OP-ED It’s Over For Hillary And Her Sisterhood of the Plus-Size Pantsuits


Certa Bonum Certamen

It’s Over For Hillary And Her Sisterhood of the Plus-Size Pantsuits

Could the Hillary-Bernie feud, now entering its final phase, be responsible for everything the Democratic Party has put the country through for the last four years? We may soon find out.

Bill Thomas
February 16th, 2020

Politics is the business of getting voters to like you. The problem is, most Washington politicians are inherently unlikeable. This is one reason the subject rarely came up until Donald Trump was elected president.

Now the question of likeability is all that Trump-crazed Democrats talk about—except when they’re talking about each other. That’s why it’s news when one Democratic politician calls another one unlikeable.

It’s especially newsworthy when the former happens to be ex-presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, whose personal un-likeability is legendary, and the latter is Senator Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), an equally annoying old-time Bolshie, who fought Clinton for the Democratic nomination four years ago, got screwed over by the party, and now not only is running again—he’s in the lead.

Clinton made her observation about Sanders in a new four-hour “docu-series,” entitled “Hillary.” The carefully crafted piece of long-form PR is scheduled to premiere on Hulu March 6, the week of Super Tuesday and the weekend of International Women’s Day (a.k.a. Communist Valentine’s Day) March 8.

At one point in the film Hillary is asked what she thinks of Bernie, who probably would have beaten her in 2016 if the Democratic National Committee hadn’t rigged the system.

“[Sanders] was in Congress for years,” Clinton says. “He had one senator support him. Nobody likes him . . . .”

When the comment went viral, Sanders had a comeback worthy of Rodney Dangerfield: “On a good day, my wife likes me.”

Bernie is a well-known pain in the ass. But look at Hillary. Outside a small circle of paid lackeys, who actually likes her? Or, put another way, after the four decades she’s been in the public eye, who could?

In the trailer for her new movie, Bill Clinton comes off as tellingly tentative on the subject. While they were dating, he says, he told Hillary, “I really want to marry you, but you shouldn’t marry me.”

Sounds like a version of the old line: “It’s not you, it’s me!” or what a guy says when he wants to get rid of his soon-to-be ex-girlfriend and is afraid to come right out with it.

Last fall while promoting her Book of Gutsy Women, Hillary told “Good Morning America,” “I think the gutsiest thing I’ve ever done [is] to stay in my marriage.”

In fact, staying married to Bill and preserving the Clinton brand was the most calculating thing Hillary ever did. She realized she could never succeed in politics as the ex-wife of a former president, so she stuck around.

As things turned out, the Clintons needed each other for their various profit-making schemes, one of which would have been Hillary’s presidency. But failing to win the White House twice, the last time after dodging an indictment for destroying subpoenaed evidence, killed that idea. How much Bill and Hillary knew about FBI and CIA attempts to sabotage the Trump campaign remains to be seen.

The Stop-Bernie Movement

What’s been going on between Hillary and Bernie is no ordinary back and forth between two radical leftists who can’t stand one another. It’s a fight for the survival of the Democratic Party and the longstanding Washington liberal establishment.

Hillary’s attack on Sanders was the opening salvo in a full-fledged stop-Bernie movement. Even Barack Obama is talking about making an anybody-but-Bernie speech.

It’s the same thing that happened four years ago, only nobody knew about it then until the Democratic National Committee’s server was mysteriously hacked, the truth briefly came out, but it was obscured (deliberately) by the Russia collusion hoax.

Could the Hillary-Bernie feud, now entering its final phase, be responsible for everything Obama and the Democratic Party have put the country through for the last four years?

We may soon find out. This time, though, Democrats, once again afraid Bernie might win the nomination, aren’t hiding their concern.

That’s because the party Clinton represented in 2016 has changed. Socialists like Sanders and other extreme elements once on the fringe have taken over the mainstream with dire implications for 2020 and beyond.

While Clinton probably sees a deadlocked convention this summer as her last hope for winning the presidency, she and her sisterhood of the plus-size pantsuits are history. In the eyes of his many Bernie Bros, it’s Sanders, their disheveled Che Guevara, who will lead them down the shining path to socialism.

The Democrats’ long-range game plan called for gradually socializing their party and the country over the next three or four presidential election cycles. Sanders is trying to pull it off in a single five-year plan, progressing beyond progressivism to the very edge of full Communism.

It’s Bernie’s Party

Without being a bona fide Democrat, Sanders virtually has taken over the Democratic Party. His issues are the ones other Democratic candidates must promote. In no particular order, those would be Medicare for All, open borders, free college, college-loan forgiveness, a ban on fracking, eliminating ICE, abortions on demand, voting rights for prisoners, national rent control, phasing out nuclear energy, reparations for slavery, and higher taxes on the rich.

That last item would include Sanders, who lately became a millionaire, thanks, he says, to a lucrative book deal. Not bad for a guy who didn’t draw a steady paycheck until he was elected mayor of Burlington, Vermont, at age 39.

Another issue Bernie supports is Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s (D-N.Y.) multi-trillion-dollar Green New Deal. In return, Ocasio-Cortez and members of her squad have made Sanders their political commissar.

In an interview last year on the nationally syndicated “Breakfast Club” radio program, Bernie told co-hosts Charlamagne tha God and DJ Envy: “We were criticized [in 2016] for being too white. That was a correct criticism. We were criticized for being too male. That was a correct criticism. That’s going to change.”

And it did. Sanders unveiled his new race-and-gender-adjusted campaign in Iowa. When the state’s caucus results were finally tabulated, they showed Bernie was favored by 43 percent of nonwhite Iowans; his closest rival, former South Bend, Indiana Mayor Pete Buttigieg, was preferred by just 15 percent. Noting Bernie’s climb in the polls, the New York Times declared: “Sanders’ surge owes a lot to voters of color.”

If that helps him beat back his rivals, survive a Stop-Bernie effort, and win the nomination when Democrats convene in Milwaukee, he would face off against Donald Trump in November—a race that could set a new record in the history of blowouts.

Sanders has already fractured the Democratic Party. Winning the nomination likely would be the last straw for millions of Democrats still smart enough to be frightened by the thought of a Sanders’ economy.

Picture Donald Trump running for president against an opponent who admires the police-state regimes in Cuba and Venezuela, wants to open U.S. borders to all comers with no questions asked, and then bankrupt the country with the insane Green New Deal.

It’s not hard to imagine the reaction in states and congressional districts benefiting from Trump’s economic policies suddenly confronted with the prospect of the exact opposite happening once Bernie is elected. That’s how landslides get started.

True, a lot can happen at home or abroad between now and Election Day. But a showdown between fiction and reality, socialism and capitalism, Sanders and Trump is exactly what America needs.

Samuel Adams

Has No Life - Lives on TB
So, having a little extra time on my hands, this evening, I looked up “fart joke” in my 1828 Webster’s.

Alongside the brief definition was an unabridged illustration of this year’s entire democratic candidacy.
I was amused, but not really surprised.