WTF?!? Human Rights Campaign Erases Biology in ‘Transgender Safer Sex’ Guide, Assigns ‘Vagina’ to Trans Women Exclusively

Dennis Olson

Chief Curmudgeon
Human Rights Campaign Erases Biology in 'Transgender Safer Sex' Guide
Hannah Bleau
douglas murray

AP Photo/Steven Senne
The Human Rights Campaign (HRC) effectively erased biological facts in its latest “Transgender Safer Sex” guide, redefining basic body parts and assigning “vagina” as a term used to describe the genitals of biological males who “have had bottom surgery.”

The HRC, in a “safer sex guide for transgender and gender expansive people,” redefined basic biological body parts under the guise of inclusivity, effectively stripping females of their own biology and assigning it to biological males.

The group’s blunt guide provided a list of words and provided its own definitions — definitions that do not coincide with biological fact. For instance, HRC defined “vagina” as a word used to “talk about the genitals of trans women who have had bottom surgery.” Yet, the HRC refused to use the same term for biological women, assigning them the term “front hole.” Similarly, HRC also redefined male genitalia, proclaiming that it could “belong to people of all genders.”

Definitions, per the guide, are as follows:
DICK: We use this word to describe external genitals. Dicks come in all shapes and sizes and can belong to people of all genders.
FRONT HOLE: We use this word to talk about internal genitals, sometimes referred to as a vagina. A front hole may self-lubricate, depending on age and hormones.
STRAPLESS: We use this word to describe the genitals of trans women who have not had genital reconstruction (or “bottom surgery”), sometimes referred to as a penis.
VAGINA: We use this word to talk about the genitals of trans women who have had bottom surgery
HRC’s definitions come as critics warn the transgender movement is moving to erase the reality of biological females, as was recently seen with the Merriam-Webster dictionary updating its definition of trans woman to “a woman who was identified as male at birth” and the widespread push to allow biological males to compete in female sports.

HRC has played a significant role in the 2020 election cycle, hosting a town hall event alongside CNN last year. It formally endorsed Joe Biden for president in May, describing him as the “the leader our community and our country need at this moment.”

“Far too many LGBTQ people, and particularly those who are most vulnerable, face discrimination, intimidation, and violence simply because of who they are and who they love. But rather than have our backs, Donald Trump and Mike Pence have spent the last three and a half years rolling back and rescinding protections for LGBTQ people,” HRC President Alphonso David said in a statement.

“Joe Biden will be a president who stands up for all of us,” David added. “HRC and our more than three million members and supporters will work day and night to ensure he is the next President of the United States.”

OMG. "FRONT HOLES" ??????????????????

Those pieces of shit. *gag*

Speaks to their lack of literary imagination. They can't meme and have no sense of - humor, irony, sarcasm, or the English language. Did I fail to mention their seemingly complete immunity to hypocrisy?


Veteran Member
What am “it” with little a-hole with a front hole that is not whole......I can be an a$$hole at times and a gentleman at other confusing.....


Veteran Member
This is what happens when the inmates run the asylum. Eventually we'll reach the point where sentences won't even make sense because of the redefinition of words. "I am cloudy and was assigned the gender cough at birth but now I identify as ceremony."


Membership Revoked
So what am I supposed to call whats between my legs then?
I AM a woman.

If you're an XY, it's your "woman penis" (term M to F transtesticles actually use).
If an XX, it's your proof of the world owing you everything while you owe the world nothing (behavior, virtues, accomplishments, nothing).
Not keeping up, I see. /s

Dennis Olson

Chief Curmudgeon
If an XX, it's your proof of the world owing you everything while you owe the world nothing (behavior, virtues, accomplishments, nothing).
From the film “As Good As It Gets” - conversation between Jack Nicholson’s character and the publisher’s Secretary:

She: “How do you write women so well?”

He: “I start with a man, then remove reason and accountability.”

(I’ve waited years to use that line - Dennis)

Grouchy Granny

Can't wait for the headlines when one of them announces they're preggers! Or can they? Not sure they have all the correct working parts, but I could be wrong and there's always artificial insemination.


Can't wait for the headlines when one of them announces they're preggers! Or can they? Not sure they have all the correct working parts, but I could be wrong and there's always artificial insemination.
You've missed it...



TB Fanatic
I guess I am dense because the first thing that stood out was the use of the word "bottom".
They use the technically exclusive term "Bottom Surgery"
which is not the "bottom" it is "Dick" surgery (another scientifically technical term)
in order to create the artificial appearance of a "front hole" (another scientifically technical term)

Bottom, Dick, front hole are all now scientific terms
and, BTW, if you read it carefully, using your great INTJ powers, you will understand that a "Dick" has straps for attachment.
and a "strapless dick" is actually what used to be know as a natural male penis.

Man I am really getting slow on the uptake
  • LOL
Reactions: bev

Quiet Man

Nothing unreal exists
Soon they'll try to get everyone to want both.

Later, you'll be able to get an artificial womb if that's what you want.


Neither here nor there.
The HRC, in a “safer sex guide for transgender and gender expansive people,” redefined basic biological body parts under the guise of inclusivity, effectively stripping females of their own biology and assigning it to biological males.

Where, or when, they cannot destroy the family, the church, etc., then they come after the individual.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
This is part of the larger issue of forcing people to accept and consent to and speak LIES as a way of breaking down their resistance.


Faithful Steed
assigning “vagina” as a term used to describe the genitals of biological males who “have had bottom surgery.”
Um. "Bottom surgery." That is a technical term of wide application. Like surgical removal of hemorrhoids? Gelds come to mind - but I was never aware there was anything there worthy of insertion?

Men are women
women are men
black lives matter
masks prevent corona
Democrats protest democrats and it is the conservatives fault.
up is down
red is blue
global warming will kill you

And 2 plus 2 equals 5. Don't forget that immutable fact, until it is convenient for them to call it 3.

Truth is SOOO constraining.



Has No Life - Lives on TB
Just curious and I didn't see it in their proclamation...So are they calling the "y" chromosome that all trannys have as "X"? Then I guess the "X" I have is called a "Z".

Sorry can't change your DNA. No matter what you lop off or add on or identify as, you will ALWAYS be male.

Grouchy Granny
