RACE WAR Lawfare tactic against whites that want to live


Membership Revoked
Wordy, yes, but do scroll to the bottom and read the short bolded part.
If anyone can come up with a way besides killing most of these people so WE don't have to die, I'd like to hear about it.


Roberta Kaplan Takes White Supremacy to Court
The New York lawyer has a new legal strategy to fight 21st-century extremism. If she wins, it could be groundbreaking.
BY ELLEN WEXLERJanuary 6, 2020 in Jewish World, Winter Issue 2020

"From 300 miles away, Roberta Kaplan watched the events unfold: First, Friday night, when 300 men carried torches through the University of Virginia campus, chanting “blood and soil” and “Jews will not replace us,” as organizers issued instructions: Stay in formation, two by two. And then Saturday, August 12, 2017, just after 1:40 p.m., when a Dodge Charger appeared on Fourth Street: It stopped momentarily, then plowed ahead, into the crowd.

At the time, Kaplan, best known as the lawyer who helped legalize gay marriage in the United States, had just started her own law firm in New York City. She gathered her new team, working from laptops on card tables, and together they watched the fallout from the Unite the Right rally. Perhaps, she says, in hindsight, this was a mistake. On television, President Donald Trump insisted on an equivalency, that there were “very fine people” on both sides. One of the paralegals ran out of the room in tears.

Kaplan’s first thought: Something needed to be done—regardless of whether the Department of Justice stepped in. Could civil litigation, she wondered, work against Unite the Right? She called her friend Dahlia Lithwick, a legal writer for Slate, who lived in Charlottesville at the time. Lithwick offered to make introductions, should Kaplan decide to visit. Days later, she flew in. With a legal strategy taking shape in her mind, she met with victims. She cautioned them that suing Unite the Right would require sacrifice. They would risk, among other things, becoming targets once again.

Nearly a dozen would sign on—and some, like University of Virginia student Natalie Romero, had already been targeted more than once that weekend. During the torchlit march, hundreds of men had surrounded Romero and her companions; some threw an “unidentified fluid” on the group, who worried, trapped among lit torches, that it was fuel. The next day, Romero was also among the victims of the car attack, which fractured her skull and knocked her unconscious.


Marcus Martin was seriously injured by James Alex Fields Jr.’s car attack. (Wikipedia)

Of the plaintiffs, three others were hit by the car: Chelsea Alvarado, who was hit once—and then almost a second time, as the car barreled into reverse. Thomas Baker, who was propelled several feet into the air. Marcus Martin, who had shoved his fiancée, Marissa Blair, out of the way, taking a direct hit. Later, waiting at the hospital, Blair learned one woman had been killed: her friend, Heather Heyer.

In October 2017, Kaplan and cocounsel Karen Dunn filed Sines v. Kessler—and Romero, Alvarado, Baker, Blair and Martin are among the plaintiffs. While the driver of the car is already serving life in prison, Kaplan’s case is the only attempt to hold the movement’s leaders accountable. Using an obscure federal law—the Ku Klux Klan Act of 1871—it argues that the rally’s organizers conspired to commit violence.
The evidence: tens of thousands of leaked messages between the rally organizers anticipating the weekend’s brutality. On Discord, a chat platform intended for gamers, some advised against carrying “anything that’s explicitly a weapon,” opting instead for “flag poles and signs” or “a pocket full of rocks.” Others explicitly encouraged each other to bring “as much weaponry as legally feasible,” assuring that “[Richard] Spencer, organizers, everyone are behind this,” posting photos of themselves with their firearms. On a Discord channel labeled #virginia_laws, one user wondered, “Is it legal to run over protestors blocking roadways?”

The defendants are two dozen neo-Nazis, white supremacists and extremist groups connected to the Charlottesville march. There’s Jason Kessler, the rally’s main organizer, and James Alex Fields Jr., the perpetrator of the car attack. The rest are “a who’s who of the violent white supremacist movement,” as Integrity First for America, the nonprofit funding the case, describes them. They include Spencer, the white supremacist leader who coined the term “alt-right”; Christopher Cantwell, host of the internet talk show Radical Agenda, which bills itself as “common sense extremism”; and Andrew Anglin, founder of the neo-Nazi website The Daily Stormer, once the most popular hate site in the world.


The Ku Klux Klan was known for its cross-burning rituals. (SPLC)

Kaplan, 53, is not fazed by the notoriety of the defendants. She made her name arguing United States v. Windsor before the Supreme Court in 2013, the case that ultimately dismantled parts of the Defense of Marriage Act. More recently, in the wake of the #MeToo movement, she cofounded the Time’s Up Legal Defense Fund. Now, Kaplan hopes Sines v. Kessler will bring about another paradigm shift, clearing a path through the courts to fight violence driven by hatred.
The trial is set for October 26, 2020. Moment managing editor Ellen Wexler spoke with Kaplan about the case, the strategy and how best to stand up to 21st-century extremism.

What is the Ku Klux Klan Act of 1871, and what does it cover?

After the Civil War, the Reconstructionist Congress passed the 13th, 14th and 15th amendments in order to give real meaning to the revolutionary changes wrought by the war. But putting these in the Constitution wasn’t enough, so they passed what are essentially implementing statutes. The vast majority of those statutes apply only to government conduct. The Ku Klux Klan Act, however, is one of the few civil statutes that apply to private conduct.

