SCI How genetics determine our life choices-from Iceland via the BBC


Disaster Cat
I thought this was an interesting article using a huge study. Although some of the implications not mentioned here are rather scary. Like will this research lead to people wanting "weed out" certain traits (and I don't just mean the sort that causes horrific genetic illnesses) but things like addictive personalities? Those genetic traits are often combined with immense creativity and intelligence (not always but they can be). To be fair, the article doesn't go there at all, but is is the elephant in the living room. Oh and the twin video is worth taking the five minutes or so, I usually don't bother but I found this one fasinating - Melodi]

How genetics determine our life choices

Our genes influence the ways our brains form, which impacts how we think and interact with the world (Credit: Getty Images)
By David Cox
11th May 2023
How much of our behaviour is pre-determined by our underlying biology?

In the subterranean depths of a granite building on the outskirts of Iceland's capital, Reykjavík, a robot is slowly and methodically shuffling the chilled blood of tens of thousands of people from all over the world.

Down in this concrete chamber, a well-honed process is taking place. DNA is extracted from the samples and then fed into sequencing machines which slowly piece together the unique lines of chemical bases which form the basis of each individual's identity. Later on, artificial intelligence algorithms will connect this genetic code or genome with detailed information held in biobanks about their life – their diet, personality, relationship choices, hobbies, the diseases to which they ultimately succumbed - and search for links which scientists might deem statistically significant.

This particular concrete chamber is owned by an Icelandic company called deCODE genetics, which has sequenced more whole genomes – over 400,000 and counting – than any other institution in the world. Through this process it has made major contributions to understanding our inherited risk of Alzheimer's, schizophrenia, coronary artery disease, various forms of cancer, and many other chronic illnesses.

But it has also inspired others to use the same process to delve deep into the human psyche, and find connections between the genome and our personalities, food preferences, and even ability to maintain relationships.

These kinds of studies are starting to touch on something more intimate than simply the search for new medicines, instead revealing new connections between our genetic code and our life choices. For many scientists it has begun to raise the question, to what extent is our behaviour the product of our own volition, and how much is simply pre-determined by our underlying biology?

"When you look at us as a species, we have come into existence on the basis of information that lives in our genome, and then the interaction of that with the environment," says Kári Stefánsson, an Icelandic scientist who founded deCODE genetics in 1996, with the initial aim of using Iceland's unique genetic landscape to understand more about common diseases. The country has a small population that has been relatively isolated over the centuries, meaning that there is much less genetic variation than in other nations. This in turn means that there is less background noise to complicate matters, making it easier for scientists to identify meaningful gene variants.

How your genes shape who you are
It has been 20 years since the Human Genome Project was "completed". But it quickly became apparent that the efforts to sequence and map the human "book of life" was only just the beginning. Far from closing the question of what makes our bodies tick and why they do so differently, research on the human genome has revealed a far more complex picture than anyone could have imagined. Beyond the Genome examines the paradigm shift in our understanding of our genetics in the past two decades, including just how far-reaching the influence of our genes can be and how we in turn can influence our own DNA through health and lifestyle.

Part neurologist, part philosopher, the 73-year-old Stefánsson has become ever more convinced that the complex cocktail of DNA we inherit from our parents, along with around 70 spontaneous genetic mutations which we acquire by chance, subconsciously dictates our behaviour to a far greater extent than we are aware.

We may not realise it, but it appears that many routine aspects of our daily lives might be partially driven by our genome. Subtle genetic tweaks in your taste receptors help to determine whether you prefer drinking coffee or tea. It turns out that coffee lovers are less sensitive to the bitterness of caffeine, while tea aficionados do not perceive other types of bitter chemicals quite so potently.

Genetics also play a role when it comes to our inclinations or aversions for all sorts of different activities. At a simplistic level, it governs both how much you enjoy exercising, and whether you prefer more solitary forms of physical activity such as running, or competing with others as part of team sports. But our DNA can also point us towards more specific leisure-time pursuits.

Fifteen years ago, a survey of 2,000 British adults first suggested that there might be such a thing as a hobby gene. Simply looking at a person's family tree and the favoured pastimes of their ancestors suggested a strong inclination towards certain types of activities. Participants in the survey were often surprised to discover that they actually came from a long line of amateur gardeners, stamp collectors, or cake makers.

In the following decade, many people around the world have referred to the study after finding that a parent or grandparent's favoured pastime suddenly held an inexplicable appeal in adulthood. In a Medium blog, Michael Woronko, an insurance worker from Ottawa, Canada wrote, "I had never shown an interest for gardening, even when my mom had dragged me along to her community garden as a child. I couldn't care less about hybrid tomatoes, about germinating peppers, and so forth, but when the opportunity presented itself (as an adult), something deep down inside of me sprang forward and I ran with it".

