Infection MAC Lung Infection


TB Fanatic
Prayers from here also. I’ve got zero information about this. But look on YouTube and there is one called new treatment for MAC or something. Sorry, I rolled past it because it’s dated from 5 yrs ago. Yet it may be something for you to consider or be aware of. Anyway, point is, don’t forget about looking for information on YouTube also.


Mycobacteria infections are tough. I'd definitely try colloidal silver, both orally and in a nebulizer. Also work to strengthen your immune system... echinacea, elderflower (the blossom of black elderberry, which is a good immune stimulator)... get sugar and highly processed foods OUT of your diet!

You'll be in my prayers!


night driver

ESFP adrift in INTJ sea
BTDT Got the COPD!

Doxycycline was what we used to kill mine (mine likely came from exposure to rat, mouse, other rodent poop).


We started with IV Doxy and progressed after hospital discharge to oral. I wasn't DC'd until my fever broke and my SATs got into the mid-90%s.