MORON Kasich: Supporting Trump Is Not Consistent with Biblical Teachings -- Biden 'Is a Man of Deep Faith'

Dennis Olson

Chief Curmudgeon
_______________ /politics/2020/08/10/kasich-supporting-trump-is-not-consistent-with-biblical-teachings-biden-is-a-man-of-deep-faith/

Kasich: Supporting Trump Is Not Consistent with Biblical Teachings -- Biden 'Is a Man of Deep Faith'
Pam Key
3-4 minutes

Monday on CNN’s “OutFront,” former Gov. John Kasich (R-OH), who is set to speak in support of Joe Biden for president at the Democratic National Convention, said Evangelicals’ support for Trump was not “consistent with the things that they believe in as promoted in the Old and New Testament.”

Kasich pointed to Democratic presidential nominee former Vice President Joe Biden’s faith as a determining factor in his support.

Kasich said, “I would encourage other Republicans to know that it is okay to take off a partisan hat, take off your partisan hat and vote on the basis of what your conscience tells you about the future of our country, not just for yourself but for your kids as well.”

He continued, “I believe Biden can bring us together. I’ll disagree with Joe on things, and they expected that when they asked me to do this. I said yeah, there are things I’ll disagree with Biden on. There are things I’m concerned about. At the end of the day, I think he is a man of faith. I think he is a man, look, his history has been an ability to bring people together. That is the way it was when I was in Congress when we balanced the budget. We’re able to do welfare reform. And I think he can restore civility. I don’t think he’ll go hard left. I think he is a pretty tough guy. So I’m comfortable with the fact that he would be our leader. And I expect he’ll have Republicans that will be part of anything he does going forward. That’s the way — that is his nature and has been history. And he is a man of deep faith. And a man that has suffered some tremendous grief that has shaped his character, all some of the things I will talk about in my speech.”

Anchor Erin Burnett asked, “So Southern Baptist Minister, he is ordained, Mike Huckabee said the other day in part, ‘I don’t know if anybody, people of faith who think Joe Biden is a great choice. I tell you they’re not going to go with Biden. That’s not an option.’ What do you say?

Kasich said, “Well, I’m clued in to a lot of people of faith, a number of them, who are very happy that I’m making this decision. I can give you names. I don’t want to say it on the air, but I can give you names of them if we have to come back and do that. And the fact is, you know, the faith is a matter of your personal relationship. And so I don’t know why that’s been said about Joe. I think he is a man of faith. I don’t sit down and talk about all of his religion with him, but I’m comfortable with him. I, like I say, I consider myself to be a man of faith. A flawed man of faith for sure, but aren’t we all? So I don’t think anybody can speak for the entire faith community and try to say that this person is good and that person isn’t. A lot of people scratch their heads about why some of these very conservative Evangelicals support Trump. It seems not to be consistent with the things that they believe in as promoted in the Old and New Testament.”

Follow Pam Key on Twitter @pamkeyNEN

Dennis Olson

Chief Curmudgeon
_______________ /politics/2020/08/10/donald-trump-a-man-of-deep-religion-would-not-endorse-bernie-sanders-socialist-agenda/

Trump: A 'Man of Deep Religion' Would Not Endorse Socialist Agenda
Charlie Spiering
2-2 minutes

President Donald Trump defended criticizing former Vice President Joe Biden as a man that had “hurt God” and was “against God.”

“If you look at the manifesto that they’ve come up with and if you look at their stance on religion … I don’t think a man of deep religion would be agreeing to the Bernie Sanders plan,” Trump said when asked by a reporter about his comments at a press conference.

The “Unity Agenda” released by the Biden campaign calls for the restoration of taxpayer funds to Planned Parenthood, repealing the Hyde Amendment, preventing taxpayer funds from paying for abortions, and promises to work to codify Roe v. Wade.

“You take a look at what they have in it, and you just can’t put that into the realm of a religious group of people, I will say that,” Trump said.

Trump commented on Biden’s faith on Thursday, prompting several corporate media reporters to claim that the former vice president was a practicing Catholic.

“He’s following the radical left agenda,” Trump said, adding that Biden would “take away your guns, destroy your Second Amendment, no religion, no anything, hurt the Bible, hurt God. He’s against God, he’s against guns, he’s against energy – our kind of energy.”

