ALERT LDS General Conference--Head's Up from TIK


I am taking a GREAT chance (I think) by posting what I'm about to post. I say what I'm going to say with the understanding this is MY interpretation of what was said today, or more importantly, what was NOT said. Before I go on, a very very brief "primer" on what LDS General Conference is.

Every 6 months, a General Conference is held where the leaders of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints broadcast 4 2-hour "sessions" where various leaders speak on a wide-range of gospel-centered topics. Regardless of your personal beliefs and whether you think the church is "right or wrong" (which isn't really central to this posting), the topics and content of these "talks" given by the leaders is extremely beneficial and inspiring, especially to the LDS Church members.

For my fellow LDS on this board, correct me if I'm wrong, but I've always seemed to hear talks, especially within the last few years, that at times will be on the subject of preparedness. One doesn't have to dig too deep into Mormon culture to understand that we're well known for stressing personal preparedness, especially in the area of food, water, spirituality, and other things we may need to "see us through a tough season". We've also been counseled to get out of debt and to live within our means, over and over and over throughout the years.

My fellow TB2K'ers, as this is my PERSONAL opinion, I am NOT here to start a panic. But I've always promised that I would always post something significant if the leaders of my church started to say things that perhaps would be beneficial for EVERYONE to know. You can discount what I'm about to say and move on, or, you can weigh my opinion based on what's going on (and taking into account the activity on this board--including MY activity--within the last 2 weeks).

Are you with me?

This may more be an interpretation of what was NOT said. But I never once heard any leader give a talk, including our prophet Thomas S. Monson, and say anything about emergency preparedness or debt management. Nothing. That was obvious. But if you were to have been listening carefully you may have picked up on a "common theme" through almost every single talk today (and I think over the 2 sessions I watched, there were about 13 talks).

There was MUCH talk....MUCH!!!...about "change" and "hardships" and "obedience to the commandments no matter the calamaties around you" and "walking away from confrontation" and that the missionary work will continue "even with the Adversary fighting against us". It was difficult for me to sit there with my wife in our living room and listen to the subtle yet VERY definite shift in the messages that we were getting. To me and my wife, it was loud and clear.

To paraphrase, I believe our leaders were saying, "We're done folks telling you what you should be doing. We're now telling you, if you have ears to listen, that change is coming, and it's going to get really tough, and you don't have very long at all." That message I felt I received--that spiritual "prompting"--was both scary and comforting. Scary because I feel very strongly the other shoe IS going to drop very soon (I have no timeline--but I'm not going past the new year before something occurs that we'll ALL know about). But comforting as well, because I HAVE obeyed my church leaders and I HAVE worked diligently getting ready.

It confirmed MANY things that I've already talked about here on this site, but it also confirmed what Maher was attempting to tell us a couple of weeks ago as well, and it helps to explain some of the strangeness I've been reading up in the "UNEX" area of TB2K.

So....take it for what it's worth. Since I'm Mormon, and I take my religion relatively seriously, I for one know where MY truth comes from, and I'm confident I'm being led righteously by men of God. I respect others that don't feel that way, but you don't HAVE to feel that way to understand the importance of this message.

The TIK Empire is still on Orange Alert, and we're ready to go. My hope this message inspires you to action if you haven't taken it, and that you know that God IS in control, and that he expects the righteous to be ready.

Have a good night...and God Bless TB2K....and God Bless America.


Veteran Member
Tik, I am glad you posted this. I wanted to see it somewhere else besides inside my head. I watched all 4 sessions and have them on my DVR to go back over later this week, and yes, the underlying theme was get ready for the bad times. There were many references to the change that is coming and how we should adapt, but always keeping the Saviour at the forefront of everything we do.

There was mention of Lucifer being loosed on the earth and how we must be diligent to avoid his wickedness.

It seemed like every talk gave a warning and then the "good news" was that if we would just keep his commandments, we would come through OK. Mentions were made about the early settlers and the persecutions they went through, and how we were entering perilous times and would need to be strenghened even more now.

I'm too tired to make much more sence right now, but this conference was very different than those past. I did feel strongly that we were being given a 2 minute warning of sorts, and we had better be ready.