The name pretty much explains it: It was intended to prevent the newly forming Ku Klux Klan from effectively re-enslaving the recently freed slaves in the South. If you organize a conspiracy to commit what’s called “racialized violence,” then you violate the statute. It hasn’t been used all that often—or used successfully, I should say—in our country’s history. It’s been used at times like this, where there’s a great upsurge in racism and anti-Semitism. It was used in the 1920s when there was an upsurge in Klan and racial violence, including the KKK rally at Madison Square Garden. It was used more recently during the civil rights movement; a few parents of Freedom Riders who were killed successfully sued under the KKK Act.

What’s different today about using the Act against 21st-century extremism?

In the past, these conspiracies were a bunch of guys wearing hoods meeting somewhere to plan hijacking a car or killing Freedom Riders. Our defendants are not localized, and they were able to use Discord to organize on a scale that had never been seen before. We got a break early in the case because someone hacked into the Discord servers that the organizers used. For weeks leading up to Charlottesville, they were communicating on message boards that were organized by topics: leadership, uniforms, how to make it look like self-defense, etc. People from all over the country descended upon Charlottesville based on what they’d been discussing on Discord for many weeks. And what they planned is what they did. And after they did it, they celebrated it as successful.

Typically, when you write a complaint, you don’t have what’s called pre-complaint discovery, other than in rare exceptions. But we got it here, and we wrote a 100-plus page complaint that tells the story of what happened, using the defendants’ own messages. The defendants then filed a motion to dismiss, arguing that this was all protected by the First Amendment and that they didn’t really mean what they said. That they were just joking, and it’s just pure coincidence that it all turned out exactly the way they planned—including talking about running over protesters. We won that motion, and since then we’ve been shoulder-deep in the trenches trying to get documents from these guys. It’s quite an undertaking. Not surprisingly, they do not seem to care about complying with court orders. It’s been a real struggle to get them to hand over stuff. We ultimately had to agree to pay the cost of imaging all their electronic devices (or at least the ones they would agree to turn over). We have pending motions against some of them, but at this point we’re going to go forward with deposing them all.

Why is it so important to determine that this wasn’t supposed to be just a rally—but that the violence was planned?
If these guys had all organized on Discord to stand peacefully on a corner in Charlottesville with a flag bearing a swastika saying “you should all go back to the ovens”—which is what they said—as odious as I find that to be, for obvious reasons, that’s probably okay given the primacy of the First Amendment. But that’s not what they planned. What they planned is: What’s the best weapon to use to hit protesters? What’s the best way to run over protesters and make it look like self-defense? That kind of conduct has never been protected in the First Amendment. So that’s why it’s important that violence was the goal, and violence is what they did. The worst part of that, of course, led to the death of Heather Heyer. But many of our clients in this case were seriously hurt. Many of them say that, while the physical injuries have received medical attention—I think Marcus, the African American guy you see being thrown over the car in the Pulitzer Prize-winning photo, has a zillion metal pins in his leg—the psychological injuries probably can never be healed. They are experiencing very, very severe forms of PTSD.

Could you tell us more about the plaintiffs who were injured?

They’re a cross section of those who were so horribly wounded by what happened—young people, community activists, students. We have a number of students who were there Friday night; one of our clients said he literally thought he was going to die. Then we have three or four people who were actually hit by the car. Marcus, who basically had his leg destroyed, and Marcus’s then-fiancée [now his wife], whom he pushed out of the way. A young student [Natalie Romero]—we have a photo of her face in the complaint—was covered in blood.
And then we have people like Reverend Seth Wispelwey. The events on Friday night were across the street from an interfaith service at St. Paul’s Church, which included Jews, and they were basically locked in, because they were afraid that if they left the church they would have been attacked.
What are the advantages—and disadvantages—of using the courts to fight back against what extremism has become in the 21st century?

Unlike at other moments of Jewish history, we live in a country with a constitution and a system of rules, law and judges who are willing to enforce that law. Unlike many of our ancestors, we have the ability to fight back using that system. In my view, we would be foolhardy not to do so. I remember as a young kid in the 1970s in Cleveland, Ohio, after listening to hours of Holocaust education in Hebrew school, lying in bed awake at night and thinking, what would I have done if I had been in Germany in the 1930s? I’m not saying that we’re in Germany in the 1930s right now—or maybe we’re in Germany in the early 1930s; there are certainly parallels—but we now have the ability to do something about this. As a very, very proud Jew, I believe very strongly that we need to fight back—not in the streets, not using violence—but fight back using the courts.


Jason Kessler, one of the main defendants in Kaplan’s case, at the “Unite the Right 2” rally in 2018. (Joseph Gruber/Shutterstock.com)

That doesn’t mean the courts are all of it. We need the cooperation of law enforcement, which is finally starting to wake up. We need the cooperation of partner groups, like the Anti-Defamation League (ADL). We need to educate people. And part of what this trial will do, other than obtaining justice for our clients, is to educate the American public about what actually happened, because I think a lot of Jews in this country still don’t want to believe what is happening. In a lot of ways, this will be a proverbial shofar call to Jews to wake up.
I’ve been a litigator for many years, and it’s hard to surprise me. My skin is probably nine inches thick at this point. But there was one thing in this case that really shocked me. And that’s the degree to which the primary motivator of these defendants is not racism, although they hate black people. It’s not anti-immigrant or Muslim bias, although they hate Muslims and immigrants. It’s not sexism and misogyny, although they are sexists and misogynists. It is undoubtedly, beyond question, hatred of the Jews. When you look at their conversations, they devote the overwhelming majority of their words to hatred of Jews.
It’s actually pretty shocking, because most of them are from rural areas, where I have to believe they don’t really know any Jews. So it really does feel like other times in the Jewish past, where these kinds of base hatreds bubbled up out of the ground and became a very, very serious danger.

