CRIME Horror in Loudoun County Implicates Local and Federal Officials

Jonas Parker


Horror in Loudoun County Implicates Local and Federal Officials
By Bonchie | Oct 11, 2021 9:30 PM ET

(Thad Allton/The Topeka Capital-Journal via AP)

The situation in Loudoun County, VA, has become a point of national interest over the last year as it has come to represent ground zero for the fight against Critical Race Theory and transgender ideology in schools. Parents have stood up at school board meetings and pushed back on policies allowing boys in girls’ bathrooms, books that promote pedophilia, and other perverse directives.

Back in June, one such meeting exploded with multiple arrests after the cowardly school board declared an unlawful assembly. Police officers with no care for the rights of parents grabbed and threw one man to the ground who refused to leave. In what became a viral moment, the man was dragged out with his pants around his ankles.

Now, we have the story behind what happened via The Daily Wire, who put out a multi-thousand-word investigative piece sharing exactly what Scott Smith had gone through. Most of it is behind a paywall, but I will share as much as I can here.

Per the report, Smith was at the school board meeting because his daughter had been raped by a transgender boy in the girls’ bathroom at Stone Bridge High School. What transpired after that was almost as sickening as the act itself.

Smith was given a no-trespassing order prior to the meeting that forbids him from telling his story. This was all part of an elaborative cover-up by the school district to not publicize the rape of his daughter. In fact, when Smith showed up at the school to complain about what had happened, they essentially accused him of lying and called the police, not on the transgender rapist, but on Smith himself for causing a scene. Luckily, he was able to get his daughter a rape kit that evening that confirmed the crime.

Further, moments before Smith’s arrest, the school board announced that they had no record of any rape regarding their transgender policies at their schools. That is what set the desperate father off. He had an Antifa “anti-racist” activist at the meeting claim his daughter was lying. When an argument ensued, police grabbed his arm. When he pulled his arm away, he was assaulted and thrown to the ground, handcuffed, and drug out of the room.

And while the far-left prosecutor’s office, which would eventually try to throw the book at Smith over his arrest at the school board meeting, insisted they were taking the rape case seriously, the same boy was let back into the school system. Within months, he had committed another rape.

But while it is clear the local school board put children at risk in order to cover for their own demented ideology, things didn’t stop there. Smith’s case was actually cited by the DOJ in their letter warning of “domestic terrorism” at school board meetings. AG Merrick Garland had to have been apprised of the details of the case, yet he chose to obfuscate and pretend Smith was a terrorist threat anyway.

This is absolutely insane, evil stuff, and I pray Smith gets justice here, not only in regards to the boy who raped his daughter but also against the degenerates who populate the Loudoun County School Board. While some conservatives have questioned the need to fight back against things like CRT and abusive school boards in general, this case shows that the fight is not only necessary, but righteous as well.

155 arty

Veteran Member

Horror in Loudoun County Implicates Local and Federal Officials
By Bonchie | Oct 11, 2021 9:30 PM ET

(Thad Allton/The Topeka Capital-Journal via AP)

The situation in Loudoun County, VA, has become a point of national interest over the last year as it has come to represent ground zero for the fight against Critical Race Theory and transgender ideology in schools. Parents have stood up at school board meetings and pushed back on policies allowing boys in girls’ bathrooms, books that promote pedophilia, and other perverse directives.

Back in June, one such meeting exploded with multiple arrests after the cowardly school board declared an unlawful assembly. Police officers with no care for the rights of parents grabbed and threw one man to the ground who refused to leave. In what became a viral moment, the man was dragged out with his pants around his ankles.

Now, we have the story behind what happened via The Daily Wire, who put out a multi-thousand-word investigative piece sharing exactly what Scott Smith had gone through. Most of it is behind a paywall, but I will share as much as I can here.

Per the report, Smith was at the school board meeting because his daughter had been raped by a transgender boy in the girls’ bathroom at Stone Bridge High School. What transpired after that was almost as sickening as the act itself.

Smith was given a no-trespassing order prior to the meeting that forbids him from telling his story. This was all part of an elaborative cover-up by the school district to not publicize the rape of his daughter. In fact, when Smith showed up at the school to complain about what had happened, they essentially accused him of lying and called the police, not on the transgender rapist, but on Smith himself for causing a scene. Luckily, he was able to get his daughter a rape kit that evening that confirmed the crime.

Further, moments before Smith’s arrest, the school board announced that they had no record of any rape regarding their transgender policies at their schools. That is what set the desperate father off. He had an Antifa “anti-racist” activist at the meeting claim his daughter was lying. When an argument ensued, police grabbed his arm. When he pulled his arm away, he was assaulted and thrown to the ground, handcuffed, and drug out of the room.

And while the far-left prosecutor’s office, which would eventually try to throw the book at Smith over his arrest at the school board meeting, insisted they were taking the rape case seriously, the same boy was let back into the school system. Within months, he had committed another rape.

