WAR [Long] The Coming Second Civil War in America


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Friday, 27 December 2019
The Coming Second Civil War in America: Part One

by Brian Wiggins
Part I | Part II | Part III

If Charlottesville was Harpers Ferry, America is Heading for another Fort Sumter and a second civil war. In fact, this war has already begun.

The election to Congress in New York’s 14th District of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez delivered an upset to establishment Democratic power player Rep. Joe Crowley (D-NY) in the district’s primary election, running on a platform that promises to abolish all immigration and border enforcement. Ocasio-Cortez is calling on left wing and open borders activists to “occupy” all United States airports, all borders in the U.S., and every office of the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency. Her “New Green Deal” would shut down all hydrocarbons and turn the country into a huge Hutterite colony.

Crowley’s status as the fourth-ranking Democrat in the House did not save him. Journalists noted that Crowley was just too white for his district, which is now 50 percent Latino and Puerto Rican and only 22 percent white. Ocasio-Cortez is increasingly shaping the Democrat party’s open borders platform along with a “Green New Deal” and 70% tax rates. It’s no party for old white men.

Ocasio-Cortez affirmed this racial claim by posting that women of colour “want to unseat these white male incumbents” on her Twitter account. Her mother is a Puerto Rican migrant, and she won by selling herself as a fellow Latino who would promote immigration and aid for Puerto Rico. There are echoes of this in Canada. Liberal candidate, Karen Wan in Burnaby South, a riding that is 40% Chinese, said in a Mandarin language newspaper, that she was the only candidate of Chinese descent and that her opponent was Indian. That’s what the left calls a “dog whistle.” This is just the tip of the iceberg. You can expect a lot more whistling in the coming few years as the totalitarians in Beijing and the NCCM continue to tighten their grip on their diaspora.

Whites people must begin to organize, explicitly, for their own legitimate interests.

Ocasio-Cortez’s platform reads like a Marxist wish list, similar to our own Jagmeet Singh’s NDP. Free Medicare, a carbon free electrical grid, Federal job guarantees, free tuition for all and student debt cancellation. That’s a big number by the way. Americans owe over $1.48 trillion in student loan debt, spread out among about 44 million hopeless borrowers. That’s $620 billion more than total U.S. credit card debt.[1] Their futures have been forfeited by pathological, income and job crushing, mass immigration policy. Ocasio-Cortez compares electing Democrats to ending slavery and believes that all illegal aliens deserve a “right of passage” to freely enter the United States. “They’re” in a fight, make no mistake about it.

The 28 year-old "Latinx." believes that the U.S. is committing “international human rights abuses” at the U.S.-Mexico border because of President Trump’s “zero tolerance” policy. She has declared her support for a “Marshall Plan,” to rebuild hurricane-wracked Puerto Rico, referring to the U.S. territory as an “invaded” colony. She thinks that “because we are standing on native land and Latino people are descendants of native people" that Hispanics should be exempt from immigration laws on racial grounds.[2] Her loyalty lies with anything and everything non-white.

Puerto Rico provides a useful test case of open-borders ideology, because about three-fifths of all Puerto Ricans on earth now live in the fifty states. The Puerto Rican example suggests that Third-Worlders would stop coming to America only after their standard of living descends to Third World levels.[3] Democratic strategists are hoping that an exodus from Puerto Rico, exacerbated by more hurricanes, will deliver Florida’s 29 electoral votes in 2020. America has now become, like Canada, a colony of the world.

DNC chairman Tom Perez says that Democratic Socialist Alexandria Ocasio- Cortez is “the future of our party.” Forget Make America Great Again. If Ocasio-Cortez is the future, and she is, she’ll make America Venezuela.

Demographics are Destiny and Destiny is in the Balance

This past election cycle in the U.S. there was a clear pattern of non-whites winning Democratic nominations. As the Washington Post noted in a story about Stacey Abrams, the nominee in the 2018 Georgia gubernatorial election, “The rapidly changing complexion of the South, which has seen the percentages of African Americans, Hispanics, and Asian Americans increase, creates the potential for a political makeover.”

She would like to sand-blast Robert E Lee, Jefferson Davis and Stonewall Jackson off of Stone Mountain. White women were quickly vilified for not voting for Abrams. Race, it seems, and thankfully so, trumps sisterhood. It’s going to worsen, however. Abrams headlined a conference in the spring of 2018 to promote reparations. If reparations are to be paid, should they be paid to whites? Black Lives matter, no question, but so do crime rates. Right here in Canada, “Google” the top 100 most wanted by Toronto Police. What are we thinking?

Rashida Tlaib, is the first Muslim woman and first Palestinian in Congress. On her first day in Congress she screamed, at a rally with her son by her side, that “We’re gonna impeach the Motherf***r.” This woman is incredibly unattractive, but her identity is certainly part of her appeal; her mother told the Associated Press that her victory is “for the Arabs and Muslims all over the world.” Miss Tlaib herself highlights her Muslim identity as a way of striking back “in the time of Trump.” Yet it was her DSA credentials that gave her real momentum.

She is joined by Ilhan Omar, the first Somali-American to become a legislator in 2016, and winner in Minnesota’s 5th district. I can say with confidence that she is certainly NOT, uniquely American as the NYT would try to sell us. She is uniquely alien. Thank the self-loathing Scandinavians in Minnesota for sending her to Congress. “Everything about her is a fraud, including her name,” President Trump told a Minnesota rally last month.

Whites owe their nations to non-whites
It seems Omar was "recruited by and received funding from a foreign government, and passed sensitive information through intermediaries to Iran.” According to reports, the information on Omar came during testimony from Alan Bender, a Canadian businessman born in Kuwait, in the Florida trial of Sheik Khalid bin Hamad al-Thani, a Qatari emir. Bender testified that Qatari officials told him “the best thing money can buy is American officials, because they are the cheapest of the cheapest-costing officials in the world.” Without their money, Bender said, “Omar would be just another black Somali refugee in America collecting welfare and serving tables on weekends.”[4]

Remarkably, the Dems recently appointed her to the House Foreign Affairs Committee. PJ Media reports that the hijab wearing and Sharia compliant Omar has “faced allegations — backed by a remarkable amount of evidence — that she had married her own brother in 2009, and was still, legally, his wife. They officially divorced in December 2017. The motivation for the marriage remains “unclear” but evidence points to possible immigration fraud and student loan fraud.”[5]

Worse still, Omar has explicitly stated the U.S. was founded on “genocide” and brags about the replacement of the white population.[6] In my view, if you take an oath of allegiance to a nation, and then work to destroy it, it’s treason. America is not the scene of a crime. She should be deported immediately.

Her hijab is a symbol of direct challenge to the historic American Nation brought by mass immigration and identity politics. She has been wearing it since 9/11 to oppose America as a “false promised land.” Rather than celebrate Islamic coverings for women, I prefer to view it as religious, institutionalized misogyny. Her district is the jurisdiction with the highest rate of terrorist recruitment in the United States. No wonder. There are 100,000 Somalis living there. The historic American Nation cannot survive the immivasion and the endless stream of “legal” but hostile immigrants of which AOC, Omar and Tlaib are exemplars.

Islam and the West are incompatible and Muslims coming into our homelands are creating parallel societies. They are quietly waging Hijra, the Islamic doctrine of jihad by migration. If you dare to mention this in MSM “comments” sections, across the West, particularly since the New Zealand Mosque shooting, your account will be suspended. By the way, judging by the reaction, forget Christophobia, Christchurch will be renamed Mohammedmosque in the not too distant future.

It took some time but we finally got push-back from Tucker Carlson of Fox News on July 22nd, 2019. Carlson pointed out that Omar expresses her hatred for the people of the United States by continually attacking them all as “racists.” “After everything America has done for Omar and for her family, she hates this country more than ever,” said Carlson.

“Omar isn’t disappointed in America, she is enraged by it. Virtually every public statement she makes accuses Americans of bigotry and racism,” the Fox News Channel host went on. “That should worry you and not just because Omar is now a sitting Member of Congress. Ilhan Omar is living proof that the way we practice immigration has become dangerous to this country.”

“Maybe that’s our fault for asking too little of our immigrants. We aren’t self-confident enough to make them assimilate so they never feel fully American,” he added. “Or maybe the problem is deeper than that. Maybe we’re importing people from places whose values are simply antithetical to ours. Who knows what the problem is, but there is a problem.”

Carlson wrapped up his segment by calling on his audience to be “grateful” for Omar. “She’s a living fire alarm, a warning to the rest of us we better change our immigration system immediately,” he said.

How did she respond? She thinks that America isn’t a nation at all and that it belongs to the world so naturally she called him a “racist fool.” How would she feel if Somalia was invaded and conquered by Sudan and a handful of Sudanese took over the government and claimed to be the only true Somalians? There is no person in this country or America who can look at this woman and not feel some level of alienation except for other bulb-headed Somalians. Send her back, indeed.

Mr. Carlson is right. America is declining because the white population share is declining. It’s the same story in Rhodesia, South Africa, and Baltimore. Without whites, there’s no Western Civilizationor sometimes, not much civilization at all. Without whites to prop it up, the world’s sole superpower will fall.

On July 14th, President Trump, gave Nancy Pelosi the kiss of death by defending her against accusations of "racism." He is purposefully inflaming the brewing war between Nancy and the brown immigrant communists.

He tweeted:
So interesting to see “Progressive” Democrat Congresswomen, who originally came from countries whose governments are a complete and total catastrophe, the worst, most corrupt and inept in the world, now loudly and viciously telling the people of the United States, the greatest and most powerful nation on earth, how our government is to be run. Why don’t they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime-infested places from which they came? I’m sure Nancy Pelosi would be very happy to quickly work out free travel arrangements!
President Trump effectively cut the brake lines on the entire "progressive" or rather, communist, agenda. “We hate America and want to destroy it” isn’t tenable as a platform for the Democrat Party to run and win on. Not in 2020, at least. The “squad” are now going to have a significant role in deciding who wins the Democrat presidential primary. Although there now appears to be emerging a movement for a moderate like Michael Bloomberg to enter the fray and even, wait for it, an Ali/Frazier rematch with Hillary Clinton throwing her hat in the ring.

Trump’s strategy has pushed the Democrats into the black hole of open borders, ban meat, vigils for fish, new legislation on “ecocide,” eating maggots, legal Pedophilia, a $75 Trillion 10 year Green New Deal (GND), abolish prisons, abortion for whites, let anyone vote, free everything, anti-white, "f" America, we have to take over the entire economy to change the weather 0.3 degrees by 2062, deconstruct and then burn it all down so he wins in 2020. But President Trump speaks loudly and carries a little stick. His “base,” like the “Conservatives” in Canada, are further right than he is. There is a big difference from what Americans were promised and what they got. What does “Make America Great” mean today? A better slogan would be “Push Back Door-to-Door Gun Confiscation until 2024.” Nevertheless, grassroots support for him increased 2 points over that weekend. “Send her back” indeed, but build that wall, tax remittances; sign the executive order on “Anchor” babies; and ban immigration from the world’s most dangerous countries.

Finally, Black MSNBC pundit Joy Reid understands that demography is destiny. “If [NRA Chief Executive] Wayne LaPierre doesn’t understand that the next generation and the next will be unavailable to him and his vile philosophy, he needs a quick lesson in demographic math,” she wrote in February 2018. “One way or another, the NRA and its extremist ideology are on a path to extinction. And good riddance to them in advance.” She also claims rural voters are a “core threat to our democracy.” What’s worse, after the recent El Paso shooting, Democratic presidential candidates linked gun ownership to “white nationalism.”[7] Uh…oh…those are crosshairs on the 2ND Amendment.

