the Biden build back broke agenda,” she said. “And the American people have figured out that what they’re trying to do is institutionalized socialism. They’re trying to do a takeover of the country in one vote. They want government control of your kids.

They want to look at your bank account for every transaction over $600. Anything thing that you do on Venmo and PayPal, they want a part of that transaction.”

“They want government control of health care,” Blackburn added. “They want to demoralize the military, close the churches, destroy your faith in the American system. And then here they’re going to come with the socialist program to run your life from cradle to grave, daylight to dark.”

Follow Jeff Poor on Twitter @jeff_poor


On TB every waking moment

"Perfect Storm" - Global Energy Crisis Spreads To Brazil And India

MONDAY, OCT 04, 2021 - 06:40 PM

The global energy crisis plagues Europe and China and risks spreading to emerging market economies.

According to Bloomberg, severe droughts in Brazil have led to a collapse in hydroelectric generation and could force the South American country to ration power if power imports from Uruguay and Argentina aren't increased.

Brazil is South America's largest economy. It derives 60% of its power from hydroelectric sources, but La Nina has produced drought this year and dwindled water levels at reservoirs, making hydro less dependable.

Brazil, in many ways, has been ahead of the decarbonization of its power grid. When it comes to the energy transition, countries worldwide begin to embark on but discover that renewable power is not sustainable. Bear Traps Report's Larry McDonald recently opinioned in his note to clients that the ESG push for power grids is contributing to the global energy crisis.

To mitigate a power grid collapse, the South American country is in the process of firing up natural gas generators to compensate for the loss of hydroelectric power. This would force the government to compete in a tight global natgas market that could raise prices higher.

"Brazil's hydroelectric reservoirs in the southeast and central west, which represent almost three-fourths of the country's installed capacity, have fallen to 17% amid the worst drought in 91 years," Bloomberg said.

Earlier this year, the La Nina weather pattern brought drought to Brazil but plenty of water to north-eastern South America that filled up dams in Colombia to historically high levels. Another round of La Nina, which the U.S. Climate Prediction Center said has a 70% chance of forming this fall/winter, could delay the rainy season in Brazil and trigger power disruptions that would have drastic economic impacts.

On the other side of the world, India faces a power crisis for different reasons than Brazil. The country's 135 thermal power plants are experiencing extremely low coal supplies, from 13 days of supplies just a few weeks ago to only four days this past Friday, according to FT.
"The [Indian] power sector is facing a kind of perfect storm," said Aurodeep Nandi, India economist at Nomura Financial Advisory and Securities. "You are caught in a situation where demand is high, your supply is low from the domestic side, and you haven't restocked on inventories by importing."
If supplies aren't replenished in time, India may have to slash power to energy-intensive businesses and residential properties, which is exactly what's happening in China at the moment.

Now that the global energy crisis is spreading across the world, first in Europe and Asia and now spreading to parts of South America and India, for all different reasons. The next phase of the crisis is for governments beginning to panic hoard supplies. China is already doing this.


On TB every waking moment

British Army Begins Deliveries To Ease Fuel Crisis

MONDAY, OCT 04, 2021 - 10:14 AM

Last week, British Army personnel were on standby as service station pumps ran dry across the country, forcing vendors to ration sales as a shortage of truck drivers strained supply chains of major oil and gas suppliers. AFP reports Monday that as many as 200 military tanker personnel have been deployed to alleviate the energy crisis.

Troops in military fatigue were spotted across London and southeast England, delivering various fuel grades to gas stations to alleviate fuel shortages.
"More than half of those who have completed training to make fuel deliveries are being deployed to terminals serving London and the south east of England, demonstrating that the sector is allocating drivers to areas most affected in this first phase from Monday," a UK government spokesperson said.
UK Defence Secretary Ben Wallace said the fuel crisis is abating, and signs of stabilization were materializing.
"While the situation is stabilizing, our Armed Forces are there to fill in any critical vacancies and help keep the country on the move by supporting the industry to deliver fuel to forecourts," Wallace said.
The Petrol Retailers Association (PRA), representing 65% of the country's independent service stations, welcomed the news of military supporting efforts to resupply service stations but warned the soldiers were likely to have minimal effect.

PRA chairman Brian Madderson said 20% of the fueling stations in London and southeast England were out of fuel, and the rest of the country had adequate supply.

For two weeks, long queues of motorists at gas stations extended into city streets as people panic hoarded fuel due to the uncertainties of shortages.

Ahead of calling in the military, Prime Minister Boris Johnson relaxed curbs on visas for heavy goods vehicles (HGV) drivers to help plug gaps. It was estimated that Johnson was hoping for 5,000 HGVs, though some said 100,000 are needed to prevent a winter of discontent.

Even though fuel deliveries to service stations are increasing and the shortage appears to be stabilizing, the country continues to deal with another energy crisis when it comes to dwindling natural gas supplies that have caused power prices to erupt and disrupt food supply chains.

To sum up, the shortage of truck drivers will inflate prices of many goods ahead of the holiday season as the winter of discontent could be ahead.


On TB every waking moment

The Post-Pandemic World Is One Of Widespread Dependence On Government

MONDAY, OCT 04, 2021 - 03:30 AM
Authored by Per Bylund via The Mises Institute,

The state strives for power, and what grants power is fear and dependence. The state is making people dependent on it, both as means for control and as an outcome of many policies intended to provide relief.

We have seen a lot of fear and dependence in this pandemic. Fear has been the message that has propelled types of repressive policies that were not possible before. Had anyone suggested only over a year ago that whole countries, democratic European countries, would close down and quarantine people in their homes most of us would have thought him crazy. But it happened. Because fear was drummed up, many populations went along with it.

Even though they later protested and resisted, it was too late. Much of the damage was already done. And of course, many feared not only the virus but also the police, which sometimes with enormous brutality cracked down on those seeking a breath of fresh air after weeks stuck in their homes.

It is possible to roll back these policies. However, many of them will need to be rolled back for society to function again. To be clear, it is not possible for the state to keep everybody locked in their homes for long. This is an overreach and points to the limit of the state's power. When the people rise in opposition, as we've seen in this pandemic, the state has no power.

Much more troublesome is the other side of the lockdown and the damage caused to the economic system. Not only were people locked down, but society and therefore practically the whole economy was forcefully paused. The problem here is that there is no "Pause button" for the economy. It may sound easy for politicians, who have no conception of how the real world works. But you cannot simply pause a business. You also cannot pause the supply chain. If you have ever run a business you know that being an entrepreneur is not a steady state but a changing process. It is a constant struggle to get money to come in so that you can cover costs that you've assumed long ago. That's what entrepreneurs and businesses do. They assume costs and imagine they will be paid for their efforts later, and paid more than the cost they already assumed.

In other words, if you "pause," a business, the costs remain but you get no revenue. How are you going to pay those bills when everything is on pause? You cannot. This is perhaps easy to understand … so easy that even some politicians grasp the concept. So many countries like the United States have offered relief in the form of loans to businesses. Of course, such schemes come with the usual cronyism and favoritism. The loans often do not end up in the hands of those intended. They also shift power and influence away from the market to the bureaucrats in government. Or to put it differently, businesses survive or go under as decided by bureaucrats, not by consumers.

There is more than simply money. Imagine food processing and the beef farmer when the politicians press Pause, which stops businesses from dealing with slaughtering, cutting, processing, and shipping meat. But it doesn't stop the farming. The farmer's animals will not stop growing and will not stop eating because the economy is paused. The farmer will go bankrupt because he needs to cover their food, water, and care without being able to sell any beef. Even if he has savings to cover the expense, the meat will lose quality and value as the cows grow older than their prime. At the same time, no meat is reaching the shelves in the stores. So while the farmer is stuck with costs he cannot cover because he cannot sell the meat he produces, consumers cannot find meat in stores. Consequently, we experience a shortage of food, while at the same time farmers and other producers have surpluses that they cannot afford to keep and are unable to sell. What a ludicrous situation.

The effect of this is of course that the farmer will not be able to rise again as the politicians press Play on the economy and beef processing is resumed. He will not have been able to make those continuous investments in his business in order to meet future demand for meat. After all, he was stuck with additional costs and no revenue. So pressing Play will not solve the food shortage.

The same story can be told for other types of businesses as well. You cannot stop the freighter that is on its way around the world. You cannot store logs of timber waiting for the sawmill. You cannot pause mines and smelting plants. And if one task can be paused, it affects the other task in the supply chain. The longer the lockdown, the more businesses would have failed and the supply chains lain in shambles. This is an enormous loss. While it can be rebuilt, it can only be so at an enormous expense. And it still requires that there are people with the know-how and willingness to start such businesses again. Can we rely on them to rise and try again, even after they have been crushed?

The long-term effects of this madness have yet to be seen. Even if the virus disappears tomorrow, these problems will remain. They take time to be resolved and it takes lots of work to piece things together again even if it is all possible.

The issue here is that this would be a very bad situation if it were a sudden shock to an otherwise free market economy.

This is not the case. These Western nations were hardly free market havens.

Rather, they were welfare states to varying magnitudes. In the case of the United States, a welfare-warfare state. In other words, these societies and economies were already burdened by large and very costly states which were usurping what the market was allowed. What this means is that the market that existed was already burdened by financing the nonmarket.

The state costs money, but the greater burden is loads of people that it relieves from the discipline of the market. In the purely free market, you are paid in accordance with your contribution to the value facilitated to the consumers. To put it bluntly, if you produce lots of value you get paid a lot.

But if you produce nothing, that nothing might be your wage.

Of course, there would be systems and institutions in place to care for those in temporary unemployment and those with lesser fortune. But they would be the exception to the rule. Most people would be able to find a job but would be paid what is not called a living wage. Prices are overall much lower when we are all producing, which means our wages can buy many more goods and services. It would be an easy burden to carry and to care for those who are in need when most people can care for themselves. It can be done and voluntarily. And this used to be the case. With cooperative unemployment insurances and collective sick pay funds, where workers share their risk, that was the case. When the state monopolized these services, it also made them more general, and offered them for "free."

The incentive became to exploit the system as much as possible rather than contribute to but otherwise stay out of it out of respect of your peers. People were trying to stay away from burdening others. Now it is the other way around.

This has increased the burden and therefore the cost, and also taxation. Then, the state hires more people to administrate these systems. This was in the beginning, but it has been going on for many decades. The state is an enormous enterprise throughout Europe and the West and much of what it does is to undermine the market by creating incentives to not work, to not produce, and not contribute to joined welfare. The result is that big parts of the population do not actually contribute to the wealth of the nation. This does not only include the sick, elderly, and those exploiting the system because they can. It also includes everybody working for the government, who are in fact living off the production that takes place in the market. The government does not produce any value.

While the cost of the state is typically counted towards the county's GDP, it would make more sense to subtract it from the value created in the market. That will give us a good idea of the soundness of the economy. How many economies in the West do you think create more value than they use up?

