Hornets and Yellowjackets!


Veteran Member
Yup, I got stung by a hornet this evening while digging up an overgrown flower bed. It happens every year. The dogs and I flew back to the house and I put some charcoal on the sting. I usually take a bunch of benedryl, but I am on Claritin for alergies and I don't think benedryl would be a good idea.

The sting is on my wrist and hurts, my hand and arm are puffing up real good, I feel pin pricks and tired-achy all the way up to my armpit. I know I will be this way until tomorrow evening.

What do you do to alleviate pain and discomfort from hornet stings? I want to know all your secrets!


Sheesh. I just typed out a long reply and then a cat jumped on the keyboard and my post was gone. :bwl:

I feel for ya! I had a couple of yellow jackets get inside my bra one day. Yikes!! All I knew to do at the time was scream for a few days. :lol:

I've never used these but here is what my books suggest:

Vitamin C

The following are for external use--just rub it on the area:

Plantain poultice

Lobelia poultice

Comfrey, slipper elm, and white oak bark and leaves poultices


Lavender oil


Hope you feel better soon! You can always do the Benedryl, calamine, and ibuprofen thing.


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Some people swear by dabbing on straight chlorine bleach--never tried it myself, but I carry some in the camping first aid kit.....


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Camasjune, i'm allergic to bee stings and i have other allergies that i take Claritin for. when i get stung i have to take Benedryl. i've never had a bad reaction to it, on top of the Claritin. you should call your doc and check for sure though.

i carry Q-tips and a small vial of peroxide with my Epi-pen kit. IMMEDIATELY after being stung i wet the Q-tip w/peroxide and rub the sting with it until the spot turns all white and bubbles. it seems to bubble out the venom, and i've been able to avoid using the Epi-pen that way. (i still have to take the Benedryl though)

i just HATE when it happens because Benedryl knocks me out and wastes an entire day. the only bees that bother me are yellow jackets. there's something about my smell i guess, and they stalk me even though i use unscented 'everything'. :shk:

your reaction sounds more severe than normal. you really should talk to your doc about it.

Hamilton Felix

Not sure why?

The Papain enzyme in the Adolf's Meat Tenderizer acts to neutralize the venom. That's what lies behind this "home remedy." It's not just an old wive's tale.


Hamilton Felix said:
The Papain enzyme in the Adolf's Meat Tenderizer acts to neutralize the venom. That's what lies behind this "home remedy." It's not just an old wive's tale.

That's right Hamilton. The venom is a protein and the enzyme breaks it down pretty quickly. That is how it works on steaks. A little pre-digestion, if you will. I believe the enzyme comes from pineapples.

We have used meat tenderizer for years with great success. It works really good on fire ant, wasp, and scorpion bites.

It works so well on fire ant bites that I carry a little tin in my pocket when I am working in the garden. I mix with a little water and massage into the bite immediately. The pain quickly stops and no blister or welp will appear.

Check the label of your tenderizer to make sure that you do not have some that is mixed with salt or other spices.


Veteran Member
Booger, if yellowjackets got in my bra, I would scream all the way to the hospital and not quit screaming until they knocked me out! YIKES!

The swelling is gone now and I just have an itchy scab. I went out last night and sprayed the nest. I get great satisfaction in destrying them, the hard part is resisting throwing a match in the hole and blowing them up!

Most commercial meat tenderizers have MSG in them and I have a strong reaction to that. I have tried to keep dried papaya on hand, but it is too yummy to stay around too long. I forgot about plantain. At the moment of crisis, it would be hard to direct my run out to the garden for plantain. The bleach sounds scarey, the peroxide sounds like a good idea, since I read that a hazzard of yellowjacket stings is possible blood poisoning. Activated charcoal seems to work pretty well.

Yes, I have talked to my doctor about yellowjacket and hornet stings, that's why I have an epipen and benedryl on hand, Doc says either-or, then come in to get the high blood pressure treated. If I were to get stung on my face, neck, torso or abdomen I would swallow 6 benedryl and get to the emergency room ASAP. If the swelling on a limb breeched the lymph glands into my torso, I would head to emergency room. I hate going to town for anything less than an absolute MUST!

Today, I resume digging out the flowerbed. I will keep the can of wasp killer withinn reach at all times!

Thanks, all, for the good advice.