Large genomic sequencing studies are now starting to explain why. Stefánsson describes how deCODE's scientists have even found one particular gene variant which determines whether crossword puzzles will appeal to you. "We know that if you have it, you will like to solve crossword puzzles, but it has no impact on whether you're good at them or not," he laughs.

This also holds true when it comes to the complex matter of how our genes dictate the life paths that we follow.

From Boston to Shenzhen, various tech start-ups have spent years searching for so-called talent genes, genetic variants which might confer an innate natural strength or unique language abilities, enabling a person to be directed towards the areas where they have the most to offer.

But doing so is not quite as simple as it might seem. Geneticists at the Max Planck Institute in Leipzig, Germany, have recently tried to draw connections between a gene called ROBO1 which controls grey matter development in a part of the brain involved in number representation, and a child's mathematical abilities. But so far it seems that with all talents, whether that is number crunching, musical ability, or athletic prowess, genetics is just a relatively small part of the equation.

Instead, as Stefánsson found with crosswords, it seems our genes influence our natural inclinations towards doing certain activities. What truly dictates whether we have any aptitude for them are factors such as whether we receive tutoring and other opportunities at an early age, and our own willingness to practice, improve and persist.

The latter points to where genetics might wield its weightiest influence over our life paths - our personality traits. According to Danielle Dick, a psychiatry professor at Rutgers University in New Jersey and author of the book The Child Code, most dimensions of personality such as how extroverted or introverted, conscientious, agreeable, impulsive, and perhaps even how creative we are, have some kind of genetic component.

"This reflects the fact that our genes influence the ways our brains form, which impacts how we think and interact with the world," says Dick. "Some people have brains that are more inclined to seek out exciting or novel experiences, more likely to take risks, or drawn to more immediate rewards."

There can be advantages to all of these characteristics. Entrepreneurs, CEOs, fighter pilots, and athletes who compete in extreme sports, all tend to be natural risk-takers. But having this genetic background can also come with certain costs. Risk-takers are more likely to develop addictions, while Stefánsson's work has shown that a proportion of the people with the genetics that would otherwise encourage creative thinking actually go on to develop schizophrenia. Naturally impulsive people might be better decision-makers and willing to seize opportunities that would otherwise pass them by, but they can also be vulnerable to developing gambling problems, dropping out of school or getting fired from a job.

Our genes influence the ways our brains form, which impacts how we think and interact with the world – Danielle Dick
A recent study co-authored by Dick used data from around 1.5 million individuals to identify gene variants linked to impulsivity. She found that impulsive people tended to be more likely to develop attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) as children, or participate in smoking and substance taking in adolescence and adulthood, before later developing associated conditions such as obesity and lung cancer.

"That said, it is equally clear that DNA is not destiny," says Dick. "Our genes influence our dispositions, which influence our natural tendencies, but it does not mean that people with them are always going to develop problems."

Kári-Stefánsson, founder of deCODE genetics, believes the DNA we inherit subconsciously dictates our behaviour much more than we realise (Credit: Alexander Mahmoud/ Alamy)
Kári-Stefánsson, founder of deCODE genetics, believes the DNA we inherit subconsciously dictates our behaviour much more than we realise (Credit: Alexander Mahmoud/ Alamy)

The environment we find ourselves in plays a huge role in determining whether we act on our genetic inclinations or not. Stefánsson says that people who have genetic variants in their brain which make them struggle with inhibition are going to be more likely to overeat if they work next to fast food outlets, and struggle to quit if they begin smoking. But at the same time, there is evidence that having a stable family life, stable romantic relationships and friendships, or even exercising regularly can help them live a productive life.

"Individuals at the highest risk are also the ones who benefit most from a healthy environment," says Cecilia Flores, a psychiatry professor at McGill University in Canada. "A positive environment can buffer genetic susceptibility, and even reverse it."

But this does not only help to explain the connection between personality and patterns of addictive behaviour. Social scientists are now finding that studying these kinds of gene-environment interactions helps to explain why some people are more suited to maintaining long-term relationships than others.

The genetics of love

Four years ago, sociologists at the Yale School of Public Health embarked on a study of 178 married couples, ranging from 37 to 90-years-old. Each partner was asked to answer a series of questions relating to their happiness and sense of security in the relationship, and provide a saliva sample which would be used to analyse certain genes.

Scientists have long known that genetics plays some kind of a role in determining our choices of friends, and even romantic partners. In both cases we tend to form attachments with people who have certain physical similarities to ourselves. "We tend to form social relationships with individuals who are more genetically similar to us," says Andrew Dewan, a genetic epidemiologist at Yale. "We can think of the genes controlling these traits as having some influence on who we are choosing to form friendships with."

