USA List: The Biggest Jokes in America at this time.

The Cub

Behold, I am coming soon.

I ran outta options for the earlier poll. Let's create a running list.

Please review and add ones that you have identified that are absent from the following list.

The 'Biggest' Jokes in America:
  • Lindsey Graham is going to ‘get to the bottom of this’.
  • The bona fides of Obama’s birth certificate.
  • The Federal Reserve Bank is a government agency.
  • Obama’s presidential portrait.
  • Identifying as the opposite sex was contemplated in the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
  • John McCain was a war hero.
  • The ‘Green New Deal’
  • Epstein killed himself.
  • Jerry Nadler’s expertise as a chairman.
  • The official COVID statistics.
  • John Kerry is a patriot.
  • The Warren Report.
  • Chris Cuomo is professional journalist.
  • The plight of the spotted owl.
  • George Bush I (CIA) had nothing to do with the Kennedy assassination and Reagan attempt.
  • Constitutional ‘textualism’ vs. ‘original understanding’
  • There are over 8,000 tons of gold belonging to the USA in Fort Knox.
  • Microsoft did not pirate any of its software.
  • COVID is an organically-produced virus, which coincidentally arose with the inversion of the bond yields and collapse of the Repo market; and is not cover for simultaneous massive increases in the money supply.
  • The ‘MeToo Movement’.
  • Mail-in voting should be allowed in the election of 2020.
  • The poise and elegance of Michelle Obama
  • The official report of the attack of 911.
  • Dr. Anthony Fauci is the greatest medical talent in the country.
  • The veracity of the reporting of Rachel Maddow.
  • 56 of Hillary’s friends and colleagues committed suicide.
  • The commercial viability of solar power.
  • Colin Powel, of ‘weapons of mass destruction’ fame, is not going to vote for Trump in 2020.
  • ‘Global Warming’
  • The summer sabbatical of Jimmy Kimmel is not due to his black face episodes.
  • Ted Kennedy cared about women.
  • Adam Schiff has evidence that Trump ‘colluded’ with Russia.‘
  • The 10th Amendment to the Constitution.
  • CNN is a news agency.
  • US Treasuries are AAA-rated paper.
  • ‘Feel the Bern’.
  • Biden is hunkered down in his basement due to COVID.
  • ‘Pregnant Chad’ counts as a vote.
  • The sagacity of the twenty-something AOC
  • The opioid epidemic just happened to coincide with America’s (CIA’s) control of Afghanistan.
  • The economics of shale oil production.
  • It is OK for Biden to extort Ukraine, but not for Trump to inquire about it.
  • The Federal Reserve Bank ignores its charter and invests in securities other than US Treasuries.
  • Rap is music.
  • There is nothing suspicious about JFK, jr’s death; it was a coincidence that both he and Hillary were running for NY senator at the time.
  • Churches are not essential, but liquor stores are.
  • Stacey Abrams is the real governor of Georgia.
  • Feinstein did not know that her office manager was a Chinese spy.
  • The relocation of COVID patients into nursing homes by certain Democrat governors was not contrived or orchestrated.
  • It is a coincidence that Congressmen have been relatively silent about Biden, Pelosi and Kerry’s pay-for-play operations in Ukraine, China, etc.
  • The wisdom of adding ethanol to gasoline.
  • During the late 19th and early 20th century, Immigrants processed through Ellis Island each received a box of ‘white privilege’.
  • The Kenyan President had every right to bypass the Congress in issuing certain of his executive orders.
  • Russia hacked the DNC computer server.
  • Trump rallies are dangerous as attendees do not wear masks; but Democrat rioting, looting and destroying is an acceptable expression of the 1st Amendment.