Politics in the New Demographic Reality


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Currently the GOP, the party of whites, holds the White House, the Senate and the Supreme Court. However, there are serious fault lines. To this point, 14 states have joined the “ “Popular Vote Compact,” which would award a state’s electoral votes to the winner of the national popular vote. If one red state did this, it would give a tremendous advantage to the Democrats. Puerto Rican statehood would also help the Democrats and people like Marco Rubio support the motion. That reality would provide two more Democrats in the Senate and 5 more in the House. You would also see 7 more blue votes in the Electoral College notes Washington Monthly. Guam and American Samoa will be right behind.[8]

The Dems would, of course, like to expand the franchise by lowering the voting age to 16. Kids vote left and the majority are non-white. Most progressives would like felons to vote who also support the Democrats. Finally, non-whites do not have valid ID so why not grant automatic voter registration? The goal of course is clearly to change the electorate with mass immigration. Georgia is going to tip soon and when Texas inevitably falls, the Democrats will control the Presidency forever. At the very least, Texas is already a swing state from one of the reddest with its 41 electoral votes along with the additional 3 seats in congress after the next census. Texas demographics look like California back in 1990. Unless America declares an immigration moratorium and the illegals deported and population trends reversed, Republicans are finished. For good.

For a glimpse into America’s future, it’s worth taking a brief look at California. In 1990, Republicans made up 39% of California’s registered voters. Today they’re down to 23.6%. In 1990, 57% of California’s population was white. Latinos constituted about 26%, with Asians at 9% and African Americans at 7%. In 2020, the population is estimated to be 39.4% Latino, 38.2% white, 13% Asian and 5.7% black, according to the state Finance Department’s Demographic Research Unit. Projecting to 2040, the population pie is expected to be about 42% Latino, 35.6% white, 12.5% Asian and 5.9% black.[9] These out-groups vote overwhelmingly Democratic.

In Los Angeles County, a little over 26% of the population is white and that number is projected to dip to 24% by 2040. Latinos now are at nearly 50% and will rise to almost 53% in 2040.[10] California is an alien state and a Democratic stronghold. The land of Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan has become filthy and crime ridden. Squatters and homeless are everywhere. How did Americans allow this to happen? They didn’t. They voted overwhelmingly in favour of Proposition 187.[11] The kritarchy threw it out and denied the will of the people.

Pew reports that the growth of the US Hispanic population, reached a record 59.9 million in 2018, up 1.2 million over the previous year and up from 47.8 million in 2008, according to US Census Bureau population estimates. That’s a large alien out-group, no question. While the US black population has remained unchanged over the last 20 years, Pew found that the number of majority black counties grew from 65 to 72 between 2000 and 2018. [12] More white flight.

At the national level, whites will be politically dispossessed very soon, but there will still be enough of them — and in some places they will have enough local dominance — to do something about it. Psychologically, many whites will be shocked by the sudden loss of “their” nation. Conservatives might trust in the Constitution, but, like South Africa, it won’t protect them, especially with Critical Race Theory making its way through law schools and the courts.

Black MSNBC pundit Joy Reid understands that demography is destiny. “If [NRA Chief Executive] Wayne LaPierre doesn’t understand that the next generation and the next will be unavailable to him and his vile philosophy, he needs a quick lesson in demographic math,” she wrote in February 2018. “One way or another, the NRA and its extremist ideology are on a path to extinction. And good riddance to them in advance.” She also claims rural voters are a “core threat to our democracy.” What’s worse, after the recent El Paso shooting, Democratic presidential candidates linked gun ownership to “white nationalism.”[13] Uh…oh…those are crosshairs on the 2ND Amendment.

War on White

Sarah Jeong, a technology writer recently hired by the New York Times for a prestigious post on its editorial board, spoke sarcastically about white people:

“Oh man it’s kind of sick how much joy I get out of being cruel to old white men,” she wrote in one. “White people marking up the internet with their opinions like dogs pissing on fire hydrants,” she wrote in another.

#CancelWhitePeople,” another said. Whites built the United States and made it an attractive destination for people like Jeong in the first place. If she doesn’t like white created societies she should go back to South Korea. Jeong is nothing more than a by-product of America’s cultural decline more than an agent consciously or insidiously changing it.[14]

Jessie Smollet, the black, gay “Empire” actor and activist recently set up a hate crime hoax. He could have created a race riot and would have been delighted to see two innocent white men take the rap and go to jail. The Democrats and BLM should make a public announcement: “Be on the lookout for stupid, pro-MAGA, redneck Nigerians. They lynched Jussie and now they’re coming for you!” Was he having sex with one of those guys?

There won’t be any reconciliation with the likes of these aliens when the founding European’s of America become a minority. They are righteous. They demand silence and obedience. And you don’t exterminate oppression you exterminate the oppressors. Make no mistake, our children and grandchildren are in harm’s way.

We are divided and we are creating a dystopian nightmare, not just in America, and Mr. Trudeau's Post-Nation State, but across the entire "West.” What we are witnessing is the execution of an anti-white agenda; a war on white. Specifically, a war on heterosexual white men with families. Those would be the people that coach little league baseball and volunteer in their communities. They are the ones that make America great. But many of our own are complicit in this ethnocide and are of the view that the world will be a better place without whites. We have become maladaptive and are selecting against ourselves, according to evolutionary anthropologists. We are entering another Dark Age.

Divided They Stand

White America, whether or not they deport all 30 million+ of their illegal aliens, will reach majority-minority status between 2042- 2045 and the Democratic Party is already approaching that point. The political consequences of these changes are profound and probably irreversible. The developments that are unfolding are not a fluke, but the beginning of a new political realignment in the United States that is increasingly focused on race.[15] The non-white grass roots in the Democratic Party will eventually begin to demand that their leaders look like them, not like Nancy Pelosi. The rise of the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) and its explicitly redistributionist program is part of it.[16]

Sure enough, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee was recently purged of its white leadership. Allison Jaslow, DCCC Executive director has just resigned and in the following dozen hours or so, white heads rolled. For the life of me I don’t understand why on earth white Americans would support any Democrat. Committee Chair, Cheri Bustos, grovelled on her way out the door and agreed to take part in “diversity and inclusion training.” They have weaponized our altruism against us and we’re too timid to push back. Tribalism matters for the blacks and browns who seized control. Rather than inclusion and being fair, for them it’s simply about raw power.[17]

The loss of white and working-class/labour support, coupled with the continued demographic change of the country, has helped push the Democratic Party toward majority-minority status. Since 1992, the white share of the Democratic presidential vote has dropped an average of about one percent per year. At its current rate, it could tip to majority-minority status by 2020. It will occur no later than 2024.[18] The Democrats will surely, before long, without immigration intervention, sweep away the GOP and impose their will, forever, as has already happened in the sanctuary state of California.


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This sudden surge in minority candidates is not an indicator of increased open-mindedness, but clearly of demographic change. While the national Democratic Party is only just approaching majority-minority status, in much of the nation it is already there. Peter Brimelow has factored in Jewish and LBGTQ voters, and argues it has already tipped.[19] He calculates that 52.4% of the Democrats are black, Asian, Muslim, Hispanic, LGGBDTTTIQQAAPP and Jewish. [Despite Trump's Israel Policies, American Jews Will Overwhelmingly Vote for Democrats, Poll Finds, by Amir Tibon, Haaretz, October 17, 2018].

Recently, on ABC’s “The View,” co-host Joy Behar said Republicans were trying to turn America into South Africa under Apartheid because they were “only interested in retaining white power in this country.” Jewish movie mogul, Rob Reiner, noted on social media that “GOP frightened to death of the browning of America. They will lose this last great battle of the civil war. Diversity is our strength.”[21] To both of them I say, “why would whites want to give their nations away?” Indeed, support for President Trump has also been shown to be highly correlated with white identity and opposition to immigration.

Patriotism Requires a White Majority

American patriotism is at a record-low, according to a new Gallup poll. Only 47 percent of respondents are “extremely proud” to be American, and most of the decline has taken place among Democrats. In 2013, just six years ago, 56 percent of Democrats said they were “extremely proud” of being American. Now it’s just 32 percent. In contrast, 74 percent of Republicans are “extremely proud” to be American, the highest figure in five years.[22]

The drop in patriotism has been even sharper for young people. Among 18 to 29 year -old’s, 55 percent were “extremely” proud to be American in 2013, while only 33 percent were in 2018. Other polls of “Generation Z” show they are more left-wing than older Americans, with non-whites even more so. As each cohort becomes more non-white, it will be more leftist and less patriotic. Not surprisingly, college graduates marinated in rhetoric about “white privilege,” cultural relativism, implicit bias and “guilt” are also more likely to think America (and Canada) are inherently racist.[23]

Twitter is now filled with anti-patriotic declarations by journalists and activists. Some prominent examples:
  • Hari Kondabolu- “The Star-Spangled Banner" is one of the most racist, pro-slavery, anti-black songs in the American lexicon, and you would be wise to cut it from your ‪#FourthOfJuly playlist.
  • Jesse Jackson- Happy Independence Day or as the Native Americans call it...THE DAY THE WHITE PEOPLE WHO STOLE OUR LAND CHANGED THEIR FLAG ‪#4thofJuly
  • ChristopherM@mammothfactory - “America is a racist shithole started by genocidal maniacs and also it's got a dumb ugly flag, happy birthday shithole, with fireworks, hooray.”
  • Colin Kapernick takes a knee during the National Anthem. Nike stands behind him, however. Nike’s market is urban and like Canada, America’s largest cities are majority minority. And Hollywood’s Jason Blum has completed “The Hunt” a film which encourages progressives to kill “deplorables.”
Even worse, the “Black Lives Matter” movement has inspired violence against police, including the murder of five Dallas police officers and recently a man wounded 6 Philadelphia police officers during a standoff where he fired over 100 rounds. Anti-white sentiment inspires violence against white people in general. The black murderer of a white woman named Brittney Watts cited colonialism’s legacy as the reason for killing her. In 2016, the FBI identified anti-white hate crime as the fastest growing racial hate crime in America.[24] Despite all the shouting about the danger white supremacy poses to “black bodies,” blacks are 27 times more likely to attack a white person than vice versa.[24]

Both America and Canada give non-whites a better life, certainly significantly better than their home countries could. That is why they keep coming to “racist” North America and the West. However, real patriotism will always be difficult for anyone who is not white, no matter their standard of living. They have trouble or find it impossible to identify with a past that seems foreign or, in fact, hostile to them. And if you think “Civic Nationalism” will save America, think again.

The descendants of people brought to America as slaves deserve sympathy. However, non-white immigrants who come and then lecture us on the meaning of our identity, like our own Charmaine Nelson (there are many others), professor of Art History & Communication Studies at McGill, deserve our contempt. Blacks, Indians, Sikhs, Chinese or Muslim’s have no right to take away our identity. This is who we are. The people most willing to identify with and champion America are white. If America (and Canada) cease to be majority white nations, they won’t be nations at all.

Race is Real


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Last of Part I:

Persistent race-based IQ and psychopathic personality differences will keep most, but not all, minorities and particularly mestizos (who are the bulk of Latino immigrants in the United States) trapped at the lower end of the socioeconomic ladder. Arguments that the Mestizo’s will assimilate like their European predecessors fail to explain why racial hierarchies and social dysfunction have persisted in their home nations for generations. They are not the sons and daughters of the Conquistadors. These significant inequalities explain, at least in large part, the high levels of Hispanic support for government hand-outs, paid for by Euro-Americans; the deplorables, that are likely to keep most of them tied to the Democratic Party forever. Why would Americans allow these people to come into their country and collect welfare? They wouldn’t but corrupt politicians, the competitively altruistic and the Chamber of Commerce might. Free healthcare for illegals? Are you kidding?