With this enormous burden on the economy, the chances of entrepreneurship to be at all successful diminish. Even to start a business that puts enough food on the table is very difficult. It is made much more difficult because of the levies, taxes, licenses, regulations, and so on that politicians and bureaucrats force onto the entrepreneur and private businesses.

In other words, many opportunities are simply not valuable enough to cover the extra burden placed on entrepreneurship by the state. So they remain unexploited or underexploited. This reduces the number of jobs in businesses, which leaves even more people without the possibility to make a living. And so, they seek help and therefore become embedded in the state system. The only way out is to find a job in one of those businesses that are unlikely to be started because the state has made it all too burdensome to run a business.

For every person who no longer works and makes a living, and thereby no longer contributes in the economy, there is a loss of one in production and an increase of one in burden. For every person who loses their job and becomes dependent on the unemployment benefits and other subsistence, the economy both loses production and must carry a heavier load. As a result, the economy becomes less lively and exuberant. There is less entrepreneurship, there is less production, which means there are fewer opportunities for people to find jobs. They become ever more dependent on the state.

This dependence is a problem for many reasons, especially when people become dependent on the system in the long term. As a brief stop to get on one's feet, the system would do only little harm. It would do what private systems used to do. But that is not how these systems work, especially when the state becomes an ever-increasing burden on value creation and the market. People get stuck in the system because there is rarely a way out and because the systems have been designed to be generous. They are not punishments after all.

Politicians pride themselves on promising that you will not need to lower your standard of living much when you lose your job. It is a great way to get votes and it makes you look generous and caring, but it is utterly destructive to pay people as much for not working as for when they contribute to our society's overall well-being. When people get stuck in these systems it affects their self-esteem. The longer they remain in these programs, the smaller the chances they have a skill or value, a means to contribute, that they can do something that is still of value. They lose hope, they lose confidence, they become fully dependent on the state, and not only financially. When they start believing that they cannot make a living on their own, that they cannot take care of themselves and their families, and when they conclude there are no jobs for people like them, that's when they become lost and stop trying. After all, what is the point?

People in this terrible situation are much more likely to be hostile toward those who are not giving them a chance, that is, businesses, entrepreneurs, the market.

They are more likely to use their votes to benefit themselves, for which you can hardly blame them. The burden of the economy rapidly increases, which causes greater problems and more people dependent on the state, and even fewer in positions in which they actually contribute. Add to this situation, which existed before the pandemic, the mass death of businesses following the disastrous policies adopted to "fight the virus."

The farmer in my example will not be able to rebuild his business. Even if he could afford it, why would he choose to build again what was once destroyed?

No one will thank him. And it may be destroyed again. Why would he put in all that effort and shoulder that risk when there is little to no gratitude for what he does? There might not even be much profit. So, resentment builds, the burden increases, it becomes harder to start and run businesses. More people become dependent on the state and thereby add to the burden to those who are not. This is a recipe for disaster because it leads us down only one path, which Hayek referred to as "the road to serfdom." The state grows like a disease in a body that is not healthy enough to withstand the attack. Politically, this is a path to the all-encompassing state—totalitarianism.

The state needs and is granted more power as more people become dependent on it. That is the sad truth and that is what we are seeing. Those depending on it are all too willing to grant a little more to get the system fixed. The problem, however, is not the inability of the state. The state never has such ability. The problem is a lack of market, and this lack becomes more present the more the state grows. This is the reason for pushing harder against the state, but for most the incentives are exactly the opposite, to ask for more. This is what we are dealing with and why we must break people's dependence on the state.


On TB every waking moment
[Italy] [COMMENT:Following the energy crisis trends and how governments may use it to ratchet down further on freedom and the middle class.]

Electricity Bills In Italy Rise By Almost 30 Percent From Friday

MONDAY, OCT 04, 2021 - 02:00 AM
By TheLocal Italy,

Household electricity bills will rise by 29.8% for the typical family and gas bills will go up by 14.4%, Italy’s energy regulatory authority Arera confirmed in a press release last week. The new national tariffs came into effect on Friday, the start of the fourth quarter of 2021. The increase comes amid surging energy costs across Europe, and beyond.

The price rise passed on to Italian consumers could’ve reached 45 percent, Arera said, if the government had not stepped in to cap the new rise in rates.

The Italian government last week announced measures costing three billion euros aimed at limiting a steeper rise in energy prices for consumers.

As well as keeping the cost to most families below 30 percent and 15 percent, the government measures will keep additional costs at zero for those least well-off, including households with an income under 8,265 euros, families with at least 4 dependent children with an income of less than 20,000 euros, those who receive a state pension or unemployment benefit, and people who are seriously ill, Sky TG24 reports.

The measures also cut the ‘general charge’ from gas bills for all throughout the last quarter of 2021, and on electricity for families and some small businesses.

Last quarter, the retail cost of electricity rose by 9.9% and gas by 15.3% from July 1st. The government also stepped in that time to cap costs, with 1.2 billion euros in state aid.

Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi said last week that many of the reasons for the energy price increases were temporary but called for long-term action, including at a European level, to address the problem, including through diversifying supplies.

Italy is highly dependent on imports and consumes a large amount of gas. Some 40% of its primary energy consumption is gas, compared with about 15 percent in France, according to official statistics for both countries.

Europe is facing soaring power prices as its economy recovers from the coronavirus pandemic, while natural gas reserves are at a worrying low level as winter approaches.

Italian consumers are now paying some of the highest electricity prices in Europe, with the average cost already at 145.03 euros per mw/h (megawatt hour) according to newspaper Corriere della Sera.

This means the cost is higher than in Portugal and in Spain, where electricity costs have soared to 141.71 euros per mw/h, reaching an all-time high on September 9th after significant price rises across much of Europe over the past 12 months.


On TB every waking moment

The proper way to handle Climate Freaks… Drag their asses out of the road…
Posted by Kane on October 5, 2021 1:52 pm

1:08 min
Nice work here from some Based Brits

Eco-maniacs wouldn’t let this woman proceed to the hospital

2:24 min

Righteous man has had enough
1:54 min



On TB every waking moment
32:52 min

Democrats SLAMMED For IRS Scheme To Spy On Accounts With $600 Or More, Critics Say It Taxes The Poor

Oct 5, 2021

Tim Pool

Democrats SLAMMED For IRS Scheme To Spy On Accounts With $600 Or More, Critics Say It Taxes The Poor. Progressives say this will actually tax the rich but rich people typically have more than $600 in their accounts. Republicans are calling this mass surveillance, spying, and a scheme to tax the poor. All of which is True Biden claims his build back better agenda costs zero dollars and what he really means is that it costs him zero dollars. It'll cost you $3.5 trillion


On TB every waking moment

They're Coming For You

TUESDAY, OCT 05, 2021 - 04:20 PM
Authored by Anthony Davies via The American Institute for Economic Research,

For years, politicians have claimed that the rich weren’t paying their “fair share.” While it’s taken a decade or more for voters to catch wind of the truth, people are finally beginning to realize that the rich actually pay far more than the rest of us. According to Congressional Budget Office figures, the average household in the top one percent earns 120 times what the average poor household earns, but pays 2,000 times the taxes. Even after deductions, exemptions, write-offs, income deferrals, and whatever other accounting and legal arcana the rich throw at their tax returns, in the end, the typical one-percenter paid 32% of his income (all sources combined) in 2018 versus 13% for the typical middle class household and almost 0% for the typical poor household.

It’s clear that Americans have figured out the truth about who pays, because politicians are shifting the goalposts. Elizabeth Warren shifted the conversation from what fraction of income the rich paid to what fraction of wealth they paid. President Biden has upped the ante by talking about taxing unrealized capital gains.

This is unprecedented. The federal government has no constitutional authority to tax wealth, and never have unrealized gains been considered income – either in the realm of accounting or economics. An unrealized gain is simply an investment “in process.” What shows up as a gain today can easily turn into a loss tomorrow. Ask anyone who invested in Bitcoin in March 2021, or gold in August 2011, or housing in 2007. An investment’s tale isn’t told until the investor cashes out. Unrealized gains aren’t gains. They are hypotheticals.

What politicians want is to foment class warfare. If they can get the middle class and poor to resent the rich, those same politicians can expand the scope of federal taxation into areas it has never before touched.

But watch out. Politicians are only partially interested in the rich. They are very interested in the middle class. In 2018, middle and upper middle class households, combined, earned double what the top one percent earned. And the federal government currently taxes the middle classes at rates less than half of what it taxes the one percent. Politicians see the middle class as a largely untapped revenue source.

While President Biden says that a tax on unrealized gains would apply only to billionaires, once instituted, there is nothing stopping the government from applying it to everyone else. If it did so, the middle class would find itself awash in taxation. Most middle class wealth is tied up in home values. The median sale price of existing homes shot up 14 percent just in the past year. If the government applied an unrealized capital gains tax to all homeowners, the median homeowner would get socked with a $7,000 tax bill. And that’s for just one year. The value of the median home rises more than 3.5 percent per year. At current capital gains tax rates, the median worker would get hit with an additional $1,500 federal tax each year simply because his home was, on paper, worth more than the year before. The average 401K or IRA account is worth $135,000. Given stock market gains last year, the average saver would have seen around $13,000 in unrealized capital gains – and a $2,000 tax bill if those unrealized gains were taxed.

And what of higher education? The typical four-year college graduate earns over 60 percent more than the typical worker with only a high school education.

Currently, the median difference is over $500 per week. Over a 40 year career, that wage difference adds up to more than $1 million. Should that be taxed?

The college graduate has made an investment in his education that has increased his expected future earnings by $1 million. Of course, the graduate hasn’t earned that money yet. But that simply makes it an unrealized gain. If the government can tax other investments before their gains materialize, why can’t it tax the graduate’s increased income before it materializes? The tax bill there, by the way, would be around $150,000.

What’s really going on is that politicians see a coming fiscal storm, and they are desperate to find new sources of revenue before it hits. The Congressional Budget Office estimates that by 2031 the federal debt will have reached almost $36 trillion. Historically, the CBO’s ten-year debt projections have underestimated future debt by more than a factor of two. If the CBO’s current estimate is off by that same factor, the debt will actually be over $80 trillion by 2031. That’s equivalent to running a $5 trillion deficit each year over the next decade. While that sounds unbelievable, it’s consistent with what we’ve seen in the past. Since the late 1960s, the federal debt has grown at an average annual rate of almost 9 percent. If the debt continues to grow at that historical average, by the end of the decade, it will be more than $65 trillion. That’s equivalent to running a $3.5 trillion deficit each over the next decade. For comparison, the federal government collected $3.4 trillion in taxes in 2020.

Federal spending is out of control.
Politicians know it and they know that they can’t stop it.

Those same politicians have realized that raising taxes isn’t enough.
They need new sources of tax revenue that haven’t existed before. Their first step is to institute new taxes on wealth and unrealized capital gains. Once established, their next step will be to expand those taxes to the middle class.

A day of reckoning is coming. Politicians hope that we’ll keep pointing fingers at the rich so we don’t notice who the real culprits are.


