MSM Lesley Stahl says she felt 'insulted' by Trump and Pence

Dennis Olson

Chief Curmudgeon
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Lesley Stahl says she felt 'insulted' by Trump and Pence
David Aaro
4-5 minutes

Lesley Stahl of CBS News told Vice President Mike Pence during a "60 Minutes" interview this week that she felt he and President Trump had "insulted" her -- as well as the news program.

The long-time correspondent accused both men of answering her questions with "set campaign speeches" rather than in-the-moment remarks, according to video that was preemptively released by the White House on Thursday.

"Mr. Vice President, this was not a rally. This was not just a campaign speech to the public. This was supposed to be an interview," Stahl told Pence in a video posted to Facebook in its entirety by Trump.

"And the same with the president. And I feel that you both have insulted '60 Minutes' and me by not answering our questions and by giving set campaign speeches that we’ve heard both of you give at rallies without answering our questions," she added.

"Lesley, what question haven’t I answered? What questioned haven’t I answered right now?" Pence responded.

Stahl cited a question on whether Pence had any comment on President Trump's previous remarks directed toward Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation's top infectious disease expert.

“There is this kind of anticipation that people in power are held accountable and that they answer questions from the public -- not from me, from the public. And I feel that you didn’t do that, and I’m upset,” Stahl told Pence.

"Well, Lesley, I appreciate the speech that you just gave but I answered all your questions, and I’ve spoken about things the American people care about," Pence said. "The American people want a president who will put the health of America first and open up America's economy."

“Look at what you’re doing right now, you’re giving a speech,” Stahl responded.

Her interview with Pence took place after Trump cut short his earlier heated conversation with Stahl after sparring over a number of issues ranging from his handling of the coronavirus pandemic, social justice issues, and supposed anti-media bias.

Both interviews were released after the president went through with his threat to post an unedited version of the conversation in the hours leading up to the final presidential debate Thursday night in Nashville, Tenn. The interview was reportedly supposed to be a joint appearance.

The president urged viewers to “look at the bias, hatred, and rudeness on behalf of 60 Minutes and CBS," under the first 37-minute video posted to his Facebook page.

Trump also cited "more bias, hatred, and rudeness on 60 Minutes with our Great Vice President" in the caption of the second roughly 14-minute long video he released of the Pence interview.


CBS News on Thursday issued its own statement about the premature release of the footage, condemning, "The White House's unprecedented decision to disregard their agreement with CBS News and release their footage."

It added that the uncut video "will not deter 60 MINUTES from providing its full, fair, and contextual reporting which presidents have participated in for decades."

Stahl has been a reporter with "60 Minutes" for nearly three decades and has interviewed numerous presidents, foreign leaders, and important figures over the years.

Fox News' Vandana Rambaran contributed to this report

The Cub

Behold, I am coming soon.
Lesley Stahl says she felt 'insulted' by Trump and Pence

Did you hear her day during the interview: "Well, this is 60 Minutes." ............

OHHHHHH, that changes everything! This is BIG TIME.


OK, time to move on


She went into the interview looking for a 'gotcha' type moment so she gets what she deserves. She is upset that neither Trump nor Pence put their heads into the noose she was intending to dangle in front of her. The demonstrated bias that the major media shows us on a daily basis she deserves no respect.

The so called moderator for last nights debate was better than expected and Trump treated her a little bit better than he did Wallace who was in the bag for Biden. With Trump you get what you give nothing more and nothing less. You treat him decently and with respect and he'll return it. You go in like a rabid harpy and he'll hand you head on a platter.

In other words Lesley if you can't stand the heat then don't be in the kitchen.


Let's Go Brandon!
Or as Buckwheat would sing it:

Peewings.... Nupping more den peewings......

Eh dot, debbi dibuh, dan on a diaaaa, he dot Beddy Dabie aahhhhh.



Veteran Member
She has insulted my intelligence, offended my sense of fairness and generally hurt my feelings. I'm sure nobody cares and likely nobody cares about her hurt feelings either. My advice for her would be to skip the feelings and stick to facts and be a real reporter.


Veteran Member
She went into the interview looking for a 'gotcha' type moment so she gets what she deserves. She is upset that neither Trump nor Pence put their heads into the noose she was intending to dangle in front of her. The demonstrated bias that the major media shows us on a daily basis she deserves no respect.

The so called moderator for last nights debate was better than expected and Trump treated her a little bit better than he did Wallace who was in the bag for Biden. With Trump you get what you give nothing more and nothing less. You treat him decently and with respect and he'll return it. You go in like a rabid harpy and he'll hand you head on a platter.

In other words Lesley if you can't stand the heat then don't be in the kitchen.

EXACTLY! She didn't get her "Gotcha!" And I imagine her producer is just as P.O.'d!


Voice on the Prairie / FJB!
She has insulted my intelligence, offended my sense of fairness and generally hurt my feelings. I'm sure nobody cares and likely nobody cares about her hurt feelings either. My advice for her would be to skip the feelings and stick to facts and be a real reporter.

Well said! I was going to write that she needs to put on her big girl panties and move on. She's done some good investigative journalism in the past: time for her to get back to her roots. Get woke, Go Broke.


Veteran Member
I watched Trump's copy of the interview.

Lesley is not a stupid person. She's been around the block. She's manipulative and conniving.

That said, her whiny voice, her repetition of the questions, her saying "I don't know that" over and over, when everyone else in the country knows it. along with her saying the Hunter Biden laptop couldn't be 'proven' were irritating and quite frankly a slam dunk bottom dredging for her.

Years ago, I liked 60 Minutes, but it's just a mouth piece for the ugly vindictive evil Left.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Even back in the 70s, sixty minutes was known to be packed with super arrogant prima donnas. The only good interview that 60 minutes ever did was Richard Marcinko, the founder of seal team 6 who go railroaded by the navy.


Insulted??? ...good thing I wasnt up there being grilled by her, would have lasted about 2 seconds before I lost my temper and went Hulk smash on her and dipsht both.
I literally have no patience for the democrats or their BS anymore

The Cub

Behold, I am coming soon.
It is stunning, absolutely stunning that the Leader of the Free World.....the President of the most powerful country in the world.....a country of over 330 million people would refuse to genuflect in the presence of Leslie Stahl of 60 Minutes.

And.......and....he even went so far as to publish a video clip of her speaking in very close proximity to a few of her staff without a mask. Just because she went on.....and on.....and on.....and on.....about POTUS not forcing attendees at his rallies to wear face diapers.


TB Fanatic
She thought ... like all the other fake news ...she was going to get her moment of fame gotcha questions. She failed ... she failed as a journalist... just like the others like her.

She got but hurt ... :bhrt:


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Respect is a two way street. She didn't afford the President of the United States of America the respect that he HAS earned and he didn't give her the respect SHE thought she deserved. Boo hoo, Leslie. You have now been exposed for what you are.