[HLTH]Opposition To Immunization: A Pattern Of Deception


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Opposition To Immunization: A Pattern Of Deception
Edward R. Friedlander

[Scientific Review of Alt Med 5(1):18-23, 2001© 2001 Prometheus Books, Inc.]

Several Internet Web sites opposing childhood immunizations are examined. Those sites that contain citations to scientific papers misrepresent their contents.

Thanks mostly to immunization, diseases such as measles, polio, diphtheria, tetanus, and rubella are rare in the developed world. Today's immunizations work by enhancing the body's own immunity. Because they are effective, simple, natural, and prevention-based interventions, we might expect "complementary medicine" theoreticians to embrace them. However, opposition to immunization is common within the "alternative medicine" community, with many practitioners of the various schools denying its safety or usefulness.[1] Such opposition has been a factor in leading many people to become more concerned about risks of immunization than the risk of developing diseases that are no longer part of everyday experience in developed nations.
Although many chiropractors oppose immunization, many others strongly encourage their patients to accept immunization.[2] The Faculty of Homeopathy in Great Britain has a formal statement acknowledging that homeopathic remedies do not affect antibodies, and hence it does not recommend that homeopathy be substituted for standard immunization. Unfortunately many homeopaths ignore this statement. Recent US surveys of naturopaths and homeopaths,[3] and of chiropractors[4] revealed that some of each recommend immunization, and others openly oppose immunization. But in each category, the majority either declined to answer or said they left the decision to the family. This may surprise readers who pay their own physicians to give them well-informed guidance. Perhaps federal policies that call for complete immunization have affected the approach of these practitioners, many of whom would like to be reimbursed as legitimate primary care providers.

Outbreaks Among the Unimmunized
Many children in the United States are home-schooled for religious or philosophical reasons, and physicians tend not to monitor these children's immunization status.[5] In the United States, 15 states now allow children to forgo immunizations because of their parents' "philosophical" objections. In California, a parent need only submit an affidavit to obtain an exemption.
Outbreaks of infectious disease among communities receiving religious exemption from immunization showcase the effectiveness of the vaccines and the consequences of refusal. In 1985, measles raged through a Christian Scientist school, with 125 cases and 3 deaths.[6] In 1991, there were at least 890 cases of rubella among the Amish in 5 states, and over a dozen babies with congenital rubella syndrome in Pennsylvania alone.[7] These cases would have been entirely preventable with immunization. In a measles outbreak among the US Amish in 1987, there were 130 cases. The attack rate was 1.7% among immunized individuals, and 73.8% among unimmunized individuals. Two Amish died of measles in the following year.[8] In 1979, a polio outbreak paralyzed 14 Amish people in the United States; the outbreak spread to unimmunized non-Amish neighbors.[9] In 1992, a Netherlands epidemic of polio began in a religious community affecting 68 people, paralyzing 59, and killing 2. None of the affected were immunized.[10]

For some reason, Italian diptheria-pertussis-tetanus (DPT) immunization rates have been low for decades, with only about 50% coverage. So it is no surprise that people bring the disease home to newborn babies who cannot yet be immunized and who are most vulnerable to severe disease. One out of every 14 babies under 1 year of age is admitted to hospital for pertussis; of these, 1 in 850 dies.[11]

Measles is the most contagious of diseases. Since about 10% of people who receive the measles immunization do not become immune, only a high level of immunization ensures neighborhood safety. In the United States, 130 people died in the 1989-1991 outbreak alone. Among the urban poor, the cause is lack of immunization due to social and economic problems. Elsewhere, the epidemics have begun among "exemptors" and spread to people who had not responded to the vaccine.[12]

The Uncertainty of Vaccine Risks
Despite dark talk of conspiracies, the known risks of immunization, though small, are real and have been publicized by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC).[13] In addition, there is the theoretical possibility of autoimmune disease as a result of immunization. But so far, such a risk has not been demonstrated quantitatively, despite efforts to do so.[14,15]
A currently popular claim is that immunization can cause autism or other striking personality changes. The findings of relevant studies have been inconsistent, which is understandable given the way in which conscious or unconscious recall bias would influence reporting. If any cases of autism or striking personality changes occur in response to immunization, they must be very rare.[16,17] A scare about hepatitis B immunization causing multiple sclerosis failed to hold up under statistical study.[18]

Being a Good Neighbor
Despite the known and possible risks, there is a level of consensus otherwise rare either in science or politics that the health of the public is best served by requiring the usual immunizations. When you are asked to accept immunization, you are being asked to assume a small risk for the sake of not only your own health, but the health of your community. For example, as long as we maintain herd immunity in the United States, an individual who does not travel abroad will almost certainly not meet the polio virus. Citing the anti-immunization slogan, "The vaccine is more dangerous than the disease," a person may now increase individual safety at public expense by claiming a philosophical exemption. If such exemptions become widespread, herd immunity will drop, and epidemic disease will resurface. Much of the current anti-immunization rhetoric boils down to: "I don't care if my kid makes the others sick."

The DPT Fiasco
Pertussis (whooping cough) is a grisly disease that kills hundreds of thousands of children in the developing world each year. Antibiotics are largely ineffective against it. The disease can last for months, and permanent brain damage occurs in up to 4% of survivors from bleeding into the brain.[19]
Beginning in the late 1970s, activists in the "alternative medicine" community began urging people not to accept the DPT vaccine. Objections focused on the whole-cell pertussis vaccine. Prolonged crying, pallor, limpness, and/or seizures do sometimes follow this immunization, but the disease of pertussis is a far greater threat to community health than is the immunization. By the 1970s, because of the vaccine, pertussis was rare in the developed nations.

Because the immunity that the vaccine confers is incomplete, herd immunity is particularly important. In several countries, governments accepted the activist agenda. What followed is now history.[20]

In 1974, a year in which there had been no pertussis deaths in Japan, the Japanese government stopped immunizing against pertussis due to the anti-immunization "debate." In 1979 a pertussis epidemic resulted in over 13000 cases and claimed 41 lives.

Also in 1974, a prominent physician told the citizens of the UK that the dangers of brain damage outweighed the benefits. Immunization rates fell, and the annual incidence of pertussis increased from almost none to more than 100 per 100000 per year. Public confidence in the vaccine was reestablished in the mid-1980s and the disease has again become rare.

Pertussis was extremely rare in Australia until an early 1990s antivaccine campaign. Immunization rates dropped, and over 5000 people got sick in 1994 alone.

Sweden stopped immunizing in the late 1970s. During 1980-1983, the incidence of pertussis among children from birth to age 4 had increased to 3370 per 100000 per year, with rates of death and brain damage equal to those in the developing world.[21]

In the early 1980s the TV feature Vaccine Roulette and a book, A Shot in the Dark, told US audiences that the vaccine caused permanent brain damage or death. This was followed by lawsuits, manufacturers ceasing production, skyrocketing vaccine costs to cover liability, and the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986. This compensation program has undoubtedly paid money to families whose children were not injured by vaccines, but it seems to be wiser social policy than leaving juries to evaluate scientific questions.[22] In 1994 the news media reportedly falsely that Miss America had become deaf as a result of DPT; her pediatrician confirmed that the actual cause was hemophilus meningitis, which now has been mostly eliminated due to a vaccine.[23]

Despite the scare, nobody has been able to demonstrate a statistical link or exhibit a distinctive pathologic lesion to support the claim of brain damage from DPT.[24] As of this writing, the Web site of the National Vaccine Information Center has no scientific citation less than 14 years old. DPT is still required for school entrance, and the 90 to 95% coverage seems to be enough to maintain herd immunity, with only a slight upward trend since the early 1980s. Outbreaks in North America occur primarily among the unimmunized and underimmunized, with most of the victims being either babies who have not completed their series or teens whose immunity has weakened. Outbreaks among well-immunized populations are rare, but do occur because the vaccine is only partially effective.[25]

Fabrications and Distortions
To discover why people would want "philosophic exemptions" from one or more immunizations, I examined the Internet sites of the anti-immunization activists. Here I found what I expected. There is rhetoric about "making informed choices," plus a mass of half-truths and (at most sites) outright, obvious lies. The links are mostly to other "alternative" medicine sites.
In particular, these people make a practice of citing scientific papers and lying about their contents. Several cite references to 1990s-era publications in refereed medical journals. None of the authors use their sources truthfully.

A Web site called "Dispelling Vaccine Myths" (www.unc.edu/~aphillip/www/vaccine/dvm1.htm) is typical. The author's most obviously untrue claims -- that immunizations have not made the diseases less common and that 29972 Japanese died of smallpox despite having been immunized -- are referenced only to the works of other anti-immunization activists.

The author also cites the Lancet[26] to claim that "Oman experienced a widespread polio outbreak six months after achieving complete vaccination." A check of the source shows this to be a cynical lie. Coverage was far from complete. Exposure was so massive where herd immunity was low that a few immunized children were not protected.

The author cites MMWR's account[27] of an outbreak of measles spreading from unimmunized people to vaccine nonresponders in order to support the claim that the vaccine is ineffective. The statistics presented actually showed that the vaccine gave a high level of protection.

He cites the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM)[28] to claim that Romanian children have contracted polio from the vaccine. The article actually shows that polio was already common in the country, and that those children who already had polio when they were injected were more likely to develop paralysis -- a well-known phenomenon.

The site contains a fabricated quotation from a Swedish epidemiologist, and the statement that "England, Wales, and West Germany had more pertussis fatalities in 1970, when the immunization rate was high, than during the last half of 1980, when rates had fallen." This statement does not appear in the article to which it is referenced.[29]

The author claims that "oth national and international studies have shown vaccination to be a cause of [Sudden Infant Death Syndrome] SIDS." He cites no international study. He cites one unrefereed paper by one presenter at a scientific meeting, a review of 70 cases; the claim of having a statistically significant clustering of SIDS deaths is made without presenting any statistics.[30 ]

The author misrepresents an article in the American Journal of Epidemiology[31] as arguing that confounding could have masked vaccine as a cause of SIDS. The truth is that both participants in the discussion agreed that it could not.

The author claims that the Japanese found that the whole-cell pertussis vaccine was statistically linked to SIDS. He gives no references (and can't, because it is not true), but the source of the misunderstanding is probably a JAMA article.[32] SIDS, by definition, affects children during the first year of life. When the Japanese stopped immunizing babies under age 1, there were no cases of SIDS following immunization.

"Parents Advocating Vaccine Education" (www.unidial.com/~metroprint/pave2.html) misrepresents the Italian experience with pertussis. Citing a JAMA article[33] in which the vaccine was only 36% effective at the height of an epidemic (when people are inhaling huge numbers of bacteria), the author claims that this means the vaccine only works when the patient is not exposed. The author must actually know that pertussis bacteria are widespread throughout Italy, and there are always opportunities for exposure.

