WTF?!? I Now Know For a FACT Ted Cruz Can Not Be Trusted


Veteran Member
(I sure hope this thread ends up in the politics room where I THINK I posted it :confused: )

I watched the CNN Presidential Candidate's Town Hall last night.

I saw Ted Cruz again...with my own eyes and ears...deliberately distort/lie about Trump's stands on some of the issues in order to win over Trump supporters.

I wish Trump would sue Cruz, just to show the unknowing public that Ted Cruz is a LIAR by the use of half truths. What would Cruz do in the White House!? I hate to even think about it! I could never believe a word he said.

For instance......
Talk about dirty low down politicians! Lately, I have seen Cruz, using distorted words to make it look as if Donald Trump supports Planned Parenthood performing ABORTIONS! But Cruz KNOWS, Trump said there are parts of PP that do some good things for women, but that HE WOULD NOT SUPPORT PP funded for the abortion side of the organization. Cruz LIED by knowingly distorting the truth.

The way Cruz misled the people by deliberately distorting the truth was there for all to see.



Veteran Member
Let us not forget that Cruz aligned himself with Trump until the NBC issue blew up. That's why many of us were thinking we could support Cruz if something happened to Trump. Then he let his deceitful plan to give Trump and Carson "hugs and love" in order to gain their supporters.

Cruz is a snake.

Be Well

may all be well
Let us not forget that Cruz aligned himself with Trump until the NBC issue blew up. That's why many of us were thinking we could support Cruz if something happened to Trump. Then he let his deceitful plan to give Trump and Carson "hugs and love" in order to gain their supporters.

Cruz is a snake.

Cruz is revealing himself to be perfectly odious in every way. I think he will have ruined any political future for himself, including his Senate seat, by the time this is over. Then he can go into the preacher profession like Dad.