CHAT In response to questions ...


Preferred pronouns: dude/bro
McLean, VA and CIA HQ are neighbors. And yes the place can be rather spooky. But there's also a ton of Arabs living in McLean too (Iranians for the most part-rich ones).
Interesting tidbit. There's an Exxon gas station 1/4 mile from the CIA main entrance. And it's run by Arabs-Ethiopians, a couple of Pakistanis I've seen at the counter, etc. I wonder who they're working for-the place is a full service station and always looks busy from the amount of cars outside. But if you look inside the bays there's very little mechanicing going on. Bathrooms there are spotlessly clean too. That's not a norm for Arab owned businesses; cleaning bathrooms is "beneath them".

Usually that's a sign of a woman owned business.


Veteran Member
Looking at the date this thread started, how did we do? Look at what we learned by doing. Get ready for more but don't worry. You got this.
I was looking back on my Facebook posts from earlier this year. In January I shared the recipe for Elderberry Syrup because I told my followers that I was concerned about coronavirus and I just wanted them to be prepared. Many people thought I was paranoid. The only reason I was so prepared was because of the information we all shared here on TB2K. So, I agree - with all of your help, we do have this!!!!


Panic Sex Lady
The first link is October 8, 2020. It's easy to read. The second link is to a research abstract. The third link is to a news article related to the abstract.

Monkeypox - GIDEON - Global Infectious Diseases and Epidemiology Online Network Monkeypox - GIDEON - Global Infectious Diseases and Epidemiology Online Network

Asymptomatic Orthopoxvirus Circulation in Humans in the Wake of a Monkeypox Outbreak among Chimpanzees in Cameroon - PubMed



Panic Sex Lady
Helen, is this possibly connected? Do we have monkeypox and not Covid?

I have no idea. I've seen speculation from laypeople. You wouldn't have to mix bugs. The hospitals are stressed already. Any regular flu bug can overwhelm them. I'm betting any pox news is just hyped up. You have to be in physical contact to get pox.

Except that article mentioned finding pox virus on flies. That's nasty.


Panic Sex Lady
Raising the dead thread for your doomer delight.

You can be legally forced to take the monkeypox vaccine in the first article.

And... there is another monkeypox vaccine in development atTonix Pharmaceuticals. Long article should give you goosebumps. Lotsa money, honey.

And... media begins the U.S. fear factory in the third article. Note the traveler declared a horn from Africa. They searched and found something he didn't declare. And they let him go.





Pride comes before the fall.....Pride month ended.
Yes, Helen is a woman ahead of her a free love sixtys sort of way. Funny how wet pantys can be the results of two ends of the spectrums of life. Sex n doom....boom n doom. I’ll go for more boom boom, then doom doom. Seems the powers that be relish both.
Hat tip for your timing on this, a good example of the value within....pantys or not.
What do “we” have in our toolkit to handle smallpox, besides isolation? Any reason to think HCQ or IVM would have any effect? Elderberry, Thieves Oil, any ideas? I know doxycycline will handle anthrax and a number of other bacterial bioweapons.


Panic Sex Lady
What do “we” have in our toolkit to handle smallpox, besides isolation? Any reason to think HCQ or IVM would have any effect? Elderberry, Thieves Oil, any ideas? I know doxycycline will handle anthrax and a number of other bacterial bioweapons.

It's monkeypox, not smallpox. The smallpox vaccine works for both. Kids are more likely to die of monkeypox than older people.

CDC website says monkeypox prevention includes hand washing and social distancing. It can spread by coughing or sneezing, so masks again. There is no question you have it, no asymptomatic cases. It will scar you and can blind you. It takes weeks to get well.

This disease is coming. Just look at all the money being poured into vaccines for it. But with all the vaccines, why is it common in Africa?


The Great Cat
Didn't gates come up with some new vision of pox vaccine that was trialed in Africa with disasters results?

Sorry I haven't read the articles yet. Need a glass o wine first methinks
It's monkeypox, not smallpox. The smallpox vaccine works for both. Kids are more likely to die of monkeypox than older people.

CDC website says monkeypox prevention includes hand washing and social distancing. It can spread by coughing or sneezing, so masks again. There is no question you have it, no asymptomatic cases. It will scar you and can blind you. It takes weeks to get well.

This disease is coming. Just look at all the money being poured into vaccines for it. But with all the vaccines, why is it common in Africa?
Haven‘t read the whole thread yet.


Pride comes before the fall.....Pride month ended.
Seems fitting to go with some strawberry in a bottle as well. Perhaps pop the lid on some cherry too..
go big.


TB Fanatic
It's monkeypox, not smallpox. The smallpox vaccine works for both. Kids are more likely to die of monkeypox than older people.

CDC website says monkeypox prevention includes hand washing and social distancing. It can spread by coughing or sneezing, so masks again. There is no question you have it, no asymptomatic cases. It will scar you and can blind you. It takes weeks to get well.

This disease is coming. Just look at all the money being poured into vaccines for it. But with all the vaccines, why is it common in Africa?

They can't afford the vaccines?

Considering the highly unusual spread of the current make-n-model, I'm wondering if it's been "monkeyed with" in the labs.

Or, is it possible that this world wide outbreak was merely the result of highly-promiscuous sex tourism partying?

Or is it possible that someone recognized that was the best way to 'seed' their product here, there, and everywhere?
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Veteran Member
Africa use to be the choice "lab" testing but it's ubiquitous now. Since all the medias (msm) lie who believes them about anything??? The doom porn is strong globally.


TB Fanatic
Africa use to be the choice "lab" testing but it's ubiquitous now. Since all the medias (msm) lie who believes them about anything??? The doom porn is strong globally.

So many different issues, too.

War, Pestilence, Famine(projected), mass unchecked immigration kicked into high gear, 'Gain of Function', ...