CORONA How Many of Us Have Already Had It ?


Carrying the mantle of doubt
Yeah, I'm not really giving up, and I don't want to hide. But I'm an introvert, and a homebody, so I'm having no trouble at all just staying home with dh and doing all the things that I never have time for. Except that so far I feel too crappy to do much.
I see what you're saying now. Heck, that pretty much describes me, except for the times I have to go into work. I don't need nor do I care for a lot of social interaction.


Stone Cold Crazy
Fruit Loop and I got sick in January and February. What was weird is how sick I got. She has COPD with emphysema (from years of allergies, asthma and several-times yearly bouts of bronchitis. I was way sicker than she was. Went deep in my chest and I had to get the same breathing treatments she gets.

She stayed well while I was sick and we thought she had missed it. It hit her fast - she was fine that afternoon and knocked flat overnight.she went right to urgent vare the next mrning. They were observing protocol. Everybody who came in got a mask, sick or not. They did not test her for corona but did for strep and influenza. Both were negative and blood work didn’t indicate anything bacterial. She was only sick for about four days but left her weak for almost two weeks.

She thinks we had it. No sore throat, no runny noses ir stuffed sinuses. It was all in the chest.


Contributing Member
One of my every other Wednesday night classmates just told everyone that a friend came from China just before the Gem Show and was sick. Over the next few weeks, they all got sick and recovered. She is assuming it was COVID


Had something back in Dec. Kanocked me out for a couple days. Wasn't like anything in the past except maybe the Norovirus. Went through the house. All systems nominal.


Carrying the mantle of doubt
Fruit Loop and I got sick in January and February. What was weird is how sick I got. She has COPD with emphysema (from years of allergies, asthma and several-times yearly bouts of bronchitis. I was way sicker than she was. Went deep in my chest and I had to get the same breathing treatments she gets.

She stayed well while I was sick and we thought she had missed it. It hit her fast - she was fine that afternoon and knocked flat overnight.she went right to urgent vare the next mrning. They were observing protocol. Everybody who came in got a mask, sick or not. They did not test her for corona but did for strep and influenza. Both were negative and blood work didn’t indicate anything bacterial. She was only sick for about four days but left her weak for almost two weeks.

She thinks we had it. No sore throat, no runny noses ir stuffed sinuses. It was all in the chest.
Yep, probably. On the bright side, you don't have to worry about getting it. Unfortunately, that's not the danger anymore.


Membership Revoked

New Oxford study suggests millions of people may have already built up coronavirus immunity
Tim O'Donnell

March 24, 2020


"A model predicting the progression of the novel coronavirus pandemic produced by researchers at Imperial College London set off alarms across the world and was a major factor in several governments' decisions to lock things down. But a new model from Oxford University is challenging its accuracy, the Financial Times reports.

The Oxford research suggests the pandemic is in a later stage than previously thought and estimates the virus has already infected at least millions of people worldwide. In the United Kingdom, which the study focuses on, half the population would have already been infected. If accurate, that would mean transmission began around mid-January and the vast majority of cases presented mild or no symptoms.

The head of the study, professor Sunetra Gupta, an Oxford theoretical epidemiologist, said she still supports the U.K.'s decision to shut down the country to suppress the virus even if her research winds up being proven correct. But she also doesn't appear to be a big fan of the work done by the Imperial College team. "I am surprised that there has been such unqualified acceptance of the Imperial model," she said.

If her work is accurate, that would likely mean a large swath of the population has built up resistance to the virus. Theoretically, then, social restrictions could ease sooner than anticipated. What needs to be done now, Gupta said, is a whole lot of antibody testing to figure out who may have contracted the virus. Her research team is working with groups from the University of Cambridge and the University of Kent to start those tests for the general population as quickly as possible. Read more at the Financial Times."


Yep, probably. On the bright side, you don't have to worry about getting it. Unfortunately, that's not the danger anymore.

Unless it mutates and kills 1/8th of the worlds population, roughly speaking. When a horse goes out, it travels through time; And I'm not convinced those Horses' go out in the order set forth as it doesn't seem to read that way. What would the Horse say?


Stone Cold Crazy
Yep, probably. On the bright side, you don't have to worry about getting it. Unfortunately, that's not the danger anymore.

Sure if that is what we actually had. Problem is they were not testing for CV and our tests came back basically inconclusive.


