RACE Horror: Police say man shot and killed five-year-old neighbor for riding his bike into his yard


Veteran Member
Speedy trial.....sloooooooow and looooooong Medieval execution.
Tortured, Hanged, Drawn & Quartered....

Do that for a week-end and I can assure you, the whole resist/BM movement will quietly slink back underground.


Pride comes before the fall.....Pride month ended.
Worked with a couple fifteen year olds today, painting. Neither had ever done it. Each had an ear bud in and occasionally threw out a verse. Worked thirty, lost for an hour. Neither could figure out the basis for a roller and a brush and how They compliment one another around inside corners...etc.

As it was they slopped enough on and I could still wipe up the runs......primer job a solid b, good enough given the job. Finish color tomorrow. I've decided to try n train them to paint better, I could easily give up. Hope tomorrow's better.

At about the quarter way point and I do need the help. Seem like good kids, giving them a chance to,pocket a little green here in there.

Major point.....they need trained. They lived a childhood without ever painting......micro-macro


On TB every waking moment

Friday, August 7, 2020
When the "rule of law" makes no sense, vigilante law takes over

The Foundation for Economic Education (FEE) has just published a very good article examining why respect for the law is diminishing among Americans.

Given the events of the last few months, there can be little doubt that Americans’ respect for the rule of law is dissipating, and this is happening in no small part because inconsistencies in the law are becoming obvious.

. . .

Governor Cuomo recently issued emergency orders that New Yorkers must wear face masks in public, practice social distancing, and self-quarantine when they return to New York from various high-risk states. The Governor managed to violate all three of his own rules recently on a trip to Savannah. A private citizen who behaves contrary to his own rules is merely a hypocrite. But when an elected official does so, it sends a message to the people. It tells them the official’s orders just aren’t that important.

. . .

In response to COVID-19, the government has suspended all manner of rules and regulations originally enacted for public safety. To encourage telemedicine, the Department of Health and Human Services suspended rules requiring medical professionals to have separate licenses to practice medicine in multiple states. The Food and Drug Administration relaxed regulations in order to allow companies producing COVID-19 test kits to get the kits to market faster. The Department of Transportation suspended rules limiting the number of hours truckers could drive per day so as to get products to markets faster. It’s inconsistent that the government would find it necessary to suspend rules enacted for our safety in order to make us safer. Either the suspension is not making us safer, or the suspended rules weren’t making us safe to begin with.

When the law becomes incomprehensible and inconsistent, people lose faith in both the law and government institutions that secure it. This may go a long way toward explaining the growing political animosity of the past decades. In ceasing to be a nation of laws, we have become instead a nation of lawmakers. If the law is to be king, it must speak in a clear and consistent voice. And if that can’t happen, it should say as little as possible.
There's more at the link.

Sadly, that's typical of most governments, and has been throughout history. The initial tendency for any government is to rule imperiously. "Do as I say, because I say so!" Kings and emperors were notorious for this. As democracy spread, the new style of government found it necessary to persuade people to respect the law rather than merely command it; but that wasn't too difficult if obedience to the laws was associated with receiving benefits from the government that made them. "You want roads, and sewers, and street lights, and good governance? Then you have to accept these rules and regulations along with them. They're part of the package. Rebel against them, and your towns/cities/states will become a lot less habitable."

After a while, when society grew too big, and there were simply too many people to pay attention to minor groups or problems, the unelected bureaucracy took over. Politicians were too busy attending to the broad sweep of problems to worry about how to implement solutions. Instead, they delegated that authority to faceless bureaucrats who didn't have to answer to the people for what they did.

That's how a simple legislative act like establishing the Transportation Security Administration can lead to endless delays and pettifogging bureaucracy imposed on our travel. As FEE's article points out:

TSA regulations ... restrict the size of liquid containers that may be brought on board aircraft. Passengers caught with over-sized containers are required to throw them in a trash can located at the security checkpoint. If over-sized liquids are a danger, they should be disposed of in a secure location, away from people. If they aren’t a danger, the TSA is simply wasting people’s time and causing aggravation by collecting them. The rule is inconsistent with the rule’s implementation.
Quite so. Those regulations aren't included in the law establishing the TSA. They're add-ons by faceless bureaucrats drunk with power. "Do as I say, peasant, even if it doesn't make sense, or you won't fly today!"