It turns out that genes also play a significant in our ability to keep a stable, happy relationship going over the course of years and decades. Previous research has shown that the children of divorced parents are more likely to themselves get divorced while the Yale study investigated the role of a hormone called oxytocin which drives bonding, and makes partners feel closer to each other. It found that when at least one partner in a marriage had a certain gene variant which increases the activity of oxytocin and makes the mind more receptive to its benefits, that partner was less likely to display psychological symptoms known as anxious attachment, and the couple were happier.

Anxious attachment is a particular style of relationship insecurity that develops from past experiences with close family members and previous partners. It results in diminished self-worth, high rejection sensitivity, and approval-seeking behaviour. "This shows that inherited genetic variants can contribute to our happiness in relationships," says Dewan. "Our genetics does not solely dictate our ability to form long-term relationships, but is one contributing factor that may nudge us in one direction or another, either towards or away from them."

Across the spectrum of medicine and psychology, psychiatrists, child development specialists and obesity experts are now looking to use the growing amount of genetic information to shape public health policies, and provide people with practical advice.

Nicola Pirastu, a biostatistics expert at the Human Technopole research institute in Italy, has found that genetic variants in food preferences can shift our liking from fruit and vegetables to high calorie, fatty foods. Because so many of these variants are found in the brain, he thinks that obesity should increasingly be treated as a disease with medications rather than dietary interventions.

"Losing weight is super difficult," he says. "And it's not just about willpower. If you're always hungry, of course you want to eat. So drugs which act on this craving for food can certainly help people. Of course you can do it through diet as well, but maintaining a diet is kind of like a full-time job, and a lot of people are not able to do that."

With the cost of genetic sequencing continuing to fall, it is possible that this might be used in future to screen children or adolescents who are displaying signs of addictive behaviour. "My hope is that as there is greater public understanding that problems like addiction or child behaviour are often related to the luck of the draw when it comes to the genes one inherits, it will reduce stigma," says Dick. "By identifying individuals who are at risk earlier in development, we can put resources in place to help them reach their full potential."

Dick believes that if the individual and their family know that they are prone to addictive or risk-taking behaviour, it can help them avoid actively seeking out those environments. But she says that society has a role to play as well. "Many of us in the addiction field are particularly concerned about the new laws in the United States that are allowing easy access to cannabis and online gambling as we know that environments that promote increased availability and acceptance of these behaviours are associated with higher rates of problems," she says.

But we are still only at the beginning of understanding exactly how our genes dictate what we do, and the role they play in our choices. For the last two decades, Stefánsson and others have slowly unravelled many of these links, but there are still many basic questions which are yet to be answered.

"One of the big questions is, can you inherit a thought?" he says. "Is the way you think passed down from your mother and father? One of the problems with proving that is we don't have a good definition of a thought. Yet if you take our species, we could say that we are pretty much defined by our thoughts and emotions. But in 2023, we haven't even managed to define one of the attributes that define us."



Would *I* Lie???
I'm the first to say we neeed LESS govt control, not MORE..

HOWSOEVER... As we are all bundled in this BS scheme of communal wins and losses..

I feel that ONCE you go on the govt dole, of any sort, food stamps, WIC, healthcare, anything, (aside from SS/ unemployment-which YOU pay in to.) You lose the right to procreate. Yes, I said it. You cannot afford your own life, and are living at the charity of others (actually, rather, good productive people being ROBBED at gunpoint to buy your votes..) you are no longer a good viable option to take care of and cherish the world we have. If you cannot find, earn, or beg enough calories a day to live you are not the solution to the problems we're having, you are the problem we are having, and your children are only going to compound that by being born of your genetics and (sometimes) raised by your example,... which is a horrible example.

Everybody has the right to breed, if they are paying their own way, or non-violently the benefactor of anothers love/ altruism...

But nobody has the right to rob people, YES AT GUNPOINT so they can breed more ingrates on productive peoples watches.

This would cut the viable breeding population to about 15-25% of the US..just a guess.. but it would drop the BIRTHRATE probably 95%.

It's a myth we need a growing population to have a healthy society... That is only because we have a "debt" monetary system and are encourageing HUGE LOSSES on the bodies we already have. Incentivize productivity and cut off the dead weight and the economy would boom, and producers would start breeding again.

The govt is and will always be the biggest liability of a free peoples.

41 y/o- no Kids.
Very productive.
Not on the Dole.

Knoxville's Joker

Has No Life - Lives on TB
Nikola Tesla said this:
“The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.”

what if DNA is more than just ATCG, what if each of those also has information stored as frequency stores in infinite complexity?


Disaster Cat
If you listen to the twin's video (it is worth it and only 5 minutes long), you will hear the serious (and older than me) researcher repeats several times - genetics are tendencies, not destiny.

So inheriting a gene for addictive behavior, obesity, ADHD, or anything else isn't destiny; it is a potential. So are positive things like high IQ, musical ability, creativity, or a preference for sweet foods over salty (or vice versa).

