WAR I Never Thought Myself A ‘Hater’ — UNTIL BIDEN!


Veteran Member
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I Never Thought Myself A ‘Hater’ — UNTIL BIDEN!

I have never considered myself to be what the Left calls a ‘hater’ — until now. No, it’s not Biden, per say, but the whole of the American Left — down to the lowliest Democrat voter! Here’s why.

The Left has never listened to the Right when the Right tried to warn them about the result of the ‘liberal’ policies for which they and their ‘representatives’ advocated. And, nearly every time, the history has proven the Right, right. At the very least, this means that the Left cannot see reality for what it is. At worse, it means the Left knows it is lying, it just doesn’t care: it will do anything to rule the world. Well, until now, I had held-out the possibility that the Left was just ignorant — but no more! With this last election, I now know — know — the Left is evil.

And by that, I mean everyone on the Left — everyone — down to the least of their supporters.

Before I share what finally pushed me over the edge, let me list a few things that support my assertion that the Right has been correct in its warnings:

The Media
Climate Change: This has been around for nearly a century now, and the predictions have never — not once — proven correct. It started with warming, then it changed to cooling, then back to warming and, now, they just call it ‘climate change.’ But the fact — fact — remains that the doom-Sayers have never — not once — been proven correct and this is the absolute, demonstrable truth!

Oil: The Left has always insisted that oil is a finite resource and that the U.S. could never be energy-independent. Well, we now know that oil seems to replenish itself and President Trump has helped the oil industry prove that the U.S. has always been capable of becoming energy independent — just the way the Right said it could be.

Minimum Wage: The right warned that it would destroy jobs and businesses — and it has! We used to have people who would check your oil, air up your tires and pump your gas. We had people who would deliver your groceries; people who would operate the elevator for you, and the list goes on, but those jobs were all lost with the first minimum wage — just as the Right said they would be. Now, we have a nation-wide, $15/hr minimum wage being forced on the nation and one need look no farther than the North-West to see that it has destroyed jobs, especially in the food service industry — just the way the Right said it would!

Obamacare: Obama lied when he said he was going to save people money and let them keep their doctors. History has absolutely proven this to be a demonstrable fact — just the way the Right said it would!

Mask Mandates and Lock-Downs: We now have a flood of studies that all prove — prove, as in establish as a matter of fact — that the masks and lock-downs do not stop the virus. In fact, many of the studies have proven the masks cause additional health problems and deaths that could otherwise have been avoided. And the lock-downs are destroying jobs. All of this is — just the way the Right said it would be!

Folks, everything — every last word — of what I just said is absolutely, ‘scientifically’ provable fact! It is not opinion, and any claim to the contrary is asserted in direct contradiction to objective reality. In common language, anyone who disagrees with me on these points is either woefully ignorant or delusional! Now, let’s look at what has finally put me over the edge where the evil on the Left is concerned.
The following is a partial list of the stories that have pushed me over the edge accompanied by a short comment. I will not bother to explain my comment or offer support. I’m tired of wasting time doing that. The Right doesn’t need explanation because it knows I am correct, and the Left never accepts reality, so why bother offering them proof? As I said, it is a waste of time. So, here is the most important part of why I have lost any and all patience with the Left:

Biden deputy chief of staff touted ‘mandatory buybacks’ of assault weapons
OK, aside from the fact that this is unconstitutional, this is what every tyrant in history has done before they become openly evil: they always disarm the People! This is so the People cannot resist the evil that follows. None of the excuses the Left gives for this tyranny are valid. They have all been proven to be lies — many times. This is just an open push to disarm the People so they can exercise their control without fear of effective opposition. Anyone who support that is my enemy — anyone — period!

Republican election officials threatened during Zoom call for refusing to certify Michigan results

Affidavits Alleging Voter Fraud Accuse Poll Workers of Wearing Black Lives Matter Clothing

There are literally dozens of these sort of stories. In Michigan, a Republican poll worker’s children were publicly exposed (i.e. ‘doxed’). Let me say this clear and strong: these are threats! This is terrorism! These people should be treated accordingly!
Then there is this. If you need more convincing, then watch it — all of it. Then tell me you think there is no threat to you and your family; this country; and to the liberty of all of Mankind in what is coming.

View: https://youtu.be/yRoO10kDtkg

RT 48:00

I have and can never have anything in common with people like this. They are my enemies — by their own declaration and actions, not mine. They are also enemies of the rights and liberties of Man. They are lawless agents of chaos. In short, they are evil: enemies of God. If they are allowed to prevail, the world will plunge into a darkness like nothing Man has ever seen — ever! Again, not my opinion, but the logical extension of what they say they intend to do. Well, I swore an oath to protect the country from them, and that oath is still in place and in force. Therefore, I now have a clearly defined enemy: an enemy whose words and actions identify them as:

“A Clear and Present Danger to the U.S. Constitution!”

