ECON Leaving Seattle

Great Northwet

Veteran Member
Interesting read. I used to frequent several on the list but too dangerous to go down there anymore. Article also says that 70% of workers don't need to go to work there any more because of telecommuting.

Other links within the article.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Interesting read. I used to frequent several on the list but too dangerous to go down there anymore. Article also says that 70% of workers don't need to go to work there any more because of telecommuting.

Other links within the article.

Even if COVID19 were to miraculously cease, the world would not, could not, return to the way it was... It's "broken," and could not, would not, be repaired, if it were possible. The result of such chaos and reallocation of resources demands greater "efficiency," even at the expense of the American Dream, mercy, and hope for a better future for one's children. No, a different, "new normal" will come to be accepted- one that will initially hurt, and take some getting used to. It will be a world with greatly reduced expectations. It, the world, will not remain static, but continue its downward spiral...

What you see happening to the cities, will continue to spread, like ripples in a pond.

Communicate with close family members and most trusted friends. Network. Plan. Prepare as best you can for intentional/self sustaining/defensible communities. Seek your deity(deities), get as close as possible, seek wisdom and guidance, and pray...

If you, and your family and friends are to survive, you must prepare, and FIGHT to live...

All the Best,

OldArcher, Witch