The remaining claims are not referenced. The ridiculous claim that rubella immunization places future unborn children at increased risk for congenital rubella syndrome is referenced only to works by other anti-immunization activists.

The author reports the views of an independent thinker on "stealth viruses" as fact, and claims these may be in vaccines. No mainstream virologist even writes about these hypothetical creatures.

The author cites reports of retrovirus fragments in vaccines, but fails to add that despite much effort, nobody at the CDC could grow them, indicating no infectious particles were present.

Finally, the author repeats the claim recently made by two indepoendent thinkers using their private methods,[34] that some diseases, such as childhood diabetes, are becoming more common, and perhaps immunization is the cause. If this were true, some honest scientist would have made a reputation by demonstrating a temporal relationship between immunization and the onset of diabetes. It hasn't happened. And if this were true, there would have been a tremendous upsurge in childhood diabetes when immunizations first became widespread. It didn't happen, and the mose recent work has shown no connection.[35] The author finishes by imputing the most vile motives to physicians, industry, and government.

When "Think Twice" (thinktwice.com/studies.htm) tells its visitors that "Science reported on a possible link between polio vaccines and the origin of AIDS," the author fails to mention that this was nothing more than a pair of letters about a Rolling Stone article whose author admitted it was idle speculation.[36]

The author cites "studies" (actually, only one study in JAMA) as support for the claim that asthma is more common in recipients of the pertussis vaccine.[37] A subsequent large study refuted the claim utterly,[38] and scientific misconduct was described in a previous study claiming a link.[38] In the original JAMA article, 16 of the 203 unimmunized children had already had pertussis, compared with 1 of 243 in the immunized group.

The author cites the Journal of Infectious Diseases,[39] alleging that DPT makes it more likely that a polio infection will turn paralytic. The article merely reported an illustration of the previously mentioned, well-known phenomenon resulting from injection during acute polio.

The author cites an increasing prevalence of hepatitis B among intravenous drug abusers despite the existence of a vaccine.[40] However, the author neglected to say that the vaccine never reached these people.

The author cites an old article in NEJM to claim that the original hepatitis B vaccine may have contained AIDS virus.[41] This was mere speculation at the time, and now we know it never happened.

The author cites another NEJM[42] article to claim that hepatitis B vaccine causes acute polyneuropathy. Actually, this was the report of a single case following immunization. Subsequent studies have shown no statistical relationship.

"Vaccinations -- Not Safe, Not Effective" (www.pnc.com.au/~cafmr/online/vaccine/vacc.html) cites a NEJM paper as support for the claim: "A report on a study of 11 healthy individuals to determine the effects of routine tetanus booster vaccinations showed that the vaccinations weaken the immune system of the recipients." What actually happened is that the circulating counts of T4 cells dropped, though not to dangerous levels, as these cells migrated to the site of immunization. And the author of the Web page fails to mention that all blood work returned to normal in a month.

The author quotes Pediatrics[43] as saying that the H. flu meningitis vaccine has been shown to cause serious reactions including convulsions, anaphylactoid allergic reactions, serum sickness-like reactions, and death. Actually, these were only reports of temporal associations, without further evidence of causality.

The author claims that atypical measles, which is wild-strain measles in people who received only the killed vaccine, as "a very severe form of the disease in which it appears that, because of the vaccination, there is an increased susceptibility to measles virus, resulting from a damaged immune system." The truth is that atypical measles is not "very severe," but variable; only one patient in the cited JAMA[44] article was seriously sick, and both patients recovered. Actually, atypical measles results from a vaccine-enhanced antibody production to wild virus in those whose T-cells did not respond to the immunization. To characterize this as a "damaged immune system" is a shameless lie.

The author cites MMWR's note[45] that mumps is now largely a disease of older people, and twists the language to claim (falsely) that it is now more common among these people than before immunization was available.

"Unknowing Women Victims of Hidden Birthcontrol [sic] Vaccine" (home.sprynet.com/~noshots/hcg.htm) tells a frightful story of women in developing countries being giving a tetanus vaccine that caused them to miscarry. The vaccine was supposedly the work of Orwellian UN officials bent on controlling population. Thankfully, it's just another cynical lie, as a check of the actual Lancet[46] reference will show. The women did not know why they were being immunized, and were suspicious. But there were no miscarriages reported.

An anticontraception conspiracy buff site (new-atlentean.com/birthcon.htm) is a "Think Twice" mirror. It claims that human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) was introduced into tetanus toxoid to sterilize women. If this were true, it would be a terrible human rights violation. But the only evidence is an unpublished report that hCG was assayed in the vaccine. Using assays with extreme sensitivity but relative nonspecificity will generally give a small positive number even when none of the analyte is really present.

These are not isolated examples, but are typical of how these Web sites use scientific citations. Obviously, the activists making these claims are yelling "Fire!" when there is none. What disturbs me the most is that there seems to be no internal self-criticism in the anti-immunization community. The most obvious lies go unchallenged.

My Online Experience
On my Web site (www.pathguy.com/antiimmu.htm), where I refute false claims made by anti-immunization activists, I offer to do free reviews of autopsy reports in order to look for a credible link between a vaccine and a child's death. If I were to find a credible link, I would testify for free on behalf of the family.
Instead of being thanked by these people for being open-minded and decent, I have received 20 pieces of hate mail from anti-immunization activists. And not one "alternative" thinker has written to thank me for pointing out errors by colleagues.

Edward R Friedlander, MD, is Chairman, Department of Pathology, University of Health Sciences College of Osteopathic Medicine, Kansas City, MO 64106.

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jed turtle

a brother in the Lord
as convincing as sherri's articles on vaccines have been, i couldn't help but wonder:

"wouldn't an enemy about to unleash bio-weapons try to plant seeds of doubt about the safety of the only defense against such weapons?"


Good health is the best defense against any bio-attack- or actually any attack whatsoever.


Good old eddie friedlander.
Get yourself vaccinated to the hilt if you want. More room on the planet for the rest of us. Follow the money.........


Thank you for this most valuable and well-documented find!

When I was a child there were no vaccinations against measles, mumps, whooping cough, etc. Only the smallpox vaccination was known and given then.

My brother and I, two years apart in age, were deathly ill with all of the above and some others, and it took a toll on our general health and cut into our schooling, because then it took weeks to recover. (We did not contract smallpox).

My own children were blessed to be born after the other diseases could be halted with immunizations, and they got none of the ones that had made our childhoods so miserable. (And we were the lucky ones who lived through those then deadly illnesses!)


Stone Cold Crazy
give it a rest sheri.

There are about twenty people in my dialysis unit-most are well over 60yrs old, all got their shots weeks ago and none have died!


All of the above - not sure what you meant - all at the same time?
Sorry you were so ill. If children don't have the right nutrition or inherited problems, yes they can have problems with illness. Homeopathic treatment could have been very helpful. The childhood illness are rarely deadly in the US or UK and deaths were on the decline long before each vaccine was released - in fact the death rate increased in many cases after the vaccines

Here is a list of the vaccine reactions to Hepatitis B vaccine - there are pages and pages of these for every vaccine if you'd like to read them.
for every vaccine - http://www.whale.to/vaccine/citations.html
(compiled by my colleague John Scudamore)


All of the below have links to the articles from this webpage
This is just hepatitis B vax

Hepatitis B vaccine adverse events: citations
Hepatitis vaccination

Medical citations http://www.omen.net.au/~pienaar/index.html/

Neonatal Deaths After Hepatitis B Vaccine The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, 1991-1998 Manette T. Niu, MD; Marcel E. Salive, MD, MPH; Susan S. Ellenberg, PhD

Allergy reactions to gelatin & neomycin (journal articles)

Neonatal Deaths After Hepatitis B Vaccine The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, 1991-1998 Manette T. Niu, MD; Marcel E. Salive, MD, MPH; Susan S. Ellenberg, PhD

Ajithkumar K, et al. [See Related Articles] Vaccine-induced necrobiotic granuloma. Clin Exp Dermatol. 1998 Sep;23(5):222-4. PMID: 10233605; UI: 99332212. We report two cases of necrobiotic palisaded granulomas which developed at the site of intradermal hepatitis B vaccination. To the best of our knowledge, this kind of reaction has not been reported previously.
Arya SC. Ophthalmic complications of vaccines against hepatitis B virus. Int Ophthalmol. 1997;21(3):177-8. No abstract available.PMID: 9587836; UI: 98249417.
Albitar S, et al. Bilateral retrobulbar optic neuritis with hepatitis B vaccination. Nephrol Dial Transplant. 1997 Oct;12(10):2169-70. No abstract available.PMID: 9351086; UI: 98012356.
Allen MB, et al. Pulmonary and cutaneous vasculitis following hepatitis B vaccination. Thorax. 1993 May;48(5):580-1. No abstract available.PMID: 8322254; UI: 93310736.

Baglivo E, et al. Multiple evanescent white dot syndrome after hepatitis B vaccine. Am J Ophthalmol. 1996 Sep;122(3):431-2. PMID: 8794720; UI: 96387180.
Ballinger AB, et al. Severe acute hepatitis B infection after vaccination. Lancet. 1994 Nov 5;344(8932):1292. No abstract available.PMID: 7734013; UI: 95057571.
Bardazzi F, et al. [See Related Articles] Graham Little-Piccardi-Lasseur syndrome following HBV vaccination. Acta Derm Venereol. 1999 Jan;79(1):93. No abstract available.PMID: 10086877; UI: 99184681.
Bensaid J, et al. [See Related Articles] [Benign acute pericarditis after vaccination against hepatitis B]. Presse Med. 1993 Feb 20;22(6):269. French. No abstract available.PMID: 8511146; UI: 93288675.
Berkman N, et al. [Bilateral neuro-papillitis after hepatitis B vaccination]. Presse Med. 1996 Sep 28;25(28):1301. French. No abstract available.PMID: 8949792; UI: 97107044

Berkman N. [A case of segmentary unilateral occlusion of the central retinal vein following hepatitis B vaccination]. Presse Med. 1997 Apr 26;26(14):670. French. No abstract available.PMID: 9180888; UI: 97324783.
Bentsi-Enchill A. Adverse events following the administration of hepatitis B vaccines. Can Commun Dis Rep. 1992 Apr 17;18(7):49-53. English; French. No abstract available.PMID: 1291014; UI: 93177423.