She has performed one of the most extended and detailed studies of twins and twins separated at birth (fraternal and identical). While the similarities of identical twins, even separated ones, can be astonishing, there are always some differences too, and sometimes there are a lot of differences.

I've known identical (raised together) where one is gay and the other straight (as one example). A set of twins in another study (a doctor in the UK) where one is fat and the other is thin. The identical brother took a high-stress job in a fast food-filled area and ballooned up. For a time, before he got help from his brother, the doctor, they had the greatest difference in BMI's of identical twins in the UK. Now they are closer in weight (having switched to an unprocessed food diet) but still look different because getting that fat quickly takes a toll on the adult human body.

So it combines genetics and environment, just as I have always believed. The most extreme example would be a child destined to have a high IQ with a birth injury (like my friend's now adult son who is non-verbal primarily but seems to understand many things - both parents have high intelligence) or an illness that masks or destroys it.

Most environments are more subtle though some, like starvation, can affect the genes. A study of obese people in The Netherlands found that people who had grandparents who had starved (for real) during WWII. So not only do adults who suffered food privation in childhood (like my Moher tend to have weight problems, but their GRANDCHILDREN can INHERIT a mutation that comes from that starvation.

However, they may not get fat if raised in an athletic family that eats well, swims, hikes, or is otherwise active during childhood. They still have the genetic tendency to "look at food and gain weight."


Has No Life - Lives on TB
It's a bit frightening to think what the fascist progressive liberal dogma will do with questions of nature vs nurture and free will (since with each study they seem to "rediscover" what's been known for some time).

Knoxville might be having a glimmer of the next possibility, that there are switches or pattern stores (ie, frequencies) in cells that self-arrange. That would allow for the infinite differences among people while supporting a general commonality.


Veteran Member
The older I get, and observe several new generations in the family, the more I see genetic tendencies/similarities/even personalities passed down. Thing is, usually when the grandparent or great grandparent gen has died, that perspective is lost. So that perspective never covers more than about 3-4 generations. Some of the ones I see now, I wonder how many hundreds or thousands of years they have survived in our line.

And of course, this is all subjective on my part - not scientific in the least, but the fact that I factor that in validates my observations somewhat.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Oh, great! More excuses...

"I can't help that I'm a nymphomaniac, kleptomaniac transgender! It's all my genes fault!

I'm more worried about it being used to limit people's choices. There's an old movie out there about using people's genetics to decide their life path.
Nikola Tesla said this:
“The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.”

what if DNA is more than just ATCG, what if each of those also has information stored as frequency stores in infinite complexity?
I honestly can't remember the details but a few years back they found that there is a part of genetics that is affected by the way your ancestors lived/reacted/survived.

My brain has a picture of it as small hairs on your genes that grow in a certain way because of your family and things they did. It affects things in the emotional response spectrum. Tendency to depression or anger. Etc, etc.

And yes, someone can overcome it and set a new pattern for the next generations. And, IIRC, there are ways that "memory" can be wiped clean to remove the patterns. They were looking into a safe scientific way that it could be done to help people dealing with generational issues.

My family, extended Italian clan, has some things that can be seen through the generations and across all the branches. As I learned over time, it affects a lot of our responses. But until my parents started doing the family tree I didn't realize how many things seemed to carry down.

It could be interesting to see where this leads. But it needs to be with certain thoughts kept clearly in focus. One, people lie. So those conclusions could be wrong. Depending on the questions, very wrong. And it's already known that there are so many shades of gray that survey questions don't allow for and would not be accounted for in the data. Peoples answers can be affected by how the questions were asked and the answers that are available to be chosen from.

Two, people can overcome despite their genetics and no one should be predetermined to a path just because of their genetics. People regularly overcome their genetics in both good and bad ways. It just depends on what they choose to do with what they have.

And some of what they are attributing to genetics can, and probably is, things unconsciously learned in childhood that reveal themselves as people grow older and events occur that trigger that learning.

I have a whole list of anti-depression, anti-suicide mental pathways that came to life when I had that period(s) in my life. As well as others. I realized a lot of it when I came out of those periods and realized how unconsciously embedded my responses and thoughts were. And that they were that way in all of my extended family that I knew. Yet it was something that none of us had spoken of or heard spoken of.

Things can pass from 4 or 5 generations back because they have become learned patterns, and not all of it is negative. But the old joke about why do mom always cut the tail off the turkey is and example of things like that.

And if you don't know the joke. A woman's husband asked her why she always cut the tail off the turkey because his mom had never done it. She said it was because her mother always did it. So she called her mother and asked her. Her mother said it was because her mother always did it. So daughter and mom called grandma. And Grandma said that she did it because it was the only way to fit the turkey in the pan that she had.