GOV/MIL [HOAX] "At 4AM this morning troops at Moody Air Force Base were called and told ""Be at the base by 6AM, packed and ready to deploy


passin' thru
Jack Straw


"At 4AM this morning, two-thousand (2,000) troops at Moody Air Force Base (near Valdosta, GA) were called and told ""Be at the base by 6AM, packed and ready to deploy.""

They were NOT told the destination.

They WERE told "Tell their immediate families to be prepped with:

*Food, etc.


(Note: Publication of this information was intentionally delayed by me, for 24 hours, for the security of our troops.)

via SovereignRedneckRenegade

UPDATE: It has been confirmed with 7000 more troops on standby...


passin' thru
I would like to see some solid-er debunking- and of course, what isn't true today is often tomorrows front page news so
:: shrug :: still, smells like last friday's unwashed fish atm.


Veteran Member
I'm not giving very much creditability to the twitter poster @JackStr42679640, as I look down what else they have posted, they seem to post on twitter every couple of minutes constantly.

Just counted, they have 22 posts that read "1 Hour" or less, so that could be about 11 posts an hour.

Edited to add: I can't find the source that they are quoting either "SovereignRedneckRenegade". I found a few old social media accounts, but none that have anything recent.
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passin' thru


Has No Life - Lives on TB
This might be an attempt to "cry wolf" so that any warnings just become noise to the public.

With ships being attacked in the ME and the Israel flare-up setting the stage for the next skirmish, there will be needs for small (and 2000 is small) groups to deploy on short notice to hit land-based targets of opportunity.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
There is SO MUCH CRAP tossed out every day - people need to take a few extra minutes to verify (other than re-posts of the original) before also posting it. Lots of this is pure propaganda or Click Bait - try to be an informed consumer of information.

This has gotten a LOT harder to do in recent years. Between the bots, the ABC propaganda, and hungry inexperienced new "media" people looking for a headline to go viral... and MANY online info sources disappearing.


passin' thru
There is SO MUCH CRAP tossed out every day - people need to take a few extra minutes to verify (other than re-posts of the original) before also posting it. Lots of this is pure propaganda or Click Bait - try to be an informed consumer of information.
U totally misread or misunderstand the point of this thread; as stated, I wondered WHO had their spoon in the pot stirring this up, and what their intentions for doing so.

It's wording is almost verbatim one of the "fake" releases they sent prior to sending some folks to Ukraine... and that message being the same was interesting.

The fact we're escalating against the Yemeni attacks, as well as committed to other emerging hot spots in the globe- Philippines/china & Guyana/Venezuela makes the idea that somebody will be going somewhere not outside the realm of possibility :eek:

Anyway, most deployments most of us are familiar with don't include "and tell your families to prepare" or whatever- for those who still needed a clue as to why this was not likely to be an actual deployment order
I dont believe it.
but, interesting to see this spoon in the pot.


passin' thru
I suspect rumors like this get started to see how they're disseminated. Nodes.
I've heard that idea floated before, but not sure I've ever seen it irrefutably in play. Makes sense though, and explains some of what we see.

Perhaps we have found Michael3?
too funny! If that is the fella who so longed to be important that he'd make claims of his "special sources" telling him what was already widely known info- that is exactly who I thought of when I read it.

..I think these folks, or this time, the aim is more strategic- remember, with everything being visible to everyone at all times, all the governments have taken to placing false, contradictory and confusing news out in their channels to help them obfuscate a wee bit...but I wasn't able to get a clear sense of who might be doing this or to what aim :: shrug ::


TB Fanatic
I suspect rumors like this get started to see how they're disseminated. Nodes.

Stored in Utah.

I don't mean to be cryptic.
This isn't directed at any member here.

A name like sovereign redneck renegade screams J6 plant. :D
Stored in St. Petersberg too. AND Shanghai.

Probably started by the comment panda folks. ChiComs have been working like mad behind the scenes. And they need to gauge American public opinion and public sentiment.

Which is what a twitter post like this does beautifully.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Reminds me of my dad and Mom visiting his younger brother in Hawaii back during the VN war. My uncle was one of the base big wigs. Every one but my mother and my aunt had gone to bed, and my aunt started packing a lunch for my uncle. My Mom asked what was up. Aunt said that the men (including my uncle) were going to be called up early in the morning to go out on manauvers, but that none of the men knew about it (but all the wives did).