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Veteran Member
What has happened to Lily? She looks a bit....scattered? or something. Maybe it is a fresh bath and she can't get her hair to lay down?


Has No Life - Lives on TB
I wanted her nice picture of the after her bath but it wouldn't load :( I did get the other 2 to load. Still can't get her after the bath and brushing to load, she is just beautiful. The other dog is Bear dog her playmate.

Kua That other picture was her running away From the wood splitter she hates loud noises.


Veteran Member
And I have looked at some other pictures of Great Pyranese (sp) dogs and she looks like a very fine specimen. She is going to get pretty large tho it seems. How old is she? Our dog also hates loud noises. When we are target practicing she wants in the house! Same for fireworks over the hill from us. She wants under my feet, safest place on the planet!


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Lillie was the runt of the litter and weighs around 50 lbs. She will be 5 this yr. No one else wanted her after her master died and she was running the dirt roads as there were no people at her home anymore except cats. Someone would stop in to feed them once in awhile. My hubby saw her running down the road and the folks he visits were the ones feeding the animals and they said we could have her.