Judge Jeanine Rips BHO Over Benghazi, And There Is A Larger Problem



Posted on | October 28, 2012 | 11 Comments and 0 Reactions

by Smitty

I had never seen or heard of Justice with Judge Jeanine, but this clip, apparently from last night, is succinct, on point, and brutal:

Deeper than the specifics of #Benghaziquiddick* is the leadership problem afoot here. You can overtly cripple the U.S. military with budget cuts. You can covertly cripple the U.S. military by trashing its morale.

On my first WESPAC cruise in 1989, we spent several days which were supposed to be a port call in Singapore carving circles in the water not far from that port. Why? A young deck seaman on one of the Knox-class frigates had gone overboard. Such tragedies occur for all manner of reasons, savory and less so. However, every squid in that battle group knew that, if it was them, the battle group was going to do precisely the same thing: make every reasonable effort to recover you alive, or at least recover you.

This notion of “never leaving a buddy” is pounded into every military head at every rank. Should you hold the privilege of commanding a unit, I perceive it counts double: you neither want to see a buddy left dangling in the breeze, and you really don’t want the anguish of explaining to the world why there was a death within you command.

Which brings us to our current Commander-in-Chief, #OccupyResoluteDesk. I don’t believe the principle of “never leaving a buddy” eluded George W. Bush, say whatever else you will of his policies. In contrast, you have the Obama White House needing to dispute a story that it sends form letters to families of the fallen. Wow.

The idea of a cowardly POTUS, whose ‘gutsy calls’ come only after excessive amounts of Hamlet-esque hand-wringing is staggering. If you don’t grasp the basic notion of “never-leave-a-buddy”, then you are not fit for the role of Commander-in-Chief at all. I would muster measurably more respect for BHO if it turned out he was a Machiavellian scoundrel who was using U.S. lives as hostage bait. Let Ambassador Stevens become a useful crisis for October, to own the news cycle, and freeze out Romney. In such a scenario, he’d do some grand deal around Halloween, and then victory laps until the election. One wishes for certainty that this was not the intent of Benghazi.

Now we see how, BHO’s lack of loyalty down turns into a lack of loyalty up. There exists a category of no-talent clown who thinks that rank or office is what matters, and fundamentals like “never leave a buddy” do not. Au contraire, mon fine French frere. Sir Blames-a-lot may point a finger, but the information leaks are going to continue to point back at him. Obama really isn’t anyone’s buddy, and he’s not actually getting left behind. At least not in the same sense as Stevens, Smith, Woods, and Doherty. Yet the same callous indifference Obama offered Americans in a real-world crisis is being repaid him in spades.

Couldn’t happen to a more deserving piece of work.



Was In The Room Watching Benghazi Attack” says Lt. Col Anthony Schaffer
By Rebecca Diserio on Oct 28, 2012 in 2012 Election News, Opinion, Politics, Videos, World News

In the closest factual response to “Did Obama watch the Benghazi attack, and was he the bottom line in denying help to our forces on the ground?” Lt Anthony Schaffer reported a resounding “Yes” to this question on FOX’s “Justice with Judge Jeanine”. Lt. Anthony Schaffer reports that “his sources on the ground’ report not only was Obama watching the developments in Benghazi, but Obama is the one who would have told Panetta to “stand down” and also—and here is the key, Obama would have also been the one to deny Tyrone Woods’ pleas for help as he courageously made his stand in service to the United States of America.

We know Woods had “laser locked” the position of the mortars that eventually claimed his life sometime on September 11-12 2012. Its time we hear directly from the President, the American people deserve to know exactly why it is that Obama made the political decision to leave our men alone to fend for themselves—no doubt this was Tyrone Woods last thoughts—”why didn’t they come to help me?” See video of interview here:

Video at link.

To add insult to injury, watch Tyrone Woods’ Dad Charles Woods, as he relates his story about his ordeal. He asks Obama directly “to change his life, and admit his fault”. Mr. Woods holds the White House directly responsible for “the murder of his son”. The Main Stream Media is all but ignoring this story, as they attempt to shield the Obama Administration in its final days prior to the Election.


Rather than start another thread, here are a couple of Glen Beck videos of an interview with a former CIA officer (Claire Lopez). The more people talking about this in any kind of media, the better. imo.

Unfortunately, you have to click on the link to see the video, since it will not embed. It is 2 videos of one interview. approx. 6 min. each.