White polarization is the inverse of non-white polarization and its causes are similar. Many scholars have cited genetics as a basis for reciprocal altruism among closely-related kin and hostility toward outsiders among humans and in the animal kingdom in general. This ethnocentrism is an instinct, present among new-born babies, and whites are not immune from it. Most of us are socialized to suppress our ethnocentric instincts, but they remain only a short distance beneath the surface.[25]

Academics across the West and in Canada continue to argue that direct contact is a strategy for overcoming prejudice and racial/ethnic differences but an overwhelming amount of research now confirms that the negative effects are far more powerful. Crime statistics, white flight and segregation in neighbourhoods, schools and personal relationships, right here in Canada, too, provide evidence that this radical experiment isn’t working and never will. Perhaps America will have to deport its left wing academics, too.

These trends are expected to become stronger over time. Experimental research has also shown that growing white awareness of demographic change makes them more conservative, less favorably disposed to minorities, and feel greater attachment to other whites. The effects are heightened the more whites think they are threatened. That is certainly true in my own case. I am appalled by the ethnocentrism and ethno-nepotism among some of these racial and ethnic groups that I witness on a daily basis.

Further evidence of racial polarization can be found by looking around the world. Ethnic conflict has been a constant in human relations – everywhere and throughout history. More recently, 64 percent of all civil wars since 1946 have divided along ethnic lines. Such conflicts are highly correlated with genetic diversity and ethnic polarization. Some of the worst examples, such as Yugoslavia, Rwanda, and Sudan, have included horrific ethnic cleansing and genocide.[26] Is anyone paying attention?

The burden of proof is on the advocates of multiculturalism, which has never improved any society anywhere, to prove that their vision will lead to anything but hell on earth for us?[27] How exactly does diversity make us stronger?

Anne Coulter recently noted that “it might be of some concern to the rapidly diminishing white population that our cultural overlords are so tormented by whiteness:”
“This stunning demographic replacement matters because American culture is the envy of the world. Not only was this wonderful culture created by white Western Europeans, but merely asking immigrants to assimilate to it is now generally considered a hate crime.”[28]

The Great Replacement is a conspiracy theory, unless you think it’s a good thing.

Miss Dianis is looking forward to whites being a minority because that will mean power for her and her people. Her reference to South Africa is outrageous. The black government discriminates openly against the white minority. South Africa was once a First World nation but after whites surrendered political power, it has become a Third World catastrophe. For Dianis this is a model. To her, democracy is a racial headcount. It’s crude, but correct. Demographic change ensures eventual permanent Democrat victory.

Stacey Abrams believes this. Joy Reid does too.[29]

Race-based identity politics are just a lower form of ethnic conflict. Like ethnic conflict more generally, the strength of such politics depends on the level of ethnic diversity and corresponding racial polarization. In homogenous societies, for example, politics tends to divide along class and cultural lines. As a society becomes more diverse, however, ethnicity begins to play a growing role.[30]

Politics and parties that are explicitly ethnically-based usually do not appear until much later, when a nation has become more diverse and has begun to suffer extreme racial polarization. Such politics have been shown to produce substantial ethnic favoritism and is often a prelude to civil war or partition.[31] Brazil is a case in point.

In Part 2 and 3, we will explore the multi-racial test case, Brazil; what this war might look like; the sides; if it will be violent; the role of the police and armed forces; where the guns reside; the rural/urban divide and the range of likely outcomes.


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Part Two:
Thursday, 2 January 2020
The Coming Second Civil War: Part Two

by Brian Wiggins
Part I | Part II | Part III

Multicultural Brazil has failed…America not Far Behind

The United States and Canada have obviously not reached this stage yet, but our futures can be seen in other nations that are further evolved in multiculturalism. One example, on this hemisphere, is Brazil. While the United States will not become majority-minority until 2042-45, and Canada around the same time, Brazil reached that milestone in 2010. For much of the 20th Century, Brazil presented itself as a harmonious racial democracy and a model for the rest of the world. Fat chance.

Brazil’s changing demographics demonstrated their power with the election of Lula da Silva in 2002 and his hand-picked successor, Dilma Rousseff, in 2010. Support for these two presidents – both members of the leftist Workers Party – was concentrated in the largely black northern half of the country, while opposition was concentrated in the mostly white south. Their victories depended on the nation’s changing demographics. Once elected, they rewarded their black supporters with substantial expansions of affirmative action and a new cash transfer system, called Bolsa Família, which disproportionately benefited Afro-Brazilians.[1] Not surprising.

Since then Brazil’s fortunes took a turn for the worse. Rousseff was impeached after a massive corruption scandal in 2016. Crime has exploded. Black activists now deride the notion of “racial democracy” and have become more militant on racial issues. An explicitly black political party has also appeared. Uh…oh…

This has corresponded with a similar backlash in the white population. The recently elected President, Jair Bolsonaro, is often referred to as the Trump of the Tropics. A white separatist movement called the South is My Country is drawing substantial support. Brazilians are losing faith in democracy and are becoming more receptive to military rule, if you can imagine.

In the southeastern Brazilian city of Juiz de Fora, Bolsonaro—also described as “the most misogynistic, hateful elected official in the democratic world” and “the world’s most repulsive politician,” so he must be OK, was nearly stabbed to death while campaigning. The Trump of the Tropics was down but not out. The perp was beaten to a pulp but alarmingly, in 2016 alone, 28 Brazilian political candidates were killed.[2]

Brazil is a nation scarred by over 60,000 homicides yearly for the past two years. One of every nine murders on Earth happens in Brazil and it currently has the world’s 16th-highest murder rate. Of the 25 nations with the planet’s highest homicide rates, all share something in common with Brazil—they are all either predominantly black or “Hispanic.”[3] Why would Americans want to import this dystopian nightmare into their nation?

The point, of course, is to describe the incredible division in the United States. Arguably, more so now than at any time in 150 years. The fundamental cause of this division is demographic change caused by illegal and legal mass immigration, and subsequent chain migration. If America is at war with itself over race, religion, the lady’s room, culture and therefore politics, how will they lead or unite the world and around what? As it stands now, without a house-cleaning, the American Century is over.[4] The United States will be required to launch their own Operation Condor. In Canada, we smugly assume we are superior to our southern neighbours but we’re not far behind. Canada is irrevocably entangled in this mess and it will bleed across our border.

In her book, The Demographic Struggle for Power, Professor Milica Bookman argues that whenever ethnic groups, races, nationalities or tribes live in the same territory there will be competition. Its usual form is to try to increase the numbers of one’s own group at the expense of others with the eventual goal, of displacing them and taking their territory. Each member of one’s ethnic group is a natural ally, and greater numbers mean political, economic, and military power. In a perversely maladaptive way, America is inviting these alien out-groups into their homeland.

Every group understands this, except whites obviously, and act accordingly and often violently. “The war of numbers may precede, accompany or follow the war of militias.” Bookman quotes a United Nations study to the effect that between 1989 and 1992 there were 82 separate wars (defined as organized violence that caused at least 1,000 deaths). Of these 82, 79 or 96% “took place within borders and among different ethnic or religious groups.”[5] Now that’s something for our kids to look forward too.

America is no longer a nation state and neither is Canada. We are more akin to consumer zones. We used to be white. Our histories are white and our identities are white but you dare not mention these things in the post-nation state. We have both been overrun with foreigners and any possible unifying identity other than “diversity is our strength” is now impossible. We have become a nightmarish shot-gun marriage between incompatible peoples with completely conflicting world views and teeming, third world tribes are now roaming free in our heartlands.[6] The population is now far too diverse to share any ideas about anything. America (and Canada) is now a “secular theocracy” of anti-racism.[7] Be careful or you, too, will get “Cherried.”

As a consequence of the rapidly changing demographics, I contend that America is spiralling into, and in fact, already engaged in a Second Civil War (CW2). It will be this Second Civil War that will trigger William Straus and Neil Hall’s “Fourth Turning”[8] and ultimately, secessionist movements and partition in America.

Survival Instinct

According to a recent Rasmussen poll, 31% of Americans believe that they are likely to see a Civil War within the next five years, while 59% are concerned that Trump’s opponents will resort to violence (33% “very concerned”).[9]

There is no question that the level of polarization today in the United States, but not exclusively in America, is worse than it has been in 150 years. America is no longer united by culture, race, or language. Leftist students hate the Founders, officials destroy monuments to white men, and even the flag is controversial. Many American citizens believe it would have been better if whites never came to North America.

There seems no common or middle ground. There is nothing that President Donald Trump can do that would be approved by the left. Nothing. I was delighted by the weeping and screeching in November 2016 but it has turned into more than anger at Trump, and his family. Peter Fonda wanted to “rip Barron Trump from his mother’ and put him in a ‘cage with pedophiles'.[10] But Hunter Biden is off limits?

Left-wing thugs have been engaging in violence and threats of violence with impunity. They shut down speakers at colleges; block highways, bridges, and airport terminals; take over college buildings and offices; occupy state capitols; and terrorize individuals in restaurants and at their homes.[11] A 67 year-old Antifascist recently attacked an ICE facility and effectively committed suicide. Like the recent Dayton OH mass shooting, the perps were both “Leftists” so there was radio silence.

Antifa are almost never stopped, arrested, or punished. Police are reduced to spectators as they watch these mobs loot stores, smash windows, and occupy state capitols. Mayors, police chiefs, and college presidents seem to have no interest in stopping the violence. They are collaborating with ANTIFA and sympathize with the lawbreakers. The police, who never sympathize with thugs, are ordered to stand down by their chiefs. But the Left is doing what it has always done for more than 100 years since Lenin: blame others while they organize violence.

The larger issue, however, is the cost of America’s competitive and pathological altruism. In the U.S. there exists a very large sub-group who cannot and will not survive without being supported by welfare: Medicaid, food stamps, Section 8 subsidized housing, the dysgenic “WIC” program for women with infant children, “HEAP” emergency heating payments, (any idea how much it will cost to keep Somali, Nigerian and Syrian refugees warm in Toronto over the next 10 winters when they aren’t returning home for vacations, to marry an uncle or for FGM?), the earned income tax credit, “SNAP” supplemental nutrition, “TANF” temporary food assistance, supplemental security income, “AFDC” for families with dependent children, subsidized daycare, affirmative action, set-aside programs and subsidized public transportation.[12]

All these programs are largely paid for by working white people; average Americans. Largely heterosexual married white men with families; deplorables as they are commonly known. It shouldn’t surprise us that Kamala Harris and “Fauxcahontas” Elizabeth Warren, AOC, the Muslim Mafia, Cory Booker and others are now calling for race-based reparations for slavery. This could easily soar into the trillions of dollars. There are various formulae floating around but 40 acres and a donkey in 1860 times roughly 30 million eligible blacks could easily reach from $500 billion to over $2.5 trillion.[13] Thankfully, former President Obama would not be eligible. Keep in mind this is money that the U.S. doesn’t have. They’ll have to borrow more from China. Americans are becoming increasing resistant to these clarion calls for ever more handouts. They are approaching an inflection point.

The millions of third-worlder’s invading America have no choice; they can’t survive or barely survive without white people; without the aforementioned “affirmative action” programs, without agriculture, science and medicine. They have no meaningful work apart from jobs created by various levels of government to support themselves and their babies’ mommas and their drug habits.[14]


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When you consider the taxes paid versus the consumption of government services of all kinds, those groups that are givers and those that are takers are clear to see. White people, per capita, contribute by the payment of taxes an average of +$2,795 per year. Blacks and Hispanics per capita contribute <$17,314>. This means that Blacks and Hispanics take out of the economy $17, 314 more per capita than they put in with taxes paid. This creates a short-fall that has to be made up by other people or corporations; the “givers,” who pay more taxes than they might otherwise owe because of the deficit generated by the takers. A stark way to word this is as a counterfactual: but for the presence of Blacks and Hispanics, the U.S. would have a budget surplus each year.[15] If you are a white American, over the course of your lifetime the federal government will, on average and on your behalf, “transfer $384,109 of your wealth and income to a single black individual. America is pursuing an illusion: the impossible, illogical and insane goal of equality, at any cost.”[16] Guilt will only go so far.

