Planting July Planting and Chat Thread


Neither here nor there.

July Planting and Chat thread, just eight days late, lol.

8th - 10th
Set strawberry plants. Good days for transplanting. Good days for planting beets, carrots, radishes, salsify, turnips, peanuts, and other root crops. Also good for vine crops.
11th - 12th
A barren period.
13th - 15th
Good days for transplanting. Root crops that can be planted now will yield well.
16th - 17th
Poor days for planting, seeds tend to rot in ground.
18th - 19th
Plant seedbeds and flower gardens. Good days for transplanting. Most fruitful days for planting root crops.
20th - 23rd
A most barren period. Kill plant pests and do general farm work.
24th - 26th
Sow grains and forage crops. Plant flowers. Favorable for planting peas, beans, tomatoes, and other fall crops bearing aboveground.
27th - 28th
Start seedbeds. Extra good for fall cabbage, lettuce, cauliflower, mustard greens, and other leafy vegetables. Good for any aboveground crop that can be planted now.
29th - 30th
Barren days, neither plant nor sow.
Any aboveground crops that can be planted now will do well.