GOV/MIL How does Congress view the Constitution?


Contributing Member
How does Congress view the Constitution?

Thank you all very much for the feedback on this post. I've edited it... :)

In this video: Rep Pau Gosar (R) AZ. Is quoted in this video as saying:
“Be careful what you tread here. If all you’re going to do is stand for the constitution, and nothing less, you will lose.
When asked why, he says "because not everybody believes in the constitution."
His comment starts a fireball of replies...

Since this is my first posting, other than replying to posts, so I hope I'm following the rules correctly... If not, please advise so I can correct... :)

Sorry, but this put me on my soap box…

Rep Paul Gosar (R) AZ. is scary proof that Congress is full of people who do not believe in the Oath of office that they swore, or affirmed to uphold. I don't care if you are Democrat, Republican, Tea Party or anything else. Your party affiliation doesn't matter. The Constitution and the Bill of Rights is what made us once a great nation. We have lost our way since then because of people like this....
I hope that the 50% of the population he is quoting, is NOT true. Unfortunately, since the Constitution & Bill of Rights are not being taught in our schools, he may be. However, the bottom line is the United States Constitution is the Law of the Land, PERIOD.
Let us not forget the men and women, my brothers and sisters in arms, who are and have fought and died defending our Constitution. Let it not be in vein….!! :wvflg:

I’m reminded of 2 quotes….
“And say, finally, whether peace is best preserved by giving energy to the government or information to the people. This last is the most certain and the most legitimate engine of government. Educate and inform the whole mass of the people. Enable them to see that it is their interest to preserve peace and order, and they will preserve them. And it requires no very high degree of education to convince them of this. They are the only sure reliance for the preservation of our liberty. “
--Thomas Jefferson

“People willing to trade their freedom for temporary security deserve neither and will lose both.”
--Benjamin Franklin
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Faithful Steed
Real close to a perfect job. You can use the Youtube "embedder" which you'll see as the second from the left icon above the Quick Reply box. (It looks like a green ladder and is supposed to be a piece of film.)

Also, you may want to give a quick synopsis of the contents (since many TB2Kers have "dial up" and can't see the video.)

Your personal comments (soap box) are good though. Almost a synopsis by itself.

And welcome to the board and starting your first thread. One tries to begin a thread of sufficient interest - and it can be disappointing when one's thread goes nowhere. So this one is started - and replied - and good for YOU!

Didn't hurt a bit did it?



The constitution is viewed as an obstacle to power and control and that is why they seek to dissolve it, often claiming that it's archaic and dated and no longer applicable to today's world.

We blame the government for this, but the simple fact is that WE relinquished our right to self-governance willingly, albeit though manipulation and coercion, though that does not absolve us of our naivety. We were not "wise as serpents".

Be Well

may all be well
What views does Rep Paul Gosar hold or espouse?

Just a note - when posting a video, the rules are to also post a summary, since many people are on dial up and can't view videos.


Contributing Member
Update on the post.

I found that original source of the video was The National Republican Club of Capitol Hill, in Washington DC on June 28th, 2012. The video, well part of it, is on The Tea Party website ( Interestingly, on their website they removed the last portion that's displayed on the video above.


On TB every waking moment
The first part of the Constitution is a delegation of authority. Congress and the Supreme Court have long blurred the boundaries and limitations of that delegation. What were very specific enumerated powers, are now ridiculously expanded by Supreme Cort interpretations of the Commerce Clause, Necessary and Proper clause, power to tax and spend for the General Welfare and the doctrine of pre-emption. Many in Congress would be surprised to learn that there are still actual limits on their power to legislate.

The first part of the Amendments (Bill of Rights) are not a grant of rights to the people. They are a prohibition on federal government from encroaching upon the retained rights/liberties of the individual. The Bill of Rights is usually what most people refer to as the Constitution and they usually look upon the Bill as a grant of rights. I say, if you are going to hold the document up, then you better damned well understand what it is, where you rights originate and you better be willing to assert those rights and not expect someone to ride in on a white charger and rescue you.


Time Traveler
How does Congress view the Constitution?

As little as possible. Gosar is in direct violation of the law, but quite obviously politicians have been taught by sr. politicians that they are not bound by law. It makes me want to grab their cheeks and twist them as hard as I can.


Veteran Member
Congress doesn't view the Constitution at all. That would involve reading and intelligence two things that they are seriously liking in.


How does Congress view the Constitution?

As a guide, that can be changed on a whim.

Since this is my first posting, other than replying to posts, so I hope I'm following the rules correctly... If not, please advise so I can correct..

We have rules? :) Seriously, you did great!
What scares me most is that shredding the Constitution is no longer confines to the backstairs and shadows. It is now done out in the open ... even proudly by members of congress. Most people have waited too long to wake up.


Senior Member