  • Google, Twitter and Fakebook are not censoring conservative view points.
  • Justice John Roberts is not compromised.
  • Hillary’s unsecured computer server was an oversight.
  • The Dow Jones is an indictor of how robust the US economy is.
  • The honorable John Bolton has every right to publish his book in time for the 2020 campaign.
  • There was nothing wrong with John Brennan,(CIA-foreign), spying on the US Senate.
  • The safety of compact fluorescent light bulbs.
  • It is highly probable that on 911, 2 commercial airliners collided with 2 buildings and 3 buildings collapsed perfectly within their footprints in controlled demolition fashion.
  • Hillary’s black limousine is not a converted ambulance.
  • Al Gore invented the Internet.
  • The war in Syria has nothing to do with a proposed pipeline from Qatar to Bulgaria/Europe.
  • The sons of Biden, Pelosi and Kerry made killings in Ukraine and China due to their respective expertise.
  • Pallets of bricks and bottles of gasoline just happened to appear at the BLM/ANTIFA riots.
  • John Brennan, Huma Abedin and Vallerie Jarrett are not connected with the Muslim Brotherhood, et al.
  • There is wisdom in defunding and disbanding the police.
  • Not enough money and effort has been spent on welfare programs, including Affirmative Action and urban development to help Blacks.
  • Obama, Hillary and McCain had nothing to do with the founding and supplying of ISIS.
  • There is nothing suspicious about the fire at the Clinton home in Chappaqua.
  • The Food and Drug Administration is monitoring all of that stuff in processed food that you can not pronounce.
  • As a practical matter, crooked bankers are subject to prosecution under the law.
  • It’s cheaper to live in Texas, where you continue to pay outrageous property taxes after you retire from employment.
  • There is nothing to be concerned about in that a significant amount of US food is prohibited in many foreign countries.
  • The wisdom of using Vibrio vulnificus (flesh eating bacteria) to treat sewage and pollution, and dispelling the affluent into public waterways.
  • Rev Al Sharpton is concerned with the welfare of the souls of his flock.
  • The viability of the Nation of CHAZ-CHOP.
  • The integrity of the US Judicial system, including SCOTUS.
  • The accomplishments of Hillary Clinton
  • The value of Congressional hearings.
  • The honor and moral turpetude of the Democrat Party.
  • The 1st Amendment to the Constitution.
  • There are more than 2 genders.
  • Bill Gates' concern about the health of the world population.
  • Equal justice under the law.
  • The honesty and integrity of the Dinosaur Media.
  • Political correctness trumps truth and reason.
  • Divorce attorneys are concerned primarily with the best interests of the children.
  • The reliability of the statistics published by the Depts. of Labor and Commerce.
  • Reparation paid to non-slaves by non-slave owners.
  • Honor in America.
  • The honesty of Chuck Schumer.
  • Immigration laws.
  • The frugality of the Pentagon (soon to be, Hexagon?).
  • Doctors obtaining patents on taxpayer-funded vaccine development.
  • The intelligence and speaking eloquence of Pelosi and Biden.
  • The honor given to the oath of office by most Federal politicians.
  • For most, the words: "until death do us part".
  • The free market system.
  • George Soros is a philanthropist.
  • The annual Federal Budget.
  • Post-1812 US wars were to foster democracy.
  • The crime of perjury in Washington D.C.
  • The cost-benefit relationship of most bachelors degrees.
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Veteran Member
No one else?
A few more jokes...