Veteran Member
USDA, don't feel alone. I've had a bout of dyspnea ( difficult to catch your breath ) since the fall of 2017 after I caught some mild but lingering 4 wk long bug. Got really bad that winter. Feels like you can't get that deep breath, then when you finally do, the cycle starts all over again. Blew my $3K deductible on several doctors where nothing was found, and its not silly "anxiety" as the first quack suggested, where his mind was made up before he examined me. I'm seldom anxious about anything and when I am, I can actually breather better. They never figured out what it was, and I still have it, tho not as severe. You learn to ignore it. In my case, I'm getting enough O2 ... just don't think every part of my lungs are, and those are the areas producing the feeling. I also have a mild cough associated with it, so phlegm is a factor somehow. I don't smoke, BTW. Also worth mentioning is that I've had this on and off my entire adult life, about every three or four years it would flare up for no reason and last for a couple weeks each time. This current bout, however has been around in some fashion for going on 3 years now. Some episodes in the past when younger I was pretty sure were related to hunger, where eating something cleared it up. Blood sugar problem? My blood sugar is normal, BTW.

In researching this quite a bit, the one thing I've found out is there's no single root cause for this. Medical (pseudo)science lumps all of them under one term: dyspnea. They don't understand it nor do they care enough to find a cure for it. So long as O2 sat is mid 90s or so, they don't see you in medical need. It can be very uncomfortable and even frightening at times. Find out what works for you and use that. For me, it's ignoring it.
My daddy use to get something that sounds just like that...started in his forties. There was an old country Dr. in the town we lived in when he had his first bout of it that knew what it was immediately. She said his breathing was out of rhythm somehow...not sure about the details of how or why. She gave him Valium and one or two was all he had to take. It was not psychological but an actual physical thing. The Valium relaxed everything enough to let it get back to his natural rhythm. Frightening and uncomfortable definitely describes how it made him feel.


Senior Member
On the 9th of March, I started feeling crappy. Sore throat, head ache. Took off work Tuesday, hoping to fight it off. Worked Wed, Thurs, Friday. Sore throat, head ache, dizzy. Being cold and sweating at the same time. I had a lot of crud coming out of my sinuses. And coughing. I felt weak. I also got laryngitis for three days. I am not sure if I had a fever. I was sure I did not have it because of the laryngitis, but after researching people who have tested positive, some have had laryngitis. I am still a bit weak, at times, cough and still have sinus crud, but it is a lot less. I did get a flu shot. This is the most bizarre thing I have had in my life.


Veteran Member
Cough for last few weeks. 3 day bout of low grade fever. Dizzy weak for 2 days. Body aches. Do not have allergies and haven't been sick in years. Definitely got me down a bit for 3 days. Figured run down working on well out in cold and caught a bug.
Who can say until they come up with a quick screening.


Veteran Member
Toured the Toyota plant in Kentucky with several non-English speaking Asians. Three days later had an excruciatingly painful headache, sore throat and was exhausted. Went to bed for two days and did a lot of praying and then I was fine.

I am 95% certain that was it for me.

Blue 5

Veteran Member
My wife and I are pretty sure that we've both had it. It was back in January/February. Her primary symptom was pneumonia with a few spikes of fever. Thankfully she responded well to antibiotics and albuterol treatments. I went through two rounds with whatever it was. Fever and chills for several days, temp around 100F-101F with massive amounts of sweating each time the fever broke. Both times I was flat on my back with fatigue but thankfully only developed a slight cough.


Veteran Member
I came down with something at Christmas. I had just lost my husband so was really stressed and run down. It started a few days before with a sore throat but no other symptoms. On Christmas day I felt really bad and had a houseful of people to deal with. That evening is when the slight fever started with the aches and pains which lasted a couple of days then the cough, ugh! That cough lasted for almost a month! I took Nyquil, Mucinex and Delsym plus too many cough drops to count. The only other person that had been to my house to catch it was my sister. Thankfully she didn't end up in the hospital from it but it took her awhile to get over it as well. Once I got over it it started taking my vitamins which I had been neglecting to take while hubby had been ill.


Brown Coat
We need a test for antibodies, so we know how many people have had it. No way to estimate herd immunity (estimated to need ~80% of population). Right now, we only have official numbers of those who have tested positive and then recover.

Word outta colorada is that some fellow has identified the antibody and they have a test.

Like to know i"m immune, then I can xfuse my kids some of em.


Veteran Member
Lately I have felt a mild sense of fatigue. 2 weeks ago I was sweating a little at night, but no high temps. Some mornings I feel a mild sore throat, but goes quickly away. I am not paranoid, but another strange feeling I have is in my eyes. Slightly burning and a little itchy.
Sounds like my own early signs of shingles. Or menopause. Or a dry house. You pick. ;)

May be silly - or not...but see how silly interweb diagnosis can be? And silly is a better outcome over dangerous.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Based on reading about symptoms of those known to have it pretty sure it went through my office and home late February and early March.