The talks will be available on in a few days for those who want to read them, and available in the church magazine next month. So if you did not get to hear it today, you can read about it shortly.

Tik, I think your interpretation was right least with mine!;)

NC Susan

Its not just the Mormons

from the Philadelphia Church of God

How This Magazine Is About to Change
From the September 2008 Trumpet Print Edition »
By Gerald Flurry

Have you noticed the dramatic increase in catastrophic events lately? This should deeply concern each one of us. Far too many are asleep—but conditions are getting bad enough that many are waking up.

The United States economy is suffering a series of distressing shocks. As I write, the papers are full of news about the failure of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, two corporations that cover about half of America’s $12 trillion in mortgages! The government is bailing them out—but is already so deeply indebted that it needs to be bailed out! The dollar is quickly losing value. Job losses are reaching into the hundreds of thousands. Herbert W. Armstrong often said that a global crisis could be sparked by an economic collapse in the U.S.! As these headlines keep getting worse, those words have been ringing in my ears.

Meanwhile, within the U.S. and around the world we see an acceleration in weather disasters. Right now, America’s Midwest is drowning while the West Coast is burning. Several countries are suffering record droughts and record flooding. This all puts tremendous pressure on food production and food prices, which are already very high. Pocketbooks are also being hit hard by record-high oil prices, which raise the price of everything. Millions worldwide are slipping below the poverty line.
These are only a few of the many, many significant events affecting our lives. And they aren’t going to get better as some people seem to believe. They will radically change life as we know it!

You need to understand why that is a true statement—and why these things are happening. It’s not enough to just know what is happening as it happens.
That’s why this magazine exists. The Trumpet is unlike any other newsmagazine. The world is drowning in magazines and news sources. They all fail to tell you why our world is changing! They don’t even begin to tell you where these events are leading.
That is because they categorically reject the understanding that our loving Creator God gives us through biblical prophecy. So they can only guess and feel around in darkness.

Did you know that one third of your Bible is prophecy? Why would God have taken such pains to record all that? It is because He wants you to know what is going to happenbefore it happens. “I am God, and there is none like me,” He says, “Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand …” (Isaiah 46:9-10). Almost all of that prophecy is being fulfilled now or is about to come to pass!
Prophecy is God’s warning to mankind to consider the horrifying end results of the choices we are making. It shows where our disobedience to God is leading us! (e.g. Jude 15). It is God’s effort to convince us individually to turn our lives to Him while there is yet time (e.g. Ezekiel 33:11; Zephaniah 2:1-3). So it serves a beautiful and a loving purpose.

The underlying thrust of all Bible prophecy is positive. It’s about the return of Jesus Christ. However, some very dark prophecies precede Christ’s return. Even those prophecies contain God’s hope and love, but men refuse to understand. It is only because of mankind’s rebellion that we face so many horrific prophecies. We bring these curses on ourselves—and then often blame God! This is the problem of all mankind, and that attitude is why we face those dark prophecies.
If you have been reading the magazine for a while, you have probably noticed how we say that if our nations would repent and turn to God, they could avoid those prophesied curses.

However, I believe God is directing us to change that focus.
If you study the biblical prophets, there came a point when their warnings no longer spoke about repentance. They were simply bold statements of fact—spoken as a witness against those peoples who had rejected God. I strongly believe our nations today—particularly the United States and Britain, modern descendants of the biblical nation of Israel—have passed the point of no return. The hope of their turning to God during this age has been eclipsed by the magnitude of their rebellion!

This indicates that time is indeed very short before the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. The increase in catastrophic events shows God strengthening His correction. Thus, I believe God simultaneously wants to strengthen and intensify the prophetic warning—in the hopes of reaching those individuals who exhibit a teachable attitude and a willingness to accept His guidance.
It is my fervent hope that you, dear reader, are one of those individuals.
I have directed our writers to begin thinking more deeply about how to reach out and supply you with the understanding you need to recognize the unparalleled urgency of these times. We want to make sure we are concentrating intensively on the most significant prophecies that are unfolding in today’s world. We want to prove to you how God told us these things would happen and just how they would end.

