Keep Mitt Romney, 'We Don't Want Him'

Dennis Olson

Chief Curmudgeon
Keep Mitt Romney, 'We Don't Want Him'
Charlie Spiering
President Donald Trump on Monday told the governor of Utah to “keep” the state’s U.S. Senator, Mitt Romney.
President Trump spoke about Romney during a meeting with United States governors on Monday, where he had a lively back-and-forth conversation at the podium.
Speaking to Utah Governor Gary Herbert, Trump asked, “How’s Mitt Romney?”
“I haven’t talked with him,” Herbert replied.
“You keep him, we don’t want him,” Trump said, as many in the room chuckled.
Trump continues to criticize Romney for being the only Republican senator to vote in support of convicting and removing the president in the Senate’s impeachment trial last week.
“Say hello to the people of Utah and tell them, ‘I’m sorry about Mitt Romney,'” Trump told Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) last week during remarks at the White House after he was acquitted.
“We can say that Mike Lee is, by far, the most popular senator from the state,” he added.
President Trump is popular in Utah, as 52 percent of likely voters approve of his job performance, according to a poll.
Romney’s approval numbers were already underwater in January, according to a poll.
Only 36 percent of Utah voters said they approved of Romney’s job performance, while 49% disapproved.
That poll was taken on the dates of January 16-30, before Romney voted to impeach the president.



Kill Commie's, Every Single One Of Them!
I tell ya what. You can tell Trump is starting to feel his oats now that ALL this udder fake bullshit is over.

Can you imagine what this guy is going to be like knowing he doesn't have another election to kiss ass for? If the American public pulls their collective heads out of their collective asses and DT gets both Houses back...OH SHIT. The show will be Epic.

fish hook

Ol' Mittens'd make a dandy demoncrap… Yer right. They love 'im- let 'em keep 'im… Good riddance ta bad trash...

I thought he already had.Just look at his record when he was in Mass.The only way he got elected in that liberal stronghold was to out liberal,the liberal democraps.