Birley HD, et al. [See Related Articles] Hepatitis B immunisation and reactive arthritis. BMJ. 1994 Dec 3;309(6967):1514. No abstract available.PMID: 7804071; UI: 95102378.
Brezin A, et al. [See Related Articles] Visual loss and eosinophilia after recombinant hepatitis B vaccine. Lancet. 1993 Aug 28;342(8870):563-4. No abstract available.PMID: 8102709; UI: 93360669.
Biasi D, et al. A new case of reactive arthritis after hepatitis B vaccination. Clin Exp Rheumatol. 1993 Mar-Apr;11(2):215. No abstract available.PMID: 8508565; UI: 93284771.
Biasi D, et al.[Rheumatological manifestations following hepatitis B vaccination. A report of 2 clinical cases]. Recenti Prog Med. 1994 Sep;85(9):438-40. Review. Italian. PMID: 7938876; UI: 95025084.
Biacabe B, et al. A case report of fluctuant sensorineural hearing loss after hepatitis B vaccination. Auris Nasus Larynx. 1997 Oct;24(4):357-60. PMID: 9352826; UI: 98012875.
Bourges JL, et al. [Multifocal placoid epitheliopathy and anti-hepatitis B vaccination]. J Fr Ophtalmol. 1998 Nov;21(9):696-700. French. PMID: 9894208; UI: 99111579.
Bonfils P, et al. [Fluctuant perception hearing loss after hepatitis B vaccine]. Ann Otolaryngol Chir Cervicofac. 1996;113(6):359-61. French. PMID: 9124778; UI: 97254004.

Brooks R, et al. Guillain-Barre syndrome following trivalent influenza vaccine in an elderly patient. Mt Sinai J Med. 1980 Mar-Apr;47(2):190-1. No abstract available.PMID: 6967162; UI: 80232515

Bracci M, et al. Polyarthritis associated with hepatitis B vaccination. Br J Rheumatol. 1997 Feb;36(2):300-1. No abstract available.PMID: 9133957; UI: 97279516

Brezin A, et al. Visual loss and eosinophilia after recombinant hepatitis B vaccine. Lancet. 1993 Aug 28;342(8870):563-4. No abstract available.PMID: 8102709; UI: 93360669.
Bui-Quang D, et al. [Cutaneous vasculitis after hepatitis B vaccination with recombinant vaccine in a renal transplant patient]. Presse Med. 1998 Sep 12;27(26):1321-3. French. PMID: 9779046; UI: 98452068.
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Creange A, et al. Lumbosacral acute demyelinating polyneuropathy following hepatitis B vaccination. Autoimmunity. 1999;30(3):143-6. [MEDLINE record in process] PMID: 10520897; UI: 99449207.We report a patient who presented with an acute inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy, that followed the second injection of a hepatitis B vaccination, and characterized by motor and sensory deficit restricted to lower limbs and perineum, and persistent bladder dysfunction. The relationship between the preceding event and neurological disease is discussed. creange@univ-paris12.fr PMID: 10520897, UI: 99449207

Daoud MS, et al. Anetoderma after hepatitis B immunization in two siblings. J Am Acad Dermatol. 1997 May;36(5 Pt 1):779-80. No abstract available.PMID: 9146542; UI: 97292002
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Erlinger S. [Vaccination against hepatitis B. Many more advantages than disadvantages]. Presse Med. 1997 Feb 1;26(2):60-1. French. PMID: 9082410; UI: 97226576.
In particular a few cases of multiple sclerosis have been observed after vaccination. Epidemiological data do not show a higher incidence of multiple sclerosis in vaccinated persons when compared to the general population. Although a causal relationship between vaccination and multiple sclerosis cannot be established on epidemiological grounds, it is reasonable to avoid vaccination in patients with this disease or a familial antecedent of multiple sclerosis. The present universal vaccination strategy aimed at protecting all the population against hepatitis B should not be modified.

Evans AA, et al. [See Related Articles] Hepatitis B vaccine and liver problems in U.S. children less than 6 years old. Epidemiology. 1999 Nov;10(6):790-1. No abstract available.PMID: 10535806; UI: 20004464.
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Grotto I, et al. Major adverse reactions to yeast-derived hepatitis B vaccines--a review. Vaccine. 1998 Feb;16(4):329-34. Review. PMID: 9607051; UI: 98269934.
Halsey NA, et al. Hepatitis B vaccine and central nervous system demyelinating diseases. Viral Hepatitis Prevention Board. Pediatr Infect Dis J. 1999 Jan;18(1):23-4. Review. No abstract available.PMID: 9951975; UI: 99135446.
Herroelen L, et al. Central-nervous-system demyelination after immunisation with recombinant hepatitis B vaccine. Lancet. 1991 Nov 9;338(8776):1174-5. PMID: 1682594; UI: 92047879.
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Hassan W, et al. Reiter's syndrome and reactive arthritis in health care workers after vaccination. BMJ. 1994 Jul 9;309(6947):94. No abstract available.PMID: 8038674; UI: 94312966.
Heinzlef O, et al. [Acute aseptic meningitis after hepatitis B vaccination]. Presse Med. 1997 Mar 8;26(7):328. French. No abstract available.PMID: 9122145; UI: 97252911.
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Kear TM, et al. Transient hepatitis B antigenemia in hemodialysis patients following hepatitis B vaccination. ANNA J. 1996 Jun;23(3):331, 337. No abstract available.PMID: 8716993; UI: 96356647. [See Related Articles]
Kaplanski G, et al. Central nervous system demyelination after vaccination against hepatitis B and HLA haplotype. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 1995 Jun;58(6):758-9. No abstract available.PMID: 7608688; UI: 95332874.
Korman SH. Thrombocytopenic purpura during the incubation of hepatitis B. Acta Paediatr Scand. 1991 Oct;80(10):975-6. PMID: 1755310; UI: 92095079
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Di Lernia V, et al. [See Related Articles] Erythema multiforme following hepatitis B vaccine. Pediatr Dermatol. 1994 Dec;11(4):363-4. No abstract available.PMID: 7899194; UI: 95207066.
Lilic D, et al. [See Related Articles] Liver dysfunction and DNA antibodies after hepatitis B vaccination. Lancet. 1994 Nov 5;344(8932):1292-3. No abstract available.PMID: 7967997; UI: 95057572.
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S. Laoussadi, V. Sayag-Boukris, C.-J. Menkes, André Kahan. Department of Rheumatology A, Cochin Hospital, Paris V University, Paris,France. HBV vaccination may induce hypersensitivity and autoimmune reactions in susceptible individuals and healthy
Subjects. Seven patients (4 F, 3 M; mean age 35 ± 10 yrs), developed severe rheumatic disorders after the first (4) or the third (3) injection of HBV vaccine. Before HBV vaccination, one was a healthy subject and 6 were previously suffering from: eosinophilic fasciitis (1), systemic lupus (1), HLA B27 positive axial ankylosing spondylitis (2), sickle cell disease (1) and idiopathic cutaneous urticaria (1). The underlying disease was in remission induced by treatment (4 cases), including NSAIDs (2), corticosteroids (CS; 1), sulfasalazine (SZ; 2) and hydroxychloroquine (HC; 1) and in 3 cases there was no treatment. Fourteen days (mean) after vaccine injection, they developed rheumatic disorders including: 3 severe symetric polyarthritis fulfilling ARA RA criteria, associated in one case with vasculitis and 2 monoclonal IgM cryoglobulins. Two cases of oligoarthritis (one associated with palatine and laryngeal oedema, ocular sicca syndrome, hypereosinophilia, positive ANA, and C4 defect), 1 case of Sjögren syndrome, 1 severe systemic flare of lupus with arthritis, pleural effusion, vasculitis and a grade IIIa glomerulonephritis.
In all patients these disorders were controlled using prednisone therapy (0.3 to 1 mg/kg/day; 7) combined, according to the underlying rheumatic disease with HC (2), SZ (2), cyclophosphamide (1), azathioprine (1), methotrexate (1) and IV Ig (1). Six patients met a remission after 2 months to one year treatment, but they are still under treatment. In one patient, with eosinophilic fasciitis, a total recovery was observed after 7 years and he has stopped any treatment for 2 years.
Hepatitis B virus vaccination may induce severe reactions requiring the use of a long term treatment (mean period of time of 32.5 ± 24.8 months) in healthy subjects and in patients who suffer from autoimmune diseases and from ankylosing spondylitis or reactive arthritis, even if a complete remission has been already obtained. Abstract: 1186 November 10, 1998 Poster Session D: Miscellaneous Rheumatic Diseases 12:30-2:00 pm, Hall B1/C
Manna R, et al. Leukoencephalitis after recombinant hepatitis B vaccine. J Hepatol. 1996 Jun;24(6):764-5. No abstract available.PMID: 8835755; UI: 96432703.
J.F. Maillefert1, J. Sibilia2, E. Toussirot3, E. Vignon4, R. Juvin5, C. Piroth1, D. Wendling3, J.L. Kuntz2, C. Tavernier1, P. Gaudin5 Departments of Rheumatology; 1Dijon; 2Strasbourg; 3Besançon; 4Lyon; 5Grenoble, France
Aim: to obtain an overview of rheumatic disorders occurring after hepatitis B vaccination.
Methods: a questionnaire was sent to rheumatology departments in nine french hospitals. Criteria for entry were rheumatic complaints of one-week duration or more, occurrence during the 2 months following hepatitis B vaccination, no previously diagnosed rheumatic disease, exclusion of bacterial or viral reactive arthritis.
Results: 21 patients (18 women, 3 men; mean age = 30.7 years +/- 12.6 SD) were included. All received recombinant hepatitis B vaccine. The time interval between the vaccination and occurrence of complaints was one week or less for 10 patients, between one week and one month for 8 patients, between one and two months for 3 patients. In 9 patients, the next vaccinal dose was inoculated despite the complaints. The symptomatology worsened in 7 cases, and was not modified in one case (effects unknown for the last patient). The observed disorders were as follows: rheumatoid arthritis for 6 patients, systemic lupus erythematosus for 2, reactive arthritis for 5, polyarthralgia-myalgia-fatigue for 3, suspected or biopsy-proved vasculitis for 3, miscellaneous for 2. Conclusion: hepatitis B vaccination might be followed by various rheumatic conditions, and might trigger the onset of underlying inflammatory and/or auto-immune rheumatic diseases. However, a causal relation between hepatitis B vaccination and the observed rheumatic manifestations cannot be easily established. Further epidemiological works are needed to establish whether hepatitis B vaccination is associated or not with an incidence of rheumatic disorders higher than normal.
Marsaudon E, et al. [Meningeal reaction after vaccination against hepatitis B]. Presse Med. 1996 Oct 26;25(32):1561-2. French. No abstract available.PMID: 8952667; UI: 97110516.