And President Trump still has not brought an end to birthright citizenship with the executive order he promised. Today there are 4.5 million anchor babies in the U.S. exceeding the 4 million American babies born every year. The cost of this is a staggering $2.4 Billion/year just for hospital costs.[17] The Chamber of Commerce wants cheap labour; the Church wants “souls” to fill the empty pews and the Democrats need votes to seize power.

This is not “politics as usual.” In normal politics, there is equilibrium. A win for Republicans in one cycle is likely to herald victory for Democrats in the next, and vice versa. When the wins begin to appear permanent, however, the equilibrium is lost. In Canada, the Liberals hope to achieve the same objective. The desperation of the survival instinct — the survival of the party’s political power, and for the survival of Euro-Americans — may tip the scale and make “war” an option. In fact, war is already being waged.

Until the 1965 Immigration Act, Trumps’ “base” was America.

For the past 150 years, both dominant political parties were essentially appealing to “Americans.” There was some early religious friction, but on the whole, everyone spoke the same language, ate the same food, had the same mannerisms and heroes, worshiped the same God, and came from the same race. More recently, the Democrats began politically investing in racial, religious, and ethnic minorities generally, especially with blacks. This has subsequently expanded into LGGBDTTTIQQAAPP, religious minorities (Muslims), and Latino immigrants. Both legal and illegal.

At first glance, homosexuals and Muslims seem like odd bedfellows, given the Muslim predilection for throwing gay men off of buildings but from the perspective of the political powers that be, it’s perfectly sensible as a demographic coalition against the dominant power in the nation, which is white and Christian (Protestant) of Northern-European descent, especially, but European generally.

Unfortunately, this strategy crossed the ordinary boundaries of what people were historically willing to consider their “in-group,” based on self-identified nations. It’s a recipe for extreme civil instability. When the demographic blocs are genetic, rather than based upon intra-national issues, and when there are disparities in birth-rates between these groups, and then add massive waves of immigration, the political equilibrium is gone for good. The vacuum is filled by confusion, mistrust, resentment, and often by hatred. At the center of it all lies control over the most powerful military and economy in the world.

The Left’s investment in minorities united by their opposition to and increasing hatred of whites means that more immigration will lead to a permanent victory for the Left. If the Right manages to stem the flow of immigration, and reverses it, then it will win a permanent victory over the progressive Left. The permanence of victory and the high stakes of the game mean that no strategy will be off the table, including the possibility of war.

“Invasion” Driving the Narrative

What do I mean by “war?” Will we recognize it if, or when, it happens? Is it really as likely as a third of Americans believe? It’s my view that war and invasion are no different and immigration and warfare are functionally identical.[18] Carl von Clausewitz described war as “the continuation of politics by other means,” which means that war can be waged without violence on a large scale.

Historically, war and migration were essentially the same, as in the great migration of peoples during the first few centuries after Christ; the Arab expansion after 632 AD; the Magyar invasion of Europe, the Mongol invasions of China, and the violent movements of many African tribes from one part of the continent to another. I have yet to hear an apology from any of those peoples. The treatment and sheer numbers of the African slave trade by Muslims dwarfs the North American experience and was absolutely horrific. It is stunning that there are no blacks in the Middle East today. Arab slave traders castrated, without anesthetic, virtually all young African male slaves.


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It is also probable that our inability to detect warfare has to do with the disconnection between the images we associate with war and actual warfare. Imagine being invaded by hundreds of thousands, or even millions of people and having your hometown completely overwhelmed, but not realizing it was an invasion because the invaders were unarmed and on foot. We completely miss the war going on around us because we do not see tanks, helicopters, or uniformed men with guns. There won’t and hasn’t been, an official declaration. The actual outcome of a war is the change in the ruler. It’s a change in who governs whom.

The invaders, are being aided and abetted by various groups already inside the gates. There exists a caravan cartel of as many as 400 organizations and innumerable individuals that views sovereignty as an obstacle to the demographic transformation of the formerly “United” States. They include Christian and Jewish groups cloaking the destruction of America in humanitarian virtue.

The Catholic Church has been a significant funder of the recent caravans, paying for shelters along the route through Mexico. The parishioners are left in the dark, however. Their donations are facilitating human trafficking, violence, crime and the exploitation of cheap alien labour. It’s beyond comprehension that the Southern Poverty Law Centre joined the Catholic Church to file a brief with the Supreme Court arguing that all foreign Muslims have First Amendment rights to emigrate to America and practice their religion.[19] Before long it will be smug, arrogant non-whites telling Americans to get out of their new country. What are they (we) thinking?

Billionaire George Soros' Open Society Foundations, his son Alex's Jewish social justice non-profit “Bend the Arc,” Soros-backed “CREDO Action,” and the Soros-funded “Center for Popular Democracy,” “United We Dream” and “Make the Road New York” have all subsidized and stoked hatred of ICE and the Border Patrol.[20] They are funding the invasion and the war on ICE. Soros has set aside $18B of his $25B net worth to continue his legacy long after he is gone. This isn’t a conspiracy it's a conspiracy fact, notes Michelle Malkin.[21]

Peter Brimelow calls it a “reign of terror” and it’s getting worse. Brimelow is of the opinion that the left is desperate that immigration not become a political issue. “Their intention is to elect a new people…and they want to prevent America from waking up and stopping it.”[22] It brings to mind G.K. Chesterton’s quip that “It’s terrible to contemplate how few politicians have been hanged.” The advocates of multiculturalism, diversity and globalism have hoodwinked their own people-the primary victims of diversity-to take the side against America's founding culture and to side with their abusers and dispossessors. They are trying to win the loyalty of the people they want to dominate. Our minds are coming under siege.[23] It’s unbelievable when you stop and think about it but it’s coming to an end. We are past peak progressivism and globalism. Whites have reached the end of their tether.

Loss of Trust in Government and the Police?

Since 1972, the General Social Survey has collected data on how many Americans think "most people can be trusted." America started the 70s in a pretty good place. Not so now. Public trust in government has collapsed from almost 80% in 1958 to less than 20% today (Pew Research Center). It’s not surprising that Robert Putnam of Harvard University concluded that this lack of trust and civic and community engagement is a function of America’s increasing diversity.

"Trust" is a crucial concept when discussing the potential for civil warfare. Sinisa Malesevic, a professor who studies the sociology of civil wars notes that the breakdown of trust was one of the first traumatizing steps to war in Yugoslavia... in a very short period of time, there is a complete sense of fear, you do not know who is who, who is supporting which side ... that fear spreads."[24]

Sinisa points out that most civil wars start after a loss of trust in the government, particularly law enforcement: "One of the defining features of any state is a legitimate monopoly on the use of violence." If we trust the police to manage criminals better than armed groups of vigilantes, we'll trust the government more than armed groups of insurgents. If you undermine the moral authority that the government or the military or the police forces have, however, you’ve got trouble.[25]

It’s alarming that in areas like Berkeley, Charlottesville, and Portland, the police stood down when Antifa attacked peaceful “right-wing” protesters. However, this posture was decided at the top by local elected officials who are overwhelmingly on the left. In general, the police could be expected to favor the White/rural side. The largest police union, with around 333,000 members, endorsed Trump for president, including more than 2/3 rds. of their National Board.

Many pundits are worried that the FBI is nearing a legitimacy crisis among American conservatives. The obvious politicization of the FBI is very dangerous. People are now starting to see the FBI almost as a political secret police. The James Comey-FBI investigation has begun to look like a “deep state” conspiracy. I’m convinced that the FISA warrants used to justify spying on the Trump campaign were not only symptoms of incompetence but outright criminality. The discrediting of the Comey investigation has just started. There is a deep investigation being done by U.S Attorney General John Durham and Americans will be shocked by the conclusions that are expected to be tabled this coming summer. MSM will do everything they can to deflect but they are doomed to fail. It will be the political equivalent of thermonuclear bomb detonating. Trust will be vaporized. “It takes a village to raise a police snitch.”[26]

George W. Bush created the Department of Homeland Security in the wake of the bombing of the twin towers, to combat terrorism. The DHS has morphed into the largest and most secretive semi-autonomous security force in the world. It is armed with the latest personal defense weapons - armored troop carriers with bullet-proof tires to transport thousands of Kevlar-wrapped personnel; they monitor citizens emails and phone calls and watch their movement with drones—for what? An invasion by the Syrian, Somali or Afghan National Army?

Why wouldn’t Euro-Americans see this for what it is: a private army belonging to the “people;” those that are beneficiaries of the wealth transfer programs. The “Squad” and other anti-whites wouldn’t hesitate for a moment, to deploy their “tools” of the poverty and anti-racism war on average, white Americans. Deplorable or otherwise.

Thankfully, whites remain overrepresented in local U.S. police departments compared to their share of the local population, often because demographic change has happened so rapidly.[27]

Trip Wires

What types of events could precipitate a civil war? An assassination? A deep state coup d’état’ by removing President Trump or a conservative successor via impeachment? An Antifa protest that spirals out of control? It’s also possible that an exogenous or black swan event like a convulsion in Europe. Many are of the view that it is almost a certainty that Europe will convulse with a savage and intense civil war that will be religious and racial. A credit collapse in China could also trigger a global debt implosion and a second credit crisis that spirals out-of-control. Total credit in China’s banking and shadow banking system, on balance sheet and off-balance sheet, is $40 trillion. $40 trillion on a $12T economy. That’s at 6.7 to the U.S. dollar and up 1000% in a decade. (America had $17 T of debt and $17T of GDP in ’08-09 and they detonated their banking system). Their credit has grown recklessly and according to China.org $15 T of this credit is non-performing. We’re in the late stages of the greatest global imbalance the world has ever seen.

Another possibility would be events like attacking and shutting down of ICE offices in large cities. On July 12, in Colorado, anti-ICE protestors mobbed a detention centre, desecrated the American flag and raised a Mexican Flag. In Portland, leftist protesters shut down an ICE office for over a week, with the city and state doing nothing to stop it. As a result, Department of Homeland Security officers were sent in to restore access to the building, with eight arrests.

One could easily imagine this sort of thing getting out of control, with the protesters bringing guns and the federal government responding in kind. Then the same thing happens in other urban areas, leading to large-scale deployments of troops but with fracturing and infighting along ethnic/racial lines within the deployed units. Americans will ultimately become fed-up with Federal government workers coming under attack for enforcing the laws.

Once white Americans come to the full realization that the Democrats will shortly seize political power and America becomes a one-party state, they will rise up from the brink and push back. Free healthcare for illegals is just salt in the wound and the cost of that healthcare might be as much as $800 Billion or more. Keep in mind that America has no money, they have a mountain of debt, by some measures as much as $150 Trillion including all Federal, State and Municipal debt and unfunded contingent liabilities in Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security. They will have to borrow more from China and again, throw the debt service onto the backs of the deplorables.

We are at an inflection point and it’s this great awakening that Euro-Americans will cede political and cultural hegemony forever as they are displaced by aliens that will finally trigger Civil War II.

What Will the Second Civil War be like?


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Given what has been successful at achieving the aims of war in the last few years, expect a lot of propaganda, lawfare, doxxing, boycotting, and disruption that are harmful without being illegal. Any violence will likely be low intensity, at least initially, and come in two primary forms. First, riots that will likely be framed as “demonstrations” and expressions of free speech. The second, will be anonymous bombings. The violence will probably be intermittent and more a subject of internet-anger than reality for most Americans. The real fear will not be from the violence, but from the threat of harassment for being on the wrong side.

“Harassment” is a 4th-Generation-War tactic. It is designed to get you to lose your job; to separate you from your family, and to make life unlivable. The coming 2nd Civil War will be characterized by street skirmishes, acts of arson and bombings, and the occasional Dayton and San Antonio-style spree shooting, but most of all, by a culture of law-fare and “legal” warfare that threatens to severely punish anyone who can be identified as a leader or even a member of the opposing group.