On TB every waking moment

Hidden Bankruptcy: The Reality Behind Uncle Sam's Inflated Bar Tab

TUESDAY, OCT 05, 2021 - 09:25 PM
Authored by Matthew Piepenburg via,

Below, we look at The hidden bankruptcy of the US in the wake of even more inflationary forces confirmed by cost-of-living-adjustments, Uncle Sam’s interest expenses, objectively unloved Treasuries and a roaring as well as convenient COVID narrative.

Math vs. Double-Speak
Given the fact that just about everything coming out of the mouths of debt-cornered policy makers requires a lie-detector and “double-speak” translator, we’ve been arguing since the moment the Fed began peddling the “transitory inflation” meme/myth to think differently.

In short: It’s our view that inflation is a snowball growing, not melting.

Toward this end, we’ve written and spoken at length as often as we can as to the many converging forces pointing toward rising inflation—from increased governmental guarantees (controls) over commercial bank loans, commodity super cycles to just plain economic realism, as inflation (and hence currency debasement) is the only tool left (beyond bankruptcy, taxation and “growth”) to service otherwise unsustainable debt levels: A hidden bankruptcy.

But let us not stop there, as other inflationary storm clouds are on the horizon yet ignored (not surprisingly) by an increasingly clueless financial media.

Another Glaringly-Ignored Inflation Indicator—COLA 2.2022
In particular, we are thinking about the U.S. Cost of Living Adjustment (“COLA”) for 2022 which could easily reach 6%, the highest of its kind since 1982.

It would seem that the U.S. Social Security Administration, unlike Powell, is aware of inflation, and therefore preparing (i.e., “adjusting”) for the same.

As the price for entitlement obligations rises, so too will the level of money printing to pay for the same, a veritable vicious circle for rising inflation.

Then there’s simple math.

We’ve talked about the Realpolitik of negative real rates as the final and desperate way for debt-soaked sovereigns to service their debt.

The signs of this are literally everywhere.

If we take, for example, a 1.4% Treasury Yield and subtract a potential 6% COLA increase for Social Security, we get -4.6% real rates, which will be a boon for alternative stores of value like gold and silver or “currencies” like BTC (as well as farmland and high-end real estate, which is continuing to enjoy a debt-jubilee of negative 3% real (i.e., “free” mortgages).

The necessary evil of negative real rates also speaks to the ongoing taper debate…

Giving Clarity to the Taper Debate
As tweets by twits pour across the electronic universe, it’s often important to notice what is not being “tweeted,” such as the interest expense on Uncle Sam’s national bar tab.

As the financial world hangs on the edge of its seat to see if the Fed will taper its QE (i.e., money printing) program and send bonds (and stocks) to the floor and rates toward the sky, they’ve ignored some basic math and a key chart.

Specifically, we are referring to the chart below representing the true interest expense on the debt bar-tab of a now fully debt-intoxicated Uncle Sam:

With central-bank “accommodated” asset bubbles (from stocks to real estate to art) now at historically unprecedented levels, tax receipts flowing into the U.S. coffers from the ever-growing millionaire-to-billionaire class have been rising.

This may seem good for that punch-drunk Uncle Sam, but what no one is talking about is that despite even those “capital gain” receipts, the interest expense (i.e., “bar tab”) in D.C. is now an astronomical 111% of those same tax receipts.

In other words, U.S. tax income doesn’t come close to even paying interest (let alone that archaic concept known as “principal”) on growing U.S. debt obligations.

Can anyone say, “Uh-oh?”

Given the stark but ignored reality of unpayable U.S. debt, the implications going forward are fairly clear.

First, the Fed will not be able to “taper,” as less QE will mean an even higher interest rate, and thus higher interest expense on debt it still can’t pay at today’s artificially low rates.

Stated otherwise, a “taper” would only add helicopters of gasoline to a debt fire that is already burning the Divided States of America.

Given the dangers of such a taper, it likely won’t happen because it can’t happen, and this means more money printing and hence more negative real rates creating a hidden bankruptcy ahead, a weaker USD and rising precious metal prices, among others.

But What If the Fed Tapers?
Alternatively, should the Fed somehow turn hawkish and taper its QE support in the face of a debt forest fire, Treasuries will sell off dramatically, rates will rise, markets will tank, and the USD will surge—not good for Gold, BTC or just about anything else.

Does it Matter?
But as we’ve also tried to make crystal clear, there is no way the Fed will taper QE liquidity before it sets up a back-channel for even more liquidity from the Standing Repo Facility, Reverse Repo Facility and FIMA swap lines, which are all just “QE” by other names.

In simple speak, therefore, the “taper debate” is no debate, as the Fed has many liquidity tricks up its greasy sleeves.

In addition to liquidity tricks, the Fed has some ugly bonds to buy.

Embarrassing Treasuries
As we’ve said so many times, the biggest issue today is unsustainable and embarrassing debt levels requiring inflation (hidden bankruptcy), compliments of policy makers rather than a viral pandemic narrative out of all proportion to its confused scientific truths.

COVID has been an all-too timely and convenient pretext for blaming global debt ($300T) or U.S. public debt ($28.5T) on a flu rather than a sordid history of grotesque mismanagement from politico’s and bankers that was in play long before the first headlines out of Wuhan.

Furthermore, COVID monetary and fiscal policy measures effectively became a (hidden) pretext for a second market bailout greater in scope (yet better in optics) than the post-Lehman bailout of those otherwise Too Big to Fail banks.

In short, the façade (and branding) of a humanitarian crisis allowed a market-saving liquidity rescue (Bailout 2.0) to an otherwise Dead-on-Arrival bond market in late 2019.

In case this sounds too controversial to consider, please follow the Treasury market rather than our bemused nouns and adjectives, not to mention our total lack of scientific/medical credentials.

Bad IOUs
Just like friends don’t accept IOUs from drug addicts, global investors heading into 2020 stopped buying Uncle Sam’s Treasuries.

In simple-speak, Uncle Sam just seemed too debt-drunk to trust.

As a result, his Treasury bonds, once seen as “safe havens,” were finally seen as “bad jokes”—akin to the paper coming out of equally discredited zip codes like Greece, Italy or Spain.

For this reason, foreigners in a nervous 2020 (unlike a broken 2009) had not only stopped buying U.S. Treasuries, they were selling them.


Months ago, smart voices from the Street, including Stan Druckenmiller, were warning about the implications of such a shift in financial consciousness/trust.

Druckenmiller’s Astonishment
Specifically, Druckenmiller spoke of something he’d never seen in over 40 years as a market veteran.

That is, as stocks were tanking in the spring of 2020, he also saw the bond market lose 18 points in one day.

This correlated fall in stocks and bonds was not, as everyone “tweeted,” a reaction to the fiscal profligacy of the CARES Act, but more sadly a very new trend by foreigners to get rid of increasingly discredited U.S. IOUs.

Folks, this is a critical shift.

For over two decades (including during the Great Financial Crisis of 2009), U.S. Treasuries (and the USD) were once seen as “safe” landing places for foreign money rather than a risky bet.

Now, instead of seeing an annual average $500B inflow into U.S. bonds, we are seeing annual outflows of $500B…

When you tack on a $700B current account deficit in D.C. to a net loss of $1 trillion in Treasury support, whose left to “fill the gap” and buy those unwanted IOU’s?

You guessed it: The Fed.

And how will they come up the money to cover these purchases?

You guessed it again: They’ll mouse-click that “money” out of thin air to create a stealthy, hidden bankruptcy.

Needless to say, such realism (i.e., objective math) puts a lot of pressure on the U.S. Dollar as the Fed is forced to create even more money at a record pace to buy otherwise unwanted Treasuries.

But what kept the USD from falling in favor by end of 2020, if no one was buying our bonds but the Fed?

Well, the short answer is that all that foreign money (from sovereign wealth funds and foreign central banks) once ear-marked for our once-credible U.S. Treasury bonds went instead into those massive U.S. digital transformation companies who benefited most from a locked-down new mad world, namely GOOG, ZOOM and MSFT etc.

And how did Druckenmiller describe this shift?

Simple. He called it a “raging new mania.”

From Mania to Desperate
Foreign money once reserved for “safe haven” bonds was (and is) pouring into an already over-sized equity bubble.

By July, the USD had peaked, but after a peak comes, well…a fall for the Greenback—all very good for commodities, real estate, growth tech stocks and, of course, precious metals.

Back to the “What If” of a Naked Taper
But (and this is a very big “but”), what if the Fed were insane enough to taper QE without any back-door liquidity from foreign swap lines and the repo programs?

Again, ugly Treasuries would get even uglier, tank in price, sending rates and the USD higher and gold lower, along with a sharp sell-off in risk assets—i.e., corporate stocks and bonds.

But again, we don’t think this will happen, because as desperate as central bankers are, they are equally predictable.

Predictable Behavior?
That is, they know that such a naked taper (i.e., a taper without a back door repo or swap-induced liquidity) would cause rates to spike, and hence Uncle Sam’s bar-tab to default.

As the Fed’s Vice Chair intimated last year, US Treasuries (Uncle Sam’s bar tab) are simply too big to fail.

This means we can expect more liquidity (QE or repo/swap) and hence more, not less inflation.

The Fed is stuck in a self-inflicted dilemma–between letting inflation rip (to partially service America’s bar tab and “declaring” a hidden bankruptcy) or watching markets sink to the bottom of time.

For now, which choice do you think these banking, pro-market cabal thinkers will make?

The Realpolitik of COVID
Meanwhile, and regardless of one’s views on the vaccine mandates, case fatality rates vs. infection rates, or mask wearing vs. mask annoyance, no one needs our amateur medical advice.

But looking at COVID as a policy tool rather than as controversial health issue, it’s also fairly clear that the powers that be will be milking this fear-porn-to-policy trick for all its worth for as long as its worth.


Again, COVID is a wonderful narrative to justify more debt and more instant liquidity (i.e., fiat monetary expansion) and hence more inflation to inflate away the debt of debt-drunk nations already fatally in debt pre-COVID.

Rightly or wrongly, there are already scientists out of the UK (namely Oxford vaccine creator Sarah Gilbert) with more IQ-power and credibility than Fauci or Fergusson (admittedly not a high bar), who are already signaling that COVID will resemble little more than a common cold by next year.

This, if true (and no one really knows anyway), would be good for the world—but would the policy makers like this?

A post-COVID normal would be a boon to commerce and economic activity, and hence a boon to the velocity of money, which would kick inflation into ultra-high-gear.

High inflation will mean higher rates, which scare debt-soaked politicians and central bankers, unless inflation rises higher than those rates and negative real yields become the norm, which, again, we think is the realistic (i.e., only option) for these financial magicians running our governments, lives and central banks.

In such a scenario, gold will smile upon the inflation to come.

In short, and however we look at it, inflation is the new norm, and negative real rates are no less so, regardless of how the taper or COVID debate plays out.

As the future unfolds, gold, whose price is waiting for confirmation of such inflation, will only grow stronger as the “transitory” meme gets weaker by the day.


