PLAY IT'S THE TB2K WEEKEND DANCE PARTY - The Ultimate Cringe-Rock Dance Party!


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Heatwave - Boogie Nights
Shades of cheap wine, strawberry lip gloss, and heels that were far too high. Now I know why I have knee problems! LOL.

What's missing on these computer versions: the deep bass. That was the draw, that and the wooden dance floors. Of course, the booze didn't hurt, either. $1 wine. How did I ever made it to 2021?


While this song sucks the intro is amazing with the harp and esoteric chord structure of the harmonies..........I love that part of this song and then it jumps right into loser mode...........ugh.


Let's Go Brandon!

Ah yes, Garfunkle and Oates. Those two have done some SERIOUS cringe in the past.

I think they may have cringier than that. "The Loophole" comes to mind.

If you actually do watch this one...brace yourself in advance. The entire concept is cringe and the delivery is actually worse.


Oh, and as promised....Corky and the Juice Pigs, Hot Squat Hombre.