The left doesn’t want dialogue; dialogue implies a to-and-fro, a willingness to grant that the other side may have a point about something. What they want is total victory and political power. Civility won’t work.

Urban vs. Rural/Pro-White vs. Anti-White?

The dividing lines go much deeper than Republican or Democrat, liberal or conservative. The 2nd Civil War will also be defined by race. I believe the sides will precipitate into pro-white and anti-white and rural vs. urban.

In America, unfortunately, race is the only historically major identity left, and Euro-Americans cannot trade their skin for something different. Skin colour might be considered a uniform in the coming conflict.

“Pro-white” and “anti-white” are critically different than “white” and “non-white.” An Asian woman cannot be white, but she can be pro-white. I know many. An immigrant from Barbados or the Caribbean, for example, might be completely assimilated to his or her host culture and pro-white. A white woman cannot be non-white, but she can be anti-white. I know many of these women, too, as I’m sure you do. Many of these “maladapteds” are hopeful that the future of North America will look like the ancient cappuccino-coloured Egyptians. Needless to say, the majority of whites will decide, sooner or later and preferably sooner, that they are pro-themselves, and the majority of non-whites will see where their bread is buttered and simply join the rest of the “minority” groups against whites. As noted, we are well down this road already.

Opposition to whites has been tastefully disguised for the last 30-40 years but it is gradually becoming more common place and overt. “White privilege” was injected into academic discussions of politics decades ago and many whites were shockingly open to the concept. My daughter, currently studying at Western University in London, is convinced that we are marinated in privilege. For thirty grand a year academia is systematically teaching tomorrows leaders to despise their country and the heroes who created it. But it is much more difficult for even the most trusting and gullible of whites to get behind calls to “get rid of white people.”

Nevertheless, the left has gotten ahead of itself. They have turned their cards up too soon. Most observers expected the hatred toward Whites to be held in check until “they” are a minority and relatively powerless and it’s too late. But there’s a vanguard of white haters leading the charge and a large audience eager to plug into anti-White hatred. As noted in Part 1, the hatred we see now on Twitter and on media outlets like Salon, MSNBC and Huffington Post is getting more and more obvious.[28]

Where are the Guns?

If tensions and divisions do escalate into on-going violence, the white/rural side is well-positioned for Civil War II. Whites are still overrepresented in the main types of social control when and if violence becomes a reality. For starters, the White/rural side is relatively well armed. A Pew survey found that White men were the most likely group to own a gun.

Eighty-two percent of American gun owners are white, according to a 2013 Pew study. A recent Gallup poll found 61 percent of Republicans live in a household with firearms; just 28 percent of Democrats do. Fifty-three percent of conservatives live in a gun household; 29 percent of liberals do. Half of whites live in a gun household, compared to fewer than a third of blacks or Hispanics. In 2014, Pew asked whether it was more important to “[protect] the right of Americans to own guns or [control] gun ownership.” Hispanics favored gun control by 62 percent to 36 percent and blacks by 71 percent to 26 percent. Whites supported gun rights by 59 percent to 39 percent.[29]

Across all regions, gun ownership varies considerably between those who live in rural and urban areas, with rural dwellers far more likely than those who live in urban areas to say they own a gun. Overall, 46% of Americans who live in rural parts of the country own a gun, compared with 28% of those who live in the suburbs and 19% of those in urban area.[30]

Republicans are far more likely to own a gun or live in a household where someone owns a gun. There can be little question that the White/rural side would have an advantage both in terms of gun ownership and in being able to use a gun “effectively.”[31] Nevertheless, there is a movement centered in San Francisco that has declared the NRA as a domestic terrorist organization. Will the left deconstruct the 2nd Amendment and disarm white conservative Americans before push comes to shove? That’s the plan, trust me. New Zealand will be cited as the template.

The U.S. Armed Forces

Civilians, however, no matter how well armed, are no match for a trained military equipped with bleeding-edge weapons tech. Whose side would the U.S. military be on? Given that there are large percentages of non-Whites in the military, there would likely be conflict between different factions. Nevertheless, White males have a clear majority (60% overall), especially in the Marines and Air Force, and especially in the officer corps.[32]

In general, the higher ranks of the officer corps are increasingly White (Air Force). In 2016, 72% of Army officers were White. Moreover, military personnel appear to have voted overwhelmingly (>2 to 1) for Trump; an exit poll favored Trump 61%-34%.[33] They are patriots by definition.

Nevertheless, I’ll never forgive these two American generals: First, Wesley Clark, discussing Serbia, a nation that has never done America any harm. Clark stated on CNN on April 24, 1999: “Let’s not forget what the origin of the problem is. There is no place in modern Europe for ethnically pure states. That’s a nineteenth-century idea, and we are trying to transition into the twenty-first century, and we are going to do it with multi-ethnic states.”[34] To Clark I would ask, what the hell for?

Even worse, in light of the recent Pensacola shooting by a Saudi national in pilot training, General George Casey, Chief of Staff of the United States Army, went on Meet the Press and told Americans, after the Fort Hood shooting, “The military benefits from diversity…Our diversity, not only in our Army, but in our country, is a strength. And as horrific as this tragedy was, if our diversity becomes a casualty, I think that’s worse.”[35]

I’m appalled and angered by both of these statements. It was Thucydides’ that noted “a nation that makes a great distinction between its scholars and its warriors will have its laws made by cowards and its wars fought by fools.”

In Part 3 we will discuss the potential for the intensification of violence, whether a counter-insurgency is plausible, red team/blue team planning and the most probable outcomes.


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Saturday, 11 January 2020
The Coming Second Civil War: Part Three

by Brian Wiggins
Part I | Part II | Part III

Moslems claim Sweden as their nation.

Is a Counter-Insurgency in America Plausible or Even Possible?

In Part 3 I will discuss the potential for the intensification of violence in the Western world, whether a counter-insurgency is plausible, red team/blue team planning, what is the likely scenario in Sweden, and Europe generally, as Muslims began to assert their will and the violence continues to mount, and whether the United States is bound to be partitioned into race-based territories.

Decades of military spending might bite the U.S. in the ass in the Second Civil War. Up to two million Americans have fought in Iraq and Afghanistan. Many were cooks, mechanics and logistics personnel but the Special Forces guys are very dangerous. A half dozen could take down a banana republic after lunch. What happens if a few of them are America First Nationalists or just sick and tired of political correctness and the direction the country is heading?

To complicate matters, inner-city gangs have sent members into the military to get combat experience, combat training and logistical training, and then they go back home and incorporate those methods in their gangs. In 2011, the FBI noted that at least 53 different gangs had placed members in every branch of the U.S. military [1].

It’s also possible that we could witness a “boomerang effect,” where techniques pioneered in Iraq and Afghanistan are brought to the United States. Roadside bombs are particularly troubling. Tannerite is legal to purchase over the internet. Violence could escalate with rural farms (whites) strangling urban areas. A roadside bombing campaign could literally starve many American cities. In the U.S. 90% of food is transported by truck. America’s highway system is a key vulnerability in any potential civil war. America is about a dozen meals from total chaos and anarchy.

Daryl Johnson, a former Homeland Security analyst, noted that many rural police departments would be unable to effectively suppress their militia because "... a lot of these rural police departments are outmanned and outgunned by the militia ... you have a small department, in some areas there may be twice or three times as many militia members" [2].

The Jihadi blueprint and guidebook, “Management of Savagery” may serve as a civil war blueprint: jihadi tactics would be immediately familiar to the disaffected veterans training America’s hypothetical insurgency. It's another potential example of the boomerang effect. Even without direct training, anyone with Internet access can pull up the full text of the Marine Corps Counter-Insurgency manual just as easily as the Army's guidelines for digging a proper poop hole.

The United States military is forbidden from directly engaging in law enforcement within the boundaries of the United States. It's a rule called posse comitatus. But if people were starving you can bet the military would get called out. During the riots in LA, in the middle nineties, they called the marines up from Camp Pendleton. That provides cover and precedent to deploy American soldiers to fight American insurgents.

A U.S. military crackdown on any kind of insurgency could get really ugly. "There's always restraint to start with. And then the insurgency or the protests could incite the forces ... and if you have superior weapons then it could easily become an atrocity. If that happens, it'd be playing right into the insurgent's hands"[3].

The outbreak of the civil war, however, wouldn't look all that different from the normal news cycle, at first. David Kilcullen, former Chief Strategist in the State Department's Office of the Coordinator of Counterterrorism helped plan the successful "surge" in Iraq. Kilcullen doesn’t consider a new U.S. civil war likely but admits it is possible. He describes it as a potential proto-insurgency. And it turns out vicious insurgencies are a little bit like potato chips: you're never going to have just one.
You don't try to generate a mass movement ... you don't try to get the state to crack down on you, instead you try to generate a sectarian civil war so intense it makes the society ungovernable ... and then you bring forth a sort of rules-based system to give people predictability, notes Kilcullen [4].
He doesn't expect a modern Civil War would be nearly that simple. There might be hundreds of sides.
One of the lessons we found in Iraq ... is it's actually a lot harder to fight a disunited and fragmented insurgency, then to fight a united one ... at one point when I was in Iraq I counted 170 groups that were fighting us. Yeah, it turns out all those "Join or Die" flags were lying to us. Uncle Sam is really good at throttling enemies. He's less skilled at "Whack-A-Mole" [5].
Bill Fulton, an expert on the American militia movement and informant for the FBI, has far more than 170 groups on his list of "armed, violent organizations that might take a shot at the Federal Government." That's out of an estimated 1,360 "radical militias and anti-government groups" in the United States in 2012 (note that there were just 149 four years before) [6]. Insurgency candidates might include criminal gangs like MS-13, black nationalist groups, sovereign citizens and generally any armed, organized group with some kind of history to it. Jesus.

Red Team Blue Team

Developed by the military and intelligence agencies after 9/11, “red teaming” is a set of tools and techniques designed to help organizations stress-test their strategies, systems, and processes and challenge their assumptions, in order to make better decisions. According to Wikipedia, Red teaming helps organizations overcome groupthink and cognitive bias as threats to sound decision making.

In wargaming, the opposing force in a simulated military conflict is referred to as a red team. The aggressor is composed of various threat “actors,” equipment and techniques that are at least partially unknown by the defenders. The red team challenges the operations planning by playing the role of a thinking enemy. In United States war-gaming simulations, the U.S. force is always the Blue Team. Similar strategies are also used in a computer security context. The red team attacks a blue organizations digital infrastructure.

There has been a great deal of discussion around red team/blue team planning around a Second Civil War. Some of it is reasonable in my judgment but much of it is fantasy [7]. Nevertheless, a discussion of a second civil war cannot be complete without at least a short discussion of potential red team tactics and blue team response.

An alleged government red team planner argues that a key vulnerability is America’s electrical grid[8]. Although true, it makes no sense that the secessionists/nationalists would take down the grid. “Red-teamers” suggest that the government would need the grid more than the insurgency. In the event of a grid collapse, it would open a two-front war as police and military would be needed to contain the looting and madness that would ensue. Key vulnerability points in the grid are publicly available and too numerous to guard effectively.

Disrupting public utilities and the power grid is a questionable tactic, however. In Afghanistan and Iraq, when power went down the people blamed the Americans and the insurgents not the government. Keep in mind that the economy works on the grid too, and it wouldn’t take long before the insurgents would be clearly seen as “domestic terrorists.”

In addition, the government could selectively turn off parts of the grid and cell service where any uprising intensifies and let all concerned know that it comes back on when the trouble has been quelled. It’s standard procedure and most people will simply want a return to normalcy.