In early February my sister's family went through something really nasty. Her husband and son were really sick with the now-classic Covid symptoms. She never got it, maybe felt a little off for a day but shook it off.
Her husband and son are Type A+ blood, she is Type O+. This was in southwestern Ohio.

We REALLY need an antibody test ASAP.


Carrying the mantle of doubt
My daddy use to get something that sounds just like that...started in his forties. There was an old country Dr. in the town we lived in when he had his first bout of it that knew what it was immediately. She said his breathing was out of rhythm somehow...not sure about the details of how or why. She gave him Valium and one or two was all he had to take. It was not psychological but an actual physical thing. The Valium relaxed everything enough to let it get back to his natural rhythm. Frightening and uncomfortable definitely describes how it made him feel.
Dyspnea is the broad term they use to describe it, and there's many causes that result in the same symptom. What you're describing sounds like the neurological cause that is theorized where the diaphragm isn't properly controlled and gets out of sync. Again, many different causes and you can spend a lot of money nailing it down, if ever.


Are you sure about that?
Fruit Loop and I got sick in January and February. What was weird is how sick I got. She has COPD with emphysema (from years of allergies, asthma and several-times yearly bouts of bronchitis. I was way sicker than she was. Went deep in my chest and I had to get the same breathing treatments she gets.

She stayed well while I was sick and we thought she had missed it. It hit her fast - she was fine that afternoon and knocked flat overnight.she went right to urgent vare the next mrning. They were observing protocol. Everybody who came in got a mask, sick or not. They did not test her for corona but did for strep and influenza. Both were negative and blood work didn’t indicate anything bacterial. She was only sick for about four days but left her weak for almost two weeks.

She thinks we had it. No sore throat, no runny noses ir stuffed sinuses. It was all in the chest.

I'm sorry Sat that you guys had to got through that, but glad to hear that y'all are on the mend.


Veteran Member
I think we picked it up Christmas in CT. Kids are near Yale Univ. Hubby was sick for 2 weeks, and I was down for 2 months. I hope that they do come out with a test to see if it was Wuhan. We got a notice on facebook that the CDC is looking for $.


Stone Cold Crazy
Unless it mutates and kills 1/8th of the worlds population, roughly speaking. When a horse goes out, it travels through time; And I'm not convinced those Horses' go out in the order set forth as it doesn't seem to read that way. What would the Horse say?
I'm sorry Sat that you guys had to got through that, but glad to hear that y'all are on the mend.

Thanks. Another thing that may be splains why I got sicker than she did. If that about blood types is true she is more resistant. We have different blood types, and she is O negative.

She wonders why they aren't taking blood from patients who recover and give it to the dangerously sick ones. Recovered patients will have the antibodies. Works with Ebola - the patients who got it here in U.S. a few years back donated blood to the others.


She wonders why they aren't taking blood from patients who recover and give it to the dangerously sick ones. Recovered patients will have the antibodies.

I don't think we have any idea what they are really doing. Remember, these are the people that have dug huge holes in the ground and filled it with all sorts of luxury items for themselves, at our expense, so they could avoid the coming catastrophes. Problem is, I don't think they ever considered how to deal with the current Covid-19, China Flu, while living in a tunnel.



working on it
Hubby and I had what we thought was a bad cold along with bronchitis and we lost our voices for about a week back in November. Hubby couldn't sleep at night unless he was propped up because it was hard to breathe for him.
We were tired no matter how much we slept. It took us a month before we felt almost normal again.
Didn't think to check for a fever and we just treated it with over the counter products for cough and stuffiness. Delsyum 12 hours cough medicine was a God send let me tell you. That and NyQuil


Veteran Member
January. Started with fever, body aches and fatigue. Lasted about two weeks. Whenever I bent over to pick up a dog toy, it felt like I was being punched in the nose - literally. It's a tingling caused by pressure/force. I still have odd back pain.

No respiratory symptoms whatsoever, but as an avid bicyclist, my cardio MET capacity is impressive.

Don't know if it was Covid, but it certainly was viral.

Displaced hillbilly

Veteran Member
Had something that started about a month ago. Started with a very tight feeling and pain the chest. Dry cough, feels like mucus in my lungs but nothing would come up. Low grade fever off and on. Very tired and I remember that everything I ate and drank tasted very off. Went to doctor, got antibiotics and an inhaler. Would feel better for a day out so, then tight chested and coughing again. Also had dizzy spells and felt short of breath the entire time. My chest is just starting to feel normal again. No idea what it is/was.