"Dan Cathy, Chik-fil-A CEO, sells good chicken." (It's got a lot of MSG in it.)
"Trump extends limits on visas to help American workers." (MEANWHILE, he gives a pass to many companies.)


Faithful Steed
Is "CoronaVirus" on the list? I scanned quickly.

With a .1 percent chance of dying from it, it's way down on the list of verifiable hazards to humanity. And the over-reaction to it is WAY above what it merits as hazard.


The Cub

Behold, I am coming soon.
  • St. Michael is a racist for stepping on the head of a dark Satan. (If Satan was white, St. Michael would not have done that.)

The Cub

Behold, I am coming soon.
  • Harry Reid lost his eye while exercising.
  • Islam is a religion of peace.
  • Processed American cheese is ‘cheese’.
  • Sammy Sosa corked his practice bat, and picked it up by mistake during the game.
  • Da Nang Dick Blumenthal’s war record.
  • DeBlasio’s statement that religious gatherings are prohibited but not ANTIFA/BLM riots, because the latter have profound meaning.
  • Congressman Hank Johnson’s concern that Guam may tip over due to excessive amount of American people and equipment.
  • Political opinions of movie stars.
  • Dan Rather used a word processor to back date a memo to a date when word processors did not exist.
  • Propylene glycol (key constituent in antifreeze) in processed food is safe.
  • Senator Cory Booker as 'Sparticus'.
  • The Protocols of the Elder of Zion have been ‘debunked’.
  • Secretary Mnuchin’s statement after visiting Ft. Knox: “Gold is safe.”
  • The shooting and murder rates in Chicago are due to poverty.
  • Joe Biden has been in Washington for over 4 decades, and now he has the answers.
  • The syrupy-named Patriot Act (now Freedom Act).
  • Tesla motor cars are safe.
  • Banks that are too big to fail, must always be bailed out.
  • Geraldo Rivera located Al Capone’s lost wall safe.
  • Senator Elizabeth Warren is an American Indian
  • Soros owns/owned 20% of the company supplying the software for the Diebold voting machines.
  • Interest on credit cards is not the same as ‘loan sharking’ because bankers are involved.
  • A commercial airliner flew into the Pentagon on 911.
  • Senator Burr was planning on selling those securities then, anyway.
  • Bubba Wallace is frightened by a garage door noose handle, but not of driving in congested races at over 200mph.
  • The wisdom of Senator Kamala Harris.
  • A gold to silver ratio of 114 to 1.
  • Seattle mayor: ANTIFA/BLM public gatherings are ‘peaceful protests’ (until they come to my house.).
  • AR15s are ‘assault weapons’.
  • 5G microwave technology is safe.
  • The legal analysis of Judge Andrew Napolitano.
  • Joy Reid is not a racist.
  • The TV show, The View, as a contender for an Emmy Award.
  • The concept, morality and legitimacy of Bail-in's of banks using fiduciary funds.
  • 'Regardless of race, color or creed', except for Black History Month, Black Entertainment Network, Black Lives Matter, The Black Congressional Caucus, et al.
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The Cub

Behold, I am coming soon.
  • Obama’s Nobel Peace Prize.
  • Beanie Babies are good investments.
  • O.J. Simpson is still looking for the killer of his ex-wife and her boyfriend.
  • Senator Chris Dodd and Congressman Barnie Frank retired and left town immediately after enactment of the Dodd – Frank Act, because it was time.
  • Transgendered ‘women’ competing in womens’ sports.
  • One is supposed to believe that that orange stuff on Cheetos is cheese, but cheese ain’t orange.
  • ‘Socialism for everyone, except me.’ (Senator Bernie Sanders)
  • Senator Patrick Leahy slurs his words due to his age.
  • The USA is a systemically-racist country, yet legal and illegal immigrants continue to flock into it.
  • No two baseball fields are the same dimension, but credence should be given to the comparability of hitting and outfielding statistics, anyway.
  • Biological males with mental disorders allowed in ladies' restrooms.
  • Corporate Directors almost never suffer due to their corporate personal liability.
  • AG Loretta Lynch and Bubba Clinton were shooting the breeze about golf and grandchildren while on their respective planes were parked on the tarmac.
  • Someone actually once placed alligators on the endangered species list.
  • There is nothing suspicious about the death of Seth Rich.
  • The baseball has not been juiced since MLB contracted its production to an outside company.
  • Obama can implement DACA illegally via an executive order, but Trump can not repeal it with an executive order.
  • The ‘natural flavors’ category on listings of food ingredients.
  • Plastic shopping bags, which are not biodegradable, are good for the environment.
  • Warren Buffet continues to say that he should pay more tax, but refuses to mail in a check.
  • Only non-Blacks can be racist.
  • Baseball players do not have to take urine tests.
  • ‘The right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed’ does not mean what it says.
  • “No reasonable attorney would prosecute Hillary Clinton.” (FBI Director James Comey in assuming the duties of the AG.)
  • A popped-up foul ball caught by the defending team counts as an out, but the runner can never advance.
  • CTE is not a problem in American football, and the sport is not a dangerous sport.
  • The Rich (e.g. Rockefeller, Soros, Clinton, Ford, Gates, et al) relocate their assets to tax-free foundations, because they are primarily concerned with philanthropy.
  • A $5 cup of coffee.
  • If masks are effective against COVID, why was it necessary to release prisoners from jail?
  • One has to have an ID for just about everything, except to vote.
  • The lottery is just a tax on people who are bad at math.
  • In drafting the 1st Amendment to the Constitution, the Founders contemplated burning the American Flag.
  • There are those who actually expect people to listen to the advice of Dr. Fauci, again.
  • The DNC would not allow the FBI to analyze its computer server.
  • Congress is not subject to the laws that they pass in respect of everyone, else (e.g. payroll taxes).


Senior Member

I ran outta options for the earlier poll. Let's create a running list.

Please review and add ones that you have identified that are absent from the following list.