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Shaw FE Jr, et al. Postmarketing surveillance for neurologic adverse events reported after hepatitis B vaccination. Experience of the first three years. Am J Epidemiol. 1988 Feb;127(2):337-52. Review. PMID: 2962488; UI: 88103514.
During that period, a total of 41 reports were received for one of the following neurologic adverse events: convulsions (five cases), Bell's palsy (10 cases), Guillain-Barre syndrome (nine cases), lumbar radiculopathy (five cases), brachial plexus neuropathy (three cases), optic neuritis (five cases), and transverse myelitis (four cases).
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Vaccine safety

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[Vaccination] [Diseases] [Vaccine damage] [Hepatitis B vaccination]


How fortunate they are.
Would you like to be in touch with hundreds of people that I know who are damaged from the vaccine?

This may not make sense to you, but from a homeopathic perspective, sometimes you have such a deep disturbance - the renal failure for example - that your body isn't capable of responding to a different assault/insult. For example, often severe mentally ill persons in institutions rarely get other illnesses. Or if you have cancer, you rarely will get the other disease going around. Its kind of like your house is on fire and you don't stop to realize you are hungry and take time to eat breakfast.



The Uncertainty of Vaccine Risks
Despite dark talk of conspiracies, the known risks of immunization, though small, are real and have been publicized by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC).[13] In addition, there is the theoretical possibility of autoimmune disease as a result of immunization. But so far, such a risk has not been demonstrated quantitatively, despite efforts to do so.[14,15]

The risks can only be documented WHEN the doctors and nurses acknowledge and understand reactions when they see them!!!!! First of all, they give tylenol or ibuprofen right before they give the immunization. So any fever is masked.
Read through one page of THE book considered the bible of drug facts for pharmacists and technicians. Ask yourself, were you aware of these things when you immunized yourself or your children? Did they (doctors/nurses) listen if there was a problem? Did they EVER ask you if there was a problem with the LAST immunization??

Here is a page typed out of my 1989 Drug facts and comparisons, the resource book for pharmacists,

"Diphtheria and Tetanus Toxoids and Pertussis Vaccine, absorbed (DTP)
These preparations combine diphtheria and tetanus toxin (detoxified by formaldehyde) with the pertussis vaccine.
Pharmacology: Adequaate immunization with dipheria toxoid is thought to confer protection for at least 10 years. It significantly reduces both the risk of developing diphtheria and the severity of clinical illness. It does not, however, eliminate carriage of Corynebacterium diphtheriae in the pharynx or on the skin. A serum level > or = 0.01 toxin neutralization units/ml is generally protective.

For active immunization of infants and children through 6 years of age (between 2 months and the 7th birthday) against diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis. Recommended for both primary immunization and routine recall. Start immunization at once if whooping cough or diphtheria is present in community.



Defer immunization during any acute illness or if any neurological signs or symptoms, including one or more seizures (see Warnings), occur following administration of these products.

OCCURRENCES OF ANY OF THE FOLLOWING AFTER ADMINSTRATION CONTRAINDICATES FURTHER USE OF THIS PRODUCT: Fever > 39 C (102 F), convulsions with or without accompanying fever, alterations of consciousness, focal neurological signs, thrombocytopenia, screaming episodes, shock, collapse, somnolences, encephalopathy.

The presence of an evolving or changin neurologic disorder.

Anaphylactoid or allergic reactions, immunosuppressive therapy, recent gammaglobulin, plasma or blood transfusions, immunodeficiency disorders, leukemia, lymphoma or generalized malignancy.

Immunosuppressive therapy including irradiation, corticosteroids, antimetabolites, alkylating agents and cytotoxic agents, may result in aberrant responses to active immunization. Defer administration in such individuals.

Defer elective immunizations of patients > 6months old during a polimyelitis outbreak.


Do not use DTP for treatment of actual tetanus, diptheria, or whooping cough infections.

History of convulsions: Although contraindicated by the manufacturers, the Immunization Practices Advisory Committee (ACIP) has reviewed the risks and benefits of pertussis vaccine for infants and children with a family history of convulsions. Based on this review, the ACIP believes that a family history of convulsions should not be a contraindication to DTP vaccination. Also, the committee believes that antipyretic use with DTP vaccination may be reasonable in children with personal or family histories of convulsions.


When an infant or child returns for the next dose in the series, question the parent concerning occurrences of any symptoms or signs of adverse reactions after the previous dose. If such are reported, further doses of TP are contraindicated; complete active immunization against diphtheria and Tetanus Toxoids, Adsorbed (pediatric).

Hypersensitivity: Review the patient's history regarding possible sensitivity. Have epinephrine 1:1000 immediately available. Refer to Management of Acute Hypersensitivity Reactions on p. xviii


Local: Erytheme and induration with or without tenderness (common). Pain (51%), swelling (41%), and redness (31%). Local reactions are usually self-limited and require no therapy. A nodule may be palpable at the injection site for a few weeks. Abscess may form at the injection site.

Systemic: Mild to moderate temperatur elevations, accompanied by malaise, chills and irritability. Other systemic reactions include fretfulness (53%), drowsiness (32%), anorexia (21%), vomiting (6%) and persistent crying (3%).

Rarely, serious and occasionally fatal adverse reactions have followed administration of pertussis vaccine-containing preparations. They almost always appear within 24 to 48 hours after injection, buy may occur after as long as 7 days. Should such reactions occur, further immunizations against pertussis is contraindicated. Reactions reported are: High fever of 40.5 C (105 F), collapse with rapid recovery; collapse followed by prolong prostration; a transient shock-like episodes; excessive screaming (persistent crying for 3 or more hours duration); somnolence isolated convulsions with or without fever; encephalopathy with changes in the level of consciousness, focal neurological signs and convulsions, with or without permanent neurological or mental deficit (rare but may be fatal or result in permanent CNS damage); thrombocytopenic purpura; hemolytic anemia. Pertussis vaccine has been associated with a greater proportion of adverse reactions than many other childhood immunizations.

Neurological complications following tetanus toxoid administration, such as paralysis of the recurrent nerve, cochlear lesion, brachial plexus neuropathies, and a case with dysphagia, accomodation paresis and EEG disturbances, have been reported. In the differential diagnosis of polyradiculoneuropathies folling administration, consider tetanus toxoid a possible etiology.

Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) has been reported following administration of DTP. The significance of these reports is unclear. Consider that the three primary immunizing doses are usually administered to infants between the age of 2 and 6 months and that approximately 85% of SIDS cases occur between 1 and 6 months of age with peak incidence at 2 to 4 months. . .

(the rest is about Administration and dosage)

Here's a news alert to all of you folks out here. Your immunization for DPT is only effective through age 15 or so. So children are infected by adults coughing their heads off with 'bronchitits' when it is really pertussis. Because they were 'vaccinated' as children they think they are immune to pertussis and they pass it on. Only when a baby gets sick do the doctors screen for pertussis and say see. It used to be that people kept their babies away from sick people and kept them sheltered for the first 6 monthes to a year. Good reason, it gives the babies' immune systems time to properly develop.

oh, and by the way, the reason they don't give the pertussis vaccine to adults is that there can be severe side effects. But it doesn't hurt children?????

I spent 8 years as a pharmacy tech in hospitals. It's amazing what pharmacists refuse to take personally or give to their families.



The Pulse......
This is not in defense of Sheri - in any way...Her anti-American Gov't rhetoric has cost her credibility as far as I'm concerned!!

However, as a parent of a child who has been seriously harmed by vaccines - and has followed the research showing the epidemic autoimmune illnesses in children related to the increase in childhood immunizations,.....I believe the report above is the result of the recent awareness of parents to the dangers of vaccines. Parents are questioning why all of these immunizations? Children are expected to get 32 immunizations by the age of 8? And for things like Hepatitis ? A strain that can only be passed through IV drug use or unprotected sex? Surely a newborn doesn't have to worry about this! - Yet hospitals insist on giving the day-old baby a large dose of this vaccine!!

From the day a baby is born - his immune system is now compromised with vaccine! Newborns already carry immunities passed from their mothers -and it last's about 6 months..Why are the drug companies in such a hurry to immunize newborns? In fact after the investigations into Autism came out - the FDA recommended that newborns -NOT be given so many vaccinations due to the high content of mercury in the vaccines and the babys inability to handle it!

These are not the same vaccinations that we got as children..measels shots were just that and so were mumps, etc..these days they put all kinds of junk into these shots to save money on production -they combine several shots and place additives such as mercury (which is toxic) in it as preservatives..Then 20 years later go OOPS! And we are supposed to just accept it as Ok and allow them to continue producing new vaccines and trust them?

Sorry - I have seen the results of the drug companies experiments and their mistakes. :mad:

Right now they are losing money big time! And THAT is the reason for the article above.....


Membership Revoked
Good old eddie friedlander.
Get yourself vaccinated to the hilt if you want. More room on the planet for the rest of us. Follow the money.........</i>

Please do:

The Braid of the 'Alternative Medicine' Movement

Private foundations fund many "AM" activities and may be the largest source of "AM" funding. The $300-million Fetzer Foundation funded the Bill Moyers PBS TV series Cancer and the Mind and the 1993 Eisenberg New England Journal of Medicine "AM" study. It still funds the Beth Israel/Harvard and other medical school courses, postgraduate physician education courses, departments, and research projects. The Laing Foundation (>$1 million) funded the University of Maryland acupuncture (pain) program and other activities. The Rosenthal Foundation funds Columbia University's "AM" program to at least $750,000. The Templeton Foundation gives annual awards, funds research, and supports other nonprofit organizations for millions of dollars for support of spirituality and religion in medicine. Ten million dollars went to the University of California this year from the Osher Foundation for an "altmed" service. Endowments are in the hundreds of millions of dollars, with annual funding exceeding the $14-20 million per year of the Federal Office of Alternative Medicine.

These foundations are products of wealthy entrepreneurs with private ideologies they would like to see adopted by society. Financially strapped universities and medical schools accept these funds under conditions not acceptable a decade ago. A few years ago, Yale University declined a contribution from a conservative donor on ideological grounds, and was hailed by the academic community.


Membership Revoked
expose...try to separate the meat from the bones. Newborns do not need Hep B unless they are shooting drugs and engaging in prostitution at the tender age of a few weeks. Chicken pox vacc seems nuts to me. But polio and diptheria are dangerous and very real threats....ask the kids in the ex-USSR in 1992 or so who got them after trade of medical supplies collapsed.

I find it interesting that the leading anti vacc person here is a new age, pro-murder of unborn kids advocate, with web links to witchcraft sites.

I find that pro choicers who still have some conscience left become advocates of the helpless.....usually animals or turtles or seals or trees or whatever. I think they need to feel like compassionate humans due to their very real abotion guilt. In this case, they have become the staunch defender of poor little vaccinated kids, with no repentance for defending murder. Interesting and typical....


Sheri knew I didn't mean we had those diseases all at once...such a smart aleck! And all our school friends had them at the same time as well. It could NOT have been that ALL of us were in poor shape physically, so we contracted them. Nonsense!