On TB every waking moment

The ‘Build Back Better’ Plan Puts in Place a Government Option and Sets a Path to Single-Payer

by Nina Owcharenko Schaefer [GOLD sold]
October 5, 2021

The ‘Build Back Better’ Plan Puts in Place a Government Option and Sets a Path to Single-Payer

As negotiations over the staggering $3.4 trillion “Build Back Better” plan price tag continue to raise concern, the health policy agenda put forth in the plan is equally alarming.

At first glance, some might argue the Build Back Better plan takes a more modest approach on health care by avoiding the inclusion of a full-blown, government-run, single-payer proposal. Yet, the various health care provisions in the proposal taken collectively expose an agenda to use a public option to pave the way to single-payer health care.

Instead of “Medicare for All,” a congressional proposal to outlaw private insurance and put everyone on a government-run health plan, Build Back Better takes key steps in that direction. The proposal focuses on reinforcing and expanding the Affordable Care Act footprint by removing the income limitations on subsidies, making the existing Affordable Care Act subsidies more generous and creating a new, federal, Medicaid-like option.

Much of this incremental path to government-run health care hinges on the creation of the new Medicaid-like government option. The Build Back Better plan starts small by targeting this new federal program only to those individuals who reside in states that have chosen not to adopt the Obamacare Medicaid expansion.

After a transitional period, the secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services would contract with two entities to administer the government option (most likely a boon for existing Medicaid managed care plans). The benefits requirements under this new program would broadly follow those outlined under Medicaid and there would be no cost-sharing requirements for participants.

With the federal infrastructure in place, the next phase would be to gradually open access to the government option. The legislation already anticipates expansion. It includes language to realign federal payments to allow states that expanded Medicaid under Obamacare to enroll those individuals in the government option.

The bill would also move those individuals who are in the exchange but would otherwise qualify for Medicaid under the Obamacare expansion into the government option.

The bill also creates a ready reserve of potential enrollees for the government option by expanding the number of individuals that would be eligible for subsidies in the exchange by lifting this income restriction and loosening restrictions to allow those with access to employer coverage to enroll in the exchange.

Under the rules of new program, the secretary has broad authority to administer and run the program. This means the secretary can tilt the rules in favor of the government option by making the government plan appear (at least on the surface) to be more generous and more affordable than the private competitors.

For example, the bill allows the secretary to set payment rates below private competitors. While providers might balk at the lower payment rates and refuse to participate, other government option proposals allow the secretary to require providers to participate in the public option. So, it is not out of the realm of possibility that these hard tactics could be applied under this plan as well.

Without meaningful reforms, costs and premiums will continue to rise in the Obamacare exchange. The Obamacare system today gives insurance companies more taxpayer money every time they raise prices—a recipe for the higher costs and fewer and worse choices we’ve seen in the program. Rather than take this problem head-on and address the government policies behind it, this new program papers over it with more big government.

The single-payer “solution” of course would be to open access to the government-run option. This would drive private competitors out, leave the government option as the only option, and open the gate to single-payer.

Of course, this is where the fantasy of single-payer meets reality. Generous benefits would increase demand and increased demand would increase costs. Either politicians would have to increase taxes—with some estimates predicting the need for an additional 20% payroll tax—or would begin to ration access to care as done in countries with single-payer models.

While it may appear that the push for single-payer has faded, the reality is that the Build Back Better plan continues to set a path to single-payer on the installment plan.


On TB every waking moment

UN Climate Summit 2021: Making Lockdown Tyranny Permanent

by Alex Newman October 4, 2021

Governments and dictators from around the world will assemble this year at the COP26 UN “climate summit” in Scotland to shackle humanity to tyranny forever, warns The New American magazine’s Alex Newman in this episode of Behind the Deep State. Under the guise of saving humanity from “climate change,” Joe Biden has already announced that he will be showering tens of billions of taxpayer dollars on this fraud, while continuing to wage war on the U.S. economy and American energy. At the same time, Communist China will continue to build coal-fired power plants so they can absorb all the industries and jobs that Biden and European governments are chasing overseas. If these totalitarians get their way, expect recent restrictions on life and business to be made permanent to supposedly save people from the gas of life aka CO2.


On TB every waking moment

Energy Crisis May Unleash Winter Blackouts Across US, Insider Warns

THURSDAY, OCT 07, 2021 - 07:40 PM

The energy crisis that is rippling through Asia and Europe could unleash electricity shortages and blackouts in the U.S., according to Bloomberg.

Ernie Thrasher, CEO of Xcoal Energy & Resources LLC., told energy research firm IHS Markit that U.S. utilities quickly turn to more coal because of soaring natural gas prices.

"We've actually had discussions with power utilities who are concerned that they simply will have to implement blackouts this winter," Thrasher warned.

He said, "They don't see where the fuel is coming from to meet demand," adding that 23% of utilities are switching away from gas this fall/winter to burn more coal.

With natgas, coal, and oil prices all soaring is a clear signal the green energy transition will take decades, not years. Walking back fossil fuels for unreliable clean energy has been a disaster in Asia and Europe. These power-hungry continents are scrambling for fossil fuel supplies as stockpiles are well below seasonal trends ahead of cooler weather.

A similar story is playing out in the U.S., where increased demand for coal might not be reached by mining companies. We noted Thursday morning that boosting output might be challenging due to years of decommissioning mines to reduce carbon emissions and transition the economy from fossil fuels to green energy.

There's also been a steady decline of miners over the last three and a half decades.

"That whole supply chain is stretched beyond its limits," Thrasher said. "It's going to be a challenging winter for us here in the United States."

Utility company Duke Energy Corp.'s Piedmont Natural Gas unit, covering North and South Carolina customers, warned power bills this winter are set to rise due to high natgas prices and low production.

A pure-play coal company that is already benefiting from the demand surge and rising prices is Peabody Energy Corporation. As cooler weather fast approaches, the company may see increased demand for its thermal coal that utility companies use to produce electricity. On a technical basis, a so-called bullish "golden cross" was just triggered.

The troubled green energy transition gives the fossil fuel industry new hope, especially "Making Coal Great Again."


On TB every waking moment

US Desperate For Coal Miners To Meet Soaring Global Demand

THURSDAY, OCT 07, 2021 - 05:45 AM

Coal supply shortages in Asia and Europe are pushing prices for the dirtiest fossil fuel to record highs and have become a challenge for US suppliers due to a shortage of miners, according to Bloomberg.

For the last three and a half decades, the number of coal mining jobs in the US has collapsed from 180,000 to 42,500 in August. The industry remains 9,500 miners short from pre-COVID times.

With coal prices worldwide screaming to all-time highs ahead of winter as China and Europe scramble for supplies, the US coal industry is failing to find new miners willing to do the dirty work as demand soars.

"That's making it difficult for mining companies to boost production at a time when the global energy crisis is making utilities desperate for every lump of coal they can dig up. Even with coal prices surging around the world, the labor shortages are another sign that it's going to be tough to shore up energy stockpiles," Bloomberg said.

Erin Higginson of Custom Staffing Services, which recruits miners in the Illinois Basin, said miners used to walk into their office for jobs, but now they have to "hold job fairs all over just to find a few miners."

Attracting new miners in the US has been a difficult sell to prime working-age men and women convinced by mainstream media that the green energy transition is imminent. However, with surging natural gas, coal, and oil prices heading into winter, it appears the transition will take decades, not years, because renewable energy is not reliable, as the UK found out the hard way late in the summer when its wind turbine generation plunged forcing it to power up natgas generators to protect the grid from collapse.

What this suggests is there are many jobs available in the fossil fuel space.
"There's a perception that the coal industry, if not dead, is dying," Ernie Thrasher, chief executive officer of Xcoal Energy & Resources LLC, a Pennsylvania coal trader that works with several suppliers. said. "Young people just have many more choices."
Mining companies are getting creative in hiring, said Rich Nolan, CEO of the National Mining Association trade group.

Along with higher pay, some firms offer benefits like daycare. "Everyone is scraping for employees," Nolan said. "They're using every trick in the book to attract qualified workers."

Some mining firms are desperate enough that they are offering $100k per year for new talent.

Miners might not meet the surge in demand due to years of decommissioning mines to reduce carbon emissions and transition the economy from fossil fuels to green energy. A sustainable energy transition will likely take decades, not years:
"There is an energy transition taking place," said Xcoal's Thrasher. "But it's going to take longer than people think."
To sum up, Asia and Europe need fossil fuels as the green energy transition is unreliable, triggering one of the great power crunches the world has ever seen. But the US might come up empty handed as labor shortages plague the industry.



US Desperate For Coal Miners To Meet Soaring Global Demand

THURSDAY, OCT 07, 2021 - 05:45 AM

Coal supply shortages in Asia and Europe are pushing prices for the dirtiest fossil fuel to record highs and have become a challenge for US suppliers due to a shortage of miners, according to Bloomberg.

For the last three and a half decades, the number of coal mining jobs in the US has collapsed from 180,000 to 42,500 in August. The industry remains 9,500 miners short from pre-COVID times.

With coal prices worldwide screaming to all-time highs ahead of winter as China and Europe scramble for supplies, the US coal industry is failing to find new miners willing to do the dirty work as demand soars.

"That's making it difficult for mining companies to boost production at a time when the global energy crisis is making utilities desperate for every lump of coal they can dig up. Even with coal prices surging around the world, the labor shortages are another sign that it's going to be tough to shore up energy stockpiles," Bloomberg said.

Erin Higginson of Custom Staffing Services, which recruits miners in the Illinois Basin, said miners used to walk into their office for jobs, but now they have to "hold job fairs all over just to find a few miners."

Attracting new miners in the US has been a difficult sell to prime working-age men and women convinced by mainstream media that the green energy transition is imminent. However, with surging natural gas, coal, and oil prices heading into winter, it appears the transition will take decades, not years, because renewable energy is not reliable, as the UK found out the hard way late in the summer when its wind turbine generation plunged forcing it to power up natgas generators to protect the grid from collapse.

What this suggests is there are many jobs available in the fossil fuel space.

Mining companies are getting creative in hiring, said Rich Nolan, CEO of the National Mining Association trade group.

Along with higher pay, some firms offer benefits like daycare. "Everyone is scraping for employees," Nolan said. "They're using every trick in the book to attract qualified workers."

Some mining firms are desperate enough that they are offering $100k per year for new talent.

Miners might not meet the surge in demand due to years of decommissioning mines to reduce carbon emissions and transition the economy from fossil fuels to green energy. A sustainable energy transition will likely take decades, not years:

To sum up, Asia and Europe need fossil fuels as the green energy transition is unreliable, triggering one of the great power crunches the world has ever seen. But the US might come up empty handed as labor shortages plague the industry.
I was in two underground coal mines in eastern Kentucky in the late 1960s.

After that I was convinced I never wanted to enter a coal mine again.


