FASCISM Law Signed by DeSantis Will Allow for Forced Vaccinations (UPDATE post #97. Changed)


The Executor
Law Signed by DeSantis Will Allow for Forced Vaccinations

A law signed by Florida Governor Ron DeSantis will allow for the Florida Department of Health to forcibly vaccinate Florida residents. S.B. 2006 was signed into law by DeSantis on May 3, 2021 and immediately hailed as a major victory by many medical freedom advocates. The law bans so-called “Vaccine Passports” and adds certain restrictions on state and local governments during a declared public health emergency. A little known and little spoken of section of the law, which will go into effect July 1, states: “The state health officer, upon declaration of a public health emergency, may take actions that are necessary to protect the public health.” Some of these actions include: “Ordering an individual to be examined, tested, vaccinated, treated, isolated, or quarantined for communicable diseases that have a significant morbidity or mortality and present a severe danger to public health.” Those refusing these actions “may be subjected to isolation or quarantine.” The most disturbing part is a section beneath which reads, “If the individual poses a danger to the public health, the State Health Officer may subject the individual to isolation or quarantine, if there is no practical method to isolate or quarantine the individual, the State Health Officer may use ANY MEANS NECESSARY to vaccinate or treat the individual.”

Here’s a link to the bill: https://www.flsenate.gov/Session/Bill/2021/2006/BillText/er/HTML

Line 1107 is what you’re looking for.

Read the entire post here…

So, I assume that the state health officer is the one who determines what constitutes “a danger to the public health”. I wonder how many other states have provisions like this in their code.



The Executor


Disaster Cat
I suspect that if they try this in Florida as long as the vaccine is still "experimental" then some young lawyer is likely to make a huge name for themselves when they represent some homeless person or class action lawsuit in court. They may or may not win the case, but the backlash could be epic.

Now if the vaccine goes off the experimental list then I hate to say this but there are legal precedents for this going back to 1918 and before (I mentioned them numerous times even before COVID 19). Typhoid Mary was kept essentially in "jail" for life (quarantine on an Island) because she refused surgery that might have made her less contagious. She also felt fine and saw no reason to give up her job at the top of the line for her field (housekeeper and cook) to work as a lowly janitor or in a laundry (the two jobs offered her) that paid almost nothing and that she had worked hard for many years to work her way out of.

The result was locked up for life, and the same or similar laws are still on the books going back to the days when most contagious diseases had no real effective treatment other than isolating the sick and/or the then-new vaccines.

I don't like this either, in the face Nightwolf just said he's grateful he didn't go into clinical practice because it is against his ethics to give vaccinations under a "get this or go to jail" situation because that is not an "informed choice" that is bullying. There are times when a court may order treatment for someone declared incapable of making their own decisions but that is also a different situation than a mature adult saying "no."

night driver

ESFP adrift in INTJ sea
Just for everyone's reference, do the due diligence on what the authorities are that the County Health Nurse or the County Health Officer are.

Gar-aun-TEE you will wonder what country that stuff came from.


Old public health law that is STILL law in most states- quelle surprise.

The State is not in the business of backing down when its authoritay is challennged, anywhere,


Disaster Cat
Personally, I am more concerned about The Powers that Be, simply making life nearly impossible if you are not vaxxed than I am about held down and vaccinated by force.

Especially in a society as well-armed as the US, I think they KNOW what would happen if they tried to grab people out of their beds or starting taking their kids away en mass and it wouldn't be pretty.

Instead, I suspect a combination of high pressure - like Kamala's "army to go door to door" to "convince" people it is that "patriotic duty" to get vaxxed along with making life increasingly difficult for the unvaccinated.

In theory, there will be a "choice," but choosing not to go along with the program may result in losing your job, not being able to go into shops, not being allowed on the bus much less a plane and even (eventually) the stopping of welfare or social security payments.

If they really do dump the Johnson and Johnson vaccine in the USA and don't replace it with another non mRNA, that means Americans will only have the "choice" of being prevented from doing nearly everything (and maybe even losing their health coverage) and taking an mRNA "experimental" vaccine.

That slower way of gradually isolating people seems a lot more likely to me than a flat out "take the jab and go to jail," because after the first person that goes over the edge and shoots up a vaccination center there will be few health workers willing to continue on the job.