And yes, Lynnie, you are right about the polio. I came back to this thread to add that as a P.S. I knew kids who got polio...one died of it...and others spent a LOT of time in those iron lungs that did their breathing for them! Also, I have a friend to this day who can only walk with both legs in metal braces, and using those metal canes that go up one's arm from polio!

Bless Dr. Jonas Salk for developing the polio vaccine, and all the others who have worked so hard to eliminate debilitating and often fatal childhood diseases from the lexicon of worries of every mother!!!

I am sorry for any who have had bad reactions, but this is far outweighed by those who have so greatly benefitted from vaccines.

Thanks, Potemkin, for that new, eye-opening knowledge about the funding for this anti-vaccination movement. Very, very interesting.

Senses On

To be honest, I don’t have a firm position on one side or the other of this debate.

Personally, I try to avoid putting any extra “stuff” into my body, and after many mishaps with the “scientific medical community” I am far less trusting than I was as a young woman. I am equally as leary of most alternative “medicine.”

But a few things in the original article kind of irritated me:

“Much of the current anti-immunization rhetoric boils down to: "I don't care if my kid makes the others sick."”

This really smacks of trying to assault people for trying to do what is best for their own child. It suggests one should always sublimate self “for the good of the whole.” Self-sacrifice as a charitable, and obligatory, act.

“Because the immunity that the vaccine confers is incomplete, herd immunity is particularly important.”

Hmmmm. Protection is “incomplete.” And now I am a member of a “herd.” Pray tell, who is the stock keeper?

“Exposure was so massive where herd immunity was low that a few immunized children were not protected.”

Oh, I see. Immunization only works if you limit exposure. Hmmm. Didn’t know that.


The Pulse......

I understand what you are saying about the vaccines for polio and the other few they used to give before the medical association went wild (about 25 years ago).....

And I understand what a ridiculous champion for the cause Sheri
makes herself out to be. It almost makes me suspicious? I mean you take a person like Sheri who cuts and pastes tons of valid research regarding the hazards of vaccinations and at the same time posts tons of anti-administration and government BS?...talk about disinformation!! :mad:

She couldn't do more for the pro-vaccine Pharm. co's if she was on their payroll! She invalidates alot of the terrible truths concerning current vaccination dangers because of her anti-USA rhetoric...... and that makes me angry!

And as far as the Polio vaccine? They had to stop giving the Oral version just a few years ago because they found the live virus in it actually passed the disease onto unvaccinated parents and grandparents when they changed the babys diapers soon after receiving it!! So many stupid, stupid mistakes!! And we trust them with our children?? I don't see any of this in the article above......


Its amazing how none of us were accused of being anti-american with anti-clinton rhetoric. I am ANTI-BUSH, ANTI-CORPORATE CONTROL OF GOVERNMENT, ANTI-ILLUMINATI CONTROL OF THE WORLD. To label me as anti-american is disgusting.

And sure wish my anti-vaccine group andall the others I know got some of whatever funding you referred to - what an absolute joke.

Just because I don't agree with you politically or many of you about your religion invalidates my vaccine information - how ludicrous. Do you only go to a doctor or dentist or carpenter or appliance sales person who totally agrees with you politically?

And, yes, if you are afraid of the unvaccinated kid, I guess your vaccine doesn't work as well as you think it does. The day we tolerate the sacrifice of the few for the many is a sad day - but we have been doing that for quite some time.

No, it wasn't obvious from your post g1s - just asking. And you have bought the advertising for vaccines and drugs hook line and sinker - good little consumer you are.

Research both sides - don't take the world of the 'pathguy' or me. Read and research for yourself.

And lynnie - this is really beneath you

I find it interesting that the leading anti vacc person here is a new age, pro-murder of unborn kids advocate, with web links to witchcraft sites.

You have no idea my stance on abortion and my links are my business. The hypocricy of you all who are infuriated that I don't buy all your christian stuff but your intolerance toward anything else is truly severe. Get a grip.

And to say that you are angry that I am a spokesperson for this when you don't agree politically is ludicrous - I am happy for anyone of any shape, color, religion, whatever, who will join me in making people aware of the damage being done to children and the human race. I am grateful for any and all who are awake to this issue and could care less your political stance. I work every day on this issue with christians, jews, moslems, feminists, doctors, right wing extremists, liberals, gays, ministers, and wiccans. This is more important than an political philosophy - it crosses all barriers and limits.

fruit loop

I think you're missing the point.

NOBODY should be forced to undergo a government-mandated medical procedure. Parents and adult individuals, in consultation with their own private doctors and their own consciences, should decide FOR THEMSELVES if they want to undergo ANY medical procedure, not just a vaccination.

There is an amendment to the constitution (forget the number) that says mentally competent people have a legal right to refuse medical procedures.

Mandatory vaccination laws are violating this right. And, yes, you CAN get an exemption...but people are continually harassed if they try (some school systems insist that you have to get a letter from your pastor, even though NO state actually requires this) and people have had their children taken into state custody for refusing to vaccinate them.

Docs smile condescendingly when you ask about adverse reactions, and tell you how rare it is. Tell that to Heather Whitestone, who is deaf because of a DPT shot. I'm sure the fact that such reactions are rare is soooooo comforting to her in her world of silence.

What if YOUR child is permanently injured by a vaccine? How will you ever explain that or make it up to him/her?

I was required to get the rubella shot even though I'd had rubella, because the doctor who had attended me had died and we couldn't get my medical records to prove it. I had to go to the emergency room with a fever of 105 degrees and was told NEVER to take that vax again.

Any medical procedure should be optional.

What about Hep B? As Sheri points out, far more people have negative reactions to the vax than will EVER get the disease, which is spread like AIDS - having sex with an infected person, shooting drugs, or sharing body fluids. All infants are now vaxed for this disease, even though a baby is NEVER going to get Hep B.

Mumps is not a dangerous disease, although a serious case in males can cause sterility. Yet ALL children, including girls for whom mumps is not a risk, get the vax. More children are injured by the vax than get sterilized by the rare disease complication.

The chickenpox vax is only effective for about 20 years. Chicken pox is not dangerous to kids, and the disease confers lifetime immunity. Yet chicken pox can be VERY dangerous to adults - and do you really think that 20-year-old is going to go get his boosters every year????

The last outbreak of diphtheria was in Chicago in 1990. Thirty people got the disease - seventeen of whom had received the full course of immunizations. What a waste.

Measles itself is not fatal. Death occurs from high fever or secondary infections, which are easily treatable with today's fever reducers and antibiotics, which were not available at the time of the vax. Docs point to the fact that 400,000 kids die of measles each year....but don't bother to tell you that those deaths are in Third World countries. Again, fever reducers and antibiotics aren't widely available there. Furthermore, your vax will wear off. Are YOU going to get your boosters on schedule? Most adults don't. Adults are more likely to have a serious case of measles than a child.

Rubella is not a serious illness. The reason kids are vaxed is because pregnant women ARE at risk for the disease...so the idea is to vax everyone and wipe it out just to protect those pregnant women.

Nobody should have to get ANY kind of treatment unless they decide they want it. I for one don't want the govt to be a third party in my doctor's office.


Membership Revoked
"I find it interesting that the leading anti vacc person here is a new age, pro-murder of unborn kids advocate, with web links to witchcraft sites. "

would u mind pointing out some of the witchcraft sites?

also .. just gotta throw my 2 cents in here .. if YOU want to get vaccinated againtst whatever .. go ahead. just dont force YOUR views on me or my kids. vaccinations are a MULTI BILLION DOLLAR a year industry. they'll do anything necessary to keep their thing going.

the amount of evidence against vaccinations is, without comparison, staggering. there are dozens, if not hundreds, of physicians, scientists, and researchers - from around the globe - that can point out the many many people who have been injured by vaccines.

and please - dont give me the 'well how many people would have died *without* vacccines' crap. its a lame ass-hole statement and i've heard it all before.

just follow the money.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
My Mom took me to the Doc for my shots. I've been tormenting people ever since.

Sherri, are you against tetanus shots also? The accounts I've read of blood poisoning don't sound all that fun.


Exactly Fruit Loop!!

Some diseases are more dangerous to get as adults such as mumps and chicken pox and others can be deadly to infants such as pertussis.

But what about tetanus. Anyone know how you get tetanus?? Horse manure. Remember horse and buggys and farms? Nowadays, most people aren't even exposed to this anymore. Especially infants. BUT my children are exposed through our horse community so I choose to vaccinate for that disease. The problem is that I cannot get JUST tetanus vaccine. Noooo, I have to get diphtheria.

And the truth of the matter is, NOONE (except someone with AIDS or equivalent) gets ALL the diseases at ONE TIME. So vaccination, using 2, 3, sometimes 4 diseases, totally overwhelms the immune system. Add in the poisonous additives and you have disaster.

I have personally seen doctors/nurses disregard side effects from vaccinations. Plus with clinic vaccinations and 'free' government vaccination programs, there is no follow-up because the children don't see a doctor just a nurse.

The reality is that if you choose NOT to vaccinate your child, actually even if you do, be prepared to nurse them through the illness. That requires having resources to use in these times. Homeopathy has remedies that work to help ease the cough of pertussis, help the sequela of measles, and help with chicken pox not to mention the other diseases. But sometimes babies/children/adults will need the aid of a respirator or intravenous fluids while their bodies fight the illness. That is where regular medicine is a God send. That, trauma and certain surgeries make it important to work together.

For what its worth--I am NOT a witch, socialist, or new-age philosopher. I am NOT pro-choice.

I am an imperfect mother/wife who believes Jesus Christ, Lord and Savior, died on the cross for my sins. I believe children born and unborn have the right to be protected by the people around them. I believe that some people are just evil and they will hurt people to further an agenda.

Do you feel better now?? Are my words any more valuable?

At least with Sheri, I know where she stands.



Hi Delta,
I find that tetanus vaxs can be extremely damaging also.
I have gotten 5 or 6 letters and phone calls in the last year with people severely damaged by that vaccine! Adults and children. It is as if they have a case of tetanus that won't go away (without the extreme of needing to be on a ventilator - but serious problems). So it isn't benign either. Please read my webpages on that

Lots of misconceptions about tetanus - jmh shared some above. It is NOT that prevalent. There is no diagnostic test for tetanus so those diagnosed could have anything that resembles tetanus (poisoning, etc). Wound care - allowing wound to bleed and cleaning out with hydrogen pyroxide and soap is enough. It only grows in anaerobic environments (without oxygen) - so deep puncture wounds (not allowed to bleed out or be cleaned out) and severe burns with lots of layers of dead tissue.

There is also the idea that the more your child plays in the dirt the more he immunizes himself. Vets and horse owners know this.

Its too bad there is a christian litmus test for any information on this board.



Supporting Children's Health - Part 1
by Philip Incao, M.D.

