FOOD Honeybaked Ham has a fantastic sale on - ends today

Dennis Olson

Chief Curmudgeon
For the first time I can remember, Honeybaked Ham company has a sale that’s worth looking into. An 8-10 lb half ham for $59.99 and a 10+ lb whole ham for $79.99. I called them and asked if it was for hams left over from Christmas and they assured me that wasn’t the case. Today is the last day of the sale. No idea if it’s national or regional, but I wanted to give folks a heads up.


Would *I* Lie???
Spiral hams regularly go on sale at kroger here for 99c/#, and about once a year (usually after thanksgiving, easter or christmas)to 50c/#...

The kroger and walmart hams that come in gold red or purple foil... always taste out of this world... be pretty hard to improve without "MORE SUGAR" and I dont think thatd be an improve.

$6-8 a pound is insane.2


Veteran Member
I wouldn't mind getting a few slices, but DH really doesn't care for it much, so I don't want to buy a whole ham.

Thanks for the heads-up, though - I'll look into it.


Veteran Member
Rats I would but we just had one for the holidays. They are the best. Wife and I had it for a while and she frose the rest. After freezing it's still good but not quite as good so we fry it with eggs. Very good that way.

My wife also uses the bone in the crock pot with beans.

Edit to add: I do like their smoked turkey too!


Veteran Member
Yes, I know the ham can be frozen; I've done that before.

No sale here.

We have leftover rotisserie chicken I should finish first, anyway, before ordering any ham. And leftover lamb from New Year's...

I have a Dal that I like, which I buy in one-person pouches; it has lentils, coriander, and chickpeas in it. Chopped bits of ham in there makes it *really* tasty, so (apart from sandwiches) that's my preferred use for ham.


Fringe Ranger
I have a Dal that I like, which I buy in one-person pouches; it has lentils, coriander, and chickpeas in it. Chopped bits of ham in there makes it *really* tasty, so (apart from sandwiches) that's my preferred use for ham.
Costco's refrigerated pulled pork makes a great addition like this. We cut the package into 8-ounce chunks, vac-seal and freeze. It's great added to the Indian magic pouches of all kinds.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
When I find son safe hams, I slice them into meal size portions and freeze. That means we can have ham on a regular basis. And at that size it cooks quickly.

And the bones become soup quickly.


Veteran Member
1 week before Christmas, WM had honeybaked hams and turkeys priced very low. I got the huge ham for $10, and 16 lbs turkey was $7. I had to ask if the prices were correct. Wasn't advertised. Got one of each extra for daughter.
Ham bone with some ham is very good for Hopping Johns. I'm an addict of this stuff. So I limit it to Christmas.

Dennis Olson

Chief Curmudgeon
I’ve detailed this before. When D’Anne and I were married, we used to get a Honeybaked ham for Christmas. By then it was very cold in the St. Paul area. We used to wait in a long line and after getting our treat, would sit in the car for a little while and snack on it, shivering. That was our Christmas tradition for over 20 years. Good memories. That’s the only reason I still try to get one each year.


Senior Member
We got a Honey Baked Ham for DS's Christmas bonus. Was really good! Sliced and froze it into 3 pkgs but it's almost gone. Got the ham bone for some beans still to use. Dennis is right - Honey Baked is heavenly for real.


Only worry about what you can control!
We had a honey baked ham for Christmas Eve supplied by our oldest daughter, then I sprung my annual Christmas savings for the $100 Prime Rib Roast for Christmas dinner.. two amazing meals back to back.

As a side note, Prime Rib has reached an almost impossible high.. I put a little back all year for the Christmas roast.


Senior Member
My oldest son requested a rib roast for next Thanksgiving. They are tired of turkey. So I will have to save here and there to get that roast. Personally, I love that turkey but I'll be glad to do something new.

Gonewacky - we never were able to afford those hams either but son's company was pretty generous. Now we are spoiled.


Veteran Member
For the first time I can remember, Honeybaked Ham company has a sale that’s worth looking into. An 8-10 lb half ham for $59.99 and a 10+ lb whole ham for $79.99. I called them and asked if it was for hams left over from Christmas and they assured me that wasn’t the case. Today is the last day of the sale. No idea if it’s national or regional, but I wanted to give folks a heads up.
Darn. Wish I had seen this sooner to act on it. I tend to eat way too much of this when we get them and the side effects are unpleasant, but worth it enough that I do it every year.

We had a honey baked ham for Christmas Eve supplied by our oldest daughter, then I sprung my annual Christmas savings for the $100 Prime Rib Roast for Christmas dinner.. two amazing meals back to back.

As a side note, Prime Rib has reached an almost impossible high.. I put a little back all year for the Christmas roast.
Before my father-in-law passed, about 10 years ago. One of his best clients would send a prime rib care package every Christmas. It was one of those things that I could never afford on my own, but was a very much appreciated treat.


Veteran Member
My oldest son requested a rib roast for next Thanksgiving. They are tired of turkey. So I will have to save here and there to get that roast. Personally, I love that turkey but I'll be glad to do something new.

Gonewacky - we never were able to afford those hams either but son's company was pretty generous. Now we are spoiled.
For a while when my wife's side of the family would get together for Christmas Day we had started a tradition of having a Tex-Mex pot luck because everyone had gotten tired of turkey. Once my wife's sister's kids started having families of their own we would have "Christmas Day" on another weekend or just skip it in general. My side of the family always got together on Christmas Eve which was a tradition started when I was younger and we had Christmas Eve with Mom's side of the family and Christmas Day with Dad's. Eventually Dad's side quit gathering, but Christmas Eve has continued through today.