UNEX Is this true? Video

I am afraid I am more interested in physical phenomena before the prophecy so I am not the person to say whether something is true or not. Others would be more reliable in that area. However, several years ago, some friends from Germany translated and sent me info on a gentleman named "Alois Irlmaier".

I have not had time to check on the net if anything was written in English about him, but I would say his prophecy is general and his past was quite interesting.


centrist member
Basically the point is that everything that happens on the world stage is planned. Planned way in advance and carried out by the controllers.


Membership Revoked
I got that point but I couldn't tell who the good guys are, lol.

I'm glad to see Dubai going under. If it's true. I don't keep up with that kind of stuff. That's Sodom & Gomorrah of the worst kind.


It's happening right before your eyes.

Lyndsey Williams made the predictions about the fall in oil/gas prices back when the prices were sky high. Everything he said is happening. The price of oil fell well below $50. And the oil producers are going bankrupt. Dubai has stopped all their construction projects and workers are leaving the country.

Bob Chapman and Ron Paul are saying the same thing. Ron Paul is saying that the Globalists are holding meetings in secret to develop the New World Financial System, which they will control, because this one is collapsing rapidly. He said this on the Glenn Beck show.

The Globalists have been doing this to third world nations for decades. Now they are doing it on a global scale, to US, Europe and China/Japan.


Lindsey Williams being interviewed by Alex Jones sometime since Obama was elected and possibly this interview was just within the last few days:

~ "Complete dollar collapse within 12 months from now," so that would make it by March '10.

~ "Oil/gas price will stay where it is ~$50/barrel, so don't worry about that."

That's what I heard that was new.




Constitutional Patriot
Many of us have been marginalized and called tinfoil hat wearers and mocked routinely for years for claiming the NWO globalists were going to create a one world monetary/legal system but now that it is actually happening everybody wants to get on the bandwagon. Too bad it's now too late to do anything about it.


Many of us have been marginalized and called tinfoil hat wearers and mocked routinely for years for claiming the NWO globalists were going to create a one world monetary/legal system but now that it is actually happening everybody wants to get on the bandwagon. Too bad it's now too late to do anything about it.

That's the problem with being a hardcore scoffer/skeptic. By the time you get your "proof", it's often too late to make use of the new data.



Lindsey Williams being interviewed by Alex Jones sometime since Obama was elected and possibly this interview was just within the last few days:

~ "Complete dollar collapse within 12 months from now," so that would make it by March '10.

~ "Oil/gas price will stay where it is ~$50/barrel, so don't worry about that."

That's what I heard that was new.



He was interviewed recently. But he was also on several weeks back, when gasoline was $4/gal, saying the same thing. An individual in the oil industry feeds him a lot of info. Williams is mostly interviewed by Dr. Stan Monteith, radioliberty.

You can download/save Williams' interview with Monteith at:
There is an interview for 1/23/09 and 2/26/09
Check out the Bob Chapman interviews while you are there.


Membership Revoked
This is not a personal attack 'Army Girl' . . . but, this is a pet peeve of mine.

Some of us are leary of following blind links. Is there any way you could at least post a synopsis of what the video is about?

Of course, a transcript would be awesome . . . but, I understand it may be a lot to ask.


I agree. And it's not just following blind links. Give a clue in the title. I tend to not bother opening threads if I don't have a clue what it's about. I did yours because it was a video.

Saying what the thread is about in the title is nothing more than forum manners, imo.

And like she said. It's not a personal attack. Just a little vent that guilty people won't pay any attention to.


This article summarizes Williams' predictions and adds more technical detail by Bob Chapman

Bob Chapman comments on Lindsey Williams' predictions
July 28, 2008

Lindsey Williams, who has been an ordained Baptist minister for 28 years, went to Alaska in 1971 as a missionary. The Transalaska oil pipeline began its construction phase in 1974, and because of his concern for the spiritual welfare of the “pipeliners,” Mr. Williams volunteered to serve as Chaplain on the pipeline, with the subsequent full support of the Alyeska Pipeline Company. Because of the executive status accorded to him as Chaplain, he was given access to the information that is documented in his book, “The Energy Non-Crisis,” which shows that peak oil is a scam because our domestic reserves in the North Slope of Alaska alone are at least as large as those in Saudi Arabia and are potentially large enough to power the US with domestic oil for two centuries. Recently this year, due to the sensitive nature of his book, Mr. Williams’ life was threatened and he was forced to shut down his web-site and stop selling his books and CDs. At the urging of Dr. Stanley Monteith of Radio Liberty, he called back the same oil executive who had warned him about the danger he would be in if he continued to disseminate certain information to ask if in fact there was any information that he could in fact convey to the public without upsetting the powers that be. The oil executive, who Mr. Williams had known for years, gave Mr. Williams some startling revelations which he could safely reveal to the general public. As you know, the Illuminati are arrogant enough to reveal some of their plans because they believe there is nothing we can do about it.

Basically, Mr. Williams was told that over the next twelve months, from mid-2008 to mid-2009, (1) news of super giant oil fields, ready to produce, would be announced for two locations, in the Northern Slopes of Russia and in Indonesia, which oil fields would together contain more oil reserves than the entire Middle East; (2) that this news would drive oil prices down to $50/barrel; (3) that OPEC countries, especially in the Middle East, would be bankrupted by this price decrease; (4) that this would cause the financing of our foreign trade and current account deficits through purchases of treasury paper by foreign nations with their surplus oil profits to collapse, leading to the collapse of the dollar; (5) that the collapse of the dollar would cause unprecedented financial strife and turmoil in the US, and that it would take many years for the US to recover from this financial debacle; (6) that they (big oil) support John McCain for President; and (7) that US domestic oil reserves would never be tapped, and that any legislation which might allow domestic reserves to be tapped would not be allowed to pass, leaving the US dependent on foreign oil forever.

News of the Russian oil field has been announced just as predicted, but whether the rest happens as stated above remains to be seen. Nevertheless, many of these revelations seem quite feasible, so we thought we would comment on how these revelations might play out under the current financial scenario.

(Read entire article at link)


Time Traveler
That's the problem with being a hardcore scoffer/skeptic. By the time you get your "proof", it's often too late to make use of the new data.

Scoffer/skeptics seem to shoot themselves in the foot on a regular basis, why then wouldn't they begin to wonder if their formula is not the best and do something to change it? :D

Skepticism is healthy if you aren't stubbornly entrenched in an idea regardless of evidence.


Veteran Member
I don't know if it's the music, but that video is quite scary. I guess the NWO is coming no matter what.