…… Italian Roast Beef for Sammies - Question


Neither here nor there.
So OC is asking me what I need to make Italian roast beef, I've got everything in house, and then he throws me a curve ball.

What would happen if you pre-sliced the meat, sandwich thickness, before cooking it?

I think it'd come out dry and chewy.


Btw I plan to cook the arm roast whole, or maybe in three chunks since it's huge.


Neither here nor there.

But I bought some of this stuff a couple weeks ago...

And it's good stuff! Bet it would taste great on roast beef.

Though I also love horse reddish on roast beef too.

That looks tasty! I could divide the roast in half and turn only half of it into Italian roast beef, I love horse radish on my roast beef as well.


TB Fanatic
Many joke about cooking a roast beef like you put in the oven and just as it gets hot pull it out and done.