INTL In Progress: One Health Summit in Davos, Switzerland

There was much ta-do about the Davos Economic Forum a couple of weeks ago. But I am not hearing anyone talk about the One Health Summit going on at Davos, Switzerland right now. It will change everyone's life and make the economic forum at Davos look like a cake-walk.

In a few minutes I will be posting the highlights of the grand opening which happened yesterday. Provocative statements such as the link between man and animal first occurred in Babylonia. When I think of chimera creatures I think of Egypt or Greece but not much of Babylonia. Are they reaching up towards the heavens again?

My website has a flurry of hits on the bulls-eye. I wondered why. I no longer have to wonder....the logos One Health is putting forth a various bulls-eye formats.

Back in 1999, down in Florida the Tropical Epidemiological Society had a conference. The title of it was: Tropical Diseases (now novel and spontaneous) in the context of the New World Order. Obaaama just issued an Executive Order last week calling for support for his International Sustainable Order, AKA-New World Order. There will be more EO's coming forth as this proceeds.

From the trenches of liberty,


Time Traveler
Back in 1999, down in Florida the Tropical Epidemiological Society had a conference. The title of it was: Tropical Diseases (now novel and spontaneous) in the context of the New World Order. Obaaama just issued an Executive Order last week calling for support for his International Sustainable Order, AKA-New World Order. There will be more EO's coming forth as this proceeds.

Was there any threads on this with more detail? If so I missed them.

The bullseye reminds me of the bite of a brown recluse spider, I wonder if they've managed to do some DNA splicing with the venom or if they are the aggressor and we are the targets? I just looked at the One Health sites and find this interesting:

One Health Initiative will unite human and veterinary medicine

The One Health Initiative is a movement to forge co-equal, all inclusive collaborations between physicians, osteopaths, veterinarians, dentists, nurses and other scientific-health and environmentally related disciplines, including the American Medical Association, American Veterinary Medical Association, the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), and the U.S. National Environmental Health Association (NEHA). Additionally, more than 600 prominent scientists, physicians and veterinarians worldwide have endorsed the initiative.

SCARY carp for sure!!!


On TB every waking moment
California already has tied its "health in all policies" or HiAP initiative with its Strategic Growth Council (Climate Change and Sustainable Development.) The two are to be implementaed by all California agencies and any Counties they can exthort through bullying and grant money.

CA Health in All Policies Task Force
Health in All Policies HiAP Task Force Report to the Strategic Growth Council;
Recommended Priorities;
Strategic Plan (Sustainable Communities)
NRDC Climate change threat to health maps
Threads on which item?

One Health

Bulls Eye


Presidential Executive Order-International Sustainable Order

I can provide documentation on whichever you are interested in. I do not know of any threads covering this although my website has covered this topic for years.

The programs is actually much bigger than just One Health. One Health is just a cog in a bigger wheel. It is even bigger than Agenda 21 although I think that would more closely sum it up.

When I was talking about VS 2015 that is why it is critical to try to wrap your mind around it because it integrates:

humans, animals, environment, economic, and societal, as you mentioned climate change, etc... plus a whole lot more like the UN civil-military integrating and supporting.



On TB every waking moment
The Integrated Resource Management concept was introduced in the US by the Army Corps:

There are now IRWMs for water all over California. I know, I sit on one regional council and constantly fight regionalization and the policies they are trying to move down to local government from the state level.

2010 Army Corps of Engineers: Achieving Environmental Sustainability (2010) The project contributes to Corps acheivement of environmental sustainability. Specific outputs facilitating the benefit include 1) an issues management framework for sustainabiity improvement, 2) a new metric for measuring environmental benefit, 3) new sustainability definitions and statements of principle, 4) new assessment USACE sustainability status, 5) recommendations for policy changes, 6) performance indicators for measuring sustainability achievement, 7) a conceptual basis for a focused research and development plan, 8) Integrated Resource Management and collaborative planning 9) a watershed-based regional systems approach to resource management planning, and 10) a systems approach to individual project planning, 11) an assessment of freshwater species sustainability status;

Shared Vision Plannig;

Sustainable Rivers Projects - U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and The Nature Conservancy partnership;

The State of Water (powerpoint) http://www.building-collaboration-f...lanning%20CoP%20Conference_Stockton_May10.pdf

Army Corps Institute for Water Resources (IWR) Signs Agreement with UNESCO Center in the Dominican Republic The IWR "hosts" the International Center for Integrated Water Resources Management (ICIWaRM). ICIWaRM is a United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) “Category 2” Center—an institution “under the auspices of UNESCO” but operated by the host country. ICIWaRM was officially created by an agreement between the U.S. Government and UNESCO in October 2009. Chapter 18 of Agenda 21 requires that all States implement integrated watershed management plans "for the protection and conservation of the potential sources of freshwater supply, including … protection of mountain slopes and riverbanks and other relevant development and conservation activities.” The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) states that integrated water resources management (IWRM) should be the “instrument to explore adaptation measures to climate change.”