How does Judaism inform your work?

My Judaism influences every single thing I do all day long. I can’t separate my Judaism from how I act day to day in every realm of my life. My Torah portion [for my bat mitzvah] back in 1976 was the one that included Tzedek, tzedek tirdof (“justice, justice you shall pursue”). I’m not going to say that I somehow, at the age of 13, decided to pursue justice. But for me, and for all the members of our team here, there is a strong view that our role here is to try to repair the world as much as we can and to do our part. And that’s what this case is about. We cannot sit back and lose this wonderful country, where Jews have had success and freedom unlike anywhere else in all of Jewish history. We cannot surrender that to these forces.

I’m just going to raise this because it always comes up: A question we get a lot is, what about left-wing anti-Semitism? Here’s my position on that: I deplore left-wing anti-Semitism as much as I deplore right-wing anti-Semitism. But as far as we know, no Jews are being shot and bombed and killed by left-wing anti-Semites in the United States today. They are being shot and bombed and killed by the alt-right.
Since taking on Sines v. Kessler, you’ve received a number of extremist threats. In the midst of working to fight extremist hatred, what’s it like to also be the target of it?

I would prefer to go through life without receiving weekly death threats. But the only way to fight back the way we’re fighting back is to accept that that’s a fact of life today. I don’t want to get into any of the details about security for obvious reasons, but it’s very, very substantial. And it’s not just me—it’s me, it’s the plaintiffs, it’s witnesses, Integrity First for America, the experts.

What’s the ideal outcome of this lawsuit, and are you hopeful?

We absolutely can and will bankrupt these groups. And then we will chase these people around for the rest of their lives. So if they try to buy a new home, we will put a lien on the home. If they get a new job, we will garnish their wages. The reason to do that is because we want to create a deterrence impact. So we send a message to other people that if you try to do something like this, the same thing will happen to you.
And it already has been a deterrence. We’re seeing lone shooters now; we’re not seeing the kind of massively organized conspiracy we saw in Charlottesville. And I think that’s in large part due to our case.
In our country, every couple of decades or so there’s a trial that becomes a kind of public education on issues far beyond the parties in the case, and I think this trial will have that same impact. There’s no substitute for things like the rule of evidence, testifying under oath, using documents, hearing from experts, having a jury decide. There’s no such thing as fake news in a courtroom. There are facts—and we’re going to prove the facts."
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Membership Revoked
It was a bit wordy.

All through reading it the name Alan Berg kept coming to mind.

Agreed. Was why I warned that the key part was at the end.
Here is what the other side is threatening nonsuicidal/nontraitor whites with:

"What’s the ideal outcome of this lawsuit, and are you hopeful?

We absolutely can and will bankrupt these groups. And then we will chase these people around for the rest of their lives. So if they try to buy a new home, we will put a lien on the home. If they get a new job, we will garnish their wages."


On TB every waking moment
Agreed. Was why I warned that the key part was at the end.
Here is what the other side is threatening nonsuicidal/nontraitor whites with:

"What’s the ideal outcome of this lawsuit, and are you hopeful?

We absolutely can and will bankrupt these groups. And then we will chase these people around for the rest of their lives. So if they try to buy a new home, we will put a lien on the home. If they get a new job, we will garnish their wages."

Of course that just plays into the narrative these groups are expousing and encourages things to go extra-judicial.

"Sunlight" on these things IMHO is more effective without the escalation risks.


Veteran Member
Not the least bit surprising, looking at Charlottesville in its entirety.

What I'd like to see bolded from all these mentioned transcripts, would be text and conversations from paid informants or informants receiving some other form of government compensation for their cooperation.


Veteran Member
This is an obvious candidate for the “slippery slope” at first they will go after those evil Nazis that are supposedly all over America by the millions :rolleyes:

But soon enough their definition of Nazi is going to get broader and more ambiguous until anyone they don’t like is a Nazi, eventually to include all white males.

von Koehler

Has No Life - Lives on TB
Agreed. Was why I warned that the key part was at the end.
Here is what the other side is threatening nonsuicidal/nontraitor whites with:

"What’s the ideal outcome of this lawsuit, and are you hopeful?

We absolutely can and will bankrupt these groups. And then we will chase these people around for the rest of their lives. So if they try to buy a new home, we will put a lien on the home. If they get a new job, we will garnish their wages."

White genocide.

von Koehler


Contributing Member
Revelation 2:9 King James Version (KJV)
9 I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.

They hate Caucasians just as they hate Jesus Christ. King Herod, who tried to have Jesus murdered as a child, was an Edomite descended from Esau. God hated Esau and loved Jacob/Israel The Israelites of the Bible are the Caucasians. Caucasians are being genocided by these anti-Christs while those who claim to be Christians help them.

von Koehler

Has No Life - Lives on TB
Revelation 2:9 King James Version (KJV)
9 I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.

They hate Caucasians just as they hate Jesus Christ. King Herod, who tried to have Jesus murdered as a child, was an Edomite descended from Esau. God hated Esau and loved Jacob/Israel The Israelites of the Bible are the Caucasians. Caucasians are being genocided by these anti-Christs while those who claim to be Christians help them.

