infected gums?


Veteran Member
My DH has a bad case of infected gums. He needs a root canel too but cant get it fixed for another month or so. Any ideas on treating the gums/heal them so they dont bleed? He has been on 10 days of mexican bought amoxicillian but no result.


Veteran Member
I'm a big fan of echinacea for this.

Google infected gums and herbal medicine for other ideas. And people will pop in here with other herbal ideas.

For regular medicine, see a doctor or dentist. Different problems call for different antibiotics. Dosages vary. Unless you know what you're doing, self treatment with antibiotics is a crap shoot.


Veteran Member
Goldenseal is known as an effective treatment for gum disease. Google "goldenseal for gum disease" and you will find out how to use it as well as much more information.


TB Fanatic
My dentista got on a kick once that I had pockets of infection, needed surgery & all that. I started flossing every night and using one of those little things you insert between the teeth to massage the gums and they healed in a week or so. No bleeding, etc.

I would start there (simple) and work out. If you don't keep the bacteria population down you won't get anywhere with it. OH! Also drink water constantly if at all possible. Anything with sugar in it will hamper efforts. IF you drink something with sugar then try brushing the teeth every 4 hours and see if that doesn't help. I swear by the gum stimulation "method". Good luck.


An awful lot of mouth problems seem to respond very well to simple salt water rinses. Just add a teaspoon or so of table salt (sea salt might well be better if you can get it) to 1 cup of very warm water, and swish it around in the mouth. Hold it for 10-20 seconds on the side which is most affected (or simply do it several times to get the whole mouth treated) and then spit it out. You can rinse, or not, as your preference dictates.

Comfrey tea, steeped for 20-30 minutes and then used in the same way (and if you use a tea bag, you can tuck it against the affected part of the gums) may help. It's amazingly good for getting cells to regenerate and tissue to heal.

Goldenseal is antiseptic and antibiotic. It may help. Yarrow tea may help with the bleeding... we use powdered yarrow herb (the flowering tops) when someone cuts themselves shaving... it's also antiseptic.

If the amoxicillin hasn't helped in 10 days, discontinue it and get him on a good probiotic.



Tell him to cut all forms of sugar from his diet until this clears up. Sugar will feed the bacteria. If you can afford it, Walmart sells a water pic that he can put peroxide in,($30.00) that will get under the gum line. His gums will bleed like crazy for a day or two when he does this, then they will clear up completely.
Good luck.


Veteran Member
Comfrey tea, steeped for 20-30 minutes and then used in the same way (and if you use a tea bag, you can tuck it against the affected part of the gums) may help. It's amazingly good for getting cells to regenerate and tissue to heal.

I'd be afraid of sealing an infection in and driving it deeper. Isn't comfrey famous for that?

Goldenseal. Good stuff. But I've no experience with it for gum infections.

The salt water and the peroxide didn't work for me, but it did for many others. Same with the water pic.

All that worked for me was a pile of extractions, a few root canals and excellent dentures. My problems were particular and unusual in that the gum problems could only be cured by removing the teeth. When I had a mouthful of teeth, I'd not heard of herbs, just the salt water, peroxide and water pic, flossing.

parsonwife, I hope your husband gets relief. A decent dentist should be able to help him out with the infection

Echinacea will boost the immune system. Goldenseal is good for getting rid of nasties. Hit the vitamins.

Here's a link to a blog post by an herbalist who used monarda tincture for a gum infection.


I had an infected tooth and what I used that seemed to help the most was ground cloves - I would wet a cotton ball and put them on it, and place in the mouth next to that tooth. It eased the pain and seem to draw the swelling out of it. I have had a dry socket before and that is part of what they packed it with. Hope this helps.