According to the Global Water Partnership, IWRM development and management of water, land, and related resources, in order to maximize the resultant economic and social welfare in an equitable manner without compromising the sustainability of vital ecosystems.” IWRM strategies are based on the four Dublin Principles presented at the World Summit in Rio de Janeiro in 1992.: Fresh water is a finite and vulnerable resource, essential to sustain life, development and the environment. Water development and management should be based on a participatory approach, involving users, planners and policy-makers at all levels. Women play a central part in the provision, management and safeguarding of water.Water is a public good and has a social and economic value in all its competing uses. Powerpts:

Moving National Direction Toward a Sustainable Water Future; http://www.building-collaboration-f.../AWRAStocktonBackgroundSlides26Jun11Final.pdf

Federal Support Toolbox for IWRM;

Climate Change and Water Resources Management: A federal perspective

Lots more here:
Yea...I know...but is was more than just in California. Sadly, many years ago I was in WA during a flood event and was present in the emergency operation center when a man called in wanting to save his property from a flood. He did not give his name or phone number. A few minutes after his call, out from the black room, came a satellite shots showing every single rock-bush-water (the size of a dime) in high def on his property. This is long before they said there were satellites watching everything and everyone. The long and short was, it was the first time ever that we had to tell the man he could not save his property..for the *fish* you see. And usace, could not do their flood fight the normal way, they had to change their op plan. From then on it has been all down hill.


Be Well

may all be well
I looked at your site but cannot find a link directly to the One Health site, I'd like to pass it along.
Here is the Monday wrap up for One Heath Davos:

The summary of Mondays presentations were divided into four main topics:

Adding Value to One Health,

Management by creation and selling of Zoonoses (diseases that cross between animal and man) to the public-at-large,

UN Coordination (including a civil-military) for the avian and pandemic influenza,

Breaking the barrier of the Breath of Life through Chronic and Respiratory Diseases. One billion people now have allergies or asthma and the numbers are going up. I wonder why????

From deep in the trenches of the food fight for liberty,
One Health Davos Tuesday Proceedings

Today is Tuesday the 21th and the One Health Summit is going deep into Agenda 21, Climate Change and ouu-ahhh- Health Security, the newest security that we need to be fearful of (not). The false prophets of One Health link climate change with exotic and novel diseases know these dangerous pathogens, zoonotic or not are created in local bioweapon facilities. Since they have created the problem, want to respond to the disaster or crisis, and have the solution we know for sure that this is classic Hegelian Dialectic.

Wait till you see tomorrows finale with call to action, WOW!

Deep in the trenches of liberty,


Be Well

may all be well
Thank you, I am passing on this info to others.

ETA - are these proceedings found also on the One Health site? I need the actual source links when sending the info to others. Thanks (obviously I am a tech idiot; I didn't see these proceedings things on the O.H. site but maybe just didn't look hard enough.)
If there are any techie people I have a few "comics" from the One Health Summit. They are laughing at taking over and destroying the world. I know this isn't new news but to see them make fun of it is sick.


Summaries from the Plenary Sessions 2, 3, 4 with some interesting things like: "livestock production may be inhumane, for many small farmers it is a way out of the poverty trap". And the UN is going to help the poor rural farmer create wealth....yeah right.

There are videos are various sessions but I do not know how to embed them and my webmaster has some other things he must do.


Oy, what propaganda...


Includes Plenary 5-8 and a summary of the closing and Call to Action, although the formal Call to Action has not been released that I can find.

These sessions include: climate change, environmental health, food safety, health security, global change, the parts that Red Cross/Red Crescent play, and urban health. economics, scalar (dual meaning). Between last night and this morning all the power-points disappeared. They are on slideshare somewhere... I will have to look later.

From the trenches of liberty,
Ummmm.... we have Bayer Corp circling around the One Health Davos coverage like a doubt wringing their hands with glee in anticipation of increased their pharmaceutical Final Solution (depopulation) profits....
