PREP Introducing the M-BOB and The BOMB

Reasonable Rascal

Veteran Member
Just a quick announcement to let folks know there are 2 brand new medical bag builds just completed and being offered:

The M-BOB (Medical Bug Out Bag) and the BOMB (Basic Operations Medical Bag).

Check out the Prepper Medical Stuff thread in the Swaps and Sales forum.

Larger of versions of both are in the works but are awaiting resupply of a few essentials like eye pads and a few other small items.

These bags are conceived, designed and built here in the US. They are not Chinese filled products masquerading as the 'ultimate' survival kit or IFAK. As much as practical name brand products are used, including Persys Medical (Israeli bandage people), Carabiner Shears, Rescue Essentials, Szctklink, Waterjel and others.

They are customer inspired units designed and built to fulfill a need, especially in light of the changing times. Quantities are limited owing to ongoing supply issues, which we are working hard to resolve. Current offerings are at introductory pricing, which may change depending on future resupply costs.