On TB every waking moment

As Border Hemorrhages, DHS Releases 'Climate Action Plan,' Which Must Be 'Accepted and Embraced' by Employees

By Susan Jones | October 7, 2021 | 11:57am EDT

Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas has released a new department-wide climate literacy plan for employees. (Photo by SAUL LOEB/AFP via Getty Images)

Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas has released a new department-wide climate literacy plan for employees. (Photo by SAUL LOEB/AFP via Getty Images)

( - Never mind the hundreds of thousands of unvetted foreigners breaching the southwest U.S. border, leaving environmental degradation in their wake.

The Department of Homeland Security is worried about climate change. And all DHS employees are expected to fall in line with those concerns. In fact, they'll be educated about the "climate crisis."

On Thursday, DHS released a new Climate Action Plan that presents five "priority actions," including a "DHS-wide climate education plan to raise awareness among our employees about the climate crisis."

DHS admits that getting all employees to buy into the left's version of climate change will be a challenge: "The Department must reach all employees to foster a workforce of understanding and compassion and ensure climate literacy is accepted and embraced," the plan says.

And it sounds like there may be a test: "The Department will monitor progress in climate literacy through employee training and will measure employee understanding of climate change impacts and environmental justice," the plan says.

The DHS Climate Action Plan runs 25 pages and is full of government-speak.
Priority Action #5, the climate "literacy" effort, indicates that DHS employees are expected to accept climate change dogma, as presented by leftists, without question or exception:

"Understanding, mitigating, and adapting to climate change and its impacts require cooperation across every level of DHS," the plan says.

"DHS is committed to creating and growing a climate literate workforce that understands the principles of climate change, can assess scientifically credible information about climate, can communicate about climate change in a meaningful way, and is able to make informed decisions about climate change impacts on mission activities."

DHS says it will create a "National Security and Climate Honors Program" to give students and recent graduates an opportunity to help DHS adapt to climate change. "DHS will aggressively pursue strategies to ensure a diverse applicant pool, to include applicants from underserved communities..."

The plan says: "Without adequate climate literacy training for employees and stakeholders, the Department risks developing infrastructure, management decisions, and project designs that do not sufficiently integrate climate resilience, environmental justice, and gender and racial equity considerations."

The phrase "environmental justice" crops up several times, as follows: "The climate literacy curriculum will be innately tied to environmental and climate justice."

And: "The DHS Office for Civil Rights and Civil Liberties will collaborate with Department subject matter experts and stakeholders to enhance climate literacy and its intersections with environmental justice in DHS federally assisted programs."

At a time when government schools are forcing critical race theory on unwilling students and parents, this DHS "climate literacy" effort bears watching.

Here are the other four "priority actions" identified by DHS in its Climate Action Plan:

-- Ensuring climate-ready services and secure supplies of food, medicine, energy, and other vital resources.
-- Creating climate-resilient facilities and infrastructure, including by aiming to electrify 50 percent of the DHS vehicle fleet by 2030.
-- Making sure "climate change considerations are appropriately incorporated" in all DHS planning and processes and mission areas;
-- Incorporating climate adaptation into national preparedness and community grants and provide incentives for state, local, tribal, and territorial governments to adopt modern, disaster-resistant building codes.


On TB every waking moment

Google, YouTube to prohibit ads and monetization on climate denial content
Sara Fischer
Sara Fischer
, author of Media Trends

Featured image

Photo by Olly Curtis/Future via Getty Images

Google and YouTube on Thursday announced a new policy that prohibits climate deniers from being able to monetize their content on its platforms via ads or creator payments.

Why it matters: It's one of the most aggressive measures any major tech platform has taken to combat climate change misinformation.

Details: Google advertisers and publishers, as well as YouTube creators, will be prohibited from making ad revenue off content that contradicts "well-established scientific consensus around the existence and causes of climate change," the company's ads team said in a statement.
  • "This includes content referring to climate change as a hoax or a scam, claims denying that long-term trends show the global climate is warming, and claims denying that greenhouse gas emissions or human activity contribute to climate change."
  • Ads and monetization will still be allowed to run alongside other climate-related topics, like public debates on climate policy, impacts of climate change, and new research around the issue.
Google said it's making these changes in response to frustration from advertisers and content creators about their messages appearing alongside climate denialism.
  • "Advertisers simply don’t want their ads to appear next to this content. And publishers and creators don’t want ads promoting these claims to appear on their pages or videos," the company said.
Yes, but: Google often makes changes to its ads policies to reduce misinformation, but this update is notable, given how hard it can be to characterize certain commentary about climate change as denialism or misinformation.
  • The tech giant says that when evaluating content against the new policy, "we’ll look carefully at the context in which claims are made, differentiating between content that states a false claim as fact, versus content that reports on or discusses that claim."
  • The company says it has consulted with experts, like representatives of the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Assessment Reports, to create the policy. The report found that there is "unequivocal" evidence showing that human emissions of greenhouse gases are causing global warming."
  • Google says it will use a combination of automated tools and human review to enforce the new policy.
The big picture: Internet companies have been under increased pressure from climate activists to do more to address climate change denial on their platforms.
  • Google on Wednesday unveiled a suite of new tools that give consumers more information so they can choose to cut their greenhouse gas emissions.
  • In February, Facebook expanded an online portal meant to counter misinformation about climate change.
Why it matters: Social media platforms have immense reach, and they've come under fire from activists and some lawmakers globally for doing too little to thwart the spread of inaccurate content.

What to watch: Google will begin enforcing the new policy next month.


On TB every waking moment

Households Brace for Higher Winter Heating Costs as Natural Gas Prices Vault

By Tom Ozimek
October 6, 2021 Updated: October 6, 2021

The relentless rise in natural gas prices continued on Oct. 6, highlighting the looming threat to U.S. households bracing for higher heating costs in the event of a harsh winter.

U.S. natural gas futures were up 1.11 percent at $6.312 per million British thermal units (mmBtu) in early trading on Oct. 6 after jumping around 9 percent a day earlier to settle at $6.312 per mmBtu, their highest level since 2008.

While gas prices in Europe and Asia have more than tripled this year, the United States has largely been shielded from the global crunch because of plentiful supplies. While U.S. natural gas is trading around the $6 per mmBTu mark, it’s at around $30-plus in Europe and Asia.

But experts warn the global natural gas crunch could have ripple effects, with possible impacts on households in the United States.

“Storage is low in Europe. Storage is low in Russia because they had cold weather earlier in the year and last winter, so the supplies were not replenished,” Daniel Yergin, vice chairman of IHS Markit, told The Motley Fool in a recent interview.

Natural gas supply shortages have led factories to shut in continental Europe, with reverberations in food production in the United Kingdom.

“There’s so many knock-on effects of what happens when you have, whether you call it an energy crunch or an energy crisis. If we have a cold winter, we’re going to have a difficult time around the world,” Yergin said, building on remarks he made in a mid-September interview on CNBC, in which he warned that “if it’s a cold winter, gas will not just be tight. It will be very tight.”

“It will either be physical shortages, or it will be reflected in price,” he said at the time.

Nord Stream 2 The Russian pipe laying vessel Akademik Cherskiy is moored in the port of Mukran near Sassnitz on the Baltic Sea island of Ruegen, Germany, on Sept. 7, 2020. (Odd Andersen/AFP via Getty Images)

And U.S. natural gas future contracts—known as Henry Hub—have been rallying, with contracts for each of the next five months up over 1 percent in early trading on Oct. 6.

At the time of reporting, November 2021 contracts were up 1.01 percent at $6.376 per mmBTu, December 2021 contracts were up 1.15 percent at $6.506 per mmBTu, and January 2022 contracts were up 1.03 percent at $6.589 per mmBTu.

“Henry Hub prices continue to climb for the winter months, but we should see even bigger increases on the East and West Coasts for New England and California,” said Matt Smith, lead oil analyst for the Americas at commodity analytics firm Kpler.

In New England, gas for January delivery is soaring, trading this week at more than $22 at the region’s Algonquin hub. This would be the highest price paid in a month since January and February of 2014.

In September, Goldman Sachs analysts predicted that a colder-than-normal winter in the United States could send Henry Hub natural gas prices past the $10 per mmBtu mark.

[Comment: You will freeze and you will like it. Apparently, the green economy refers to how many greenback dollars you will have to cough up to survive.]


On TB every waking moment****-nation/the-mark-of-the-beast/

The Mark of the Beast
CLUSTER**** NATION – BLOGOctober 8, 2021
Jim Kunstler

So, you’re feeling down and blue about the Woke Luciferian madness shading our American life under its baleful bat-wings? A lot of my friends and loved ones are down and blue. At this darkest of dark hours, I have some advice for you. Say ‘okay’ to whatever shade the universe is throwing on you. Rise! Go with it. Run with it and mount it. Ride it until you exhaust the beast that has made itself your enemy. Ride it until it goes to ground and whimpers. Because that is how it ends and you get your life back.

The frightful swans, black, white, and gray, are circling in the sky like those old air-traffic jams above the runways of O’Hare in bad weather. They are looking to land, and as they do, they will change everything. Enough people around the country will finally get their minds right. They will come back to themselves wondering… where have I been? This is what is coming at us (let’s count the ways):

The Covid-19 spell breaks. The beast thought it was a good idea to deprive millions of their livelihoods just to get its way and force them to submit to a medical experiment conceived in the utmost bad faith. You say your “vaccine” is defeating the plague that you schemed to create and beset the world with? We know exactly what you did. We know that most of the people getting sick now are the “vaccinated.” Look what happened in Israel. Too far to see? Look right here in Vermont. Your “vaccine” makes people sick. Soon, it will be self-evident everywhere that this “vaccine” is just another side of your boutique sickness.

Meanwhile, you’ve cleverly destroyed medicine itself by forcing the firings of nurses, doctors, and the people who clean up the hospitals. The people will not forgive you for this reckless and craven stupidity. And, of course, nobody knows the long-term effects of your jabbing spree. Has every vaxed-up person got a controlled demolition underway in their organs and blood vessels? Why are there suddenly a striking number of heart attacks and strokes tallied in Great Britain? Concerning, ya think? They’re counting, at least. In America, we’re not even tracking. This now-sinister enterprise called “The Science” doesn’t really want to see any numbers, and if any happen to come up, its minions like to play games with the math, which can tell any story they want it to.

Suddenly, as if from nowhere an energy crisis is upon us — but you knew it was there all along, or you should have known. Things don’t work well when the fossil fuels get scarce or pricey or have to come from so far away that getting them is beyond your control. When these things happen, everything you need costs more and some things quit working altogether.

The EU bureaucrats thought they would force a dozen countries to go “green” by sheer force of will. They thought that blocking the Nord Stream 2 pipeline — designed to bring Russian natgas to the West — was a good idea. “Joe Biden’s” first act in office was to shut down work on the Keystone pipeline. Look now, there’s color in the treetops and the temperatures are falling. That frost on the pumpkin isn’t so charming when there’s also frost inside your windowpanes. The lights may be going out in your house, but that will finally switch on the light in your brain. You’ve been played.