Kathy in FL

Minimum Wage: The right warned that it would destroy jobs and businesses — and it has! We used to have people who would check your oil, air up your tires and pump your gas. We had people who would deliver your groceries; people who would operate the elevator for you, and the list goes on, but those jobs were all lost with the first minimum wage — just as the Right said they would be. Now, we have a nation-wide, $15/hr minimum wage being forced on the nation and one need look no farther than the North-West to see that it has destroyed jobs, especially in the food service industry — just the way the Right said it would!

The effect of this has been minimized up to this point. How? Because of the stupid lockdowns and "covid relief" mandates and dollars. Because the reality is that many of the jobs that were lost will NOT be coming back. The idiots in the unions haven't figured that out yet, but they will. They've created their own destruction.

Kathy in FL

Obamacare: Obama lied when he said he was going to save people money and let them keep their doctors. History has absolutely proven this to be a demonstrable fact — just the way the Right said it would!

As soon as it no longer was mandatory a lot of people that were supposed to benefit from Ocare dropped out. Cost of insurance increased dramatically with that piece of used TP that you had to read to know what was in it.


Veteran Member
I intend to resist, any way I can. Overload the system anyway you can. Flood the government agencies with request for information and apply for any benefits you legally can. Vote against them at every opportunity. Delay any payments to the government until the last minute.

After that, all options are on the table. I know it might be too late to resist within the system, but we must try. I'm not going to be an Army of One, even though that might be the only way to get results. I'm not going to join any armed group, where half the members are Feds. Conditions might change, where I'll have the to reconsider my path forward. At my age, the downside is not as much of a deterrent.

Kathy in FL

I don't "hate" because it is physically, mentally, and spiritually destructive. Why give the enemy the advantage? However, I have found greater and greater motivation. My resolve has turned to steel. I've gotten hard and that is a much better weapon than hate in my opinion. Hate implies they have some emotional power over me and I will not give them that.


Res ipsa loquitur
I don't "hate" because it is physically, mentally, and spiritually destructive. Why give the enemy the advantage? However, I have found greater and greater motivation. My resolve has turned to steel. I've gotten hard and that is a much better weapon than hate in my opinion. Hate implies they have some emotional power over me and I will not give them that.

I LOVE THIS - get hard as a diamond people - the time to fight back is HERE and its RFN




Obamacare: Obama lied when he said he was going to save people money and let them keep their doctors. History has absolutely proven this to be a demonstrable fact — just the way the Right said it would!

As soon as it no longer was mandatory a lot of people that were supposed to benefit from Ocare dropped out. Cost of insurance increased dramatically with that piece of used TP that you had to read to know what was in it.
Yup, before zero care we could even get double covered even, now there all kinds of road blocks or charges involved.
They literally caused problems and didn't solve a thing.


Veteran Member
WOW. hope this dont come out wrong, but Im starting to understand how the dems felt when Trump won, I see this here and on other sites I got to.


almost exactly what the libs did 4 years ago.

BUT. Trump didnt go after the libs. he didnt sign orders to go after them, he didnt plan to hurt them,


Veteran Member
Gun “buy back”. How can they buy back guns they did not sell to me or provide to me? The only weapons I ever got from the government were turned in at the arms room when I transferred to a new duty station and when I retired from the US Army.

When they come to your door and ask for your guns, do not lie to them and say that you do not have guns. They will arrest you for lying to the police or to a Federal agent if they later find a gun and then they will take the gun(s) anyway. Better to say nothing. Do not voluntarily allow them to enter your home unless they have a warrant. Make the call to your lawyer in front of them even if you do not have a lawyer. Make it sound like you have a lawyer. Do not make their job easy. Make them doubt. A smart phone in your shirt pocket on Record wouldn’t hurt. Offer them a warm cookie with ExLax chocolate chips.


Veteran Member
Obamacare: Obama lied when he said he was going to save people money and let them keep their doctors. History has absolutely proven this to be a demonstrable fact — just the way the Right said it would!

Just wait until they force single payer health care on us and don't forget about the green new deal crap. This should kill the economy in no time when fully enforced. Good times....NOT!


TB Fanatic
What a fine speech.
A day late and a dollar short. Conservatives, "the right", knew this day was coming for a long time.
You cannot vote your way out of socialism. And there is nothing you can do economically to alter the course because with the 4 trillion dollar stimulus and the economic consensus on Magical Monetary Theory they can stimulate the economy to infinity.

I'll give you an example. I had to stay at a Holiday Inn Express last week. I arrived late. When I pulled in to the front, I notice there were a half dozen little shrubs in the front about a foot and a half tall. And there was a guy with a pair of hand trimmers meticulously trimming one or two leaves around each one to make they "pretty". Well, its almost winter. Forty degrees overnight. Those little shrubs aren't growing. But I thought "How nice".
But wait, there is more.
The next morning, when I went down for breakfast, I looked out the window and there was that same guy out there trimming the same shrubs, one snip at a time, one leaf at a time.

Tell me, how in the world can you make one bit of economic difference when they are pouring so much stimulus into the economy that a business enterprise can afford to employ a person to basically "do nothing".

