CUCK Leftists Are LYING About Caring, Their Dehumanization Of The Unvaccinated Is Proof


Has No Life - Lives on TB
But they say its for you own good. Be a good citizen and get the fauci ouchie or we will put you in concentration camps for your own good. :screw:


Saved, to glorify God.
It is OUTRIGHT BULLYING and putting them under ILLEGAL DURESS and the government soliciting the media, employers, businesses, and citizens to ILLEGALLY participate in the BULLYING OF INNOCENT CITIZENS!
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Doomer Doug

TB Fanatic
No suprise at that. Leftist demoncrats are liars, murderers and deceivers because their dad satan is. Like father like son and they embrace evil, darkness and death because they are sold to do evil.
They are traitors also.


Certa Bonum Certamen
They went from "Healthcare is a Human Right" to "Deny Healthcare for-"
That would be item #3 on this list. We are currently at #6:


Doomer Doug

TB Fanatic
#7.5 the Juden pick up their AR-15'S and start shooting. 7, 8, and 9 all merge together in one big firefight.
Also regional areas break off from the national woke state. There is NO historical precedent for imposing a genocide on an ARMED POPULACE.

If the Australians hadn't stupidly allowed themselves to be disarmed they wouldn't be getting terrorized by their own government right now.



Stone Cold Crazy
We have two-generations of pu$$!3’$ that won’t see or learn a lesson until grandpa drags them kicking and screaming away from their mouse.

3. 3 Gnerations. They have simply Multiplied with each Generation.