Allow me to completely disagree with this thesis. DNA studies, done by themselves, prove that Juden have a narrow genetic base and is different from Whites. One should study this question from the viewpoint of Science and not Religion.

von Koehler


Membership Revoked
The heading line posted for the article above, "Law-fare tactics against whites that want to live"...is misleading.
The article is about a lefty bent white female lawyer doing what lawyers do.
A 'white female' lawyer taking the side of 'people of color' against 'white people', to earn an income.
It's an article written to promote 'this particular woman'.
Nothing else.
I wonder if the woman the article is about, paid to have it written?


Membership Revoked
The heading line posted for the article above, "Law-fare tactics against whites that want to live"...is misleading.
The article is about a lefty bent white female lawyer doing what lawyers do.
A 'white female' lawyer taking the side of 'people of color' against 'white people', to earn an income.
It's an article written to promote 'this particular woman'.
Nothing else.
I wonder if the woman the article is about, paid to have it written?

Actually; 1) the title is correct, and 2) stealing via committing an ultimate tort isn't "earning".


Has No Life - Lives on TB
So when does Roberta Kaplan go after antifa and other left-wing extremist groups (like the ones in canada derailing trains) or is their brand of extremism acceptable to Kaplan?


Membership Revoked
So when does Roberta Kaplan go after antifa and other left-wing extremist groups (like the ones in canada derailing trains) or is their brand of extremism acceptable to Kaplan?

Antifa, BLM, etc., aren't something racial and national traitors like Kaplan find acceptable, but applaud. They are sworn enemies irrevocably (unless killed or life imprisoned in solitary and incommunicado) bent upon our enslavement and extinction. A Manichean POV is the only accurate one WRT them.


TB Fanatic
You can bankrupt the whole thing away....
Agreed. Was why I warned that the key part was at the end.
Here is what the other side is threatening nonsuicidal/nontraitor whites with:

"What’s the ideal outcome of this lawsuit, and are you hopeful?

We absolutely can and will bankrupt these groups. And then we will chase these people around for the rest of their lives. So if they try to buy a new home, we will put a lien on the home. If they get a new job, we will garnish their wages."


On TB every waking moment
This is an obvious candidate for the “slippery slope” at first they will go after those evil Nazis that are supposedly all over America by the millions :rolleyes:

But soon enough their definition of Nazi is going to get broader and more ambiguous until anyone they don’t like is a Nazi, eventually to include all white males.

That's already happening....


Membership Revoked
Related piece:

Democrats and Republicans Agree: It's Time to Throw White People In Gulags

Yesterday, the FBI made a big show of arresting multiple alleged members of a “white supremacist” group they have designated as a national security threat equivalent to ISIS.

Federal prosecutors have charged black metal fan Cameron Denton, the Nazi Al-Baghdadi, with telling the police to send SWAT teams after a journalist and a politician as a childish prank.
Four other cohorts in “AtomWaffen,” mostly young Chan trolls, were also taken into custody in the multi-state terror raid over mailing the Israeli lobbyists at the Anti-Defamation League edgy fliers that say “Our Patience Has Its Limits.”

House Representative Karen Bass has complained loudly about the FBI’s lack of transparency regarding arrest statistics related to “white supremacist terrorism.” Her implication is that the career girls, left-wing crusaders and Zionist lickspittles in federaI law enforcement – some who have proudly accepted awards from the Anti-Defamation League for railroading James Fields – are “protecting” these supposed dangerous white supremacists.

The truth is, as Tucker Carlson has remarked, that “white terrorism” alarmism is nothing more than a politically motivated hoax comparable to the “8 intelligence agencies” claiming Russia stole the 2016 election for Donald Trump.

Warren Buffett once famously said “if a cop follows you for 500 miles, you’re getting a ticket,” and the string of marijuana arrests, coercing teenagers and the mentally ill into bogus pleas, prosecuting people for their answers to confusing questions on federal forms, and various other pedestrian crimes don’t begin to justify the amount of federal resources being flushed down the toilet in surveilling and intimidating those the SPLC and ADL classify as “white nationalists.” The FBI is hiding its statistics because they know what they’re doing is wrong.
Since 2016, no member of a (white) nationalist organization has committed an act of terrorism with the possible exception of James Fields, who was loosely affiliated with Vanguard America and who would’ve beaten his trumped up political charges in any other time period.

Republicans Are No Ally

There is a House Bill on the docket intended to heed the call of the FBI Agents Association for a “domestic terrorism” law.

The Domestic Terrorism Penalties Act of 2019, introduced by Texas Republican Randy K. Weber with the support of 14 other GOP lawmakers and one Democrat, is perhaps the most dangerous piece of legislation drafted in decades.

This bill seeks to take regular crimes and add a “terrorism” enhancement if the suspect has dissident political views or belongs to an organization advocating for them. According to the language of the bill, domestic terrorism is defined as: “Whoever, with respect to a circumstance described in subsection (b), and with the intent to intimidate or coerce a civilian population or influence, affect, or retaliate against the policy or conduct of a government.”

The crime of kidnapping, which the state tried to slap on Augustus Invictus and failed, would potentially get the accused life in prison.
The crime of Assault becomes “domestic terrorist assault,” and gets you 30 years in the big house.

Political vandalism? 25 years. That’s not a typo.

In practice, if this bill were made into law, a member of the Proud Boys – who the FBI would like to classify as a domestic terror group – could get 30 years in prison for punching an anarchist heckler in self-defense at a political rally.