The military desertion rate, allege the “red teamers,” in the event of a civil war, might be as high as 75% and that some of them might stay and help the insurgency from inside and become saboteurs. Maybe, but it’s not that simple. There are many economic, ideological and psychological factors to consider. It’s also estimated that 25-50% of the FBI, CIA, NSA, TSA, and ATC would betray their agency. Possibly but more speculation and conjecture than analysis.

A civil war would, unquestionably, be compounded by looting and rioting. Cities could burn. The National Guard would be stretched fighting both the rebel insurgents and rioters. Can you imagine a day without internet, TV, newspapers or light? Our kids certainly could not. There is also the threat that someone might empty out the prisons, but this is also far-fetched, in my view. Nevertheless, America has more prisoners than the entire Chinese Army [9].


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Looting and Rioting in France by vibrant Moslems and Africans

Infrastructure is crumbling and logistics are failing and the city’s most likely to support the left-wing federal government are San Francisco, LA, D.C. and Baltimore and they are logistically easy to cut-off. Many require bridges to enter and all have critical air and ocean ports. If two of them fall, it would be disastrous. There are also many choke-points across the interior making marching an army across it almost impossible. Most of those choke points are in Red states where resistance would be strongest but I can’t imagine an army marching anywhere in America, frankly. It’s also true that blue states consume and red states produce. Most liberals/progressives live near the ocean and the biggest choke point for the U.S. government is in Missouri, a red state [10]. Nukes, even tactical, are too ridiculous to even discuss.

An insurgency would no question create a PR nightmare. It would, presumably, be carried out by small cells that blend with the population, not by armies. Fourth Generation warfare (4GW) seeks to destroy the will of the enemy’s decision makers, not to defeat its superior military forces. Co-opting the media is a crucial and a defining element of 4GW, and that won’t be easy. It’s also a stretch that 30% of the American population would actively revolt. Historically, it is true that only 10% of the population are required to actively participate as happened during the Revolutionary War. USMC General Samuel Griffith argues that popular support must be at least 25-30 % to be successful [11]. The idea that a third world war or even a serious military action in the Middle East, North Korea or the South China Sea would be initiated as a distraction is simply ridiculous.

Nevertheless, 65 million Trump voters represents 27% of the adult population, majority male, great majority white gun owners and 2/3rds of the current military and 2/3rds of former military of 10-15 million have “alt-right” or at least conservative and common-sense beliefs. These civilians are armed and dangerous and they own roughly 400 million guns and approximately 8 trillion bullets or about 89 guns for every 100 Americans.

The “leverage factor of power grid chaos; raw numbers of armed civilians; the numbers to carry out a revolution; the political leaning of the military and police; 4GW; the potential for Military desertions; former military personnel and geography greatly favour the right. But as Clausewitz noted, “Everything in war is simple, but the simplest thing is difficult.” America is very diverse in every regard and conventional, arm-chair analysis doesn’t include quality of leadership, quality of troops, operational terrain, military efficiency, ability to communicate securely etc [12].

In addition, the government controls financial institutions, pensions, IRA’s and 401k’s. It would be easy to declare “Emergency Powers” and freeze the finances of the “domestic terrorists.” It would be tough to fight without access to your finances, no job and no income and what about your family’s well-being?

Also keep in mind that the kill-ratio for U.S. soldiers in Afghanistan is roughly 30:1. U.S. forces are well trained and disciplined and win a vast majority of their tactical engagements. It’s also true that if a targeting intelligence analyst had access to years of Facebook photos and check-ins, Twitter posts, YouTube videos, Instagram photos and other information it wouldn’t be difficult to create and map out insurgent cells and targeting data in a few hours. Google searches, cell phone geolocation, Ancestry DNA, and people who know who you are and hate you provide mountains of real-time targeting intelligence [13].

I think it’s far more likely that the popular Second Civil War matrices circulating around the internet and facts on the ground, make a case for regional conflict or possibly a war of secession or simply a devolution of power. Red states will continue to have state power. The GOP will be relegated to a regional party rump but they will still have some power. The Supreme Court and lower courts have conservative majorities although progressives are attempting to add two more seats to the Supreme court and stuff it with “progressives.” Nevertheless, there is a certainty of Democratic one-party rule inside of two election cycles. This is overwhelmingly disruptive and it makes conflict inevitable. Not nationally but most probably, regionally [14].

But Will the Second Civil War Turn Violent?

Make no mistake, the Second Civil War could very well escalate into serious and on-going violence. Through a combination of traditional guerrilla warfare, migration, lawfare, Alinsky tactics, and other strategies designed to achieve dominance and power, the Second Civil War risks spinning out of control.

In 1991 the USSR, split apart peacefully into 16 separate countries. The various peoples were naturally divided into geographic regions where they shared a culture, religion, language, and/or ethnicity. There is no simulacrum of this in the United States, a country where people of all colors, share an uneasy coexistence at best, in the same state, county, city, and neighborhoods. The U.S. is a country where Whites have been impractically attempting to secede from Blacks since the 1950s by selling their homes and buying a house in a newer, Whiter, area of their town. In some instances, Whites have uprooted their family and moved to another state. This manner of secession is no longer viable as Blacks, and now Latinos, Mestizos, Muslims and other alien minority groups are everywhere.

In the coast-to-coast milieu of dystopian perversion, of Black, Mestizo and Brown crime on Whites, and of ever-increasing Sharia-supremacist Muslim enclaves, is it possible that America could break apart peacefully as did the USSR, or as in the Velvet Divorce of Slovakia and the Czech Republic in 1993, or as did Sweden and Norway a century ago, or as did the Jews in 1948? These historical events might serve as blueprints to stave off the dissolution of White Europeans who once carved out a civilization in North America.

European Parallels

The late Guillaume Faye, in his book, Ethnic Apocalypse - the Coming European Civil War, makes a number of terrifying predictions the foremost of which is that it is almost a certainty that Europe is destined to convulse with a savage and intense civil war (civil and internal, religious and racial) without parallel in human history. It is Faye’s view that this tragedy “will involve people who have nothing to say to one another and who should never have been made to live together” [15]. They (largely Muslims and Africans) “want to reap the benefits of Western prosperity without having to make the same effort we have made in order to enjoy it, while simultaneously retaining their own identity and hating us more openly.” For Faye, these “foreign and belligerent races have come to have their cake and eat ours.” European Marxists use Muslims as today’s proletariat: the fulcrum to undermine the West.

Europe isn’t America, obviously, and there are issues and circumstances unique to both but there are many parallels and if Europe spirals into an orgy of violence, it can’t help but spread to North America. Faye believes, plausibly, that “an unpredictable spark,” a surprising trip-wire, will ignite the conflict and cause Europeans in “a spirit of self-defence, to organise themselves and ultimately launch a counter-offensive” [16].

It’s “probably inevitable,” due to the “huge and constantly accelerating wave of colonising immigration” and the fact most of these immigrants possess a “hatred combining resentment with a desire for revenge”[17]. Tensions are building because the secret services have designated the retaliatory actions of native groups, rather than Muslim, African or immigrant aggressors, as the main danger to French and European society, an aspect of what Faye calls the French state’s “Collaborationist Tropism” [18]. That sounds familiar.

This is part of a much wider problem – the fact that today, “democracy imposes invasion upon peoples”[19], citing Angela Merkel’s flooding of Germany with millions of non-Whites. Parliamentary democracy, he notes, in reality a “putrid oligarchy,” is “guilty of paving the way for an ethno-racial civil war not only in Western Europe, but perhaps also in the United States and Canada” [20]. There are echoes of John Adams here. Adams was not optimistic about such a political system:
Democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes exhausts and murders itself. There never was a Democracy yet, that did not commit suicide.

Can Sweden be Saved?

In Sweden, a former head of the Swedish truck-maker Scania, a Mr. Leif Ostling, has said Sweden is headed for civil war because of the problem of its violent migrants who have no inclination to integrate into Swedish society [21].

It appears that Islamists have most of the hand grenades in civilian possession, yes hand grenades, largely the M75 from the former Yugoslavia. They also have more explosives. In the first nine months of 2019, there were 97 explosions in Sweden [22]. Surprisingly, even the BBC has not suppressed this fact. Sweden has been subject to murders, knifings and rapes; Swedish kids are being assaulted by alien migrants and urinated on while lying helpless on the ground. It’s started…



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But how will it play out? At the moment, Muslims and Africans attack police stations, burn vehicles, completely dominate and control “no-go” zones while the police turn a blind eye. Public opinion is finally and thankfully becoming less tolerant. A sign of the shift in public opinion is the fact that the leader of the Moderate Party, with 70 out of the 349 seats in the Swedish parliament apologized on Facebook to all those who had been critical of the country’s immigration policies over the years [23].

This shift in public opinion is expected to lead to a crackdown in the “no-go” zones, which will enrage the Islamists, and they are likely to respond with more attacks on the police and other public institutions. It escalates…

From there, government reaction to the escalating violence will probably lag behind events and public opinion. The fear is that an officer in the armed forces will have his wife or daughter killed and lead his unit in taking over the parliament building. Nobody in the police force will stop him, because the police have been taking the brunt of the Islamist violence for decades[24]. The French Police are in the same circumstances.

How will the “progressive,” open border elites running Germany, France, and the European Union react? The yellow vests in France were surprised to see European Union decals on French armored personnel-carriers. It appears that Macron and Merkel have anticipated escalating resistance and conspired to create a joint French-German force to put down insurrections anywhere on the continent. To get to Sweden, this force would have to pass through Denmark, and the Danes are likely to stop them [25]. The Danish have been complaining of “Swedish” violence bleeding across their border. Sweden and all of Europe, for that matter, must repatriate their invaders or lose everything, forever.

Final Thoughts on the European Crisis

According to Guillaume Faye, Western governments are complicit in the ethnocide of their native peoples by refusing to act even in the face of “incessant neighbourhood riots,” “ritualistic and mass-scale car arsons,” (the fires of diversity are burning brightly right now in Strasbourg to ring in the new year) “occasional deadly attacks and ambushes targeting policemen, gendarmes, and firefighters,” “verbal or physical assaults committed against native European people,” “the violent harassment of white women in the streets,” “acts of aggression perpetrated against doctors,” schools falling “into the grip of daily violence,” and “the open and raucous appropriation of public spaces, followed by that of entire towns.” Faye asserts that the state and associated elites are complicit in the ethnocide of the European peoples because they desire to create a “new man;” an anti-racist and mixed-race type of man.” Good luck.

He believes and rightfully so, that the primary aggressors in Europe, as in Sweden, are Muslims. Muslims in Sweden are being assisted by collaborators in the form of leftist “journalists, officials and politicians at all national and local levels.” Faye expects support and financial aid to be provided by Morocco, Algeria, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, and others “engaged in the Islamisation and colonisation of France and Europe more broadly.” Against this coalition, Faye posits that a substantial element of the police and gendarmerie will move into a retaliatory mode, joining a growing number of exasperated Frenchmen with no ideological or political connections with the far Right, who could organise themselves into neighbourhood-based self-defence groups or structured militias.

Faye cites data that “90% of all minors and young adults involved in all conceivable forms of criminality stem from Afro-Arab immigration”[26]. The young delinquents organise in a “primitive tribal pattern,” and “shall form the shock battalions of an already brewing racial civil war.” The majority of the White victims of these urban occupying tribes are young women, provoking Faye to remark “In all cultures, the normal, vital reflex is to protect one’s women against any and all sexual assaults committed by foreigners. It is now racist and entirely reprehensible for us to ensure our women’s protection”[27].

North Americans have no idea what has been going on in Europe including the Muslim sex-grooming gangs. It is systematically suppressed. My coffee buddies scoff and joke about my “conspiracy” theories. It seems that you’re a bigot if you oppose Afro-Muslim gang rape. Be patient, they suggest, it won’t be long and the migrants will become Nobel Laureates, doctors and IT specialists and give back to their host societies.

