PRYR RQST Humbly asking for my pup - UPDATE, post 94


Veteran Member
Prayers; the first vet loaded pup up with anti-inflammatory meds, good for the short term, but not for the long haul. Because you can see an actual site of swelling, definitely needs to be looked at further. You may as well get a jug of Ivermectin. Young pups just aren't happy unless they are kicking up a little bit of trouble :fprtamen

Displaced hillbilly

Veteran Member
Update- X-rays indicate HOD (hypertrophic osteo dystrophy), radiologist will confirm tomorrow. He will be on antibiotics, anti inflammatory and pain meds to try and support him thru it. Hoping he will make it thru okay and it won’t affect him down the road. Going to be an expensive day.. poor guy. Continued prayers would be greatly appreciated.

Kathy in FL

Update- X-rays indicate HOD (hypertrophic osteo dystrophy), radiologist will confirm tomorrow. He will be on antibiotics, anti inflammatory and pain meds to try and support him thru it. Hoping he will make it thru okay and it won’t affect him down the road. Going to be an expensive day.. poor guy. Continued prayers would be greatly appreciated.

I was afraid to even look at your update. So glad there is a treatment.

Loretta Van Riet

Trying to hang out with the cool kids.
Question... did the Vet suggest lowering the daily protein level intake to that of an Adult dog rather than puppy level protein. Had a Vet years ago draw conclusions about big fast growing dogs having bone/joint issues. Suggested no "puppy chow" after 6 months of age.

Displaced hillbilly

Veteran Member
Question... did the Vet suggest lowering the daily protein level intake to that of an Adult dog rather than puppy level protein. Had a Vet years ago draw conclusions about big fast growing dogs having bone/joint issues. Suggested no "puppy chow" after 6 months of age.
She did not. But we feed an adult food-Inukshuk Marine 16(26% protein). I’m going to ask her to. Had thought of that. What we get him was recommended and fed by another shepherd breeder.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Update- X-rays indicate HOD (hypertrophic osteo dystrophy), radiologist will confirm tomorrow. He will be on antibiotics, anti inflammatory and pain meds to try and support him thru it. Hoping he will make it thru okay and it won’t affect him down the road. Going to be an expensive day.. poor guy. Continued prayers would be greatly appreciated.
You got it!

Displaced hillbilly

Veteran Member
If anyone has any ideas or experience with supportive care, anything I can add to his diet to help, feel free to post, might also help anyone else who has to deal with this. We are home. He is still very dopey from sedation. Hoping to get meds/food/water in him in a couple hours. They were able to get quite a bit of sub q fluids in him while he was sleeping. Said it should hopefully help with fever.


Veteran Member
Friend who raised huge English Mastiffs used to really need to be careful to watch for this. Mild cases, they outgrow pretty fast. Even had a mild bout with my new Lab. She is big boned and leggy for a female, and was a real growthy puppy.

Hope your pup is feeling better soon with all the care! Sounds like this second vet (your regular vet) is really on the ball.

Displaced hillbilly

Veteran Member
One must be very careful to not over-exercise the big puppies during their adolescence. I’ve had multiple vets tell me that. Since I love big dogs, I’ve always followed that sage advice.
I’ve been pretty careful. Walking, no jumping. I relented and started playing fetch in the yard. Really hoping that didn’t cause the issue. The radiologist confirmed diagnosis. Switched from meloxicam to prednisone. Another doctor she consulted with said this should do better with the inflammation. So prednisone, gabapentin for pain, famotidine to protect his stomach and doxycycline because of the high white blood cell count. I will be sleeping on my couch downstairs until I feel like he can safely go up and down our stairs. Really hoping that the fever will break very soon. I think that is making him feel pretty crappy. 104.5 is pretty darn high.


Knuckle Dragger
Take care of that baby.

It's been about a year since I lost The Goose.

Time for someone to pick up the guidon and carry it forward.



Dove Chocolate tastes way better than their soap.
Displaced Hillbilly, I had a young Weimaraner years ago that got HOD. It happens to German dogs. It is caused by too much protein in their diet. Get Goose OFF Hi Protein Puppy food if he is on it. It is caused by too much protein in their diet. Some young dogs just cant handle the high protein. I found a study done by a woman on the Weimaraner AKC website. She had been going through this for years, breeding her dogs. He needs to be on prednisone. That is what saved my 4 mo. old Weim., Heidi. She had fevered very quickly and was delirious acting. I got her to the VET ASAP and after a day in there stabilizing her, I showed him the study that this woman had done. Thank GOD he listened to me and gave her the prednisone. The study is attached below. Prayers going up!!!!

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