INSANITY L.A. Mayor Eric Garcetti to Cut $150 Million from Police; 'Reinvest' in 'Communities of Color'

Dennis Olson

Chief Curmudgeon
_______________ /politics/2020/06/03/los-angeles-mayor-eric-garcetti-cut-150-million-from-police-reinvest-in-communities-of-color/

L.A. Mayor Eric Garcetti to Cut $150 Million from Police; 'Reinvest' in 'Communities of Color'
Joel B. Pollak
3-4 minutes

LOS ANGELES, California — Mayor Eric Garcetti announced Wednesday evening that the City of Los Angeles would cut up to $150 million from the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) and “reinvest” the funds in the local black community.

“This is bigger than just a budget, but I want you to know we will not be increasing our police budget — how can we at this moment?” Garcetti asked.

Instead, Garcetti said, he had worked with the city council and community leaders to reach an agreement “to commit to reinvesting in black communities, and communities of color; in those places left behind.”

He recounted statistics demonstrating racial inequality, and concluded: “I have instructed and committed … that our city … identify $250 million in cuts, so we could invest in jobs, in health, in education, and in healing. And that those dollars need to be focused on our black community here in Los Angeles, as well as communities of color, and women, and people who have been left behind, for too long.”

That would require cuts to every department, including the police, he said.

“We all have to step up and say: What can we sacrifice?”

Racial justice, he said, was “worth sacrificing for.”

Eileen Decker, president of the Los Angeles Police Commission, spoke during Garcetti’s presentation, and estimated the cuts to policing at $100 million to $150 million.

In his speech, Garcetti also implicitly criticized President Donald Trump, saying that leaders in Washington wanted “to go back to 20th or 19th century policing, to get tough, ‘to dominate,’ to not worry about people’s heads, to dehumanize them as you put them into squad cars.”

He concluded: “This not only does not save lives, it costs lives.”

In contrast, Garcetti, praised and thanked former President Barack Obama for his advocacy for police reform, referring to Obama’s speech to his My Brother’s Keeper organization earlier in the day.

Garcetti referred to the killing of George Floyd by police in Minneapolis, Minnesota, last week, as a “modern-day lynching,” as he had on Tuesday.

He spoke as protests moved through downtown Los Angeles, largely peacefully, though traffic was disrupted and many businesses remained boarded up after the looting and rioting that took place over the weekend.

Protests targeted District Attorney Jackie Lacey, and signs included “DEFUND LAPD” and “COPS R NOT ESSENTIAL.”

Protestors taking a knee outside @LADAOffice DTLA @foxla. This is another huge Los Angeles event. Loud and peaceful

— Phil Shuman (@FoxPhil) June 3, 2020

The city’s curfew, which had been 6:00 p.m. for the past two days, was moved to 9:00 p.m.

There was some drama in Newport Beach, in Orange County, where a driver drove through a group of protesters. There were no injuries, and the driver was later arrested.

In San Bernardino, an earthquake measuring 5.5 on the Richter scale was felt.

Joel B. Pollak is Senior Editor-at-Large at Breitbart News and the host of Breitbart News Sunday on Sirius XM Patriot on Sunday evenings from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. ET (4 p.m. to 7 p.m. PT). His new book, RED NOVEMBER, is available for pre-order. He is a winner of the 2018 Robert Novak Journalism Alumni Fellowship. Follow him on Twitter at @joelpollak.


TB Fanatic
It actually makes sense.

Reasons why it makes sense:

1) They are trying very hard to turn LA in to Mexico as having an effective police force prevents that.
2) They are preventing the police from doing their job, so why waste the money on police that you won't use.


TB Fanatic
You are unusual in your thought processes, at least in my experience.

Most folks 'hang on' until the fires are already lit in the next neighborhood over, or even their own neighborhood...

Plain Jane

Just Plain Jane
LA isn't the only place.

Going All-In: Minneapolis City Council Considers Disbanding Entire Police Force…
Posted on June 4, 2020 by sundance

Once you understand the larger objectives, everything becomes a sequence of predictable events. The term “community policing” has been used for several years by groups advocating for radical changes to law enforcement; however, behind the innocuous phrase is really a much more serious agenda.

If each community can determine the enforcement of law, then essentially all communities can eliminate the underlying law itself. Remove local enforcement of law and the local community can independently assemble a social structure separate from all other binding contracts that frame a larger societal compact. [Brian Fallon Tweet Link]

This “community policing” process is already taking place in many European communities the results create what are known as “no go zones.” Neighborhoods, and entire parts of cities, where local Sharia compliance enforcement officers have replaced the police force; and the rules, regulations and enforcement are detached from the larger social compact. Considering that Minneapolis has a large concentration of Somali Muslims within the local population, it makes sense this approach is now discussed for their city.