But while it is clear the local school board put children at risk in order to cover for their own demented ideology, things didn’t stop there. Smith’s case was actually cited by the DOJ in their letter warning of “domestic terrorism” at school board meetings. AG Merrick Garland had to have been apprised of the details of the case, yet he chose to obfuscate and pretend Smith was a terrorist threat anyway.

This is absolutely insane, evil stuff, and I pray Smith gets justice here, not only in regards to the boy who raped his daughter but also against the degenerates who populate the Loudoun County School Board. While some conservatives have questioned the need to fight back against things like CRT and abusive school boards in general, this case shows that the fight is not only necessary, but righteous as well.
if that were my daughter,the rapist would have a late night encounter with some emasculating bands around the whole package....never ever to be a repeat offender!!!


Veteran Member
The school board put that POS "it" in another school where he raped again, this time, according to what I read somewhere this morning, he/it was arrested.


Haven’t been following this story much - but I agree with the comments above about DIY justice in a time and place where there is no other justice…

Also, I’d include the entire school board in that ‘disciplinary action’, not just the perverted raping thing.

Im not a blood thirsty man - seriously. I’ve seen enough death and violence to last 2 lifetimes…but when evil is unopposed by good, evil begets evil and it never ends, it just grows like a cancer.

Like our Lord said, “overcome evil with good.” Good training, shot placement, tactics, intel, PT, etc.


Veteran Member
I slightly remember a movie, called Star Chamber. The bad guys would be released from jail and I think some judges and others would bring them to their kind of justice.....old movie....long time ago, but had a good theme. :)
Where is Dexter now that we need him? oh, coming back in November. If only . . .

I do remember that movie, or at least the premise of it, never saw it.


Veteran Member
Haven’t been following this story much - but I agree with the comments above about DIY justice in a time and place where there is no other justice…

Also, I’d include the entire school board in that ‘disciplinary action’, not just the perverted raping thing.

Im not a blood thirsty man - seriously. I’ve seen enough death and violence to last 2 lifetimes…but when evil is unopposed by good, evil begets evil and it never ends, it just grows like a cancer.

Like our Lord said, “overcome evil with good.” Good training, shot placement, tactics, intel, PT, etc.
How about publishing a list of addresses for each and every school board member for a start.


TB Fanatic
Ball gag, bag over head, tied to a tree in the bush, raw beef liver in his underwear. Wait for morning to check on him.

And you get the award for most creative way to take out the trash ! And in Loudoun county there are bears that come around. Lots of wildlife in that area.

The mess with their fruitcake school board is certainly giving the county unwanted media attention. Many of the locals I've spoken with don't like the school board and are looking to move out. Loudoun county went through explosive! growth; home building and sales are among the highest in the DC metro area.


F-4 Phantoms Phorever
Bring back dueling.

I think an Old West solution with a modern twist is what's needed. 2am knock on the door, followed by screaming that fades of into the distance with the sound of a car/truck/motorcycle instead of the Old West version using a horse to drag the offender to their demise.

A more message producing use of a rope than the gravity powered version of using a rope.
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Veteran Member
Lots of ways to play this out legally also. Lawsuit against schoolboard for child endangerment. State RICO charges against school board for letting the raper back to commit another crime. Federal lawsuit also under RICO, another federal lawsuit against civil rights. Another federal lawsuit under title IX. another lawsuit under reverse discrimination. Another lawsuit for rape of a minor. Probably another lawsuit under Dept of education at state and federal level. Lawsuits galore. Also lawsuits against individual board members if they are bonded.


I am the Winter Warrior
Haven’t been following this story much - but I agree with the comments above about DIY justice in a time and place where there is no other justice…

Also, I’d include the entire school board in that ‘disciplinary action’, not just the perverted raping thing.

Im not a blood thirsty man - seriously. I’ve seen enough death and violence to last 2 lifetimes…but when evil is unopposed by good, evil begets evil and it never ends, it just grows like a cancer.

Like our Lord said, “overcome evil with good.” Good training, shot placement, tactics, intel, PT, etc.

Our Good Lord, Jesus, also told the Disciples to buy swords, even if they had to sell their 'cloak' to do so. Now, do a search on the origin of the sword. Here is what you will was the *original* military assault weapon. The way it was shaped and 'balanced' made it good for one thing only...killing other people. Soo...why would Jesus tell His followers to go buy swords?
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Let's Go Brandon!
Our Good Lord, Jesus, also told the Disciples to buy swords, even if they had to sell their 'cloak' to do so. Now, do a search on the origin of the sword. Here is what you will was the *original* military assault weapon. The way it was shaped and 'balanced' made it good for one thing only...killing other people. Soo...why would Jesus tell His followers to go buy swords?
View attachment 295864

He most assuredly did teach us to buy swords.

The problem, though, is He taught a lot of other things that sort of work against taking those swords into the midst of a government meeting and chopping off a lot more than a slave's ear.

It's likely the swords were meant for self-defense. Does pre-emptive self-defense qualify? We're much less sure.