The global economy of interdependent super-systems is breaking apart. It seemed like a good idea at the time when the beast put it together… the Lexus and the Olive Tree and all that reassuring bullshit… and now times have changed. Now the supply lines are choking on their own hyper-complexity as each nation in the global “community” has to contend with its own bad decisions and the fragilities they have exposed. Chinese factories don’t work so well without Australian coal. Here’s an idea: maybe someday Australia will get back to work and learn how to make something with its own coal. (America, are you alert?)

The beast has decimated small business everywhere, leaving the people at the mercy of gigantic chain stores — with their dying business model — and now they can’t get any stuff because it comes from so far away, and the ships transporting it can’t dock because there’s nobody to unload it and there aren’t enough truck drivers to take it anywhere, all because of the beast’s reckless and craven stupidity. Let me light your fire, America: think about making your own stuff again, maybe not as much as before, but, honestly, we don’t need ten-foot-tall inflatable Santas and a lot of other plastic crap.

Sooner or later the capital markets are going to see how badly the beast has been playing them and the shock will make them roll over. The markets will reach a painful insight: that there is, after all, a direct relationship between capital and what people do on-the-ground in their daily lives — either honestly and earnestly making things, and usefully serving their fellow human beings, or else becoming a multitude of Hunter Bidens, moving from one grift to the next in a haze of drugs, making nothing of value and serving no one. That clarifying bolt of insight will, alas, leave a lot of people broke and just a little farther along, as the old gospel song goes, they will understand why.

We’re in for another wave of invasion down on the US-Mexican border. This one, with hundreds of thousands marching north, will make the previous episode at Del Rio, Texas, look like a mere yoga class in comparison. Is there any doubt that this is happening because the figures behind the phantom “Joe Biden” want it to happen? The “optics” are already atrocious, but how do you think it will play with ever more Americans thrown out of work, and the prices of food, home heating, and gasoline surging upward, and as citizens are hassled at every turn to show their vaccine papers (while the border-jumpers get free bus tickets to Oshkosh, Bangor, and Spokane, along with a package of re-settlement goodies paid for with tax dollars)? It might be enough to even awaken the Woke. Played again!

How do you like your FBI and DOJ turning on the citizens of this land, you mothers of and fathers of schoolchildren getting the Woke business from the cadres of Saul Alinsky, Susan Rice, and Barack Obama? How dare you foment domestic terrorism in the town offices where the school boards meet? Were you just sucking it up before, all these months, while your kids were subjected to the Drag Queen Reading Hour and the malicious inanities of anointed MacArthur Fellow Ibram X. Kendi? Now is your time to rise and respond. No, Merrick Garland, you depraved little prick, we will not stand this anymore. We rise against you! We dare you to send your goons in!

Are you ready, perhaps for war? Other nations may be, sensing America’s signal weakness. How would you rate our most recent military performance in Afghanistan? Does it give you a warm inclusive feeling to know that our top brass ordered flight suits for pregnant pilots? And that they are on vigilant watch to prevent any white privilege from contaminating our tactics and strategy? Things are heating up and pulsing red in the Strait of Taiwan. Will China dare to seize the island as they dared to seize Hong Kong a year ago? We probably won’t have to wait for long to find out.

Daunting times for sure. But they are our times and we must own them. A lot of this is truly beyond our control, but not what happens here in our country among ourselves. And one thing you can begin to do right away, right now, is to defy the regime that affects to be running your lives. We may even, very suddenly as events unspool, arrive at a surprising consensus that we need to get rid of it.


On TB every waking moment
The Great Takedown 11:16 min

The Great Takedown [Catherine Austin-Fitts]
ProudPrimate Published October 6, 2021
Rumble — Catherine Austin Fitts goes deep into the unspeakable theft of our world — you could call it "Grand Theft — Planet", that we are now experiencing


1:28:07 min

Narrative #62 - Catherine Austin Fitts (Improved Audio)
Sep 30, 2021

OVALnarrative - Ausweichkanal

Narrative #62 Catherine Austin Fitts Mafia of the powerful Filmmaker Robert Cibis questions the former US vice-minister and investment banker Catherine Austin Fitts about the mechanisms of the interplay between politics and finances. She reveals how massive systemic corruption leads to the replacement of democracy with orders and control, subtly at first and obviously in the Corona crisis. Finally, the two discuss the simple stance that can be taken to minimise further damage.


59:20 min
Catherine Austin Fitts - The real reset is the Going Direct Reset

Sep 28, 2021

Alternative Media

September 26th, 2021 Catherine had a successful career on Wall Street in the 1980s, later working as an Assistant Secretary of Housing in the Bush Senior Administration. Because she was too successful in fighting financial fraud, and for creating investment products that benefit modal incomes, she got involved in a lawsuit with the federal government. After 11 years of litigation, she managed to clear her name. She then founded the Solari Report, with which she by means of 'actionable intelligence' (information that provides you with a perspective for action) helps people have a free and to lead an inspired life. We spoke to her about the Going Direct Reset, a plan for radical reform of the financial system to which Central Bankers decided during a meeting in August 2019. That was the kick-off for the crisis in which As we find ourselves now, the WEF's Great Reset is just the marketing for this bigger plan. What forces/powers are behind this? Despite having seemingly sovereign states, many countries appear to be following the same agenda. Catherine's name for the power behind the scenes is "mr. Global” and we explore how it compares to China, Russia and the US. What weapons are used against us? When we think of weapons, we quickly think of pistols, bombs or nuclear weapons. However, in the world of security services and from black budgets, all kinds of weapons have been developed where people have no knowledge of. The fact that they are invisible makes them all the more effective. Catherine shares her knowledge about these technologies and talks about her personal experiences.
Last edited:


On TB every waking moment

Full Interviews
Here you can find links to the full length interviews conducted for the film. We are being actively censored from social media & streaming platforms; if you come across a non-functioning link, please drop us an email. If you download via torrent, please kindly help us by seeding.

If anyone wishes to volunteer to translate any of the the interviews into other languages, please reach out at

Check back regularly as we continue uploading more.

There are a full spectrum of interviews available for download i including a full interview with Catherine Austin Fitts

You can also watch the interview here: Catherine Austin Fitts - Full Interview | Planet Lockdown 48:31 min

channel image
Banned Youtube Videos


This sit down interview with Catherine covers the spectrum of the current situation we find ourselves in.
It was conducted as apart of the full length documentary.


On TB every waking moment

Biden Mulls New Regulations On Crypto Via Executive Order; May Hire 'Crypto Czar'

As the Biden Admin and SEC push to regulate stablecoins (amid intensifying speculation that tether, one of the most popular stablecoins, is a giant Ponzi scheme) and other aspects of the crypto market, while the DoJ launches new initiatives to combat any crypto-related crime, the White House is reportedly weighing whether to use an executive order to set up a new federal regulatory framework for the fast-growing market. It's also reportedly exploring the possibility of appointing a crypto czar.

According to Bloomberg, the draft directive from the White House "is part of an effort... to craft a sweeping strategy for digital tokens, which have become a growing concern for regulators as they’ve become wildly popular with average Americans."

Here's more:
The Biden administration is weighing an executive order on cryptocurrencies as part of an effort to set up a government-wide approach to the white-hot asset class, according to people familiar with the matter.
The proposed directive would charge federal agencies to study and offer recommendations on relevant areas of crypto -- touching on financial regulation, economic innovation and national security, said the people, who asked not to be named discussing plans that are still under consideration.

The initiative will also aim to coordinate agencies’ work on digital currencies throughout the executive branch, the people said. The plan would push departments that have given scant attention to crypto to focus on it. Officials have also considered appointing a White House crypto czar to act as a point person on the issue, one person said.
Crypto prices wavered in the wake of the headline, but have since turned lower, potentially suggesting that the market sees this as the latest confirmation that the SEC and federal regulators are planning a new framework of rules, conditions and taxes that would help further bind bitcoin to the financial establishment, or "stifle innovation", as some have warned might happen, even if it ultimately welcome news as it takes a full-blown ban off the table.

Meanwhile, in recent days, crypto prices have been rallying, partly on the hope of more institutional demand as well as speculation of an imminent bitcoin futures ETFs.

Just the other day, Citadel's Ken Griffin said his firm would get involved in market-making for crypto and bitcoin if it were regulated, though he himself views it as a "jihad" against the sanctity of the dollar.

President Biden has taken an increasingly aggressive tone about crypto in the wake of several high-profile ransomware attacks. A final decision whether or not to release the order hasn't yet been made, but since BIden has already denounced crypto as a potential security threat, and regulators like the SEC's Gary Gensler tare asking a more hawkish tone on regulation, it's clear a framework for further regulation is likely coming. According to BBG, if it isn't implemented via executive order, the administration will craft the federal response in other ways.

Apparently, the draft order was inspired by behind-the-scenes jostling between agencies over who has jurisdiction over regulating everything about the fast-growing crypto market, from stablecoins to DeFi to good old fashioned no-KYC exchanges. Lobbyists for the nascent industry, meanwhile, are making their case for more limited regs, warning that too stringent of an approach could stifle innovation.

Right now, the White House is allowing federal policy on crypto to be led by the National Economic Council and the National Security Council (while the SEC and CFTC have also claimed responsibility to regulate).

The White House has encountered many roadblocks to forming a more coherent approach. And one of the biggest impediments is that there are no senior staffers with deep expertise about crypto who aren't conflicted by their own crypto holdings.

Take Tim Wu, a special assistant to the president: he has more than $1MM in various cryptocurrencies.
Tim Wu, a special assistant to the president for technology and competition policy has knowledge in the area, but is recused from working on crypto because of his personal holdings, which included between $1 million and $5 million in Bitcoin and as much as $250,000 in Filecoin as of when he filed his financial disclosures earlier this year.
As amusing as that is, crackdowns in China have shown that the prospect of new regulation and uncertainty surrounding it can be a negative for the price of crypto markets, which have been on a tear lately. And the fact that bitcoin mostly shrugged off this headline could suggest that the market may have finally moved past its worries about governments trying to undermine or suppress crypto.

The timing of the report is also interesting, since just yesterday, Republican Sen. Cynthia Lummis disclosed a stake in bitcoin between $50K and $100K, a report which came after the 45-day reporting deadline for financial transactions for lawmakers (her office blamed it on a "filing error"). The purchase was disclosed after Lummis and two other senators tried to insert an amendment into the Senate-passed infrastructure bill (which is awaiting passage in the House) that would have limited the definition of who qualifies as a crypto currency broker and the attendant tax liability.

Is Biden worried too many of his colleagues are getting rich of the crypto craze, and how will America's youth - the biggest adopters of cryptocurrencies - react at the next election if the Democrat president pushes to hard and sends prices plunging?


On TB every waking moment
Amazon Developing 'Smart Fridge' To Monitor What You Eat

FRIDAY, OCT 08, 2021 - 03:40 PM

Amazon is spending $50 million per year developing a new smart refrigerator that uses high-tech sensors to notify users of low-stock items automatically or expiring products and even makes refill orders, according to Bussiness Insider, citing people familiar with the project.

Amazon's physical store unit, which created the cashless, "just walk out" technology, leads the fridge project, dubbed internally as "Project Pulse."