At the same time, we want to show you the hope—the wonderful, sure hope that exists beyond this evil age! God gives us that prophetic hope to motivate us and to keep us stirred and uplifted, even amid accumulating tragedies. “And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh” (Luke 21:28).

God offers us an unparalleled future if we will only submit our lives to Him. Though the world is descending into a global holocaust, God promises to spare those individuals who repent and turn to Him. But the hope is more than just one of physical protection in the short term. Beyond that, God has a magnificent plan that involves opening up eternal salvation to every human being who has ever lived!

Worrier King

Much respect here for the Mormons I have met, and thanks for the info.

It seems to really be going down this time around. Me thinks your orange is moving rapidly towards red, I know mine is as now IS the time to act if one has things to yet take care of.



Has No Life - Lives on TB
Thanks TIK, Dixielee and Susan.

I got an immense feeling of dread earlier today before ever checking the board. Just came over me. After reading some of the news and some of the threads I can't say I feel better but at least I know why it is I feel the way I do.



Has No Life - Lives on TB

Just adding my heartfelt thank you for your post.

May God be with us and protect us all in these times....



Canadian Loonie
I also got the same message.......

only could listen on audio to 2 sessions, but I really was affected by the talk on "Unity" by Pres Eyring - he was so emotional that his voice broke many times. He obviously knows a little of what is ahead of us, even though he did not say any time frame......nor did anyone else, except it seemed close.

I was reading later about the Church buildings (of all types) being places of refuge for both members and non-members and preparations which would need to be made.

And the new Temples being announced was great, especially Calgary AB, just down the road from me.


thank you for the info. I have been on orange this past week, but it is fading into red, the warnings are given. Now it is down to , who can make it, on what you have. Is about the way i see it.

Lee Penn

Senior Member
This time, it's for real - one Catholic's view

Many thanks to all of you who posted on this thread earlier. I am a traditional Catholic, and (despite my differences with the Mormons and the Church of God) fully agree with them that this time, it is not a drill.

In other words, I believe that the only thing that will prevent the current financial crisis from maturing into Great Depression II is a general war ... which I believe could occur any time from November 10 onward. (No specific date in view; it could be a few weeks or a few months.) The aftermath of such a war, I believe, will be the New World Order: left-wing collectivists first, and right-wing collectivists later.

Some of this is from my own study and intuition; some is from what various Marian apparitions have revealed (especially LaSalette, Fatima, and Akita); and some is based on the insights of a Catholic mystic now living in Spain. (His web site is, if you want to read his work).

So my physical preps are done, and I am finishing off some writing that will be published in hard copy and/or on the Net this month. And aside from clearing out my "to do" list, I pray.



Tik (Dixilee and Laurane) thank you for posting this -- I thought it was just my paranoia coming through.

I watched all four sessions and my impression matched yours.

Unity, hold to the rod, and Temples.

Time to get it all together NOW!

As the last 7 years of Conferences have been on preparing, this one seemed to be on holding to the faith - and putting our Trust and actions to follow Him.



Senior Member
I always sat and wondered how the world could sit by and let the United States get wacked. (WWIII)
Now it is all to clear. The world will blame us for the mess….and we will be in mortal danger.
Thank you for your post…..I read…and re-read it.
Thank you again.


Veteran Member
Thanks TIK. I've pretty much ticked off every Mormon on the board at one time or another but there are several things that I think the Mormon's have gotten right.

Regardless of what earthly denomination you belong to, God is whispering to his people right now. Those who have ears are listening.

Thanks again and good luck dude.

Tundra Gypsy

Veteran Member
Thanks TIK; after your earlier post, I told my DD that we too, were going to Orange Alert. I feel we may be running out of time.....


Another Infidel
Thanks TIK. I've pretty much ticked off every Mormon on the board at one time or another but there are several things that I think the Mormon's have gotten right.

Regardless of what earthly denomination you belong to, God is whispering to his people right now. Those who have ears are listening.

Thanks again and good luck dude.

I'm with you, R2G. God help us all.

Maureen :dstrs:

jed turtle

a brother in the Lord
Many thanks to all of you who posted on this thread earlier. I am a traditional Catholic, and (despite my differences with the Mormons and the Church of God) fully agree with them that this time, it is not a drill.

