WAR Info from NOT normally a Doomer -=- Cdr Salamander's latest with a link to his Naval Intel Blog.

night driver

ESFP adrift in INTJ sea
Disintegrative Phase II is Nigh

Disintegrative Phase II is Nigh

This is going to be a hell of a decade or two.

If you are in a big city, get out.

If you are in a lot of debt, get out.

If you find yourself in a large crowd, get out.

If you are in a career that is in decline, get out.

If you have your kids in bad public schools, get out.

Get ready.

If we're wrong, you'll be fine. If we're right, you'll be in a place to help yourself and others.

More good news over at USNIBlog.

Come on over; clothes to rend and teeth to gnash not included. <<< Link to his USNI Blog


Veteran Member
the graph owes us one inch on the right and twenty years to get to now...…. 'feels' self serving...… and preaching to the crowd......


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Why is this happening? Tell me.
Just my opinion...

Diversity is not your friend. We have too many illegal aliens here. We have too many minority "refugees" here. We have too many moslems (more than one) here. We have allowed the college/university professors to preach left wing ideals that are the antithesis to our Constitution. We have allowed the leftists to have a voice.

This country was set up by Northern Europeans who believed in education and self discipline. It just doesn't work when spoiled by third world pukes and socialists.

It was a beautiful dream that culminated with us going to the moon. Sadly, we didn't get to Mars and on to the galaxy. We could have, but the Lilliputians dragged us back into their filth and corruption.

Now, we have to arm up, prep and get ready to kill the low life pukes who ruined the dream of mankind heading for the stars. They can't understand that. Their IQ's are in double digits.


Membership Revoked
The famous Ferfal (Argentine SHTF survivor and author) had a nice section on how it is going to be now:

"(I) remembered the exact moment when I realized along with several other people, not only that TSHTF (that we all knew) but that the world we once new no longer existed, and that this was not a hurricane, this was an ice age period, it wouldn’t just go away.

We understood it the same way a kid understands photosynthesis: Because a teacher coldly explained it to us, even used graphics. I slept 5 hours yesterday, 2 hours the day before yesterday. Saturday night I didn’t sleep at all. I’m already used to it. Deadlines at the University, staying late at night, drawing in CAD 3D, waiting until Renders are ready. It’s a competitive world out there, and no one sympathizes with what you are going through, they just want you to perform as expected, and the standard is always high. It happened 4 years ago, almost a year after the December 2001 crisis. It was a social studies class and this teacher, don’t remember if it was a he or a she, was explaining the different kinds of social pyramids. God! Now I remember more! We even had a text book with those darn, cruel pyramids! The first pyramid explained the basic society. A pyramid with two horizontal lines, dividing those on top (high social class) those in the middle (middle class) and the bottom of the pyramid (the poor, proletarian). The teacher explained that the middle of the pyramid, the middle class, acted as a cushion between the rich and the poor, taking care of the social stress. The second pyramid had a big middle section, this was the pyramid that represents 1st world countries. I which the bottom is very thin and arrows show that there is a possibility to go from low to middle class, and from middle to the top of the social pyramid. Our teacher explained that this was the classic, democratic capitalist society, and that on countries such as Europeans one, socialists, the pyramid was very similar but a little more flat, meaning that here is a big middle section, middle class, and small high and low class. There is little difference between the three of them.

The third pyramid showed the communist society. Where arrows from the low and middle class tried to reach the top but they bounced off the line. A small high society and one big low society, cushioned by a minimal middle class section of pyramid. Then we turned the page and saw the darned fourth pyramid. This one had arrows from the middle class dropping to the low, poor class.

“What is this?” Some of us asked.

The teacher looked at us. “This is us”

“It’s the collapsed country, a country that turns into 3rd world country like in pyramid five where there is almost no middle class to speak, one huge low, poor class , and a very small, very rich, top class.”

“What are those arrows that go from the middle to the bottom of the pyramid?” Someone asked.

You could hear a pin drop. “That is middle class turning into poor”.

I won’t lie, no one cried, though people rubbed their faces, held their heads and their breath.

No one cried, but we all knew at that very moment that all we thought, all we took for granted, simply was not going to happen.

“You see, the income from the middle class is not enough to function as middle class any more. Some from the top class fall to middle class, but the vast majority of the middle class turns into poor” Said the teacher.

I don’t know how many people in that room suddenly understood that he/she was poor.

The teacher continued “You see, we have a middle class that suddenly turns to poor, creating a society of basically poor people, there is no more middle class to cushion tensions any more. Middle class suddenly discovers that they are overqualified for the jobs they can find and have to settle for anything they can obtain, there for unemployment sky rockets, too much to offer, too little demand. You see they prepare, study for a job they are not going to get. You kids, you are studying Architecture because you simply wish to do so. Only 3 or 4 percent of you will actually find a job related to architecture.”

We all sat there, letting it all sink in. After a few months, it all proved to be true. Even the amount of students that dropped out of college increased to at least 50%. They either so no point in studying something that would not make much of a difference in their future salaries, had no money to keep themselves in college, or simply had to drop college to work and support their families.

Someone once said, in this forum, that if this had happened in USA, the social unrest would have been much worse, because people from S. America are stronger. At first, I told him that I didn’t think so, I said that all humans adapt when they have no other choice. But now that I consider it more, maybe he was right. Not that S. Americans are stronger, but they are more used to adversities. Most of us are children from grandparents that escaped civil war, either in Spain or dictators in Italy, our parents survived the dirty war, even more dictators, and therefore their children are of strong character too. Can USA citizens survive what we survived? Of course they can, though I think that there are too many that are not like you, many that don’t prepare, and take everything for granted. Those are the ones that will be responsible for the increase in the social unrest once the SHTF, those that were too lazy to take care of themselves before the SHTF, or that had gone soft through out the years, believing that the government will “take care of them because they pay their taxes”. But in the end, they will pull through. People will adapt, they always do. You’d be surprised. And those that don’t want to adapt to the new reality they live in, will die young, thus cleaning the gene pool and ensuring the continuity of the specie. It’s been this way for thousands of years."


Carrying the mantle of doubt
Why is this happening? Tell me.
It's called revolution for a reason. Humans have gone thru these cycles countless times since we crawled out of caves and started living in larger societies. It's a phenomena that has been studied, some claim to understand it, yet the wheel keeps turning over and over.

Of all the species on this planet, humans have the broadest span of intelligence, and while we can and have achieved wondrous heights, we're still bound by our instinctive vices. You can take the primate out of the cave, but you can't take the cave out of the primate.
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Veteran Member
Told DW on the way home from the PO today - it's tough prepping for war, famine, plague and economic collapse all at the same time.

I don't know about that......Those are all prepped for in the same manner. Except for adding CBRN gear/cleaning capabilities for plague and war, the preps are all the same:

1. Locate yourself in a place with a level of safety and security you can accept
2. Build community with Kith and Kin
3. Acquire preps of food, first aid/heath gear, security implements, and tools
4. Learn skills to replace stores for the long term and safeguard your community
5. Cultivate the mindset of a SURVIVOR in yourself and those around you/ Embrace the Suck.
6. Always be working to better yourself and your position

Remember Stuff is nice, Skills are nicer. Everyone HAS TO EAT.
Congrats, you are prepped for everything.