Paint a political slogan on a piece of property? 25 years. For perspective, the average convicted rapist serves 5.4 years. The typical child molester serves 3 years. The median time done by a 1st degree murderer? 17.3 years.

The law also has a “conspiracy” clause. If you “conspire” to commit an assault, which according to ADL SHIELD recipient Thomas T. Cullen’s legal reasoning can be uncharitably defined as members of the Rise Above Movement texting each other “Smash the Reds,” you are punished as harshly as if you had committed the act.

Institutions associated with conservatism, like the Marine Corps, are also implementing draconian rules and regulations. 44% of all military recruits hail from the South, but Commandant General David Berger has recently announced a plan to thoroughly eradicate all symbols of Southern and Confederate heritage from bases.

At CPAC, the convention of the supposed conservative “grassroots,” early supporters of President Trump like Alex Jones and Gavin McInnes have been “canceled” by the conservative movement and forcefully bounced, while left-wing extremists like Jared Holt have been given press credentials.

In “respectable” conservative media, not a single person has made a peep in defense of the Constitution.

The only response to the elite agenda to punish white men for their political beliefs has come from Kyle Shideler, the Director and Senior Analyst for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism at the Center for Security Policy.

In The Federalist, a pseudo right-wing publication famous for hiding its donors, Shideler responds to the New Jersey Department of Homeland Security’s decision to elevate “white supremacy” as a “high-level threat” in response to Black Israelites killing Jews not with civil liberties concerns, but ideological ones.

According to Shideler, the problem is that groups the federal government defers to for classifying groups as terrorist have a bias against “conservatives” and “libertarians.”

Shideler would like catches in any new legislation that would clearly protect the rights of anti-Muslim neo-cons like himself from terrorism prosecutions, by clearly designating “Islamists, Antifa, national socialists, black nationalists, or white supremacist groups” as groups who are not “committed” to the US Constitution, and thus fair game for persecution.

This appears to be inspired by Germany’s law for the “protection of the Constitution,” which gives the BRD’s intelligence services a free hand to censor and arrest critics of the government. The milquetoast conservative challengers to Angela Merkel’s highly unpopular immigration policy, Alternativ Fur Deutschland, have been subjected to extensive surveillance and pressure from the secret police thanks to this law.

Foreign Terrorist Organization (FTO) Designations

An article in the New York Times criticizes the strategy of using Congress to visibly legislate our rights away due to the potential for public scrutiny and backlash.

Instead, they recommend an idea previously proposed by General John Rutherford Allen, which is to create a list of foreign nationalist groups and then prosecute Americans in contact with them (which is inevitable thanks to the global nature of the internet) as enablers of terrorism. This gives the government extensive powers to suspend your constitutional rights.

To understand the ramifications of a Foreign Terrorist Organization classification, when Trump issued an empty threat to add Mexican drug cartels to the list of FTOs, the media and Mexican government understood it as a warning that he was going to order drone strikes and send troops to kill drug lords.

They have good reason to believe this. A few months after Trump added the Iranian Revolutionary Guard as an FTO, he greenlit the assassination of Iranian state official General Qassem Soleimani, who led the group.

Representative Max Rose has already drafted suggestions for groups to add to the list: Azov Battalion, an anti-Russian militia that receives weapons from the US and Ukrainian governments, National Action, a defunct British based group that was primarily internet based, and the Nordic Resistance Movement, an above ground Scandinavian protest group that is legally permitted in Sweden.

These groups are wildly disparate and, with the exception of Azov, are not waging armed struggle. The choice of adding an organization like NRM appears to be motivated by the fact that they have many American fans and supporters who Rose would like to see droned or tortured in Guantanamo Bay. In the case of National Action, which was founded on the internet forum Iron March, they also had extensive online ties with people from all over the world

State Department designations are completely arbitrary and decided by the president without oversight. The executive office could for example find that the Scandza Forum, a gathering of nationalist intellectuals from around the world, is a terrorist organization without giving a reason, and then subject everyone who sends money or attends the conference as material supporters of terrorism.

The Real Motive

On February 26th, the FBI gave a presentation to the House of Representatives detailing what they are doing to fight “anti-Semitism.”
In it, the FBI admits to playing a prominent role in influencing social media companies in their decisions on who can and cannot use their platforms:
It is also important to highlight our outreach to social media and technology companies. FBI interactions with social media companies center on education and capacity building, in line with our goal to assist companies in developing or enhancing their terms of service to address violent extremist exploitation of their platforms.
They assure the public that they are protecting First Amendment speech and privacy, but do not detail how. They expect us to take their word for it.
It is unknown how significant the role of the government is in the mass censorship of dissidents from social media, but it isn’t relevant. As Mike Enoch has said, the distinction between private and public is irrelevant, it is a “system.”

Amazon, the book vending monopoly, has given Jewish organizations the right to engage in cyber book burnings without much in the way of government pressure. Most of Counter-Currents’ catalogue has been eliminated, as has the written work of various journalists, scholars and historians like Colin Flaherty, Kevin MacDonald, Jared Taylor, and multiple Holocaust revisionists. Even materials of primary historical value, like collections of speeches by Third Reich officials, are in their iron sights. This is not a war on terrorism, it’s a war on ideas.

In a time where government officials across the country are emptying their jail cells and “law and order” Republican Donald Trump has implemented “criminal justice reform,” (which he admitted is highly unpopular) public safety is clearly not why our oligarchs are having this conversation.