Minneapolis – […] Now the council members are listening to a city that is wounded, angry, fed up with decades of violence disproportionately visited upon black and brown residents. Various private and public bodies – from First Avenue to Minneapolis Public Schools – have essentially cut ties with the police department. Council members are trying to figure out what their next move is.

Their discussion is starting to sound a little more like what groups like Reclaim the Block and the Black Visions Collective have been saying for years. On Tuesday, Fletcher published a lengthy Twitter thread saying the police department was “irredeemably beyond reform,” and a “protection racket” that slows down responses as political payback.
“Several of us on the council are working on finding out what it would take to disband the Minneapolis Police Department and start fresh with a community-oriented, nonviolent public safety and outreach capacity,” he wrote. (read more)
Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison, the man now in charge of the prosecution of Derek Chauvin and the Minneapolis police officers involved in George Floyd’s death, is a very well known Muslim activist and supporter of the sharia doctrine.

There is no better confluence of timing, location, and sentiment to achieve the agenda of the far-left than right now – with the opportunity George Floyd represents.

Brian Fallon was Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager; and is now a leading member of the resistance movement serving as Executive Director for Demand Justice.


Veteran Member
I think all of these Democrat cities should disband their police forces. Seriously. What good are they if they bow to the rioters? This should be interesting. I’ll certainly have to abandon going to any of those places, but even now they are crap holes. Just sorry my kids will suffer the result, but hey...they needed a lesson.


TB Fanatic
You are unusual in your thought processes, at least in my experience.

Most folks 'hang on' until the fires are already lit in the next neighborhood over, or even their own neighborhood...
Here in my part of the country it is 10 minutes after the house and car catch fire. Too many people dropping that bell curve around here. I swear every other car has a disabled sticker on it.


Veteran Member
Not the only leftists enclave that is going full bore idiotic..

… I knew these loons were past crazy, but eliminating the only force that stands between the law abiding and the poor, maligned diversity groups is suicidal

On top of these cities actually cutting or wanting to eliminate their police, now this comes out

… eliminate the only people on these school sites is past comprehension

Portland, Oregon: No more school resource officers after George Floyd death


TB Fanatic
We have a guy running for office who is saying we need to "fairly allocate" the Splost in our town. (SPLOST = tourist tax). He feels that spending it on areas where the tourists go so we can get more tourists and better paying tourists is not fair to the communities of color.

He wants a dollar spent in the areas of color for every dollar spent to bring in tourists...... he does not understand basic economics. Tourist = money in our pocket. Anything else is money out of our pocket. Then again it isn't his pocket, so it may make sense.


TB Fanatic
Here in my part of the country it is 10 minutes after the house and car catch fire. Too many people dropping that bell curve around here. I swear every other car has a disabled sticker on it.

My point was largely metaphorical - but maybe you knew that!


TB Fanatic
. . . but wait, there is more
I predict that soon California will be ravaged by wild fire,
so the governor can declare firefighters non essential

Kathy in FL

Yeah, that'll work. Ask any landlord that owns property in those "communities of color" he's referring to and they'll say the vast majority don't give a crap because they don't pay for it, they don't take care of it. Now some do but like I said, the vast majority don't. What is $150 million going to pay for these days anyway? Sure won't be new schools because in LA the cost of a new school building alone is $535 per square foot. According to building requirements there should be about 100 square foot per student. Most of the schools in LA have between 2,000 and 4,000 students so even if we pick 3,000 that is 3,000 x 100 x $535 = $160,500,000 and that is only the physical structure. That doesn't include teacher and support staff salaries, books, sports and other extracurricular equipment, etc.

New parks and playgrounds? Where? LA is pretty much built out with housing, etc. Just getting the land for something like that will use up that money. And why would you build something that wouldn't last more than a few months as the gangs and crapheads take over and turn it into drug trade central?

This man is SUCH an IDIOT! He obviously has no fiscal aptitude at all.


Veteran Member
So will the mayor really cut the police force budget?
Aren't there any people living in LA that actually work and have families that would fight this???

Dennis Olson

Chief Curmudgeon
I can hardly wait for the beatings, rapes and robberies to spike in LA. The Marxists in charge will scream and whine about how they "don't know why it's happening."

Yeah, right. People who actually work for a living and value law and order need to GTFO of LA immediately.


Veteran Member
I can hardly wait for the beatings, rapes and robberies to spike in LA. The Marxists in charge will scream and whine about how they "don't know why it's happening."
Yeah, right. People who actually work for a living and value law and order need to GTFO of LA immediately.

If this is really going to happen and no sane people fight this, I hope they leave immediately too!
Cutting Police budgets or eliminating them scares the crap out of me.
No, not in my town or part of deep red SE Missouri, but STL is just 90 minutes away and I worry when they run out of food and drugs, they'll head due south down our way.