While that could happen in any country, it is especially likely in the US, simply because of the numbers of people and the population is well armed (so are Swedes, some Germans, and a number of other Western Countries with large rural areas).

Even a lot of rural Brits have shotguns...


Veteran Member
When a person comes to the ED under arrest for DUI, nurses will not draw blood if that person resists. Even if the officer pushes. Nurses have been charged with assault for doing that. But I suppose it would be different if there is a 'public health crisis' subpoena in the officers hand. Nonetheless, I would not administer an injection to an unwilling, competent adult.


Firearms Manufacturer
I am not buying it.

De Santis has blocked the feds at every level of this plandemmic and won all of the legal battles with them and the CDC. He has been 100% consistent in protecting us from the fed/gov and the CDC including banning mask requirements, vaccine passports, kept FL open ect...

States all have the power this story is trying to link to COVID vaccines. This is a normal power to be used when someone has some really bad crap and wants to spread it around.


Fringe Ranger
Especially in a society as well-armed as the US, I think they KNOW what would happen if they tried to grab people out of their beds or starting taking their kids away en mass and it wouldn't be pretty.

More likely they'd do traffic stops and jab people right there. Get you when you're out of the house and surrounded.

Samuel Adams

Has No Life - Lives on TB

No state, nor the fed nor municipal jurisdictions, need fear nor abstain from the passage of public policy which may have the appearance of abrogating constitutionally protected rights.....where it is US citizens who are the target recipients for said legislation.

US citizens are a class created by congress in 1868, and are privy to benefits, privileges and immunities as referenced in the fourteenth amendment—NOT natural,God-given RIGHTS.

From “Twining v. New Jersey”.....

“The right of trial by jury in civil cases, guaranteed by the Seventh Amendment (Walker v. Sauvinet, 92 US 90), and the right to bear arms guaranteed by the Second Amendment (Presser v. Illinois, 116 US 252), have been distinctly held not to be privileges and immunities of citizens of the United States guaranteed by the Fourteenth Amendment against abridgment by the States, and in effect the same decision was made in respect of the guarantee against prosecution, except by indictment by grand jury, contained in the Fifth Amendment (Hurtado v. California, 110 US 516), and in respect of the right to be confronted with witness is, contained in the Sixth Amendment. West v. Louisiana, 194 US 258. In Maxwell v. Dow, supra, where the plaintiff in error had been convicted in a state court of a felony upon information and by a jury of eight persons, it was held that the indictment, made indispensable by the Fifth Amendment, and the trial by jury guaranteed by the Sixth Amendment, were not privileges and immunities of citizens of the United States, as those words were used in the Fourteenth Amendment… the decision rested upon the ground that this clause of the Fourteenth Amendment did not forbid the States to abridge the personal rights enumerated in the first eight Amendments, because these rights were not within the meaning of the clause ‘privileges and immunities of citizens of the United States.’ …We conclude, therefore, that the exemption from compulsory self-incrimination is not a privilege or immunity of National citizenship guaranteed by this clause of the Fourteenth Amendment against abridgment by the States…”


TB Fanatic
The wording is LIKELY from older law in ref TB or some of the various diseases that were fought in the 20's, 30's, through the 60's
^^^This. It's called the Baker Act here in Florida and has been around for decades. ND is correct. It was originally in response to TB and a few other diseases. Sounds like it's being modified or something.
It gave the state health officer the right to quarantine or confine or order medical treatment, with concurrence of the governor, for someone who is a direct threat to the public health and safety.
A lot of these procedures and regs were dusted off after 9-11.

There are no plans to use it for covid 19.
BUT such laws and regs and plans are, and have been in place for a hell of a long time.

Being tuned up for Covid 22. :shr:


Veteran Member
Doesnt surprise me.

Florida politicians are very deceptive.
Very skilled at that sort of thing.


The Executor
I am not buying it.

De Santis has blocked the feds at every level of this plandemmic and won all of the legal battles with them and the CDC. He has been 100% consistent in protecting us from the fed/gov and the CDC including banning mask requirements, vaccine passports, kept FL open ect...

States all have the power this story is trying to link to COVID vaccines. This is a normal power to be used when someone has some really bad crap and wants to spread it around.
It's right there in the legislation in BLACK AND WHITE. And just because your boy DeSantis might not abuse the power, who's to say what his successors will do with it? BAD LEGISLATION, and HE signed it into law!