This too shall pass.
I'm looking at cheap older travel trailers for temporary housing while we get all the work done on the house -- figure I can sell the trailer when we are done with it, or keep it and use it as a guest cottage. I know to look for soft spots in the floor, and leaks, and to check the tires. I know I need to make sure I get a title (one guy on FB Marketplace admitted he didn't have title to the trailer he's selling). Probably won't need the furnace, but it wouldn't hurt to have that working; would sure like to have the stove, frig, water pump and water heater all working. I don't think we'll use the toilet, because I don't want to have to haul the trailer out to dump the tank every few days. Although, it seems like I've seen some portable tank that can be used, emptying into it rather than moving the whole trailer? Anything else to consider?