In other words, I believe that the only thing that will prevent the current financial crisis from maturing into Great Depression II is a general war ... which I believe could occur any time from November 10 onward. (No specific date in view; it could be a few weeks or a few months.) The aftermath of such a war, I believe, will be the New World Order: left-wing collectivists first, and right-wing collectivists later.

And aside from clearing out my "to do" list, I pray.


not a mormon, church of God, or Catholic (because of fundamental differences from them), but am in full agreement with the general concensus stated above and with Lee's perspectives.

war - or simply complete chaos - will bring the NWO arising like the Phoenix out of the ashes. completely according to script. a strongman will arise and nearly everyone who is not Saved will be mesmerized by his/her leadership and instantly be won over by the brilliance of the Plan to bring "peace and safety" back to all.

the message today at Church was that our God is a God of comfort and mercy. He comes INTO our tribulations and walks beside us.

Do you know the Savior? Every man will die, but not everyone will turn to Jesus and submit their will's to God's, and thus know true peace and safety.


Veteran Member
My Assembly of God pastor gave us what I would call "The Warning" sermon on Sunday. He warned us of the imminent chaos (economic, spiritual, wars and rumors of wars, etc...) and to stand firm in our strength and our faith in the Lord and to confidently know who we are and what we must do as the children of God.

Thanks TIK for the post.



I want to take the opportunity to thank all of you no matter what your Religious preference may be for posting what so many of us are feeling and aware of these days.

We all will soon enough have to stand and defend our Religious Convictions
to the Opressors. Possibily even face death for our beliefs and convictions.

I am devout and religious Catholic. We have a tight band of Catholics that are feeling all the same thoughts that I have read here.
We have banded together for 8 years and are practicing " SURVIALISTS "


Thank you TIX for your information, it is needed.

R2G I beleieve you summed it up well for most of us and I QUOTE;

"Regardless of what earthly denomination you belong to, God is whispering to his people right now. Those who have ears are listening."

Nothing more need be said!!

May God Bless all of you!!
Last edited:


Faithful Steed
Thanks for this. I'm not a Mormon, and generally more a "freethinker." But I got a good healthy respect for the religion and those who practice it. "Focused," is the word which I think aptly describes a Mormon. And a little focus is not a bad thing. We could certainly stand more of it in this world.

God helps those who help themselves.


night driver

ESFP adrift in INTJ sea
Thanks Tik.....

Another dot in the picture.

Canis-major, you been a stranger WAY too long lately welcome back....


Deceased your orange is turning to red. Just WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO THIS MONDAY MORNING that is different than what you have been doing? A quick trip to Sams, leaving for bug out place, packing the vechicles for "just in case". I am doing nothing different today and just wonder about the rest of you. I am topped off on preps and gas tanks. So when I am not on my knees praying, what should I be doing?



Has No Life - Lives on TB
Another Catholic here---our pastor has increasingly become much more serious in his demeanor and has preached recently about facing persecution (not his usual), and the Korean priest who says Mass at the neighboring parish preaches continuous variations on the theme of obedience to God and being faithful to following Jesus.

Even without the other confirmations here and elsewhere, these two priests give the definite impression of something being up.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
My dh and I got got the same feelings from watching Conference. Stay close the the Lord, the people of God to be one and stick together, tough times are on their way. Stand tall and keep going even though times are hard. Thanks all of you.
This old bird is heading out to finish transfering money from bank to credit union---picking up another water barrell, buy more frozen vegs that I can't buy fresh and get more organic white flour in plus organic vegs I can get---buy up more chicken broth and buy a colman stove plus gas and of course top off my car tank once again--a weekly occurance for me.
Well, that is it for me for now.


Veteran Member
This may more be an interpretation of what was NOT said .. I believe our leaders were saying, "We're done folks telling you what you should be doing .. I for one know where MY truth comes from, and I'm confident I'm being led righteously by men of God
with all due respect, may i ask why these 'righteous men' are [clearly] not just stating the plain truth to you and other members? why are they leaving the message behind these important talks up to each person's individual interpretation .. to guess at their meaning?

why should it be necessary to take a "big chance" in posting a summary of what they said? was it so vague that no one is even sure of what they said!?

while one can certainly understand leaders not wanting to panic anyone .. i honestly find it deplorable for the church leaders of any church to speak dubiously about such matters. let the PLAIN truth be told (if they know it) .. and dont pussyfoot around!