Insider said the new fridge is "designed to track your inventory and purchase habits, predict what you want, and have it delivered. The system will automatically notify you if certain repeat-purchase products, like eggs, are close to running out or nearing their expiration dates, these people said. It could also make ordering those products easier through Amazon Fresh or Whole Foods."

Sources said the manufacturing part of the intelligent refrigerators would be completed by a third party, most likely an already established home-appliance company. They said Amazon is already discussing talks with several consumer electronics brands to produce the new fridge.

There is no timetable for when the project will be completed. Sources said the project has been ongoing for two years.

Amazon already has an array of personal home devices, including smart speakers, microwave oven, smart TVs, and even a home robot.

Amazon's quest to create intelligent devices embedded within homes has only one purpose: surveillance capitalism, collecting data about users, and influencing and manipulating what they purchase.


On TB every waking moment

What Governments Got Wrong About The Global Energy Transition

FRIDAY, OCT 08, 2021 - 02:00 AM
By Tsvetana Paraskova of

The energy crisis in Europe exposed the complexity of a transition to green energy: it is not happening overnight, and it cannot be done successfully with the old tricks. Energy systems, markets, and grids globally need fundamental changes to legislation, regulation, and oversight in order to accommodate 100-percent zero-emission sources. And even in that case, power systems need flexibility and backups in order to avert similar crises down the road as many parts of the world commit to net-zero emissions by 2050 or 2060.

The current crisis in the UK is a cautionary tale about how not to rush to green energy, Rochelle Toplensky of The Wall Street Journal notes.

Net-zero electricity systems need an entirely new set of rules in all areas of the energy systems and power markets, as well as enough flexibility to offset environmental factors such as low wind speeds, which happened in the UK last month.

The UK has cut its reliance on coal dramatically over the past decade.

But its power systems are not yet as resilient to a major transition to low-carbon energy sources as to prevent concerns about its power supply, the Journal’s Toplensky argues.

The current energy crisis in the UK, the rest of Europe, and in major energy importers in Asia is a warning to policymakers that the transition cannot be rushed before new rules are set in place and backup battery storage is built en masse to support soaring new solar and wind capacity.

Boosting power grid resilience, building battery storage, and widespread use of the much-touted green hydrogen will require trillions of U.S. dollars of investment, government support, and much greater coordination and cooperation among industry and policymakers at the national and international level.

Everyone knew that the energy transition would not be cheap. The ongoing energy crisis shows that no one can put the cart before the horse in the transition - backups and flexibility are vital for any successful energy system.

UK Power Crisis Shows Challenges To Green Transition
Even the UK, which has pledged to phase out coal-fired power generation by October 2024, had to fire up an old coal plant last month in order to meet its electricity demand.

The country which kick-started the Industrial Revolution with coal saw the share of the fuel drop to a record-low in 2020 - coal generated just 1.8 percent of electricity, down from 28.2 percent in 2010, as per government data. Renewable generation, on the other hand, hit a record 43.1 percent in 2020, outpacing annual fossil fuel generation for the first time.

During many days in recent years, wind power generated the largest share of Britain’s electricity, surpassing natural gas. This is a commendable move toward clean energy but does not change the fact that wind power generation depends on…the speed of the wind. On those unfortunate days when the wind doesn’t blow, as it happened on most days in September, natural gas is used more in power generation, driving up gas and power prices and also increasing coal generation because of the sky-high prices of natural gas.

Although households face higher energy bills, they are protected to some extent because of the so-called Energy Price Cap in the UK. But it is this price cap - when power providers are unable to pass the full extent of surging costs onto consumers - that has already led to nine UK providers going out of business. Just last week, three suppliers said they were ceasing trade, and the Office of Gas and Electricity Markets, Ofgem, had to choose new suppliers to take over the failed businesses.

The UK likely needs new regulations on how its domestic power market operates, which should take into account the net-zero commitment and increased green energy share in electricity generation, analysts say.

The European Union is also looking at potential changes to the way wholesale electricity markets operate, European Energy Commissioner, Kadri Simson, said this week.

Demonization Of Fossil Fuels Cuts Backup Options
The two oil price crashes in the past five years, as well as the increasingly louder calls for shunning investment in fossil fuels, have led to chronic underinvestment in new supplies of oil, gas, and coal, especially in developed economies aspiring to reach net-zero by 2050.

These days, however, those developed economies are scrambling for fossil fuel supplies to ensure they will keep the lights on. The surging price of coal and natural gas is leaving many energy-intensive businesses in Europe vulnerable to the price shock because the energy transition hasn’t reached the point where anything other than gas can efficiently power fertilizer or steel production.

However, investment from the fossil fuel industry has declined in recent years.

Moreover, Wall Street investors have been shunning traditional energy because of poor returns, Jeff Currie, global head of commodities research at Goldman Sachs, told Bloomberg in an interview earlier this week.

“The new economy is over-invested and the old economy is starved,” he said. “Gas, coal, oil, metals, mining – you pick – the old economy, it is severely underinvested,” Currie noted.

Major Challenges Ahead To Avoid “A Disorderly Mess”
Since the world continues to need a lot of fossil fuels despite the green push, supply shortages and price spikes are in the cards in the future, too.

t is important to recognise that the transition is, as its derivation suggests, a process of moving from one state to another, and if it is to be successful must involve the managed decline of the existing energy system as well as its transformation towards a future state,” James Henderson and Anupama Sen of the Oxford Institute for Energy Studies (OIES) wrote in a paper last month.

“Policymakers have set countries on this essential road, and technology is the key to accelerating the process, but many complex questions remain to be resolved if the world is to avoid the transition becoming a disorderly mess,” they say.


On TB every waking moment

Vatican Foreign Minister Calls for ‘Fiscal Redistribution’ to Fight Inequality
Vatican Secretary for Relations with States (Vatican foreign Minister) British Archbishop Paul Richard Gallagher arrives at the Paul VI Hall private studio as President of Cuba Raul Castro meets Pope Francis on May 10, 2015 in Vatican City, Vatican. (Photo by Franco Origlia/Getty Images)
Franco Origlia/Getty Images)\
THOMAS D. WILLIAMS, PH.D.8 Oct 2021470

ROME, Italy — Vatican foreign minister Archbishop Paul Gallagher has called for increased redistribution as a necessary means of overcoming economic inequality, the Catholic News Service reported Wednesday.

In his address before a high-level U.N. meeting on inequality and prosperity, Archbishop Gallagher asserted that “fighting rampant inequality cannot be achieved without fiscal redistribution and increasing the progressiveness of income taxation schedules.”

“Better taxation can redistribute a portion of the rents accruing to big corporations and help build up tax bases, especially in developing countries,” he declared.

The archbishop also noted how the global coronavirus pandemic has slowed humanity’s progressive elimination of extreme poverty.

The World Bank, for instance, has estimated the pandemic “drove an additional 97 million people into extreme poverty in 2020.”

“As wages have decreased, millions of individuals have been plunged into poverty, and this has set back poverty reduction targets by nearly a decade,” Gallagher said, adding that those already in vulnerable situations “were disproportionately affected by its fallout.”

Our World in Data (OWD) has noted that in the past, the immense majority of mankind lived in what would be described today as “extreme poverty,” a situation that has been steadily improving over the past two centuries thanks to industrialization and rising productivity.

“This is surely one of the most remarkable achievements of humankind,” OWD declared.

Moreover, the average person on the planet is now 4.4 times richer than an average person in 1950, an astonishing example of ongoing wealth creation.

In his address, the archbishop underscored the need for “climate stabilization and climate justice,” which includes the “decarbonization of our economies.”
In an October 7 essay in the Wall Street Journal, however, Bjorn Lomborg — president of the Copenhagen Consensus — offers a different perspective on the question.

Working to end global warming “could hurt the poor more than help,” Lomborg states, because of its negative impact on economic development.

Malnutrition deaths “have declined dramatically over the past three decades and will continue to drop rapidly over the next three,” Lomborg notes, a phenomenon overwhelmingly driven by economic growth.

“This puts the impact of global warming in context: For nutrition, climate change isn’t a disaster, but something that slightly slows down progress,” he adds.

“Growth policies can avoid 1.7 million annual deaths,” Lomborg concludes. “That is far more than any climate measures could provide.”


On TB every waking moment
[Long article continued on website]

The WEF and the Pandemic \

The WEF and the Pandemic
WEF founder Klaus Schwab in 2014 (Alamy)

Published: October 6, 2021 (upd.)

How is the Davos World Economic Forum involved in the coronavirus pandemic?

The Davos World Economic Forum (WEF) is a premier forum for governments, global corporations and international entrepreneurs. Founded in 1971 by engineer and economist Klaus Schwab, the WEF describes its mission as “shaping global, regional and industry agendas” and “improving the state of the world”.

According to its website, “moral and intellectual integrity is at the heart of everything it does.”

The WEF has been involved in the coronavirus pandemic in several ways.

First, the WEF was, together with the Gates Foundation, a sponsor of the prescient “Event 201” coronavirus pandemic simulation exercise, held in New York City on October 18, 2019 – the same day as the opening of the Wuhan Military World Games, seen by some as “ground zero” of the global pandemic.

China itself has argued that US military athletes may have brought the virus to Wuhan.

Second, the WEF has been a leading proponent of digital biometric identity systems, arguing that they will make societies and industries more efficient, more productive and more secure. In July 2019, the WEF started a project to “shape the future of travel with biometric-enabled digital traveler identity management”.

In addition, the WEF collaborates with the ID2020 alliance, which is funded by the Gates and Rockefeller foundations and runs a program to “provide digital ID with vaccines”. In particular, ID2020 sees the vaccination of children as “an entry point for digital identity.”

Third, WEF founder Klaus Schwab is the author of the book COVID-19: The Great Reset, published in July 2020, which argues that the coronavirus pandemic can and should be used for an “economic, societal, geopolitical, environmental and technological reset”, including, in particular, advancing global governance, accelerating digital transformation, and tackling climate change.

Finally, the WEF has been running, since 1993, a program called “Global Leaders for Tomorrow”, rebranded, in 2004, as “Young Global Leaders”. This program aims at identifying, selecting and promoting future global leaders in both business and politics. Indeed, quite a few “Young Global Leaders” have later managed to become Presidents, Prime Ministers, or CEOs (see below).

During the coronavirus pandemic, several WEF Global Leaders and Global Shapers (a junior program of the Global Leaders) have played prominent roles, typically promoting zero-covid strategies, lockdowns, mask mandates, and vaccine mandates. This may have been a (largely failed) attempt to protect public health and the economy, or it may have been an attempt to advance the global transformation agenda outlined above, or perhaps both.