I would like to sincerely thank the editor and publisher of Alternative Medicine Digest for allowing us to reprint the following article from their issue 19. This is an excellent publication which I highly recommend to each and every one of you. Part 2 will appear in the next issue of the newsletter. If you would like to subscribe to Alternative Medicine Digest ($36(US)/year from Australia) or would like to contact them, their address is:
21 1/2 Main Street
Tiburon California 94920

The rate of chronic illness in children has tripled since 1960, possibly due in part to the overuse of childhood vaccinations. The surprising news is that the standard childhood illnesses these vaccines suppress may actually benefit the immune system.

One of the best ways to ensure your children's health is to allow them to get sick. At first hearing, this concept may sound outrageous. Yet standard childhood illnesses, such as measles, mumps, and even whooping cough, may be of key benefit to a child's developing immune system and it may be inadvisable to suppress these illnesses with immunisations. Evidence is also accumulating that routine childhood vaccinations may directly contribute to the emergence of chronic problems such as eczema, ear infections, asthma, and bowel inflammations.

It's a challenging medical proposition, but ever since the 1920s, many European physicians and a small band of American doctors (myself included, for the past 23 years) have avoided using most vaccinations, based on a medical approach called Anthroposophic medicine.

In this field, we regard childhood vaccinations as anything but routine; rather, we consider them in most cases to be suspect, dangerous, and worthy of exceedingly rigorous review. Generally, we try to avoid giving most vaccinations and rely instead on alternative, more natural ways of helping the child cope with what we contend are the necessary and beneficial illnesses of childhood.

The Immune System Benefits from Early Illness

Before these concepts make sense, it must be pointed out that the immune system has two different aspects. One aspect is called the humoral immune system whereby antibodies (specialised defence proteins) are produced to recognise and neutralise antigens (foreign particles in the body).

The other aspect is called the cell-mediated immune system, and involves white blood cells and specialised immune cells called macrophages which ÒeatÓ antigens. These also help drive the antigens out of the body, causing skin rashes and discharges of pus and mucus from the throat and lungs. Both are typical signs of the beneficial acute inflammatory illnesses of childhood.

These two poles of the immune system have a reciprocal relationship. That means when the humoral pole is overstimulated (for example, from vaccines or allergies), the cell-mediated pole tends to be relatively inactive. Vaccines do not stimulate this pole, so their contents never get discharged from the body.

Polio and tetanus do not belong to this group of beneficial standard childhood illnesses. I use the word "standard" to denote acute inflammatory illnesses (usually with rash and fever) typical and common to children in Western, industrialised nations. These illnesses are also standard to childhood as a developmental phase, something akin to the predictable change in teeth around age seven.

Many years ago, Rudolf Steiner, the Austrian scientist and founder of the Anthroposophic approach to medicine, argued that childhood illnesses are a standard feature of childhood because the young body needs them. Now let's see how this plays out in a standard childhood illness or its suppression with vaccinations.

An acute inflammatory childhood illness--measles, mumps, rubella, chicken pox, scarlatina, or whooping cough--develops the cell-mediated immune system, while a vaccine activates the humoral immune system. The difference here is crucial because it is the cell-mediated response that protects the child from future illness and that provides, in effect, the deeper immunity.

Physicians who practice Anthroposophical medicine generally believe that having acute but limited inflammatory diseases as a child helps protect one as an adult against more serious, long-term, chronic illnesses. Not having these childhood illnesses (because of multiple vaccinations) can lead to a greater incidence of adult health problems. The same is true when these childhood illnesses are routinely suppressed with antibiotics rather than helping the cell-mediated immune system to work out the illness in a rash or mucous discharge.

Recent research in conventional medical journals is now confirming this view. In early 1997, a team of British physicians writing in Science made this provocative statement: "Childhood infections may, therefore, paradoxically protect against asthma." In other words, these infections have a purpose in building general immunity.

The British physicians noted that the incidence of asthma has doubled since 1977 in Western countries and in the U.S. it is responsible for 33% of all paediatric emergency-room visits. Yet this growing incidence of asthma seems to be related more to the suppression or absence of respiratory infections than to the commonly perceived cause, air pollution.

Highly polluted European cities where the use of antibiotics and immunisations is less than in the U.S. have lower asthma rates than comparable U.S. cities. Conversely, in Tucson, Arizona, despite the dry heat and lack of irritants (such as dust mites) in the air, the rate of asthma is the same as elsewhere in the country.

The Science physicians suggested that diseases such as tuberculosis and whooping cough may permanently alter a child's immune system such that they confer a lifetime protection against asthma. Certainly they were not saying children should have tuberculosis, but they noted that the humoral immune system needs to be tempered by the cell-mediated response, and this best happens during an infectious childhood disease.

When a child undergoes an intense but short-term lung infection, this provides the necessary exercise of the cell-mediated immune system. If this does not happen, the humoral system is left unbridled and subject to over-reaction to otherwise harmless pollen and dust particles; eventually, this may lead to asthma.

Let's follow this idea in the case of measles. When a child gets a measles rash, the body excretes the virus through the skin, usually within about four days after rash onset. If the child does not get a measles rash, some of the measles virus remains unneutralised in the body where it can act as a chronic irritant to the immune system and contribute to degenerative disease later.

The fever and rash of measles enable the body to burn up the virus; having a measles vaccine is like planting a seed of future infection in the body and tricking the body not to reject it. This is because a vaccine results in only a partial immunity; ie., the humoral system is triggered while the cell-mediated system remains dormant or can even be inhibited by the vaccine. This insight was first put forward by Boston homoeopath Richard Moskowitz, M.D., in the early 1980s.

Danish physician Tove Ronne stated it simply in The Lancet in 1985: "Measles virus infection without rash in childhood is related to disease in adult life." Among these, Dr. Ronne listed skin disease, immune dysfunctions, degenerative diseases of bone and cartilage, and certain cancers. It's alarming to note that a few years later, in 1991, the National Cancer Institute announced that the rate of all cancers among white American children grew by 4.1% between 1973 and 1988. More specifically, the rate of childhood leukemia increased by 10.7% while brain cancers soared by 30.5%.

Predisposing Children to More Disease Later?

Put simply, the research suggests that if children do not undergo some type of limited respiratory infection, they are more at risk for developing asthma, among other problems. Michel R. Odent, M.D., and colleagues at the Primal Health Research Centre in London, England, documented this connection in a report on 448 children, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association in 1994.

Out of this group, 243 children (average age, eight years) had been immunised with the pertussis vaccine for whooping cough. Of these, 26 (10%) had asthma compared to only four (1.9%) of the 208 children not immunised. This suggests that having the pertussis vaccine can increase a child's risk of developing asthma by more than five times.

Similarly, in the vaccinated group, 130 children had ear infections compared to only 59 among the 208 non-vaccinated. Here the risk of developing subsequent ear infections was increased by almost two times in pertussis-vaccinated children. The incidence of other diseases (excluding asthma, ear infections, eczema, and whooping cough) was also noticeably higher in the vaccinated group--34.6% versus 24% for non-vaccinated children.

The measles vaccine has been linked with higher rates of inflammatory bowel disease. Based on a study of 3,545 people who received live measles vaccine as children, their rate of developing ulcerative colitis was two-and-one-half times higher and three times higher for Crohn's compared to an unvaccinated group, as reported in The Lancet. The MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) vaccine has also been implicated in higher rates of diabetes (see accompanying sidebar, "Do Vaccinations Cause Diabetes?").

There are still other data suggestive of a vaccine link with disease. For example, for largely "unexplained" reasons, between 1960 and 1981, the rate of activity-limiting chronic conditions among children doubled from 1.8 to 3.8%, most noticeably in allergic and mental/nervous system disorders. By 1995, this figure had climbed again to 6.7%. In other words, the rate more than tripled since 1960. I contend the rise is not "unexplained;" rather, it is explained by the fact that we have overused antibiotics and immunisations.

Certainly this evidence paints a picture, and it confirms what Anthroposophic physicians have contended for 75 years. It is healthier for the child to undergo an acute upper respiratory infection (with appropriate herbal and homoeopathic support, described below) than to suppress or preempt it with antibiotics and vaccinations. The more you allow children to work out their acute illnesses, to really exercise their immune systems without suppressing the process, the stronger the system will be and the less prone the children will be to serious adult degenerative illnesses.

When an adult comes down with an infectious, inflammatory disease, it is actually a blessing because it might prevent them from developing a more serious chronic problem. I've seen adults who suppressed inflammatory diseases, such as bronchitis or pneumonia, then five to ten years later came down with cancer. Letting the inflammations run their course instead (with support, naturally), may have prevented the cancer from developing.
How Measles Can Cure Eczema

Now let's see how undergoing childhood measles may actually improve a child's health, both immediately and in the long-term. Consider the case of Hans, whom I first treated for measles when he was nine.

Hans did not receive the measles vaccine because he was allergic to eggs. The vaccine contains an egg product and is not recommended for children with this allergy. When he was nine, he came down with measles, which is a bit late for children. Of considerable interest here is the fact that for years Hans had suffered from severe eczema; his skin was dry and cracked, particularly behind the elbows and knees, and occasionally it bled. In fact, Hans often could not straighten his legs because the eczema made it too painful.

His measles produced a strong rash and a fever of 104 F, yet I did nothing to suppress these reactions with Tylenol (Panadol) or Advil (Ibuprofin), for example, as conventional medicine would recommend. Instead, I gave Hans Anthroposophic remedies to support him through the measles process. Specifically, I gave him low potencies of Apis, Belladonna, Argentum/ Carbo/Silicea, Ferrum Phosphate, Prunus Spinosa (from the sloe plum), and Echinacea.

These remedies do not suppress the fever, but allow the constitution to tolerate it better. The temperature does not need to come down, but the child needs to be able to tolerate it. Again, the important concept is that the fever is a natural, useful, necessary process for a child's health. The child must be closely observed by a medical professional during the illness process to be sure the course the illness is taking is benign. It is important to find out if complications like encephalitis or pneumonia are developing. These rarely occur and are not directly linked to the degree of the fever.

The remedies we use for children make the body more transparent or permeable to allow the toxicity or fever process to flow through it without getting stuck. Let me illustrate this principle with an analogy.

If you have a copper rod and you light a candle at one end of it, the warmth of the flame will flow quickly through the rod and you feel the warmth at the other end. Similarly, if the body is like a copper tube, the warmth of the fever will flow through it but not cause a complication such as a convulsion; but if the body is more like lead, which is dense and does not conduct heat well, complications are likely to arise.

The lead does not conduct or dissipate the heat; rather, it starts to melt at the point of contact with the heat. It remains cold at one end and gets overheated at the other. This is analogous to the undesirable situation of children having cold feet and a hot head. Care should always be taken that children have warm feet, especially during a fever.