The 'Biggest' Jokes in America:
  • Lindsey Graham is going to ‘get to the bottom of this’.
  • The bona fides of Obama’s birth certificate.
  • The Federal Reserve Bank is a government agency.
  • Obama’s presidential portrait.
  • Identifying as the opposite sex was contemplated in the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
  • John McCain was a war hero.
  • The ‘Green New Deal’
  • Epstein killed himself.
  • Jerry Nadler’s expertise as a chairman.
  • The official COVID statistics.
  • John Kerry is a patriot.
  • The Warren Report.
  • Chris Cuomo is professional journalist.
  • The plight of the spotted owl.
  • George Bush I (CIA) had nothing to do with the Kennedy assassination and Reagan attempt.
  • Constitutional ‘textualism’ vs. ‘original understanding’
  • There are over 8,000 tons of gold belonging to the USA in Fort Knox.
  • Microsoft did not pirate any of its software.
  • COVID is an organically-produced virus, which coincidentally arose with the inversion of the bond yields and collapse of the Repo market; and is not cover for simultaneous massive increases in the money supply.
  • The ‘MeToo Movement’.
  • Mail-in voting should be allowed in the election of 2020.
  • The poise and elegance of Michelle Obama
  • The official report of the attack of 911.
  • Dr. Anthony Fauci is the greatest medical talent in the country.
  • The veracity of the reporting of Rachel Maddow.
  • 56 of Hillary’s friends and colleagues committed suicide.
  • The commercial viability of solar power.
  • Colin Powel, of ‘weapons of mass destruction’ fame, is not going to vote for Trump in 2020.
  • ‘Global Warming’
  • The summer sabbatical of Jimmy Kimmel is not due to his black face episodes.
  • Ted Kennedy cared about women.
  • Adam Schiff has evidence that Trump ‘colluded’ with Russia.‘
  • The 10th Amendment to the Constitution.
  • CNN is a news agency.
  • US Treasuries are AAA-rated paper.
  • ‘Feel the Bern’.
  • Biden is hunkered down in his basement due to COVID.
  • ‘Pregnant Chad’ counts as a vote.
  • The sagacity of the twenty-something AOC
  • The opioid epidemic just happened to coincide with America’s (CIA’s) control of Afghanistan.
  • The economics of shale oil production.
  • It is OK for Biden to extort Ukraine, but not for Trump to inquire about it.
  • The Federal Reserve Bank ignores its charter and invests in securities other than US Treasuries.
  • Rap is music.
  • There is nothing suspicious about JFK, jr’s death; it was a coincidence that both he and Hillary were running for NY senator at the time.
  • Churches are not essential, but liquor stores are.
  • Stacey Abrams is the real governor of Georgia.
  • Feinstein did not know that her office manager was a Chinese spy.
  • The relocation of COVID patients into nursing homes by certain Democrat governors was not contrived or orchestrated.
  • It is a coincidence that Congressmen have been relatively silent about Biden, Pelosi and Kerry’s pay-for-play operations in Ukraine, China, etc.
  • The wisdom of adding ethanol to gasoline.
  • During the late 19th and early 20th century, Immigrants processed through Ellis Island each received a box of ‘white privilege’.
  • The Kenyan President had every right to bypass the Congress in issuing certain of his executive orders.
  • Russia hacked the DNC computer server.
  • Trump rallies are dangerous as attendees do not wear masks; but Democrat rioting, looting and destroying is an acceptable expression of the 1st Amendment.
  • Google, Twitter and Fakebook are not censoring conservative view points.
  • Justice John Roberts is not compromised.
  • Hillary’s unsecured computer server was an oversight.
  • The Dow Jones is an indictor of how robust the US economy is.
  • The honorable John Bolton has every right to publish his book in time for the 2020 campaign.
  • There was nothing wrong with John Brennan,(CIA-foreign), spying on the US Senate.
  • The safety of compact fluorescent light bulbs.
  • It is highly probable that on 911, 2 commercial airliners collided with 2 buildings and 3 buildings collapsed perfectly within their footprints in controlled demolition fashion.
  • Hillary’s black limousine is not a converted ambulance.
  • Al Gore invented the Internet.
  • The war in Syria has nothing to do with a proposed pipeline from Qatar to Bulgaria/Europe.
  • The sons of Biden, Pelosi and Kerry made killings in Ukraine and China due to their respective expertise.
  • Pallets of bricks and bottles of gasoline just happened to appear at the BLM/ANTIFA riots.
  • John Brennan, Huma Abedin and Vallerie Jarrett are not connected with the Muslim Brotherhood, et al.
  • There is wisdom in defunding and disbanding the police.
  • Not enough money and effort has been spent on welfare programs, including Affirmative Action and urban development to help Blacks.
  • Obama, Hillary and McCain had nothing to do with the founding and supplying of ISIS.
  • There is nothing suspicious about the fire at the Clinton home in Chappaqua.
  • The Food and Drug Administration is monitoring all of that stuff in processed food that you can not pronounce.
  • As a practical matter, crooked bankers are subject to prosecution under the law.
  • It’s cheaper to live in Texas, where you continue to pay outrageous property taxes after you retire from employment.
  • There is nothing to be concerned about in that a significant amount of US food is prohibited in many foreign countries.
  • The wisdom of using Vibrio vulnificus (flesh eating bacteria) to treat sewage and pollution, and dispelling the affluent into public waterways.
  • Rev Al Sharpton is concerned with the welfare of the souls of his flock.
  • The viability of the Nation of CHAZ-CHOP.
  • The integrity of the US Judicial system, including SCOTUS.
  • The accomplishments of Hillary Clinton
  • The value of Congressional hearings.
  • The honor and moral turpetude of the Democrat Party.
  • The 1st Amendment to the Constitution.
  • There are more than 2 genders.
  • Bill Gates' concern about the health of the world population.
  • Equal justice under the law.
  • The honesty and integrity of the Dinosaur Media.
  • Political correctness trumps truth and reason.
  • Divorce attorneys are concerned primarily with the best interests of the children.
  • The reliability of the statistics published by the Depts. of Labor and Commerce.
  • Reparation paid to non-slaves by non-slave owners.
  • Honor in America.
  • The honesty of Chuck Schumer.
  • Immigration laws.
  • The frugality of the Pentagon (soon to be, Hexagon?).
  • Doctors obtaining patents on taxpayer-funded vaccine development.
  • The intelligence and speaking eloquence of Pelosi and Biden.
  • The honor given to the oath of office by most Federal politicians.
  • For most, the words: "until death do us part".
  • The free market system.
  • George Soros is a philanthropist.
  • The annual Federal Budget.
  • Post-1812 US wars were to foster democracy.
  • The crime of perjury in Washington D.C.
  • The cost-benefit relationship of most bachelors degrees.