Trump said that his poll numbers were improving and Biden’s were falling.

“He’ll have to come out of the basement, it looks like, very soon,” he said.


The Executor


Has No Life - Lives on TB
I really wish that people would get off their soapbox about Trump and his imperfections. No, he's not perfect, and more than likely, his religious beliefs are different from my own. When choosing a president, I'm not looking for the Messiah, I'm looking for a man who will uphold the Constitution.

As far as Biden having faith? That's laughable. What is his faith in? It's sure not the Word of God.


Veteran Member
Killing any future in politics and not even in slow motion.

DNC Announces Speaker Schedule for Convention
Reagan McCarthy

2 minutes

The Democratic National Committee (DNC) released its schedule of speakers for the nominating convention next week, when former Vice President Joe Biden will formally accept the nomination for president.

The lineup, released as voters await Biden’s vice presidential pick, features the Obamas, former Secretary of State John Kerry, and a host of sitting lawmakers. Ahead of Biden’s vice presidential announcement, the majority of the women rumored to be contenders were given speaking slots, including Sens. Kamala Harris (D-CA), Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) and Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D). Former Obama administration national security adviser Susan Rice and Congresswoman Karen Bass (D-CA) are not yet listed on the schedule, but are thought to be contenders for the vice presidential tap.

Notably present on the DNC’s lineup is former GOP Governor of Ohio, John Kasich, who is actively campaigning for Biden. The Republican National Committee (RNC) has not yet unveiled the schedule, and President Trump has not announced the location for his acceptance speech.

Biden is expected to announce his running mate this week.


Let's Go Brandon!
I really wish that people would get off their soapbox about Trump and his imperfections. No, he's not perfect, and more than likely, his religious beliefs are different from my own. When choosing a president, I'm not looking for the Messiah, I'm looking for a man who will uphold the Constitution.

As far as Biden having faith? That's laughable. What is his faith in? It's sure not the Word of God.

All the leading men of faith sniff little girls' hair, doncha know.


Advocate Discernment
bidens a man of deep faith? whats next--biden walks on water? its not so much all the lies cause you expect that in election season--is that the lies are so bizarre and outlandish.

a man of 'deep faith' doesnt rub his nose and hands all over little girls coppin a feel


Has No Life - Lives on TB
bidens a man of deep faith? whats next--biden walks on water? its not so much all the lies cause you expect that in election season--is that the lies are so bizarre and outlandish.

a man of 'deep faith' doesnt rub his nose and hands all over little girls coppin a feel

Yeah. Maybe he has "deep faith" in his own pedophilia. Biden and the Deep State are their own god/gods.

Dennis Olson

Chief Curmudgeon
I actually believe that Biden doesn't think what he does to women and children is wrong. And I don't think that just his dementia at work. He's spent his life as a loyal footsoldier to the Marxists. He always did exactly what he was told, when he was told to do it. He said what he was told to say. And most importantly, he voted the way he was told to vote. In exchange for all that, the Marxists have run cover for him throughout his entire political career. Biden is a TOOL, in more ways than one.


God has a plan, Trust it!
Romans 13:1-7 (ESV)

Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God. Therefore whoever resists the authorities resists what God has appointed, and those who resist will incur judgment. For rulers are not a terror to good conduct, but to bad. Would you have no fear of the one who is in authority? Then do what is good, and you will receive his approval, for he is God's servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for he does not bear the sword in vain. For he is the servant of God, an avenger who carries out God's wrath on the wrongdoer. Therefore one must be in subjection, not only to avoid God's wrath but also for the sake of conscience. ...


Veteran Member
Kasich should just go ahead and put his Democratic clothes on, and Dewine should join him. I hope in the next election we have a good Republican to run, we need it in Ohio.


Veteran Member /politics/2020/08/10/donald-trump-a-man-of-deep-religion-would-not-endorse-bernie-sanders-socialist-agenda/

Trump: A 'Man of Deep Religion' Would Not Endorse Socialist Agenda
Charlie Spiering
2-2 minutes

President Donald Trump defended criticizing former Vice President Joe Biden as a man that had “hurt God” and was “against God.”