If you suppress the fever with drugs or antibiotics, you block this flow and make the body more like the lead in this analogy. How long a child has the disease is not as important as avoiding complications. The length of time depends on how much toxicity the body needs to discharge through the fever.

When Hans' measles were over, his eczema had almost completely disappeared. Hans is now in his twenties and has never had a recurrence of eczema since his measles. This is a typical example of how stimulating the cell-mediated side of the immune system can help the body overcome an allergic problem. The measles process enabled Hans' system to stop reacting allergically and producing the eczema symptoms. In a sense, you could say that the fever burned the allergic reaction out of his body.

His case also underscores the fact that childhood measles in industrialised countries is a benign disease if you understand how to treat it. Hans' symptoms, the high fever and intense rash, were not mild, but scientific studies have shown that the stronger the initial symptoms, the less likely it is that the child will get the damaging or dangerous complications, such as encephalitis or pneumonia.

Do Vaccinations Cause Diabetes?

While the U.S. population has only doubled since the 1940s, the number of Americans with diabetes has increased 200 times, and it has increased by 300% in the last 15 years alone, representing about 15% of all U.S. health-care costs. Routine childhood vaccinations may be a prime cause of the diabetes epidemic, according to testimony presented before the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Appropriations on April 16, 1997, by Harris L. Coulter, Ph.D., medical history scholar and president of the Center for Empirical Medicine in Washington, D.C.
Based on animal studies, the pertussis vaccine (part of the DPT vaccination) is known to stimulate overproduction of insulin by the pancreas. This is followed by exhaustion of that organ's "islets of Langerhans" (which make insulin) and underproduction of insulin, resulting in chronic low blood sugar (hypoglycaemia) and eventually diabetes, says Dr. Coulter.
Both untreated rubella and the rubella vaccine (part of the MMR inoculation) produce immune complexes that can damage the pancreas and significantly reduce the levels of insulin that organ is able to secrete. As an untreated disease, mumps can damage the pancreas. As a vaccine, there are now many case reports directly linking the onset of diabetes--sometimes within only a month's time--with receipt of the mumps vaccination. New Zealand researchers observed a 60% increase in the cases of juvenile diabetes following a hepatitis-B vaccination program.
Despite the mounting evidence linking vaccines with diabetes, the U.S. government refuses to research the connection, says Dr. Coulter. "The fact that the federal medical establishment--which would be the major source of funds for such an epidemiologic investigation--is itself highly committed to the childhood vaccination program, goes far to explain the absence of any official interest in this connection."

Supporting Children’s Health – Part 2

By Dr. Philip Incao, M.D.

How a Fever Can Reverse the Effects of a Vaccination

It is increasingly noted that many of the routine childhood vaccinations can produce a variety of side effects and complications, posing both immediate and long-term dangers. Todd, aged 19 months, had all his vaccinations, including DPT, MMR, tetanus, polio, and Hib (Haemophilus influenza type b).

After his first two DPT shots at two and four months, Todd screamed every night for a week, after which his parents and paediatrician realised he had reacted to the shot and should have no more DPT. At 18 months, Todd received his MMR and polio immunisations, after which he slept almost continually for two days; when he was awake, he was lethargic and his breathing was shallow. A week later, Todd had trouble standing erect and did not want to walk on his own. About two weeks later, Todd came down with a 104 F fever and a rash. When both subsided, he was his normal self again.

To understand what happened with Todd, you need to appreciate the documented fact that some vaccines can produce a slight but significant state of encephalitis, or brain inflammation. While this is usually reversible, it may also leave lingering effects such as dyslexia or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. I didn't get to treat Todd until after all this had happened, so I focused on giving him remedies to heal his post-encephalitic state. I gave him Arnica, Belladonna, and Formica to take for the next six to 12 months for the after-effects of the brain inflammation caused by the vaccines.

Todd's fever and rash following his MMR vaccination was his body's attempt to "burn" the vaccine toxins out of his system. The first sign that these materials irritated his system was Todd's lethargy, two-day sleeping binge, and inability to walk; these symptoms, in fact, indicated a slight brain inflammation. The second sign was the rash and fever which arose to discharge these toxins from the body.

In Afghanistan, the common treatment for measles is to wrap the child in blankets to produce a rash. The idea is that the more the measles comes out as a skin rash, the less likely the child is to get encephalitis or pneumonia. Anthroposophic physicians concur with the thinking behind this "folk remedy."

In the months immediately following his MMR injection and reaction, Todd developed constipation (with movements only every 2-3 days) and a spastic bowel. I regarded this as another symptom of his vaccine reaction. Spastic colon is often a symptom of food allergies and according to research reported by Harris L. Coulter, Ph.D., in Vaccination, Social Violence, and Criminality: The Medical Assault on the American Brain (North Atlantic Books, 1990), many of today's food allergies are traceable to vaccines. Dr. Coulter noted that encephalitis, especially derived from vaccinations, can produce allergic states, adding that "the interrelation among allergies, vaccination, and encephalitis has been an active topic of medical investigation since the 1930s."

While conventional medicine sees no connection between the digestive and nervous systems, the interrelatedness of the two is strongly acknowledged by practitioners of Anthroposophic, Chinese, and homoeopathic medicine.

To correct Todd's intestinal problems, I started him on ground flaxseed at the rate of two teaspoons, twice daily. Six months later when I saw him next, Todd was having daily bowel movements; the stools were softer and were eliminated without pain. He also had no problem standing up or moving around on his own and by all visible signs was developing normally.

Todd cured most of the brain inflammation himself by getting the rash and fever. However, Todd is still at risk for a learning disability such as dyslexia--in effect, a third layer of reaction and damage from the vaccines--when he eventually attends school. Many of these relationships are subtle and problems may not surface or become noticeable until years later.

Remedies for Dealing with Childhood Illnesses

Most of the illnesses common to childhood are the standard upper respiratory tract conditions. While in the view of physicians practicing Anthroposophic medicine it is crucial to not suppress the illness with drugs or antibiotics, we offer many remedies to parents to support the discharging--we call it "the expressing"--of the illness, driving it out of the body.

Typically, I find that about 90% of the childhood illnesses can be helped with about a dozen low-potency home remedies. I often prescribe my personalised home remedy "kit," which contains 13 Anthroposophic or homoeopathic medicines, to parents wishing to approach their children's health in this way. For example, Ferrum phosphate is effective for relieving colds, flu, sinusitis, or any upper respiratory infection such as bronchitis; Cinnabar is for sore throats and swollen lymph glands; and Apis belladonna (a homoeopathic combination of the honey bee and deadly nightshade) works well for fevers and pain.

These are classical homoeopathic remedies, but among specifically Anthroposophic medicines we often use Infludo for flu, bronchitis, or pneumonia. This formula contains phosphorus, Aconite, Bryonia, eucalyptus, Eupatorium, and Sabadilla. For earaches, my home remedy kit includes capsicum (red pepper) and the herb lovage, given orally or directly into the ear where it has a gentle warming effect that relieves the pain. The parents obtain the kits (and other Anthroposophic medicines) from Weleda Pharmacy which prepares the kit according to my prescription for each child. Certain old-fashioned remedies, including milk of magnesia which cleanses the colon, are handy for treating children with inflammatory diseases.

From our medical perspective, it is often not the type of childhood illness that determines the mix of remedies, but rather the child you are treating. You have to individualise, based on symptoms and the child's particular constitution. Two different children with the same illness may require quite different treatments.

Anthroposophic, homoeopathic, and other natural medicines have also enabled me for the last 20 years to avoid using antibiotics in treating children. The aim of treatment is to support the externalising and discharging of the illness process--to get it out of the body--so that no residual illness remains to become a chronic problem later in life. The essential point is that health is not merely the absence of illness, as conventional medicine presumes. Rather, it is the balance between acute inflammatory and chronic illnesses; when you suppress the first in childhood, you're likely to get much more chronic illness in adulthood.

Do Vaccines Delay Children's Development?

According to the U.S. Select Committee on Children, Youth, and Families, 7.5 million American children are considered developmentally delayed, compared to 4.8 million in 1991. Of these 7.5 million, an estimated 30% are autistic, which is not surprising as autism has been linked with the MMR vaccine.

Children with developmental delays (based on a survey of 696 children, aged 1-12) are 27% more likely to have had at least three ear infections and 50% more likely to have been on continuing rounds of antibiotics (20 cycles or more), according to the Developmental Delay Registry in March 1995. Most important for this discussion, the study also found that developmentally delayed children were four times more likely than normal children to have had a negative reaction to a vaccination.

Copyright © 1998 Australian Vaccination Network, Inc.


Membership Revoked
Joanne...as a doomer/prepper who expects social unrest with rioting and hospitals filled to the max, possible failure of medical supplies deliveries, possible nukes on our soil, etc, the scenario you paint dependent on intravenous and other meds is too optimistic IMO. I think basic vaccs are a better risk than expecting all that medical help to be available. Part of preps for a worst case scenario.


No, Sheri, I am not "a good little consumer," as you so ungraciously put it!

You are apparently upset with me because I have listed SUCCESS stories of those in my care, my two daughters and stepchildren, from their having been vaccinated against diseases that debilitated me and my brother and HUGE numbers of our peers back when those vaccines were not available.

Sorry to do harm to your theories with my facts.


Were you raised in a ghetto or third world country g1s?
I was born in 1950 - all of us had all of those childhood diseases (and by the way most people had polio just had mild symptoms - a cold, fatigue, etc). All of my playmates and schoolmates had the diseases - no one died, no one was injured - NO ONE. I never heard of anyone haveing a problem with them. My mom was a peds RN at the time and had no fear of those diseases - asked her again recently and she just laughed, and said 'of course not'. I then worked a pediatric doctor's office throughout the mid 60's while in high school - never saw and problems. Nursing school 1968-1971 - NEVER saw 1 problem from measles, mumps, rubella, chickenpox. Worked pediatric hospital 3.5 years 1971 - 1974 - rare admission for pertussis in extremely young - very rare. No one died. Never saw any other admissions for problems other than Reyes Syndrome with chix pox with administration of aspirin (so they said anyway - not sure I buy it now). Worked pediatric doctor's office 1974 - 1978 - rare admission to hospital for tiny infant with pertussis. Rare meningitis and usually viral. No complications from any of the diseases.

So in my medical experience I have NEVER seen a problem with these diseases in the US. I'm sure there are. But never saw them. But I see HUGE numbers of vaccine reactions and children and adults extremely damaged or killed these days. Also saw vaccine reactions then when working in peds - but very few vaccines admiinstered then compared to now.

My brother and I, two years apart in age, were deathly ill with all of the above and some others, and it took a toll on our general health and cut into our schooling, because then it took weeks to recover. (We did not contract smallpox).