The Cub

Behold, I am coming soon.
  • Obamacare is a tax.
  • Former FBI Director, James Comey, is being considered for sainthood.
  • The syrupy titles of dangerous Acts of Congress.
  • Collusion, except in matters of price fixing, is a crime.
  • The Obama administration was scandal free.
  • The term, ‘hate crimes’ suggests that all other crimes are executed in a caring manner.
  • Former CIA Director John Brennan can’t understand why anyone would want to investigate his administration of the CIA.
  • Absent a formal declaration of martial law, the government has the authority to suppress the Constitution if a health scare is involved.
  • If you don’t eat your vegetables, people in China will starve.
  • Executive orders by-pass the legislative process and become law, if the Congress fails to act against them within a number of days after their execution.
  • The 2012 attack upon the US consulate in Benghazi was caused by an anti-muslim video.
  • Nancy Pelosi as 3rd in line for the US Presidency.
  • Law schools should remain open, as there is a shortage of lawyers in the US.
  • AG Sessions consulted Deputy AG Rosenstein about whether he should recuse himself from the ‘Russian Collusion’ matter.
  • Margarine is healthy, in spite of the fact that even bugs will have nothing to do with it.
  • It’s a coincidence that the controlled Media is reporting on a new Swine Flu in China.
  • The government can force citizens to enter into contracts (duress), such as Obamacare.
  • There was nothing irregular about those pallets of cash paid by Obama to Iran.
  • Hanoi Jane’s concern for the North Vietnamese was honorable.
  • It was ordinary and necessary for Clinton/Reno to attack and burn to death with armored tanks a compound of Christians, but AG Barr directing the Secret Service/Park Police to discharge smoke bombs to disperse a crowd of insurgents who had previously looted and destroyed much of Washington DC (including a historical church) to make way for the President of the United States was over the top.
  • The Democrats are still upset that they had to surrender their slaves.
  • Acting AG Sally Yates, acted in good faith in refusing to execute the directives of her boss, POTUS.
  • It’s just a coincidence that the children of the wealthy elites, such as the Rockefellers, never serve in the military.
  • It is not true that incredibly-skewed poll results indicating Presidential wins by Democrat candidates is front-running cover for subsequent cheating on their part.
  • Acting AG Rod Rosenstein, didn’t know nothing about nothing.
  • Bill Cosby is the model father.
  • Obama did everything ‘by the book’.
  • US Federal Judge Sullivan continues to serve as both the prosecuting attorney and sitting judge on a case that both the DOJ and General Flynn have dropped.
  • The fictional Steele Memo was a ‘dossier’.
  • The lone gunman, Stephen Paddock, was responsible for the mass shooting in Las Vegas in 2017, and committed suicide afterwards.
  • The Mueller Investigation, was thorough, comprehensive and impartial.
  • Decrepit Harvey Weinstein, could barely walk into his trial.
  • Maxine Waters is not racist.
  • In 1962, school children regularly practiced diving under their desks to protect against a nuclear attack, yet college students today need schools to provide puppies to pet to address stress.
  • Elizabeth Warren drinks beer often, and prefers to drink from the bottle.
  • Reading George H.W. Bush’s lips.
  • Were people happier to learn who killed J.R., or the fact that someone did?