A better explanation can be found in the work of University of Connecticut academic Peter Turchin.
According to Turchin, who combines historicism with mathematics to draw forecasts of political stability, the United States and other liberal Western nations are due for “popular mobilizations,” potentially violent, starting in the 2020s. Turchin famously predicted the rise of the 2016 Trump populist movement and Brexit.

The thesis of Turchin’s book, Ages of Discord, states that declining living standards, mass immigration, the corruption of liberal institutions and polarization in general have primed the United States and other liberal plutocracies for collapse.

The fall may be bloody, or it could be a less dramatic Soviet-style downfall, but it’s happening, says Turchin. He has lectured to Jews and members of the managerial elite in Washington and New York, who in turn have debated his work in the publications they read. A handful of billionaires, thanks to the internet, have been exposed as the architects of our nation’s decline. They know they have lost the public’s consent to rule and are preparing for war against their subjects as a list ditch effort to cling to power.

Telling the truth has never been cheap. Dissidents should mentally prepare to withstand the erratic spasms of a monster in its death throes. The coming years are bound to be trying times for those who refuse to submit to the doctrines and dogmas of an immoral and oppressive system.


Membership Revoked
One more:

by Mark Steyn

Cover Story
by Mark Steyn
Mark's Monday Notebook
March 2, 2020


Before Sleepy Joe's Super Tuesday and COVID-19's super-spreaders and the super-virus's increasing proximity to the super Supreme Leader and all the other stuff that will afflict us this coming week, a Monday miscellany of items that may not have caught your eye:

~From our Abbahu Akbar files, as Laura Rosen Cohen would say: For over a decade, I've been saying that we've been living through an extraordinary moment in human history - the conscious self-extinction of some of the oldest nations on the planet. Also for over a decade, I've been saying that if I had to pick a Continental country that would surrender to Sharia first, I'd plump for Sweden. As Laura noticed the other day, in a land that fifty years ago was almost entirely ethnically homogeneous, an increasing number of Swedish grade schools now have a student body whose first language is Arabic. Within thirty years, ethnic Swedes will be a minority in Sweden.

How do you manage such a transition? Obviously, you make it a hate crime even to raise the subject, you racist you. Still and all, people do tend to notice these things. So maybe it's time to move to the next phase and make the total transformation of cultural mores a sexy lifestyle choice. The above magazine cover is from Swedish Elle, hailing Imane Asry's stylish hijab as the "Look of the Year".

There's an utterly charming Irving Berlin song from a century ago:
The Girl I Love Is On The Magazine Cover
Now the girl I love is on the magazine covered. That's not an improvement.
You're not Muslim? Hey, relax; you don't have to be - yet. It's just the new chic. And, in certain of the livelier neighborhoods, it might lessen the risk of getting sexually assaulted when you're walking home after work.

But it isn't really a fashion "choice" for Miss Asry's co-religionists, is it? I shall miss Sweden's leggy sporty blondes when they're body-bagged and suffering from Vitamin D deficiency ...but they still, for the moment, have a choice about these things, and they should understand the one Elle is inviting a nation of famously liberated women to make. From I Am Curious (Yellow) to I Am Compliant (Black) in a mere half-century.

When Bernie says "democratic socialism" means he'd like America to be more like Scandinavia, he reveals himself as old-hat and hopelessly uninformed: I'd like Scandinavia to be more like Scandinavia.
~A headline from The New York Times:
'This Land Is Your Land' Is Still Private Property, Court Rules
This was an intra-leftie legal dispute as to whether that execrable jingle had fallen into the public domain. The judge ruled in favor of Woody Guthrie's heirs and publishers. But, as Ed Driscoll notes, "irony can be pretty ironic" when you consider this particular verse:
As I went walking I saw a sign there
And on the sign it said 'Private Property'
But on the other side it didn't say nothing
That side was made for you and me...
Pete Seeger and Bruce Springsteen sang those lines at the inauguration of President Obama, a man whose private property is so zealously guarded that you'll be shot dead if you try to take a peek at the blank side of the sign.

But my own particular favorite performance is from the Kennedy Center Honors, honoring in this particular case the above-mentioned Mr Seeger, the man The Washington Post hailed as America's "best-loved Commie". Roger McGuinn amended the lyric to reference a current controversy:
As I went walking I saw a sign there
And on the sign it said 'Proposition 187'
But on the other side it didn't say nothing...
Proposition 187 was a California ballot initiative that sought to prohibit illegal immigrants from non-emergency health care, public schools and whatnot. In 1994, lawful residents of the Golden State were still in sufficient numbers to pass the thing, but shortly thereafter it was struck down as "unconstitutional". So de jure this land was made for you and me and all seven billion inhabitants of this earth. The song starts at about six minutes in and do stay tuned for the delirious reaction of Hillary Clinton, delighted and applauding, to the above lines:

Everybody should have access to anyone's property, and the entire planet should have access to California, and a bunch of tuxedoed tosspots, including the President and First Lady, hoot and holler and cheer. For most of the last decade-and-a-half, no-one could get access to Mrs. Clinton without ponying up a seven-figure sum to her fraudulent foundation.

