PLAY IT'S THE TB2K WEEKEND DANCE PARTY -- Attitudes and Actions!

Dollar Short

Veteran Member
Happy Friday everyone! As your quest host for this weekend I have selected the theme of Attitudes & Actions. The concept here is simple and not burdensome. Just try to post songs that reflect attitudes or actions (some songs contain both).

The dictionary provides these definitions:
  1. A manner of thinking, feeling, or behaving that reflects a state of mind or disposition.
  2. Arrogant or aggressive disposition or behavior.
  3. A position of the body or manner of carrying oneself.
  1. The state or process of acting or doing.
  2. Something that is done or accomplished; a deed.
  3. Organized activity to accomplish an objective.

If you are sick to death of corporations shoving a woke a agenda down your throat -- that is an ATTITUDE
If you therefore boycott all products/services from said corporation -- that is an ACTION

So let's get this party started (I will post a couple of examples). Please have fun with the topic from there and everyone enjoy your weekend dancing the night and day away to favorite tunes!

:eleph: The Ground Rules :eleph:

- Any music genre is acceptable.

- Don't knock somebody else's music, your taste may be crap also.

- Label your videos as PG or PG-13 as required.

- Add lyrics or screen shots as you see fit.

- Drink responsibly, use a glass.

- Runtimes are not required unless it is an exceptionally long video. (i.e. full concerts)



Veteran Member
Sin Shake Sin - Can't Go to Hell

"It's too early for surrender
Too late for a prayer
We can't go to hell if we're already there
They say the end is coming
And I need to prepare
We can't go to hell if we're already there"


Veteran Member
HARDY - Kill Sh!t Till I Die

"Buy bullets by the case, put em' up on your shelf
'Cause there's a chance one day that this world's gonna go to hell"
And he's damn sure proud of me
'Cause now my philosophy is..."