The Cub

Behold, I am coming soon.
  • The term, ‘Progressive’, unless of course doing the porcelain swirley is progress.
  • Lori Lightweight, Mayor of the battleground known as Chicago, is being singled out for her failure as she is a woman.
  • Joe Biden is having difficulty reading the scripted responses via his teleprompter while secluded in his basement, yet he is able to take on the responsibilities and pressures of the US Presidency.
  • Via the FED, the US Taxpayer is now the proud owner of junk bonds of bankrupt Hertz Rental Cars...and other assorted junque 'assets'.
  • The NBA allowing junk verbiage on the backs of jerseys, while it supports slavery and suppression of human rights in Communist China.
  • The Democrat Party claims that Biden will make himself available to debate POTUS.
  • Everything is fine and dandy on Wall Street.
  • George Will wants us to know who he is going to vote for in the forthcoming election for POTUS.
  • Brian Steltzer is a journalist.
  • The testimony of Susan Rice is credible.
  • The Democrat Media is not addressing the destruction of churches and statues as 'hate crimes'.
  • Brussel sprouts are edible.
  • Where is Hunter?
  • Michelle Obama gave up her hobby of gardening.
  • The 'protests' in the Democrat-run cities across America, are 'mostly peaceful'.
  • The MLB baseball season of 2020 is a 'season', and all its statistics are comparable with the past.
  • AG Barr should be impeached, as he is investigating Democrats.
  • I am not allowed to 'identify' as a tax-free ex-patriot from Lictenstein, next April 15th.
  • Americans consume hot dogs yet most have never seen how they are made.
  • Tara Reade, who accused Biden of sexual assault, is still awaiting a call from the Me-Too Movement.

The Cub

Behold, I am coming soon.
  • The fact that Justice Scalia’s body was embalmed before an autopsy could be performed, speaks to the efficiency of West Texas mortuaries.
  • Biden plans to honor his commitment to debate POTUS in 3 forthcoming televised public debates.
  • MSG is a common ingredient in processed foods under various synonyms, in spite of the fact that it is used in laboratories to make skinny white mice fat so that scientists can study obesity.
  • The US lead coalition was impelled into attacking Sadaam Hussein, as he had weapons of mass destruction.
  • Dr. Fausti was not wearing a mask at the Washington Nationals opening day baseball game, because he was dehydrated from throwing the first pitch, and needed to drink fluids.
  • The primary objective of the UN Agenda 2030 is the betterment of mankind, and ‘sustainable development’.
  • The BLM/ANTIFA ‘protests’ are ‘mostly peaceful’, as the Democrat Media repeatedly told us so.
  • The Red Chinese progressed from rickshaws to nuclear carriers in record time, due to their ingenuity and industriousness.
  • Global Warming is called ‘Climate Change’, as someone pointed out to Al Gore that the world has been cooling.
  • It was perfectly acceptable for Democrat Franklin Roosevelt to relocate thousands of honorable Japanese Americans to internment camps during WWII.
  • Aspartame is a healthy sugar substitute.
  • Manuel Noriega was a boogey man because he was planning to implement a gold and silver backed Panamanian dollar.