Misc Little Girl Writes Trump, Has No Idea Sarah Will Change Her Life

NC Susan

Too Sweet

Little Girl Writes Trump, Has No Idea Sarah Will Change Her Life

Little Girl Writes to WH, Sarah Sanders Gives a Response

FEBRUARY 11, 2018

It’s a rare honor to get to talk with a sitting president of the United States, and often folks can’t make the trip to the places he visits.

For those who cannot meet President Donald Trump face-to-face but still feel the need to communicate with him, letters are a great way to get your voice heard at the White House. The only problem is there are often so many letters the president can hardly read them all — even his assistants are almost certainly inundated.

An 11-year-old girl from Maryland, however, was willing to play those odds to present the president with an “amazing opportunity” — and the time she invested in writing a thoughtful letter to the White House is paying off big dividends.

White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders must have been delighted to let the public in on a letter written by a young girl named Natalie in which Natalie offered her services — along with her cousin’s — to give the president a home-cooked meal.

Sanders read from the letter at a White House news briefing last week.

“Dear Mr. President,” she wrote

“I’m Natalie and I’m 11 years old, almost 12. My cousin, Celia, who is 8 years old and have loved to cook since we practically were born… From the time we were very little, we’ve helped our nona in the kitchen, therefore we are very good cooks for little girls.

“The reason I am writing is to offer you an amazing opportunity. We would love to cook for you and your family at your home, or you’re most welcome to come to my house if you prefer. It would be such an honor to make you a meal.”

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I don’t know that I would approach having to cook a meal for the president as an “amazing opportunity” — I guess I’m just not as brave as Natalie.

“We don’t think you get many home-cooked meals since you’re always so busy, and we read that you only sleep four hours a night. Please, please call us and let us cook for you. Love, Natalie.”

I have a sneaking suspicion that Natalie is unaware of the tremendous amount of talent the White House culinary team possesses, but still — it’s a sweet and adorable offer. I bet she and her cousin could whip up something special.

Sanders was made aware of the letter and she kicked it up to the swamp-drainer himself, who was delighted.

Here’s how Sanders responded:

“Natalie, I’m happy to tell you that I talked to the president about your letter this morning, and he and the first lady would like to take you up on your very kind offer. We have an amazing kitchen and culinary staff here at the White House, and the president and the first lady would like for you to come over and work alongside them sometime very soon …

“Most importantly, he said to tell you to always believe in yourself and know that in America, you can achieve anything through hard work, determination and perseverance. And sometimes, you just have to take a chance and put yourself out there. That’s exactly what you did with your letter, and we’re excited to meet you in person soon.”

What Natalie did was really sweet — but it was also really brave. Marketing yourself in the 11-year-old’s version of the cover letter to the president isn’t something anyone does lightly. It’s great to see her be rewarded.

Democrats like to pin the label “callous” on Republicans — often because it’s easier to do so than try to understand the policies they’re advocating.

Although Trump is not always the most sensitive politician around, the man has a knack for finding instances like this, ones that will create fantastic stories and make some red-blooded Americans’ day.

Thanks, Mr. Trump, for keeping an eye out for the little guy.

Chicken Mama

Veteran Member
What a sweet and unpretentious little girl. If she keeps this attitude she'll go far. Good for her. I'm really happy for her that she received a personal response from the WH.