Faye sees the origin of a future conflict in police confrontations, either involving Muslims claiming police brutality in response to their heightened delinquency or “following the death of some Black African...” Rioting is viewed by Faye as having every potential to morph into sustained guerrilla warfare and, if it were to be prolonged long enough, he sees the potential for Antifa to join forces against the police. It’s not far-fetched to see the same thing unravel in America. The alliance will be short-lived since collaborators in the race war, even if the “ethnic” faction wins, will “not be given the position they hope for in this future society. Instead, what awaits them is death, humiliation, beatings and a state of modern slavery”[28].

Faced with an escalation of violence, including massive Islamic terrorist attacks funded and supported by Muslim countries, the only hope for Europe is that such events cause a shock “strong and traumatic enough to reverse mentalities”[29]. In fact, Faye argues that this is the primary condition for possible victory, without which Europe is fated to slow replacement and ultimate defeat. He stresses the same precondition for the United States, which he warns will endure “severe turmoil, perhaps even partitions, in the course of the next century.” Partitions and secessionist movements seem highly probable.

Finally, he offers a vision of both victory and defeat. In white victory he includes the “the de-migration of the afterwar.” He suggests that the racial civil war would, “through its unique violence, turn into an unprecedented collective trauma whose memory will echo across the centuries”[30], suggesting that multiculturalism would never again be repeated by our descendants. There would be a massive repatriation of African and oriental populations to their countries of origin. Foreigners are different from us and must return to their homeland as soon as possible[31]. Finally, he offers a few words of advice…the “anti-racist” collaborators and anti-White leftist’s will have to watch their backs when the wind turns … that too, sounds vaguely familiar.

American Succession and Partition or Reconquest?

Catalonia, New Afrika, Scotland, Bavaria, California, Quebec, and Alberta are just a drop in the global secessionist bucket. According to Wikipedia there are 33 such movements in Africa alone, dozens and dozens in each of Europe and Asia, and a shocking number in North America, Oceania and South America. Overwhelmingly these movements are based on common cultural, ethnic, language and racial lines.

Ethnic and racial hostilities within the United States are so vast that America can’t function as a single unified country so it’s probable that it will be split into two countries or more. The United States needs a divorce. Or possibly several smaller divorces across the country. According to Michael Hart’s excellent book, Restoring America, it’s most likely that states will break away and disassociate themselves from the Federal Government. Those that do not choose to secede could remain part of the US [32]. The financially healthiest and whitest states (the two go hand-in-hand); those with the lowest debt/state taxpayer and those with the lowest debt/state GDP are in the Northwest. They are most likely to provide a beachhead and springboard for the coming struggle. Nevertheless, all of the “Red” States and even specific counties will need to opt in or leave the new American Federal Republic (AFR), according to Hart.


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We might very well see a new federalism where power and resources devolve away from Washington back to states, counties and cities. Imagine how nice New York State would be without NYC. Maryland without Baltimore. Michigan without Detroit. Texas without Dallas and Houston. Illinois without Chicago or at least the south side. California without… any of the cities. Let California leave and good luck to them. Let the red states that reflect the historic American nation, be red states [33]. America has become a nightmare of fundamentally incompatible peoples with totally conflicting world viewpoints; teeming with Third World tribes that roam free. State secession has become mainstream.

In the end, America will be left with a blue nation pursuing “federal” policies and a new “Red” AFR - a constitutional republic with civil liberties fully protected and clauses to prevent the disaster that today threaten America’s liberties. The United States of “We Pay our Own Damn Way.” The blue rump can “live locally and make art”[34]. Separation won’t be easy, needless to say, and many whites won’t embrace the surrender of large tracts of their country, its history, traditions, resources and interests to non-whites.

If Whites had the political will they could dictate a solution to the racial problem today. They could curtail immigration and seal the border by deploying the armed forces, deport all illegal immigrants (and perhaps many recent legal immigrants); end subsidies for the non-white birth rate through welfare programs, obligatory use of contraception by welfare recipients; encourage a higher white birth rate; refuse to be bullied into enduring “multiculturalism,” affirmative action, civil rights laws and policies; and by refusing to submit to cultural dissolution, inter-racial violence and insults, and the guilt that multi-racialists inculcate [35].

Up to this point, it is a lack of will and identity; a lack of racial and cultural consciousness that must be remedied before Americans resort to any dissolution of their country [36]. There is much more than political jurisdiction at stake. Sam Francis notes that
conceptual surrender is leading to a situation where the biological survival of the race is threatened, and if that occurs, — because race is necessary, because no other race or people seems able to replicate or adopt the concepts on which European civilization is based — the conceptual surrender will not be remedied, and white civilization, the whole conceptual corpus, will die with the race [37].
If it is not resolved in Euro-Americans favour, it will almost certainly result in the loss of control of the United States within roughly 25 years, the disappearance of white civilization, and eventually in biological extinction. If separatism and secession is not the answer, what is [38]?

Based on the analogy with what ecologists and socio-biologists have discovered about animal populations, that unless races, subspecies, or populations are reproductively isolated, intermixture and therefore racial extinction is inevitable [39]. I have concluded that this is precisely the goal by the formidable forces allied against white European peoples. They are the same arrogant and hostile elites that have been wrong about Marxism, Stalinism, Maoism, plunging the World into War in 1914, Freudianism, lobotomies, WMD’s, Iraq, Syria, and allowing China into the WTO.

Before reconquest, there would need to be an immense, almost impossible amount of cultural and intellectual reconquest in advance; a long march through the dominant institutions and apparatus of power by which the incumbent elites exercise control over the state, the economy, and the culture of the United States (see “Winning the Culture War,” Chronicles, December, 1993). I wouldn’t hold my breath although I am optimistic that we have passed peak globalism.

Reconquest is therefore, unlikely, at least in the short and medium term. Euro-Americans refuse, at least to this point, to recognize racial realities; that racial-biological endowments are necessary to certain kinds of human behavior (e.g., the political and civic behavior appropriate to stable self-government; the work habits and life-styles appropriate to a dynamic economy; the intellectual behavior that is necessary for science and scholarship, etc.) and that because these endowments are largely unique to European peoples, the behavior they make possible cannot be replicated by most non-Europeans [40].

What Euro-Americans absolutely must do is get on with ensuring that they organize for their legitimate interests in the nation that their ancestors bequeathed to them and at an enormous price in blood and treasure before they lose their country, their heritage, and their posterity forever[41].
I doubt our descendants will appreciate the moral fervor of their ancestors in destroying White America when they are forced to live in a non-White-dominated multicultural America – Kevin MacDonald [42].

Towering Storm Clouds

Civil War is on the horizon, and this is an important recognition that more and more Americans are waking up to. But a more profound realization is that Civil War is already here. Americans are living in a Cold War with proxy actors and conflicts playing out from the classroom to the courtroom, from the senate and house to the streets, that arguably began in the 60’s. The only question is where things will heat up, when, and by how much?[43] To anyone familiar with the literature on ethnic conflict, this pattern is predictable. The fact that there is not even a hint of the dangers in the mainstream media despite obvious lessons from conflicts in Yugoslavia, Rwanda, and Darfur, to mention just a few, only demonstrates establishment Inc’s control over the media. The warning lights are flashing red— and we are flying directly into the coming hurricane [44].

The preponderance of the evidence – domestic, international, historical, and scientific – suggests that America will continue to polarize along racial and ethnic lines. The long-term solution to racial and ethnic conflict is not to force more "diversity" on people who never asked for it but to let them build separate communities. The question simply is, can it be peaceful and democratic?

There are no written guarantees that it will not escalate into violence. All the utopias created by the Progressive/Left over the years have inevitably led to bloodshed because they conflict with fundamental human nature. The Marxist Utopian vision of a classless society in the USSR self-destructed, but only after murdering millions of its own people. This latest utopia, the global, open-borders multicultural-consumer zone version is also, now, on the verge of collapse.

The Second Civil War will and is being waged on multiple fronts. There are powerful interests aligned against nationalists including venture capitalists lining their pockets with the wage-arbitrage trade in China; financial institutions, multi-national corporations, the UN, countless NGO’s, media conglomerates, traitorous politicians, Marxist academicians, law firms, the “Kritarchy,” various advocacy groups, foreign governments and of course ethnic lobbies like the League of United Latin American Citizens and CAIR.

Globalism and multiculturalism are premised on falsehoods about what makes a great society. It has become self-evident that it's not diversity and off-shoring manufacturing capacity. It is premised on a false moral system which blames whites for things they did not do and excuses non-whites for their failings, shortcomings and offences. Tragically, this is not a natural phenomenon but a man made one. It is policy, or a lack thereof, that is producing obviously terrible outcomes.

America is no longer an independent nation with an independent national identity. In its place is a battleground where different tribes feud and fight over ever scarcer resources. White Americans do not yet participate in this competition, however. They seek individual advantage by virtue signalling and accusing each other of racism and xenophobia. That strategy will not work, if or when, the United States is majority non-white.

The rise of populism, despite massive and tenacious opposition by hostile elites in media, big business, Hollywood, the Catholic and Anglican Church, Judaism and academia give rise to hope that this trend can be reversed over the next 10 or 15 years. Nationalists would like to see their nations stay, not exclusively, but majority white. Preferably a super-majority. Why wouldn’t they?

It shouldn’t surprise you that support and opposition for a Wall on America’s southern border and for immigration restriction in general, is sharply divided on racial lines. Non-whites believe that the wall is about race and therefore overwhelmingly oppose its’ construction. For them the Wall is a symbol of white racism and is immoral. Support for the Wall is largely limited to whites but because whites are less racially conscious and have lower levels of both positive and negative ethnocentrism they are less motivated by their racial interests and they are therefore more racially divided on political lines, than non-whites and support it by only a slight majority [45]. Euro-American enemies understand this and will continue to drive a wedge between them.

In America, at least so far, the founding European culture is losing the brutal Darwinian struggle for their survival to the left and to alien cultures and races that have invaded America without resistance, defended by their Antifa shock troops. Without a wall, America will commit suicide. The penchant for cheap labour must come to an end.

The Puritan Question

The left and their cheap labour, big business allies, have created a monster. American Whites have to realize that if they do nothing, they will be increasingly victimized and vilified in the coming decades as the Frankenstein continues to grow. And as the anti-white leftists assume greater control, there will be further censorship and suppression and police-state measures similar to what has been rolled out in the formerly “Great” Britain, eerily similar to the Puritans of Massachusetts.

In the UK where the Puritans originated, people are imprisoned for Facebook and social media posts critical of Islam, immigration and multiculturalism [46]. A 17th century Puritan minister would envy the stifling thought control. The most efficient strategy for destroying Western civilization and Americans, in particular, is to convince them of their moral bankruptcy, notes retired professor Kevin Macdonald. They are therefore a target of condemnation, vilification and punishment by their enemies. Any group identity of whites is pathologized, a legacy of the Frankfurt School [47].

Those same Puritans waged a bloody fratricidal war of moral righteousness from 1861-1864. It was the Puritan moral condemnation of slavery that inspired and justified the horrific carnage of closely related Celtic and Anglo-Saxon cousins on behalf of African slaves in the First Civil War. It was an unbelievable and outrageous sacrifice [48].

The red team will need to harness this latent sense of moralistic aggression and outrage against all of those people who have engineered and who are maintaining the cultural controls that are currently dispossessing whites of the historic American homeland. White people are prone to moralistic outrage and morally outraged white people are a formidable force [49]. It might be America’s, and by extension, the Wests’ only hope.


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Perhaps there is an argument for what Richard McCulloch calls "moral racism." Moral racism is not just an expression of love for one's own race but a recognition of all races. McCulloch describes it as a “Racial Compact” that provides for mutual recognition of the rights of all races and the importance of preserving human biological diversity. Powerful movements have been created to save the habitats of the spotted owl, arctic fox, and every obscure flora and fauna but not the biological diversity of the species at the top of the food chain. The proposed “Racial Compact” is free of the taint of hatred and exploitation. Up to this point, however, Americans have been so terrorized by a one-sided, closed-minded depiction of racism that most Americans from the founding Anglo culture are prepared to let their people and culture disappear rather than be guilty of it [50].