In this regard, some notable Young Leaders include Jeffrey Zients (US White House Coronavirus Response Coordinator), Stéphane Bancel (CEO of Moderna), Jeremy Howard (founder of influential lobby group “Masks for All”), Leana Wen (zero-covid CNN medical analyst), Eric Feigl-Ding (zero-covid Twitter personality), Gavin Newsom (Governor of California, selected in 2005), Devi Sridhar (British zero-covid professor), Jacinda Ardern (Prime Minister of New Zealand), French President Emanuel Macron (selected one year prior to his election in 2017), Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz, German Chancellor Angela Merkel (selected back in 1993), and German Health Minister Jens Spahn.

To get a full overview of their members, see Global Leaders for Tomorrow and Young Global Leaders on WikiSpooks (a Wiki focusing on covert power structures) as well as the official Young Global Leaders website. For an overview of some notable members in politics and the media, see below.

In conclusion, the Davos World Economic Forum has indeed been involved in the strategic management of the coronavirus pandemic, with a major emphasis on using the pandemic as a catalyst for digital transformation and the global introduction of digital identity systems.

Digital Identity: The 2018 vision of the World Economic Forum

Digital Identity: The vision of the World Economic Forum (WEF, 2018)

WEF “Young Global Leaders”

An overview of some WEF Young Global Leaders (2005-2021) and Global Leaders for Tomorrow (1993-2003) in politics and the media. The list is not exhaustive.

Sources: Global Leaders for Tomorrow and Young Global Leaders on WikiSpooks.
United States

Politics and Policy
Jeffrey Zients (White House Coronavirus Response Coordinator since 2021, selected in 2003), Jeremy Howard (co-founder of lobby group “masks for all”, selected in 2013), California Governor Gavin Newsom (selected in 2005), Peter Buttigieg (selected in 2019, candidate for US President in 2020, US secretary of transportation since 2021), Chelsea Clinton (Clinton Foundation board member), Huma Abedin (Hillary Clinton aide, selected in 2012), Nikki Haley (US ambassador to the UN, 2017-2018), Samantha Power (US ambassador to the UN, 2013-2017, USAID Administrator since 2021), Ian Bremmer (founder of Eurasia Group), Bill Browder (initiator of the Magnitsky Act), Jonathan Soros (son of George Soros), Kenneth Roth (director of “Human Rights Watch” since 1993), Paul Krugman (economist, selected in 1995), Lawrence Summers (former World Bank Chief Economist, former US Treasury Secretary, former Harvard University President, selected in 1993), Alicia Garza (co-founder of Black Lives Matter, selected in 2020), Stéphane Bancel (Moderna CEO).

CNN medical analyst Leana Wen (selected in 2018), CNN chief medical correspondent Sanjay Gupta, Covid Twitter personality Eric Feigl-Ding (a ‘WEF Global Shaper‘ since 2013), Andrew Ross Sorkin (New York Times financial columnist), Thomas Friedman (New York Times columnist, selected in 1995), George Stephanopoulos (ABC News, 1993), Lachlan Murdoch (CEO of Fox Corporation).

Technology and Social Media
Microsoft founder Bill Gates (1993), former Microsoft CEO Steven Ballmer (2000-2014, selected in 1995), Amazon founder Jeff Bezos (1998), Google co-founders Sergey Brin and Larry Page (2002/2005), former Google CEO Eric Schmidt (2001-2011, selected in 1997), Wikipedia co-founder Jimmy Wales (2007), PayPal co-founder Peter Thiel (2007), eBay co-founder Pierre Omidyar (1999), Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg (2009), Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg (2007).

[continued on website: The WEF and the Pandemic ]

Cross posted on the Main Coronavirus thread

Video clips from the article

Bill Gates demanding “digital immunity proof” in March 2020 .39 min

Edward Snowden warning of the “destruction of rights” (March 2020)

4:50 min

Chinese Social Credit System

4:37 min


On TB every waking moment

'The Perfect Police State': China's Digital Dictatorship Goes Global

George Thomas

China Surveillance

In 2013, China's President Xi Jinping said that "whoever controls data has the upper hand".

Xi has been on a technological quest to build what some call a blueprint for a digital dictatorship ever since.

It would not only allow China's communist government to control huge volumes of data on its own citizens but also of those around the world.

Dustin Carmack worked as chief of staff for the Director of National Intelligence.

"You are talking about vast amounts of data they are running between, both either covert or overt cyber-attacks and in other realms, they are sucking up massive amounts of data around the globe that could have nefarious purposes in the long-run," Carmack, with the DC-based Heritage Foundation, told CBN News.

China has more than 415 million surveillance cameras deployed throughout the country, making its population by far the world's most-watched.

And now Beijing is using digital currency, social security cards, social credit systems and online interactions to keep an even closer eye on its citizens.

"It is a massive dragnet based on artificial intelligence, facial recognition, voice recognition, these are all novel technologies that the Chinese communist party is deploying against its people," said Geoffrey Cain.

Cain, the author of the new book, The Perfect Police State: An Undercover Odyssey into China's Terrifying Surveillance Dystopia of the Future, says the regime first tested this type of surveillance several years ago to monitor Uighurs, an ethnic Muslim group living in the western part of the country.

"It's a place where everything they do from morning to night, from the moment that they eat breakfast or go to the market, or go to work, everything is monitored by their smartphones, by government cameras everywhere, and nothing is private, nothing is secret, your entire life is exposed," Cain explained to CBN News.

Cain says his investigation found that those reams of data are fed to a massive police database, and with the help of artificial intelligence, attempts to predict whether someone will commit a crime in the future.

"But the thing is that this system has gotten out of control because I looked at a list of reasons that people can be detained for these 'pre-crimes' and it could be something as simple as, they bought a tent suddenly or they stopped smoking suddenly, they change their behavior in ways that the system finds odd and so it nudges the police, it sends the police a nudge on the app to go to this person's house, to their work, check them out, maybe interrogate them a little bit, and if the situation calls for it, take them away to one of the many hundreds of concentration camps," Cain explained.

China is accused of committing genocide against the Uighurs by holding more than a million of them in what Beijing calls "re-education camps".

The Associated Press gained exclusive access to one such detention center this summer that allegedly had room enough to hold more than 10,000 prisoners.

"When we talk about genocide, we're not just talking about taking lives, which there is evidence to suggest that is occurring too, but it is to erase a population, an ethnic group, and that is what they are after," Tony Perkins with Family Research Council told CBN News.

Experts say President Xi also wants China to be the global leader in exporting its authoritarian surveillance tech to other like-minded regimes.

"When they've got the kinds of tools that allow, for example, to track their critics every moment and control their access, for example to money or even to buying plane or train tickets, it can make a state exponentially more powerful," Sophie Richardson with Human Rights Watch told CBN News.

New research from Oxford University and Berlin's Humbolt University uncovered some 18-hundred active Chinese surveillance devices across 72 countries, including Venezuela, Kenya, the Philippines, and Oman.

"China is now using their influence, using their money, using their technology, to facilitate the repression of minorities and individuals in other countries," Perkins said.

China has also deployed censorship devices in 17 other countries, among them, Turkey, Cuba, Egypt, and Pakistan where news and media websites are blocked.

"I think the overall effect is to use technology to engineer a very particular kind of dissent-free society and that's a very frightening concept," said Richardson.

China used these and other tactics to suppress protestors in Hong Kong then came to Cuba's aid in July by cutting communications after tens of thousands took to the streets protesting the regime.

"That type of technology being used to throttle internet traffic flows or at times, in Cuba actually, turn off the internet, especially in the early days of the protests down there," said Carmack.

Meanwhile, new research shows that technology made by seven American companies, including IBM, Microsoft, and Oracle, are facilitating China's surveillance of Uighur Muslims with little or no consequences.

"I think that a lot of American companies have been caught with their pants down frankly because they spent the past few decades warming up to China, looking for market and business opportunities, profit opportunities, and now they've realized they're making a deal with the devil," said Cain.

It's a deal that's handing China a treasure trove of data in its quest for global information superiority and digital control over its citizens and those around the world.


On TB every waking moment

Authoritarianism Is the Goal of Progressivism
Your betters think the American taxpayer is nothing more than an ATM for the administrative state and its ruling class. Pay up and shut up, suckers.

By Ned Ryun

October 7, 2021

I’ve said it before, but I will say it again: authoritarianism is the ultimate end of progressivism. The very foundations of a progressive worldview, built from a warped and twisted view of human nature (that it is somehow ultimately good, rather than deeply flawed), is a belief in the ultimate rightness of an all-powerful administrative state filled with a so-called educated elite. Power must be consolidated into the state. Decisions for the advancement of society should be left to the smartest-of-the-smart elite who, through their great knowledge and moral perfection, will advance human progress to a state of nirvana or utopia here on earth. Only through the state will progress be made.

But what happens when people begin to question the entire premise of the state? What if people—those dirty little peasants—decide that in a supposed constitutional republic, all power flows from the people who then make their elected officials stewards of the money and power given to them? This, of course, is the antithesis of the administrative state: All power flows from the state, not the people. All knowledge for what is best comes from the so-called educated elite. So what happens when people resist and disagree with the administrative state, its apparatchiks, and its propaganda? The state strikes back.

Consider this: In 1974, when presumably Joe Biden still had two brain cells to rub together, he told a reporter, “Whether you like it or not . . . us cruddy politicians can take away that First Amendment of yours if we want to.” Given what we have seen over the past months, whether in his coddling of Big Tech, China, the undercutting of our civil liberties, or the ongoing abuses of the FBI and Department of Justice, is there any doubt that Joe still believes this? Worse, that he thinks he can pull it off? I would say all empirical evidence points in one direction.

Just the other day, the fake moderate Attorney General Merrick Garland let it be known to the world that he would sic the corrupt and rotten FBI on those pesky parents protesting at school boards across the country. The parents’ real crime is apparently wrong-think for assuming they had any say about how their children are educated with their taxpayer dollars. Sit down, you miserable little peasants!

How dare you question your betters! And for daring to question anything, parents are being labeled as “domestic terrorists.”

This is exactly what happens when you question the administrative state: you will either submit or you will be forced to comply. If you do not comply you are viewed as a threat to the state, deemed a terrorist, and then the state will weaponize against you (Exhibit A: Donald J. Trump).

At some point, you would think the people might wake up and say enough is enough. Is this that moment? Is this the moment when the American people stare down the state and say, “Enough!” Because let’s not forget: not all the parents protesting at school board meetings are Republicans or even conservatives. They are Democrats and independents, too. Although they might not be as concerned about critical race theory, they are absolutely infuriated that woke school boards have decided to stop offering advanced classes because such classes are now deemed “racist.”

In Virginia, we might get an early indicator as to what will happen. Just the other week, Clinton pal, Terry McAuliffe, pronounced in a gubernatorial debate, “Parents shouldn’t have a say in what is taught in the classroom.” That statement in many ways encapsulates everything: The American taxpayer is an ATM for the administrative state and its ruling class, nothing more. Taxes will be paid, on threat of force, to fund the state and its priorities. Anything more than that will not be tolerated. You will not question your “betters” and if you do, you’ll be crushed.

We’re going to get very clear indicators on November 2 as to whether we are going to accelerate into insanity or maybe, just maybe, have some signs of hope that the freeborn American people aren’t done just yet.