POL Let's put the Stupid Party into a flea market and hope somebody buys it.


On TB every waking moment

Obviously, the Republican Party still has a role to play. GOP legislators can best be described as "useful idiots" who make Democratic proposals seem moderate and responsible. Consider the "compromise" stimulus package.
Reports the Washington Post:

The compromise represented a dramatic finale to a tumultuous and frustrating week for Democrats pushing the package, as Senate Majority Leader Harry M. Reid (D-Nev.) saw the limitations of an expanded majority and a band of GOP centrists came to appreciate the very high price they can extract for their votes on key measures.

The bipartisan deal was cut after two days of talks and would cut more than $100 billion from the $920 billion bill, dropping its cost to about $820 billion, if amendments added on the Senate floor are retained.

The Democrats suggest more than $900 billion in pork. So Republican "centrists" cut a few billion here and there, and everyone can now embrace $800 billion in pork. The economy is saved. Fiscal probity is maintained. Millions (or is that hundreds of millions, per Nancy Pelosi?) of Americans will go back to work. Such a victory!

Do you think we could sell the Republican Party to some country overseas that is looking for a completely useless, faux opposition party?


Has No Life - Lives on TB
"...completely useless, faux opposition party..."

Truer words were never spoken. If they were genuine opposition they would have been marginalized out of existence.


Membership Revoked
Of course. They always throw a bunch of useless crap in there so when they strike it, they look like geniuses. Or so they think. Hopefully, Americans are waking up to the ways of Washington and will vote against every single one of them who approves even the tiniest bit of pork.

It's always been this way. Unfortunately, most Americans forget every single thing after they've slept and are dumber than moss on a rolling stone. It's hopeless, imo.

That fool up in Maine, I can't think of her name, on YouTube bragging about how well she did in saving Americans so much money. Bragging. Sorry, she didn't even touch the tip of the iceberg.