Worrier King

So when I am not on my knees praying, what should I be doing?

If you don't already, have enough cash on hand to get you thru the period from when the banking holidays start and they shut down ATM's etc. to the time when the dollar becomes near totally worthless. I would guess that would be a period of weeks, but not months.

Essentials you can buy now are going to cost a lot more later.


Inactive your orange is turning to red. Just WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO THIS MONDAY MORNING that is different than what you have been doing? A quick trip to Sams, leaving for bug out place, packing the vechicles for "just in case". I am doing nothing different today and just wonder about the rest of you. I am topped off on preps and gas tanks. So when I am not on my knees praying, what should I be doing?


Like you Taz, I've very little to do most of the time, but it's that time of year for me to refresh preps and after I saw the video on Cramer this morning saying people need to cash out of the market 5 years worth of savings, I just thought, oh dear, 5 years. So, still checking preps and doing all I can.

This past month I donated almost all of our canned goods (prep items) to our local food bank and went out and bought more. To almost the tune of $2,000. It's the best way I can rotate food items. You see, DH and I put away 10% (minimum) per pay check and every 6 months rotate our food items by giving to the food bank and buying more.

Now that's just the canned goods. I purchased last week more Mountain House freeze dried. I've dehydrated over 30 lbs of peaches, 18 lbs of tropical fruit and 18 lbs of pears this week. Last week I dehydrated over 30 lbs of hash browns and 18 lbs of onions/green/red peppers mix.

I've got 40 lbs of basmasi rice to steam and dehydrate. Basically I'm freshening up all my past preps and just making sure I've got as much as possible.

I've prepped for 10 years now and am used to refreshing preps.

So, that's what I'm doing. Don't need to refresh the things that go boom :).

Billy Tudor

Arcade Fire

Thanks from all of us non-LDS for posting this. I've always had great respect for the Mormons that I know and I greatly admire your church's dedication to preps. Thank you again for posting this.

Very respectfully,

Billy Tudor


Veteran Member
with all due respect, may i ask why these 'righteous men' are [clearly] not just stating the plain truth to you and other members? why are they leaving the message behind these important talks up to each person's individual interpretation .. to guess at their meaning?

why should it be necessary to take a "big chance" in posting a summary of what they said? was it so vague that no one is even sure of what they said!?

while one can certainly understand leaders not wanting to panic anyone .. i honestly find it deplorable for the church leaders of any church to speak dubiously about such matters. let the PLAIN truth be told (if they know it) .. and dont pussyfoot around!

Dubious. imho, that doesn't apply here. For someone who is familiar with years of talks from these church leaders, it is noticeable when tone changes. It is also understandable for someone to consider whether one is hearing what is being said or not.

Are you familiar with the game of telephone? The one where a statement is passed along a line of people and comes out the other end all changed?

We seriously consider whether we are fully understanding what we hear our leaders say before we pass it on. There is no attempt to deceive here, nothing dubious. If we don't understand what is being said, we ask for clarifications. We don't attack the speaker because we don't understand.

I'm glad to hear about the church buildings being used. After a few years of hardship when they all run out of cheap perfume, I'll be able to go there with my miniature handcart full of supplies.

We don't need to panic. We have our towel, faith.

Bad Hand

Veteran Member
I am not Mormon but I live in a Mormon area, many of my friends are Mormon. The Mormons are into being prepared one of the things I like are the case lot sales they have here we stocked up this week end.

Thanks for the post.

optimistic pessimist

Veteran Member
TIK, bless you for sharing. I realize what an important thing this is. I think it is time not to panic but to accept the facts and prepare accordingly, and pray. From what I have studied about poverty and history, it is not always a bad thing. Maybe we will see people return to better values. BTW, I saw even the playboy bunnies were losing their jobs. Might be a sign of things to come.