An even worse danger is when politics determine how the law is applied. Take St. Louis, Missouri. Rioters who are clearly breaking the law are arrested by police - and immediately released without charge by the left-wing District Attorney, who sympathizes with their position. On the other hand, the McCluskeys, who took up arms to defend their home (entirely in accordance with the provisions of Missouri law) are charged with "brandishing a weapon" by that same DA, in defiance of the law (so much and so obviously in defiance of it that the State's Attorney-General immediately moved to dismiss the charges, and the State's Governor promised to pardon the McCluskeys if necessary).

When the enforcement of laws is selective, depending on the political views of those charged with their enforcement, then the rule of law no longer applies. That's one of the primary reasons why the USA is in such turmoil today. The law is not being equally or fairly applied in far too many jurisdictions. Did the residents and businesses in the so-called "CHOP" zone in Seattle consent to be stripped of police protection, and governed by arbitrary "mob rule"? Of course they didn't - but they weren't asked for their opinion. Political correctness overruled their rights under the law.

Tragically, such policies and incidents can have only one outcome. People will take the law into their own hands, because they can't trust the authorities to administer it fairly and even-handedly. Are demonstrators approaching a neighborhood, and those living there know the law enforcement authorities will do little to protect them from extremists? Then they're going to protect themselves, by any means they deem necessary. Genuinely peaceful demonstrators will be treated the same as violent extremists, because there's no time or inclination to distinguish between them.

What's more, locals will probably obstruct any subsequent investigation, because they have to look after their own. After all, they know law enforcement authorities won't. Indeed, in some jurisdictions, investigators may turn a blind eye to defenders' transgressions. After all, when so many demonstrators are calling to "defund the police", the police know who's on which side - and they're almost certainly reluctant to crack down on their own supporters. If evidence conveniently "can't be found" to support charges, those charges will never be brought.

I fear vigilantism and "lynch law" are about to make a comeback, because in the absence of the even-handed, objective rule of law, there's little alternative.


Posted by Peter at 8/07/2020 04:27:00 AM

Kathy in WV

Down on the Farm...
If these animals had to fear mutilation and suffering as punishments we'd see just how fast they can "learn" to fit in. Jail is not even a punishment in their minds, just a normal life of ease. A bed and free food with a bunch of similar gang bangers. Thieves? Cut off their hands. Rapists? Cut off hands and their "bits". Murder or any harm of a child? Get medieval...tie to a tree and do enough free form carving with a razor so it draws in the animals.. Coyotes, bobcats, bears, fire ants. Smear on a little honey for good measure. Hell yes if that was my kid I really would.


Res ipsa loquitur
Worked with a couple fifteen year olds today, painting. Neither had ever done it. Each had an ear bud in and occasionally threw out a verse. Worked thirty, lost for an hour. Neither could figure out the basis for a roller and a brush and how They compliment one another around inside corners...etc.

As it was they slopped enough on and I could still wipe up the runs......primer job a solid b, good enough given the job. Finish color tomorrow. I've decided to try n train them to paint better, I could easily give up. Hope tomorrow's better.

At about the quarter way point and I do need the help. Seem like good kids, giving them a chance to,pocket a little green here in there.

Major point.....they need trained. They lived a childhood without ever painting......micro-macro

GOD bless your patience . . . I despise what's been done to these kids. not only did never HAVE TO do any work they likely rarely played out side read a book with pages and grew up with parental reinforced small screen addiction. we are doomed - doomed I say


Since he had recently met with the father, I am betting the father made him mad about something and he did this to get revenge on the father.

He needs a speedy trial and then a speedy execution. That poor little boy. And his young sisters witnessed it. They'll also have to carry that for the rest of their lives.

Anyone check the mom's & dad's criminal background? It was a revenge killing for something. He could have shot the boy's sister too.

I wish someone could explain to me what makes people without one shred of evidence whatsoever jump to such idiotic assumptions. I see it every single time some story appears that doesn't present all the facts up front. Do they see themselves as some kind of super sleuth detectives or something?

The story is so sad beyond words who needs these out- of- left- field guesses by over-active imaginations to add to the drama. A neighbor running up and shooting a 5 year old in the head not enough drama for you?


Veteran Member
If I'd been that baby's mother, they'd be prosecuting ME right now for beating that G-D N*****'s HEAD INTO PULP on his own driveway!
THIS!!! Hurt my babies I hurt you. I've often thought a lot of crimes against children would stop IF the punishment was doled out by grieving, angry mommas. I can think of a few things to torture this pos.


Since he had recently met with the father, I am betting the father made him mad about something and he did this to get revenge on the father.