Confederate statue toppled in North Carolina

America is failing. Many “citizens,” as noted, attack America’s fundamental symbols, including the Founding Fathers, Columbus Day, Mount Rushmore, the flag, Independence Day, Thanksgiving, and the national anthem, because they are “racist.” Christmas can’t be far behind. I’m pretty sure Santa doesn’t stop in Medina. Once in power, driven by their extreme base, Democrats will pursue overtly anti-white policies, including reparations, discriminatory financial programs, and more affirmative action, and as in Brazil, non-whites will never be satisfied. Gun rights will fall using New Zealand as a template. Whites will be embittered, and conflict will be inevitable[51].


The United States now finds itself in the same circumstance that prevailed in 1861. That circumstance is the oxygen-sucking presence of unrelenting, swarming Third-World peoples living in the formerly “United” States who are totally dependent on the founding Euro-American people for their sustenance. That is what caused the first American Civil War. In the end, that is what will cause the second.

It is generally accepted that civilizations that are in decline—as is the USA—always enter periods of extreme polarization. For America, the 2020’s will be that period. It will be marred by years of political violence, and intense conflict. Professor Peter Turchin does a lot of number crunching around civilizational cycles and expects the 2020’s will see war, revolution, state collapse, a lethal pandemic and population collapse. Turchin’s work dovetails perfectly with William Strauss and Neil Howe’s theory of a “Fourth Turning.”

There is hope, however. The election of Donald Trump, Brexit and Nigel Farage and more recently, Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini in Italy, Bolsanaro in Brazil, Sebastian Kurtz in Austria, Viktor Orban in Hungary, Marine LePen in France, 36-year-old Thierry Baudet in the Netherlands, Tom van Grieken in Belgium, more recently, Vox’s Santiago Abascal in Spain and others, can be seen as part of the same phenomenon - white European civilizational survival.

The rise of these nationalist movements reflects something more powerful than any individual, even the president of the United States. The same survival instinct that is present in all living creatures still burns within the world’s European peoples, presently down to roughly 8.5% of the world’s total population, from over 30% in 1900. President Donald J Trump was not the cause, but a consequence – and those peoples will not go gently into the night. Like their ancestors, it may be time to become “separate and equal” in a society that is “America’s” alone. This is exactly what the Founders — and their heirs — would have wanted.[52] How will Old Glory look with 25 rather than 50 stars?
Democracies … have in general been as short in their lives as they have been violent in their deaths. – James Madison in Federalist Paper 10.


On and On, South of Heaven
I just don't see it happening?

We are too "civilized" ( Distracted/emasculated/uneducated in the ways of war ), now. I don't see a tiny percentage,,, no matter how well armed or motivated making any real difference with no command structure, logistics, communications plan, and cooperation across states...

Has ANY western European nation fought back in the modern age?


Let's Go Brandon!

This is an incredible post, probably one of the most important
to have ever been posted on this board.

Almost from day 1 of my becoming a member, I have been telling
anyone that would listen, that the African population demographic
in this now royally screwed up "non-White" country, is far more than
the BS number of 13%, but is at least 23%, if not higher.

The POS illegal alien population is even higher,
with nearly 100 million of them here right this very moment.
Over half of Mexico's population is already here.

The two demographics added together, are now more than
the White population demographic, which I fully believe
is now less than 50%, all because White wymyns absolutely
have refused since the 1970's, to have White babies.
In 1960, just 60 years ago, Whites were 90% of the population,
in what was the most greatest nation in all of human history.
It was, because it was White.

Not racist, just plain old historical fact.

I am proud to be White, and I am proud to be a Southron.
None of this would be happening, if the South had won
ole POS Abe Lincoln's War of Northern Aggression.

Changes are coming fast. Entire towns that were majority White,
just 20 years ago, are now majority non-White,
and no area is going to escape the demographic change.

Now all Whites will get to pay, and they will pay dearly.

Please be safe everyone.

Regards to all.



Membership Revoked

This is an incredible post, probably one of the most important
to have ever been posted on this board.

Almost from day 1 of my becoming a member, I have been telling
anyone that would listen, that the African population demographic
in this now royally screwed up "non-White" country, is far more than
the BS number of 13%, but is at least 23%, if not higher.

The POS illegal alien population is even higher,
with nearly 100 million of them here right this very moment.
Over half of Mexico's population is already here.

The two demographics added together, are now more than
the White population demographic, which I fully believe
is now less than 50%, all because White wymyns absolutely
have refused since the 1970's, to have White babies.
In 1960, just 60 years ago, Whites were 90% of the population,
in what was the most greatest nation in all of human history.
It was, because it was White.

Not racist, just plain old historical fact.

I am proud to be White, and I am proud to be a Southron.
None of this would be happening, if the South had won
ole POS Abe Lincoln's War of Northern Aggression.

Changes are coming fast. Entire towns that were majority White,
just 20 years ago, are now majority non-White,
and no area is going to escape the demographic change.

Now all Whites will get to pay, and they will pay dearly.

Please be safe everyone.

Regards to all.


Thank you, my friend. I thought it was Olympic-level length and nearly refrained from posting it.
You make me glad I took the trouble to share it here.

von Koehler

Has No Life - Lives on TB


On and On, South of Heaven
Doesn't take a genius.

Incredibly narrow view.

Slavery was already on the way out and emancipation was used more as a "spin" by Lincoln to keep other countries from entering the war on the side of the south ( The Civil War was very close to becoming the First World War ).

THEN, you also have near two centuries of history after the war to contend with...

There is no possible way to say everything would have been so much better if the south had won. MAYBE, it would have... MAYBE, the whole thing would have fallen apart... MAYBE, Britain and France would have gone through with their plans for invasion if the south had won and Lincoln had never sent his letter to the Czar requesting aid ( So, MAYBE, America would not even exist )...

Russian battleships in New York depicted by Harper's Weekly in Oct. 1863

There are just way too many variables to make such a blanket statement...
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Veteran Member
Incredibly narrow view.

Slavery was already on the way out and emancipation was used more as a "spin" by Lincoln to keep other countries from entering the war on the side of the south ( The Civil War was very close to becoming the First World War ).

THEN, you also have near two centuries of history after the war to contend with...

There is no possible way to say everything would have been so much better if the south had won. MAYBE, it would have... MAYBE, the whole thing would have fallen apart... MAYBE, Britain and France would have gone through with their plans for invasion if the south had won and Lincoln had never sent his letter to the Czar requesting aid ( So, MAYBE, America would not even exist )...

View attachment 179445
Russian battleships in New York depicted by Harper's Weekly in Oct. 1863

There are just way too many variables to make such a blanket statement...

But I did and I stand by it. You have a right to your opinion, grant me that same right.


Carrying the mantle of doubt
There is no possible way to say everything would have been so much better if the south had won. MAYBE, it would have... MAYBE, the whole thing would have fallen apart... MAYBE, Britain and France would have gone through with their plans for invasion if the south had won and Lincoln had never sent his letter to the Czar requesting aid ( So, MAYBE, America would not even exist )...

There are just way too many variables to make such a blanket statement...
Have to agree. There's enough chaos in throwing a pair of dice to make the outcome unpredictable, not to mention the dynamic of a culture over 160 years.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
So if non-Whites get their way then Whites will be eliminated...……..then what will you have?

The same dump they migrated from to come here...………….they came here because of what Whites can do...….not because of what they couldn't do from where they came from.

There is only one way for the move by non-Whites in the US to make sense of their flood into this country and that is to keep a White country majority White...……..any other Brown/Black demographic change is fatal to their goals of living beyond a 3rd world existence.

Unless Asians take over...…….and in that case the Brown and Black pets of the left will be wishing they would have kept the place under White majority/rule.


Membership Revoked
So if non-Whites get their way then Whites will be eliminated...……..then what will you have?

The same dump they migrated from to come here...………….they came here because of what Whites can do...….not because of what they couldn't do from where they came from.

There is only one way for the move by non-Whites in the US to make sense of their flood into this country and that is to keep a White country majority White...……..any other Brown/Black demographic change is fatal to their goals of living beyond a 3rd world existence.

Unless Asians take over...…….and in that case the Brown and Black pets of the left will be wishing they would have kept the place under White majority/rule.

Only then would more than a small fraction of darks wish for whites to again be a majority and run the place. Few in Zimbabwe or S. Africa openly say that even now that they're close to starving and/or rape and murder capitals of the world, unlike when whites ran the places.


Veteran Member
Doesn't take a genius. The south was christian the north was not, the Southern people were the "deplorables". The South, after seeing how the black slave issue had divided the country would have removed all blacks from the nation and gently sent them back to their precious home country.
The North wasn't Christian? Where in the world would you get that? Nearly 100% of the population in the North was Christian. I also wonder where would you even conceive that the South would have done anything "gently" as concerns the former slaves.


I agree with Ragnarok....there will be NO CIVIL WAR...for various reasons....

With our schools and all the media having been infiltrated by the marxists....they don't need to have a civil war...just wait a few years until us TRUMP voters pass on and the Marxists will win.


On TB every waking moment
Whites or blacks are not the problem in the ZUSA today. REDS are. If we have a war in the near future it will be a war with communists, not just a race war.


Membership Revoked
Whites or blacks are not the problem in the ZUSA today. REDS are. If we have a war in the near future it will be a war with communists, not just a race war.

I say it will be both. "Your skin is your uniform" will be SOP lots of places. That said, plenty of whites are NOT on our side, and never will be. Like the hard-core Tories during the Revolutionary War, they were enemies during it, and could have no place in our country after victory and peace.

night driver

ESFP adrift in INTJ sea
Doesn't take a genius. The south was christian the north was not, the Southern people were the "deplorables". The South, after seeing how the black slave issue had divided the country would have removed all blacks from the nation and gently sent them back to their precious home country.
Might want to refer to the stats on Mission Churches (RC) south of the Mason Dixon Line as you TRY to claim more Christian South over North.


Membership Revoked
Might want to refer to the stats on Mission Churches (RC) south of the Mason Dixon Line as you TRY to claim more Christian South over North.

Money. :rolleyes: Yankees commonly PAID, while Southerners more often LIVED.
Writing checks /= salvation, else Heaven would only have rich people.


Res ipsa loquitur
an EXCELLENT post MS. the facts presented are indisputable. stand or grovel in the dirt as the birthright and the future of your children and grandchildren is literally STOLEN from them as you sit and watch it leave. you're on the extinction list AMERICA.


On and On, South of Heaven
I agree with Ragnarok....there will be NO CIVIL WAR...for various reasons....

With our schools and all the media having been infiltrated by the marxists....they don't need to have a civil war...just wait a few years until us TRUMP voters pass on and the Marxists will win.

The long game...

They have been playing it for about 70 years and the Islamists have been playing it for over a 1000...

Good point.


Pride comes before the fall.....Pride month ended.
Have to agree. There's enough chaos in throwing a pair of dice to make the outcome unpredictable, not to mention the dynamic of a culture over 160 years.
I think you nailed it.

People say, what are the odds? I say fifty fifty, either will or won't, yes or no.....win or lose. It's almost always fifty fifty.

With that mindset, one thinks a bit harder on things, when warranted...given the odds...hehe


On and On, South of Heaven
Whites or blacks are not the problem in the ZUSA today. REDS are. If we have a war in the near future it will be a war with communists, not just a race war.

WWII was, for all intents and purposes, a race war...

I shudder to think what it would have looked like with today's weapons.


On TB every waking moment
WWII was, for all intents and purposes, a race war...

In the Pacific. But in Europe, different deal.