Just wondering exactly which diseases and what 'deathly ill' means and what the toll was on your health and how it has affected you today? And those huge numbers of your peers - just wondering where on earth you lived and what years you are talking about - just find it extremely strange


You sound like my mom!;)

Thanks to you and Sheri for the info on tetanus. My mom used to say that animal feces in a puncture wound was pretty rare and that a rusty nail had nothing to do with tetanus.

One of our friend's daughters was vaccinated for small pox as a baby and became deaf because of it. My mother was there for the ordeal the baby went through and vowed at that time never to vaccinate any of her children.

I am sure there are those here who have been vaccinated and are doing fine, however please be aware that there are many many children who have not done well- making a strong case for looking into vaccinations before giving them to your own children. As for me and my house- we will not be vaccinated.

Do I need to give my Christian credentials now?


lynnie said:
Joanne...as a doomer/prepper who expects social unrest with rioting and hospitals filled to the max, possible failure of medical supplies deliveries, possible nukes on our soil, etc, the scenario you paint dependent on intravenous and other meds is too optimistic IMO. I think basic vaccs are a better risk than expecting all that medical help to be available. Part of preps for a worst case scenario.


I don't live for worse case scenerios. If the world goes to hell in a handbasket, I will deal with it then. Otherwise, I just try to be as self-sufficent as possible and learn trades/skills.

WHAT I was saying about IV's and respirators is that in TODAY'S world, RIGHT NOW, it is okay to mix medicines, complimentary and allopathic.

If the world falls apart as you envision, vaccinations are the least of your problems. People will simply go back to dying early over treatable illnesses. Appendicitis, heart attacks, infections, burns, asthma.

The number one killer of babies and small children is diarrhea. They can die within hours.

Perhaps you know herbal medicine and homeopathy enough to be comfortable with your family's future?

But in the world as you envision I have hope for our relationships to each other. I say work together with our strengths. And make soup.

Take care,


Has No Life - Lives on TB
I didn't know that being a Christian or not had anything to do with being vaccinated or not.

Are you saying that Christians shouldn't take risks? If preserving the flesh is the criteria perhaps we shouldn't be Christians at all, since bing a Christian might get us killed.

Does the way we die really matter?


Membership Revoked
expose said:

And as far as the Polio vaccine? They had to stop giving the Oral version just a few years ago because they found the live virus in it actually passed the disease onto unvaccinated parents and grandparents when they changed the babys diapers soon after receiving it!! So many stupid, stupid mistakes!! And we trust them with our children?? I don't see any of this in the article above......

Was that why? I let my daughter and son get the polio vax for just that reason. The chances of a bad reaction were equal to the chances of getting the disease from the other day care babies.


For a Completely Different POV (mine) About Jonas Salk

See: <a href="http://www.lacarte.org/health/vaccination/index.html#11">Salk's Team Was Reckless</a>

<img align=left src="http://www.lacarte.org/images/miniminipearl.gif">From: <a href="http://www.lacarte.org/health/vaccination/"><u>Vaccination: YOU Should Decide</u></a><font size=-2><a href="http://www.lacarte.org/about/copyrights/">©</a></font> by <a href="http://www.lacarte.org/tracie/"><u>Dancr</u></a> (<a href="http://www.lacarte.org/about/monalisa"><u>pic</u></a>), near <a href="http://www.monterey.com/"><u>Monterey</u></a>, <a href="http://www.greenspun.com/bboard/q-and-a-fetch-msg.tcl?msg_id=000Hgd"> <u>California</u></a>-·´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`·</i></c></a></b><a NAME="dancrend"></a>


The fact that people now are living longer in civilized countries that have advanced medical care is proof to me that there is some value in vaccinations. The average lifespan before these advances in medicine used to be only in the 40's. Now people live well into their 70's and 80's. We no longer hear of plagues of horrible diseases killing many young children and I think we have to thank the invention of these vaccines for that. We've managed to wipe out diseases like smallpox and polio and mostly TB. We're much better off with vaccines than without them.

Is there risk to some from these shots? I think there is and hundreds may have serious side effects for the rest of their lives. However, millions have benefitted from them. Is the risk worth it? That is an individual decision that each parent must make for themselves, but if they put their children in public school they are mandated to be vaccinated so as not to put the other children at risk.

If you are a person who had all their shots and survived with no ill effects then you see the value in them. If you are a person who has had or know of someone who has suffered a reaction from them then your perspective is totally different.

I would never want to see vaccination programs ended and return to a plague ridden world where many die or suffer from some of these horrible diseases. I do not think that even with the best care and nutrition you can avoid catching some of these diseases unless your are vaccinated against them.


The Pulse......

You can't credit vaccinations for the longevity of those who are in thier 70's and 80's....as they were not given most of the vaccinations that are available today. The truth is however, that more people in their 40's have developed auto immune disorders and disease during the past 25 years than at any other time in history.....And THAT can be attributed to the vaccines!

The mere fact that those in their 80's live that long without these disorders (and without vaccinations) is a statement in it'self......:shk:


Membership Revoked
NOBODY should be forced to undergo a government-mandated medical procedure. Parents and adult individuals, in consultation with their own private doctors and their own consciences, should decide FOR THEMSELVES if they want to undergo ANY medical procedure, not just a vaccination.

Well that is the main problem, isn't it? Most of us trust vaccines but don't trust the government. Given that it might take fifty or more years to discover that our government has lied to us, that the vaccine they required us to take was tainted or ineffective or not needed at all, it is only logical that such requirements be subject to individual validation -- meaning that every citizen has a right to refuse medical treatment for any reason or no reason.

Defend the constitution against enemies foreign or elected!


Vaccinations etc.

Greetings, colleagues.

Ten years ago, when I was much smarter than I am today (you ever notice how the older you get the dumber you get?), I would've blown off the whole alternative medicine thing as quackery.

However, two of the guys I play in a band with, Gary and Ralph, have been talking a lot about alternative medicine amelioration, and both believe that there are disadvantages to vaccinations as well as a potential for illness from over-fluoridation. They're both fairly knowledgeable about herbal medicine and are also believers in acupuncture.

The kicker is that they both graduated from the University of Arizona; Ralph's an orthopedic surgeon, Gary's a pediatrician. So there's obviously something to the whole bit about how modern Western medicine is over-hyped.

But the thing that I hear from these two pickers (and my wife, an RN of twenty years' experience) is that they believe the advantages of immunizations and vaccinations outweigh the disadvantages, just like the advantages of fluoridation outweigh the disadvantages.

I think that anyone out of junior high school realizes that there is no completely good or completely bad approach to health, politics, or much else. Everyone has the opportunity -- if not the obligation -- to look at the available literature, determine how reliable and objective it is, and then do a trade study to see if the benefits outweigh the risks.

That's what I try to do, and I can't think of any widely-accepted Western medicine approach where the risks outweigh the benefits. I use Western medicine almost exclusively, because that's what I think is best for me.

But it isn't that simple; sometimes we're faced with the conflict between public health needs and personal freedom. My esteemed colleague, Ms. Fruit Loop, was on the money when she addressed the personal freedoms issue (although there is nothing in any of the Constitutional amendments which gives one 'permission' to opt out of a medication program).

I suppose if you have laws that force a Jehovah's Witness parent of a sick child to allow a blood transfusion, you will probably encounter laws which force parents to undertake a procedure which will -- in the eyes of the authorities -- make things safer for both their kids and other peoples' kids.

But I'm not a lawyer, just a parent who has made his decision. And each of you can make your decision, as well.


Duncan Kunz


My reaction to the Opposition to Immunization article is that it was written by a paid pharmaceutical company publicist. Propaganda, pure and simple.

This article blatantly ignores the many documented cases of vaccine damage. Heck, it even ignores the VAERS data! I have talked to parents of vaccine damaged children. I guess if you don't see their stories on the front page of the newspaper, they don't exist.

It also ignores the other data regarding hygiene and the reasons WHY many people came down with these diseases to begin with. It totally ignores the fact that MANY health professionals now understand and promote healthy immune systems because they know that our bodies are capable of fighting disease with proper nutrition and natural "ammunition".

I was born in 1949 and everyone I knew, including my siblings and me, went through measles, mumps, chicken pox, etc. I never knew of anyone who died or was badly affected as a result except for one friend who was deaf and the story was that it was a result of her mother contracting measles while pregnant.

Mr. Friedlander doesn't seem to think we should have a choice about whether we allow ourselves to be subjected to their grand experiment. He feels that we all should be vaccinated, regardless of any information that suggests that it might be harmful. Not only is that a violation of our medical rights, but I cannot help but be suspicious as his motive for promoting vaccines. Does anyone here honestly think it is just out of the kindness of his heart?

And the sheeple went "Baaaa, baaaaa....herd us to our vaccination stations...."



UK Families Seek Compensation
For Alleged MMR Vaccine Harm
By Richard Woodman

LONDON (Reuters Health) - More than 1,000 British families have joined a legal battle for millions of pounds compensation for harm they claim was caused to their children by measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccines, their solicitors said on Monday.

The case - which is scheduled to come to trial in February 2003--follows controversial research findings suggesting that use of the vaccines could be linked to inflammatory bowel disease and autism.

Two firms of solicitors, Alexander Harris and Freethcartwright, have been appointed as the joint leading firms in the generic litigation against Aventis Pasteur MSD, GlaxoSmithKline and Merck.

A spokeswoman at Alexander Harris said that the firm represented about 1,000 families while the total number involved was probably around 1,500. She said likely levels of compensation varied but could be worth several million pounds for children with serious brain damage.

The firm's Web site says that the case is being brought under the Consumer Protection Act--part of the European Union's Product Liability Directive that imposes liability on manufacturers of products for any injury caused by an unsafe product. The families had been granted public funds to pay for the legal action.

The firm said that the UK Department of Health stopped using SmithKline Beecham's Pluserix and Aventis Pasteur MSD's Immaravax in 1992, two years after a similar vaccine containing the Urabe strain of mumps vaccine virus was withdrawn in Canada after reports of meningitis.

"After we had been contacted by several hundred families a clear pattern began to emerge," the solicitors said. "Children who were developing well, both physically and intellectually, before the vaccine, regressed after vaccination, often accompanied by other symptoms and a gradual decline into autism."

They added: "It is important to stress that we appear to be dealing with cases where the children, who were fit and well before being vaccinated and were developing normally in every way, are now chronically ill and as a result many are seriously mentally or physically disabled."

A spokesman for GlaxoSmithKline said that all the manufacturers were still trying to clarify exactly what was being alleged by the families. He added that numerous studies had failed to show a link between MMR vaccination and autism, and that the legal action would be defended.

The Department of Health and the Medical Research Council have also dismissed reports by researchers at London's Royal Free Hospital suggesting that the triple vaccine may trigger autism.