He needs a speedy trial and then a speedy execution. That poor little boy. And his young sisters witnessed it. They'll also have to carry that for the rest of their lives.

Anyone check the mom's & dad's criminal background? It was a revenge killing for something. He could have shot the boy's sister too.

I wish someone could explain to me what makes people without one shred of evidence whatsoever jump to such idiotic assumptions. I see it every single time some story appears that doesn't present all the facts up front. Do they see themselves as some kind of super sleuth detectives or something?

The story is so sad beyond words who needs these out- of- left- field guesses by over-active imaginations to add to the drama. A neighbor running up and shooting a 5 year old in the head not enough drama for you?
No... it's that people have seen these "simple" stories turn out to be something much darker way too often. At least no one suggested the parents hired the guy to do it for insurance or something...



No... it's that people have seen these "simple" stories turn out to be something much darker way too often. At least no one suggested the parents hired the guy to do it for insurance or something...

Doubt it is anything dark. We can only speculate. The father might have confronted him with any run of the mill trashy neighbor problems - open drug use on the front porch, loud music, garbage strewn all over the yard, or late night parties.

So, Mr. mentally ill ghetto/Somali immigrant guy with a chip on his shoulder, decides he won't put up with that!


Oh, I don't see this as anything but a deranged moron. But Granana seemed to think that people who speculate on possible scenarios have something wrong, when it's usually because too often these days, we've seen such horrifically weird scenarios, "simple evil" isn't the first thing that comes to mind.



This too shall pass.
The guy has prior drug arrests, so high on something is my first guess. Sounds like the families have known each other forever and got along in the past.



Veteran Member
Anyone check the mom's & dad's criminal background? It was a revenge killing for something. He could have shot the boy's sister too.
This might be the dad: AUSTIN HINNANT

Age 26, Assualt on a female, Conviction: 7/19/2019, suspended sentence, probation

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Senior Member
Sorry for the length and disconbombulated information. Couldn't hep myself

Speedy trial.....sloooooooow and looooooong Medieval execution.
Tortured, Hanged, Drawn & Quartered....

Chop his head off, please allow me the honor....
That (sputter sputter) THING doesn't HAVE enough BRAINS or CONSCIENCE to "contemplate" ANYTHING.

He was (as those above have said
either mad at the dad
or "offended" because the WHITE kid was riding on HIS driveway
Or HIGH as A KITE on meth or something

If I'd been that baby's mother, they'd be prosecuting ME right now for beating that G-D N*****'s HEAD INTO PULP on his own driveway!
If these animals had to fear mutilation and suffering as punishments we'd see just how fast they can "learn" to fit in. Jail is not even a punishment in their minds, just a normal life of ease. A bed and free food with a bunch of similar gang bangers. Thieves? Cut off their hands. Rapists? Cut off hands and their "bits". Murder or any harm of a child? Get medieval...tie to a tree and do enough free form carving with a razor so it draws in the animals.. Coyotes, bobcats, bears, fire ants. Smear on a little honey for good measure. Hell yes if that was my kid I really would.
THIS!!! Hurt my babies I hurt you. I've often thought a lot of crimes against children would stop IF the punishment was doled out by grieving, angry mommas. I can think of a few things to torture this pos.

I agree with all of these answers. However, I will have to say Ragnar "Lodbrok" Sigurdsson is my 37th great grandfather and he purportedly utilized an exercise called "The Blood Eagle" on individuals who really deserved it. And this inhuman cretin really really really really deserves it.
(Here is a search on that so pick your source. This subject could possibly be construed to be NSFW by some I reckon. LINK The Blood Eagle at DuckDuckGo )
The carcase and parts that are left would gussy up that pallet the truck is dragging right nicely and then run thru the cretinous part of town on the way to the 4 corners of the world. This would allow all those of his bloodline and the ilk like him to see what the results of his actions are as well as letting them know "This is what will happen from now on out"
Jeez this carp needs to affect others that are close to our hearts and are affecting more than this young mans life, family and friends. Yup I mean backwardsly MLB and Afitna as well as, well we all know the rest so no need putting it on a flag, if ya know what I mean.
After rereading this and looking it over I realized what was used on my 21st great grandfather, Sir William Wallace of Elderslie, Kt. could also be used, but the cretin should gain no honor. I think Edward I "Longshanks", King of England (also a 23rd great grandfather) did this to William as he was that afraid of him and wanted to be sure he was done.