Nevertheless, while "private property" and California general practitioners should be free for all, the song that commends such boundless generosity is a rare piece of private property you still have to pay for. Indeed, Pete Seeger himself spent much of his career enriching himself by taking public-domain folk songs into copyright as his "private property", and was not above stealing from impoverished blacks. As for Woody Guthrie's heirs:
Woody Guthrie Publications, which is led by Guthrie's daughter Nora, is a joint owner of the song's copyright. But after the case was filed four years ago, Ms. Guthrie, who has been the longtime keeper of her father's cultural legacy, said the dispute was about more than money. The copyright to "This Land," she said, allowed the song's message of inclusion to be protected from abuse and political jingoism.
"Our control of this song has nothing to do with financial gain," Ms. Guthrie said in an interview at the time, as the 2016 presidential campaigns were kicking into high gear. "It has to do with protecting it from Donald Trump, protecting it from the Ku Klux Klan, protecting it from all the evil forces out there."
But "protecting it from all the evil forces" is the rationale for all private property, not just Ms Guthrie's. Property laws are the only reason the grounds of Nancy Pelosi's mansion aren't as studded with human fecal matter as the rest of her grim, post-Proposition 187 city. When this land is everybody's land, it's literally a pile of crap."


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Someone should slap some sense into these idiots. Explain to them That this is how one makes people hate Jews. They are just stupid useful idiots, allowing their faces and ethnicity to be used as a weapon.


Membership Revoked
Hard to find this one now; got scrubbed within HOURS of posting at original site.

Mark Hecht: Ethnic diversity harms a country's social trust, economic well-being, argues professor
OPINION: Canada should say goodbye to diversity, tolerance and inclusion to rebuild trust in one another and start accepting a new norm for immigration policy — compatibility, cohesion and social trust.

September 6, 2019

Ethnic diversity can harm social trust and economic well-being of societies, studies have found. FRANCIS GEORGIAN / VANCOUVER SUN

Sometimes they get too much publicity, but can you blame them? The Danes just seem to get things right. But even the Danes can make mistakes.
A decade ago the fundamental belief among Danes toward Muslim immigrants was that these newcomers would see how wonderful Denmark was and naturally want to become Danish as quickly as possible.

This turned out to be naively wrong. At least half of all Muslims polled across various western European countries believe today that their Shariah law is more important than national law, according to the Gatestone Institute. In other words, a not insignificant proportion of Muslim immigrants have no intention of assimilating into any western society, including Denmark.
Danes have pushed back. Losing the integrity of their society — one of the best in the world by all measures — was on the line. Requirements to obtain citizenship increased. A new insistence that immigrant children go to Danish public schools instead of religious schools was implemented. Social benefits were rescinded for those who didn’t comply. This was only the beginning. But the Danes are not alone.

Many western nations assumed that increasing ethnic and cultural diversity through immigration would be beneficial. The dogma of diversity, tolerance and inclusion assumed that all members of the society wanted to be included as equal citizens. Yet, instead of diversity being a blessing, many found that they’ve ended up with a lot of arrogant people living in their countries with no intention of letting go of their previous cultures, animosities, preferences, and pretensions.

Let’s give the devil his due. Diversity, tolerance and inclusion was actually a commendable perspective. It assumed the dominant society was leaving people out of full participation.
It was a valid critique. In response to inequalities, real or otherwise, measures were taken that would include everyone. Affirmative action, political correctness and anti-bias training became the tools for inculcating tolerance and inclusion. Helpful? Somewhat. Yet, the most important question was overlooked: What if some did not actually want to be included?

Denmark recognized this problem long ago, and is now finding practical solutions. It knows what it was — a country that worked very well when it was homogeneous, where everyone wanted to be and was a part of the society. They spoke the same language, understood the same customs and traditions, and held the same beliefs. The result was that people trusted each other and the economy flourished.

In fact, social trust corresponds more closely than any other factor to predicting economic prosperity. Harvard economists Alberto Alesina and co-authors from a paper titled, Fractionalization, argued that greater diversity leads to stunted economic growth. In other words, diversity is a weakness as far as the economy is concerned.

In 1981 The World Values Survey began an investigation into cross-cultural beliefs, values and motivations, and has since shown that societies with high social trust are not only more economically productive but also happier. The most successful are homogeneous countries, not the diverse ones.

Denmark and the rest of Scandinavia is always at the top of those rankings. They, shine a beacon on the fact that trust is what makes society great. Interestingly, Scandinavian countries are becoming even more trusting. Canada, Great Britain, the U.S. and Australia are all going in the opposite direction. In Canada, we are becoming less trusting of one other.

If a society wants high social trust and the benefits of stability, productivity, and happiness, there are apparently two factors that stand out. According to macrosociology researcher Jan Delhey at Otto von Geuricke University in Magdeburg, Germany — Protestantism and low ethnic diversity — are the top two criteria.

Setting aside the part about Protestantism, low ethnic diversity as a single factor fits Denmark, Japan and Hungary quite well. Social trust is, unsurprisingly, relatively high in all. But not all those countries are Protestant. There are other factors at work.

So is it possible for a country to have diversity and social trust at the same time?
Studies by researchers Hooghe, Reeskens and Stolle in a 2008 paper indicate that ethnic diversity in and of itself is not inherently destabilizing, at a national level. A country can indeed have multiple ethnicities and still have high social trust. But there is a catch.

It is at the neighbourhood scale where high ethnic diversity erodes trust, according to researchers Peter Thisted Dinesson and Kim Mannemar Sønderskov from 2015. The more direct the interaction with diversity, the more social trust drops. This accounts for why people segregate themselves into ethnic enclaves. People like to be around others who are the same as them. Those overwhelmed by newcomers that are not like themselves, lose trust and soon move out.

This is quite a paradox. Diversity at a national level does not necessarily erode trust but at the neighbourhood level it does. How can this be?