“If you look at the manifesto that they’ve come up with and if you look at their stance on religion … I don’t think a man of deep religion would be agreeing to the Bernie Sanders plan,” Trump said when asked by a reporter about his comments at a press conference.

The “Unity Agenda” released by the Biden campaign calls for the restoration of taxpayer funds to Planned Parenthood, repealing the Hyde Amendment, preventing taxpayer funds from paying for abortions, and promises to work to codify Roe v. Wade.

“You take a look at what they have in it, and you just can’t put that into the realm of a religious group of people, I will say that,” Trump said.

Trump commented on Biden’s faith on Thursday, prompting several corporate media reporters to claim that the former vice president was a practicing Catholic.

“He’s following the radical left agenda,” Trump said, adding that Biden would “take away your guns, destroy your Second Amendment, no religion, no anything, hurt the Bible, hurt God. He’s against God, he’s against guns, he’s against energy – our kind of energy.”

Trump said that his poll numbers were improving and Biden’s were falling.

“He’ll have to come out of the basement, it looks like, very soon,” he said.

the pope is endorsing a socialist agenda,
Wonder where Kasich figures into the doj investigation

Walrus Whisperer

Hope in chains...
Killing any future in politics and not even in slow motion.

DNC Announces Speaker Schedule for Convention
Reagan McCarthy

2 minutes

The Democratic National Committee (DNC) released its schedule of speakers for the nominating convention next week, when former Vice President Joe Biden will formally accept the nomination for president.

The lineup, released as voters await Biden’s vice presidential pick, features the Obamas, former Secretary of State John Kerry, and a host of sitting lawmakers. Ahead of Biden’s vice presidential announcement, the majority of the women rumored to be contenders were given speaking slots, including Sens. Kamala Harris (D-CA), Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) and Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D). Former Obama administration national security adviser Susan Rice and Congresswoman Karen Bass (D-CA) are not yet listed on the schedule, but are thought to be contenders for the vice presidential tap.

Notably present on the DNC’s lineup is former GOP Governor of Ohio, John Kasich, who is actively campaigning for Biden. The Republican National Committee (RNC) has not yet unveiled the schedule, and President Trump has not announced the location for his acceptance speech.

Biden is expected to announce his running mate this week.
This will be the LEAST watched program in HISTORY!

Fake Shemp

Banned for resurrecting the mayonnaise thread
Killing any future in politics and not even in slow motion.

DNC Announces Speaker Schedule for Convention
Reagan McCarthy

2 minutes

The Democratic National Committee (DNC) released its schedule of speakers for the nominating convention next week, when former Vice President Joe Biden will formally accept the nomination for president.

The lineup, released as voters await Biden’s vice presidential pick, features the Obamas, former Secretary of State John Kerry, and a host of sitting lawmakers. Ahead of Biden’s vice presidential announcement, the majority of the women rumored to be contenders were given speaking slots, including Sens. Kamala Harris (D-CA), Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) and Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D). Former Obama administration national security adviser Susan Rice and Congresswoman Karen Bass (D-CA) are not yet listed on the schedule, but are thought to be contenders for the vice presidential tap.

Notably present on the DNC’s lineup is former GOP Governor of Ohio, John Kasich, who is actively campaigning for Biden. The Republican National Committee (RNC) has not yet unveiled the schedule, and President Trump has not announced the location for his acceptance speech.

Biden is expected to announce his running mate this week.
Never will there be more a-holes in one room. Kinda like an a-hole convention. Some kooks from the MSM would top it off nicely though.....:xpnd:

Bubble Head

Has No Life - Lives on TB
It is abundantly clear that Kasich has never read the Bible. If he had he would never put his soul in such jeopardy for political gain. My only conclusion is Kasich has no faith nor respect for the word of GOD. GOD really does not like to be used. HE has made that very clear throughout the Bible. It does not go well for those that would use HIM for their own evil gains. Step carefully Kasich because eternity is a long slow burn. It just happens one day.
This also goes for the Catholics for Abortion group led by Sister Pelosi. Her face is decomposing in front of the world as she spews forth Satan's lies.
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Dennis Olson

Chief Curmudgeon
DNC Announces Speaker Schedule for Convention

One thing you can be absolutely sure of: Not a SINGLE American flag will be seen, regardless of whether an in-person convention or via teleconference.