You Can't


Veteran Member
I have never considered myself to be what the Left calls a ‘hater’ — until now. No, it’s not Biden, per say, but the whole of the American Left — down to the lowliest Democrat voter! Here’s why.
:applaud:Pretty much sums it up! The price we will all pay for their hypocrisy, selfishness and stupidity will be Biblical...:kaid:


Voice on the Prairie / FJB!
I don't waste energy on "hate" either, but I have spent more time in prayer for PDJT and our nation. If nothing else, it has increased my peace so that I can continue with my long-term preparations (like physical fitness).

No matter what happens, having a topped off pantry and enough strength to help others is a Good Thing.


Res ipsa loquitur
WOW. hope this dont come out wrong, but Im starting to understand how the dems felt when Trump won, I see this here and on other sites I got to.


almost exactly what the libs did 4 years ago.

BUT. Trump didnt go after the libs. he didnt sign orders to go after them, he didnt plan to hurt them,

INDEED and I intend to drive it up their ass SIDEWAYS


Res ipsa loquitur
I don't waste energy on "hate" either, but I have spent more time in prayer for PDJT and our nation. If nothing else, it has increased my peace so that I can continue with my long-term preparations (like physical fitness).

No matter what happens, having a topped off pantry and enough strength to help others is a Good Thing.

some people use HATE for FUEL - it can be incredibly useful - the NITRO in a TF/D


Res ipsa loquitur
What a fine speech.
A day late and a dollar short. Conservatives, "the right", knew this day was coming for a long time.
You cannot vote your way out of socialism. And there is nothing you can do economically to alter the course because with the 4 trillion dollar stimulus and the economic consensus on Magical Monetary Theory they can stimulate the economy to infinity.

I'll give you an example. I had to stay at a Holiday Inn Express last week. I arrived late. When I pulled in to the front, I notice there were a half dozen little shrubs in the front about a foot and a half tall. And there was a guy with a pair of hand trimmers meticulously trimming one or two leaves around each one to make they "pretty". Well, its almost winter. Forty degrees overnight. Those little shrubs aren't growing. But I thought "How nice".
But wait, there is more.
The next morning, when I went down for breakfast, I looked out the window and there was that same guy out there trimming the same shrubs, one snip at a time, one leaf at a time.

Tell me, how in the world can you make one bit of economic difference when they are pouring so much stimulus into the economy that a business enterprise can afford to employ a person to basically "do nothing".

You Can't

agreed - so why not burn it all to the ground and let it be what it will be. well RM - could that be a WORSE outcome? S U R E it could - but how much do you REALLY have to loose at this point?


Has No Life - Lives on TB
I don't "hate" because it is physically, mentally, and spiritually destructive. Why give the enemy the advantage? However, I have found greater and greater motivation. My resolve has turned to steel. I've gotten hard and that is a much better weapon than hate in my opinion. Hate implies they have some emotional power over me and I will not give them that.
I try to never hate, but I will no longer knowingly associate with a liberal at all.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
I don't consider it hate as much as the position of Biden and his likes are so antagonistic to what a constitutional conservative holds as sacred but rather that it becomes a matter of self preservation of the lives and country that we want to hold on to.........

......and as a result those who hold this country intact would want the likes and ideas of a Bid administration eradicated from our society.........

.......some may call that hate........

....I call it the desire of self preservation through eradication of that threat......

Milkweed Host

Veteran Member
I never did like the word hate. To hate someone or something, is to consider them to be
human or real. Hate is a form of bonding.

BLM, Antifa and other POS outfits left their humanity at the door. They mean nothing to me, having
no value. Well, maybe as a form of fertilizer, that's positive.


TB Fanatic
I'm more in the disgust column rather than hate. I'm completely disgusted by the whole lot of them.

Last night I watched the last episode of NCIS New Orleans that I will ever watch. I mostly watched it because of the New Orleans theme. Now I can no longer look past their bias, talking about BLM like its a good thing and bemoaning the systemic injustice. Its disgusting. I loved New Orleans, but not this New Orleans. I'm so blessed to have been able to get out.

NCIS did a better job setting their new episode in December 2019, but it they start the same shit, I'll no long watch it either.

We are in deep shit if "they" really do take over everything.

God is good all the time



On TB every waking moment
We have evidence of communist disregard for life as a result of their HATE for all things not communist, all over the world. It's called genocide.



Veteran Member
When Trump got elected, IT DID NOT EFFECT THEIR LIVES AT ALL. In fact, their lives in the USA got better along with minorities, etc. With their Biden/Obama's third term, it will effect us in monumental ways we can’t even begin to fathom!
And just for the record, no one here referencing hate is sitting in the dark making voodoo dolls of leftists and their Democrat lackeys. But we all now know exactly who these creatures are and who is responsible for the destruction of this country; consequently, my give a damn is permanently busted... :kaid:
Well, we now know that oil seems to replenish itself
Uh, no. We continue to improve extraction technology so we can “find” what seems to be unending amounts of the stuff. Peak Oil has some validity, any given field and extraction technology will slow down and eventually deplete. Fracking helped tremendously, but oil is not created anew.
Besides, if new oil was created, it would just drain out the other side of the Flat Earth.