Switzerland is a good example of this paradox in action. With four recognized ethnicities — German, French, Italian and Romansh — they also have high levels of social trust. How? It’s simple. Each ethnicity has its own geography and government. It does not mix ethnicities, nor does one try to control the others.

If a country wants diversity, expect enclaves to form. This may work out fine in the long run, as it has in Switzerland. Or it may turn into a bloody mess, as it repeatedly does in the Balkans. The other option is low diversity.
Denmark had the latter. It worked well. Now, it wants it back again and that will require its immigrants to integrate. Those who don’t will have to leave.

So, is excluding certain people from one’s society a requirement? The short answer is absolutely. The long and more reasonable answer is if you do let people into your country then make sure they hold similar values — compatibility. Make sure they want to fit into your society fully and completely — cohesion. With these two requirements satisfied, and with a sprinkle of Protestantism, the country will be well on its way to generating high levels of social trust.

Can Canada learn from Denmark? The jury is out. But the minimum requirement is that we say goodbye to diversity, tolerance and inclusion if we wish to be a society that can rebuild the trust we used to have in one another and start accepting a new norm for immigration policy — compatibility, cohesion and social trust."

Mark Hecht teaches human, political, and conservation geography at Mount Royal University in Calgary and has written extensively on issues of national identity and resource conflict.


Has No Life - Lives on TB

Ugh.......Every single time.................

Her quote.....

"My Judaism influences every single thing I do all day long. I can’t separate my Judaism from how I act day to day in every realm of my life. My Torah portion [for my bat mitzvah] back in 1976 was the one that included Tzedek, tzedek tirdof (“justice, justice you shall pursue”). "

In case you don't know about the Torah it is a lengthy study and dialog of Rabbi's debating on social issues.....from the verbal recorded laws of Judiasm. In there you will learn of what Judiasm thinks of Gentiles and the end goal of God's chosen people for them.

Her statement of " justice justice justice you shall pursue" is the main ideal behind communism class struggle which was pioneered by Jewish Bolsheviks........of course we know how the "justice" of leveling the classes works out in reality when applied to nations.....but justice for the global Zionist is to destroy the White gentile majority of a country by diversity under such a noble pursuit when the end goal ends up being where it is easier to "hide, hide, hide so you shall pursue control of the money supply".

I know very good Jews, I work for one..........I grew up in a neighborhood that was 30% Jewish and admire many Jews and their families whom remain close friend to this day.

But some of my Jewish friends have revealed in private to me what some Jewish globalist intent is for society and even they are upset and in disagreement with it.

Okay that's enough..........I didn't ever want to believe any of this is true...........but the evidence I find keeps smacking me in the face of it.

Try to even hint such ideas in public and you are history.........rather than debating it (the truth should never fear debate) the powers to be will throw you in jail for questioning any of it in Europe and soon in America as well.

Don't let them take your guns.........that will be the end if they do.

When you think about it......if you are a White male and you don't hate your race and heritage today then you are automatically a racist that's how much they've pushed this agenda............like they have done to the point where they have been kicked out of 109 Western countries since Rome for pushing too far............every single time........

and to make matters worse........my birthday just happens to be 4-20
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Res ipsa loquitur
Try to even hint such ideas in public and you are history.........rather than debating it (the truth should never fear debate) the powers to be will throw you in jail for questioning any of it in Europe and soon in America as well.

coming to a former republic near you - and - VERY MUCH SOONER than you'd care to think it will

Don't let them take your guns.........that will be the end if they do.

When you think about it......if you are a White male and you don't hate your race and heritage today then you are automatically a racist that's how much they've pushed this agenda............like they have done to the point where they have been kicked out of 109 Western countries since Rome for pushing too far............every single time........




Has No Life - Lives on TB
You this thing about diversity being our strength in this country.................

Stop and think what this country accomplished from the revolutionary war all the way up to landing on the moon and in the process becoming the most prosperous, modern and productive society the world has ever seen.................and America just happened to accomplish all this when this country was 90% White while the rest of the non-White world (Asians included) during this same period struggled to get enough clean water and food to eat.

Its funny but you think that being an oppressed colony with taxation without representation and going up against a tyrant like the world empire of England, defeating them and at that same time fashioning a country out of a wilderness... then building it into an economic and technological powerhouse by landing on the moon and this is all what?

White privilege???...................................but not.........White accomplishment????

So tell me again socialists........please tell me how diversity is "our" strength?
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Has No Life - Lives on TB
Agreed. Was why I warned that the key part was at the end.
Here is what the other side is threatening nonsuicidal/nontraitor whites with:

"What’s the ideal outcome of this lawsuit, and are you hopeful?

We absolutely can and will bankrupt these groups. And then we will chase these people around for the rest of their lives. So if they try to buy a new home, we will put a lien on the home. If they get a new job, we will garnish their wages."

So her kind are declaring war on White patriots as being labeled as extremists?

Her kind did the same to Germany in the 30s...............by declaring economic war on her trade and money supply...........that declaration destroyed a nation and gave rise to an extreme backlash of an ideology that didn't work out too good for them.

If they cry out "never again" as a result of what happened in Germany in the first part of the 20th century maybe they shouldn't be trying to declare war on people who don't want their country to be taken away from them and what their ancestors built.


Veteran Member
Allow me to completely disagree with this thesis. DNA studies, done by themselves, prove that Juden have a narrow genetic base and is different from Whites. One should study this question from the viewpoint of Science and not Religion.

von Koehler
Post the study along with who did it